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Sony Smart B-trainer Makes You Run Faster - 推酷
Sony Smart B-trainer Makes You Run Faster
LAS VEGAS -- Wearables that measure how fast you run are common enough, but a wearable that controls your speed is much rarer. Sony's new Smart B-trainer earphones and associated app not only keep track of your vitals, but also encourage you to speed up and slow down in order to keep your heart rate exactly where it should be for your workout.
I went ears-on with the Smart B-trainer at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015, and while the convention center wasn't the ideal place for a run, I got a general idea of what set the device apart from its competitors. By using both voice and music, the Smart B-trainer can modulate your workout and tell you to speed up or slow down to get the best workout.
A Sony representative informed me that keeping your heart rate within a target zone while running is an efficient way to burn fat. This means that neither a pleasant jog nor a protracted sprint will get the job done as well. When a user first obtains a Smart B-trainer, he or she inputs his or her weight, height and other parameters, and the app develops an appropriate workout.
As users run, an automated voice will give them encouragement, as well as tell them to run faster or slower, as their hearts rate fluctuate. The B-trainer earbuds monitor heart rate by measuring blood flow behind the ears. Over time, the B-trainer app learns how many beats per minute each song in your library has, and brings up appropriate music to help you set a slow or fast pace. (There are default tracks as well, for users who don't want to supply their own music.)
Since I didn't get to run with it, it's hard to say how well the Smart B-trainer actually works. However, the earbuds were comfortable, and the app looked comprehensive, featuring vital sign measurements and a GPS to measure runs. If consumers take a shine to the Smart B-trainer, Sony need rowing, cycling or any other exercise that involves a rhythm could be next.
The Smart B-trainer will launch in the first quarter of 2015, but does not have a set price yet.
Marshall Honorof is a Staff Writer for Tom's Guide. Contact him at&
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Smart B-Trainer
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索尼Smart B-Trainer上手 智能的运动耳机
腾讯数码讯(编译:Eskimo)在本届CES展上,索尼带来了一款名为B-Trainer的原型机。这是一款专为跑步爱好者所准备的设备,虽然功能并没有什么特别之处,但索尼却尝试了一种更加有趣的“包装”方式。B-Trainer是一款外型和索尼W系列非常相似的耳机,它的功能更加高级,支持GPS和心率传感器,并内置了16GB存储空间。但这只是基本配置而已,更让人印象深刻的是,B-Trainer还能聆听不同的训练计划(比如减肥或锻炼心率),并在锻炼的过程当中提供指导。它会根据你的速度和心率来提供实时的建议,比如何时加速和减速。如果你想要加快(或放慢)跑步速度,B-Trainer会播放一首适合的歌曲来进行匹配。至于设备是根据歌曲节拍还是用户听音乐的方式来实现这一功能,索尼还尚未决定。B-Trainer的佩戴非常舒适,绕到后脑勺的条带能够起到很好的固定作用。机身上的按键配置也非常简单易用,可供用户切换曲目或是接电话。除此之外,B-Trainer还支持间歇训练,如果你想进行一个更加全面的训练项目,这将是个非常使用的功能。总的来说,索尼Smart B-Trainer是个很好的创意。虽然配套应用的功能看上去有些贫乏,不过等到设备在春季发布时,索尼应该会给其加入更多的功能。如果你想通过锻炼变得更加健康,而不是整天赖在沙发上,这款设备将会是一个不错的选择。来源:TechRadar查报价,看新品,尽在腾讯数码官方微信 扫描左侧二维码即可添加腾讯数码官方微信您也可以在微信上搜索“腾讯数码”或“qqdigi”,获取更多数码资讯。


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