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不管你身在何处,只要有人的地方,就要学会?为人处事?.?为人处事?是一门艺术,也是一种?哲学?. 懂得?为人处事?,成功不是难事.从您关注的那一刻起,祝您未来的人生道路一帆风顺.
&发表于& 09:29:28
微信公众号2017年8大高分电影各个评分不输芳华,可惜有部没能过审上映2017年8大高分电影各个评分不输芳华,可惜有部没能过审上映一起看电影56百家号一转眼就进入2018年了,今年国产电影虽然艰难但是依旧出现了不少有口皆碑的作品,有以56.8亿的票房打破票房记录的《战狼2》,有还在热映的《芳华》,喜剧除了开心麻花《羞羞的铁拳》外还出现了黑马《情圣》,这几部作品评分高票房更高。但是,还有一些国产电影虽然票房不如《战狼2》和《芳华》那样高的惊天动地,大部分甚至连它们的票房的零头都比不过,但是评分却无一不比《战狼2》(豆瓣7.2)还高,更和《芳华》不相伯仲。《大护法》为什么太阳这么红还是这么冷豆瓣7.8分,票房8760万导演: 不思凡配音: 小连杀 , 图特哈蒙,金士杰 简介:为了寻找下落不明的太子,大护法来到了一个诡异而又古怪的小镇上,在那里居住着一群不会说话的花生人。在解救太子的过程中,大护法渐渐解开了这个小镇上隐藏的骇人谜团。点评:虽然影片一直把“暴力美学”当作卖点,但是看过的人都知道导演这是在声东击西暗渡陈仓,借着仆人救主的壳说了很多不能细说的东西,揭露了很多当今社会上的一些问题,就如大护法所说的那样“鸟语花香都是假的,到处都是亡灵”。《芳华》一曲芳华已尽,愿善良终被善待豆瓣7.8分
12.8亿(截至目前)导演: 冯小刚主演: 黄轩,苗苗, 钟楚曦简介:讲述了上世纪七十到八十年代充满理想和激情的军队文工团,一群正值芳华的青春少年,经历着成长中的爱情萌发与充斥变数的人生命运。在大时代的背景之下,每个人的命运大相径庭,拥有着出人意料的人生归宿……点评:影片虽然说的是一群年轻男女的情感故事,但是每一个镜头都揭露出那个身不由己年代的无奈。善良的人始终无法被善待,努力的人始终得不到回报。老炮冯小刚《芳华》虽然被剪了10分钟但青春的皮下依旧藏着刀子《一念无明》一念无明,你我皆嗔癫豆瓣7.9分 940万导演: 黄进主演: 曾志伟,余文乐 简介:影片讲述余文乐扮演的儿子和扮演父亲的曾志伟, 罹患躁郁症余文乐因意外结束的病重母亲的生命,因愧疚抛弃母子的曾志伟最终还是回到了家,一对怀着沉重愧疚的父子要如何面对过去和未来。点评:这部200万16天拍摄完成的香港电影,却讲述了整个社会的分裂,人和人之间的隔阂,家庭的矛盾,亲人之间鸿沟。《捍卫者》淞沪会战中的斯巴达300勇士豆瓣8.0分,票房1032万导演: 廖希,韩平主演: 白恩 ,吕星辰 ,赫子铭 简介:1937年8月,第二次淞沪会战爆发时国民革命军第九十八师二九二旅五八三团三营中校营长姚子青奉命坚守宝山城,率600将士与日军浴血奋战七昼夜,最终在日军的猛烈攻势下全营官兵壮烈殉国。点评:影片上映时《战狼2》延期,因为本片没有大明星,二没大导演,不可避免的成为了被《战狼2》的碾压。影片真枪实弹的战争戏完全不输给《芳华》里的那一场遭遇战。《目击者之追凶》台湾烧脑版“看不见的客人”豆瓣8.1分,票房-内地未上映 导演: 程伟豪主演: 庄凯勋,许玮甯,柯佳嬿简介:影片讲述由许玮宁及庄凯勋饰演的社会线记者,因为发觉九年前一桩车祸并不单纯,决心连手调查真相的故事,最后越调查谜团就越大。点评:说到台湾电影很多第一印象就是很日式的“小清新”或者“纯爱”,而这一部台湾制作的电影却处处都散发着阴暗,揭露了人性的黑暗面。本来这片已经拿到龙标了,可惜最后还是没能在国内上映。大概是国内版剪的太猛,让发行方失去了信心吧。毕竟要把一部暗黑电影“整容”成真善美是很“毁容”的事情。《不成问题的问题》老舍经典揭露中国式人情社会豆瓣8.2分,票房777万导演: 梅峰主演: 范伟,殷桃,张超 简介:影片讲述抗战时期,战场的大后方重庆一个安逸的校农场,范伟饰演的农场主任丁务源为了保住自己的职位而和新上任的农场主进行了一场无声的较量。点评:影片改编自老舍的小说,是由北影电影文学系副教授梅峰导演。影片不温不火的讲述了一场不见血的较量,把中国官场、职场的明争暗斗写的入木三分。各个表面上温和笑容可掬,背后都是明晃晃的刀子。国人只爱爆米花?影帝主演首日票房不如Angelababy三天的片酬《嘉年华》所有女孩的伤口连成海洋豆瓣8.5分,票房2220万导演: 文晏主演: 文淇 ,周美君, 史可简介:深夜,小学生小文和同学被一个中年男人带至酒店,这一切被在酒店打黑工的未成年少女小米拍下。事件逐渐演化成一个全城议论的x侵女童案,权力在握的犯罪嫌疑人浮出水面,受害者家中也风暴渐起。 评分:影片上映期间现实中帝都一所高级的幼儿园爆出了个虐童的大新闻,电影里女孩被玷污后,所有人都在沉默,所有人都在维护美丽的假象,现实亦是如此。虽然影片的最后说犯罪最终被绳之以法,但是我们都知道这不过是一种“假象”。《相爱相亲》我们该如何&相爱相亲&?豆瓣8.5分,票房1824万导演: 张艾嘉主演: 张艾嘉, 田壮壮,郎月婷 简介:讲述三位不同年龄段的女人的爱情故事,女儿薇薇已到适婚年龄,爱情面临被“过去”介入的危机。母亲正处更年期,面临着即将退休、感情纠结等问题。年近九十的姥姥孤独生活几十年,随着母亲一行人的突然造访,勾出了一段昔日的心酸恋情。点评:一部罕见的中国家庭剧,影片说情而不强行煽情,全片温暖而轻柔,但是在不经意间总能让你感受到一份深入骨髓的感动。这是一部很细腻的影片,不过对于不喜欢这类文艺片的人来说,会感觉影片有些娇柔坐着。《二十二》她们越笑我越难过豆瓣8.8分,票房1.7亿导演: 郭柯主演:-简介:影片以2014年中国内地幸存的22位“慰安妇”的遭遇作为大背景,以个别老人和长期关爱她们的个体人员的口述,串联展现出她们的生活现状。评分:这部关于“慰安妇”的纪录片并没有以往央视制作的纪录片那样不断的用旁白叙说不堪回首的历史,也没大量镜头前泣不成声的控诉。导演用一种拉家常的方式和那些老人交谈着,不是用悲怜的眼神,也不是用审视的眼神,而是如对家人一般的态度面对她们这样一群人。影片没告诉观众他们想要什么,也没告诉观众你们应该应该做什么,但是影片会让你思考。《二十二》你不知道的幕后艰辛,Anglababy多走几步的片酬都够再拍一部了本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。一起看电影56百家号最近更新:简介:一起看电影,只看好电影作者最新文章相关文章&今年你会去看哪部电影?&  &《以和为贵》&  &为什么?&  &因为我等了两年半的时间.&  &如果看不成呢?&  &没有看不成的……&      
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  正找图片呢,给三竖抢了沙发哈  哼哼,发誓要比你们先看到啊  杜琪峰 &黑社会II-以和为贵& 国语版本预告片 http://www.twitchfilm.net/election2teaser.avi
  以下大部分资料和图片来源:黑社会2以和为贵的BLOG--http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/       日11:17 南方都市报     任达华       我演的这个大哥,就像一个住家男人,一个普通的中年男人       《黑社会以和为贵》中我扮演乐少。这个人物经过两年做办事人的经历,变得更加成熟,你们可以看到戏里面我头上的白头发。乐少这个角色对我来说有很特别的意义,从以前到现在,这个角色可以说是超越了我以前演的所有电影角色。我比较夸张的像大D的角色以前也有过,《濠江风云》里面的黑社会是很张扬的,但是,今天这个《黑社会》和以前那些是完全不一样。电影里面那些纪录片的手法让人物更加真实,一切都很现实地表现出来。从生活当中表现出来。怎么和儿子吃饭啊,怎么和人聊天啊。人就是这样,你不能写个大字贴在脑门上说——我是大哥。所以我说这个角色对我来说有难度。难在什么地方呢?难在我一天的戏拍过去,好像都没有什么东西。我演的这个黑社会大哥,就像一个住家男人一样,对走在街上的普通人来说,他不是那种后面跟一群马仔的大哥,而就是一个普通的中年男人。       乐少从表面上看是一个很内敛的人,但是他其实和其他所有人一样,都是贪心的。全世界每一个人都是在争斗当中,《黑社会Ⅱ》也是争斗,每一个人都是在争。第二集里面乐少面临的问题更加严重,就是新人起来了。那我和古天乐的争斗继续,也许比第一集还要厉害。从性格上来讲,这一集给乐少人性另一面的描绘还是非常多的。第一集的最后,你们看到我对儿子说:“现在回家。”其实你们应该会问:为什么要把犯罪的东西带回家?这个是最残忍的事情。给小孩看到我杀人,还要对他说,我们回家。为什么不马上跟他解释?对小孩的成长来说,这会造成很大的阴影。小孩成长过程当中最单纯,最需要明白。但是我这个阿乐,他只是说“我们回家”,先盖住。这是很可怕的一个开头。那么到了第二集,给了我很多空间讲我和儿子的感情。       林家栋       我是《以和为贵》中很凶残的一个人,占一个影响大局的位置       我扮演的东莞仔在这部电影里占一个影响大局的位置,社团“和联胜”里面两方面的势力都希望能够笼络我。甲方找到我,甲方就会赢,乙方找到我,就乙方赢。这就让我产生了一些想法。我想就算东莞仔不是在黑社会,而是在大公司,如果知道自己有这个实力的话,一定希望能够拿多一些成绩。最初其实我很想坐乐少(办事人)的位置,但是当时没有十足十把握,所以宁愿先积蓄一些力量。我看到过上一集中大D(梁家辉)因为太贪心死得很惨,所以就聪明了一点,聪明人是不介意把自己压低一时的。从第一集来说,我基本上是一个为社团做事的人,我不知道你记不记得第一集里面最后我说的话:“我宁愿去自首。”当时我会觉得是为了整个社团,若干年后,我从监狱里面出来之后,就会开宗明义地想争取更多的利益了。因为我觉得这是应该的,我为社团做了很多事,当年进监狱这件事情影响了我整个性格的变化。但是真正开始接触到权力以后,我的野心开始膨胀。第二集则开始有很多欲望出来了。我身上承担了很多动作戏的成分,一个从底层出来的人,一旦权力欲望膨胀,就可以做很多出位的事,因为他急于表现和证明自己。可以说我是《以和为贵》中很凶残的一个人,重点的动作戏主要有三场。一场是在棺材铺打自己的手下,一场是做戏给Jimmy砍,还有一场就是手刃阿武。那场动作戏比较暴力:那场戏也是做给Jimmy看的,因为他派贴身打手阿武过来,我就事先安排好,只要你的车进到这个区,我就让你走不出去。最后事情发生很多变化,我用刀砍了他。     狠角色       邓伯(王天林饰)       这回看中了Jimmy       社团最有辈份的叔伯,一手提拔乐少做办事人,但对乐少要求连任一事有所保留,反而对曾经跟自己有意见不合的Jimmy宠信有加,视他为新办事人的不二人选。        乐少(任达华饰)       继续铲除异己       当上两年办事人后,乐少依恋权位,极力争取破例连任,为认清敌友,特意于寿筵上,试探五位小弟的心意。表面上只有东莞仔有野心,其实乐少对Jimmy最为投鼠忌器,暗中策划一场铲除异己的行动。       Jimmy仔(古天乐饰)       和乐少争夺龙头棍       自乐少坐正后,Jimmy甚少理会社团事务,只顾将内地的生意越做越大,但久而久之自己的手下也与日俱增,成为乐少最大的威胁。Jimmy本无意角逐竞选,但一次在内地交易,被埋伏的公安围捕,更警告他要在内地做生意,除非是办事人。为了实现生意大计,Jimmy终于表态要争取做“和联胜”新一代办事人,与乐少的关系从此决裂。        东莞仔(林家栋饰)       本集中有大量血腥戏       做事出位,深得手下和叔父辈的支持,有意争做下届办事人,并要求乐少全力支持。乐少为了铲除Jimmy,反过来说服东莞仔,要先绑架Jimmy的幕后老板,以迫他放弃竞选新一届的办事人。在本集中他有大量血腥动作戏,将Jimmy的贴身打手阿武(郑浩男饰)活活斩死。       飞机(张家辉饰)       决定离开社团       寻找龙头棍一事令他得以上位,他忠于乐少,亦深信乐少将来会扶持他上位,但另一方面他又跟Jimmy惺惺相惜,Jimmy声言想他过档帮手,可惜遭婉拒,最后为免身处两难,决定离开社团。       很血腥       《黑社会》去年在香港上映时被列为三级片,大部分观众曾反映片中的三级只限于一场入会仪式,戏中的暴力血腥场面其实非常有限。来到《黑社会以和为贵》中,众人的野性将会完全爆发,杀戮场面更加血腥刺激。而片中的人物关系也更加复杂,老中青三代黑社会之间的利益冲突、观念不同显得更加激烈。       人肉喂狗       乐少咄咄逼人,Jimmy忍无可忍要进行反击,剧情讲到Jimmy活捉乐少身边几个保镖,威逼他们要暗杀乐少,但几位保镖不肯就范,Jimmy就实行杀一儆百,当众将其中一位保镖斩死并用碎肉机搅成碎肉来喂狗。       卧底惨死       Jimmy在本集中有一个好兄弟名叫阿力(安志杰饰),本来感情甚好,但后来才知道他是警方派来的卧底,于是阿力被人塞进麻袋包沉入大海。此举让人联想起《黑社会》中大D(梁家辉饰)将人装入木笼滚落山的经典场景。        击毙乐少       《黑社会》中,乐少以一块大石头狂击大D后脑,并将其用石头乱葬。在本集《黑社会以和为贵》的后半段,乐少将会被Jimmy收拾,收场同样是被硬物击爆后脑致死。          
  好啊!一定常來捧場!雖然我是自力飯,但說實話,這段時間我最喜歡的還是小白!可能是等得太久的緣故吧,都等出感情來了!!!  你們準備怎麽貼?戛納觀摩的消息什麽時候貼?赫赫~~我比較開心與今天這個新聞!
  顶一下  顶一下    不知要到什么时候才能等到DVD出来
  戛纳电影节公布官方竞赛片入围名单 <以和为贵>参加"午夜电影场"展      http://ent.sina.com.cn日09:17新京报     《以和为贵》、《诡丝》入围“观摩”单元       本报讯(记者杨林)昨日本报获悉,香港导演杜琪峰的《以和为贵》和台湾导演苏照彬的《诡丝》双双入围今年戛纳国际电影节“官方正式观摩影片”单元(Official SelectionFeatureFilmsOut ofCompetition)。其中科幻惊悚电影《诡丝》是近年来台湾投资最大的商业电影,而《龙城岁月》、《以和为贵》已经安排于下月在巴黎放映。       《龙城岁月》、《以和为贵》巴黎连映       即将于4月27日香港公映的《以和为贵》,昨日被戛纳国际电影节确定入围正式观摩单元。这是导演杜琪峰继去年的《龙城岁月》参加戛纳竞赛单元后,二度进军戛纳,而且同一导演的前后两集电影连续入围,也是戛纳电影节史上少见的例子。据该片发行商中国星介绍,届时杜琪峰将偕古天乐、任达华等演员到法国参赛,到达戛纳之前,杜琪峰会先在巴黎停留,与法国影星阿兰·德隆见面。阿兰·德隆早前看了《龙城岁月》后十分欣赏,所以有意与杜琪峰洽谈合作的可能性。据悉,巴黎将在下月中旬放映《龙城岁月》、《以和为贵》上下两集,届时杜琪峰会在当地与媒体见面。       《诡丝》为台湾片撑门面据《诡丝》投资方台湾中环娱乐集团介绍,该片投资达2亿新台币,是台湾影史上花费最大的电影。曾担任《双瞳》和《三更》编剧的苏照彬第一次自编自导,携手江口洋介、张震、林嘉欣、徐熙媛、陈柏霖等亚洲各地的演员,打造来自台湾的科幻惊悚片。得知影片入选观摩单元,导演苏照彬感到非常开心,,而演员张震则表示《诡丝》是很典型的台湾电影,能够进军戛纳,替导演苏照彬感到骄傲。   本报记者刘铮
  戛納電影節入圍名單  http://ent.sina.com.cn 日21:47 新浪娱乐     新浪娱乐讯 北京时间4月20日晚,第59届戛纳电影节在法国巴黎召开新闻发布会,艺术指导特艾里·福茂(Thierry Frémaux)公布了今年各单元的入围影片名单,我国第六代导演娄烨的《颐和园》(SUMMER PALACE)成为唯一一部入围主竞赛单元的华语片,将和其他18部影片一起角逐金棕榈大奖。第六代导演王超的《江城下日》(LUXURY CAR)和香港彭氏兄弟的《森冤》(GWAI WIK)双双打入“一种关注”单元。本届戛纳电影节的评委会主席是香港导演王家卫,女星章子怡则是评委之一。台湾导演苏照彬执导的悬疑电影《诡丝》(GUISI)和香港导演杜琪峰的《黑社会2:以和为贵》(ELECTION 2)将作为非竞赛片参加“午夜电影场”的展映。5月17日,戛纳电影节将以美国导演朗·霍华德根据丹·布朗畅销小说改编的电影《达芬奇密码》(THE DA VINCI CODE)拉开帷幕。以下是入围影片名单:   主竞赛单元21部影片名单:       开幕影片 朗·霍华德 《达芬奇密码》 美国(参展不参赛)       佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦 《回归》 西班牙       安德里亚·阿诺德 《红色之路》英国       卢卡斯·贝尔沃 《最没道理的道理》 法国       拉契得·波查拉 《Indigènes》 法国       努里·比格·锡兰 《Iklimler》 法国/土耳其       索菲娅·科波拉 《绝代艳后》 美国       派德罗·柯斯塔 《JUVENTUDE EM MARCHA》葡萄牙       吉尔摩·德尔托罗 《潘恩的迷宫》 墨西哥/西班牙/美国       布鲁诺·杜蒙 《弗朗德勒》 法国       妮科·加西亚 《Selon Charlie》法国       戈萨维埃·吉亚诺里 《Quand j'étais chanteur》法国       阿加多·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多 《通天塔》 美国       阿基·考里斯马基 《黄昏中的灯光》 芬兰       理查德·凯利 《南方传奇》 美国       理查德·林克莱特 《快餐国家》 美国       肯·罗奇 《风吹稻浪》 法国/爱尔兰/英国       娄烨 《颐和园》 中国       南尼·莫瑞提 《政界巨鳄》 意大利       保罗·索伦蒂诺 《L'Amico di famiglia》 意大利       闭幕影片:托尼·加特利弗 《特兰西瓦尼亚》法国(参展不参赛)       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       参展片名单       卢米埃尔大厅:       保罗·格林格拉斯 《联合93航班》 英国/美国       布莱特·拉特纳 《X战警3》 美国       蒂姆·约翰逊,卡雷·柯克帕特里克 《篱笆墙外》 美国       午夜电影场       约翰·卡麦隆·米契尔 《短巴士》 美国       苏照彬 《诡丝》 中国台湾       杜琪峰 《黑社会2:以和为贵》 中国香港       布鲁埃尔大厅       米莫·卡洛普莱斯蒂 《Volevo solo viver》 意大利       比尔·寇特瑞 《Boffo: Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters》 美国       波诺特·德尔平 《阿维达》 法国       戴维斯·古根汉姆 《难以忽视的真相》 美国       亚当·古贞斯基 《Dziki Jezdziec》 波兰       尚·亨利·莫涅尔 《Ici Najac, Avous La Terre》法国       菲利普·帕雷诺,道格拉斯·高登 《Zidane, un portrait du XXIe siècle》 法国       西德尼·波拉克 《建筑大师盖瑞速写》美国       塔汉尼·雷切德 《这帮女孩》 加拿大       阿布德哈玛尼·西萨克 《BAMAKO》 法国       蒋勇/文  
  http://stars.yam.com/news/sub.php?auto_no=4519064     堅持創作原貌 黑社會2大陸仍遭禁演     一場古樂天率人將仇家鋸屍再絞成碎肉餵狗的戲,更是讓人看得驚心動魄。在台發行該片的龍祥電影公司,原本考慮是否要修剪這段銀幕前所未見的凶殘 畫面,但得知導演杜琪峯表示,這回寧願放棄大陸市場,堅持不為牽就大陸電檢尺度做分毫修剪後,電影公司決定還是尊重導演創作原貌,以一刀不剪限制級版本,申請在台上映。   「黑社會以和為貴」4月28日即將在台港兩地同步上映,唯獨缺大陸內地。原因是導演杜琪峯不想為了大陸上映而進行修剪,扭曲了電影原創,索性放棄内地市場。這一點贏得了不少的掌聲。   事實上,去年第一集的「黑社會」為了兼顧廣大的大陸內地市場,曾經做了不少配合大陸電檢尺度的修改。由於大陸官方不准電影內谷有涉及貪污、賣淫、黑社會以及鬼怪等元素,因此去年「黑社會」在大陸上映時,不但先將赤裸裸的片名更改為「龍城歲月」,甚至更動部分劇情以取得大陸放映的批文。   其實港片為尋求大陸廣大賣埠而修剪版本的情形甚多,先前的「無間道」第一集,因為劉德華飾演的警官是黑幫臥底,於是在大陸上映的版本硬是在結局安排他死於大陸公安槍下,簡直是破壞了電影原創的精髓。這次「黑社會─以和為貴」,杜琪峯就決定不會遷就大陸電檢尺度而更動修剪,值得大家佩服。   「黑社會─以和為貴」,是本月初香港電影節的開幕片,不少影迷已經先睹為快,大家一致的看法是,很少數續集比首集好看的作品,因為人物在第一集大家都已經認識,這回的劇情,因為發展至香港黑幫面臨內外環境都更迭交替之際,節奏更為明快緊湊,格局也更拉大。   有趣的是,導演杜琪峯被問到為何拍戲老愛用固定班底時,他以一貫藝術家的性格回答,我電影基本上都沒有劇本,不可能事先確定什麼時候拍完,還好在香港的演員班底們,由於大家都熟了,默契十足,可能一個電話一個小時就到了現場。這也就是古天樂為什麼會說「黑社會─以和為貴」是他拍過最久的一部戲。   「黑社會─以和為貴」入圍坎城影展觀摩單元   香港名導杜琪峰執導的新片「黑社會─以和為貴」,昨天由坎城影展大會宣布確定入圍本屆坎城影展正式觀摩單元。這是繼李安的「臥虎藏龍」、張藝謀的「十面埋伏」後,華語片再度於坎城影展獲得這項正式觀摩殊榮。   這將是導演杜琪峰繼去年的「黑社會」參加坎城競賽後,連莊入圍坎城影展,而同一位導演的前後兩集電影連續兩年入圍坎城影展,也是坎城影史上,少見的特例。杜琪峰去年以「黑社會」入圍坎城影展正式競賽單元時,該片強烈的杜氏風格,在影展中即備受矚目,尤其片中有別於香港黑幫電影槍淋彈雨傳統,全片不發一槍一彈,就能扣人心弦的劇情,更是令人津津樂道。   據了解,杜琪峰當時正在籌備的續集片「黑社會─以和為貴」立即被各大國際影展選片人鎖定,原本該片選定參加今年二月份的柏林影展競賽,無奈在導演慢工出細活下,來不及完工參賽,如今影片完成後,依然受到坎城影展的青睞,破例再力邀該片參加觀摩單元,顯見坎城影展對杜琪峰導演的重視。
  《以和为贵》剧情介绍    劇情介紹   類型:劇情片  級數:限制級  導演:杜琪  演員:任達華、古天樂、王天林、林雪、張家輝、譚耀文  出品公司:龍祥育樂多媒體股份有限公司 ( 網址:http://www.longshong.com/ )  上映日期:日    劇情大綱   自從樂少(任達華 飾)憑藉沈穩陰狠的智謀登上和聯勝盟主後,江湖總算有段表面昇平和樂的安寧。舊日黑道過時,在樂少企業化經營下,西服革履的眾家幫眾,倒也少了幾分戾氣。然而,攸關絕對利益的盟主推舉大日即將來臨,各方勢力暗自角力。一時間,江湖瀰漫著一股暴風雨前夕的詭譎寧靜…。      權力的滋味,讓樂少留戀盟主席位,欲說服前輩大老們修例讓其連任,但頭角崢嶸的昔日手下Jimmy仔(古天樂 飾)企業日益做大,行事低調的他,雖不欲與樂少爭席,但人在江湖,身不由己,在周遭新起勢力支持下,為鞏固生意王國,終不得不表態爭取。      一場腥風血雨的江湖衝突即將展開,眾人是否能安守幫會幾百年來的宗旨──以和為貴?    
  不好意思,上面貼錯了,這個才是“Jimmy在大陸談生意  ”
  Jimmy仔和幕後老闆!  蠻喜歡這張的,一握手的味道!
  重来.感谢那些辛勤翻译的番薯们:))先是原文    Posted: Wed., Apr. 5, pm PT     Election 2   Hak Sewui: Yi Wo Wai Gwai   (Hong Kong )     A One Hundred Years of Film, Milkyway Image presentation of a Milkyway Image production. (International sales: Celluloid Dreams, Paris.) Produced by Dennis Law, Johnnie To. Executive producers, Charles Heung, Dennis Law.   Directed by Johnnie To. Screenplay, Yau Nai-hoi, Yip Tin-shing.     Lok - Simon Yam   Jimmy Lee - Louis Koo     Uncle Teng - Wong Tin-lam     Xi - Yao Yung     Fat Head - Lam Sue     Jet - Nick Cheung     Kun - Lam Ka-tung     Kwok - Mok Sing-lun     By RUSSELL EDWARDS       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   A darker, more grueling, &Godfather&-esque sequel to his acclaimed 2005 crimer, Hong Kong helmer Johnnie To's &Election 2& is distinguished by intelligence, wit and violence but is lightly wounded by some ill-fitting moments. Pic will win approval from the first film's fans, but, despite excellent performances from a cast full of To regulars and a generally tight structure, it won't quite knock the original off its perch. Auds should vote for this locally, where the politics that inform the allegorical finale will find their warmest reception, and Western fest action looks in the cards.     Using archival photographs, prologue rapidly sketches the origins of Hong Kong's Triads, detailing how, in the 19th century, Chinese immigrants flooded into the then-British colony and banded together for protection.     Post-titles, modern-day gang boss-cum-businessman Jimmy Lee (Louis Koo) pitches a deal to the Mainland government's Trade Office to set up a manufacturing plant in China. The deal has been brokered by Hong Kong financial backer Kwok (Mok Sing-lun) who, in guiding Jimmy to legitimacy, warns him, &Your past should not hurt our future.&     Accordingly, when Triad chairman Lok (Simon Yam, excellent) announces one of his five &grandsons& will replace him in the impending Triad election, odds-on favorite Jimmy declines the nomination to clean up his business practices.     With Jimmy out of contention, Lok contemplates breaking with Triad tradition and seeking re-election himself. He plays his proteges off against each other, promising each one his backing as his successor.     Meanwhile, China Security Bureau reprep Xi (Yao Yung) runs a sting and strips Jimmy of his Chinese business visa. Xi then offers Jimmy a Faustian pactpact: If Jimmy gets elected Triad chairman, the Chinese government will reinstate his business visa.     Co-writers Yau Nai-hoi and Yip Tin-shing's narrative is brisk and clear. However, the script stumbles with a subplot about Lok's son which, while providing pic's most poignant moment, feels stitched-on, and with the character of Lok supporter Fat Head (To veteran Lam Suet), whose role is awkwardly articulated and strictly functional. Additionally, a sequence which recalls the Abu Ghraib scandal feels distasteful, despite the centrality of torture to the narrative.     Overall, yarn has several echoes of the &Godfather& series -- most noticeably in Jimmy's business ambitions, mirroring Michael Corleone's desire to make his family business &legitimate& -- though it does succeed on its own terms. Plenty of scope is left for even more sequels.     Perfs are top-notch, with Koo ably assuming the narrative's mantle of importance, just as his character aspires to do. Supports are strong across the board.     Fine widescreen lensing by To regular Cheng Siu-keung plays up the chiaroscuro, and snippets from Lo Ta-yu's invigorating score for the original film add oomph. However, latter tend to emphasize the shortcomings of Robert Ellis-Geiger's new music, which is on the maudlin side. Other tech credits are first-rate.     Handle to the Chinese title is a gangland peacemaking phrase which roughly translates as &harmony is a virtue.&     Camera (color/B&W, widescreen), Cheng Siu- editors, Law Wing-cheong, Jeff C music, Robert Ellis-Geiger, Lo Ta- art director, Tony Yu; sound (Dolby Digital), May Mok, Charlie Lo. Reviewed at Hong Kong Film Festival (opener), April 4, 2006. Running time: 92 MIN.   (Cantonese, Mandarin dialogue)  
  ktlchj/译文  (不会的地方是我自己编的,大家将就看吧。感觉作者多数在故事简介,评论的地方很少)     《黑社会II》   《黑社会:以和为贵》   (香港)     百年电影,银河印象制片(国际发行:巴黎Celluloid Dreams)。监制:罗守耀、杜琪峰。行政监制:向华强、罗守耀   导演:杜琪峰。剧本:游乃海、叶天成     乐少——任达华   Jimmy仔——古天乐   邓伯——王天林   西?——尤勇   大头——林雪   飞机仔——张家辉   东莞仔——林家栋   Kwok - Mok Sing-lun     RUSSELL EDWARDS撰文   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   一部更黑暗更艰辛的《教父》——承接其2005年受欢迎的影片,香港导演杜琪峰的《黑社会II》,影片充分展现了智慧、幽默和暴力,同时也有一些小瑕疵。影片将会赢得第一集的影迷,但同时,虽然在这部电影中,倾巢出动的杜导御用演员表现出色,电影框架总体紧凑,可能还是无法达到第一集的高度。观众会认可这部充满地方色彩的电影,影片中充满寓意结局的权利之争将倍受青睐,同时也属西方电影节邀请之列。   电影在开场时,运用档案式的图片,勾勒出香港三合会的起源,解释了在19世纪时,中国内地移民如洪水般涌入那时还是英国殖民地的香港,是如何为了防备别人的威胁而拉帮结派的。   影片的主角,当今黑社会中具备商人身份的Jimmy(古天乐),与中国内地政府的贸易局达成在内地建立一家制造厂的交易。这宗交易由香港方面的Kwok (Mok Sing-lun)牵线,他是Jimmy财力上的支持者,也引导Jimmy转向合法化,他有句提醒Jimmy的话,“你的背景不可以破坏我们的前景”。   所以在社团话事人乐少(任达华)对他五个“干儿子”中的每个人宣称他们会在即将举行的社团选举中接替他的位置时,赢面最大的Jimmy却婉拒提名以一心发展自己的商场事业。   随着Jimmy退出竞选,乐少企图破坏社团传统而争取连任。他离间他的干儿子们,对每一个都承诺说支持那一个做接班人。   与此同时,中国内地公安局的代表西(尤勇)从中作梗,由Jimmy处搜走他的内地商务签证,并向Jimmy提出一个荒谬的协议:只有Jimmy被选为社团话事人,中国政府才会恢复他的商务签证。   编剧游乃海和叶天成的故事生动清晰,当然也还是有不够流畅的地方,关于乐少儿子那一段分支情节,出现在剧情发展最激烈的时刻,感觉节外生枝。还有乐少的支持者大头(杜导的老将林雪),这个角色衔接得有些笨拙,而且完全只为出现而出现。此外,还有关于Abu Ghraib那一幕也让人不是味儿,虽说此处对故事本身来说是很重要的。   影片从整体上来看,有些地方是和《教父》系列不谋而合的——最明显之处就是Jimmy在商场上的野心,很像《教父》里迈克将其家族生意合法化的意愿——虽然后者并未如愿。续集有无限可能。   演员的表演是影片最大的胜利,古天乐出色地表现出了故事的精髓所在,就像他所扮演的角色所追求的极致一样。现场所体现出的对他的支持是非常热烈的。   杜导的御用摄影郑兆强运用了明暗对比的拍摄方式,而罗大佑所作的动人音乐也使影片主题更为鲜明。后者倾向于着重Robert Ellis-Geiger 的新音乐,有一种淡淡的感伤。其他的技术人员也都是一流的。   提到影片的中文名《以和为贵》,是黑社会中制造和平气氛的一个词,大致译为“融洽和谐是好事”。     摄影:郑兆强;剪辑:Law Wing-cheong, Jeff C 音乐:Robert Ellis-Geiger, 罗大佑;艺术指导:Tony Yu; 录音:May Mok, Charlie Lo.   日香港电影节(开幕电影)   片长: 92分钟   (国粤语对白)    
  坐着看小白粉做搬运工,哼哼,就不帮忙,累死小白粉~~~~~~  ^ ^    
  再来支持~这个月来工作的重中只重就是期待《以和为贵》了,从剧照到预告片每每消息传来都是那么激动,昨天又传来了入围嘎那参展的好消息,这是自《以和为贵》成为香港国际电影节开幕电影以来最荣耀的事了,同志们,可想而知这部片子应该是名不虚传的!有好消息当然也有不尽人意的地方,《以和为贵》将不会在内地上映……这意味着想要看到原汁原味的电影有巨大困难(至少比较困难第一时间看到),不过也不要紧拉,两年多就等了,这点时间也就不算啥了~~~继续关注《以和为贵》未来的消息,包括明天古仔等演员开始的以和在香港的宣传活动!密切留意这个帖子和我们为《以和为贵》在新浪开的BLOG,保证有第一时间最全面最新的信息带给大家!!!    ^ ^广告再打一遍,《黑社会2以和为贵》新浪专题BLOG地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/
  有些图,天涯不支持上传,那就这张吧,我很喜欢!    飞哥的粉丝,我也不指望你帮忙来搬东西了(真是记仇的),你来踩踩我就已经很高兴了:)
  我们飞哥最大度了,粉丝也才不会记仇,哼哼~~~我想帮忙,可又怕弄错你的顺序,还是在一边踩吧~~~~  ^ ^    小白粉,加油干~~~
  很期待啊,好希望能快点看到  支持古天乐
  东西吃完了,闲话也聊得差不多了,继续为小白工作.第2篇影评原文      Remember in BLUE VELVET when Kyle MacLachlan comes home from his date with Laura Dern only to encounter a battered, naked and brutalized Isabella Rossellini staggering out of the dark, barely able to speak? Whenever I think of Hong Kong these days I think of it as Isabella Rossellini in that scene.     Hong Kong has Disney screwing them on one end and without universal sufferage they've got China screwing them on the other. In recent weeks the new Chief Executive has given interviews dismissing critics of his new budget in language that one normally only heard in China back in the 70's and the UN has issued a blanket condemnation of Hong Kong's human rights situation which has been dismissed out of hand by the local government. Hong Kong seems to be screaming as loud as it can and everyone in power is just patting it on the head as they lead it to the slaughterhouse. Who would have thought that the person to make a movie about this would be Johnnie To? But that's exactly what ELECTION 2 is: a savage, funny, pitch black vivisection of Hong Kong politics.     Picking up two years after the last election in the Wo Sing triad, we find our triads sitting pretty on a mountain of money. Lok (Simon Yam) has, like Caesar, brought two years of pax triadica and even the Uncles (the retired brothers who sit around playing cards all day and whose approval is crucial) have been able to spring for new sweaters, shoes, fancier cigars and some nice hair products. Jimmy (Louis Koo) is building a logistics center in China that will be his giant step from well-heeled bootleg VCD mogul to legitimate businessman. Jet (Nick Cheung) is mostly in hiding, popping out every now and then to rub someone out for Lok, but otherwise cooling his heels in a nearly-bare apartment with ambition curdling in him like poison.     Now the new election is coming and, as we all know, elections bring out the worst in Lok (as the movie reminds us in a tribute to the original's infamous fishing scene). When we left him at the end of ELECTION, it was evident that Simon Yam's Lok wasn't the cool, peace-loving big brother he appeared to be, but a bloody maniac and now his sick desire to hang onto the chairmanship for two more years causes his insanity to bleed out of his pores like greasy sweat. China's Security Bureau has a hand in all this, as well, and they seem to be the sickos who are standing just offstage in the shadows, pulling the strings.     Unlike ELECTION, which at least built sympathy for Lok's team until it pulled a switcheroo in the last third, ELECTION 2 has no sympathy for anyone. The characters are soaked in gore up to their elbows and none of them has an ounce of pity or humanity left in the burned out little piles of ash that were once their souls. This would make for tough going, but fortunately To has the violence set to simmer in the first half of the film - you know something awful is going to happen but it's not happening yet. As the players position their pieces the tension gets so thick you can barely breathe and when the violence does come - and believe me, it does - you don't know whether to be sick or relieved.     Nick Cheung doesn't get a cool moment in this film the way he did in ELECTION, but he still manages to demonstrate that there's a terrific actor beneath all that schtick just crying to get out. This movie's revelation is Mark Cheng. At one time a standard fixture of the Hong Kong movie scene in flicks like PEKING OPERA BLUES, RAPED BY AN ANGEL and CHINESE TORTURE CHAMBER 2 he's only been in one film since 2000 and it's like having your long-lost cousin come through the door when he gets out of the car in ELECTION 2 and makes his grand entrance. Playing a professional sadist running a Gitmo-style torture camp with a continually updated bill for services rendered scrolling through his head, he's a welcome relief and his unwillingness to betray those who're paying his bills comes across like the highest moral fibre in a film where everyone betrays everyone else at least twice.     As bleak as an alcoholic clown at a children's birthday party, ELECTION 2, like Louis Koo, holds itself in check until its ending when things, remarkably and unexpectedly, get even more horrible and depressing. The image of Hong Kongers eating their young at China's command is the kind of thing that'll stick in your brain for a long time to come. Nevertheless, I imagine it's going to do quite well in Hong Kong. As the film launched itself at the throat of the PRC and said the things that everyone in Hong Kong is thinking the packed audience at last night's screening burst into cheering, wild applause, foot stomping and laughter and just on that basis alone I imagine the box office here will be brisk.     I don't want to give the impression that the movie is solely concerned with political points, but watching it with the current events unfolding as they are, with June 4th on the horizon, and with a hometown audience who lapped up the political jokes like warm milk, it's hard not to focus on them. But, really, the politics are merely one of the lingering tastes you're left with. There's also violence, black humor, good acting, very very dark photography, and more violence. And did I mention violence? More compact, tightly structured, and darker than ELECTION, ELECTION 2 is the year's nastiest, bravest, most accomplished movie, doing in two hours what a million strident DV docs about human rights could never accomplish. He'd rather die than admit it, but I get the feeling that Johnnie To loves his hometown and that this is his way finding where the guy who attacked it lives, and wading into his living room with a baseball bat in hand to settle a few scores.     April 5, 2006 at 12:01 AM in Reviews | Permalink     TrackBack   TrackBack URL for this entry:   http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/4601155     Listed below are links to weblogs that reference ELECTION 2 REVIEW:     Comments   Thanks Grady - you've made my day by posting this so quickly. I can't wait to see this!     Posted by: Bunta Sugawara | Apr 5, :05 AM     Any comments on the music?     Posted by: Robert | Apr 5, :42 AM     Yes! Finally, someone is out making a film to recapture the image of HK. Yes, it's true that the HK film industry must work towards pan-Asian productions, but not at the loss of its local identity. Well done to To then, and to Grady for an awesome review.     Posted by: John | Apr 5, :11 AM     Awesome! Can't wait! Thanks for the read.     Posted by: JoshuaPettigrew | Apr 5, :26 PM     The music was quite good, working in some of the themes from the first ELECTION but giving it a little extra oomph. The music is by a Western guy and during the opening credits it's a bit too &Oriental& for my taste and I got worried, but it quickly calmed down and wound up being pretty terrific.     Interestingly, at a panel discussion (marred by the mostly-inoperable English translation headsets) To said that he had zero plans for ELECTION 1 or 2 to go to China and was actually surprised when ELECTION was submitted by someone else and approved. He also said, &If you're making a Chinese movie, make a Chinese movie. If you're making a Hong Kong movie, make a Hong Kong movie. But you can't do both.&     Posted by: Grady Hendrix | Apr 5, :18 PM     It seems rather brave/foolhardy to have even a HK-only poke at Chinese security services, considering what happens to, for example, groups of harmless New Age-ish meditators.     Johnnie To = balls of steel.     Did anything crackle through your faulty headset about the mythical 3 hour version of Election 1?     Posted by: Bunta Sugawara | Apr 5, :17 PM     Someone asked about it and Johnnie To erupted:     &Cut scenes? Cut scenes? Why are you guys so interested in this. I already made the movie.& He went on to say that cut scenes from RUNNING OUT OF TIME have been &discarded& so I don't know if that means destroyed or not. Then he said that he wasn't going to include cut scenes on any DVD releases because &maybe I can use them for something else& then said that if he looked at one of the films in 3-5 years and thought it could benefit from being re-edited or having cut scenes included, he would do it. But he didn't think so.     Posted by: Grady Hendrix | Apr 5, :45 PM
  青宝贝的翻译.这篇比较政治化一点.如果没有记错的话,是纽约时报的影评,看看就好.    青色青涩/译文         《以和为贵》评论       还记得在《蓝丝绒》中,当KyleMacLachlan与LauraDern幽会后回家刚巧遇到的那个憔悴,脆弱,麻木地走出暗影的几乎无法言语的IsabellaRossellini吗?这些日子以来,每一念及香港,我便会把她与IsabellaRossellini的这一场景联系起来。       香港一方面承受着电影工业的巨大压力,而另一方面却未能获得中国政府对于普选允诺的支持。最近几周,香港特首的施政报告提到香港人权状况时所用的语言只在中国大陆70年代才能听到,联合国就已就香港人权状况的进行全面谴责,指出人权正从当地政府手中日渐丧失。 香港倾尽全力大声疾呼而每一位掌权者仅仅拍拍她的头以示安慰,继而引领其步向屠宰场。谁曾料想,拍出了反映这一现状影片的人会是杜琪峰?但《以和为贵》正是如此:对于香港政治的一次无情的,风趣的,黑暗的剖析。       影片选取了黑社会上届龙头选举两年后的场景,观众会发现现时的黑社会完全以金钱为基础。位高权重的阿乐(任达华)用金钱换购了两年龙头棍的所有权。甚至于邓伯(成日闲坐打牌却极有话事权的叔父辈人物)也容光焕发地换上新毛衣,穿皮鞋,叼雪茄,还用高级护发产品。Jimmy(古天乐)正试图在中国建立一个大型物流中心以便由一名有钱的盗版VCD的制造商转变为正当生意人.飞机(张家辉)大多处于蛰伏状态,偶尔出现也是为了阿乐而与人摩擦,或者在一幢空旷的公寓里消磨时光,任由雄心逐渐冷却.       现在,新一轮选举即将开始,正如我们所料,选举使得阿乐最凶残的一面暴露无遗(影片使我们回忆起上一集中那幕极受称道的恶名昭彰的钓鱼场景)从《黑社会》的结尾处来看,任达华饰演的阿乐显然不符他所予人的那个冷静,平和的长兄形象,而是一个残忍的疯子,现在他那种想要掌握下两年龙头权利的病态欲望诱发了他的疯狂,全身充斥着噬血气息。同时,中国安全局插手这一切,他们更象是幕后操纵者,掌握着全局的关键。       《黑社会》至少建立起了一种对于阿乐一方的同情,直至最后真相大白的三分钟;与之不同的,《以和为贵》对于任何人都毫无怜悯之情。所有的角色都浸身于齐肘的鲜血中,他们中没有任何人为曾经存在于他们灵魂深处的人性最终燃成灰烬拥有一丝惋惜。这会让人难以接受,但幸运的是杜琪峰把这一切激烈的冲突情节在影片的前半部分用小火煨炖——明知一些可怕的事情将要发生但仍未发生,随着演员绷紧每一丝神经你会有一种窒息感,当激烈的情节出现时——相信我,的确“激烈”——你却不知该感到不适还是释然。       在这部影片中,张家辉没有一个像他在《黑社会》中那样冷酷的镜头,但他依然仅仅通过一声大喝“滚!”(此处以影片为准)这样一个滑稽的场面证明了自己是一位出色的演员。全片亮点应属郑浩南。他一度是港片的固定演员,曾经于《刀马旦》,《强奸》,《满清十大酷刑之赤裸凌迟》等片中出现,自2000年以来,他仅有一部作品。《黑社会2》中当他打开车门走出来的那一瞬间,就象你一位久违的至亲出现在你的面前,并由此开始了他华丽的入场。片中他扮演一位职业杀手执行关塔那摩式酷刑,他时刻算计着报酬的多少。他不愿出卖付给他支票的人,而在这样一部每一个人都至少出卖其他人两次的影片中,这一点使得他仿佛成为全片最高的道德标杆。       《以和为贵》中的古天乐正象一个孩子生日聚会中失意醉酒的小丑,他控制着一切局面直到一切以一种荒诞而意外的结局告终,并且更加趋向于可怕和压抑。这是一幅港人的肖像,他们执行着中国政府的命令吞噬着自己的后代,这是一个长久停留在脑海中的一个印象。无论如何,我认为这在香港来说已经做得相当不错了,随着影片昨晚在中华地区的首映,观众爆满,欢呼声,掌声,顿足狂笑——以次为据,我认为影片票房一定可观。       我并不想让大家觉得影片只是关心政治问题,但是看到它与当前时事的关联,又恰逢6.4即将到来,另外当地观众乐于接受政治玩笑的态度,使人很难不注意到这一点。但是,事实上,政治因素仅仅是挥之不去的余味之一,还有暴力,黑色幽默,出色的表演,极度黑暗的摄影风格,并且更加暴力。前面我有提到暴力吗?更为简洁,紧凑的结构性,比《黑社会》更加暴力。《以和为贵》将成为本年度最富争议性,最勇敢,最完美的影片,在两小时内做到了数百万张关于人权尖锐的DV资料永远不能完成的任务。杜琪峰可能至死不会承认他的本土情结,但我却有这种感觉。这也正是他能够打动人心,并赢得票房的原因所在。
FROM:网易天乐乐天     Election 2 (Hak Sewui: Yi Wo Wai Gwai)       Shelly Kraicer in Hong Kong       Dir: Johnnie To. HK. 2006. 93mins.     The second part of Johnnie To’s contemporary gangster saga, Election 2 will be a treat for fans of last year’s original, eager for more from its black-as-pitch Hong Kong triad family. But this exposition-heavy sequel is unlikely to draw in a new audience. Slow to build a head of steam, its last act payoff may come too late to satisfy those not already committed to To’s realistic, cynical view of contemporary Hong Kong society.     The first Election was last year’s surprise hit at home: for a local film with no A-list box office draws and a Category III rating (no one under 18 allowed) for explicit triad-related content, it managed an astonishing HK$15m-plus, placing it among the top five homegrown films.     Election 2, which opened the 30th annual Hong Kong International Film Festival earlier this week, rolls out in Hong Kong on April 26. There, where it will be the only local franchise built from any of last year’s hits, it should benefit from pre-sold audience loyalty.     International sales may be tougher, given the film’s specific local ethos and reliance on the original. Festival exposure, though, should naturally follow in the wake of Johnnie To’s now-consolidated international reputation, which has moved well beyond niche Asian- and action-themed events after successive appearances at Cannes – where Election competed last year – as well as Berlin and Venice.     The story picks up some time after smooth, business-like Lok (Simon Yam) has won election as the Wo Shing society’s godfather for a two-year term. A new election looms - this triad society, unlike the city in which it is based, democratically votes in a new chairman/godfather every 2 years - and Lok is bent on an unprecedented second term. But his affable demeanour conceals a core of psychopathic cruelty and he determines to eliminate the other candidates that stand in his way.     Prime among them is Jimmy (Louis Koo), a model-handsome 21st century gangster with an MBA, who admits that he entered the triads merely as a fast track to financial success. Jimmy’s election would consolidate his Mainland land deals. The film’s plot follows in meticulous and increasingly byzantine detail the machinations, duplicitous alliances and acts of brutality that mark this underworld election campaign.     To has a fair claim to the title of modern master of the gangster film. Current comparisons to Coppola’s Godfather trilogy are inapt. Those f To makes chamber music. His radically low-key lighting, precisely designed widescreen mis-en-scиne, and meticulous direction of fine ensemble casts are hallmarks of his post-1997 style.     No one can extract more tension from still, sculptural friezes of actors in non-motion. A scene in Election 2 typically opens with actors in a frozen tableau pulsing with potential energy, with a sense of cataclysmic violence ready to erupt just beneath the surface.     Tonally, the film is typical To, with a range extending from moments of goofy visual humour (To regular Lam Suet clowning around) to an absolutely chilling, relentlessly extended torture sequence whose sickening specificity (it evokes the horror of the tortured more than their actual physical abuse) echoes, perhaps unconsciously, Abu Ghraib.     What is unexpected is the film’s narrative unbalance. The first hour is a hard slog through complex exposition without an accompanying crackle of tension. Acts of violence that lurk just behind the laconic, sometimes obscure, negotiations between gang leaders - and which constitute the kinetic energy that give this kind of To film its palpable excitement - are held back, buried in the deep shadows that define the film's cinematographic palette. When To unleashes his hounds (literally) it’s almost too late.     Audiences accustomed to reading post-handover Hong Kong films against that city’s current struggle for democratic government will be surprised to find To laying all his allegorical cards face up on the table, with a bluntness that attenuates some of the Election 2’s suggestive power.     While a form of democracy (the Wo Shing family’s senior gangsters vote in the new chairman) may have been good enough for the old (colonial) Hong Kong, the new (Mainland-dominated) HK Special Administrative Region needs something more from its &patriotic& triads. Thus the gangsters come under pressure from their would-be Mainland business partners (cops and corrupt officials alike) to set aside these open contests for something more stable and controllable.     The ending is open enough to suggest that it will probably be seen best, in retrospect, as an intermezzo between the formally brilliant original and the saga’s presumably upcoming grand finale.     To's usual stable of (almost exclusively male) actors carry off their roles with appropriate restraint and stylishness. As with most of To's more personal works, the Election films show more interest in social structures than in individual psychology. The cast correspondingly gives clear but somewhat uni-dimensional performances, though Simon Yam and Nick Cheung are standouts at suggesting the chilling tensions lying deep within their characters.     Production companies   Milkyway Image   One Hundred Years of Film     International sales   Celluloid Dreams     Hong Kong distribution   China Star Entertainment   Executive producers   Charles Heung   Dennis Law     Producers   Dennis Law   Johnnie To     Screenplay   Yau Nai Hoi   Yip Tin Shing     Cinematography   Cheng Siu Keung     Editors   Law Wing Cheong   Jeff Cheung     Music   Robert Ellis-Geiger     Main cast   Simon Yam   Louis Koo   Gordon Lam   Nick Cheung   Wong Tin-lam   Lam Suet   Andy On   Mark Cheung  
   青色青色/译文       《黑社会II》——《以和为贵》       Shelly Kraicer于香港       导演:杜琪峰香港 2006 93分钟       作为杜琪峰第二部当代黑帮英雄传奇影片,《以和为贵》这部影片所展示出的极度黑暗的黑社会家族传奇,对于那些渴望获取更多信息的《黑社会》影迷而言,可谓一场盛宴。但是这部严重罗列式的续集,却未必能够赢得新的观众群。影片开头过于缓慢冗长,而高潮又似乎姗姗来迟,这可能无法令那些还未接受杜琪峰关于当代香港现实批判观点的观众满意。       《黑社会》去年在国内电影市场的成功令人称奇:作为一部舍弃A级院线票房,摆明车马以黑社会为题材的三级(18岁以下观众不得入场观看)本土影片,它成功缔造了1500多万港币的骄人成绩,并跻身年度港产片票房排名前五位。       《以和为贵》于本周早前拉开了第30届香港国际电影节序幕,并将于4月26日在港上映。预售观众对于上集影片的热情,使得《以和为贵》在港上映时从中受益。       国际(笔者理解此处指内地)发行将更为艰难,影片所蕴涵的鲜明的地方特色得益于第一部.在一系列电影节曝光之后,随之而来的将是杜琪峰国际声望的进一步加强,影片可能象去年的《黑社会》一样在嘎那,柏林,威尼斯影展现身,继之而来的将是对于亚洲电影的动作主题定位的超越。       故事截取了沉着冷静,有条不紊的阿乐(任达华)赢得和联胜当家两年任期后的一段。新一届选举在即——与其所处身的社会不同的是,黑社会主席/话事人由两年一度的民主选举产生——阿乐一心打破传统,意图连任。然而,他谦和的外表之下隐匿的是变态凶残的内心,他决心铲除一切阻碍他道路的其他候选人。       其中最为突出的正是Jimmy(古天乐),一个21世纪手握工商管理学硕士学位,拥有模特般英俊外表的黑帮成员。他承认自己加入社团只是把社团视做赚钱捷径。Jimmy的当选将巩固其在内地的地产生意.影片以标志这场黑社会选举的琐细而日趋激化的诡异细节,精心策划的虚伪盟约以及残忍兽性的暴力行为作为情节.       关于这部黑社会题材影片的主题杜琪峰有着明确的声明,当前这种把《黑社会》与科波拉的《教父》三部曲相提并论的做法有欠妥当。如果《教父》三部曲是恢弘华丽的歌剧,那么杜琪峰奏响的则是轻松宜人的室内乐。别具一格暗淡的灯光效果,鲜明的宽银幕舞台设置,一丝不苟的执导态度以及演员整体效果的出色,这些是他97后形成的个人风格。       演员们各自如雕像般伫立,压迫感一触即发。《以和为贵》开头有一幕典型场景,一幅静止的戏剧性画面搏动着活力,如暗流汹涌。       影片基调具有典型的“杜氏”风格,从疯狂的视觉幽默片段(杜氏御用演员林雪的小丑形象)到一个完全森冷无情的施刑人形象层次上的递进使得影片视角得以扩展。后者在技巧上的娴熟独特所引发的受刑人或许无意识的恐惧感的共鸣更有甚于加诸于其肉体的凌虐。       影片的意外败笔在于叙事的失衡。繁复的罗列而没有后继的瞬间紧张的气氛使得前一个小时的观影过程艰辛乏味。激烈冲突暗藏在两大黑帮头目之间时而简练时而含糊的谈判中——正是这种激烈冲突的动感构成了杜氏影片鲜明的兴奋点。而该片中的这种激烈冲突却受到抑制,埋藏于幽深的暗影之下——这一切渲染出这部影片的色调。当杜琪峰再次出击时,却为时已晚。       那些习惯于观看权力交接后港产影片,抵制香港现时为民主政府所做的诸多努力的观众将会惊奇地发现这次杜琪峰直截了当的把底牌摊在桌面上,正是这种直白削弱了《以和为贵》所蕴涵的力量。       然而,一种形式的民主(和联胜通过选举产生龙头)可能对于旧日香港(殖民地时期)已经足够优越,但香港特别行政区(中央政府控制下)则需要更多的土生土长的“爱国的”黑社会。因此,黑社会成员应该暂时抛开所谓的公平竞争去谋求更为稳妥可以操控的手段。他们本身可能正承受着内陆生意合作伙伴(警察和腐败的政府官员)所施与的压力。       结尾处的大胆直率大可视做全片亮点。在回顾过程中,结尾作为一段间奏,穿插于规范明快的前奏以及英雄传奇可能永远不会到来的恢弘悲壮的终曲之间。       杜氏影片一贯固定的演员在适度压抑中成功演绎了各自角色。作为最能代表杜氏风格的影片,《黑社会》系列对于社会结构的兴趣点比个人心理的刻画更为突出,相关演员表演到位,而任达华与张家辉在表现隐藏于角色性格中的冷静残酷的张力时表现出色。   
  第4篇    Year: 2006     Director: Johnnie To Kei-Fung     Writer: Yau Nai-Hoi, Yip Tin-Shing     Cast: Louis Koo Tin-Lok, Simon Yam Tat-Wah, Wong Tin-Lam, You Yong, Lam Suet, Eddie Cheng Siu-Fai, Nick Cheung Ka-Fai, Gordon Lam Ka-Tung, Mark Cheng Ho-Nam, Andy On Chi-Kit, Tam Ping-Man     The Skinny: A sequel that makes sense. Election 2 takes the themes and stories presented in the original film and brings them to a logical and ingeniously appropriate end. Those who found the first film boring or unexciting will likely not find Election 2 much better, but fans of the first should be very pleased. So far, this is the class of 2006.     Review     by Kozo: Last fall, Election was the forceful bludgeoning Hong Kong Cinema naysayers needed. Johnnie To's guide to triad-run democracy was an entertaining, meticulously assembled, and impressively controlled filmmaking tour de force by the veteran director -- and easily the most accomplished Hong Kong film of the year. To returns to rescue Hong Kong Cinema again with Election 2, a quick but astoundingly effective sequel that logically extends upon the storylines and themes presented in the original film. In Election we got an exhilarating cinema primer on the triad election process, and a peek at Hong Kong's cold-blooded soul. Election 2 is less exhilarating, but it compensates by doubling the cold-blooded factor, plus it serves up an ingenious reveal on the death of the election process. It's early and there hasn't been much competition, but Election 2 is so far the best Hong Kong film of 2006.     It's been two years since Lok (Simon Yam) bested Big D (Tony Leung Ka-Fai) for the chairperson seat of the Wo Sing triad, and it's election time again. Lok has had a decent run, but tradition demands a new head take charge every two years. The candidates for Wo Sing's new chairperson include Kun (Gordon Lam), whose edginess and sense of entitlement recall Big D's, and the still-rabid Jet (Nick Cheung), who's only a candidate because Lok has fooled him into thinking he's one. Some people want Jimmy (Louis Koo) to run, but he's too busy making money with his pirate VCD factories to care. That suits L as revealed at the end of Election 1, Lok is more ambitious and blindly power-hungry than he initially seemed to be. Now that he's been in charge for two years, he's reluctant to let the seat go. And we mean really reluctant.     However, the smart pick is still Jimmy, and he even has the support of many of the &uncles& (led by the returning Wong Tin-Lam). Jimmy is adamant about not entering the fray, but he does a double-take when his business prospects get threatened. Chinese Inspector Xi (You Yong) is polite but firm about barring Jimmy's businesses from the Mainland, the implication being that Jimmy needs to have major rank in Wo Sing to gain pull with the party muck-a-mucks. The threat of lost greenbacks is enough to give J he throws his hat in the ring. Lok is already convinced that he can be Wo Sing's chairperson for a second term, and manipulates Kun and Jet into helping support his bid. But Jimmy is a smart guy, meaning he won't give in to Lok's ambition -- and he definitely won't go fishing with the guy. With the line drawn, each candidate squares off for a mano-a-mano election. Planned double-crosses, crafty chicanery, and plenty of slow-burn buildup follow, as the two triad heavyweights jockey for the lead. Ultimately, it becomes clear that there's only one sure way to win the election: kill the other guy. And the battle begins.     And what a battle it isn't. Like the first film, Election 2 is not home to Mexican standoffs, blazing gun battles, or massive Young and Dangerous chopper battles. No, the big battles in Election 2 are fought with brains and behind-the-scenes chess matches involving kidnapping, threatened dismemberment, and good old-fashioned logic. The result threatens to be snooze-central, as much of the film's early going seems to drag, and more often than not the buildup leads to a conversation instead of red-blooded violence. But the threat of violence is always present, and the tension Johnnie To creates is rock-solid enough to bludgeon a person. Election 2 is the type of movie where it feels like someone could jump into frame and suddenly club someone else and it would never feel inappropriate or unwarranted. These guys are ugly, morally unbridled people who will resort to nasty stuff to get the votes. Truth and just cause ar what's important is getting what you want, and using everyone around you to do it. Winning an election requires tough, bloody, and sometimes stomach-churning action, and both Lok and Jimmy are willing to dirty their hands and feet to get the job done. And they do, in a sometimes gory fashion that will probably please those looking for some hint of meaty Category III thrills. When it really gets going, Election 2 isn't morally murky, it's pitch black.&A     Election 2's lack of happy times does provide a black comic thrill, but it actually makes the film less fun than Election 1. The first film struck an audience chord in its Lok vs. Big D dynamic, as each perfectly exemplified an expected triad type. Big D was brash, self-aggrandizing, and insecure, while Lok was cool, charismatic, and seemingly righteous. The juxtaposition between the two give Election 1 its audience identification, and Lok was easy to root for, as his righteousness and coolly logical decision-making made him the charismatic odds-on pick -- that is, until he was revealed to be two-faced and cruel, and probably the worst fishing buddy in the history of time. The film was entertaining and satisfying up until Johnnie To pulled the rug out from underneath the audience, and the resulting ugliness probably left some people with a bad aftertaste. But it was fun while it lasted, and upon reflection, the film was a resounding thematic success.     In contrast, Election 2 is much less fun, but it takes the lesson from Election 1 -- that to play the game, you have to be a bastard -- and pushes it full force. The extremity of Jimmy and Lok's competition is morbidly fascinating, but To finds other ways to entertain. To milks some welcome laughs out of the film's black situations thanks to his usual deadpan absurdities, ironic repetition, or moments of obtuse humor. The supporting actors, including returnees Lam Suet and Eddie Cheng, are funny without being cloying, and Mark Cheng is very cool in as Jimmy's amoral, money-loving muscle. Simon Yam is charming and chilling as Lok, Nick Cheung is compelling and intense as Jet, and Louis Koo brings a materialistic gravity to his portrayal of Jimmy. His character has grown in command and stature since the first film, and it's very clear why Jimmy enters the election. Jimmy is a modern Hong Kong character, i.e. he's the guy who's doing it for dough and for the material comfort of his growing family. He's not in it for the glory, the prestige, or the power. He just wants the cash. And by becoming chairperson, he'll get it.     But he'll also get more than he bargained for. In Election 1, winning was based on how the boys played the game, but in Election 2, it's the game that plays the boys. Whereas the first film ended with a figurative and literal blow to the head, Election 2's final kicker is less a knockout punch than an insidious slow-acting poison administered when you weren't paying attention. Johnnie To serves up an ending that's dull in execution, but ingenious in its fitting, logical growth. The Election films are as much about Hong Kong as they are about triad specifics, and with that sociopolitical baggage in mind, Election 2 takes on wicked significance that's sure to please local audiences -- not to mention those worldwide who like to watch their cinema with political agendas in mind. It's cerebral rather than heady stuff, and will probably earn further ire from Hong Kong Cinema fans upset that Election 1's Category III rating was about triad content, and not sex, violence, and overdone histrionics. People looking for rock 'n roll gangster action should avoid both these films.     Election 2 still has its problems, as its slow-burn storytelling can tax even the most patient Johnnie To fans, and lack of audience connection can definitely alienate. But fans of the original Election should be pleased by Election 2's verbalized yet potent climax and even the film's quiet and oddly unsettling final moments. The mega-fan in all of us probably still wishes To would go make A Hero Never Dies 2, but Election 2 doesn't give us much room to complain. This is an accomplished, mature Hong Kong film that departs from the romantic and sometimes pandering themes of heroism and righteousness present in most Hong Kong gangster films, and trades them for a cold-blooded, heartless reality that's compelling because it seems to ring so true. If Election 3 is in the offing, we should all be so lucky. (Kozo 2006)     Notes: • Election 2 seems to have solved the mystery of Andy On's involvement with the Election franchise, but rumored castmember (and Johnnie To regular) Cherrie Ying still is nowhere to be seen. Did she ever work on any of the Election movies at all?  
  这篇应该是到目前为止,我个人最喜欢的一篇了.还是我们的青宝贝翻译的:)我喜欢你!!青!嘿嘿.        以和为贵》2006       导演:杜琪峰       编剧:游乃海 叶天成       演员:古天乐 任达华 王天林 尤勇 林雪 张兆辉 张家辉 林家栋 郑浩南 安志杰 谭炳文       简评:一部合乎情理的续集。《以和为贵》沿用了前部电影所呈现的主题与情节,并以一种合理,精巧,妥当的方式终结。认为第一部影片枯燥乏味的观众或许不会对《以和为贵》改观,但前一部电影的影迷却会对该片相当满意。截止到目前,这应该被视作2006年度的一部经典。       评论 KOZO/撰文       去年秋天,《黑社会》的上映给那些对于港产影片持否定态度的人有力的当头一棒,杜琪峰执导下的这部反映黑社会所推行民主进程的影片集娱乐,凝重于一身,这部由资深导演拍摄的予人深刻印象的杰出作品轻易成为年度香港电影最佳影片。《以和为贵》延续第一部影片所表述的叙事线索及主题旋律,效果直接惊人,杜琪峰将以这部续集再次为香港电影市场力挽狂澜。《黑社会》从电影角度使我们对于选举进程形成了一个振奋人心的初步印象,是对香港社会冷漠灵魂的惊鸿一瞥。《以和为贵》的兴奋度不及前部,但却通过倍增的残暴因素予以补偿,并巧妙揭示了这场选举本身隐含的毁灭性。或许言之尚早,或许还会有更多的优秀作品出现,但《以和为贵》无疑是2006年度迄今为止最好的港产影片。       阿乐(任达华)击败大D(梁家辉)成为和联胜话事人两年后,新一轮选举又将开始。虽然期间阿乐领导得当,但依照和联胜传统要求每两年选出一位新的话事人。和联胜新龙头的候选者包括东莞仔(林家栋)和依旧极端的飞机(张家辉):前者的急噪和权利欲俨然大D的翻版,后者则只是顺应阿乐的意图参选。一些人想让Jimmy(古天乐)参与角逐,但他却忙于自己的VCD制造生意而无暇顾及。这正合阿乐之意;正如《黑社会》结尾所揭示,阿乐比最初所表现的更加野心勃勃,利欲熏心。既然他已经掌权两年之久,他就决不情愿让权利溜走,决不情愿!       然而真正的聪明人却是Jimmy,他甚至得到许多叔父辈人物(以王天林为首的选举小组)的支持.Jimmy起初坚决不欲加入角逐,但当其生意前景受到威胁时他却变本加厉。中方监察员石(尤勇)客气而强硬地阻止Jimmy的生意向内地扩展,并暗示Jimmy要成为和联胜话事人才能与政府要人联手。有可能断送财路的威胁足以使Jimmy改变初衷;他正式宣布加入竞选。阿乐已经相信他能够二度成为和联胜话事人,并操纵东莞仔和飞机听命于他。但是Jimmy是个聪明人,也就是说他不可能向阿乐的野心妥协——他决不会同对手去“钓鱼”。随着情节的发展,每一位候选者都拉开阵势要为赢得选举决一死战。随着这两个黑社会重量级人物斗争的展开,各种蓄意的出卖,狡猾的蒙骗以及日益激增的摩擦接踵而来。最终,事态的发展清楚地表明,唯一能够赢得选举的稳妥途径是:致对手于死地。       这并非一般意义上的斗争。如前一部影片一样,《以和为贵》所展示的并不是墨西哥式僵局,激烈的枪战,或成群结队的青少年和危险分子上演的砍刀战。《以和为贵》最激烈的斗争是智慧的对抗,隐含于场景背后的绑架,恐吓,肢解,以及完美的古老逻辑布成棋局。影片前边的很多情节拖沓松散,恐吓的结果是短暂的间歇,摩擦的激增往往引发一场会谈而不是血腥的暴力,但暴力的征兆却贯穿始终,杜琪峰所营造的张力密实到足以给人迎头痛击。《以和为贵》是这样一种类型的影片:每一个人物仿佛都被禁锢在一隅,却会突兀地与他人联手,但这却不会让人感到凭空捏造的不和时宜。这些不受道德约束蛮横邪恶的人物.为了赢得选举的胜利他们可以采取卑劣手段.事实真相以及合理的动机在这里都已无足轻重;真正重要的是达到目的,利用周遭每一个可以帮到你的人,想要获胜就必须粗暴残忍,必要时还要做出一些令人作呕的行经.为了达到目的,阿乐和Jimmy即使全身沾满鲜血也再所不惜。他们血腥的行事方式将会取悦那些试图从这部三级定位的影片中寻找惊悚暗示的观众。《以和为贵》讲述的并非是人性道德上的阴暗,它所展示的是极度的黑暗。       《以和为贵》没有欢愉的片段,这为影片提供了黑色幽默的兴奋点,但实际上这也使得影片的趣味性低于《黑社会》。前一部影片通过阿乐和大D的对抗牢牢扣紧观众心弦。两个都是黑社会人物中的典型形象。大D性情急噪,夸张,不稳定;阿乐则冷静,迷人,道貌岸然。这两个人物的并置是《黑社会》呈现给观众的特色。阿乐的形象很通俗,公正,冷静,合理的决断赋予他一种胜券在握的魅力,直到两人正面冲突时他才显露出凶残的本性——他们可能是世上最糟糕的钓鱼伙伴。影片的娱乐性令人满意,直到杜琪峰的猝然发难,由此引发的人性的丑恶可能会使得一些人在回味中品到遗憾。但在品位的过程中,它却极富趣味性。该片在主旋律上的成功毋庸质疑。       比较而言,《以和为贵》的趣味性却远为不如,但是影片吸取了《黑社会》的教训——要想把戏玩得出色,就必须把自己当成一个混蛋,并倾尽全力置身其间。Jimmy与阿乐对抗的极致有一种病态的醉人感。但杜琪峰却找到了其他娱乐方式,他从影片的黑色情节中挖掘笑料,这得益于他所惯用的面无表情的荒谬行为,冷嘲热讽的喋喋不休以及愚蠢,突兀,诙谐的片段。支撑这些情节}


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