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[REC] 4: Apocalipsis&()
1:53 | Trailer
An ill-fated television reporter is rescued and sent on a voyage across the ocean, but she is followed by the deadly virus that has plagued her and numerous others.
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[REC] 4: Apocalipsis
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2 wins & 10 nominations.
A couple's wedding day turns horrific as some of the guests start showing signs of a strange illness.
Paco Plaza
Leticia Dolera,
Diego Martín,
Ismael Martínez
In order to ascertain the current situation inside, a supposed medical officer and a GEO team step into the quarantined and ill-fated apartment building.
Jaume Balagueró,
Paco Plaza
Jonathan D. Mellor,
Manuela Velasco,
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Jaume Balagueró,
Paco Plaza
Manuela Velasco,
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Cast overview, first billed only:
?ngela Vidal
Dr. Ricarte
Capitán Ortega
Invitada Boda
(as M? Alfonsa Rosso)
Dr. Ginard
Médico Auxiliar
?ngela Vidal, the spunky young television reporter that entered the building in 2007 has exited with the swat team. Little do they know that she carries the seed of the strange demonic infection. She is taken to an oil tanker miles off shore which has been especially equipped for the quarantine...
Written by
Plot Keywords:
The time has come
Motion Picture Rating
Rated R for strong horror violence/gore, and language
Parents Guide:
Official Sites:
Release Date: 31 October 2014 (Spain)
Also Known As: [REC] 4: Apocalypse
Filming Locations:
Opening Weekend:
(2 January 2015)
(2 January 2015)
Production Co:
Show detailed
Sound Mix:
Aspect Ratio: 2.35 : 1
Did You Know?
Comic book artist
known for his work in
(2010) comics drew a poster for this film's US release, as did
The boat motor that is being used as a weapon and also to propel the escape raft has no fuel source.
Crazy Credits
There's a scene during the end credits.
Follows &(2012)
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User Reviews
The fourth & final instalment in the REC franchise, REC 4: Apocalypse concludes the horror that began in 2007 with REC, which still remains one of the scariest horror flicks ever made, was followed by an inferior yet effective sequel in 2009 before hitting an absolute low with a needless third entry that was more a spin-off than a sequel and replaced the nerve-racking tension of the first two films with elements of comedy to serve as a parody of the series.With REC 4, the tense & claustrophobic atmosphere of the first two films makes its return & so does the ever-adorable Manuela Velasco. Set right after the events of REC 2, the story of REC 4: Apocalypse follows Ángela Vidal who after being rescued from the doomed building is taken to a ship, that's miles off the shore, for further examination. However, things are set in motion when a test subject escapes from the lab and ends up infecting the ship crew.Co-written & directed by Jaume Balagueró, REC 4 discards the found footage style that was so expertly employed in the first film and replaces it with conventional photography but with that, the effectiveness of those chaotic, frenzy camera-work also diminishes. It still uses the shaky cam technique but it fails to recreate the same chilling vibe of the original. The story isn't compelling enough for a final chapter and what Balagueró has done with Ángela's arc is just absurd.Despite picking up the story from where it left off in the second chapter, REC 4 spends too much time in setting up its premise by introducing characters no one gives a damn about, and even when the terror begins, it's all poorly executed. The scares are cheap & ineffective and the film as a whole feels more like a generic action flick than a visceral horror. It's good to have Manuela Velasco back but her character undergoes a sudden transition which never works in the film's favour.On an overall scale, REC 4: Apocalypse is definitely a step up when compared to the turd that was REC 3: Genesis, is similar in look & tone to the first two chapters of the franchise and although by no means it is a fulfilling conclusion of the series, there is no denying that it could've been much worse. Failing to completely tie up all the loose ends, leaving a few questions unanswered and utterly devoid of any scares, REC 4 may not be a total disaster but it's still finishes as a forgettable finale.
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?ngela Vidal
Dr. Ricarte
Capitán Ortega
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  春分节气后,气候温和,雨水充沛,阳光明媚,是调整阴阳平衡的好时机。俗话说:“吃了春分饭,一天长一线。”春分以后,人体新陈代谢旺盛,血液循环加快,呼吸消化功能加强,内分泌激素尤其是生长激素分泌增多,是孩子们长高的最佳时段。   饭,一天长一线  众所周知,长个子离不开维生素D。怎样摄取呢?建议大家吃点香菇饭。新洗净切丝,与丝、调味料拌匀,铺在米上,加入适量水。放入电饭锅中煮熟,开关跳起后,再焖10分钟,将锅盖打开,拌入末,再焖5分钟,最后用饭匙轻轻拌匀即可。  ,理气又抗菌  春分节气时人体血液正处于旺盛时期,此时易发非感染性疾病有高血压、月经失调、痔疮及过敏性疾病等。膳食总的原则要相对清淡,保持寒热均衡,不适合多吃肥甘厚腻之品。  中医认为,香椿味苦,性寒,有清热解毒、健胃理气功效。而且春分这个时候的香椿,香味浓郁,鲜嫩清脆,口感和营养都是最好的,可以起到醒脾、开胃的作用。另外,多吃香椿还可以预防肠炎、痢疾、泌尿系统等疾病。需要提醒大家注意的是,香椿含有硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐,含量高于一般蔬菜。所以无论是凉拌、炒菜还是,都不妨先焯一下。  香麦菜,睡得香  吃安眠药可帮助睡眠,那吃菜能不能呢?你还别说,香麦菜还真有点作用呢!将蒜切成蒜蓉,葱切葱花,油烧至8成热,下葱花和部分的蒜蓉炝锅,出味后下香麦菜,快速翻炒,然后加入些许翻炒,待香麦菜变得稍软一些了,加一勺水,转中火焖,将剩余的蒜蓉全部加入,快熟时加盐出锅食用即可。  香麦菜具有降低胆固醇、治疗神经衰弱、清燥润肺等功效,是一种低热量、高营养的蔬菜,长期适量食用,有助于睡眠。  嫩芦蒿,健脾化痰  芦蒿有股浓郁的清香味,而且口感外脆里嫩、风味独特,是人们非常喜爱的蔬菜佳品。芦蒿中富含多种氨基酸、微量营养素以及黄酮类化合物,是种营养价值很高的保健蔬菜,芦蒿性凉,具有清热解毒、健脾化痰、消炎镇咳以及助消化的作用,对心血管疾病也有一定的食疗作用。芦蒿一般要用旺火炒,出锅时才能保持鲜嫩挺拔。  饼,养胃温肾  茯苓具有健脾养胃、宁心安神和祛湿利水的功效,因为没有异味,容易被大家接受,因此也可以当做食物食用,老北京的就是代表。可以在超市中购买茯苓粉,回家后和面粉、和在一起做成茯苓饼和馒头吃,既可以当做主食,又是简单的药膳;还可以将茯苓和粳米熬粥喝,能健脾温肾。  灰灰菜,清热利湿  春分前后人体血液处于旺盛时期,激素水平也处于相对高峰期,易出现高血压、出鼻血及过敏性疾病,因此要注重饮食上的调养。灰灰菜是一种野菜,其性味苦凉,有清热利湿、解毒的功效,感冒发烧时食用一些,有一定的缓解作用。另外,油腻东西吃多了,感到不适,吃些灰灰菜有解油腻的作用,注意体寒及胃肠不适者少吃。
  熟枣茶,滋润补血  春分时节虽然雨水开始增多,但天气还是冷热不定,加上饮水不足,很多人都会出现口干舌燥、嗓子干痒等症状,建议大家喝点熟枣茶。将红枣放在锅里稍微炒一下,待表皮裂开,颜色微微发黑,将炒好的红枣泡水即可。春天天气干燥,加上外出活动增多,症状可能会加重,喝点熟枣茶可以很好地缓解症状。泡茶的红枣最好选用个大的,可掰开后再炒。
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