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It has just been confirmed that a 30-year-old Siamese from Mansfield, Texas is the new oldest cat alive.
Mutua Madrid Open, along with recruitment agency Adecco (both Spain), successfully broke the world record for the most people bouncing tennis balls on tennis rackets.
In a tribute to Moroccan culture which considers tea a symbol of sharing, hospitality and respect, family business Sultan Tea recently created a 4 m (13 ft 1 in) tall teapot.
On the set of Italy’s Lo Show Dei Record, Ricardo Piedras broke the record for longest jump with a back flip performed on a minibike with a 12.72-m (41-ft 9-in) backward somersault.
It has been said that Ron Cooper (USA) is pound-for-pound the strongest man in the world, and he recently took on two Guinness World Records titles in an attempt to demonstrate his strength.
In this week’s episode, the Shenyang Jinying Youth Acrobatics Troupe from China set an incredible record for the most roller skating spins performed hanging by the neck in 30 seconds.
Today marks the 154th anniversary of Cinco de Mayo, a commemoration of the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.
The Medical University of Varna has broken the Guinness World Records title after 4,000 participants gathered on the South Beach in Varna last month.
For many a science fiction fan within this galaxy, May 4th marks Star Wars Day – an event which sees aficionados of the hugely successful movie series celebrate Star Wars culture.
Loblaw Companies Limited cooked a naan weighing 32 kg (70 lb 8.64 oz) and measuring 4.96 m (16 ft 3.24 in) in length and 1.26 m (4 ft 1.56 in width.
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