请高手翻译, 急用钱

也是国内屈指可数的外贸口岸,青岛的城市空间与建筑混合了古典欧洲、中国新文化运动与近现代工业文明的发祥地。1897年德国派舰队进入胶州湾侵占了青岛迫使清政府签订了《胶澳租借条约》,但对于作为故乡的青岛总有种难以割舍的乡情,隶属山东省管辖,著名的“五四”运动就是由青岛的主权问题引发并迫使日本于1922年将青岛归还当时的北洋政府,青岛沦为德国在远东的殖民地;我虽然已定居北京多年,仅有不足120年的历史却历经风云变换。在中国很难找出另外两个城市像青岛与成都那样几乎在各方面完全相反为我最热爱的两座城市搭建一座艺术的桥梁 梁克刚 产生策划一个关于成都和青岛艺术交流展的想法源于我对两个城市的热爱;1986年实行计划单列?囊帐踝刺;1949年青岛解放,1914年第一次世界大战爆发后;1984年被列为全国14个进一步对外开放的沿海港口城市之一,1938年日本再次侵占青岛。 &#8195。 &#8195,后来这个展览方案得到青岛的极具魄力与远见的艺术投资人王晓光先生及孙开明先生的赏识有幸作为他们投资的青岛首家民营当代美术馆——青岛天元美术馆的开馆展览实在是两地艺术界一次绝佳的交流互动机会,以我的努力为这两个城市之间架设一座艺术的桥梁也算是我为这两个地方以及两地交往多年的艺术家朋友们尽一点绵薄之力吧;&#8195。  &#8195,在近半个世纪里有幸成为东西方文化在中国最早碰撞的前沿阵地,可以说青岛与成都是我最热爱的两个城市,租期99年,还拥有很多类似“青岛啤酒”这样享誉国际的知命品牌,进行军事殖民统治,堪称中国最漂亮的滨海旅游度假地,曾被称为“万国建筑博览会”,同时由于特殊的殖民历史又让这个城市充满了异域的风情与韵味,因此两地的艺术家,1919年第一次世界大战结束后,我不想越俎代庖地去分析两地艺术家的作品;1981年被列为全国15个经济中心城市之一?&#8195,我只是希望以自己对两地城市生活的切身逖橛敫写ノ?,而十余年来或长或短地客居成都也让我感觉这个城市好比我的第二故乡、艺术创作的样式又会有怎样共性和差异,但百余年来这个年轻的城市却伴随着中国近代史的波澜壮阔始终处于历史变革的风口浪尖。我不是专业批评家,日本取代德国侵占青岛,丰富多元、国际化等诸多的特质与风尚;1994年成为全国15个副省级城市之一,在当下的国际国内艺术发展格局中彼此有什么相同或不同的挑战与策略也就成了这个艺术对话活动最值得期待的地方;在中国的数百个大大小小的城市当中青岛几乎是个特例,青岛又成为美国太平洋舰队在远东最重要的海军基地,1929年南京国民政府正式接管青岛,1945年抗战胜利后国民党政府接收青岛、近代日本和美国、计划经济时代以及改革开放之后的现代化;&#8195,但对于这个日新月异的超级都会鲜有笃定的认同,恰巧也是一次在青岛与批评家管郁达先生见面时聊到一些简单的设想?蠹页氏殖龈髯圆煌;尽管没有悠久的历史文脉,1891年清政府根据北洋大臣李鸿章的奏请议决在胶澳设防改变了黄海胶州湾这个无名小渔村的命运;&#8195
reduced to Qingdao in the Far East German colony in 1914 after the outbreak of the First World W China can be called the most beautiful se 99-year lease term, and more than 10 years or longer or shorter guest to Chengdu, but this will be the ever-changing super-assured little recognition, the famous &quot? account thorn ankle , Chinese New Culture Movement and near the birthplace of modern industrial civilization, also has a lot of similar &quot, but also a handful of domestic foreign trade port. Wang Xiaoguang Mr?&#39, and many of the charact It is known internationally Zs modern history has always been magnificent in the history of the air waves of change in the last half-century have the honor of being the East-West cultural collision in China as early as
movement by the Qingdao is the issue of sovereignty and lead to force Japan in 1922, in 1891 the Qing government in accordance with the Northern Minister Li Zou Qing That change rubber O security of Jiaozhou Bay in the Yellow Sea The unknown fate of the s in 1981 the country was classified as an economic center in 15 cities, the Nationalist government in Nanjing in 1929 to take over formal Qingdao? In China, less than 120-year history of the situation has gone thTsingtao Brewery&Treaty on the lease of rubber O, I also feel that The city is like my second home, Shandong Province under the jurisdiction, I could be a bridge for both local as well as cross-border exchanges The artist friends for many years to makMay 4&quot,&quot, in my efforts to set up between tBuilding Exposition des Nations, as well as the planned economy era After the reform and opening up, but more than a century this young city has accompanied China&#39, the defeat of Japan in 1945 after the Kuomintang government to receive Qingdao, I do not want to pre-empt analysis of both the artist&#39, have been referred to as &quot, at the same time as a result of the special colonial history makes the city is full of exs works, diversity,&quot, modernization and internationalization, a military colonial rule in 1919 after the First World War, Japan and the United States in modern times, and later the exhibition program of Qingdao Great courage and vision of art investors and Mr. I am not a in 1984 is listed as 14 and further opening up coastal port cities, Qingdao city in space and a mixture of classical architecture in Europe, I just want to own the two cities to live in the immediate low post Jiao Di Noe wrote , hundreds of large and small cities in Qingdao which is almost a special case. Despite the long hs 15 sub-provincial cities, Japan invaded and replaced by Germany Qingdao. 1897 Germany sent Fleet into the invasion and occupation of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay forced the Qing government signed the &quot, in 1938 Japan invaded Q 1994 Become the country' in 1986 to implement a separate plan. 1949 liberation of Qs yield worm-eaten pages of gingival beard round-huang capsule , Qingdao and the United States Pacific Fleet in the Far East the most important naval baseMy love for the two cities to build a bridge between the arts Liang Kegang Have a plan on the Chengdu and Qingdao art exhibition from the idea of the two cities I love it happens in Qingdao is also a critic and possession of Mr, the two artists. Sun Kaiming appreciate the honor of their investment in Qingdao as the first private contemporary art gallery - Qingdao Tianyuan the opening of the Museum of Art exhibition is both a great art exchange The opportunity to interact, Qingdao will be returned at the time of the Northern government. Yu met to talk some simple ideas. Although I have to settle in Beijing for many years, but as the hometown of Qingdao kind of hard to let go of the total of homesickness. In China it is difficult to find two other cities such as Qingdao and Chengdu as almost exactly the opposite in all respects, it can be said that Qingdao and Chengdu is my love for the two cities, the art style and how differences and similarities in the current international and domestic development of the arts in pattern with each other What is the same or different challenges and strategies for the arts has become the most anticipated activities of the dialogue?
请你搞清楚.我们给你们赚钱的机会已经很好了.可是靠自己站起来了,也是上汽接下了烂摊子. 楼上的.南汽亏得一塌糊涂,现在是南京人不愿意工作. 谁叫你们自己什么SB非压特倒闭了. 我们对南京人已经很不错了不愿做就不要做. 你们应该感谢我们给你创造了赚钱的条件. SVW当然困境过. FIAT有吗.不是我们不给机会. 抱怨的话回家去好了. 我们上海不缺劳动力. 你搞清楚事实再说话好吗. 至少我们没求过所谓的FIAT. 还要我们做什么呢. 不是我自大? 不是人人都可以成为SVW的?我想有也不会弄成今天这样了吧. 是他们自己认为苦,不要做.而是我有这个资本,活该
出门在外也不愁求各位高手翻译一下这一段英文(急用,请专业点)Materials and methodsExperimental siteThe experiment was conducted in 1997 and 1998 on a Regosol Soil (Typic Quarzipsamments) at the António Teixeira Research Station, in Coruche, _作业帮
求各位高手翻译一下这一段英文(急用,请专业点)Materials and methodsExperimental siteThe experiment was conducted in 1997 and 1998 on a Regosol Soil (Typic Quarzipsamments) at the António Teixeira Research Station, in Coruche,
求各位高手翻译一下这一段英文(急用,请专业点)Materials and methodsExperimental siteThe experiment was conducted in 1997 and 1998 on a Regosol Soil (Typic Quarzipsamments) at the António Teixeira Research Station, in Coruche, Portugal. Soil characteristics and meteorological data during the experiment are summarised in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.Experimental design and treatments Three drip irrigation depths: (surface (R0), subsurface at 20 cm depth (RI) and subsurface at 40 cm depth (RII)) and two processing tomato cv, ‘Brigade’ (CI) and ‘H3044’ (CII), were arranged in a split-plot experimental design with four replications. Drip depth was defined as the main factor and the cultivar as the secondary factor. Plot sizes were 1.5 × 10 m2, each with seven rows. The daily volume of applied water was estimated from ETm (minus rainfall) measured the day before irrigation. When rainfall exceeded the ETm value, irrigation was suspended and the exceeding water was considered in the calculation of the subsequent irrigation volumes. ETm was estimated using the crop coefficient (Kc) and the Penman Montheith reference evapotranspiration (ETo) data from a nearby weather station (ETm = Kc•ETo). The crop coefficients used in this work were average values established by Doorenbos and Kassam (1986) for the following crop stages: 0.75 for the development stage (from transplanting to beginning of fruit set); 1.15 for the mid-season stage (from the beginning of fruit set to blooming) and 0.88 for the late-season stage (from blooming to fruit ripening, when 75% of the fruits were red or orange). To minimise the effect of different irrigation treatments on plantlets establishment, all plants were sprinkler irrigated at transplanting. Drip irrigation was started 11 days after transplanting and ended when 75% of fruits were red or orange. The total amount of water applied to the crop was 476.0 mm in 1997 and 523.4 mm in 1998.
材料和方法 Experimental站点 The试验在1997年和1998年做了在Regosol土壤(象征性的Quarzipsamments)在António Teixeira研究工作站,在Coruche,葡萄牙。 土壤特征和在实验期间的气象数据在表1和2被总结,分别。 Experimental设计和治疗三水滴灌溉深度: (表面(R0),表层下在20 cm在40 cm深度(RII)的)深度(RI)和表面下 并且二处理蕃茄cv、‘Brigade’ (CI)和‘H3044’ (CII),在与四复制的一个裂区实验设计被安排了。 滴水深度被定义了作为主要因素和培育品种作为次要因素。 剧情大小是1.5 × 10 m2,中的每一与七行。 应用的水的The每日容量从在灌溉的前一天(减降雨量)被测量的ETm估计。 当降雨量超出了ETm价值,灌溉暂停了,并且超出的水在随后灌溉容量的演算被考虑了。 ETm估计使用庄稼系数(Kc)和从一个附近的气象台(ETm = Kc•的作家Montheith参考evapotranspiration (ETo)数据; ETo)。 用于这工作的庄稼系数是Doorenbos和Kassam建立的平均值(1986)以下庄稼阶段的: 0.75发展阶段的(从移植到果子集合起点); 1.15季节中间阶段的(从最初果子被设置对开花)和0.88季节晚期的阶段的(从开花到果子成熟,当75%果子红色或橙色)。 要使不同的灌溉治疗减到最小的作用对plantlets创立,所有植物是喷水隆头被灌溉在移植。 水滴灌溉开始了在移植以后的11天并且被结束了,当75%果子红色或橙色。 在1998年水的总额被应用于庄稼是476.0 mm在1997年和523.4 mm。请高手帮我翻译几个句子,在线等,明天急用!!谢谢了请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,明天急用,谢谢了~!(机器翻译的就免了)在空闲的时候 我喜欢看体育节目,比如足球和篮球比_作业帮
请高手帮我翻译几个句子,在线等,明天急用!!谢谢了请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,明天急用,谢谢了~!(机器翻译的就免了)在空闲的时候 我喜欢看体育节目,比如足球和篮球比
请高手帮我翻译几个句子,在线等,明天急用!!谢谢了请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,明天急用,谢谢了~!(机器翻译的就免了)在空闲的时候 我喜欢看体育节目,比如足球和篮球比赛等等。并且我喜欢踢足球和打乒乓球,打得还不坏。。。空闲时间我也喜欢去健身房锻炼身体,流一身汗之后洗一个澡,然后再泡一杯绿茶,感觉很好。有时候我也喜欢看电影和听音乐,我喜欢悠扬的音乐,我最喜欢的电影是《The Godfather》和《The Legend of 1900》,这些电影能给我很多思想。有时候我喜欢借助地图去一个没去过的地方,不会太远,但是很有趣,很刺激。有时候我也喜欢玩儿点儿电脑游戏,但是我讨厌逛街,它对我来说太痛苦了。
手动翻译。When I am free, I like watching sports program such as football and basketball game and so on.I am good at playing football and table tennis to some extense. In my spare time, I always go to gymnasiun to exersize myself. I enjoy wetting myself with sweat, taking a shower and then having a cup of green tea.Sometimes I like to watch movies and listen to music.My favorite movies are 《The Godfather》and 《The Legend of 1900》. I learned a lot from it. Sometimes, I
liked to adventrue to a strange place with the help of a map. It wouldn't be far away, but it was funny and exciting. I also playsome computer games now to then, but I hate window shopping. For me ,it's a torture.
During the period of idle, I like to watch a sports cast, for instance , football and basketball game etc.I am fond of playing football and playing ping-pong and , fight such that not going bad. . . I...
In my spare time, I enjoy watching sports programs, such as football and basketball games, etc. And I like to play football and table tennis, playing is not bad. Free time I also like to go to the gym...
She will not be ready next week to hold a picnic in the free time I like to watch sports events, such as football and basketball games. And I like playing football and playing table tennis, not bad pl...
During the period of idle, I like to watch a sports cast, for instance , football and basketball game etc.I am fond of playing football and playing ping-pong and , fight such that not going bad. . . I...求高手翻译,急用,谢谢!_百度知道
namely, the structure of the equipment box is divided into parts and pull open the door style cabinet drawer parts, the design of equipment boxes fit the actual comparison. But the fire equipment boxes with the design and attendant equipment lags far behind the development of vehicle performanceFire is one for the fire, and will continue to research and accumulated experience.今天有空了, auxiliary fire and rescue fire fighting technology and equipment of motor fire. In this paper. Fire engines to bring with him the various fire and rescue equipment.
The design was divided into two parts, thereby increasing the capacity to face unexpected situations, which can make equipment by category or number stored in the equipment box, which directly affects the fire performance of fire play, thereby increasing the efficiency of rescue, and therefore the equipment for the fire box design.
This design goal is to rationalize the structure of fire equipment boxes designed to enable equipment boxes to classify all kinds of equipment to carry, equipment box structure design and Stress Analysis.
In this paper, and the equipment box the size and structural design more human, and when to fire at more convenient access to equipment, to fire members in more convenient access to time-saving equipment. UG software and equipment used to conduct a three-dimensional graphics box. At the end of the pedal box equipment was stress analysis, so that the image is more intuitive equipment box
金山快译 全文翻译如下:
fire fire fight's rescue material.The fire fighting truck can take various processing ability that fire fight and rescue device increased to face to burst a circumstance thus with the car.But the design of fire fighting truck device box and with the car device provides with far far Zhi behind at the development of vehicle function, this exertion of the function that was direct to influence to extinguish fire fire fighting truck, therefore want to aim at the device box of fire fighting truck to carry on a design.
Textual design target is to fire fighting truck device box the structure carries on rationalizing a design and make ...
Fire extinguishing, is used for fire extinguishing the fire rescue auxiliary flexible fire control technology and equipment. Fire truck can be accompanied and rescue equipment, thus increasing the ability of handling emergent situation faced. But the fire equipment boxes of design and accessory equipment with far behind the development of vehicle performance, which affects the fire extinguishing properties, thus to fire for the equipment boxes.
This design goal is to fire equipment box structure reasonable design, make the equipment of various equipment containers can classify and firemen carrying equipment in access to more convenient.
This design c...
1997年我因为负责成都一个即将重张的高档商场的设计而第一次来到成都,马上就爱上了这个充斥着美食、美女和闲适气氛的城市,半年过后任务完成却舍不得离开了,恰好也因失恋不久再说自己本来也是个北漂,也就索性拉着一干部下留在成都做起了设计公司。   在这个城市工作和生活其实是挺享受的,街边随时有着花样永远吃不完的美食;打扮得体养眼性格随和的漂亮姑娘;随处可见的茶坊酒吧。悠久的历史和深厚的文化积淀培育了儒雅平和的民风;悠闲富足的生活造就了当地乐天包容的市民性格。   也是在那一年跟朋友们一起第一次去了玉林西路开张不久的“小酒馆”认识了和蔼性情的老板娘唐蕾,也是在那里开始结识今天如日中天的艺术家张晓刚、周春芽等人,“小酒馆”几乎成了这些当时居住在附近沙子堰的艺术家们的沙龙,除了那些画家们,常常还能见到建筑师刘家琨,雕塑家朱成,行为艺术家余极、戴光郁等等。中国的第一个民营美术馆——成都上河美术馆正是周春芽等人在这里忽悠当时还是建筑师+地产商的陈家刚创办的,如今陈家刚自己也做了艺术家。成都双年展最初也是在这里筹划的。   周末的时候“小酒馆”又会成为地下摇滚青年们唯一的舞台和庇护所,被称为“摇母”的唐姐十年如一日毫无保留地支持着那些追逐理想和音乐的孩子们,“声音玩具”、“襁褓”、“雷神”、“小肉肉”、“阿修罗”、“菠菜”、“另外2位同志”、“张小静”、“朝圣者的背叛”等等很多后来成名的乐队是在“小酒馆”和唐蕾的资助下坚持下去的。我对在这里时常见到摇滚巨星崔建、窦唯、张楚;“铁托”黄燎原、颜峻;歌手朱哲琴、丁薇等丝毫也不惊奇,因为他们不是客人而是老友或家人。去年十周年的“小酒馆”开了更大的新店,全国各地的文化艺术大腕们更是从四面八方赶来捧场祝贺,盛况空前。   后来,我把公司的办公室和自己的住处也都搬到了玉林,断断续续地住了五六年,期间结识了很多成都的文化艺术界的好朋友,其中还有一个现在也成为挚友的奇人——李彦,,他不仅是一个痴狂的DJ还是一个商业奇才,他和现在已名满天下的建筑师刘家琨把一个烂尾楼改造成了一个成都最大最酷的酒吧和俱乐部——“红色年代”,里面挂着巨幅的切•格瓦拉、毛泽东、列宁等的画像,成为可以与北京、上海、香港最潮的夜场比肩的地方。2002年李彦邀请前卫女作家棉棉一起策划了一次空前的DJ派对,请到了法国、加拿大、瑞士、以色列、香港、以及国内北京、上海等地众多高水准DJ。在一周的狂欢中来自穿攻扁纪壮慌憋苇铂俩世界各地的DJ飓风给这个悠闲享乐的城市带来了迷幻、疯狂和新的眩晕。   离“小酒馆”几步远是艺术家何多苓和诗人翟永明开的“白夜酒吧”,那里可以说是南中国最重要的文学据点,翟永明、唐丹鸿、柏桦、钟鸣、何小竹等诗人都住在附近就像一家人分别在不同的卧室里,而“白夜”就是客厅,并且几乎是全中国作家和诗人们的客厅。前些日子十周年的“白夜”也在成都最拽的宽窄巷子开了更大的新店,很多天前何多苓就嘱咐我一定要来捧场,新店开张那天自然是人声鼎沸、高朋满座,名导贾樟柯、张扬等一帮人都专程飞来祝贺。“小酒馆”、“白夜”和“红色年代”已然成为了成都这座城市当代文化的标志深刻地影响着这个城市的趣味和文化走向。
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company. In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pa appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of Chafang the bar can be seen everywhere. A long history and profound cultural heritage and to cultivate a p leisurely life of the rich and created a local Lotte inclusive character of the people. Also in that year together with friends for the first time to the Yulin Road near the opening of the &tavern& amiable understanding of the nature of her TANG Lei, there is also the beginning of the sun at high noon today to get to know the artist Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Chun, and other people shoot, &bistro &At that time, they have become almost living in the sand near the weir of the artists of Sharon, in addition to those artists, architects are often able to see Liu Kun, Zhu sculptor, an artist than most acts, and Dai-yu, and so on. China's first private art gallery - on the River Museum in Chengdu is the bud, such as Zhou Chun Hu You were here at that time or architects + developers of the founder of Chen Gang, Chen now has just made himself an artist. Chengdu Biennale is also the first here in the planning. Over the weekend when the &tavern& will become the underground rock scene of the only young people and shelters, known as the &mother of shaking,& Tang's sister decades unreserved support for the pursuit of those ideals and children's music , &The voice of Toys&, &infancy& and &Quake& and &small Rourou&, &Asura&, &spinach& and &other comrades 2&, &Zhang Jing& and &betrayal of the pilgrims,& and so many Later, the band's fame in the &tavern& TANG Lei and with the financial support of the stay. I am here from time to time to see a rock star Cui Jian, Dou Wei, Z &Tito& Huang Liaoyuan, Yan J Dadawa singer, Ding Wei, and so is no surprise, because they are not guests but old friends or family members. Last year, the tenth anniversary of the &tavern& to open more new stores, all over the country's culture and the arts star who is to join in congratulations came from all directions, unprecedented. Later, I put the company's offices and his residence have also moved to Yulin, lived on and off in 2056, the period of Chengdu to get to know a lot of good friends of the cultural and arts sectors, which have now also become a close friend of Warren -- Li Yan, he's not only a DJ Chi Kuang is a business genius, and he is now the world is full of architects Liu Kun to a modified schedule Chengdu has become the largest one of the coolest bars and clubs - the &red era& , Hung inside the huge • Guevara cut, Mao, Lenin's portrait, and so on, and be able to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, most of the night market on a par tide. Li Yan in 2002 invited avant-garde writer together with Cotton engineered the first ever DJ of the party, go to France, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, Hong Kong, as well as Beijing, Shanghai and other large number of high-level DJ. In the week-long carnival in from all over the world DJ Hurricane to the leisurely pleasure of the city has brought magic, crazy and new vertigo. From the &tavern& a few steps away is what many artists and poets Ling Zhai Yongming open the &White Night Bar&, where it can be said that South China's most important literary base, Zhai Yongming, hung toni, Bai Hua, Zhong, He Kotake Poet, and s穿攻扁纪壮慌憋苇铂俩o on are living in the vicinity of the family in a different bedroom, and the &White Night& is the living room, and almost all the Chinese writers and poets living room. Some time ago the tenth anniversary of the &White Night& Chengdu is the width of the lane to pull to open more new stores, more than what a lot of days ago I asked Ling to have to come to join in the opening of new stores that day is a natural voices, almost a full house, 000 Jia Zhangke lead, publicity and so on all those people coming to congratulate a special trip. &Tavern& and &White Night& and &Red Age&, Chengdu has become the city's contemporary culture marks a profound impact on the city's culture and to taste.
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pa appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of...
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pa appropriate dress Y...
In 1997 because I am responsible for the Chengdu is about to re-establish a high-end design of shopping centers and first came to Chengdu, immediately fell in love with this full of food, beauty and leisurely atmosphere of the city, six months after the completion of the task but want to leave, also happens to As a result of their romance in the near future would have to say is a drift north, it simply took a cadres to stay in Chengdu to start a design company.
In the city to work and live is in fact quite enjoy the street at any time have a never-ending pa appropriate dress Yang Yan easy-going personality of...


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