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Big Fun 系列英语教材(1) / (2) / (3)
一套充满奇思妙想和生活乐趣的课程,孩子们将和小蚂蚁、蟋蟀和毛毛虫一起在花园世界里快乐探索,在潜移默化中培养创造性思维、分析和解决问题、动手操作项目等 21 世纪技能。
& 纯正西式英语教材,为孩子创立母语语境
& 唱歌,手工等有趣的事件项目,帮孩子提高学习的兴趣
& 教学内容之外,提供趣味性强的读物,供孩子在课外进行阅读
& 团队表演汇报学习成果,在挑战中梳理知识,强化学习效果
& 课程设计中融入正确的价值观教育元素导向
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技术支持:英语听说启蒙的好帮手——Big Fun
英语听说启蒙的好帮手——Big Fun
我在秣秣三岁的时候送他来沃德教育Oliver老师班级开始学习Big Fun,刚开始只是觉得他能坐的住了就让他跟小伙伴们在教室里进行英文浸润,不指望他有什么输出,但在这半年的时间里有无数个不经意的瞬间,他英文表达的流露让我感叹于这套教材的伟大,让我庆幸这么早的让他接触英文,而且使用的是先进的Big Fun教材,更是遇上了经验丰富永远让孩子保持好奇心的Oliver老师,可以说天时地利人和都占了!作为父母,在适当的时机给孩子提供需要的资源,不让自己以后因为耽误了孩子而后悔是多么的难得!
Momo(秣秣)刚来沃德学英文的时候,还没有上幼儿园,但是非常渴望跟小朋友相处,第一次上课就是自己独立和老师同学们完成的,没有哭闹,也没有让家长陪同,整整一个半小时的时间,很开心的和Oliver老师、Busy Ant(手偶)做游戏,说英文,唱歌跳舞,还认识了pencil、marker和crayon。有的家长可能会问,我本身就是英语老师,是不是回家总自己教呀,但其实并没有。作为老师我恰恰清楚课堂的魅力,氛围的重要,在家里我顶多能让他死记硬背几个英文单词,常见的水果、动物、数字的英文都会背,但那只是记单词,不是学语言,除非每天都大量的练习这些单词,不然很快就忘记了。当我们把英文当作中文一样来学习,就会感受到:语言的学习,最重要是环境,在环境中理解,在需求中使用。我接触过很多家长,看到一本教材就会说,这里面的单词幼儿园都教过,太简单了,呵呵,时至今日,还会有家长用单词——仅仅用单词来衡量孩子的语言基础,殊不知,单词掌握再多,不会使用,对于语言学习就没有任何意义。比如很多孩子在很小的时候就认识苹果的英文是“apple”,可又有几个能在想吃苹果的时候说“I want an apple”呢?这就是学习和使用的脱节,这就把英文当成一个科目学习,而没有当作语言去运用的区别,这种方法对于启蒙阶段的孩子是十分有害的,这也是我从不在家里教Momo单词的原因,机械的重复没有意义。在他跟随Oliver学习了一个多月的有一天,下课后我们去吃饭,电梯里有个妈妈推着婴儿车,Momo指着车里的小婴儿说“妈妈快看,这是个BABY~~”虽然只是说出了一个简单的单词“BABY”,但我还是很惊讶,这是他学英文之后第一次主动地输出(爸爸每次都会问他上英语课教了什么,他通常都答不上来,当然了,在孩子思维里也不是去学知识的,只是唱唱跳跳做游戏而已嘛该怎么回答,亲爱的家长们这种提问方式不推荐哦)事后跟Oliver沟通,他说放学时确实留了一个作业“Find a Baby”,看,小家伙多有心!
有一次上楼梯,Momo指着一只苍蝇说”Fly“,我趁机问他,”为什么Butterfly和Fly都会飞呢?“他想了一下说”因为他们都有翅“(估计还不会说翅膀的中英文,但已经懵懂的知道了原理);还有一次姥姥说衣服晾在外面,上面有好几只”花大姐“,Momo马上说”Ladybug“,我问他”Ladybug住在哪里呢?“,他回答说”他们都住在Flower上“,然后开始唱”My Garden“那首英文歌自娱自乐。雨天过后,我会带Momo出去观察蜗牛,看到蜗牛爬过后的痕迹告诉他”Snails make trails.“对大自然的探索让他懂得了很多课堂上学不到的常识,用英文探索大自然又保持了他对英文的兴趣!
教材特色:在Big Fun的教材中,有一个环节叫做”Amazing“,专门带领孩子用英文探索大自然,平时我们觉得恶心的昆虫其实在孩子眼里是新奇的好玩的,平时大人走路都会踩到的蚂蚁孩子也会蹲下观察很久,对大自然的好奇心是孩子的天性,而认真、仔细地观察又是培养孩子专注力的一个好方法。
前几天Momo常年居住在美国的小姨姥回国探亲,家人一起相聚,相谈甚欢,我就跟Momo说,”小姨姥可是美国人哦“,Momo马上跟小姨姥说”HELLO~~“,跟我们说中文,跟美国的小姨姥用英文打招呼,丝毫没有觉得哪里不对。他小姨姥感到很惊讶,这么小的孩子就能这么自如地使用语言,接着问他”What's your name?“(你叫什么名字?),他回答”My name is Momo.“(我叫Momo。)”What's your teacher‘s name?“(你老师是谁?)”My teacher’s name is Oliver.“(我的老师是Oliver。)”Where do you go to school?“(你的学校是?)”I go to iWorld School.“(沃德。)短短几句话,让在座的亲戚都很惊讶,三岁的孩子可以简单的跟外国人交谈了,丝毫不怯场,要知道有的学生学了好几年英语,遇到老外就是张不开嘴。其实我也很惊讶,不是惊讶于Momo的回答,因为这些对话他跟外教几乎每节课都会在Big Fun Talking环节进行交流,他能答出来不奇怪,我是惊讶于我美国亲戚的提问,与我们课程设置的常见对话的内容和顺序一模一样(她绝对没有事先看我们的教材),这说明我们的Big Fun确实是原汁原味的西方教育的体现,是最贴近国外现实生活的英语启蒙教材。
教材特色:Big Fun Talking是教材中专门介绍日常对话的环节,通常在课堂上由外教与孩子们完成。通过自然的沟通交流,让孩子潜移默化的习得英文,真正做到把英语当成母语去运用。
当初的一个决定,让孩子受用终生!我庆幸自己没有错过孩子的启蒙时机,庆幸自己选择了Big Fun,庆幸Momo遇到了Oliver 老师和一班可爱的小伙伴,庆幸自己在沃德教育的大家庭中工作生活,我会继续发掘Momo学英文的闪光点,不断与大家分享!
iWorld English School
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Yeah , but ? Fun .note&
"You and I have a tendency towards corpulence. Corpulence makes a man reasonable, pleasant and phlegmatic. Have you noticed the nastiest of tyrants are invariably thin?"
— Gracchus,
The big, fun, lovable fat guy. May be a
depending on how much they like to fight and shout, or just a . Often
whose wealth and lifestyle lends itself to fabulous feasts, or in contrast a modern young
whose weight makes him more . Depending on the fandom, he can also be a .
it seems, probably because of the usual
about attractiveness and such and most likely classed as a . If female, though, she's likely to be a
and maybe a .
Contrast the , which is when the fat person is, well... .
&&&&open/close all folders&
The infamous
("Fat Guy of the fruits") that appears in Chilean ads for a brand of fruit juice.
from the short-lived Fruit Islands cereal was a South Seas chieftain who fit the Trope.
&&&&Anime and Manga&
Tetsuro "Poppo" Hisakawa from .
Then it's subverted, because in good part this is a . In reality, Menma's death affected him way more than he lets others see, specially because .
has Kirio Hikifune, a genial
and a member of the Zero Division and former captain of the 12th Division. However, when she expends most of her spiritual energy, she .
Junpei "J.P." Shibayama of . Bit of a . Known for his magic tricks and giving of chocolate.
He was actually rather friend-less and insecure deep down, as revealed in his backstory, but with some
he fits in better.
is a more subdued version of this trope. He's gentle, friendly and fun, but hardly boisterous.
Rider ( Iskandar/Alexander the Great) in
is a downplayed version in that he was incredibly muscular instead of fat (he has arms bigger around than most people, period). He is easily the largest Servant in terms of both height and general body mass, and at the same time thinks that
and is an avid gamer, naturally (being who he is) he plays
strategy games. We can only assume that he was pretty damn good at them too.
Honestly, this guy takes both
and Big Fun to the max, everything he does is specifically meant to be both awesome and fun. Really, it seems that by his definition, for something to BE awesome at all it has to be fun. Take for example the infamous
King's Banquet, where he shows up out of nowhere at the Einzburn castle with a literal cask of wine and asks saber to join him in drinking it. He shows up in a T-shirt and jeans while driving a lightning bolt shooting chariot. And he somehow managed to convince
of all people to come too?
Naruto has Choji who is a
with a Big Heart who's willing to defend his friends with his life. But remember not to
His in the , he's described as 'an extreme glutton' and 'very loving'.
&&&&Comic Books&
Volstagg from , which is explicitly based on Falstaff. (In one comic, two orphaned children - who he would later adopt - mistook him for Santa Claus.)
Obelix from
[PUNCH] "It's all muscle, that's what it is!"
A notable subversion was Mondo of . He seemed at first to be a party animal, fitting this Trope perfectly. As it turned out, he was
planted by the villain Black Tom Cassidy, who eventually turned against them. He also wasn't the real Mondo.
Fat Cobra from
is a big eater and womanizer who loves a good fight and is quite friendly.
&&&&Fan Works&
Diplomatic Incident from
is a senior statesman, an accomplished spy, a political mastermind, and this.
Quill Blayde from : The Soft World. Quite the sensualist.
Portrayals of
as a human sometimes go for a mix of this trope with .
&&&&Films — Animation&
is a large demigod (while muscular, he's also on the hefty side) who, in addition to being fun-loving and cheerful, is also very boisterous and full of himself. It's eventually revealed that some of this personality is a mask:
he was abandoned by his parents as a baby, and thinks that . As such, he's compelled to give humans gifts and miracles to keep their affection.
in this direction in , becoming the center of attention at the disco briefly and spending much of the last part of the film enjoying himself (except for one brief relapse and a moment of peril). Before that point—in the first part of the movie, , and —he was kind and friendly, but "fun" was not how he would be described most of the time. He was a
who was very pessimistic, sometimes downright despondent, not usually enthusiastic, and even when he was it would be subdued compared to those around him with similar goals. The reason for this change? He
Nim Galuu from .
Po the Panda from
acts like this, to
at being the fat oaf at the Furious Five's kung-fu school. He gets more serious as the movie goes along, but is still the nicest guy in the movie.
sense. He puts on a
facade because he doesn't like how "people judge me before they even get to know me."
The Rodriguez Brothers are all jolly and love to play.
The Candlemaker is a rather big jovial ball of wax.
Baloo, from
and , is this, but in
"Big Daddy" LaBoeuf of , who is a rare positive example of a .
Lewis the Alligator - notable in that he's the very first alligator to not be a total jerk.
is both tall and broad, and his attitude helps bring Moses out of his depression.
Benjamin Clawhauser from
is portly and has a very exuberant personality, both in his mannerisms and interests.
the hippo is one of the friendliest characters and the first of the animal actors to give
a warm welcome.
&&&&Films — Live Action&
In , Louie is the first to easily break racial tension, and can crack a joke or two: "I just gave
a piggy-back ride, and she weighs twice as much as I do!". His actor Ethan Suplee may have been this before he lost 200 pounds.
Thudbutt, one of the Lost Boys, in ; also a .
has Billy Bob.
has a female example. Janet is chubby (by H by normal standards she's average size) and constantly cheerful and bubbly.
as this character. In fact she has played this role a lot in her films.
The Trunchbull of
is most definitely not an example, but she
in a one-off line, saying "I like a joke as well as the next fat person".
has both Julia and her sister, more tall than fat at 6'2" and 6'4" respectively, but boisterous and bursting with good humour.
has Oliver Platt's version of Porthos, the life of any party and (he claims) quite successful with the ladies.
Friar Tuck is usually portrayed as this in most versions of the
The animated adaptation featuring
portrays Friar Tuck as being a
with food nearby.
himself! As far back as 1837, Clement Clark Moore's poem A Visit From St. Nicholas described his " little round belly, that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly."
Porthos of
starts off the rollicking, boozing, woman-chasing party animal of the Musketeers. As the series wears on, Porthos seems to get physically larger every time he's described, until by the final book, he's practically a giant.
Mr. Fezziwig from , Scrooge's jolly, jovial employer who hosts a Christmas party for his employees, including Scrooge, is known for his generosity, and is quite a bit of a dancer.
The Ghost of Christmas Present has a big feast laid out when Scrooge meets him, and shows Scrooge the festive mood of the yuletide season being celebrated by miners, the Cratchit family, and Fred's party guests.
series, Captain Jack Aubrey has often been chided by Stephen Maturin over his weight. He weighs around 18 stone, which is roughly 250 pounds. Of course, he's also an excellent fighter, which puts him squarely in
(and , considering his tactical prowess and achievements in astronomy and mathematics) territory. He also loves to party when he has the chance, and he's been known to make an utter fool of himself in social occasions, which makes him a
too. The ladies seem to appreciate it too: He's practically the
of the Napoleonic War era.
King Robert Baratheon. Also a s as a
put into the role of king and forced into a loveless political marriage after the woman he fought the war for in the first place died, Robert's been unable to exercise most of his appetites (the ones that aren't drinking and whoring), which has led him to grow fat. The jovial humor masks a heavy accumulation of grief, rage, and utter disappointment.
Wyman Manderly is widely seen as this, a massive man who enjoys food, wine, and jests. In , it's shown that
his revenge against the Freys reveals a cunning and ruthless mind behind the merry facade.
Also deconstructed in that Westeros is a highly martial feudal society, so being fat is a sign of weakness. Being fat is one of the reasons why Samwell Tarly
by his warrior of a father.
Nanny Ogg — a very plump witch who loves food, booze, and music and can even get a date despite having "," because she's that much fun. A good demonstration of this occurs when she meets , who asks her out mainly because he has an
policy, but it's noted he has a great time in the process.
Archchancellor Ridcully is one of the many other wizards are fat and love food, but are do-nothings or actually nasty. Ridcully on the other hand likes sports and jokes and is a .
series (whose size comes from being ). Not a huge trope among other hefty staff members such
and . However, , who
becomes a teacher at Hogwarts by the end seems to develop into.
by , as well as , who's a
Subverted with Ludo Bagman. A strongly-built man gone to seed after leaving Quidditch, he constantly acts like this, but is is a self-centered gambling addict whose personality may just be a facade.
, the owner of the Wilobst Pioneers Ltd mercenary/gun-running firm in . He is this to an extreme literal level ? his species is, on average, eighteen feet tall, and he has a big, jolly personality to match. , one of his mercenaries, is this to a lesser extent.
According to , and to ,
has "a broad face, and a little round belly / That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly."
Delly Carwright from , comparatively. Katniss says that Delly wasn't really fat, but she had a few pounds to spare (in contrast to the majority of District 12). Fittingly, shes friendly, cheerful, and a total .
novels introduce Chandrasekhar Kurita, a portly, good-natured member of the Draconis Combine royal family. Described as "buddhaesque," he was often regarded as "the fat fool" because of his cheerful nature and hedonistic love for food, women, and parties. This was almost certainly a form of , because he proved to have amazingly sharp political and business acumen to make up for his lack of military aptitude or royal ambitions. In one of the most brilliant applications of his natural talents as the Big Fun, he even tried to undermine the strength of their
by encouraging their supporting castes to simply have fun, enjoy their lives, and not be beholden to the warrior caste's whims.
Enforced and deconstructed in the 1929 short story . The once played-straight Hazel Morse ends up suffering from a suicidal depression but her peers dislike being around her when she's sad. As a result, .
Creator/Shakespeare plays featured recurring character Falstaff, a friendly Knight who is usually portrayed as portly.
&&&&Live Action TV&
: For all his flaws, Robert's boisterous amiability among fighting men is the main thing holding his kingdoms together. In the Histories and Lore segments, Stannis?who is usually very critical of his brother?admits and praises Robert's gift for inspiring loyalty with his carousing.
Kimmie Boubier from . The title of that show even supports the trope.
Bulk from the first few years of
started as
and one of , but
resulted in his mellowing out and showing a nicer side. Best exemplified by his return to the franchise in , where he is (or at least tries to be) the mentor to his best friend's son.
played himself as this character archetype in .
Gordon Crisp on . At one point he and Harris even lampshade the trope.
Gordon: My whole family's big-boned. It's genetic. Harris: Besides, the world loves jolly fat guys. Burl Ives. Jackie Gleason. Gordon: Santa Claus. Curly. Raymond Burr. Neal: No. Raymond Burr isn't jolly. Gordon: Well he was extremely nice to me at last year's auto show.
All of the gnomes that appear in the Belgian children's series
by . Well at least the main 5 characters except Smal who is thin.
in an episode of
where a one-shot character appears to be this, but turns out to be a
who's adopted a cheerful persona because
is just about the only positive trope that overweight people can aspire to.
Danny: I learned a long time ago that if you're fat and funny, people like having you around - you're a "great guy." But if you're not funny, then all you are is fat.
Parodied on . After cast member, Will Sasso, ended up losing a lot of weight, Debra Wilson pulls him aside backstage, and tells him he was much funnier back when he was fat, leaving Will desperate to try and put the weight back on.
Paul Baloff, the late lead singer for
band , fit this trope. Some people even nicknamed him "The John Belushi of " because of his outgoing, uninhibited, party animal personality.
, of course. His first hit was "The Fat Man."
Most members of
are at least overweight, and they sing songs about being happy and are sometimes downright silly. Even most of their songs about heartbreak are fairly optimistic and/or funny.
"B.F.F.!" by , a song about , has this to say on the matter:
These jolly giants are never cruel. All big people are really cool!
&&&&Newspaper Comics&
has Vultan of the Hawkmen. The dude can fly, too! Those are some strong wings!
The gambler in
is a big, beefy Texan (complete with hat) who speaks very bombastically.
&&&&Professional Wrestling&
The "Traveling
Enforcer" , as the title implies, was a beloved attraction for his honor and friendliness, as well as for his surprising athleticism considering he was 600lbs.
This was 's
for most of his career, a big fun heavy drinker who would parade multiple fans around on his arms, that being the parts when he wasn't under the corrupting influence of .
It wasn't just a gimmick. He actively cultivated this trope in
too. Knowing that his acromegaly would kill him at a young age, he set out to have fun in his life while he was alive and make others happy too.
cultivated such an image for
to contrast him with
during their long running feud.
While wrestling in , Brazo De Plata's waistline steadily expanded to the point fans started calling him S&per Porky. Hearing this, Plata embraced the name and started adding more comedy to his matches, which ended up making him a special attraction. These traits would carry onto his daughter, Goya Kong.
have had Yutaka Yoshie of the "air bag" suplex fame on their rosters. Initially his defining trait was his judo background, but after leaving the country for the German Catch Wrestling Association, he returned to Japan in 2000, having gained muscle and fat, becoming a pink clad sumo and a comedic counterpart to . He would later do similar with Steve Corino as Y2P?160 kg in .
This was 's gimmick for most of his career, especially when parodying
as part of the "blue World order".
became such after returning to puroresu via Wrestling Association R to
for his past misdeeds as a sumo and as a pro wrestler, forming also forming an alliance with the similarly shamed joshi Shinobu Kandori. This lead to further investigation into his blackballing from Sumo, which allowed his official return to that sport too.
, after he became the hip hop dancing sumo wrestler of Too Cool and gained a reputation for .
formed the World's Strongest
for the purpose of defeating , who was teaming with . But then
set in as he spent more time trying to prove
wrong, to prove his partner
did in fact have personality. He was successful in getting Henry to open up and have fun at first but then the aforementioned Big Show tried to break Henry's leg, causing Henry to snap, resent the "personality" reveal and vow to destroy everything.
As pictured, Budai, also known as Hotei. (This particular statue is located by Emei Lake, .) He fits into both Japanese Shinto and Buddhist traditions, as he's one of the Seven Gods of Fortune in Japanese belief, but also considered to be an incarnation of the future Buddha Maitreya, who will appear in a dark age when the tenets of Buddhism are forgotten and nobody can reach enlightenment - a time where everyone needs a laugh, as you'd imagine. The popular label of "The Laughing Buddha", although it is true that he brings good luck if you rub his belly.
Ganesha, the elephant god of Hinduism, is often depicted with a potbelly. He's also known for being jovial, fun-loving, and good natured with a love of sweets and candy.
The Dagda of . Some religions make their father gods stoic, handsome loving figures. The ancient peoples of Ireland made theirs a comical, singing, dancing, fat old guy with his arse hanging out of his trousers. And he is awesome.
&&&&Video Games&
There is a shown aversion in Stuart Black of the Campaign of . It is said that fat men almost always show joy, but Stuart only shows cowardice.
Zeke in . By all accounts, a friendly, easygoing kind of guy. Sadly,
his urge to become a superhero results in him betraying Cole later in the game. Thankfully, he recovers in , becoming a much better friend to Cole in the process.
Big Smoke in .
Sadly, just like Zeke above, Smoke ends up betraying you. But unlike Zeke, Smoke doesn't recover from it.
E Honda in his various adaptations throughout
seems to have many friends and allies. Probably due to exactly how
he's taking the tournament. As of , he wants to join the IOC to make Sumo Wrestling an official Olympic sport, he has friendly-yet-serious wrestling matches with Hakan over whether Sumo or Turkish Oil Wrestling is the "better" sport, and he's more than happy to supply El Fuerte with his recipe for Chenko Stew.
the Round in
starts off as a , but he pulls a , opens up his own gourmet restaurant, and becomes the game's
after he is defeated.
Both Brom and his daughter Meg from
are rather upbeat, cheerful country folk. Brom explains that the girth itself is
Fatman from
would qualify, except for the detail that his idea of fun is blowing things up with bombs. Still great fun at parties if you check him for C-4 at the door.
Fatman: Laugh, and grow fat!
Lieutenant Amodar of
from the seaside town of Bodhum who encourages
to take some time off even in the middle of a suspiciously unpleasant string of events.
also reveals that he's fond of quizzes and likes to
with a grin on his face.
The Heavy of , at least to his own team. To everyone else, he's describable as "a big, shaved bear that hates people."
And unlike most other examples of this trope, the Heavy is actually strong and very well capable of fending for himself.
Forrest Kaysen of
is an enormous sapling salesman with an unfailingly jolly attitude and a friendly pet dalmatian. He's good with kids and becomes a steadfast ally in some of the game's later acts.
Forrest Kaysen of
is a jovial
detective who helps out his former partner, David, in his work and everyday life. He is currently the most laid-back character in the game. Only time will tell if this will change.
The Wii version of
gives us returning challenger Bear Hugger, who, while easily one of the physically widest and most rotund boxers to get in Little Mac's way, is also an entertaining, goofy
with a big laugh, whose lines are pure comic gold, usually playing into his
stereotype for all it's worth. He also seems to be in it for fun rather than harboring any serious thoughts of contending or being outright .
The borderline round Sasquatch from . It's mostly fluffy fur, but he's got no major issues to deal with involving the other characters of the series. He enjoys making snowmen in the middle of a fight too.
The pandaren of
and its Mists of Pandaria expansion are an entire species of anthropomorphic pandas that love to eat, drink, and be friendly. They also practice kung fu, and the reason they're so jolly is because in Pandaria, negative emotions turn into demons.
They also have a philosophy that the fatter you are, the stronger you are. To quote Chen: "Size equals strength" when his niece pointed out that he only liked being around a fatter panda because he looked thin in comparison. If you're familiar with Chen, he's definitely the WoW incarnation of
and . Watch the cinematic where he kicks the ass of two very strong human and orc warriors, WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT. Using only the handle for a barrel of beer.
In , the patron gorilla god of Ape Atoll turns out to be a fun-loving , in contrast to her violently xenophobic simian followers.
Despite being a , Sans from
is rotund, and he normally enjoys pulling pranks and making puns.
is a heavyset
who is very friendly towards the player character and is a bit of a
(for instance, he's shown riding on top of a Tauros like it's a surf board during the credits).
Mike from . He loves a brawl, always has a huge smile on his face and is always stuffing said face. His sprite actually has his belly poking out from under his shirt! His fighting style is even the most comedic and over-the-top of all the playable characters.
&&&&Web Comics&
from . Besides being a
and the owner of a porn shop, she's probably the funnest of all the cast to be around.
Another female example is Jamie from , a
who is as sweet, friendly, and helpful as she is... uh... .
who proclaims himself to be "a friendly, jolly fat guy [...] like , or Santa Claus" to reassure Grace about his benign intentions.
Mooner, the "overweight party catalyst" from 's .
Mooner: The fat makes me party way more and better.
&&&&Web Original&
BFF Nella. She has issues, of course (mostly to do with being abused) but she's a lot happier than the more conventionally pretty, ,
. Despite having been one half of
he spends 70% of the show laughing, singing and being generally likeable and fun with his more reserved co-star Arin Hanson ().
&&&&Western Animation&
Both Flavio and Marita, the Hip-Hippos from . (Unfortunately, they're also .)
is a jovial and affable old man with a big belly. He's even funnier alongside his thinner and younger nephew, who takes everything seriously.
In , Bumi is a boisterous, pot-bellied guy who serves as a
to Tenzin's kids. He's fitter than most examples, though, since he does seem fairly agile.
Broadway from . Rarely seen without food, but is still a fun guy.
Kon Kujira from .
Referenced in , when
Peter: Geez, I thought you people were supposed to be jolly.
Before , Peter used to be
, but now is just a .
, of course!
Gunther from .
Coop from .
The titular character of
along with
Amethyst. Both are very energetic and playful.
Smokey Quartz,
their fusion, takes it up to eleven. They have the biggest BMI out of the main cast and can't resist any opportunity to make a joke.
Homer Simpson from , at least to himself.
Homer: Marge, the boy was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Marge: So?
Homer: There's only two kind of guys who wear those shirts: gay guys and big, fat party animals. And Bart doesn't look like a big, fat party animal to me... Marge: So, if you wore a Hawaiian shirt, it wouldn't be gay?
Homer: Right. Thank you.
has shades of this, although he might be more of a .
Spud, a member of the original Titan Force Five in . By the events of the first episode, he's been dead for a while —
. That guy really loved to party.
Owen from . Easily one of the most excitable characters among the first generation.
Leshawna, but not to the same extent as Owen.
Hoppopotamus from
is a rare female example.
Soos from , as he is almost constantly seen hanging with the twins.
Sir Morris and Sir Boris from
the princesses' aunts Lily and Iris even more so, being even more jovial and boisterous
to the Big Knights.
In an episode of , Jay meets with an image consultant in an attempt to improve how people perceive him. At first, he thinks that the consultant will tell him to lose weight, but instead, he tells him he needs to be "round and jolly like Santa Claus or Rush Limbaugh." Jay takes the advice too close to heart and ends up about
It turns out that
had the same image consultant.
&&&&Real Life&
is a perfect example. But
. Despite having worked as a gaol-keeper, he is best described as a nice guy and a loved local figure. It helped that morbidly obese people weren't viewed as harshly in 18th/19th century England as they are now, but are rather regarded as marvels to be seen.
is the quintessential American example. As a junior printer, though, he was in excellent shape from carrying large cases of heavy lead type.
U.S. President , known for his appetite and enormous size, was a man with impeccable morals. He was incredibly loyal (some might say ) to his friends and his political party. One journalist wrote of him, "He seemed to me an American bison, a kind and gentle one." He was also known for throwing lavish and expensive banquets at the White House.
was fat and reputedly a , yet he was a very competent ruler and one of the the most popular Kings the British people had.
Andrew Zimmern, the bald and huge host of the show . His usual approach to everything in life is with a smile and an optimistic attitude. He'll at least try a food, even if he finds it disgusting. He never gets outright angry or shows incredible disgust for anything. Not even the infamous durian, the only food he absolutely cannot eat (even after trying 3 times, he still couldn't swallow), was enough for him to straight up turn away from.
A lot of rappers seem to cultivate this image. Guys like ., Fat Joe, and Cee Lo Green (despite only being 5'5") are all pretty heavy and generally seeming like the type of people who knew how to party.
Fitness guru Richard Simmons mocked this trope in his first self-help book, Never Say Diet, by way of a true-or-false quiz entitled "Are Fat People Jolly?" Basically, the reader was invited to choose whether or not certain health-related or societal consequences of being overweight were fun to deal with:
Not getting into the college of my choice because of a weight problem is jolly.
Dying twenty years earlier than necessary is jolly.
Being passed over for a job for an equally-qualified candidate of ideal weight is jolly.
was 6' 4", weighed about 300 pounds, and had a famous love for nonsense, paradox, and whimsy.
noting the personality traits that cause weight gain are: being neurotic, being an extrovert, being open to experience, and agreeableness. The last three are very jolly traits.
with now-retired weatherman Willard Scott. He's 6'3'', pudgy, and certainly jovial, but most of the time he possesses a childlike naivete and makes friends easily. To the point where similarly Big Fun weatherman Al Roker
in the 1995 : "We got 45 million people watching [the parade] at home[...] that's only about 8 more than Willard knows personally."
The antidepressant Mirtazapine, as a side effect, causes an increased appetite and as such people who are taking it often put on a decent amount of weight. Not exactly "fun", but antidepressants will usually make you more sociable, at least.
Jazz pianist Fats Waller as well. They didn&t call him "fats" for nothing. He was also a man of impressive height (both fat, tall and jolly). He was surely one of the most likeable and funny guys to hang around with in Harlem during
Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has this as his public image.
Alternative Title(s):
Big Fun Guy,
The Blutarsky}


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