bookings 10paxover and overr only什么意思

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Latest flight informationPlease check this page for updates on your flight.
Latest update: Monday, 31 October
/ 07:45 AM (Amsterdam time)On this page:Live arrival and departure timesReceive free updates of your flight
? Make sure to save your contact details in . Tip: get the KLM app and let us keep you posted with push messages.
Complete Ban on carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note7The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued an emergency order banning the carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices from commercial air transport. KLM will comply with this emergency order and no longer allow customers to travel with this device in any form & whether on their person, in hand baggage or as checked baggage. This ban applies to all AIR FRANCE, KLM and KLM Cityhopper flights.For more information, please refer to the &?.Group Travel | Group Bookings - Tigerair
Travelling in a group
Passengers travelling in a group of 10 (ten) or more on the same departure and arrival flights may request for a group fare. Group fares are quoted based on the specified travel dates and group size, and are subject to availability.
benefits of using our group booking system
Simple and user-friendly interface.
Fast fare quotation.
Easy to track your requests & booking status anytime, anywhere.
Update names of passengers at your convenience.
Flexible choice of checked baggage and meals.
Flexible payment methods.
how to make a group booking
Login with your registered email address and password from the portal on the left.
Submit your group booking details:
Select the type of flight (One way or round trip)
Select departing and arriving airport
Select departure and return dates
Select preferred flight schedule
Enter the number of passengers travelling
faq for group bookings
What is group booking?
Group booking is a booking option of 10 or more passengers per flight.
Is there a booking fee via Group Desk?
Booking fee or credit card convenience fees are not charged for group bookings.
What are the payment methods?
Payment may be made by the following methods:
Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard only)
Bank transfer (USD, HKD, PHP, SGD, AUD, THB currencies only)
When do I need to submit passenger details?
Passenger details in a group booking must be submitted at least 14 days before flight departure.
Do I enjoy the online promotional fares via Group Desk?
Group Desk offers regular fares only. Promotional fares can be purchased via .
terms and conditions
For terms and conditions, please .
For further enquiries, please contact .
The Singapore office is open Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 0900 to 1700 Singapore Time, and the Australia office is open Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 0900 to 1700 Melbourne Time.}


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