罗斯具体商品进出口属于什么贸易贸‏易的企 业文化是什么?

啥是企业文化?What's corporate culture?我们都知道华为的”狼性“、阿里的”武侠“,这些特点很容易让我们理解一个企业的文化,但不是每个企业都像华为、阿里有如此鲜明特点,那么究竟啥是企业文化?We all know huawei's "Wolf spirit" and Ali's "Martial arts". These characteristics make it easy for us to understand the culture of an enterprise. However, not every enterprise has such distinctive characteristics as Huawei and Ali.很久以前读研究生时,导师给我们分享过一个关于企业文化的故事。A long time ago, when I was in graduate school, our tutor shared a story about corporate culture.说科学家做实验,把几只猩猩关进一个顶部挂有香蕉的笼子。猩猩们见到香蕉自然是跳起抢夺,实验人员见势用高压水枪阻止,猩猩们尝试几次未果,便渐渐不再有抢香蕉的心思。这时,实验人员放进一只新猩猩A,A进入笼子,首先被香蕉吸引,蹦起来就要拿香蕉,其他几只猩猩见状,群起而揍A,因为它们可不想再被水枪冲击;A不明所以,但被群殴总是不愉快的,在尝试了几次均被镇压后,便乖乖的缩在角落,再不敢觊觎香蕉;这时,实验人员又放进来一只新猩猩B,当B准备去够香蕉时,熟悉的一幕又发生了,猩猩们群起而攻之,奇怪的是,连不明所以的A也加入了揍B的行列。。。It says that scientists did experiments by putting several gorillas in a cage with bananas hanging from the top.When the gorillas saw the bananas, they naturally jumped to grab them. The experimenter saw the situation and stopped them with a high-pressure water gun. The gorillas tried several times but failed.At this time, the experimenter put in a new gorilla A, who was first attracted by the banana, jumped up to take it, several other gorillas saw this, and beat A, because they did not want to be water gun impact;A didn't know why, but it was always unpleasant to be beaten. After several attempts were suppressed, A obediently shrank in the corner, not daring to covet bananas. At this point, the experimenter brought in a new gorilla B, and when B tried to reach the banana, the familiar scene happened again. The gorillas attacked B. Strangely, A, who did not know why, also joined in beating B...这就是企业文化。This is corporate culture.企业文化是在一定的社会经济条件下,通过社会实践所形成的并为全体成员遵循的共同意识、价值观念、职业道德、行为规范和准则的总和,是一个企业或组织在自身发展过程中形成的带有本组织特点的使命、愿景、价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营、管理制度、员工行为和对外形象的体现的总和。Corporate culture is the sum total of common consciousness, values, professional ethics, codes of conduct and standards that are formed through social practice and followed by all members under certain social and economic conditions;It is the sum total of the mission, vision, values and business philosophy with the characteristics of the organization formed in the process of development of an enterprise or organization, as well as the embodiment of these concepts in production and operation, management system, employee behavior and external image.结合上面的故事,我们知道,猩猩的本性-吃香蕉,遭到了外部环境的强力打压被限制住,即使新猩猩A和B在本性驱使下想要破圈,最终依然被驯服,这就是文化的力量,即使此时已经没有外力打压,”香蕉不能碰“的文化依然留存并传播。Combining the above story, we know that apes nature - eat bananas, pressurised by the external environment, even if the new gorilla A and B driven by nature wants to break the circle, finally still tamed, this is the power of culture, even if there is no external force at this time, the "don't touch bananas" culture persists and spreads.小伙伴可能会说,这不是制度在干的事吗?员工手册都写得明明白白,啥能干啥不能干,不能干的干后会有啥后果,那么You might say, well, isn't that what the institution is doing?The employee handbook is pretty clear about what you can and can't do, and what happens if you don't follow it, so制度和文化到底啥关系呢?What is the relationship between institutions and culture?为了解答这个问题,我们将进一步对”企业文化“进行解剖,共四层:表层、浅层、中间层和核心层,是不是有点儿像红烧肉,哈哈,还分层的,咱们一层一层割下去,看看每层究竟都是啥?In order to answer this question, we will further anatomize the "corporate culture". There are four layers: surface layer, shallow layer, middle layer and core layer. Is it a little like braised pork in brown sauce?Let's see what's on each layer.企业文化四层次都有啥?What are the four levels of corporate culture?用红烧肉做比喻,怕小伙伴们看饿了,我们还是把企业文化比喻成一棵树吧,环保又易懂。Using braised pork in soy sauce as a metaphor, I afraid that friends are hungry, we will compare the corporate culture to a tree, environmental protection and easy to understand.一棵树最重要的是什么部位?What is the most important part of a tree?当然是树根,这是树得已存活的生命基础,没有根的树必将衰亡。The roots, of course, are the basis of a tree's existing life. Without roots, a tree will die.企业文化中最重要的是什么?What is most important in a company's culture?当然是核心层-精神文化。它如同树根一样,深埋地下,表面看不到,但却是汲取营养,无限生发的地方。Of course, the core layer - spiritual culture.It is like the root of a tree, buried deep in the ground, invisible, but it is a place to absorb nutrients, infinite growth.树根就是一个企业之文化的核心层-精神理念,包括使命、愿景、价值观和经营理念等,是企业为什么得以存在?能存在的如何?以及如何继续存在的根本指导思想。The root is the core layer of an enterprise's culture - spiritual concept, including mission, vision, values and business philosophy, is why the enterprise exists?How can it exist?And how to continue to exist.支撑一棵树的是什么部位?What parts support a tree?树干呗!The trunk!对应企业文化哪个层次?What level of corporate culture does it correspond to?中间层,即制度文化。也就是说,制度是企业文化非常重要的一部分。The middle layer is institutional http://culture.In other words, institutions are a very important part of corporate culture.我们可以设想,没有树干的树是什么样?We can imagine a tree without a trunk.即使有根,树也只能匍匐在地,无法向上生长,更别说与其他树竞争,只能任人践踏。Even if there are roots, trees can only crawl on the ground, not up, let alone compete with other trees, can only be trampled.所以,树干起到重要的承上启下作用,也就是说一个企业制度是否完善,直接决定这个企业的生长高度。Therefore, the trunk plays an important role in connecting the preceding and the following, that is to say, whether an enterprise system is perfect directly determines the growth height of the enterprise.当然,树干要有树皮,没有树皮的树干即使高耸入云,也迟早会被外界环境所侵蚀,最终暴病而亡。Of course, the tree trunk must have bark, without bark even if the tree trunk towering into the sky, it will be corroded by the external environment sooner or later, and eventually die of violent disease.也就是说,树皮代表企业核心制度的完美性,一个小小的瑕疵也可能带来害虫的侵蚀,或者严寒的风冻。Of course, the tree trunk must have bark, without bark even if the tree trunk towering into the sky, it will be corroded by the external environment sooner or later, and eventually die of violent disease.核心制度包括企业的决策制度、人才制度和业务流程等,从长期看,树活的好不好、长寿不长寿,树皮也是功不可没。The core system includes the decision-making system, talent system and business process of the enterprise. In the long run, the bark also contributes to the tree's good life and longevity.树的枝和叶又代表什么?What are the branches and leaves of a tree?树枝,代表浅层文化,即企业一切经营行为,包括组织和个人行为;Branches, on behalf of shallow culture, namely all business behavior, including organizational and individual behavior树叶,代表表层文化,也叫物质文化,是所有外在可识别的关于企业的形象、产品和服务等。Leaf, representing surface culture, also known as material culture, is all externally identifiable images, products and services of an enterprise.枝和叶紧密联系,相辅相成。虽然它们不能决定树的生死,但可以决定树的发展。Branches and leaves are closely related and complement each other.Although they do not determine whether a tree lives or dies, they can determine how it develops.客户最先看到的就是企业的表层文化,是郁郁葱葱,还是残败凋零,已经决定了企业在消费者心中的第一印象。The first thing customers see is the surface culture of the enterprise. Whether it is lush or withered has already determined the first impression of the enterprise in consumers' minds.之后客户再通过组织或个人的行为,接受企业的产品或服务,是认真负责,还是敷衍推脱,消费者进一步对企业有了切身感受。After that, the customer accepts the products or services of the enterprise through the behavior of the organization or individual. Whether it is serious and responsible or perfunctory, the consumer further has a personal experience of the enterprise.每个企业当然希望将组织最优的一面呈现给世人,奈何已经枝叶凋零,残花败柳,怎么办?Of course, every enterprise wants to present the best side of the organization to the world, but what can be done after the leaves have withered?这里又要说到承上启下的树干和作为根基的树根,树根要不断输送营养,树干要笔直挺拔,也就是说精神文化要明确且不断传输,制度要完善和监管行为,才能保证树长的高、长的直、长的旺,任一环节出现问题,都将影响企业的长治久安。Again, let's talk about the trunk of the tree, the roots of the tree.The roots must carry nourishment, the trunk must be straight, that is to say, spiritual culture should be clear and continuously transmitted, and institutions should be improved and behaviors should be monitored to ensure that trees grow tall, straight and prosperous. Any link problems, will affect the long-term stability of the enterprise.所以,到此我们已经将企业文化剖开看了个究竟,知道了制度是文化不可或缺的重要部分。Therefore, we have dissected the enterprise culture and know that system is an indispensable part of culture.小伙伴可能又要问,藏在地下的树根太神秘,看不到、摸不着,怎么知道它是不是会给树干、树枝、树叶输送营养呢?Hidden underground, the roots of trees are so mysterious that they cannot be seen or touched. How can we know if they carry nutrients to trunks, branches, and leaves?接下来我们就来揭开神秘的核心层-精神文化,树根。Next we will uncover the mysterious core layer - spiritual culture, roots.精神文化都包括啥?What does spiritual culture include?上面已经说到,核心文化包括企业的使命、愿景和价值观,那么这仨又是啥?As mentioned above, the core culture includes a company's mission, vision and values. What are they?使命Mission即企业为什么存在的理由,大白话就是企业能给社会或客户带来什么价值、解决什么问题,原则上是不可变的。Mission is the reason why an enterprise exists, that is, what value an enterprise can bring to the society or customers and what problems it can solve. In principle, it is immutable.比如阿里的使命是”让天下没有难做的生意“,是为变革营销和经营,通过互联网的方式,提高效率,使天南海北的人可以购买天南海北的商品;使命比较“虚”,更多的是实现对社会的价值体现。For example, Alibaba's mission is "to make it easy to do business anywhere", which is to transform marketing and operation and improve efficiency through the Internet, so that people can buy products anywhere. The mission is relatively "empty", more is to realize the value of the society.愿景Vision是企业长期的大目标,指明了企业发展的方向,它回答的是企业在未来将成为什么样的企业,类似于航海时的灯塔,避免迷路;愿景是可变的,随着企业的发展和外部环境的变化,愿景也会跟随调整。Vision is the long-term goal of the enterprise, indicating the direction of enterprise development. It answers what kind of enterprise will the enterprise become in the future, which is similar to the lighthouse of navigation to avoid getting lost. The vision is changeable, and it will adjust as the enterprise develops and the external environment changes.比如阿里的愿景是"追求成为一家活102年的好公司"。可以看到,愿景相对使命更“实”,更具体,它是一个清晰的目标,是企业的梦想和信仰,指导所有人朝着这个目标奋斗。For example, alibaba's vision is "to be a good company that lives 102 years." It can be seen that the vision is more "real" and more specific than the mission. It is a clear goal, the dream and belief of the enterprise, and guides everyone to strive for this goal.价值观Values是企业对错的评判标准,大都来自于创始人的价值观,原则上也是不可变的,它不是一种口号,更重要是身体力行,当某些行为不能在制度里找到对应标准时,价值观将是对行为判断的唯一标准。Values are the judgment criteria for the right and wrong of an enterprise, which are mostly derived from the founder's values and are immutable in principle. It is not a slogan, but more importantly a practice. When certain behaviors cannot find corresponding standards in the system, values will be the only standard for judging behaviors.比如阿里价值观-六脉神剑中的一条,“今天最好的表现是明天最低的要求”,这就决定了不进=退的评价标准,激励每个阿里人不断的激发自己的潜能。For example, one of Ali's values, "The best performance today is the lowest requirement tomorrow." This determines the evaluation standard of no progress = retreating, and encourages everyone in Ali to constantly stimulate their potential.------------手动分割线-------------感谢亲的认真阅读!如果我的文章,让亲get到一点点小收获,感谢伸个小手点个“赞同”“喜欢”或“收藏”哦!:-)关注我:英语行姐姐,更多职场英语、英语分级提升、新西兰留学之干货文章和精彩视频,解决你关于以上内容的一切困惑。职场英语&英语学习&新西兰留学相关文章导引职场英语挖到宝!5分钟了解敏捷项目管理(APM)前世今生(中英双语)英语学习类:英语分级阅读(二)--30本蓝思值600-900珍贵书目(豆瓣评分8以上)英语分级阅读(一)--蓝思值Lexile探秘你知道新西兰PR特批了吗?New 2021 Resident Visa居民签详解(英语阅读七)在新西兰打新冠疫苗(二)疫苗预定流程(英语阅读六)在新西兰打新冠疫苗(一)辉瑞疫苗如何工作你看懂了吗?(英语阅读五)“每周推桶运动”-- 新西兰你不得不知的垃圾分类(英语阅读四)从基督城图书馆指南探寻新西兰“软实力”图书馆文化(英语阅读三下)从基督城图书馆指南探寻新西兰“软实力”图书馆文化(英语阅读三上)终于知道“秋裤”用英语怎么说了-看Kiwi对滑雪的分级和滑雪装备!!!(二)在国外生活的我每天面对的奇葩英文,比做100个阅读理解更有效!!!(一)国内英语学习30年不如国外溜一圈?想学英语没环境?疫情出不了国?如何在国内为自己打造24小时英语学习环境?2022年准备入境新西兰留学?何不将英语先练起来?提升英语?从选择好的英语学习方法开始(上)提升英语?从选择好的英语学习方法开始(下)关于新西兰口音/俚语那些事儿(一)关于新西兰口音/俚语那些事儿(二)关于新西兰口音/俚语那些事儿(三)关于新西兰口音/俚语那些事儿(四)-难倒我的12道kiwi俚语quiz留学类:国外留学容易毕业难?总结9种留学考试方式-助你一臂之力80后老母亲带娃新西兰留学2年纪实(超级详细全过程)上80后老母亲带娃新西兰留学2年纪实(超级详细全过程)下2022年自助申请坎特伯雷大学MASTER全攻略(附超详细申请过程截图)80后老母亲新西兰留学全攻略(超级详细血泪篇)上80后老母亲新西兰留学全攻略(超级详细血泪篇)中上80后老母亲新西兰留学全攻略(超级详细血泪篇)中80后老母亲新西兰留学全攻略(超级详细血泪篇)中下80后老母亲新西兰留学全攻略(超级详细血泪篇)下纽村生活之人在囧途-纽村第一个学期纪实(上)纽村生活之人在囧途-纽村第一个学期纪实(下)新西兰留学学业鸭梨山大!!!写在2021新年第一天(带娃留学干货总结篇)新西兰小学类:我眼中的新西兰小学(一)我眼中的新西兰小学(二)新西兰小学亲历一年后的干货总结(上)新西兰小学亲历一年后的干货总结(下)签证类:2021新西兰配偶工作签自助申请全攻略(超详细)2020新冠期间滞留新西兰,如何申请旅游签延期(附详细申请过程截图)2018德国签证一波三十折2018美国签证攻略2017英国签证攻略(超级详细篇)旅游生活攻略类:新西兰基督城周末去哪玩呀?新西兰留学/生活一家三口都带些啥?新西兰南岛房车自驾5日游攻略:老年团新西兰深度游之-国际南极中心2018新西兰北岛亲子20天小游学记攻略(超级详细)2017北京至西藏19天自驾游攻略2017英国亲子15天自由惊险之旅攻略(超级详细)------------我是结尾-------------}

在柯林斯和波拉斯所著的《基业长青》中选取部分行业内的一流企业作为高瞻远瞩的公司研究,这些公司历经百年而依然长盛不衰,其中包括美国运通、波音、花旗、通用、惠普、IBM、3M、索尼、沃尔玛等近20家世界知名企业,研究成果认为企业基业长青的奥妙在于:造钟而非报时、利润之上的追求 、保存核心,刺激进步、胆大包天的目标、教派般的文化、择强汰弱的进化、自家的经理人、永远不够好、以终为始。
通过以上研究结果,我们不难看出,客户、创新、 灵活、以人为本、诚信等是卓越企业核心价值观中出现频率较高的文化元素。


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