
固态驱动器(Solid State Drive),俗称固态硬盘,固态硬盘是用固态电子存储芯片阵列而制成的硬盘,因为台湾英语里把固体电容称之为Solid而得名。SSD由控制单元和存储单元(FLASH芯片、DRAM芯片)组成。固态硬盘在接口的规范和定义、功能及使用方法上与普通硬盘的完全相同,在产品外形和尺寸上也完全与普通硬盘一致。被广泛应用于军事、车载、工控、视频监控、网络监控、网络终端、电力、医疗、航空、导航设备等诸多领域。其芯片的工作温度范围很宽,商规产品(0~70℃)工规产品(-40~85℃)。虽然成本较高,但也正在逐渐普及到DIY市场。由于固态硬盘技术与传统硬盘技术不同,所以产生了不少新兴的存储器厂商。厂商只需购买NAND存储器,再配合适当的控制芯片,就可以制造固态硬盘了。新一代的固态硬盘普遍采用SATA-2接口、SATA-3接口、SAS接口、MSATA接口、PCI-E接口、NGFF接......查看完整解释1: 所以有人提出了固态硬盘的概念。For this reason, the Solid State Disk (SSD) was invented.2: 固态硬盘的优点和工作原理是什么。Okay, what are the advantages of SSDs and how do they work.3: 你需要购置移动硬盘还是固态硬盘呢?。You need to buy mobile hard disk, or SSD?4: 讨论固态存储,网络硬盘和磁带。Discuss solid-state storage, Internet hard drives, and magnetic tape.5: 如果是同样容量的的固态硬盘驱动,Air要比Adamo贵500美元。With the same size solid-state drive as the Adamo, the Air is $500 more.6: 他还买了一个固态硬盘来加快某些任务。He also bought a solid state drive to speed up some tasks.7: 固态硬盘速度更快、耗电更省,不过价格也要高得多。Solid-state disks are faster and use less battery power but cost much more.8: 另外,我笔记本电脑的存储空间比以前少了,因为我现在使用的是高速度、低容量的固态硬盘。And my laptop itself has less storage than before, because I now rely on fast, lower-capacity solid-state drives.9: 受访者1:喔,那你刚刚说的固态硬盘,不用外加什么就可以跟微软XP兼容,而且跑得很顺是吗?Subject 1: And these solid state drives that you mention have no moving parts and can work just fine with Windows XP, right?10: 本文介绍了温切斯特磁盘、固态硬盘和混合硬盘的特点及其发展过程。This essay introduce the characteristics and development of several kinds of HDD includes Winchester Hard Drive, solid state disk, and hybrid disk.11: 同苹果及联想机一样,它也装有内置的固态硬盘,此类驱动比普通的硬盘运行速度更快,耗用电量更少。Such drives are faster and use less power than regular hard disks, but cost more. Also like the Air, it lacks a DVD drive.12: 就像使用固态硬盘,需要移动的部分减少了,结果运行时间和可靠性都得到了改善。As with solid-state drives, the number of moving parts is reduced, resulting in greater uptime and reliability.13: 他拒绝回答对于三星何时能够将固态硬盘直接提供给消费者的疑问,同时也拒绝回答明年是否会有比256GB更大的产品推出。He declined comment on when Samsung would make SSD drives available directly to consumers, or to say more about 256GB SSDs other than that they could be out next year.14: 如果您阅读了最近的行业文章和新闻,您一定会注意到,固态硬盘 (SSD)已经应用到先进的企业存储阵列中。It cannot have escaped your notice, if you have been reading industry articles and press releases, that solid-state drives (SSDs) are now available for the leading enterprise storage arrays.15: 买家为主板、内存、固态硬盘、服务器、显卡、集线器、连接器和显示器等讨价还价。Buyers goggled and haggled over motherboards, memory chips, solid-state drives, servers, graphics cards, non-tangling cables, connectors, monitors and so on.16: 这些修改者还安装了一个128G的固态硬盘,但是他们却不能增加RAM的数量。The modders also put a 128GB SSD drive in, but they were unable to increase the amount of RAM.17: 在参考了很多想法之后,我们决定送他一个雕刻的固态硬盘,速度超快却又不贵,采用了新型存储技术。After kicking around some ideas, we settled on engraving a solid state drive (SSD), the ultra-fast, ultra-not-inexpensive new storage technology.18: 还有一些讨论,是关于固态硬盘驱动能否改善性能,但并没有确切的结论说明固态硬盘能够影响性能。There was also some discussion of whether solid state drives would have helped improve performance, but there was no conclusive statement about how they might have impacted performance.19: 我个人很感兴趣的一件事是向固态硬盘的转移。One of the things I personally am really interested in is the move over to SSD (solid-state drives) disks.20: 我用来测试的电脑没有使用固态硬盘。 这种节能却昂贵的硬盘正逐渐替代机械硬盘。Neither of my test machines used the energy-saving, but costly, solid-state drives that are slowly replacing mechanical hard disks.21: 参阅本期的“释放用于DB2工作负载的固态硬盘的价值”关于如何用SSD最大化DB2性能的讨论。See "Unleashing the Value of Solid-State Drives for DB2 Workloads" in this issue for a discussion on how to maximize the performance of DB2 with SSDs.22: 他们还更可能使用固态硬盘(固态硬盘) ,而不是传统的硬盘硬盘。They are also more likely to use Solid State Hard Drives (SSD) instead of traditional platter Hard Drives.23: 但固态硬盘(SSD)的确是新生事物,在高端笔记本的价格中仍可能占很大比例。But solid state drives (SSDs), which replace hard disks with memory chips to store your data, are much rarer and newer and still can add significantly to the price of even a high-end laptop.24: 这就为固态硬盘福建的雕刻提出了一个问题,因为它要看上去好看要在千分之二英寸中保持平的。This posed a problem for engraving the SSD enclosure itself, as it would have to be held flat within two thousandths of an inch to get a good looking result.25: 不过固态硬盘有时候也会出现故障,该公司正在寻求一种确保万无一失的清除硬盘数据的方式。The SSDs will sometimes fail as well, and the company is working on ways to ensure a foolproof wipe of stored data.26: EMC首次将FLASH芯片的固态硬盘运用于存储阵列,使其性能和能效获得前所未有的提升。EMC firstly applies FLASH chip solid state disk into the memory array, and unprecedentedly raises the performance and the energy efficiency.27: 尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是无法做到要求的两者的平等,因此雕刻固态硬盘本身这个想法就被搁置了。Despite my best effort though, I could not achieve the required parallelism, and so engraving the SSD itself was abandoned.28: 由于固态硬盘力求吸引更广泛的消费群,明年预计会是“淡市”,仅有少许制造商异军突起。Next year I expect the market to thin out, with a few makers rising to the top, as SSDs aim for broader, mass appeal.29: 想想未来的情形吧。你可能有20TB(兆兆字节)的数据要处理,不过你仅仅只有200G(千兆字节)的固态硬盘(SSD,solidstatediskdrive)。Thinking way down the road, he continues, "you might have 20 terabytes of stuff, but it"ll be OK that you [only] have a 200 gigabyte SSD [solid state disk drive].30: 这样就有了第二个计划。雕刻一些简单的东西,然后把它加到固态硬盘上去。Thus was hatched Plan B: engrave something simpler and then bolt it to the SSD.31: 固态硬盘的降价有利于市场上更快的接受其产品,且对于放缓的NAND闪存市场也起到了稳定作用。A drop in prices could also improve adoption of SSDs and stabilize a slowing NAND flash market, Samsung’s Elliott said.}

2023-07-12 23:58:35


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