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Uninstalling VisualSVN 2.0 from Visual Studio 2010 - Super User
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Is there a way to uninstall VisualSVN 2.0 from Visual Studio 2010?
There is no uninstaller in the Control Panel and I can't find it to remove it in Visual Studio 2010.
Is the only option just to remove the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN ?
From VS: Tools->Extension Manager->Visual SVN->Uninstall
Tools-&Extension Manager-&Visual SVN-&Uninstall .
In visual studio 2010, Uninstall button is disabled. If disabled, go
and install the visual svn again. During installation, you will get an remove option. Click the 'Remove' button. It will remove Visual SVN form visual studio.
Do forget to Restart the visual studio.
In Visual Studio 2010, the Uninstall button is disabled.
I definitely don't want to upgrade VisualSVN (per @Md. Tahmilur Rahman above) just so I can remove it from Visual Studio. Going to Control Panel/Uninstall a program/VisualSVN and removing it also cleared it out of VS2010 the next time I opened it.
Actually, neither of these solutions worked, since my ability to uninstall via the Extension Manager was disabled and VisualSVN didn't appear in my list of programs through the Control Panel.
Even after using Revo Uninstaller to reveal it in my list of Programs, uninstalling it failed.
After a bit more research, I found .
Essentially, you have to run VS2010 as administrator (right click application icon, then choose "Run as Administrator").
Only then will the Uninstall button appear in the Extension Manager so you can remove it.
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Didier Roche had the pleasure of
the immediate availability for download of version 0.7 of the Ubuntu Make command-line utility that lets Ubuntu users to easily install the latest versions of Android Studio and Android SDK, as well as all of their dependencies.
The biggest feature of the Ubuntu Make 0.7 release is built-in support for downloading and installing Microsoft's brand-new and cross-platform Visual Studio Code IDE (Integrated Development Environment) application.
&Some screenshots were presented at the conference with Visual Studio Code running on Ubuntu in a Unity Session,& says Didier Roche. &This sounded like a nice opportunity for Ubuntu Make to shine again, and we just added this new support!&
In addition to supporting the installation of the latest version of Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu distributions, Ubuntu Make 0.7 also brings the required non-regression medium and large tests that make sure the Ubuntu Make developers can track installations and more easily detect any client- or server-side regressions.
Visual Studio Code runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows
Microsoft unveiled the Preview version of Visual Studio Code for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems during its BUILD 2015 event that took place on April 29, 2015. Make sure you read our
if you want to know more about Microsoft's new cross-platform IDE application.
To install Visual Studio Code on your Ubuntu computer using the Ubuntu Make utility, you will have to open the Unity Dash, search for the Terminal app, open it, and run the command below. Of course, you will have to install Ubuntu Make first using the dedicated PPA (use the second set of commands below).
codeumake web visual-studio-code
codesudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-makesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-make
After installation, Visual Studio Code will be automatically added to the Unity Launcher. Ubuntu Make 0.7 is supported on the Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet), Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn), and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) operating systems.
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