Unity是否不支持把rigidbody加到一个有mesh collider 怎么用的模型中

Rigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make your objects move in a realistic way. Any GameObject must contain a Rigidbody to be influenced by gravity, act under added forces via scripting, or interact with other objects through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine.
The mass of the object (in kilograms by default).
How much air resistance affects the object when moving from forces. 0 means no air resistance, and infinity makes the object stop moving immediately.
Angular Drag
How much air resistance affects the object when rotating from torque. 0 means no air resistance. Note that you cannot make the object stop rotating just by setting its Angular Drag to infinity.
Use Gravity
If enabled, the object is affected by gravity.
Is Kinematic
If enabled, the object will not be driven by the physics engine, and can only be manipulated by its Transform. This is useful for moving platforms or if you want to animate a Rigidbody that has a HingeJoint attached.
Try one of the options only if you are seeing jerkiness in your Rigidbody’s movement.
No Interpolation is applied.
- Interpolate
Transform is smoothed based on the Transform of the previous frame.
- Extrapolate
Transform is smoothed based on the estimated Transform of the next frame.
Collision Detection
Used to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects without detecting collisions.
- Discrete
Use Discreet collision detection against all other colliders in the scene. Other colliders will use Discreet collision detection when testing for collision against it. Used for normal collisions (This is the default value).
- Continuous
Use Discrete collision detection against dynamic colliders (with a rigidbody) and continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). Rigidbodies set to Continuous Dynamic will use continuous collision detection when testing for collision against this rigidbody. Other rigidbodies will use Discreet Collision detection. Used for objects which the Continuous Dynamic detection needs to collide with. (This has a big impact on physics performance, leave it set to Discrete, if you don’t have issues with collisions of fast objects)
- Continuous Dynamic
Use continuous collision detection against objects set to Continuous and Continuous Dynamic Collision. It will also use continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). For all other colliders it uses discreet collision detection. Used for fast moving objects.
Restrictions on the Rigidbody’s motion:-
- Freeze Position
Stops the Rigidbody moving in the world X, Y and Z axes selectively.
- Freeze Rotation
Stops the Rigidbody rotating around the world X, Y and Z axes selectively.
Rigidbodies allow your GameObjects to act under control of the physics engine. This opens the gateway to realistic collisions, varied types of joints, and other very cool behaviors. Manipulating your GameObjects by adding forces to a Rigidbody creates a very different feel and look than adjusting the Transform Component directly. Generally, you shouldn’t manipulate the Rigidbody and the Transform of the same GameObject - only one or the other.
The biggest difference between manipulating the Transform versus the Rigidbody is the use of forces. Rigidbodies can receive forces and torque, but Transforms cannot. Transforms can be translated and rotated, but this is not the same as using physics. You’ll notice the distinct difference when you try it for yourself. Adding forces/torque to the Rigidbody will actually change the object’s position and rotation of the Transform component. This is why you should only be using one or the other. Changing the Transform while using physics could cause problems with collisions and other calculations.
Rigidbodies must be explicitly added to your GameObject before they will be affected by the physics engine. You can add a Rigidbody to your selected object from Components-&Physics-&Rigidbody in the menu. Now your object is physics- it will fall under gravity and can receive forces via scripting, but you may need to add a Collider or a Joint to get it to behave exactly how you want.
When an object is under physics control, it moves semi-independently of the way its transform parents move. If you move any parents, they will pull the Rigidbody child along with them. However, the Rigidbodies will still fall down due to gravity and react to collision events.
To control your Rigidbodies, you will primarily use scripts to add forces or torque. You do this by calling
on the object’s Rigidbody. Remember that you shouldn’t be directly altering the object’s Transform when you are using physics.
For some situations, mainly creating ragdoll effects, it is neccessary to switch control of the object between animations and physics. For this purpose Rigidbodies can be marked . While the Rigidbody is marked isKinematic, it will not be affected by collisions, forces, or any other part of the physics system. This means that you will have to control the object by manipulating the
component directly. Kinematic Rigidbodies will affect other objects, but they themselves will not be affected by physics. For example, Joints which are attached to Kinematic objects will constrain any other Rigidbodies attached to them and Kinematic Rigidbodies will affect other Rigidbodies through collisions.
Colliders are another kind of component that must be added alongside the Rigidbody in order to allow collisions to occur. If two Rigidbodies bump into each other, the physics engine will not calculate a collision unless both objects also have a Collider attached. Collider-less Rigidbodies will simply pass through each other during physics simulation.
Colliders define the physical boundaries of a Rigidbody
Add a Collider with the Component-&Physics menu. View the Component Reference page of any individual Collider for more specific information:
- primitive shape of a cube
- primitive shape of a sphere
- primitive shape of a capsule
- creates a collider from the object’s mesh, cannot collide with another Mesh Collider
- specifically for creating cars or other moving vehicles
- handles collision with Unity’s terrain system
Compound Colliders
Compound Colliders are combinations of primitive Colliders, collectively acting as a single Collider. They come in handy when you have a model that would be too complex or costly in terms of performance to simulate exactly, and want to simulate the collision of the shape in an optimal way using simple approximations. To create a Compound Collider, create child objects of your colliding object, then add a Collider component to each child object. This allows you to position, rotate, and scale each Collider easily and independently of one another. You can build your compound collider out of a number of primitive colliders and/or convex mesh colliders.
A real-world Compound Collider setup
In the above picture, the Gun Model GameObject has a Rigidbody attached, and multiple primitive Colliders as child GameObjects. When the Rigidbody parent is moved around by forces, the child Colliders move along with it. The primitive Colliders will collide with the environment’s Mesh Collider, and the parent Rigidbody will alter the way it moves based on forces being applied to it and how its child Colliders interact with other Colliders in the Scene.
Mesh Colliders can’t normally collide with each other. If a Mesh Collider is marked as Convex, then it can collide with another Mesh Collider. The typical solution is to use primitive Colliders for any objects that move, and Mesh Colliders for static background objects.
Continuous Collision Detection
Continuous collision detection is a feature to prevent fast-moving colliders from passing each other. This may happen when using normal (Discrete) collision detection, when an object is one side of a collider in one frame, and already passed the collider in the next frame. To solve this, you can enable continuous collision detection on the rigidbody of the fast-moving object. Set the collision detection mode to Continuous to prevent the rigidbody from passing through any static (ie, non-rigidbody) MeshColliders. Set it to Continuous Dynamic to also prevent the rigidbody from passing through any other supported rigidbodies with collision detection mode set to Continuous or Continuous Dynamic.
Continuous collision detection is supported for Box-, Sphere- and CapsuleColliders. Note that continuous collision detection is intended as a safety net to catch collisions in cases where objects would otherwise pass through each other, but will not deliver physically accurate collision results, so you might still consider decreasing the fixed Time step value in the TimeManager inspector to make the simulation more precise, if you run into problems with fast moving objects.
Use the right size
The size of the your GameObject’s mesh is much more important than the mass of the Rigidbody. If you find that your Rigidbody is not behaving exactly how you expect - it moves slowly, floats, or doesn’t collide correctly - consider adjusting the scale of your mesh asset. Unity’s default unit scale is 1 unit = 1 meter, so the scale of your imported mesh is maintained, and applied to physics calculations. For example, a crumbling skyscraper is going to fall apart very differently than a tower made of toy blocks, so objects of different sizes should be modeled to accurate scale.
If you are modeling a human make sure he is around 2 meters tall in Unity. To check if your object has the right size compare it to the default cube. You can create a cube using GameObject & 3D Object & Cube. The cube’s height will be exactly 1 meter, so your human should be twice as tall.
If you aren’t able to adjust the mesh itself, you can change the uniform scale of a particular mesh asset by selecting it in Project View and choosing Assets-&Import Settings… from the menu. Here, you can change the scale and re-import your mesh.
If your game requires that your GameObject needs to be instantiated at different scales, it is okay to adjust the values of your Transform’s scale axes. The downside is that the physics simulation must do more work at the time the object is instantiated, and could cause a performance drop in your game. This isn’t a terrible loss, but it is not as efficient as finalizing your scale with the other two options. Also keep in mind that non-uniform scales can create undesirable behaviors when Parenting is used. For these reasons it is always optimal to create your object at the correct scale in your modeling application.
The relative Mass of two Rigidbodies determines how they react when they collide with each other.
Making one Rigidbody have greater Mass than another does not make it fall faster in free fall. Use Drag for that.
A low Drag value makes an object seem heavy. A high one makes it seem light. Typical values for Drag are between .001 (solid block of metal) and 10 (feather).
If you are directly manipulating the Transform component of your object but still want physics, attach a Rigidbody and make it Kinematic.
If you are moving a GameObject through its Transform component but you want to receive Collision/Trigger messages, you must attach a Rigidbody to the object that is moving.
You cannot make an object stop rotating just by setting its Angular Drag to infinity.
Mesh Collider
Sphere Collidertrackbacks-0
碰撞器:一群组件,它包含了很多种类,比如:Box Collider(盒碰撞体),Mesh Collider(网格碰撞体)等,这些碰撞器应用的场合不同,但都必须加到GameObjecet身上。
  1.MonoBehaviour.OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)当进入触发器
  1.MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) 当进入碰撞器
  2.MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionExit(Collision collision) 当退出碰撞器
  3.MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionStay(Collision collision) &当逗留碰撞器
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
  当未勾选碰撞器的Is Trigger选项时汽车与球体发生碰撞,进入方法OnCollisionEnter,碰撞之后汽车产生被球体撞飞的效果:
  如果将碰撞器的Is Trigger属性选中,再次启动游戏让球体与汽车产生接触,这时进入方法OnTriggerEnter。之后球体直接穿过汽车,但球体与汽车都没有产生碰撞效果:
  当Is Trigger=false时,碰撞器根据物理引擎引发碰撞,产生碰撞的效果,可以调用OnCollisionEnter/Stay/Exit函数;
  当Is Trigger=true时,碰撞器被物理引擎所忽略,没有碰撞效果,可以调用OnTriggerEnter/Stay/Exit函数。
另外,collider的性能和效率大概的顺序是:Sphere Collider & Capsule & Box Collider & Mesh Collider.
通过菜单Component-&Physics menu来添加一个碰撞器。
Box Collider盒碰撞器--基本形状是个盒子。
Sphere Collider 球碰撞器--基本形状是个球。
Capsule Collider 胶囊碰撞器--基本形状是个胶囊。
Mesh Collider 网格碰撞器--从物体的网格创建一个碰撞器。不能与其他网格碰撞器相碰撞。
Wheel Collider 轮碰撞器--特殊的碰撞器,用于创建车或其他移动交通工具。
Material 材质
Is Trigger 是否触发器
Radius 半径
Center 中心
Size 大小 在X、Y、Z三维上的碰撞器尺寸。
Smooth Sphere Collisions 平滑性状碰撞 当被激活,碰撞网格法线是平滑的。用于平滑表面比如由没有棱角的平滑起伏组成的起伏地表时应该激活。
Convex 凸起的 如激活,该网格碰撞器将会和其他网格碰撞器碰撞。凸起的网格碰撞器限制在255个三角形面内。
网格碰撞器之间通常不相互碰撞,但如果一个网格碰撞器被标记为凸起的(Convex ),那么它就可以与其他网格碰撞器碰撞。典型的解决方案是,对移动的对象使用基本碰撞器,而对静态环境对象使用网格碰撞器。
Static Colliders 静态碰撞器
你不要逐帧移动 一个静态碰撞器,移动静态碰撞器将导致PhysX引擎的内部重置,非常耗费资源,而且会造成性能的极大下降。另外,基于一个静态碰撞器唤醒其他刚体的行为 是未定义的,而且移动静态碰撞器将不会对碰到它的刚体施加摩擦力。取而代之的是,要移动的碰撞器要保持是运动学刚体。
  Layer-Based Collision Detection 基于层的碰撞检测
在Unity3以后版本,我们介绍了一种称为&基于层的碰撞检测&(Layer-Based Collision Detection)的东西,可以让你有选择地控制Unity对象和他们附加的特定层碰撞。
Edit-&Project Settings-&Physics.,打开物理引用界面. 在碰撞矩阵中选择要与其他层相互作用的层,勾选即可.
Static Collider 静态碰撞器
These are GameObjects that do&not&have a Rigidbody attached, but&do&have a Collider attached. These objects should remain still, or move very little. These work great for your environment geometry. They will not move if a Rigidbody collides with them.
Rigidbody Collider 刚体碰撞器&
These GameObjects contain both a Rigidbody and a Collider. They are completely affected by the physics engine through scripted forces and collisions. They might collide with a GameObject that only contains a Collider. These will likely be your primary type of Collider in games that use physics.
Kinematic Rigidbody Collider 运动学刚体碰撞器
This GameObject contains a Collider and a Rigidbody which is marked IsKinematic. To move this GameObject, you modify its&&Component, rather than applying forces. They're similar to Static Colliders but will work better when you want to move the Collider around frequently. There are some other specialized scenarios for using this GameObject.
运动学刚体碰撞器是个非常懒惰和霸道的家伙,它碰到其他碰撞器完全没有反应(其实还是有点反应,会触发一些碰撞函数的,后面有解释)。它不受力、重力或扭矩的影响。可以通过设置Transform 的position和rotation来准确的操作它们或者让它们动起来,但是,它们可以和其他的非运动学刚体互相作用。对于放在运动学刚体碰撞器上面的刚体,会受到运动学刚体施加的摩擦力。
Character Controllers 角色控制器
You use&&if you want to make a humanoid character. This could be the main character in a third person platformer, FPS shooter or any enemy characters.
These Controllers don't follow the rules of physics since it will not feel right (in Doom you run 90 miles per hour, come to halt in one frame and turn on a dime). Instead, a Character Controller performs collision detection to make sure your characters can slide along walls, walk up and down stairs, etc.
Character Controllers are not affected by forces but they can push Rigidbodies by applying forces to them from a script. Usually, all humanoid characters are implemented using Character Controllers.
Character Controllers are inherently unphysical, thus if you want to apply real physics - Swing on ropes, get pushed by big rocks - to your character you have to use a Rigidbody, this will let you use joints and forces on your character. Character Controllers are always aligned along the Y axis, so you also need to use a Rigidbody if your character needs to be able to change orientation in space (for example under a changing gravity). However, be aware that tuning a Rigidbody to feel right for a character is hard due to the unphysical way in which game characters are expected to behave. Another difference is that Character Controllers can slide smoothly over steps of a specified height, while Rigidbodies will not.
The Controller does not react to forces on its own and it does not automatically push Rigidbodies away.
If you want to push Rigidbodies or objects with the Character Controller, you can apply forces to any object that it collides with via the OnControllerColliderHit() function through scripting.
On the other hand, if you want your player character to be affected by physics then you might be better off using a&&instead of the Character Controller.
四、A (碰撞体,关闭IsTrigger),B(碰撞体和刚体,开启IsTrigger),没有触发事件。
五、A (碰撞体,开启IsTrigger),B(碰撞体和刚体,关闭IsTrigger),没有触发事件。
对于碰撞时是否会发出碰撞函数(或触发信息),可以见下表。碰撞信息是指OnCollisionEnter() OnCollisionStay()和 OnCollisionExit()这三个函数,而触发信息指的是OnTriggerEnter() OnTriggerStay和OnTriggerExit()三个函数。
Collision detection occurs and messages are sent upon collision碰撞后有碰撞检测并有碰撞信息发出
Static Collider静态碰撞器
Rigidbody Collider刚体碰撞器
Kinematic&Rigidbody Collider运动学刚体碰撞器
Static&Trigger Collider静态触发碰撞器
Rigidbody&Trigger Collider刚体触发碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody&Trigger Collider运动学刚体触发碰撞器
Static Collider 静态碰撞器
Rigidbody Collider 刚体碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody Collider&运动学刚体碰撞器
Static Trigger Collider静态触发碰撞器
Rigidbody Trigger Collider刚体触发碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider运动学刚体触发碰撞器
Trigger messages are sent upon collision碰撞后有触发信息
Static Collider静态碰撞器
Rigidbody Collider刚体碰撞器
Kinematic&Rigidbody Collider运动学刚体碰撞器
Static&Trigger Collider静态触发碰撞器
Rigidbody&Trigger Collider刚体触发碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody&Trigger Collider运动学刚体触发碰撞器
Static Collider 静态碰撞器
Rigidbody Collider 刚体碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody Collider运动学刚体碰撞器
Static Trigger Collider 静态触发碰撞器
Rigidbody Trigger Collider刚体触发碰撞器
Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider运动学刚体触发碰撞器
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