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Una Guia Simple Hacia La Revolucion de Excel
H?ftad, 2014
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Microsoft PowerPivot es un complemento gratuito para Excel de Microsoft que permite a los usuarios producir nuevos tipos de informes y analisis que simplemente eran imposibles antes, y este libro es el primero en abordar formulas DAX, la capacidad central de PowerPivot, desde la perspectiva de la audiencia de Excel. Escrito por el principal blogger a nivel mundial y practicante de la herramienta, los conceptos y el enfoque del libro se introducen de una manera paso a paso sencilla adaptada al estilo de aprendizaje de los usuarios de Excel en todas partes. Las tecnicas que se presentan permiten a los usuarios producir, en horas o incluso minutos, resultados que anteriormente habrian tenido equipos enteros semanas o meses para producir e incluir lecciones sobre la diferencia entre las columnas y medidas calculadas, como formulas pueden ser reutilizadas a traves de informes de totalmente diferentes formas , como combinar conjuntos disjuntos de datos en informes unificados, como hacer que ciertas columnas en un pivote se comporten como si el pivote estuviese filtrado mientras otras columnas no, y como crear calculos de tiempo inteligentes en las tablas dinamicas como "Ano a Ano" y "Medias Moviles" si utilizan un calendario estandar, fiscal o un calendario personalizado. Las tecnicas de "tipo-patron" y las mejores practicas contenidas en este libro se han desarrollado y perfeccionado a lo largo de dos anos de entrenamiento en sitio con los usuarios de Excel de todo el mundo, y las lecciones clave de los seminarios que cuestan miles de dolares por dia ya estan disponibles dentro de las paginas de esta facil de seguir guia. Microsoft PowerPivot is a free add-on to Excel from Microsoft that allows users to produce new kinds of reports and analyses that were simply impossible before, and this book is the first to tackle DAX formulas, the core capability of PowerPivot, from the perspective of the Excel audience. Written by the world's foremost PowerPivot blogger and practitioner, the book's concepts and approach are introduced in a simple, step-by-step manner tailored to the learning style of Excel users everywhere. The techniques presented allow users to produce, in hours or even minutes, results that formerly would have taken entire teams weeks or months to produce and include lessons on the difference between calculated columns and measures, how formulas can be reused across reports of completely different shapes, how to merge disjointed sets of data into unified reports, how to make certain columns in a pivot behave as if the pivot were filtered while other columns do not, and how to create time-intelligent calculations in pivot tables such as "Year over Year" and "Moving Averages" whether they use a standard, fiscal, or a complete custom calendar. The "pattern-like" techniques and best practices contained in this book have been developed and refined over two years of onsite training with Excel users around the world, and the key lessons from those seminars costing thousands of dollars per day are now available to within the pages of this easy-to-follow guide.
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Fler b?cker av Rob Collie
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Rob Collie is a former engineering leader at Microsoft, where he helped develop PowerPivot during his 14-year career with the company. He is the former chief technology officer at Pivotstream LLC and is the creator , the world's leading PowerPivot website. He regularly consults and trains businesses and individuals on making the most of PowerPivot. He lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Miguel Escobar is a consultant and expert on business intelligence, PowerPivot, Excel, Power View, and SharePoint.
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