itext 分页BaseFont.createpage 分页Font("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", false);想设置字体utf-8

After the crash, restart tomcat, they reported the following error: Serious: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Serious: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage Analysis: EOFException that input file is reac
I. Introduction In enterprise information systems, the report processing has accounted for a relatively important role, this article introduces a Java component generates PDF report - iText. Through the server side using the Jsp or JavaBean generate
iText cross-bank and background image (turn) Recently used iText for generating pdf files as attachments to download and email, for the first time use, cross-bank and the achievement of a long background n-Picture Card, g a n a long time, are questio
iText is able to quickly generate PDF documents java class library. iText of java classes created for those who want to include text, tables, graphics, read-only document is very useful. Its class library especially with java Servlet good to co. Use
package com. import java.awt.C import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.DocumentE import com.lowagie.text.E import
Under the first statement, I poi, iText Without thorough research, simply because the teacher had given us before the sample, so According to hoist huapiao , coupled with the further reconstruction of his own, have the following model. Just want to h
PDF form using iText to the domain assignment, if the domain type is Checkbox, if setFiled (FieldName, FieldValue) is not successful, then the Checkbox pretty small box may be gone, not to mention that Komagari of. If FileValue with Checkbox value a
While iText can handle forms, but forms a complex somewhat beyond their abilities. Online forms can be found some of the code can be used as demonstration purposes only. If the form is complicated, the control unit for the table, order, need a lot of
IText can be used to export barcode picture, but the picture is not included in the bar code, and only in the PDF the only createImageWithBarcode this method, the following code is derived image processing, bar code added to the picture specific code
When I use the JAVA generate RTF files would take a great of enthusiasm, the original is to generate the WORD document, but the WORD document to the generated POI only supports WORD fill in the text, for the images do not support. Then think about, R
Today, in an interface method modified and saved, reboot the tomcat error: xxxxx xxxxxxxxx Identify possible causes of the Internet is: EOFException during the accident, said input end of the file or stream reach the end of the s
Internal class BlockDataInputStream.'s Method peekByte thrown, meaning that to reach the end of the file, the program did not properly read the file contents end Client: streamToServer.println (userName +&;&+ strPwd); / / send to the Server name
Use itext to generate rtf documents, first need to download three packages, namely: iText-2.1.7.jar, iText-rtf-2.1.7.jar and iTextAsian.jar, these packages have been uploaded from &itext Application Package& to download. Online There are many ap
Do not know if anyone told me, this issue of how to achieve ah. . . . Html page to use iText to convert the PDF. . . .
Serious : IOException while loading persisted sessions: at$PeekInputStream.readFully(Unknown Source) at$BlockDataInputStream.readShort(Unknown Source) at ja
Tapestry @ Persist caused Remove all SESSIONS.ser tomcat directory on the OK Analysis: EOFException during the accident, said input end of the file or stream reach the end of the signal, resulting in failure to obtain data from the session. Exception
package example.iT import import com.itextpdf.text.D import com.itextpdf.text.R import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfC import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfE import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfImportedPa
I. Introduction In the enterprise information system, the report processing has been more important role in accounting, this article introduces a Java component generates PDF report - iText. Through the use of server-side JavaBean Jsp or generate PDF
In the use of iText generated PDF file, usually due to comparative data for some time the situation will have more pages. In setting the table head, in the end be necessary to add: Cell cell = new Cell(new PDFParagraph(& Table header settings &)
Recently in the output PDF file with IText, their first time to do, so do not know many things, especially the layout is very complex. Dotted line in the picture with IText a lot of time to go online to find information not found. Finally in java Tut
Recent projects need to generate a graphical report exported to PDF files. In the graphic above, intended to use Flash to display, but did not find how to import the PDF directly to the Flash method, only the President into the picture it should be,
To generate a pdf file, the next check in online information, the preferred iText, follow us along, I iText 1. 1: the font programming A4 horizontal Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate()); 2: In the PDF file using Form float[] widths
Use the latest version is 5.0.3, you can download, under the Chinese language pack may not be up to date, leading to debug a problem, and finally made a stupid way to solve the . //1. Establish Document instance Document
itext jar all the development environment and the package, in the first article, please In this section: 1: Generate a pdf document, and set t package com.keith.myself1; import impor
tomcat exception at startup when the problem is as follows: Serious: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Serious: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage Analysis: EOFException during the accident, said input
Java generated by a recent study word. Uses itext. From the Internet to find a variety of tutorials are taught how to write word for. Is this component can not read the word it? Want to give over to help master
Tomcat has been used without incident for some time are normal, TomCat6 at startup this error: Serious: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Serious: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage The Internet to fin
Tomcat start problem when the following exception: Serious: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Serious: Exception loading sessions from persistent storage Is because the saved session data on the hard disk read failure
Long time no update blog, and work and some things take up most of the energy, it is beyond our control. Tidy is finally free use of things recently. A friend of the projects need to use Report Download PDF, Excel, before I did, I believe do a PDF do
Environmental requirements: iText-2.1.7.jar iTextAsian.jar Sample code: package com.iText. import java.awt.C import import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagi
package import java.awt.C import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.DocumentE import com.lowagie.text.E import
Sometimes we need multiple PDF files into one. GUI tool is not the way to say, Here only discuss how to merge using java program PDF. We only need to use itext.jar to complete the task. Code: the code is very simple. Not much to explain. import java.
- IOException while loading persisted sessions: at $ PeekInputStream.readFully ( 2279) at $ BlockDataInputStream.readShort (ObjectInp
Tomcat has been used without incident for some time are normal, the latest start tomcat to occur the following exception: Serious: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Serious: Exception loading sessions from persistent
iText to create PDF files: This thing is very good, in my possession, with a good time to refer to
Tomcat: IOException while loading persisted sessions: The reason is tomcat's session on the hard disk read failure, complete solution to this: to work the following file empty, mostly *. ser files, or just delete session.ser that
Would like to ask you about, generate a pdf file on the method iText, iText can read an existing pdf template, and then fill out existing form template, the output generated pdf file. I would like to ask you how to make a pdf file of the template is
TOmcat starts report: IOException while loading persisted sessions: Error - IOException while loading persisted sessions: at $ PeekInputStream.readFully (ObjectI
iText 网站 : iText是一个非常著名的能够快速产生PDF文件的Java类库.支持文本,表格,图形的操作,可以方便的跟 Servlet 进行结合. 示例代码: // step 1 Document document = new Document(); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename)); // step 3
问题的由来 前不久做了一个通过JSP生成PDF报表的小项目,算得上开了一次眼界.企业的一些信息通过网络形成Html报表,虽然IE可以直接打印显示在其中的内容,但是从界面上来看,如果直接将Html的显示结果打印出来,显得不太美观.如果将它转成PDF文件再打印,则打印效果会好很多. iText简介 iText是一个开放源码的Java类库,可以用来方便地生成PDF文件.大家通过访问
iText是一个非常著名的能够快速产生PDF文件的Java类库.支持文本,表格,图形的操作,可以方便的跟 Servlet 进行结合.
[StandardManager:doLoad()] ERROR [IOException while loading persisted sessions:] at$PeekInputStream.readFully( at$BlockDataInput
iText输出中文的三种字体选择方式 1.使用iTextAsian.jar中的字体 BaseFont.createFont(&STSong-Light&, &UniGB-UCS2-H&,BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); 2.使用Windows系统字体(TrueType) BaseFont.createFont(&C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/SIMYOU.TTF&, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,BaseFont.NO
java有很多可以操作pdf的框架,pdfbox和itext就是其中的两种 pdfbox有如下作用 提取文本,包括Unicode字符. 和Jakarta Lucene等文本搜索引擎的整合过程十分简单. 加密/解密PDF文档. 从PDF和XFDF格式中导入或导出表单数据. 向已有PDF文档中追加内容. 将一个PDF文档切分为多个文档. 覆盖PDF文档. 下面是一个使用pdfbox的测试程序 public class PdfBoxTest { public void getText(String f
项目主页: 最近公司需要生成PDF,基于这个需求简单学习了下IText 和 flying saucer,对于这两个技术.我先简单介绍下: Flying Saucer和iText介绍: A. iText是一个生成PDF文档的开源java库,能够动态从XML或者数据库生成PDF,同时它具备PDF文档的绝大多数属性(比如加密--),支持java,C#等.官网:
前面的一些博文中已经提到了zxing这个开源工具生成和读取二维码图片,仅从学习的角度来看,可以告一个段落.在实际的生产环境中,应用zxing生成和读取二维码,却存在一些问题: 使用扫描枪读取zxing生成的带中文的二维码图片的时候,存在中文乱码问题: 用zxing生成的二维码图片会随着存储信息量的增大,图片也会变大(就这一点来说,使用iText这个工具生成的二维码图片的长宽会相对固定一点,这也是选择iText生成二维码的一个因素). 为了解决这些问题,在经过一番折腾后,找到了一个替代的解决方案,
标题和摘要中都提到,本文的一个目的就是生成定宽的二维码图片(还有一个很特别的要求,打印出来得图片需要被条码枪识别),用的第三方工具类库是itext,版本是2.0. 为了实现二维码的指定宽高,我的第一个想法是&先用itext生成图片,然后通过缩放或者剪裁来指定图片的宽高&,代码可以参考 ,这种做法,达到了生成指定宽高的效果,让人遗憾的一点是,用此法打印出来的二维码不能被条码枪识别,无奈之下,只能寻求他
iText是一个能够快速产生PDF文件的java类库.iText的java类对于那些要产生包含文本,表格,图形的只读文档是很有用的.它的类库尤其与java Servlet有很好的给合.使用iText与PDF能够使你正确的控制Servlet的输出. 一.前言 在企业的信息系统中,报表处理一直占比较重要的作用,Java组件--iText可以非常快速的生成PDF报表.iText是着名的开放源码的站点sourceforge一个项目,是用于生成PDF文档的一个java类库.通过iText不仅可以生成PDF
ITEXT 的功能和简介这里就不多说了,直接带大家做一遍: 一段可运行的代码比说很多废话强得多 S1 :首先下载 JAR 包 CORE 包: XML 包: S2:创建 HTML 文档(将要使用的 HTML 文档素材) &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T
TOmcat启动后报:IOException while loading persisted sessions:错误 - IOException while loading persisted sessions: at$PeekInputStream.readFully(
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iTextAsian.jar是一个亚洲字体包,里面包含几种简单的亚洲字体,其中包含简体中文字体。使用iTextAsian.jar,其实 是采用了iText字体解决方案中的Fonts from jar方式,从jar包中提取字符集编码方式和字体。需要把iTextAsian.jar放到类路径下,在报表文件(jrxml)中,文本区域的字体设置如下:&font pdfFontName=STSong-Light isPdfEmbedded =true pdfEncoding =UniGB-UCS2-H/&。这样,就能够正常的显示中文信息。
这种方法虽然能够正常地显示中文信息,但是有一个缺点,就是只有一种字体。因为iText官方网站提供的iTextAsian.jar包中只包 含几种简单的亚洲字体,对于简体中文来说,只有宋体。因此,采用这种方法生成的PDF中,中文字体只能为宋体,无法显示其他字体。当然,可以通过扩展 iTextAsian.jar的方式解决这个问题,在这个包中增加其他的字体。但是我还没找到其他的扩展包,也许以后会有人实现其他字体。
2.使用 TTF Files (True Type Fonts)字体文件
TTF是系统的标准字体文件,最初由Mac OS定义,后来Microsoft Windows普遍采用这种格式来定义字体文件。这也是目前我们最常用的字体格式。可以通过制定具体的字体文件的方式来指定字体。如:&font fontName=隶书 pdfFontName=STCAIYUN.TTF size=18″ isBold=true isPdfEmbedded =true pdfEncoding =Identity-H/&
例子中使用的是华文彩云字体,STCAIYUN.TTF为字体文件。需要注意的一点,这里使用的是相对路径,在生成PDF的时候,程序会从类路径中查找这个字体文件,你可以选择把字体文件放到类路径中,或者使用绝对路径来引用这个字体文件(如:c:/windows/fonts /STCAIYUN.TTF)。不推荐采用后一种方法,因为开发环境和使用环境中,系统的路径可能不同,就会导致无法找到字体文件。一种更好的解决办法,把windows系统中fonts下的某些常用的字体打成一个jar包,然后把这个jar报放到类路径下即可。
注意,在使用这种方式的时候,pdfEncoding 属性要设为Identity-H或者Identity-V。
iReport是一个可视化的JarsperReport设计器,可以很方便的生成报表文件。针对上述两种解决方案,第一种方案可以直接在界面 中选择pdfFontName和pdfEncoding ,系统中已经集成了STSong-Light 和 UniGB-UCS2-H,下拉列表中可以直接选到。
第二种方式下,iReport的路径下有一个fonts目录,其中包括一些TTF字体文件。在图形界面中选择pdfFontName的时候,只 能选择目录中存在的字体文件。如果想使用其他的TTF字体,可以实现把相关的字体从windows系统的fonts目录下拷贝到iReport的 fonts路径中,这些字体就会出现在pdfFontName的下拉列表中了。
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还是你厉害啊~~ 这都被你发现了
那么反过来,能否在ftl页面里能否执行 setAttribut ...
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加入CSDN,享受更精准的内容推荐,与500万程序员共同成长!iText is able to quickly generate PDF documents java class library. iText of java classes created for those who want to include text, tables, graphics, read-only document is very useful. Its class library especially with java Servlet good to co. Use
package com. import java.awt.C import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.DocumentE import com.lowagie.text.E import
Under the first statement, I poi, iText Without thorough research, simply because the teacher had given us before the sample, so According to hoist huapiao , coupled with the further reconstruction of his own, have the following model. Just want to h
When I use the JAVA generate RTF files would take a great of enthusiasm, the original is to generate the WORD document, but the WORD document to the generated POI only supports WORD fill in the text, for the images do not support. Then think about, R
Use itext to generate rtf documents, first need to download three packages, namely: iText-2.1.7.jar, iText-rtf-2.1.7.jar and iTextAsian.jar, these packages have been uploaded from &itext Application Package& to download. Online There are many ap
I. Introduction In the enterprise information system, the report processing has been more important role in accounting, this article introduces a Java component generates PDF report - iText. Through the use of server-side JavaBean Jsp or generate PDF
Recent projects need to generate a graphical report exported to PDF files. In the graphic above, intended to use Flash to display, but did not find how to import the PDF directly to the Flash method, only the President into the picture it should be,
Use the latest version is 5.0.3, you can download, under the Chinese language pack may not be up to date, leading to debug a problem, and finally made a stupid way to solve the . //1. Establish Document instance Document
Long time no update blog, and work and some things take up most of the energy, it is beyond our control. Tidy is finally free use of things recently. A friend of the projects need to use Report Download PDF, Excel, before I did, I believe do a PDF do
Environmental requirements: iText-2.1.7.jar iTextAsian.jar Sample code: package com.iText. import java.awt.C import import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagi
package import java.awt.C import import import com.lowagie.text.C import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.DocumentE import com.lowagie.text.E import
iText输出中文的三种字体选择方式 1.使用iTextAsian.jar中的字体 BaseFont.createFont(&STSong-Light&, &UniGB-UCS2-H&,BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); 2.使用Windows系统字体(TrueType) BaseFont.createFont(&C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/SIMYOU.TTF&, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,BaseFont.NO
java有很多可以操作pdf的框架,pdfbox和itext就是其中的两种 pdfbox有如下作用 提取文本,包括Unicode字符. 和Jakarta Lucene等文本搜索引擎的整合过程十分简单. 加密/解密PDF文档. 从PDF和XFDF格式中导入或导出表单数据. 向已有PDF文档中追加内容. 将一个PDF文档切分为多个文档. 覆盖PDF文档. 下面是一个使用pdfbox的测试程序 public class PdfBoxTest { public void getText(String f
ITEXT操作PDF,非常简单: (本方法使用itext1.0.4版本,高版本的itext5.5.0同样兼容,改变一下导入包路径就好了) 1,HELLOWORLD项目 import import import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.DocumentE import com.low
I. Introduction In enterprise information systems, the report processing has accounted for a relatively important role, this article introduces a Java component generates PDF report - iText. Through the server side using the Jsp or JavaBean generate
iText cross-bank and background image (turn) Recently used iText for generating pdf files as attachments to download and email, for the first time use, cross-bank and the achievement of a long background n-Picture Card, g a n a long time, are questio
PDF form using iText to the domain assignment, if the domain type is Checkbox, if setFiled (FieldName, FieldValue) is not successful, then the Checkbox pretty small box may be gone, not to mention that Komagari of. If FileValue with Checkbox value a
While iText can handle forms, but forms a complex somewhat beyond their abilities. Online forms can be found some of the code can be used as demonstration purposes only. If the form is complicated, the control unit for the table, order, need a lot of
IText can be used to export barcode picture, but the picture is not included in the bar code, and only in the PDF the only createImageWithBarcode this method, the following code is derived image processing, bar code added to the picture specific code
Do not know if anyone told me, this issue of how to achieve ah. . . . Html page to use iText to convert the PDF. . . .
package example.iT import import com.itextpdf.text.D import com.itextpdf.text.R import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfC import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfE import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfImportedPa
In the use of iText generated PDF file, usually due to comparative data for some time the situation will have more pages. In setting the table head, in the end be necessary to add: Cell cell = new Cell(new PDFParagraph(& Table header settings &)
Recently in the output PDF file with IText, their first time to do, so do not know many things, especially the layout is very complex. Dotted line in the picture with IText a lot of time to go online to find information not found. Finally in java Tut
To generate a pdf file, the next check in online information, the preferred iText, follow us along, I iText 1. 1: the font programming A4 horizontal Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate()); 2: In the PDF file using Form float[] widths
itext jar all the development environment and the package, in the first article, please In this section: 1: Generate a pdf document, and set t package com.keith.myself1; import impor
Java generated by a recent study word. Uses itext. From the Internet to find a variety of tutorials are taught how to write word for. Is this component can not read the word it? Want to give over to help master package import java.awt.C import import import java.text.SimpleDateF import java.util.D import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletReque
Sometimes we need multiple PDF files into one. GUI tool is not the way to say, Here only discuss how to merge using java program PDF. We only need to use itext.jar to complete the task. Code: the code is very simple. Not much to explain. import java.
iText to create PDF files: This thing is very good, in my possession, with a good time to refer to
Would like to ask you about, generate a pdf file on the method iText, iText can read an existing pdf template, and then fill out existing form template, the output generated pdf file. I would like to ask you how to make a pdf file of the template is
iText 网站 : iText是一个非常著名的能够快速产生PDF文件的Java类库.支持文本,表格,图形的操作,可以方便的跟 Servlet 进行结合. 示例代码: // step 1 Document document = new Document(); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename)); // step 3
问题的由来 前不久做了一个通过JSP生成PDF报表的小项目,算得上开了一次眼界.企业的一些信息通过网络形成Html报表,虽然IE可以直接打印显示在其中的内容,但是从界面上来看,如果直接将Html的显示结果打印出来,显得不太美观.如果将它转成PDF文件再打印,则打印效果会好很多. iText简介 iText是一个开放源码的Java类库,可以用来方便地生成PDF文件.大家通过访问
iText是一个非常著名的能够快速产生PDF文件的Java类库.支持文本,表格,图形的操作,可以方便的跟 Servlet 进行结合.
项目主页: 最近公司需要生成PDF,基于这个需求简单学习了下IText 和 flying saucer,对于这两个技术.我先简单介绍下: Flying Saucer和iText介绍: A. iText是一个生成PDF文档的开源java库,能够动态从XML或者数据库生成PDF,同时它具备PDF文档的绝大多数属性(比如加密--),支持java,C#等.官网:
前面的一些博文中已经提到了zxing这个开源工具生成和读取二维码图片,仅从学习的角度来看,可以告一个段落.在实际的生产环境中,应用zxing生成和读取二维码,却存在一些问题: 使用扫描枪读取zxing生成的带中文的二维码图片的时候,存在中文乱码问题: 用zxing生成的二维码图片会随着存储信息量的增大,图片也会变大(就这一点来说,使用iText这个工具生成的二维码图片的长宽会相对固定一点,这也是选择iText生成二维码的一个因素). 为了解决这些问题,在经过一番折腾后,找到了一个替代的解决方案,
标题和摘要中都提到,本文的一个目的就是生成定宽的二维码图片(还有一个很特别的要求,打印出来得图片需要被条码枪识别),用的第三方工具类库是itext,版本是2.0. 为了实现二维码的指定宽高,我的第一个想法是&先用itext生成图片,然后通过缩放或者剪裁来指定图片的宽高&,代码可以参考 ,这种做法,达到了生成指定宽高的效果,让人遗憾的一点是,用此法打印出来的二维码不能被条码枪识别,无奈之下,只能寻求他
iText是一个能够快速产生PDF文件的java类库.iText的java类对于那些要产生包含文本,表格,图形的只读文档是很有用的.它的类库尤其与java Servlet有很好的给合.使用iText与PDF能够使你正确的控制Servlet的输出. 一.前言 在企业的信息系统中,报表处理一直占比较重要的作用,Java组件--iText可以非常快速的生成PDF报表.iText是着名的开放源码的站点sourceforge一个项目,是用于生成PDF文档的一个java类库.通过iText不仅可以生成PDF
ITEXT 的功能和简介这里就不多说了,直接带大家做一遍: 一段可运行的代码比说很多废话强得多 S1 :首先下载 JAR 包 CORE 包: XML 包: S2:创建 HTML 文档(将要使用的 HTML 文档素材) &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T
iText is able to quickly generate PDF documents java class library. iText of java classes created for those who want to include text, tables, graphics, read-only document is very useful. Its class library especially with java Servlet good to co. Use
Example 1. Example 2.
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.setSplitLate(false); table.setSplitRows(true);
Read xml file, Need jar package: jtidy-r8.jar package com.keith. import import import import import org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextR import
import import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.I import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentB import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfR import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfS public class PdfTest ( / ** *
private static final int HEIGHT_SPACE = 20; / / interval between pictures public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception { List &String& codeList = new ArrayList &String& (); codeList.add (&ABCD&); codeList.add (&
/** * */ package com. import import import import import import java.util.ArrayL import java.util.L import com.itext
package import import import import java.util.L import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.PageS import com.lowagie.text.P import com.lo
Microsoft's success on the desktop, so we have a lot of use of office products, such as: Word, Excel. Today, it is still not open source code has blocked our further application and development. However, in demanding server, Microsoft's own products
这篇文章主要介绍了java中输出pdf文件代码分享,本文直接给出实现代码,需要的朋友可以参考下 import import import import import import com.lowagie.text.D import com.
Java代码 package import import import import java.util.L import com.lowagie.text.D import com.lowagie.text.PageS import com.lowagie.text.P import
Java导出PDF 导出需要jar包:iText-5.0.6.jar,iTextAsian.jar,iText-rtf-2.1.7.jar,jxl.jar,网上有大把以下都是我以前项目中用过的,现整理下,把自己的数据加进去即可,希望能帮到大家! 导出PDF: package /** * IText说明 iText 是 站点(请参阅 参考资料)免费提供的 Java 库. iText 库的功能很强大,支持 HTML.RTF 和 XML 文档的生成
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