
World Sex Championship
WARSAW (AFP) - The Mayor of Warsaw announced that he intends to
ban the "world sexual championships" due to open this week in the
Polish capital.
The organisers of the four-day "Eroticon" festival, which is
scheduled to open on Thursday, have said it will include a "test"
for women, dubbed the "world sexual championships" consisting of
carrying out a sex act with as many men as possible.
"I think we will find a judicial basis to ban this display,"
right-wing mayor Lech Kaczynski told the PAP news agency.
The mayor's office has already contacted the Warsaw public
prosecutor's office on the possibility of accusing the event's
organisers, an adult magazine publisher, of procuring women, a
crime for which a 10-year jail term is available.
Houston (born March 24, 1969)
is a former
. She is also the granddaughter of late
(), who had prominent roles in the creation of several
classic animated Disney films such as
(1937), and
Houston is known for her work in Metro's
(1999), a movie
in which she reportedly had sex with over 620 men without
interruption on February 6, 1999.
Although this claim is widely disputed by many eye witnesses, and
the real number is said to have likely been around 100,
Nevertheless, it broke the Guinness World Record of 521 men set by
fellow big-bust porn actress/stripper Spontaneous Xtasy the year
before, in 1998. Prior to this event, she spent 45 days in jail
after turning herself in to Ventura County law enforcement for an
outstanding DUI charge. Houston's on-screen performances cater
heavily to anal sex, double & triple penetration,
fellatio, and lesbian encounters. During 1999, she reportedly
earned over one million dollars and brought in $20,000 a week from
strip club appearances.
Music videos
In 2000, Houston appeared on VH-1's
documentary, which chronicled the efforts of various
adult industry actors attempting to make the crossover to
mainstream careers in various rock and roll endeavors.
During the next few years, Houston appeared in cameo roles in
various rock/rap videos, notably for bands such as
("Bump") and
("The Hell Song").
She released her first , "What Do
You Want From Me?" in late 2003 and made a subsequent musical
performance at the
Los Angeles.
Cameo TV appearances
Houston - May 1999
Houston has made numerous appearances as a guest on . In 1999, she went on the show to promote the fact
that she was having her
surgically trimmed to enhance her "look" during close-up video
work. Houston also claimed that her labia was causing problems
during her dancing in strip club appearances. In a subsequent
online auction, Houston reportedly sold her labia for an estimated
$50,000 according to online auction, Erotic Bid.
Another appearance in 1999 prompted an 18-year-old Staten Island,
New York high school student to call in and enlist the disc
jockey's help in taking Houston to his senior prom. Houston
cheerfully complied, accompanying the student to his June prom,
despite some discouragement from a few parents and school
administrators who believed Houston's presence would be
distracting. The prom date initiated a relationship between Houston
and the student, eventually having the teenager move to California
and accompany Houston. In subsequent interviews, the two discussed
their relationship and amicable parting.
Houston has had two , "Mojo" and "Marmaduke".
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&  自从吉尼斯世界记录节目走进大家眼前时,人们开始知道了很多世界之最。世界上最高的人,世界上最大的女人,世界上最强悍的男人&&&&&&各种各样的世界之最,千奇百怪的世界之最,简直让我们惊呆了。当然了,这都不叫什么,还有一个更震撼的世界之最&&世界之最!  一:男性生殖器之最  1935年,范埃蒙德医生发表了一份性学报告。报告显示,世界上最长的男性生殖器官长达30厘米,最短的则仅有1厘米。他指出,1厘米长的阴茎属于一种病理现象,正常人的阴茎并没有那么小。阴茎缩小这种病症被称为先天性器官发育不健全。  二:睾丸与寄生虫  一位名叫T.H范&德&黑尔德的学者则发现,如果男性睾丸中产生一种寄生虫,将会阻塞淋巴导管,并导致现象。  在非洲和印度尼西亚的几个部落中,许多男性都患有该症状,然而,这些人却以病为荣,认为这是男性雄威的最好展示。
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