用VC初始化编程单元时出错时运行提示出错Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed!。 求高手解决啊!

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Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library错误解决办法
你可能喜欢用VC编程时运行提示出错Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed!。 求高手解决啊!_百度知道
用VC编程时运行提示出错Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed!。 求高手解决啊!
我是用VC和MATLAB混合编程时出现 。matlab用的R2012b版。
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I have been running the game Westward IV for a couple of weeks with no problems.& Today, my computer shut down with an error on a blue screen, so I restarted.& When I did, and I tried to launch the game, I received the following error message:
Assertion Failed!
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
File: .\src\filestream.cpp
Expression: str
See visual C++ documentation on asserts.
I can't see the program information, and I have to tab through the error window options because my mouse pointer gets lost as I roll over the game window with the error window inside.& I have tried all three options,
Abort, Retry and Ignore but none work.& Retry gives me a different window indicating that the application must close and to click "end now" or "debug".& I try to debug and it does nothing.& The error window also says "click retry to debug -
JIT must be enabled", but I don't know what JIT is or how to enable it.& I have searched all over the forums and microsoft support, which offered me some varying suggestions without any success.& Please help.& I tried reinstalling the game, I tried reinstalling
the redistributables, I tried disabling and reenabling the add-ons, I tried changing the start up options, I tried changing enabling the 3rd party browsers.& None of these have worked because I think they are for IE errors and not errors that seem to only
be associated with this game.& Again, I have had no problems until today.& It does seem. however, that something was reset when my computer shut off with an error and blue screen, because I have had settings to restrict my mouse and pointer to use only an
external mouse, and those pointers were periodically back on, and then they are restricted to my preferences again, without my doing anything (so I thought.)& Please give me any help related to this SPECIFIC runtime error, as all the others I have found do
not seem to be related or any help.& Thank you in advance.
Hello Mmpdavis,
Method 1: I would suggest you to try booting the computer in the safe mode and check if you receive the same error message. Please reply back with the status in safe mode.
1. Restart your computer and start pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. On a computer that is configured for booting to multiple operating systems, you can press the F8 key when the Boot Menu appears.
2. Select Safe Mode when the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, and then press ENTER.
For more information, please refer the link mentioned below:
Method 2: Sometimes if you your display drivers are corrupt or your RAM frequency is less, then you might receive this bluescreen error message.
I would suggest you to update the latest display drivers from the manufacturer’s website and install the same on the computer.
Method 3: If the issue does not persists in Safe Mode, then try to perform clean boot and check if any of the third party applications are causing the issue.
To find out which startup application is causing the issue. Please follow the steps below:
Clean Boot will help you start your computer by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs so that you can determine whether a background program or any of the third party service is interfering with your program.
&Steps to perform a Clean Boot:
1. Click Start on your Desktop
2. Type msconfig in the Start Search box and then press ENTER.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click&& Continue.
3. On the General tab, click Selective Startup.
4. Under Selective Startup, click to clear the Load Startup Items check box.
5. Click the Services tab, click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box, and then click Disable All.
6. Click OK.
7. When you are prompted, click Restart.
If the computer boots fine after clean boot, then there are some non Microsoft applications causing the problem. To find out which application causing the problem refer from step 2 to step 6 in the article this is mentioned in the clean boot article.
Once you find out the application which is causing the issue, i would suggest you to uninstall and reinstall the application.
To return your computer back to normal boot:
1. Click Start on your Desktop
2. Type msconfig in the Start Search box and then press ENTER.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click&& Continue.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Click Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services, and then click OK.
5. When you are prompted, click Restart to restart the computer.
For information on using “Clean Boot”, see the following Microsoft Article:
Method 4: Also I would suggest you to run an online virus scan to remove any malware running on the computer, please run online scan by visiting the following link:
I hope this information helps. Please get back to us if you have any more questions about this issue.
Mir - Microsoft Support&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com网友求助:microsoft visual c++ runtime library 怎么解决?分享经验:这是运行微软的C++库出错的提示,还有其他原因。百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com1通常,程序运行会调用操作系统中的一些系统程序,一旦出错,就会有相关提示弹出,而提示中的Runtim Error!也只是一个出错的范围。遇到问题求助,首先应该截图出错的讯息,这对分析错误原因很有用。2然后,再分析出错的讯息:Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library只是一个系统出错的统称,意即运行微软的C++库出错,但这并不能说明就是系统程序有问题,也可能是应用程序本身有问题所致。再往下看就有了蛛丝马迹,Program:C:\Program Files(x86)\So…… 说明这是一个程序引起的错误,路径在C盘根目录的C:\Program Files(x86)文件夹,且是So打头的字母(后缀省略了),至此基本上可以判断为搜狗拼音输入法程序有问题了。3先不要关闭出错的提示框,以便追踪。再右键单击任务栏空白处→启动任务栏管理器。4右键点击microsoft visual c++ runtime library 出错提示程序→转到进程。5此时会自动进入进程→选中的进程为:SGTool.exe。6再右键点击SGTool.exe进程→打开文件位置。7从这里可以看到这是搜狗拼音输入法的文件夹中的SGTool.exe程序。8知道了问题所在,先右键点击搜狗拼音输入法的输入条→管理/修复输入法→输入法修复器。9快速修复。10如果不行,就要到官网下载合适的版本重装了。这种错误,往往出在新的版本更新之时,比如8.0版本的同步会和之前同步的模式有了很大的不同,上传自定义短语,还会被系统回写,一旦出错(去除多余的空格等措施)就会丢失短语。此时还是使用7.9版本的程序比较稳妥。如何查看当前的版本?可以输入:banben→选择2→即可显示当前的版本。END百度经验:jingyan.baidu.com此经验文章中的图文皆由 电脑人人有 编撰,并且首发于百度经验,如要转载,请留出处。有帮助,点投票。要细品,可收藏。要继续,请关注。如成功,请点赞。有疑问,请留评。经验内容仅供参考,如果您需解决具体问题(尤其法律、医学等领域),建议您详细咨询相关领域专业人士。作者声明:本篇经验系本人依照真实经历原创,未经许可,谢绝转载。投票(15)已投票(15)有得(0)我有疑问(0)◆◆说说为什么给这篇经验投票吧!我为什么投票...你还可以输入500字◆◆只有签约作者及以上等级才可发有得&你还可以输入1000字◆◆如对这篇经验有疑问,可反馈给作者,经验作者会尽力为您解决!你还可以输入500字相关经验064100热门杂志第1期你不知道的iPad技巧3738次分享第1期win7电脑那些事6602次分享第2期新人玩转百度经验1395次分享第1期Win8.1实用小技巧2643次分享第1期小白装大神1899次分享◆请扫描分享到朋友圈没有更多推荐了,
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