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完全可以了,而且在不用开其他占内存的软件的话玩仙五是很流畅的,这是仙五官网给出的配置要求基本配置:CPU:Intel Pentium4 2.4 Ghz或AMD等同性能芯片内存容量:1G显卡:NV6600或ATI同性能硬盘:7G
ask:3,asku:4,askr:55,askz:19,askd:4,RedisW:0askR:23,askD:88 mz:nohit,askU:0,askT:0askA:113
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违法信息举报邮箱:(ERROR:15) & 访客不能直接访问帮忙看下电脑配置是否达标逆战 - 手机小小知识站
18-07-28 网络 zhishizhan.net
话题:帮忙看下电脑配置是否达标 逆战回答:已经达标了 而且这是配置 你都比配置的高很多了实际上看看最低配置 能不能玩就行 不过你的显卡有点坑 不是很好 以后有还是换个蓝宝石HD6770 吧参考回答:可以带起 显卡位宽是64 160个流处理器 玩游戏最好用n卡话题:帮我看一下这个配置是否合理回答:首先 你说电源不够?那我给你个测试的结果:9600GT标配300W电源。9500GT的话额定280W的电源早已足够然后,看看你的CPU吧~E2200 虽说是老的超频U,但是怎么说也是过气得不行的,论超参考回答:这个配置已经是即将淘汰的了给你个吧CPU Intel 奔腾双核 E5200(盒) 1 ¥ 505 主板 微星 P43 Neo-F 1 ¥ 599 显卡 影驰 9600GT版 1 ¥ 699 合计:1803 元 至于电源 上一个额定是350W 的足矣了。话题:高手帮我看一下配置是否达到要求回答:显卡和cpu都没有达到最低配置!看错了,只有显卡没有达到而已! 不会!,只是运行起来可能会不流畅!话题:麻烦大家帮我看一下这个配置是否合理回答:如果楼主用来超频的话可能还是技嘉这块板子更稳定,但如果单追求能的话磐正AK790+ GTR3绝对胜过它。770芯片组至上有780V 780G 785G 790GX这四款芯片组,除780V与770接近外,其参考回答:嗯嗯 ,不错这样的U配这样的主板可以发挥能现在640G的硬盘可以考虑啊话题:麻烦大家帮我看一下这个配置是否合理回答:如果楼主用来超频的话可能还是技嘉这块板子更稳定,但如果单追求能的话磐正AK790+ GTR3绝对胜过它。770芯片组至上有780V 780G 785G 790GX这四款芯片组,除780V与770接近外,其参考回答:嗯嗯 ,不错这样的U配这样的主板可以发挥能现在640G的硬盘可以考虑啊话题:大家帮我看下配置是否合适?回答:如果是人家给你的配置就不好了 现在AMD的CPU都不怎么好!而显卡确实好! 可以换个英特尔!用AMD的显卡!话题:谁能帮我看一下回答:你的电脑配置看来是本电脑噢。而且本子的应该不便宜吧。I5的处理器相当不错了,310M的显卡也算是中高档了,2G DDR3的内存,配置很不错的。这个最低配置是参考回答:可以玩不用担心,不过要注意的是最低配置一般是指在最低画质下的流畅运行,建议开的时候画质别太高~~~话题:谁能帮我看一下回答:你的电脑配置看来是本电脑噢。而且本子的应该不便宜吧。I5的处理器相当不错了,310M的显卡也算是中高档了,2G DDR3的内存,配置很不错的。这个最低配置是参考回答:可以玩不用担心,不过要注意的是最低配置一般是指在最低画质下的流畅运行,建议开的时候画质别太高~~~话题:请高手帮我看一下这样的配置是否合理?回答:这个配置玩不起来的游戏很少楼主别听他们吓唬人我的机器的配置差很多,一样什么游戏都拿来玩,当然也有玩不了了~```但这个配置,现阶段肯定够用Linking Blockchains
An “interlinked, bifocal” dual-token and dual-chain ecosystem
After the launch of HCASH mainnet v2.0, features such as post-quantum cryptographic signatures and a hybrid PoW+PoS consensus mechanism will be fully implemented and operable. From here, developers focusing on HyperCash will begin to develop blockchain technologies that fulfil its objectives.
HyperExchange, the other mainchain in HCASH system will be launched too, acting as the first system to achieve interoperability using a Blockchain Multi Tunnel (BMT) protocol, HyperExchange Axis, Indicator, smart contracts and other blockchain innovations. HyperExchange lays the foundation for building cross- chain distributed commercial applications in its ecosystem.
HyperExchange takes the lead in implementing inter-blockchain value interconnection via a Blockchain Multi Tunnel (BMT) protocol.
The realisation of cross-chain functionality has significant implications for the field of blockchain technology as:
o It allows value to be transmitted
o It dissolves barriers between independent blockchains to provide a foundation for building a globally interoperable
o It allows existing blockchains to expand beyo
o It connects existing internet infrastructure to blockchain systems.
100% Reserve
In order to ensure the stability and safety of the HCASH ecosystem, the reserve amount of HyperExchange to HCASH will be kept at 100%. Each HIOU will have its corresponding asset (such as BTC, ETH, etc) placed into hot or cold multi-signature wallets on the original chain. Those addresses will then be managed by a RPPOM consensus mechanism. This ensures that all assets on the HyperExchange network will not be modified or destroyed without reason, and that increases or decreases in assets always correspond to users' deposit or withdrawal activities.
High Efficiency
In accordance with the RPPOM consensus mechanism, the HyperExchange network produces a block every 5 seconds, resulting in significantly faster transaction confirmation speeds. This is illustrated best when compared to BTC, which produces a block every 10 minutes, or LTC, which produces a block every 2.5 minutes.
Overall, HyperExchange’s theoretical TPS (transactions per second) can reach 10,000, which is enough to carry high-load transactions on multiple chains.
Smart Contract
By using Turing-complete smart contracts, HyperExchange users can flexibly extend and customise complex business transactions and financial contracts. This can be done without modifying and updating the code of the original chain itself, and so, a dynamic expansion function with limitations is realised. For example, on the HyperExchange, smart contracts can be implemented, some of which include:
token contracts, trading contracts, lock-up contracts, various DAPP contracts, and so on.
PPOC(Random Pool Proof of Multi- properties)
HyperExchange uses a RPPoM (Random Pool Proof of Multi-properties) decentralised consensus mechanism, which is a stochastic multi-asset equity staking consensus algorithm. There are four roles that exist within the HyperExchange ecosystem:
Tourists, which include all ordinary users on the HyperE Candidate Citizens, who pay a fee to be able to accept pledges from othe Citizens, who are block generators and and Senators, who are asset managers and community administrators.
Flexible Transaction Fees
Transaction fees on the HyperExchange chain can be paid using HX and a variety of HIOU payments. If a user has any HX or HIOU, they can directly trade without having to worry about fees.
The exchange rate on the HyperExchange is not fixed, but is determined by market dynamics. As the price of Hyper Assets fluctuate, the HIOU required to facilitate a transaction will also change accordingly.
The Function of HyperExchange
HyperExchange is designed to help the HCASH ecosystem achieve value through connecting blockchains together. Through injecting resources into its ecosystem from its developers and integrating resources from other chains, HyperExchange can jointly build an ‘interlinked, bifocal’ dual-token and dual-chain ecosystem with HyperCash, with HyperExchange focusing on expanding the HCASH ecosystem.
HyperExchange will enable accessibility among blockchain and non-blockchain networks, and will provide HC holders with benefits such as an increased weight of mining and more administrative decision-making power within the network.
Community Governance
Empowering Stakeholders
To successfully ensure long-term progress whilst maintaining community involvement, HCASH must implement a complete and robust governance mechanism.
Bitcoin relies on developer groups and miners to coordinate updates, but this process is slow due to disagreements between both, ultimately resulting in forking. HyperExchange focuses on a well-designed community governance mechanism to empower the community and avoid disagreements.
Voting Power
Proposals for Governance and Technology
Base platform construction
Complete virtual machine architecture
Initiate cross-chain technology development
Complete cross-chain development, commence main net testing
Complete integrated development environment (IDE)
Accomplish cross-chain transaction via DAG
Complete the development of high performance parallel computing functionality
RPPOM consensus upgrade
What’s Next?
We will keep true to our vision, and continually improve our operations in terms of research, technological development, marketing, community involvement and beyond.
Research Partners
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Monash University
Coorperate Pools朋友们帮我看看这两台电脑配置都能点亮吗 有没有什么问题_百度知道
朋友们帮我看看这两台电脑配置都能点亮吗 有没有什么问题
CPU:AMD Athlon II x2 255双核
内存:金士顿DDR3 2G 1333
机箱电源:金河田赤豹8519B 标配金河田355WB大风扇电源配置二主板:微星GF615M-P33
CPU:AMD 羿龙IIx4 955黑盒
机箱电源:金河田赤豹8519B 标配金河田355WB大风扇电源
为什么第一个点不亮啊 大侠能说具体点吗
4G 1333希捷ST3500418AS这样就很不错了。但是955没有集成显卡核心,所以你要选择一块独立显卡,要 GT630或者HD6570以上的独显。比如GT640,650。HD这样的。大概要600元左右的样子。
第一套没有集成显卡 没配独立显卡 开不了机第二套 主板集成啦 6100显卡
仅能点亮 性能很差
下面这个配置比上面的高不少!955U性价比在AMD里 是很不错的!最好内存换成16的 现在13的过时了!电源换个400W额定的!硬盘7200r/min


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