
智能打字机Freewrite|智能打字机Freewrite曝光 配有电子墨水屏 - 数码家电 - 至诚财经网
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智能打字机Freewrite曝光 配有电子墨水屏
  这款智能打字机不仅保留了现代科技的便利,还能帮你隔绝不必要的干扰。你所面对的只有一块电子墨水屏和机械键盘,但其内部的Wi-Fi功能可以和你的Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive或其他云服务账户进行同步,其内置的存储空间还能存储超过100万份文档,长达4周的续航能力也方便了外出携带使用。
  对于一部功能单一的设备而言,549美元(约合人民币3584元)的定价显然并不便宜。对于想要专心写作的用户而言,WriteRoom和Writed等应用程序也能达到隔绝网络干扰的效果,且成本要低得多。当然,Freewrite本身的确具备某种吸引力&&假设你不想要在故意限制计算机功能的前提下保持自律的话。FAQ: How to Input data into R
R Frequently Asked Questions
How to Input data into R
Importing formatted data files using the functions in the foreign package
The foreign package contains functions that will allow you to import data files from some of
the most commonly used statistical software packages such as SAS, Stata and SPSS.&
To download the foreign package from the CRAN website from within R, click on
&Packages& and then &Install package(s) from CRAN&.& You will then need to
load the package, and you can use the help function.
The package contains the following functions:
Read an S3 Binary File
Lookup Information on a SAS XPORT Format
Read a DBF File
Read Stata binary files
Read Epi Info data files
Read a Minitab Portable Worksheet
Read Octave Text Data Files
Read an SPSS data file
Obtain a Data Frame from a SAS Permanent
Dataset, via read.xport
Obtain a Data Frame from a Systat File
Read a SAS XPORT Format Library
Write a DBF File
Write Files in Stata Binary Format
Write text files and code to read them
To download the package:
To view the functions in the package:
To view the help file for a specific function, for example the function read.dta:
Here are examples of importing a Stata 7 SE data file called
&test.stata &- read.dta(&d:/test.dta&)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
Importing free formatted (delimited) data files using the read.table function
The read.table function is very useful when reading in ASCII files that contain rectangular data.
When the file contains the variable names in the first line of data the option header should be set to
The default delimiter is blank space, other delimiters must be specified by using the sep option and setting it equal to the delimiter in quotes (i.e.,
sep=";" for the semicolon delimited data file).
Here are some examples of data with different types of delimiters. We will start by looking at
a typical bread and butter type of data file namely a space delimited ASCII file
&test.txt &- read.table(&d:/test.txt&, header=T)
& print(test.txt)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
Another very common type of file is the comma delimited file.
has been saved out of Excel as a comma delimited file.
This file can be read in by the read.table function by using the sep option,
but it can also be read in by the read.csv function which was written specifically for
comma delimited files.
&test.csv &- read.csv(&d:/test.csv&, header=T)
& print(test.csv)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
&test.csv1 &- read.table(&d:/test.csv&, header=T, sep=&,&)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
It is, of course, also possible to use the read.table function for
reading in files with other delimiters.
In the data called
has semicolon delimiters and
the dataset test called
uses the letter z as a
delimiter, both of which are acceptable delimiters in R.&
&test.semi &- read.table(&d:/testsemicolon.txt&, header=T, sep=&;&)
& print(test.semi)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
&test.z &- read.table(&d:/testz.txt&, header=T, sep=&z&)
model mpg weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
Importing data files using the scan function
scan function is an extremely flexible tool for importing data.
It can be used
to read in almost any type of data, numeric, character or complex and it can be
used for fixed or free formatted files. Moreover, by using the scan function it is
possible to input data directly from the console.
The scan function reads the fields of
data in the file as specified by the what option with the default being numeric.
the what option is specified to be what=character() or what=" " then all the
fields will be read as strings.
If the data is a mix of numeric, string or complex data then
a list can be used in the what option.
The default separator for the scan function
is any white space (single space, tab, or new line).
However, unlike the read.table
function which returns a data frame, the scan function returns a list or
a vector.& This makes the scan function less useful for inputting
&rectangular& data such as the car data set that was seen in the
previous examples.
In the following examples we
input first numeric data and then string data direc then
we input the text file, , where the first variable is a string variable and the
second variable is numeric.
#inputting data directly from the console
&x &- scan()
1: 3 5 6 9
Read 7 items
[1] 3 5 6 9 2 5 6
# inputting string data directly from the console
>name.x name.x
[1] "bobby" "kate"
# inputting a text file and outputting a list
[1] 12 24 35 20
[1] "bobby"
# using the same text file and saving only the names as a vector
[1] "bobby"
Importing Fixed Format Files Using the read.fwf Function
For fixed format files the variables names are often in a separate file from the data.
In this example the variable names are in a file called
data are in a file called .& This is especially
convenient when the fixed format file is very large an then it becomes
rather impractical to type in all the variable names.& In this
situation the width option is used to specify the width of each
variable and the option specifies the file containing the
variable names.& So, first we read in the file for the names using the
scan function.& We specify that file contains character values by
setting the what option to equal character().&
By using the
col.names option in the read.fwf function names will supply
the variables names.
&names &- scan(&d:/names.txt&, what=character() )
[1] &model&
&weight& &price&
&test.fixed &- read.fwf(&d:/testfixed.txt&, col.names=names, width = c(5, 7, 2, 4, 4))
make mph weight price
AMC Concord
4 Buick Century
5 Buick Electra
Exporting files using the write.table function
The write.table function outputs data files.
The first argument specifies which
data frame in R is to be exported.
The next argument specifies the file to be created.
The default separator is a blank space but any separator can be specified in the sep option.
The default value for both the row.names and col.names options is TRUE.
In the example we specify
that we do not wish to include row names.
The default setting for the quote option is to include
quotes around all the character values, i.e. around values in string variables and around the
column names.
As we have shown in the example it is very common not to want the quotes when
creating a text file.
# using the test.csv data frame to write a text file with no row names
# and without quotes around the character values (both column names and string variables)
& write.table(test.csv, "d:/test1.txt", row.names=F, quote=F)
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智能打字机Freewrite亮相 只配电子墨水屏
[摘要]你所面对的只有一块电子墨水屏和机械键盘,但其内部的Wi-Fi功能可以和你的Dropbox、Evernote等同步。不少人在使用计算机写文章时都无法集中精力,不过现在有了一款可以帮助他们隔离社交网络和其他干扰的专用设备:智能打字机Freewrite。经过了1年的等待之后,制作公司Astrohaus日前终于开始了这款设备的预购。这款智能打字机不仅保留了现代科技的便利,还能帮你隔绝不必要的干扰。你所面对的只有一块电子墨水屏和机械键盘,但其内部的Wi-Fi功能可以和你的Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive或其他云服务账户进行同步,其内置的存储空间还能存储超过100万份文档,长达4周的续航能力也方便了外出携带使用。对于一部功能单一的设备而言,549美元(约合人民币3584元)的定价显然并不便宜。对于想要专心写作的用户而言,WriteRoom和Writed等应用程序也能达到隔绝网络干扰的效果,且成本要低得多。当然,Freewrite本身的确具备某种吸引力——假设你不想要在故意限制计算机功能的前提下保持自律的话。
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