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I have three files 1.zip, 1.z01 1.z02. I would like to extract and join them into a file, by right clicking 1.zip and selecting "Extract Here". But then there comes an error:
7-Zip 9.04 beta
Copyright (c)
Igor Pavlov
p7zip Version 9.04
Error: /home/tim/Desktop/1.zip:
Can not open file as archive
I was wondering what the problem it is and how I can solve it?
Thanks and regards!
Is my usage of "unzip -FF" wrong? It seems not work:
$ unzip -FF 1.zip
warning [1.zip]:
zipfile claims to be last disk of a multi-
attempting to process anyway, assuming all parts have been concatenated
together in order.
Expect "errors" and warnings...true multi-part support
doesn't exist yet (coming soon).
bad zipfile offset (local header sig):
Thanks again!
2nd ADDED:
Still ain't right.
$ cat 1.z01 1.z02 1.zip & combined.zip && unzip -FF combined.zip
warning [combined.zip]:
zipfile claims to be last disk of a multi-
attempting to process anyway, assuming all parts have been concatenated
together in order.
Expect "errors" and warnings...true multi-part support
doesn't exist yet (coming soon).
warning [combined.zip]:
extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
bad zipfile offset (local header sig):
(attempting to re-compensate)
extracting: 1.wmv
bad CRC ee181eef
(should be f3c61875)
It generated 1.wmv, which can play well only until
midway in Gnome Mplayer.
3rd ADDED: Am I using 7z wrongly:
$ 7z e 1.z01
7-Zip 9.04 beta
Copyright (c)
Igor Pavlov
p7zip Version 9.04 (locale=en_US.utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,2 CPUs)
Processing archive: 1.z01
Error: Can not open file as archive
$ 7z e 1.zip
7-Zip 9.04 beta
Copyright (c)
Igor Pavlov
p7zip Version 9.04 (locale=en_US.utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,2 CPUs)
Processing archive: 1.zip
Error: Can not open file as archive
I have the same issue today with Mass Effect 3. Stupid coders-for-food broke the installation of Mass Effect 3 in new version of origin on windows and my wine of course too (installation hangs on 99%). I have to make manually installation:
cp /mnt/cdrom1/Mass\ Effect\ 3.z01 ~/temp/Mass\ Effect\ 3.z01
cp /mnt/cdrom2/Mass\ Effect\ 3.zip ~/temp/Mass\ Effect\ 3.zip
zip -FF Mass\ Effect\ 3.zip --out Mass\ Effect\ 3.zip.fixed
mkdir Mass\ Effect\ 3
unzip -d Mass\ Effect\ 3/ Mass\ Effect\ 3.zip.fixed
du --total Mass\ Effect\ 3
(~10.5 GB =& success)
zip -FF should be applied to last part of archive, it will automatically check for all parts
zip -FF 1.zip --out 1-full.zip
unzip -FF 1-full.zip
I think most likely some data is broken many times so you need the -FF still in unzip. A single -F may work also though.
I also had some issues. man unzip said the following:
Also, zip 3.0 and later can combine multi-part (split) archives into a combined single-file archive using ``zip -s- inarchive -O outarchive''.
This (zip -s- vmdkdisk -O combined) seems to work for me... (combine vmdkdisk.z01 and vmdkdisk.zip into one file combined.zip)
According to reading , "Split .zip" archives can be recombined and unpacked using unzip -FF.
Go to the directory where the archives are, through terminal.
If they are on desktop, command is:
cd ~/Desktop
~ is your home folder name. Create full archive, by using this command:
zip -F (name of last part of archive, which will end with .zip, not .z0X) --out (desired output name of compiled archive, if has spaces put " marks around the name).zip
Full archive is now created.
Unpack the full archive, by using this command:
unzip (full archive name, with " marks around it if has spaces).zip -d (destination folder directory, see first step)
It appears 7zip doesn't support multi-volume ZIP archives.
Put all the files file.z01, file.z02, file.z03, ..., file.zip in the same directory.
In Zip 3.0 version the following commands worked for me:
$ zip -s- zip_file.zip -O zip_file_full.zip
$ unzip zip_file_full.zip
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