business sector是business什么意思思

【business sector是什么意思】-突袭网
15:19:22【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"business sector是什么意思"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"business sector是什么意思"相关的详细问题如下:RT,我想知道:business sector是什么意思===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1:However:business sector[英][ˈs&#603,相比其他问题,中国商业部门对劳工和环境问题的一些做法也已经引起了争议;zn&#618词典结果;s ˈ][美][ˈ][经] 企业(工商业)部门;sekt&#601:1;b&#618. 然而.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问;biznis ˈkt&#602, its tight grip on the business sector has led to controversies aboutits labor and environmental practice 以上结果来自金山词霸例句
业务部门===========================================是上涨家数与下跌家数的对比===========================================commercial sector 商业部门 corporate business sector 公司业务部门 course sector 航线... 假暧区 financial sector 财政部门 gear sector 扇形齿轮 glide path sector 滑翔路区 gove...===========================================sector 商业部门 corporate business sector 公司业务部门 course sector 航线象限... 假暧区 financial sector 财政部门 gear sector 扇形齿轮 glide path sector 滑翔路区...===========================================economy-wide:全经济 non-farm business sector: 非农业部门 business sector:商业部门===========================================卫生领域管理 是专注于卫生领域的管理课程,旨在培养高级的医疗卫生事业的管理人才... include: Public and private Health Sector management and practitioners (business m...===========================================卫生领域管理 是专注于卫生领域的管理课程,旨在培养高级的医疗卫生事业的管理人才... to include: Public and private Health Sector management and practitioners (business m...=========================================== 你想在哪种类型的公司工作?为什么? I prefer to work for the company of education,becauce l'm interested in educating===========================================departmant *[注意]department的基本意思是"整体的一部分",其实际运用范围主要是: ... E.高等学校的"系,科",如 English Department英语系. F.企业的"科,部",如the business d...=========================================== 此次征税对象为外籍打工人员/外来经商人士===========================================
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Resolved questionswhat is a real-world application of mathematics in a particular industry or business sector?
For learning: Base language: EnglishCategory: Other
Sep 10, 2014
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Is this tonight's homework in China? Another Chinese member asked exactly the same question earlier today.
Sep 10, 2014
The more money you have in a business, the more money you make. If that money is reinvested into the business, the business tends at about the same compound annual growth rate. If the business can earn 10% per year, and there is $1,000,000 to start, a year later there will be $1,100,000. A year later, the business will have grown, not by $100,000, but by 10% of the new, larger number, to $1,210,000.This is called "compound interest growth." Compound interest growth is the same thing as a geometric progression.Therefore, all of the mathematics that concerns itself with geometric progressions, exponentiation, and logarithms has applications in business and investing.For example, it is common to plot the growth of investments on a "semilog chart," one in which the X axis is time, but in which the Y axis plots, not the amount of money, but the logarithm of that amount of money.Investing theory also makes use of the statistical concepts of mean, standard deviation, and correlations, which play an important role in modern portfolio theory (MPT).
Sep 10, 2014
P.S. In the investment field known as "technical analysis," Fibonacci numbers are used. See/terms/f/fibonacciretracement.aspI personally happen to believe this is all nonsense.
Sep 10, 2014
"A real-world application of mathematics in a particular industry or business sector" is when (theoretical) mathematics is used for something that is useful in industry or business. For some reason, in at least some English-speaking countries, the academic world (universities, etc) is not considered to be 'real' as business and industry.The application of mathematics to logistics and signal processing are examples.
Sep 10, 2014
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