
& &&Capcom推出《洛克人X》iOS游戏
Capcom推出《洛克人X》iOS游戏天极网游戏频道 10:01
【百万玩家最喜爱的游戏娱乐媒体,把最带劲的娱乐资讯,最权威的游戏推荐,最齐全的手游礼包放进你的口袋,却不用你多安装一个APP,还等什么?赶紧就关注微信号 【kdyx91】 每日七点不见不散~】
  Capcom移动日前将旗下知名游戏系列《洛克人》移植到平台,于12月21日正式发布《洛克人 X》,售价4.99美元,同时发布于7个国家的Appstore市场,目前在Appstore位于收费游戏前50的位置,不好不坏。
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!
马里奥、精灵宝可梦......这些经典的游戏形象以崭新的姿态亮相移动平台,索尼也带着《妖精战士》《荒野兵器》等具有印象点的作品奔赴智能手机,下一个会轮到谁呢?卡普空接过了这一棒,它的“应战游戏”是旗下知名的《洛克人》(Mega man)系列,后者是经典的动作射击游戏,明年将迈向30周年。《洛克人》历来是开发者模仿的对象,比如,前段时间,动视前员工单飞后首款作品(手游)《超能小子》(Super Powerboy)就跟“洛克人”神似。毕竟,自《洛克人》系列于1987年诞生的二十多年间,已经发展成具有7大系列,129款游戏的庞大品牌,已经售出超过2900万份,堪称殿堂级的经典。据悉,卡普空将会在日面向安卓和 iOS 平台发行洛克人 1-6 的完整系列,目前的发行地区仅限于日本。值得注意的是,这不是这个“蓝色炸弹人”(Blue Bomber)在移动平台的首秀,在过去数年间,卡普空也出了不少的洛克人游戏,只是留下了“脚印”,并没有引起多大反响。游戏媒体 TouchArcade 对此表示,希望卡普空这次能够做得更好,“看首张截图可以发现,他们专门对手机平台做了一些优化,把原本在顶部的血槽挪到了底部,4:3的显示画幅,为虚拟操作腾出了更多的空间。”在众多日本老乡纷纷在移动平台祭出大杀器的时间节点上,卡普空此举颇有“宣战”的意味,但是实际上,这不过是跟卡普空另一个系列《逆转裁判》一样的常规移植罢了,没有重构,只有原汁原味的怀旧。这或许是对《洛克人》系列30周年最好的纪念。
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  【游侠导读】CAPCOM公布,将移植知名横向卷轴动作游戏作品《洛克人X(ロックマン X)》至iOS平台,同时也将HD高画质化。
  CAPCOM公布,将移植知名横向卷轴动作游戏作品《洛克人X(ロックマン X)》至iOS平台,同时也将HD高画质化。本作预定于2011年12月于日本推出下载,日本地区售价尚未公开。
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SNES版本流畅,展开每个地图都需要一定的加载时间;此外,其中的IAP功能让玩家一次性升级“所有武器”或购买“所有健康包”,而不是令其逐步解琐新内容,这 一点也是该游戏受到诟病的一大原因。
  3)俄罗斯开发商ZeptoLab近日与Ape Entertainment合作,向苹果App Store推出一款根据《割绳子》改制的漫画书应用《Cut the Rope: Comic App》,支持用户免费下载首个版本,但需付费1.99美元下载额外内容。
  该漫画应用主要讲述主人公Evan Coulton在家门口发现藏有Om Nom这只糖果小怪物的盒子,从此展开他与Om Nom有趣生活经历的故事。
  4)市场调研公司Berg Insight最近报告指出,2010年全球移动营销及广告市场规模为26亿欧元,预计到2016年将达172亿欧元(复合年增长率为37%),占所有在线广告市场份额的15.2%,占全球所有媒体广告的3.8%。
  分析师Rickard Andersson指出,移动媒介以及智能手机的普及推出了移动广告的发展,预计谷歌、微软、苹果和雅虎以及即将介入这一领域的Facebook将进一步挖掘这个市场的潜力。
  5)韩国网游公司Nexon最近再次发布根据其在线游戏《冒险岛》改制的新款iOS游戏《MapleStory: Cave Crawlers》,该公司之前已向App Store推出同一系列的《MapleStory: Thief Edition》和《MapleStory: Cygnus Knights Edition》这两款手机游戏。
  6)据games.com报道,芬兰开发商Rovio最近终于向黑莓PlayBook引进《愤怒的小鸟》系列的三款游戏,每款游戏在黑莓App World售价4.99美元。
  观察者称,这三款游戏总价就要15美元,这与用户在其他平台(例如Google+、Chrome Web Store等)可以免费体验游戏的情况形成了鲜明对比。
  7)iQin Mobile最近向iPhone/iPad平台推出《功夫狐狸》这款用手指划线的物理益智游戏,其中包含各种有趣关卡,以及旋转飞镖、飞刀等武器,白天及黑夜场景,支持玩家用手指划出任意的线条,木板、画桥梁、画陷阱、画小花、画大象等物品,并与社交好友分享自己绘制的美图。
  1)Mega Man X comes to iPhone, fans hate the result
  Sean Ludwig
  Capcom has launched an iPhone and iPod touch port of the classic Super
Nintendo game Mega Man X, but fans are complaining restlessly about the
laziness of the re-release。
  I fondly remember playing Mega Man X for SNES when I was younger and
loved the challenge and attention to detail. The game introduced you to
and let you play as Zero, Mega Man’s friend, who uses an energy sword
instead of an arm cannon. But as much as I want to re-live the
experience, angry complaints around the web and a terrible-looking
trailer (see below) are not making me download this in a hurry。
  Fans are angry for good reason. First off, the game functions less
smoothly than the 1993 SNES version despite the fact that the iPhone is
capable of incredible 3D graphics. The game makes you load portions of
each map you play through, with jarring black-screen transitions. Those
in-level loading times were never required on the SNES, so it’s
inexcusable to include them on the iPhone version。
  The other major offense of the iOS version of MMX is the ability to
purchase upgrades like “all weapons” or “all health boosts” with real
money instead of making the player unlock it by completing the game the
proper way. Way to cheapen the experience even more, Capcom。(source:venturebeat)
  2)Who Are The 6 Billion People Who Aren’t On Facebook?
  by Jackie Cohen
  Facebook’s statistics page says more than 800 million people actively use the site, which amounts to almost 9 percent of the world’s population when you round up the numbers。
  Most likely, Facebook will reach the 1 billion-member threshold sometime during 2012.
  While the site’s membership continues to outgrow the competition, the pace of growth has slowed down by about one-third compared with the previous year。
  Some 200 million people joined Facebook during 2011, while about 300 million opened accounts in 2010.
  If Facebook’s growth in 2012 replicates 2011, then we can expect to see the site cross that 1 billion-member mark by the end of the year。
  But if there’s a continued slowing in the rate at which people join the site, then 2013 would see that 1 billion threshold reached. Still, the numbers are huge。
  A more interesting number has had my attention over the past month: The roughly 6 billion people who don’t yet have Facebook accounts ― what do these folks have in common?
  All we can do is extrapolate from what we know about who does have Facebook accounts。
  For starters, one-third of Americans aren’t on Facebook yet ― that’ s based on the fact that roughly one in four people on the social network live in the United States。
  So that’s nearly 113 million Americans, and they might include the roughly 49 million households considered to be at or below the poverty line. That assumes the poor don’t avail themselves of computers at public libraries。
  On the other end of the spectrum, we’ve been seeing an aversion to Facebook among certain types of professionals who worry about encountering clients or patients. Quantifying this group is challenging, however。
  The bulk of the 6 billion people without Facebook accounts live outside of the United States。
  Most notable among them is China, where the population of about 1.3 billion can’t access the social network because the government has blocked it for two years. That excludes Hong Kong, which can access the social network。
  By contrast, Japan’s roughly 127 million people could access Facebook if they want to but largely skip it in favor of local social networks like Mixi。(source:allfacebook)
  3)Cut the Rope turns comic series for iOS
  By Lauren McGregor
  Hurrah, the makers of the addictive Cut the Rope(TM) (ZyptoLab) and ego-feeding Pocket God (Ape Entertainment) have combined forces to create a comic series app together. Those familiar with Cut the Rope will know the main sweetie munching character C Om Nom C all too well. This fellow is hungry for sweets and via various swings, ropes and catapults, you need to direct his grub into his gob and avoid his hunger growing。
  Well, in his new role, Om Nom(TM) is to be a comic book hero. His story starts in a “quaint little town” when a young lad called Evan Coulton finds a box on his doorstep. Of course, the creature inside is Om Nom and he soon turns Evan’s life upside down. As you can imagine, his thirst for sweets has not gone away and he and Evan have many sugar-filled adventures ahead of them。
  The first edition is available now free for the Apple App Store and additional issues will cost $1.99 each. The app is available on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch。
  “The comic book is just the first step in broadening the reach of the Cut the Rope brand,” said Misha Lyalin, CEO of ZeptoLab. “Starting with plush toys, apparel and accessories, we see significant opportunities to build our licensing and merchandising business and bring Om Nom into homes around the world。”
  “The Cut the Rope: Comic App is much more than a pages to pixels app C it’s an experience that taps into the power of iOS and unleashes the world of Om Nom to fans across the globe,” said David Hedgecock, CEO of Ape Entertainment. “We believe this is the exact direction that will satiate comic book fans’ appetite in the digital age, as well as offer a reason to continue coming back to the App Store as well as local comic shops。”(source:recombu)
  4)Mobile to grab 15.2 per cent of global online ad spend in 2016
  by Tim Green
  That’s &# billion, which equates to 3.8 per cent of all media budgets。
  According to a new research report from& Berg Insight, the mobile marketing and advertising market was worth &# billion in 2010, so it’s set to grow at a CAGR of 37 per cent to 2016.
  This will then correspond to 15.2 per cent of the total online ad market or 3.8 per cent of the total global ad spend for all media。
  “The popularity of smartphones and the increasing availability of mobile media that can include mobile advertising are the main game changers”, said Rickard Andersson, Telecom Analyst, Berg Insight。
  “Brands are now progressively embracing the mobile channel, including the entire range of apps from games and entertainment to utility applications. Also mobile web advertising and opt-in SMS campaigns are popular。”
  Berg believes the mobile space will be boosted by the activity of traditional digital players such as Google, Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo! and by the imminent participation of Facebook。(source:mobile-ent)
  5)Nexon Releases MapleStory iOS Spin-off C Nexon has released another iOS game based on its taken its hit MapleStory Franchise. MapleStory: Cave Crawlers joins MapleStory: Thief Edition and MapleStory: Cygnus Knights Edition in the App store。(source:insidemobileapps)
  5)Angry Birds finally hits BlackBerry PlayBook, and for how much?
  by Joe Osborne
  The BlackBerry PlayBook, RIM’s answer to the growing tablet computer craze (i.e. iPad), released in April to tepid sales and lukewarm reviews. And now, eight months later, Rovio has decided to throw all three Angry Birds games on the device. Well, the games are one every damn near app store imaginable, so … why the hell not? However, there’s one gargantuan catch。
  Each game costs $4.99 on BlackBerry’s App World. That’s $15 for three games that you can get for $3 on nearly every other mobile platform, and most mobile app stores offer free versions of the games. (Not to mention you can play the full game for nothing on Google+ and in the Chrome Web Store。) Not so for the couple hundred or soCwe’re just estimating hereCBlackBerry PlayBook users。
  Granted, these are the HD versions of the games available for iPad at the same price, but you’d think Rovio would go a little easy on consumers considering how late Angry Birds is coming to the PlayBook. Well, that and the fact that it’s available almost everywhere for cheaper. C’est la vie。(source:games)
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