Wilson Pro stuff 97shell ls 空格拍1150¥入手贵吗?

【测评】Wilson Pro staff RF97 测评(视频+文字)_网球拍吧_百度贴吧
【测评】Wilson Pro staff RF97 测评(视频+文字)
良心之作。整整打了10个月,才敢来写测评。毕竟天王的拍子很难驾驭。今天为大家测评的是瑞士球王罗杰.的战拍: pro staff RF97。视频来自:我们先来看看这款球拍的【参数和科技】球拍长度27英寸,标准长度。拍面大小是97平方英寸。相对于之前使用的90拍面,甜区增加了10%。有效的提高了击球容错率。在拍头处采用了平行线孔。提供了更好的力量反馈和更友好的触球感。线床是16竖线×19横线,中规中矩。同时增加了线孔的直径,使击球更加流畅有力。球拍延用了三联式减震系统,这也是Prostaff系列的标配。拍框采用了厚度21.5mm的平框。比之前的90系列增加了26%。目的是提高上旋能力和包裹性。硬度指数68。相对于90系列的球拍,RF97‘硬’了不少。空拍平衡点是12点头轻。穿线后的平衡点是9点头轻。材料和工艺上选择的是和混编工艺。柄皮采用的是小牛皮。结合wilson amplifeel技术,提升球拍的手感。空拍重量340g,穿线后重量357g。绑上吸汗带,装上避震器之后,实测重量有365g左右,挥重有340左右。所以力量偏小的球手还是慎用这把拍子。接下去,让我们看看这款球拍的【实战效果】测试人员:黑桃k。 身高178cm,体重67公斤。体脂:10%。NTRP水平:4.0。纯业余(无童子功)。正手是西方式握拍,双手反拍。属于进攻型打法。喜欢主动发力。测试用线,选择了某品牌的字母线。磅数53磅。一发平击的力量很大,角度控制也挺不错。但一发的成功率并不高,大概就50%左右。所以在比赛中,我会增加一点侧旋而牺牲掉一点球速。二发使用kick server的效果并不理想。原因是球拍比较重,而我的爆发力又不能刷出很快的拍头速度,无法给球足够的旋转。所以二发,我主要还是发侧旋,保证成功率。总体来说,这款球拍发球的力量大,控制好。但旋转不足。发球8分。接发球。面对对手有力的一发时,这款球拍的表现很好。可以轻而易举的把球推回去,还能打出想要的角度和落点。正反手的切削接发效果也不错。而面对二发时,尤其是绵软的二发时,能打出力量和角度,但需要自己主动发力。接发球8.5分。底线。因为球拍挥重比较大,击球时提供了足够的动能。正手和反手都能打出大力的回球。能很容易处理重球。在底线回合球中,可以打的很主动。即使来球的落点比较深,我还是可以顶上去打。球拍的控制力虽稍逊于 90系列,但基本也是指哪打哪。球拍提供了更多的旋转,结合其甜区面积加大,使底线击球相当的稳定。切削也是这款球拍的长项。切削很扎实,回球很平,旋转也比较足。在处理半场球的时候,要有足够的拍头速度,才能给出完美的一击。但由于球拍比较重,连续打1个小时以后,手臂会感觉有点累。我给出的底线分是:9分。截击。在网前,这款球拍的表现可圈可点。球拍的大重量使得球拍在截击时相当的稳定。面对大力的平击球,或者是旋转强烈的上旋球,拍面都能保持稳定。在网前既可以控制落点,也可以打出角度。但同样也是因为其重量比较大,导致其机动性比较差。所以你必须提前预判来球,使球拍能及时到位。不然很可能错过最佳击球点而导致回球质量下降,甚至失误。如果你的网前能力本来就很强,那你一定会爱上这把拍子,因为她真的会让你的截击更上一层楼。但如果你的截击水平很一般,也许你就无法发挥这把拍子在网前的优势,甚至会觉得她有点拖后腿。截击:8.5分。最后我们来总结一下,手感9分,力量8.5分,控制9分,旋转8分。发球8分,接发球8.5分,底线9分,截击8.5分。毫无疑问,这是一款为进攻选手量身定制的球拍。适合:进攻型,力量大,注重控制,经常上网。不适合:底线防御型,力量小,初级水平,或NTRP&3.5的球友们,谨慎入手。当然,任性的土豪和收藏爱好者除外。
良心测评 虽然声音难听
哪有 amplifeel技术
您可不可以教教怎麼跳著雙反啊 感覺你打的很有心得
保存至快速回贴选网球拍,这两款就够了!Wilson Pro Staff 97 和 Babolat Pure Drive 简介
换作 40年前,可选的网球拍品种屈指可数,通常你花上 50美元买一把木制 Dunlop Maxply 绝对错不了。然而,自 20世纪 80年代以来,网球拍的技术含量越来越高,花样百出,也让人们陷入选择困难症,在网球专卖店盯着一整墙的拍子,或者浏览无数网页都让人望而却步。
美国网站 Business Insider 的作者
大胆建议,如果不想太费神的话,在 Wilson Pro Staff 97
和 Babolat Pure Drive 这两款经典网球拍中任选一款即可,它们的单价都是 200美元。
Wilson Pro Staff 97
还记得费德勒(上图)在全英俱乐部 7连胜后砸了那把 90英寸拍面的老拍子么?时隔一年后,他的新拍子面世了, Pro Staff 97 便是其简化版,Wilson PS 97 重量为 11.6盎司(约 329g),比费德勒签名的型号轻了 1盎司,使它在一些设置上不那么具有挑战性。
但它保留了 97英寸的拍面,一个相对“开放性”的穿线式样(相较于“封闭性”穿线式样,拍线之间的空间更大)能打出更好的自旋球,并且拍重有助于维持更大范围内的转速。Pro Staff
(上图:德国专业选手 Philipp Kohlschreiber 用的也是这一款)
Babolat Pure Drive
这是一把定义时尚网球的拍子,Pro Staff 是几十年传奇的一部分,并继承了早期石墨复合材质的众多基因。但 Babolat Pure Drive 有着更大的线床和坚固的结构,拥有传统木质球拍那种绝佳的触感和力量。
喜欢平击打法的老手会更倾向于 Pro Staff,想要多打旋球的年轻选手比较适合 Pure Drive 如:西班牙职业女球手Garbine Muguruza ,李娜(下图)也用的这个牌子。有趣的是,许多老手喜欢用 Pure Drive 打双打,开球速度和深度不错,而 100平方英寸线床、大面积甜区还能有效截球。
在过去的 15年中,Babolat
也创造了自己的传奇——无数摩登专业选手用它赢了比赛。Babolat 在青少年高手群里随处可见,也是在上了年纪的俱乐部选手中也十分流行。
(上图:西班牙职业女球手 Garbine Muguruza )
作为资深网球爱好者,作者更偏向于 Wilson Pro Staff,认为其构造更灵活;他也不是很喜欢 Babolat 的击球方式,但不可否认,后者的控球能力更强。Babolat 的硬度比 Wilson 高,对发球有不少帮助。
(上图:Wilson Pro Staff 97 系列)
(上图:Babolat Pure Drive)
市面上还有很多比 Pro Staff 97 更“高标准”的网球拍,适合那些喜欢“打硬仗”的铁杆网球高手,但大部分业余人士都无法真正发挥其威力。
当然,市面上也有比 Babolat 拍面更大,更容易掌握挥拍节奏的球拍,大多针对初学者,但当你的水平稍微提高一些,这类初级拍很快就不再适用了,也容易让手肘感到酸痛。
按价格 从高到低
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Powered ByRacquet Review: Wilson Pro Staff 97LS
Price: $199
Head Size: 97 sq. in.
Length: 27 in.
Weight: 10.8 oz.
Balance: 3 pts. HL
Swingweight: 314
RA Rating: 67
Beam Width: 23 mm
String Pattern: 18x16
NTRP: 3.0-4.0
When Wilson released its line of reconfigured Pro Staffs, the 97LS was probably the overlooked member of the trio—a tweener stick dressed in Federer’s new clothes to resemble a player’s frame. But viewed on its own, the PS 97LS has plenty of merits: Its lighter weight is inviting for players who want some of the Pro Staff feel without enduring the mass of th the Spin Effect string pattern offers greater access to spin and a higher trajectory for
and at right around 11 oz., it leaves plenty of room for customization.
To walk us through the finer points of the frame, we welcome Arturo Hernandez to The Pro Shop. During the day Arturo is a professor at the University of Houston, but he’s a lifelong, avid player and works with his kids on their junior careers. Here’s his take on the PS 97LS:
Arturo Hernandez: When Roger Federer switched to his new Pro Staff, he ushered in a new era in which the 95 sq. in. model was now the small fry of the family. The problem with the Federer Autograph version of the Pro Staff is its weight—just too demanding for the non-advanced player. The 97LS, weighing in at 10.2 oz unstrung, is a much more user-friendly version. And with the 18x16 string pattern, it has easier access to spin and a higher ball flight.
To be honest, my initial impressions of the 97LS were not positive ones. At impact it felt like the racquet head would bounce back toward me instead of through the hitting zone. My hitting partner said he loved my shots with this frame, and I could see why—there wasn’t much on them. However, the more I played with it, the more the racquet grew on me.
The main problem with lightweight frames is they encourag there’s no need to use the whole body when trying to swing a twig around in the air. This was my biggest hurdle with the 97LS—it was too light for my tastes and encouraged more acceleration earlier in the stroke rather than as the frame approached contact, robbing fluidity from the swing. The lightness also did not promote a natural gravity drop of the racquet below the incoming ball, forcing me to do more rather than less.
That said, the 97LS is a capable performer from the backcourt. Ground strokes generated ample spin with rather effortless depth. What the racquet lacked in creating a hefty ball, it made up for in producing a dependable shot on demand. I just had to be particularly conscious on certain shots, like returns of serve, where placement became key since I couldn’t gain an offensive position with just a powerful reply.
Serving was a similar experience. Because of the light weight of the frame, I felt I had to do more to get the ball going. This led to a faster swing, which can produce more pace, but can also be sloppier. I’ve been working incessantly lately on maintaining a smooth swing on serves (as well as groundies) and it felt like my delivery was more mechanical than normal. However, on the whole, I can’t complain about the results. My serves were reliable in terms of consistency and accuracy, with pop when needed and plenty of spin.
Interestingly, I find light frames, in general, help volleys. It requires a bit firmer grip for stability, but the added maneuverability is a real bonus for stab and low volleys. Even with the open string pattern the 97LS had good control at net. The touch was largely pretty good—lobs and drop shots were effective—allowing me to capably place my volleys. Although my overheads were accurate, they weren’t especially heavy, so this accuracy was much appreciated.
After seeing what the 97LS could do as is, I wanted to see if beefing it up would make a difference. I added lead tape to the handle and, while it wasn’t quite as solid as the other PS 97s, the change in perform it still produced a consistent ball, only now with more on it. My practice partner noticed the difference in my shots and I felt my swing reverting back to what I’m more accustomed.
Overall, at its stock weight the Pro Staff 97LS would seem to be a dependable frame for beginning players looking to add some lift to their shots, or accomplished recreational players with medium-paced swings who favor lightweight racquets. More advanced players will probably need to add weight, and fortunately it’s a good platform for customization. Which makes it a frame you can start out and grow with, or simply tinker with to make your own.
To buy, demo, or learn more about this racquet, go to:
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