abap web dynproo 和webabap web dynproo 一样吗

SAP ABAP Web dynpro 跟踪 调试 工具_中华文本库
Web Dynpro For ABAP跟踪测试工具简介
从传统ABAP UI开发(如Dynpro,ABAP List等等)直接转到Web Dynpro For ABAP开发来,我们可能会发现那些传统的跟踪测试工具(如SAT,也许SAAB还是一个简单易用的、合适的工具)并不适用在Web Dynpro For ABAP上。即使你有ITS的开发测试经验,知道如何通过ICF来跟踪测试Web应用,但是如果你把相同的方法用在Web Dynpro For ABAP上,会发现有相当的局限性。
SAP为Web Dynpro For ABAP提供了一组工具,以帮助程序员跟踪测试。
SAP EHP 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
SAP_BASIS 702 support package level 0
SAP_ABA 702 support package level 0
Windows XP SP2
SAP GUI For Windows 710 Patch level 14
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13
第一部分 服务器端跟踪工具
第二部分 浏览器端跟踪工具
第三部分 性能监视器
第一部分 服务器端跟踪工具
在Web应用服务器端,SAP为Web Dynpro For ABAP的跟踪设计了一个运行于.Net
framework上的称为Web Dynpro trace tool的工具。这个工具可以收集Web Dynpro应用程序在整个(或者部分)运行时中,数据交互、事件处理、HTTP请求/响应等等信息,可以用于错误分析等。
- 离线方式:将跟踪数据生成HTML页面,并打包下载至本地。
- 在线方式:直接在浏览器中浏览实时的数据。
07.2009第 1 页
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众所周知,WEBDYNPRO是今天来SAP主推的一个面向WEB的MVC编程框架,接触过J2EE的朋友都不会对MVC这种设计模式陌生,WEBDYNPRO ABAP的基本设计思路和很多著名的面向互联网的MVC框架很相似(比如STRUCTS)
SAPNETWEAVER 平台上也有WEBDYNPRO的一些标准应用,譬如PI RWB上面的ALERT CONFIGRATION功能,理解WEBDYNPRO的工作原理,有助于技术顾问在实施项目的时候很好的处理一些相关的异常问题。
前提:在应用WEBDYNPRO之前,首先要将你的APPLICATION SERVER中的FQDN配置好,也就是说您的WS必须是Full Qualified Domain Name,如:这种形式,任何以IP地址或者机器名称为命名的
URL地址都不能正常访问WEBDYNPRO,因此在开始开发WEBDYNPRO之前,首先我们要和BASIS确认服务器是Full Qualified Domain Name即FQDN。
1 Views: 相当于我们的一个个页面,传统意义上的V(MVC),每个VIEW里面有一个CONTROLLER,CONTROLLER里面有上下文(用来存储相当于我们认为的在每个VIEW范围内的局部变量),EVENT HANDLER,还有属于VIEW的一些HOOK MATHOD等。
2 Controller:传统意义上的C(MVC),存储上下文数据节点,METHOD,EVENT,有关页面跳转的OUTBOUND PLUG和INBOUND PLUG等等都存在其中,Component Controller是COMPONENT范围内一个全局的CONTROLLER,所有的VIEW中的Controller
可以和Component Controller进行数据映射,从而达到VIEW之间共享传递数据的功能。
3 Windows 相当于VIEWS以及VIEWS之间导航的预定义的集合(STRUCTS也有基本上同样的设计),VIEW之间依靠定义INBOUND PLUG和 OUTBOUND PLUG的NAVIGATION LINK的激发实现导航,我们可以通过OUT_BOUND plug传递参数或者通过VIEW
controller和Component Controller之间的上下文映射实现VIEW之间的数据共享。
4 Component Interface: WEBDYNPRO 实现组件复用的基础,WEBDYNPRO应用程序时可以实现组件嵌套的,比如我们开发了一个COMPONENT可以被另一个COMPOPENT使用,WEBDYNPRO的ALV就是个典型的例子。
而Component Interface(包括INTERFACE VIEWS和INTERFACECONTROLLER )是组件暴露出来供给其他组件使用调用。
1 首先在SE80创建WEBDYNPRO应用
2 创建VIEW
3 给VIEWS上面拖拽控件:
4 创建VIEW的CONTEXT,CONTEXT须和VIEWS上的某些控件的特定属性绑定,这样当我们改变了CONTEXT的某个节点的数据,那么相应控件的值也会跟着改变,比如这个我们创建了CONTEXT的一个节点下的NAME字段用于存放和绑定INPUT BOX里面的VALUE属性。
5 建立CONPONENT CONTROLLER中的CONTEXT节点并且和VIEW CONTEXT相应节点映射,这样就相当于把全局变量和局部变量相关联
8 最后在某些事件如 CLICK BUTTON中激发PLUG方法实现页面导航:
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(1)(1)(4)(2)(4)(4)(1)(10)(7)(26)(3)(6)(9)(9)(8)(20)(1)(4)(40)(7)(5)Join this session to learn how Johnson and Johnson leveraged the SAP Enterprise Portal to create an enjoyable, modern, personalized, and multi-channel aggregation point based on the SAP portal platform.
Session Code:PO460 / Room Number: S310E
p.m. &# p.m.
Join me at SAP d-Code Las Vegas Oct 20-24, 2014.
Learn How Johnson and Johnson Redesigned its Global SAP Enterprise Portal Lecture (1hr)
Join this session to learn how Johnson and Johnson leveraged the SAP Enterprise Portal to create an enjoyable, modern, personalized, and multi-channel aggregation point based on the SAP portal platform.
All listed SAP Notes are valid for NW04 and NW04s.
Problem Reporting
Required information for web dynpro problem reporting
You want to report a web dynpro problem. To help us working on the reported problem, please provide the following information.
Detailed error messages with stack trace in Web Dynpro
The error messages raised by Web Dynpro for Java, part of SAP NetWeaver, don’t have the required level of detail.
Web Dynpro Application Compatibility WebAS SPx -& SPx+n
Will applications developed and run under a specific NetWeaver release and service pack SPx (e.g. SP8) run under SPx+n (e.g. SP9 or SP10) engines and vice versa?
HTML Client
Web Dynpro and Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7.0
Web Dynpro applications are not displayed in the browser version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, Exception is “Sorry, your browser/program is not supported by Web Dynpro!”
Solution: Microsoft IE 7 browser version will be supported starting with support packages NetWeaver04 SPS19 and NetWeaver04s SP10. If an earlier version of Web Dynpro is used, there are two possibilities to enable IE7 for Web Dynpro.
Popup Blocker Enabled: Memory usage grows – Backend connections keep alive
Web Dynpro Applications do not terminate when the browser is closed or navigation to other applications/pages is triggered. Thus memory usage grows as well as backend connections and thus database locks keep open until http session timeout occurs (preconfigured to 30 min). Solution: Please deactivate the popup blocker for those URLs that point to the SAP Web Application Servers and/or the Enterprise Portal.
Controller Coding
Do not use internal APIs (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError and due to the improper use of internal API other errors, side effects, program failure. See also Never Ever Hijack Internal Web Dynpro Classes and Interfaces …
Deployment destroys other DC
Deployment of a Web Dynpro DC destroys another (previously deployed) DC. The thrown exception is “Cannot find repository information for …” or other effects indicating that some data is missing (or is superfluous) in the Web Dynpro Runtime Repository.
Reason: A qualified name (for a class, Web Dynpro Application, Web Dynpro Component) must be used only in one DC. The DC concept provides assigning packages uniquely to a DC for reaching this goal. However, the DC tools do not enforce this restriction. If a Web Dynpro Component (or Application) with the same qualified name is contained in more than one DC then deploying one of the DCs destroys the meta data in the runtime repository of the other DC.
NOTE: Beginning with SAP NetWeaver 04s SP Stack 11 the deployment manager will check the existance of the same package in an already deployed DC during deployment. In case such a package collision is detected the DC deployment is aborted. This check will not be provided within SAP NetWeaver 04.
Adaptive RFC Model
Troubleshooting JCo and AdaptiveRFC in Web Dynpro for Java
Problems when using JCo connections and AdaptiveRFC in SAP Web Dynpro for Java, part of SAP NetWeaver.
When using JCo connections to the backend some sessions in the backend stay alive though they are not refered to anymore.
Test of JCo connection in Web Dynpro Content Administrator fails
SSO ticket is expired when accessing backend systems via JCo connections
Inconsistent Metadata with AdaptiveRFC
DataAccessException: Type conversion error, field …
Metadata Destination does not point to the same system as the Data Destination
Displayed Type information (such as label texts or field lengths) are not consistent with the types information of the underlying ABAP backend system
Metadata is not invalidated without J2EE Engine restart
NOTE: SAP is currently investigating a possible workaround to explicitly invalidate the Adaptive RFC Dictionary Cache within a non-productive, i.e. development or test environment, without mandatory restart of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. This explicit invalidation could either be based on some workaround coding or on an additional administrative function “Invalidate Adaptive RFC Dictionary Cache” within the Web Dynpro console. SAP Note 859950 and this WebLog will be updated as soon as this workaround is implemented.
Session Management
Session Management for Web Dynpro Applications
Web Dynpro session unknown
Exception “SessionExpiredLongJumpException”
Problems with Web Dynpro session management
Error message like com.sap.tc.webdynpro.sessionmanagement.ExceptionHandler.handleExpiration, Session unknown, Request with URI={0} was sent to unknown session, com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.SessionExpiredLongJumpException, Application session has expired
Error message like Session expiration, Request with URI=&…& was sent to expired session, Destruction reason=&…&
Switch on traces for Web Dynpro session management in NW04
In case of problems in Web Dynpro session management (e.g. an application instance isn’t terminated as expected, unexpected session expired messages), switch on the tracing of the Web Dynpro runtime.
Locales, languages, date and time formats in Web Dynpro
A wrong language or locale is used after you logged on to the system?
Calendar dates are formatted in an unintended way?
Language change in the portal (through portal personalization) does not get immediately reflected in the Web Dynpro iViews?
Business Graphics
Business Graphics and/or Geo Maps are not displayed
Business graphics and/or GeoMaps are not displayed in Web Dynpro. Solution: Maintain the default of URL of the IGS.
Often end users see run time error pages in portal with 500 internal server message and large amount log trace displayed to them. It doesn’t make any sense for end user stand point to show all these trace.
Now the question is what are the options we have are and how to customize the standard error pages with custom.
First thing you need to do is disable java-webdynpro development mode in Production Portal
Webdynpro Development Mode
Secondly create custom meaningful error message pages to endusers.
Long waiting UI development toolkit for HTML5 (SAPUI5) is available now for download. Get dirty your hands on this new UI technology for SAP which is going to rooled next generation
SAPUI5 Beta Download
SAPUI5 SDK Documentation’
Podcast on SAPUI5
We more freqently encounter the situation where if we have to reimport the webdynpro model because of the changes in BAPI and NWDS prompts for server restart. This required restart in production portal if you are moving code. Below is the article which talks abot Webdynpro Adoptive RFC Cache Validation.
The SAP User Interfaces Roadmap gives a brief insight in SAPs short, mid and longterm strategy and roadmap towards the different major UI Frameworks and Technologies. This is the first version of this document, further (updated) versions with even broader scope will follow.
Please also refer
Came across this blog and two important SAP notes 6058 which are mandatory for securing external facing portal applications.Most Important SAP Notes information for all security related vulnerabilities
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Who's Online3 visitors online now2 guests, 1 bots, 0 membersPowered byALV-For-WebDynpro 详细描述了ALV在SAP的 开发中的使用方式和配置技巧,对 的表格 进 Web Server 238万源代码下载-
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&详细说明:详细描述了ALV在SAP的WebDynpro开发中的使用方式和配置技巧,对Webdynpro的表格开发进行详细指导-Described in detail in the SAP WebDynpro ALV development of usage and configuration skills development for Webdynpro table for detailed guidance
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