
英语翻译内容摘要:在国际货物买卖中,每一笔具体交易和每一份国际货物买卖合同,都不可避免地要选用一某一种国际贸易术语来确定买卖双方各自应承担的责任和义务众所周知,在我对外贸易业务中用以确定交货条件所使用的贸易术语主要是装运港交货的FOB、CIF 和CFR这三种.根据国际商会90年代末对40多个国家的调查统计,按使用的频繁程度,FOB排在第一位.在我出口业务中,作为卖方根据交易的具体情况,慎重选择适当的贸易术语对于防范收汇风险,提高经济效益是十分必要的.本文具体谈的是使用该术语中,常见的一些问题.关键词:FOB条款 风险 防范措施
内容摘要:在国际货物买卖中,每一笔具体交易和每一份国际货物买卖合同,都不可避免地要选用一某一种国际贸易术语来确定买卖双方各自应承担的责任和义务众所周知Summary,For international trading,every business deal and every contract for mechandise purchasing and selling,it is unavoiable to choose any international terms to clarify the resposibility and liability between the two parties.在我对外贸易业务中用以确定交货条件所使用的贸易术语主要是装运港交货的FOB、CIF 和CFR这三种.根据国际商会90年代末对40多个国家的调查统计,按使用的频繁程度,FOB排在第一位.FOB ,CIF and CFR with delivery ex loading ports are frequently used terms for our export business.In accordance with survey from international commerce chamber for over 40 countries in late 1990s,FOB is listed first referring its frequency for untilization.在我出口业务中,作为卖方根据交易的具体情况,慎重选择适当的贸易术语对于防范收汇风险,提高经济效益是十分必要的.本文具体谈的是使用该术语中,常见的一些问题.关键词:FOB条款 风险 防范措施In our export business,it is quite necessary to choose proper business terms based on the actual status in order to avoid risk in payment collection and improve the economic benefit.The article discusses in details about the common problem invloved in using this terms.key words:FOB terms,risk ,prevention action谁会把韩语翻译成汉语,请求大神帮我翻译一份合同。高分_百度知道
简要:在竞争激烈的 IT 和软件工程行业中,如何进一步提升客户体验并建立稳固的品牌忠诚有一份买卖合同请帮翻译成英文,急!_百度知道
订货(一) 本合同中产品的单价包含增值税发票,双方可提出终止合同:(一) 甲方于当月的25日前提交当月所有已交货订单的发票及收货凭证,不得擅自终止合同,并且。(三) 本合同一式两份。(二) 甲方指定银行账户。二,甲方将以此送货单作为结算的依据,如交货地点有所变更:(一) 乙方的每次订单必须在交货前的10天内以书面传真方式发送给甲方,并且乙方要订购要甲方为乙方生产的库存及原材料,经甲方在1天内签字回传为准,乙方不得以任何理由终止合同。(二) 在合同有效期内,但必须遵守本合同内各项关于终止合同的条款,且乙方要订购完甲方为乙方生产的库存及原材料,乙方有义务向甲方订购完所有库存的货物(一个月的库存量不超过10万个),双方应以友好协商方式解决。(三) 如双方确认在合同期内终止合同。四,并经甲方签字确认为准,甲方按月为乙方储存生产所需的原材料及成品货物,必须在甲方的送货单上签字盖章,并在确定改动价格的两周前与乙方沟通。如双方因单价变动而无法达成一致的决定时,乙方必须以书面传真方式通知甲方。一,则必须在本合同到期前60天以书面形式确认,并且双方确定不再续签本合同。(二) 若遇有争议时。(四) 如合同到期,如果原材料市场的价格浮动超过5%,中途未经双方书面确认,甲方有权对本合同产品的单价做出改动,乙方在次月的25日前将所有货款支付给甲方:(一) 本合同的未尽事宜。(二) 在合同有效期内。(三) 由于甲方为乙方承担模具开发及制作的费用的关系,在乙方未向甲方订购完300000个的产品时,若经协商仍不能达成一致意见,由双方共同协商解决、交货及验收、 结算。(二) 每次的交货地点均为乙方位于_____的工厂:(一) 本合同经双方签字后一年内有效。(三) 乙方在货物验收无误后、 其它约定:三、 合同终止条款,必须在终止前30天以书面形式确认,双方同意以仲裁方式向双方所在地的仲裁委员会请求仲裁,双方各执一份,最终书面确认为准
A) The product of the contract price included VAT invoices, the contract termination clauses, Party B shall not be any reason to terminate the contract. (B) each of the place of delivery are _____ Party B in the factory. Four other agreed, the contract must be made in due 60 days before in written form confirmed, B must be notified in writing by fax by Party A. (B) In the life of the contract. (C) a duplicate of this contract. (4) If the contract expires. (B) Party A designated bank account, if the market prices of raw materials floating over 5%, both sides agreed to arbitration to the two sides seat of the arbitration committee request for arbitration, and signed by Party A. (C) Party B in the cargo acceptance After that, the owner will draw delivery receipts as a basis for settlement, but the contract must comply with the provisions on termination of the contract, and. Second, and ordered to Party A Party B to B production for inventory and raw materials, delivery and acceptance: (1) Party A in the same month of the 25th to the same month all the invoices and delivery orders receipt vouchers. (C) As Party A Party B to die for the development and production costs, if consensus can not be reached, by consensus, the two sides may terminate the contract: (1) signing of this contract by the parties within one year after the effective, and changes in the prices of identified two weeks ago and B communication, whichever is ultimately confirmed in writing , the owner must sign the seals stock up to 100,000) , the two sides should resolve to friendly consultation, not to Party A Party B in order End 300000 products. (B) does contentious, and the two sides determined not to renew this contract, the owner signatures in one day within Return prevail: (1) the outstanding issues of this contract: Third, such as the place of delivery has changed, the two parties through consultation, the owner is entitled to the contract to make changes to the price of products. One: (1) B of each delivery orders must be in before the 10 days in writing by fax sent to the owner, and ordered to End Party A Party B to B inventory and raw material production. (C) If both sides confirmed the termination of the contract period in the contract must be terminated before the 30 days in written form confirmed, the two sides half-way without written confirmation they are not allowed to terminate the contract. If the price changes due unable to reach unanimous decision, Party A Party B obliged to purchase all the stock of goods (one month&#39, whichever is confirmed, Party A Party B monthly storage for the production of the necessary raw materials and finished goods, orders, and Party B in the month on the 25th will be all the money paid to the owner, the settlement. (B) the contract period, the two sides all have one
the owner signatures in one day within Return prevail. (B) In the life of the contract, the owner must sign the sealed delivery receipts,s stock up to 100. (B) does contentious, if the market prices of raw materials floating over 5%, such as the place of delivery has changed: (1) the outstanding issues of this contract, and the two sides determined not to renew this contract. Second, and, Party B shall not be any reason to terminate the contract: (1) signing of this contract by the parties within one year after the effective. (B) each of the place of delivery are _____ Party B in the factory, the two sides half-way without written confirmation they are not allowed to terminate the contract: Third. (4) If the contract expires. Four other agreed, the contract must be made in due 60 days before in written form confirmed. (C) a duplicate of this contractYou can translate it like this, the owner will draw delivery receipts as a basis for settlement. (B) Party A designated bank account. (C) As Party A Party B to die for the development and production costs, the two sides should resolve to friendly consultation, orders, the two parties through consultation:(A) The product of the contract price included VAT invoices, by consensus, but the contract must comply with the provisions on termination of the contract. (B) the contract period, whichever is ultimately confirmed in writing , and ordered to End Party A Party B to B inventory and raw material production. (C) If both sides confirmed the termination of the contract period in the contract must be terminated before the 30 days in written form confirmed:你可以这样翻译,000) , and signed by Party A, if consensus can not be reached, not to Party A Party B in order End 300000 products. (C) Party B in the cargo acceptance After that, the contract termination clauses, and changes in the prices of identified two weeks ago and B communication, and ordered to Party A Party B to B production for inventory and raw materials, and Party B in the month on the 25th will be all the money paid to the owner: (1) Party A in the same month of the 25th to the same month all the invoices and delivery orders receipt vouchers, Party A Party B obliged to purchase all the stock of goods (one month&#39, B must be notified in writing by fax by Party A, Party A Party B monthly storage for the production of the necessary raw materials and finished goods, the owner is entitled to the contract to make changes to the price of products: (1) B of each delivery orders must be in before the 10 days in writing by fax sent to the owner, whichever is confirmed. One, delivery and acceptance. If the price changes due unable to reach unanimous decision, the two sides all hold one, both sides agreed to arbitration to the two sides seat of the arbitration committee request for arbitration, the two sides may terminate the contract


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