
registered trade mark sign
spacing macron - overline
degree sign
plus-or-minus sign
superscript two - squared
superscript three - cubed
acute accent - spacing acute
micro sign
pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
middle dot - Georgian comma
spacing cedilla
superscript one
masculine ordinal indicator
right double angle quotes
fraction one quarter
fraction one half
fraction three quarters
inverted question mark
latin capital letter A with grave
latin capital letter A with acute
latin capital letter A with circumflex
latin capital letter A with tilde
latin capital letter A with diaeresis
latin capital letter A with ring above
latin capital letter AE
latin capital letter C with cedilla
latin capital letter E with grave
latin capital letter E with acute
latin capital letter E with circumflex
latin capital letter E with diaeresis
latin capital letter I with grave
latin capital letter I with acute
latin capital letter I with circumflex
latin capital letter I with diaeresis
latin capital letter ETH
latin capital letter N with tilde
latin capital letter O with grave
latin capital letter O with acute
latin capital letter O with circumflex
latin capital letter O with tilde
latin capital letter O with diaeresis
multiplication sign
latin capital letter O with slash
latin capital letter U with grave
latin capital letter U with acute
latin capital letter U with circumflex
latin capital letter U with diaeresis
latin capital letter Y with acute
latin capital letter THORN
latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
latin small letter a with grave
latin small letter a with acute
latin small letter a with circumflex
latin small letter a with tilde
latin small letter a with diaeresis
latin small letter a with ring above
latin small letter ae
latin small letter c with cedilla
latin small letter e with grave
latin small letter e with acute
latin small letter e with circumflex
latin small letter e with diaeresis
latin small letter i with grave
latin small letter i with acute
latin small letter i with circumflex
latin small letter i with diaeresis
latin small letter eth
latin small letter n with tilde
latin small letter o with grave
latin small letter o with acute
latin small letter o with circumflex
latin small letter o with tilde
latin small letter o with diaeresis
division sign
latin small letter o with slash
latin small letter u with grave
latin small letter u with acute
latin small letter u with circumflex
latin small letter u with diaeresis
latin small letter y with acute
latin small letter thorn
latin small letter y with diaeresis
Unicode Characters Supported By Most Browsers
not equal to
less-than or equal to
greater-than or equal to
black spade suit
black club suit, shamrock
black heart suit, valentine
black diamond suit
The original version of this table was created by editing and adding to a table I found at . Since then, however, this table has gone through many iterations, and I even tried creating an XML-based version, figuring that XML would be the perfect way to hold all the different codes and entities needed. Well, that didn't work out, mainly because XML won't support non-standard HTML entities, and when I tried to get the non-standard entities to build themselves in the XSL stylesheet instead, that didn't work either. The result of all that experimentation was, however, that I recreated the underlying HTML table code from scratch.
To get the correct Unicode hex values, I used the Windows Character Map utility.
This table is not complete (though it is much more complete than it used to be). To save time, I concentrated on the symbols and characters I use most often in my own pages. In particular, I left out the Greek characters. You can get the entity codes for those at the HTML Character Entities site listed above.
Copyright &# Chuck Evans. All Rights Reserved.特殊字符转义表
不断开空格(non-breaking space)
ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)字符集
符号、数学符号和希腊字母 &symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters
markup-significant and internationalization characters
这就要说到HTML转义字符串(Escape Sequence)了。
转义字符串(Escape Sequence)也称字符实体(Character Entity)。在HTML中,定义转义字符串的原因有两个:第一个原因是像&&&和&&&这类符号已经用来表示HTML标签,因此就不能直接当作文本中的符号来使用。为了在HTML文档中使用这些符号,就需要定义它的转义字符串。当解释程序遇到这类字符串时就把它解释为真实的字符。在输入转义字符串时,要严格遵守字母大小写的规则。第二个原因是,有些字符在ASCII字符集中没有定义,因此需要使用转义字符串来表示。
转义字符串(Escape Sequence),即字符实体(Character Entity)分成三部分:第一部分是一个&符号,英文叫ampersand;第二部分是实体(Entity)名字或者是#加上实体(Entity)编号;第三部分是一个分号。
比如,要显示小于号(&),就可以写 & 或者 < 。
用实体(Entity)名字的好处是比较好理解,一看lt,大概就猜出是less than的意思,但是其劣势在于并不是所有的浏览器都支持最新的Entity名字。而实体(Entity)编号,各种浏览器都能处理。


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