IDEA web.xml提示xmlrootelement 作用is notallowed here是什么情况

public interface IReaderService {
public Reader getReader(@WebParam(name="name") String name,@WebParam(name="password") String password);
public List&Reader& getReaders();
public class ReaderService implements IReaderService{
public Reader getReader(@WebParam(name="name") String name,@WebParam(name="password") String password) {
return new Reader(name,password);
public List&Reader& getReaders(){
List&Reader& readerList = new ArrayList&Reader&();
readerList.add(new Reader("shun1","123"));
readerList.add(new Reader("shun2","123"));
return readerL
public class Reader{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Reader(){}
public Reader(String name,String password) { =
this.password =
public String toString(){
return "Name:"+name+",Password:"+
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Server is starting...");
ReaderService readerService = new ReaderService();
System.out.println("Server is started...");
public static void main(String[] args) {
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factoryBean = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
IReaderService readerService = (IReaderService)factoryBean.create();
Reader reader = readerService.getReader("shun","123");
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&
&web-app xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns="/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
xsi:schemaLocation="/xml/ns/javaee /xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"
id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0"&
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&
&beans xmlns=""
&import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" /&
&import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml" /&
&import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" /&
&jaxws:endpoint id="readerServicce2"
implementor="com.cxf.servlet.ReaderService" address="/readerService2" /&
下载次数: 2044
浏览 94891
为什么我的new Reader说的是Cannot instantiate the type Reader??看看是不是引用了错误的Reader类。
为什么调用方法成功了但是参数都是null Reader类中已经添加了set/get方法看一下参数名大小写有没有一些,检查一下是否漏了@WebParam这个注解。
如何在java Web项目中开发WebService接口文章里面有个不错的回答,但可惜我这里用的是CXF,你贴的文章对想学习CXF的朋友来说,用处不算太大。但如果是没有限定技术类型,这倒是一个很简单的做法。
Server is started 可是为何还是出错? 18:38:53 org.apache.cxf.interceptor.AttachmentInInterceptor handleMessage信息: AttachmentInInterceptor skipped in HTTP GET method 18:38:53 org.apache.cxf.interceptor.StaxInInterceptor handleMessage信息: StaxInInterceptor skipped.这个已经好了,现在有出现这个问题,LZ,帮忙看下严重: Allocate exception for servlet CXFServletorg.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'cxf' is defined at at at at at at org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet.loadBus( at org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.init( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.allocate( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process( at$ at Source)
Server is starting...三月 06, :28 下午 org.apache.cxf.jaxws.EndpointUtils isValidImplementor信息: Implementor is not annotated with WebService annotation.Exception in thread "main" Cannot create Endpoint for implementor that does not have a WebService annotation and does not implement the Provider interface at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl.createEndpoint( at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.spi.ProviderImpl.createAndPublishEndpoint( at at com.rock.cxf.TestMain.main(为什么我运行是这样,有没整个例子呢?这个看样子是你没有使用@WebService这个annotation,我回去弄一下下载出来。
为什么我的,打印对象的时候,怎么全是空啊?hubowei1 写道Reader reader = readerService.getReader("shun","123");&& System.out.println("Reader:"+reader);&& 我怎么打印出来的结果是:Reader:Name:null,Password:null在Reader bean中缺少了name和password的get、set方法,加上去就好了。
public Reader getReader(@WebParam(name="name") String name,@WebParam(name="password")改成 public Reader getReader(@WebParam(name="names") String name,@WebParam(name="passwords")最后测试地址 应该是这个 factoryBean.setAddress("http://localhost:8080/CfxTest/webservice/readerService2");
Reader reader = readerService.getReader("shun","123");&& System.out.println("Reader:"+reader);&& 我怎么打印出来的结果是:Reader:Name:null,Password:null你检查一下你的webservice相关的annotation有没有注解正确,最重要的是@WebParam和@Webservice。
& 上一页 1
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你可能喜欢IDEA 10.5 build 106.273 Release NotesBrowse pages
No subsystem
Add github open in browser action to the file tree context menu
Support for binary integral literals and underscores in numeric literals (java 7)
Completion in resource list
Completion in multi-catch
Run / debug console could have standard and custom (search) filters like log tabs
Support moving caret in lookups as in JB
Precise rethrow in Java 7
(Usability Problem)
Logics of suggestion list sorting are wrong
(Usability Problem)
Create class intention could create generic class, if it is used with type parameter
(Usability Problem)
Show notification after sharing a project on GitHub completes successfully
(Usability Problem)
Import data source dialog: pressing space on config node could switch check box on / off
(Usability Problem)
Artifacts: new modules are not sorted in combobox of &Create Jar from Modules& dialog
(Usability Problem)
Don't show &Insert underscores into literal& for literals with 3 or less digits
(Usability Problem)
Facets: XML descriptor chooser: Module button is disabled
(Usability Problem)
Cannot set BITvalues in the database console grid
(Usability Problem)
Run configuration dialog: on pressing Add button in the right panel do not suggest to select the configuration type again
(Performance Problem)
large memory usage after closing all projects
The dialog name &Choose Dependent Modules& needs to be changed
Notification message is way too long.
Hang on project open
JDK 7: &Redundant suppression& inspection keep on highlighting class annotation after adding some code that generated unchecked warning
in console output: some source code files are not clickable
Introduce parameter scrolls to the beginning of file with no reason
Switcher: obsolete items in recent files section in case of splitted editor, Throwable at EditorWindow.getSelectedFile()
JDK 7: &Redundant suppression& inspection highlights enum annotation even if enum constructor generates &Possible heap pollution& warning
&Double-click to go to line& message incorrect
IDEA 10.0.2 doesnt seem to recognise the file.
Goto file: when there are matches shown, filter window is displayed below it
Don't suggest uninitialized instance members in constructor when smart-completing
Host name in HTTP Proxy settings should be trimmed
Replace All in selection scrolls to the beginning of file
Erratic highlighting in Freemarker editor
Introduce constant inserts the preview in the wrong position
Import database schema: chooser button for a data source tries to open tool window, which is useless in the dialog
&Compact Empty Middle Packages& not working properly for module/project libraries
Problem with variable renaming
Drag-and-drop text don't work
paste location wrong when using &view as& 'scope'
ctrl+c ctrl+v on a file.
Introduce Constant dialog ignores keyboard when opened from quick fix menu
Inspections &IO|JDBC resource opened but not safely closed& must support recent close pattern
Completion cannot suggest members of an intersection type
Cannot compile java source Missing message: configure.incompatibleComplianceForTarget in: org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.messages
Code Coverage bar overwrites line numbers in gutter
Toolwindow tabs - & react on mouse down
IDEA is optimizing a used import
Race Condition when editing field annotations results in incorrect line wrapping
UI Deadlock during autocomplete inside a package edit box
Out of memory and workspace.xml size 32 Mb
Switcher should have the same behavior with detached editor tabs as it has with splitters.
Navigation bar collapses when the action on it is invoked too quickly
Groovy Enums are showing as invalid
Preserve &Selection only& in replace options
Extract method refactoring produces wrong code
IntelliJ 10's autocomplete popup isn't too intelligent
Repeating dialog &You have entered malformed replacement string&
Smart completion in cast operator inserts ill-formed type
keyword &return& invokes the autocomplete tooltip & interrupts the input
Windows fold/unfold bug
Wrong display of generic
JPA-QL Console use DataSource connection information instead of relying on information in persistence.xml
fsnotifier doesn't support symlinks on Linux
improved groovy extract method
test coverage wants recompile
Quick javadoc displays exceptions twice
Find action remembers previous search
Create class is not proposed if an unresolved name is followed by a field access
&show in Explorer& action broken in IntelliJ IDEA 10.0 with JDK7
groovy joint compiler can't handle Groovy script files with only numeric names
ClearCase setting UCM/no UCM should be stored in IDEA settings dir
Switcher: on closing all editor windows in switcher arrow keys do not move the selection
&}& symbol is inserted automatically, but is not substituted on manual typing in javadoc comments
Make smart completion cast insertion aware of autoboxing
JDK 7: Diamond: Inline Refactoring should replace diamond type with actual type arguments if it won't be possible to infer these arguments after inline
A shortcut with Insert on Mac
New Java/Groovy source keeps modified state after save
Code inspectations do not run prior to a remote running a build in TeamCity
Unexpected source element for annotation member value: PsiBinaryExpression:0.0d / 0.0
Groovy Extract Method Broken: Nested Closures drop 'it' reference
New inline search is very annoying.
More options UI
Drag and drop in Packages view
Regression: Ctrl+F must position on first occurrence after caret
Strange NavBar behavior for undocked NavBar
Create method adds generic parameters that are not needed, and doesn't ask about it
FNFE at com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubTree.readOrBuild
JDK 7: NullPointerException at extractMethod.InputVariables.wrapInputVariables() on manual changing catch parameter to multi-catch
NPE at ChangeSignatureGestureDetector.childReplaced() on typing inside JSP method declaration
NPE: Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.MouseEvent
NPE at ClassElement.addInternal() on creating generic interface instance with unbound wildcard type argument
UML: Close UMLDiff diagram on project closing
Throwable 98.510
AE at com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.impl.NativeFileIconProvider$
Add Application class type to new Android Component dialog
Enable/Disable logcat doesn't work.
Possible double compilation on android for library projects
R class is generated incorrectly sometimes when using library project
Android SDK doesn't exclude standard JDK classes that aren't available for Android
ADB operations should be done in non-ui thread with timeout and/or restart
Android logcat drops the connection to the emulator, after a couple of hours
Code Analysis. Dependencies
(Usability Problem)
Add 'analyze backward dependencies' action to the module dependencies toolwindow
Analyze module dependencies should have keyboard shortcut for module settings
Code Analysis. Inspection
Inspection &Integer multiplication or shift implicitly cast to long& shall have an option to ignore constant expression
Let one associate intellij-@NotNull/@Nullable semantics to arbitrary annotations.
Public method is not exposed via an interface should have option to only work if the class implements an interface
Create an Inspection from the Intention &Remove Redundant 'else'&.
for/while loop replaceable with 'foreach' does not support conversion of iterations with ListIterator
while loop replaceable with 'for each'
inspection - Quickfix should use existing iteration variable where possible and avoid creating redundant local variable.
&'try finally' replaceable with 'try' with resources& inspection
Inspection: if/else can be converted to switch
Add option &skip private methods& to Return of Null inspections
Add option to ignore super methods to &Unnecessary JavaDoc link& inspection
Side Effects checker could probably check for simple setters/getters
PhpStorm inspection results HTML export: why no line number info?
Overriding profile in &Export& - wrong slash direction
Inspections severities: weak_warning is written with underscore
Settings / Inspection: inconsistency between &j2sdk5.0& group and its content
for(Iterator...) loop cannot be transformed into for-each loop
convert for(Iterator...) to for-each loop doesn't work
Rename reference quickfix should honor declaration scope
'for' loop replaceable with 'for each' inspection error
&Constant conditions & exceptions| false positive
Bean inspection fails to recognize @Qualifier used in conjunction with @Autowired
Inspection result viewer screws up sorting
&Form input without an associated label& inspection should allow for ignoring inputs of type &button&
false positive for disjunction type in &Overly broad 'catch' block& inspection
Add configuration option to inspection &Serializable class without 'readObject()' and 'writeObject()'& to ignore anonymous inner classes.
JDK 7: Diamond: wrong &Unchecked assignment& warning appears after invoking &Replace with &&& intention
JDK 7: Diamonds: wrong &Identifier expected& error and &Unckeched assignment& warning appear on paste
Problem with applying in inspections profiles editor
Malformed format string inspection: Instruct the inspection that int -& char conversion is correct
Wrong 'no enclosing instance of type' error message
Add configuration option to inspection &Serializable class without 'serialVersionUID' to ignore anonymous inner classes.
Code Coverage
Code coverage: web applications: improve resolving generated jsp names
Code coverage: improve presentation of joint sampling and tracing statistics
Code coverage: web applications: showing colors and statistics is not supported in .jsp files
(Usability Problem)
Code coverage: with &Show coverage per test& editor popup shows &Hits: 0& for all lines
(Usability Problem)
Code coverage: on changing the selection of suites in coverage data dialog release &Show coverage per test& button automatically
(Usability Problem)
Code coverage data dialog: quick tree search works only for 2 top nodes
(Usability Problem)
Code coverage: IDEA tracing runner: statistics for default branch of switch could be improved
Code coverage: &Show coverage per test& mode: editor popup appearance can be improved
Code coverage: IDEA tracing: wording in statistics for switch could be improved
Code coverage: combobox in &Choose Coverage Suite to Display& dialog does strange things
on disabling coverage recording in the run configuration, also the mode sampling vs. tracing is reset to sampling
Code coverage: &Show coverage per test&: with Before and After methods colors are shown in editor not for all test methods
Code coverage: EMMA and IDEA runners enabled for the same class give 0% methods in the Project tree
Slash too much for coverage report generation
Code coverage: IDEA tracing: condition line status is not refreshed after hiding a suite
Code coverage: with &Show coverage per test& adding and hiding other suites cause inconsistent statistics labels in the Project tree
Attempt to run test with IDEA coverage fails
Coverage coloring does not update until the editor is reloaded
The Coverage settings are not run configuration specific
&Choose Coverage Suite to Display& dialog: typing N works like Alt+N
Throwable at CoverageSuitesBundle.&init&() on showing desktop application (main() method) statistics together with web application statistics
Throwable at FileManagerImpl.getCachedPsiFile() on closing the project with split editors
Throwable at TrackCoverageAction$MyTreeSelectionListener.valueChanged() on closing Run window with &Show coverage per test& button pressed
Code Formatting and Code Style
New variation of &chop down if long& for annotations
Code style feature: simple classes and interfaces in one line
Possibility of keeping multiple expressions on one line
Allow &throws& to be placed on the new line without indent
(Usability Problem)
Reformat file: run under modal progress
(Performance Problem)
Formatter: Optimize performance of applying formatting changes
No alignment when pressing Enter in multiline implements list
Incorrect cursor placement after Control Shift Enter
Java Formatter: Correct anonymous classes instances as method arguments processing
Java Formatter: Respect 'space after semicolon' setting for 'for' loop with empty 'after loop' operation
Regression: Smart Indent doesn't indent properly after hitting Enter on an indented line
(Usability Problem)
CamelHump immediately after digit is not taken into account
Certain navigation actions not recorded, meaning that &go back& (ctrl-alt-left) doesn't take you back where you were
Autoscroll from source does not work
Go to Declaration, when Quick search is open, takes you to quick search field
back/forward not functioning as expected
Filter/Group tables types in DataSources tree view
IDEA should be able to import a DataSource from Tomcat's context.xml
AE at DbElementImpl.checkValid(), Import Database Schema dialog cannot be closed, IDEA process has to be killed
No way to edit booleans in data source table editor
NPE at AbstractTreeBuilder.getReady() on closing Import Database Schema dialog
Import Data Source: ISE at dbcConsoleContextProvider$JdbcRunContext.tuneParams() on testing connection with absent driver class name
(Usability Problem)
“Copy value” missing in debugger inline watch
Add right-click 'Remove All' option in Watches window
Debugger: Enable Delete button in watches after finishing debugging process.
A shortcut with Insert on Mac
Breakpoint drag and drop does not work between two splits (no matter the same or different files)
Provide tip of the day for specifying line number in goto file
Revise the topics related to tests
Update documentation about JavaScript Debug run configuration to mention that Google Chrome is supported
Remove the word Flex in references to SWF and SWC files
Update &Uint Testing Support& topic
Update reference page for JUnit test run/debug configuration
Editor. Code Completion
Allow [ to finish complete the way ( does
Smart Completion: suggest most-probable method for delegation
Wish to repress inherited members
ctrl-alt-space completion for static method: choosing &import statically& should complete action, not toggle
(Usability Problem)
Completion in parameter list should not insert a trailing comma if the following parameter is varargs
(Usability Problem)
Code Completion: sort order
(Usability Problem)
Class completion: suggest most probable class in the specific context.
(Usability Problem)
New code completion pop-ups interfering with Parameter Info pop-up
Live Template abbreviation is shown cutted if new name is longer then old one
Static nested classes are first proposal on values
No completion for NoSuchElementException in javadoc @throws
code completion offers funny option
Java: Basic completion doesn't suggest &default& keyword in switch construction
Autocasting from completion is not inserted after &assert X instanceof T&
JAVA: autocomplete triggers within double-value
static method completion: no secondary menu presented
Invalid autocomplete suggestion on double Ctrl+Shift+Space
Zen coding XML multiple attributes
&final& variant is not suggested but it should be
Taglibs in library jars not supporting Completion
Code completion added unnecessary type arguments
Editor. Editing Text
Editor: Add support for 'Scroll to Top' and 'Scroll to Bottom' actions
Javadoc: Provide ability to configure IntelliJ IDEA to automatically insert closing tags during typing in javadoc
Delegate to local final variables
(Usability Problem)
Multiline selection doesn't pop in the search field in the replace/search dialogs
(Usability Problem)
bigger font size for javadoc (ctrl+q)
(Usability Problem)
Default keyboard shortcuts for Switcher and Go to Next/Previous Splitter actions conflict [In the split mode, Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab doesn't switch between splitters when both contain the same file opened]
(Usability Problem)
Tab switching loses scrolling position when virtual space is within the view area
(Usability Problem)
Documentation window: Do not show 'font size' control when I click the text
(Usability Problem)
Pasting a &string& over &another string& applies unnecessary quoting
(Usability Problem)
Cursor up/down movement jumpy for non-monospaced fonts
Enter Handler doesn't generate JavaDoc in specific case
Closing tags in javadoc comments are not generated after @return
Typing {{ &RETURN& }} results causes symbols swap and syntax error
Inserting line break in text file can cause incorrect formatting and cursor placement on new line if the original line starts with an asterisk
Soft wraps: Correct 'replace text' processing
Javadoc: Don't use attribute value on javadoc tag autocompletion
Move method and folding bug
Rectangular selection contracts width incorrectly
Scroll after zoom bug
Soft wraps: NullPointerException at EditorImpl.paintBackgrounds()
Join Lines eats first parameter
Ctrl+Shift+Enter bug in conditional blocks
Type tooltip shows HTML entities
Javadoc: Avoid unnecessary indent when enter is pressed after empty tag
Soft wraps:Throwable at CaretModelImpl.moveToOffset() and visual defects on resizing editor after font has been changed via Ctrl+Scroll
SIOOBE at com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.softwrap.mapping.SoftWrapApplianceManager.processCollapsedFoldRegion
Editor. Error Highlighting
Dotted line effect does not always paint dotted line
JDK 7: Diamond: good code is red: dimond operator used in initialization of a raw generic type variable
Make not final quickfix should not be available for multicatch
Cannot disable bold style for Groovy keywords
Grails/GSP: Editor markes attribute &defaultCodec& red
Good code is red: overloaded method with varargs shows error in ide, although compiles successfully
XSLT 2.0 spec allows parameter shadowing, IDEA highlights this as error
Editor. Intention Actions
Intention to replace multiple 'throws' declarations on a method with the common supertype
Intention to convert (all) package.html into
&Replace Automatic Resource Management with 'try finally'& intention
Javadoc: Inspection/intention to replace &code&...&/code& with {@code ...}
new &Split Multicatch into Separate Catch Blocks& intention
JDK 1.7: Intention &Make final and annotate as @SafeVarargs& for methods with varargs parameter of non-reifiable type could be added
&Add explicit type arguments& may produce invalid code
&Replace catch section with throws declaration& intention fails on multicatch
Auto-completion + import in java is buggy
JDK 7: Intention &Replace with 'try' with resources& drops comments from try and finally blocks
Editor scrolls to the beginning of file on &Make &method& return &type&&
&Replace for-each loop with indexed for loop& breaks code
JDK 7: &Convert to atomic& intention should not be available for resources declarations in try-with-resources statement
&Create file& intention called from within HTML creates file in dependency module if it contains a package same named with a current one
Generic type formatted incorrectly in Create field/variable
JDK 7: Intention &Replace with 'try' with resources& drops catch blocks
JDK 7: Intention &Replace 'catch' section with 'throws' declaration& applied to catch clause after try-with-resources statement drops resources declaration
Find, Replace, Find Usages
Find/Replace in current file should switch to one another preserving the search query
(Usability Problem)
Provide code completion in &Replace& field
(Usability Problem)
Provide the possibility to toggle between search and replace
(Usability Problem)
Remove delay when entering a search string into the search field
(Usability Problem)
Find\Replace: Deleted find pattern would be restored after deleting replace pattern
Incorrect checkbox background and overlapped border in new replace bar
Inconsistent capitalization of button titles in replace toolbar
Ctrl+Alt+F7: replace &the usage was filtered out& by &1 usage was filtered out&
Changing 'Case sensitive' option setting in Find/Replace panel does not update search results
Replace ignores selection if the replace pane is already open
Ctrl-F moves selection from current match immediately
Ctrl-F search no longer searches the whole document.
Search And Replace Too Greedy
Editing of string to find leads to jumping of caret to the end of text field
Find selects text inside folded block incorrectly
gutter highlighters for search results
Fast replace works bad
Disable &Whole words only& if string to find is not a word
show tooltip when end of file is reached
Incorrect &not found& tooltip when search is finished (&&& is removed)
Text editing sometimes scrolls the editor during search
Flex Support
flex: provide &Split into separate declarations& for compound declarations
Generate Event Handler intention
flex: provide Refactor-&Move for internal types (&to upper level&)
introduce variable: support function
flex: provide &Swap Method Call Arguments& utility intention
flex: Introduce Variable should suggest variable name from setter function name
ActionScript: &generate getter/setter& intention
Flex: Move Refactoring dialog: on the fly package name validation could be provided
Provide quick fix to create class specified in [Event] metadata
bad code green: Error: itemCreationPolicy and itemDestructionPolicy attributes must accompany either the includeIn or excludeFrom attribute.
mxml: navigation to class and completion if attribute type is Class
flex: &move class&: provide package chooser similar to Java
Provide quick fix to create class from usage in MXML attribute or tag (like itemRenderer etc.)
Actionscript: Code formatting should support all four ways to handle space around the type reference's colon
(Usability Problem)
Can't Add The AIR SDK?
(Usability Problem)
var watch pop-up is very long
generated event handler name: omit prefix for root (this) object (according to Flex SDK coding conventions)
flex: unclear import popup hint if multiple matches
refactor: rename file - change &Compiler Configuration file&
Flex 4: support MXML tags defined by 'name' attribute in &fx:Definition/&
Quick Documentation Lookup broken if using //noinspection
flex: complete statement: if statement not completed
Change paths to embeded asset files when &Move class& refactor is applied
Live template variable with expression &classNameCompleteWithVoidDefault()& works wrong
flex: import popup should not suggest test classes in production code
Don't suggest to import class from test sources in product sources code
jump to source: variable in script block
flex: introduce variable: type of &typeof& operator not computed
Flex 4 MXML: Support 'twoWay' attribute of Binding tag
flex: &Mismatched query and update of collection& false positive
Rename static method from Strcture view: reference is updated incorrectly
JSMismatchedCollectionQueryUpdateInspection: honor setter
Flex: Move Refactoring: Move everything from specified directory to another directory doesn't update package statements
flex: bad code green: with() expression should resolve to something
Change signature quickfix should not be suggested for library elements
good code red: internal property of mxml component — Attribute is not allowed here
Create constant from comparison operand doesn't guess Numeric type
Attribute 'fontFamily' of 'Embed' metadata tag is unknown by IDEA
MXML: support class references for properties of IFactory type (like itemRenderer) declared as tag
mxml: missing support for &mx:XML& tag
Don't generate constructor for swc-imported interface
flex: missing completion for &expects& parameter on [Test] metadata annotation
Refactoring - {} and [] do not form expressions for refactoring
flex css: resolve type selector as qualified class name (flex 4 namespace)
'use' statement between metadata and class declaration is not handled correctly
Flex: Move Refactoring: if a class being moved has references to custom class only in instantiation expressions, import statmenet won't be added after move
Override methods handler is not accessible in MXML context
Flex: Move Refactoring: if a class being moved is imported using '*', import statement won't be added after move
flex: introduce variable: type of &delete& operator not computed
good code red: internal property of mxml component — Attribute is not allowed here
flex: cannot compile properly for FP11 beta
Definition two same-named methods in namespace doesn't mark as duplicate
Flex debugger: in case of error show full stack trace, open correct source file if possible
Perforce read-only with Flex/Flash Compiling
flex: NPE in JSPropertyImpl$PropertyNameReference.getRangeInElement() (with example)
GWT Support
GWT Support should include support for uiBinder ui:with
GWT Feature Reqeuest: New Event + EventHandler Feature
GWT i18n support does not handle property files in resources folder
gwt-dev.jar is loaded in runtime classpath
GSP: provide formatting (code style) settings
New Feature Request: Allow for grails view to edit files in 'scripts'
Highlight hyperlinks for GSP stacktrace elements
Grails domain classes should have intention &make nullable&
Need completion for values of some fields in *GrailsPlugin classes
Support static imports in GSP pages
Grails: IDEA should support groovy expressions without '{' '}' in GSP attribute values.
Completion should be available in value of field 'transients' in domain classes.
Groovy: Duplicated named arguments should be highlighted as error because it is compilation error.
No controller/action completion when using custom plugins
Domain class property name completion in the addTo*(Map) call argument list
Inject javascript into on* attributes of GSP tags
Create action from usage
I18n intention should be able to invoke on a text with Groovy injections in it
improve 'Extract method' refactoring for Groovy: support multiple output parameters
Groovy: Method separators for closures
Collapsing of multiline //-style comment feature request for Groovy
I'm using Intellij 10.0.1 and Ctrl + Shift + T works for java classes, but not Groovy classes.
(Usability Problem)
Grails plugins dialog: by-installedness sorting is too straightforward
(Usability Problem)
Move Groovy accessibility warnings to a separate inspection
(Performance Problem)
Editing very slow when editing large groovy files
Grails-generated files should be coherent with IDEA code style
Groovy: standartize &Incompatible Type Assignments Inspection& name
Groovy: Introduce Field Refactoring dialog title is missing
Groovy: Incorrect resolving of imported classes.
Syntax error highlighted for style in g:formatDate (grails)
Groovy property access colored like field access
Grails: global plugin artifacts are resolved only in one project module
Pair brace insertion doesn't work in Groovy fragments in GSP
A generated GSP can't be parsed
Relax repeating labels for Spock or allow to suppress the warning
Groovy: Change Signature Refactoring doesn't allow to add optional parameter without default value
'Go to type declaration' on an injected service/bean name should go to its class
Groovy: Introduce Parameter/Field Refactoring dialogs: keyboard shortcuts don't work for comboboxes
Groovy: Change Signature Refactoring shouldn't use parameter's initializer as default value
.with{} is not always detected
TODO statement in javadocs is only recognized when //-commented TODO is present
Groovy: Imports: Classes from current package should have priority than classes imported using '*'.
Groovy: Refactor / Move a script with both a class and some top-level statements does not update package statement
The caret after introducing constant should remain on the usage, not on the constant declaration
Invalid closing tag name suggestion
Incorrect caret column after Enter in 'case'
Groovy: &Result of assignment expression used& inspection false warning for top-level expression in block
Move-refactoring import statements bug
Groovy: &Find Usages& doesn't find usages of class members accesses as Groovy properties
collectEntries{} inspection
Grails: support tag g:resource
Groovy: IDEA doesn't recognize size() for varargs array
Groovy: IDEA doesn't recognize toUpperCase() method for inferred char
Inject Grails services and other Spring beans as properties into org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext
Parsing closure argument
Generating views before controller hinders navigation
Grails checkin silently fails on code inspection stage
Groovy: Ctrl+Shift+I stopped working when I try to view other class members
Groovy: IDEA does't show Javadoc by Ctrl+Q for groovy fields.
Something with assertEquals and .class
The &Incorrect type &java.util.List&null&&& Idea exception
Groovy: AssertionError at GrTypeParameterImpl.getOwner() on incorrect generic method definition
Groovy: Introduce Parameter Refactoring: PsiInvalidElementAccessException at GrBlockImpl.getControlFlow() on introducing parameter of closure type
IDE Configuration
Plugin update manager incorrectly detects installed plugin version
IntelliJ Platform
Completion for previously used colors in CSS
(Usability Problem)
Double clicking on general syntax errors in the batch inspection tree view doesn't take you to the appropriate line
Tables with case-sensitive names (quoted identifiers) cannot be opened in editor
Wrong SQL Error reporting
&Private field is never used& does not appear when @Resource annotation used
J2EE.App Servers.Generic
Run/Debug Config Ignoring my run ant-target
(Usability Problem)
&Datasource import& progress dialog doesn't explain what it's doing
No-Interface EJB view is reported as error by EJB environment inspection
Problem attaching to remote glassfish debug instance
JPA/Hibernate console: hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class
spring: provide code completion for @Scope annotation
Spring testing: transactions support: provide some warning if no transaction manager bean is found in context for the @Transactional class
SpringIntegration support: 'method' attribute of 'selector' element should be supported
spring 3.0: resolve &name& attribute of &constructor-arg& element
SpringIntegration support: jdbc:message-store element: provide error if neither or both 'jdbc-operations' and 'data-source' attributes are set
spring: provide completion for &jms:listener&/@method
spring: provide completion for &jms:listener&/@ref
spring: resolve transaction manager reference from @Transactional annotation
SpringIntegration support: validate values of 'failover' attribute of dispatcher element
SpringIntegration support: 'dispatcher' attribute of ch provide warning
SpringIntergration support: intention that creates bean from 'task-executor' attribute should create task:executor element by default instead of simple bean
(Usability Problem)
transaction-manager completion for &tx:annotation-driven& too lenient
SpringIntegration support: filter element: check that exactly one of the 'ref' attribute, 'expression' attribute, or inner bean (&bean/&) definition is provided
SpringIntegration support: pre-defined channels (nullChannek, errorChannel) are not resolved
SpringIntegration support: intention for unresolved channel should create channel, not bean
SpringIntegration support: support ranges using in pool-size attribute value of executor element
SpringIntegration support: support multiple types using in channel's datatype attribute value
spring: metadata-driven completion inconsistent with regular bean reference completion
spring: good code red: &task:executor id=&executor& pool-size=&2-40&/&
JSR-330 @Named and @Qualfier annotations support
Roo console: don't display unprintable symbols (Linux)
SpringIntegration support: 'selector' element is not recognized as spring bean
SpringIntegration support: for 'bean' sublements of 'interceptors' element there is no validation/intentions
Spring profiles: references to beans defined in profiles are not resolved
spring: good code red: &Bean must be of 'java.lang.String' type& (2)
False error marker in Spring facade
[Spring TestContext] Good code red, when using @ContextConfiguration with a loader
SpringIntegration support: ip namespace: tcp-inbound-gateway and tcp-outbound-gateway elements are not recognized as beans
spring aop: good code red
SpringIntegration support: ip namespace: tcp-connection-factory element is not recognized as a bean
Constructor created by intention invocation use wrong types for arguments
spring: duplicate error message for attribute validation error
Roo console: incorrect behavior after typing command and Enter pressing
Placeholders not detected
SpringIntegration support: channel-interceptor element: check that class referenced by inner bean element exists
SpringIntegration support: show error if 'queue' element has both 'message-store' and 'ref' attributes
Wrong &Required Bean Type& inspection when using Spring Security 2.x
SpringIntegration support: jdbc:message-store element is not recognized as bean
SpringIntegration support: 'dispatcher' attribute/subelement should be forbidden for channels with queue
Good ref is marked in red
NPE at
AE at com.intellij.spring.roo.RunSpringRooConsoleAction.actionPerformed
Throwable at com.pletionServiceImpl$CompletionResultSetImpl.withPrefixMatcher
Spring, Change Signature Refactoring: ClassCastException at MVCPathVariableReferenceProvider.getReferencesByElement() on entering numeric literal as default value of java method parameter
IOE at com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil.checkIsIdentifier
CCE at com.intellij.aop.psi.AopReferenceExpression.parseReference
Throwable at com.pletionProgressIndicator.closeAndFinish
Update (class reloading) of a running Tomcat application does not work
(Usability Problem)
Update web configuration dialog should support arrows in options
Cannot Connect to WebSphere 7.0 with enabled security
[javascript] warning on using constructor as function needed
JS Extract variable: Name suggestions should include property name
(Usability Problem)
javascript: introduce variable: name suggestions from parameter name not provided for multi-resolving methods
null is red in jquery 1.4.4.js
JavaScript. Debugger
Exception variable not displayed
Maven Integration
Run Maven goal on 'update' action
(Usability Problem)
Good code red: Maven plugin execution phase none
(Usability Problem)
Line spacing in Maven Artifact Search
Maven integration: IDEA does
not refresh sourcefolders correctly after the active profiles had changed
OSGi Support
Include version number in the jar filename
dmServer support blocks startup/open project on Mac
OSGI + Maven: support existing manifest file using
OSGI: plugin is not compatible with current idea version
SIOOBE at org.osmorc.facet.ui.OsmorcFacetJAREditorTab.reset
(Usability Problem)
Debugger does not retain window state
(Usability Problem)
New debugger tooltips won't go away
(Usability Problem)
XDebug: Debug 'Copy Value' should copy the whole value not the shortened version.
(Usability Problem)
Debugger does not retain watches
(Usability Problem)
PHP debugger: impossible to add, edit remove watches when the script is finished
Funny bug with moving breakpoints
&Watches& window saves state only when debug session is active
Inspection: Detect self assignments
Inspection: illegal type of array key
Add inspection for missing docblock.
Don't show generate actions in unsupported context
Command line support tool broken for custom tools
If close brace: folding mark is absent sometimes
Strange code in zend_f.php (stubs)
Method hierarchy works incorrectly for constructors
Run/Debug PHPUnit
Packaging and Installation
Provide artifact path (and another user-specified parameters) into
Generated ant script does not run pre/post ant tasks
CSS Code Completion produces wrong property
Support Chrome for WebKit Javascript debugging
Typing before folded part of code, unfolds everything below folded code in Javascript
[javascript] no Ctrl+Space suggestion for 'instanceof' keyword
Documentation bugs with new lines
Documentation is shown incorrectly for object properties like &@param {Number} cfg.age&
NPE - JSSuspiciousNameCombinationInspection.readSettings
Plugin Support. API
Ability to provide help id for SessionDialog
PsiTryStatement.getResourceList() returns resource list of nested try statement
Plugin Support. DevKit
Find usages for extension point renders strange search subject name
Project Configuration
Recent projects list contains duplicate paths
Sources attached to an SDK are not re-indexed when changed
New Module wizard: technologies: enabling Application Server support hides the combobox for server selection
Eclipse Import: Do not stop searching recursively if .project file is found
Inspections & &Share Profile& resets to checked on reopening project
Test connection of the JIRA integration blocks Idea for 10 minutes
edit deployment descriptor location: goto module should be enabled
Patch: 'Attach Source Jar Directories'
Project View
&Copy Reference& (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-C) could work for selected package in Project view
while indexing, do not disable &new& menu on project view
Inline Method dialog - show number of invocations to be inlined
(Usability Problem)
Refactor / Move a file item closes this file in the Editor
(Usability Problem)
When refactoring is executed from 'Conflicts' toolwindow, use original action name and not 'Retry'
(Usability Problem)
inline rename: preserve selection
(Usability Problem)
Provide a separate node in rename refactoring preview for dynamic usages
Extract method: signature preview superfluous space
Use product name in safe delete message
Don't show &Rename tests& checkbox when renaming a test class
Refactoring XSLT 2.0 Template parameters doesn't change usage name inside template
Refactoring -& Inline Method applied to methods with varargs of a non-reifiable type results with invalid code
Move Refactoring: move everything from specified directory to the same directory results in package deletion
JDK 7: Diamond: Introduce Refactorings don't consider declaration types when searching for occurrences
&Inline local variable& is wrong with static import
Change Type Signature refactoring produces bad code
rename package should accept invalid identifiers
Inline Method does not work correctly with static synchronized methods
Extract method dialog in JSP scriptlet silently fails to appear
Extract Method in JSP scriptlet throws NullPointerException
Split into 2 if's refactoring drops one of three booleans in expression
'Inline parameter' doesn't care of left-hand-side usages of parameter
Override/Implement dialog shows every method twice when used inside an interface
Introduce constant bug
Introduce Parameter Refactoring: Problems Detected dialog ignores keypress
'Inline parameter' doesn't care of super-call in constructor
Invert boolean refactoring changes return statements in local classes
Refactor Change Signature doesn't remove throws from method signature
&introduce..& refactorings do not consume parameter name information from decompiled stubs if no sources attached
Introduce field refactoring issue.
JDK 7: NPE at TypeMigrationDialog.doAction() on Type Migration Refactoring when changing catch parameter to multi-catch one
Move Refactoring: IllegalArgumentException at RefactoringTransactionImpl$MyRefactoringElementListener.elementMoved() on moving a package between projects
Introduce Parameter Refactoring: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at InplaceIntroduceParameterPopup.getParameter() on introducing a parameter that conflicts with a variable or existing parameter
JDK 7: ClassCastException at typeMigration.Util.canBeMigrated() on Type Migration Refactoring applied to type of multi-catch parameter
JDK 7: Introduce Parameter/Field/Constant Refactorings should not be available for resources in try-with- ClassCastException at LocalToFieldHandler$
JDK 7: Diamonds: IncorrectOperationException at PsiJavaParserFacadeImpl.createTypeElementFromText() on Introduce Refactoring applied to initialization expression of raw generic variable
Assertion failed when trying to re-run usages search for Java class move refactoring
Refactoring -& Change Method Signature: IllegalArgumentException at ChangeSignatureUtil.synchronizeList() on changing over non-varargs and varargs parameters
Refactoring -& Introduce Constant: NPE at IntroduceConstantDialog.doOKAction() on introducing a constant to non-existent class
Introduce Parameter Refactoring: Throwable at IntroduceParameterProcessor.performRefactoring() on refactoring continuation if name conflict has been detected
Structural Search and Replace doesn't work properly for ActionScript
Template Languages. FreeMarker
Some letters flicker when typing
Automatic freemarker instruction closing tag insertion is too pushy
Freemarker template validation
Freemarker: inserting extra closing brace when creating an array variable
Freemarker: ?size built-in for maps - good code red
Freemarker: good code red. Built-ins for strings applied to enums.
(Usability Problem)
Provide better default directory for Export image in UML diagram
UML actions: capitalize words, provide descriptions
UML: Navigation by Alt-F1 doesn't work for package nodes
UML: explicitely added non-static inner classes are not visible on diagram if 'show inner classes' option is on
Diagrams : the &Show Usage& checkbox has no effect on UML class diagrams
CCE at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.ext.uml.actions.MavenExcludeDependency.actionPerformed
AE at com.intellij.uml.Utils.assertForgetToRemoveEdge
NPE at a.j.g.w
Unit Testing. JUnit
Copy action should work on JUnit tree nodes
(Usability Problem)
Add JUnit to classpath quick fix is not shown when &junit& package is highlighted, not a class name
(Usability Problem)
Show 'Comparison Failure' dialog for JUnit 4 assertion failures
JUnit run configuration of Pattern type: &Use classpath and JDK of module& field is enabled and disabled inconsistently
IDEA does not find existent JUnit configuration when Run action is executed in file context, but out of the test class
Unit Testing. TestNG
TestNG: provide ViewAssertEqualsDifference action for assertEquals failures (like in JUnit4)
TestNG Test Runs Terminating Early
User Interface
Implement the swipe-gesture on Mac OS X as &Back& and &Forward&.
(Usability Problem)
Switcher keyboard shortcuts clash with &Goto Next Splitter& and &Goto Previous Splitter&
(Usability Problem)
Renaming - Missing mnemonic for OK
Persist the &Include non-menu actions& checkbox state between the calls to &Find action&
Switcher: on closing one split editor with a file the switcher does not see another opened editor with the same file
Language Filter popup in Go To Class dialog is covered up by list of classes
JDK6 Clipboard-copy bug ('followup' to IDEA-1738 and IDEADEV-1264)
Find Usages dialog has duplicate mnemonic O
Wrong EditorTextField initial size in several places in UI
Cannot view tab menu for find tabs on Mac OS X
Can't close all tabs from Database Console window
Version Control
(Performance Problem)
MembershipMap.putOptimal not optimal
No default focused component in 'Create patch' dialog
Use standard platform file chooser in 'Create patch' action invoked on patch on the shelf
Commit+TODO: Unclear message on commit + misbehaved buttons
Version Control: show Annotation for specified revision from History tab
USE at com.intellij.ide.todo.CustomChangelistTodosTreeBuilder$1.getTodoItemsCount
Version Control. CVS
Still problems with utf-8 properties files (upd: BOM marker is always detected as changed in CVS)
Incorrect encoding in CVS Diff Dialog
Version Control. ClearCase
Throwable at com.intellij.ide.startup.impl.StartupManagerImpl.registerPostStartupActivity
Version Control. Git
(Usability Problem)
Password field is not focused by default in SSH passphrase dialog on Mac
Git Log: Filter by branch: remotes/origin/HEAD -& origin/master doesn't work
NPE preventing from rebase
Git Log: ISE at com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper.ensureEventDispatchThread
Version Control. Perforce
Moving ignored files automatically marks them for add
NPE at com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.IgnoredFilesCompositeHolder.addFile
Version Control. Subversion
(Usability Problem)
Subversion History: Takes Too Much Time to Download
Subversion: unify OpenFile dialogs on Mac OS
Subversion connection thread never times out
Subversion: Duplicated revision number in Annotations on reopen
Subversion: not-cached annotations are closed on losing and tacking focus back.
SVN compare with branch confuses file encoding
Subversion: ClearAuthenticationCache command doesn't remove svn.ssh.server file
Subversion SSH: CCE at org.jetbrains.idea.svn.SvnAuthenticationManager$IdeaSVNHostOptions$2.get
NPE at org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.jna.SVNGnomeKeyring$3.callback
Version Control. TFS
TFS: UI lock on trying to update with reseted TFS passwords
Cannot commit project/change-list to TFS
WI specific
Recognition and support common filetype .htaccess
Javascript debugger feature request: break on exception
(Usability Problem)
Allow to exclude a single file from the project
Broken autocomplete for html tags in .php files
It is impossible to move line inside javascript comment
Web Services
REST-Test: Confusing message
XML editing
XSLT 2.0 Support
XPath: Good code is red
spring: inconsistent completion proposals for &context:exclude-filter&/@type
XPath 2.0 syntax support
Class creation glitch
Content Tools}


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