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非常感谢&C.F. M&#248;ller Architects&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享这是一座为800名雇员设计的综合办公建筑,它由几组不同层数的体量组成,之间通过一系列的室外空间,如中庭、庭院、平台、屋顶花园等相互连接。这种建筑体量和室外空间的组合营造出城中城的感觉。整座建筑的四周被运河和湖泊包围,建筑本身构成了进入丹麦阿尔路斯新区的水岸景观。The office complex for about 800 employees resembles a varied flotilla of buildings at different levels, which are connected by a series of outdoor spaces like atria, courtyards, terraces and roof gardens.The mixture of office buildings and outdoor spaces creates the impression that this is a town within a town. The complex, surrounded by canals and lakes on all four sides, forms the entrance to the new, urban district on the waterfront in Aarhus, Denmark.简洁而优雅几座独立的建筑体量层数从1层到12层不等,包括办公空间,展示空间,摄影工作室,观演厅,餐厅以及3层的地下停车场,后者可以容纳450辆汽车、400辆自行车,除此之外还有一部分低于街道平面的卸货区。南北的横向立面具有鲜明的凹凸感,运用来自西西里岛的天然石料,将一个个深凹的窗口分隔开来。与东西方向简洁通透的玻璃立面形成鲜明的对照。这种天然的石材同样用于室内,出现在楼梯、地板甚至墙面和家具上。它与深色的橡木及浅色的金属相搭配,制造出精致微妙的材质和色泽的对比。整座建筑使用海水冷却及太阳能系统,能耗比建筑规范中要求的最低要求低50%。Simple and elegantThe individual buildings vary from one to twelve storeys. The complex contains office space, showrooms, photo and film studios, an auditorium and a generous canteen-restaurant area, plus a three-storey car park with space for 450 cars, 400 bicycle racks and goods reception zone below street level.The latitudinal south and north fa&#231;ades have distinctive reliefs, created in natural stone from Sicily, which frame deep window niches. These fa&#231;ades contrast sharply with the simple transparent glass fa&#231;ades framed by natural stone to the east and west. Natural stone is also featured indoors – on stairs and floors, and even as wall covering and furniture. It is combined with dark oak and light metal surfaces to create a refined interplay of colours and textures.The office complex uses sea-water cooling and solar energy and is planned as a low energy class 2015 building, i.e. energy consumption will be 50% lower than the minimum requirements stated in the building regulations.多样化的空间建筑设计的焦点是一条内部的“街道”,它与室内的“广场”相结合,后者横跨在将建筑的入口层平面一分为二的道路上方。从“广场”可以进入公共的观演厅、会议室以及模拟的商店区。结合楼梯以及两层楼层的走廊,整个空间可以聚集500-1000人,能够安排大型的时装秀和会议等活动。建筑入口的形状像一座桥梁,在门厅处可以看到上方3层高的空间。通过内部的街道,能够看到室外绿色的平台和屋顶花园,这样的室外空间共有10个之多。道路的尽头是用餐区,餐区分为诸多部分,有不同的氛围、大小及隐私程度,工作人员可以根据需要来选择。用餐区与室外的平台相连通,不仅如此,从这里还可以通过2号码头前往新开发的运河。A diversity of spacesThe focal point of the complex is an internal “street” with a central indoor plaza laid over a road passage which splits the building’s ground floor into two halves. From the plaza there is access to a communal auditorium, meeting facilities and experimental store environments. Somewhere between 500 and 1000 people can gather on the plateau, stairs and balconies to attend large fashion shows and meetings.The entrance is shaped like a bridge, from which there are views of the building’s three underground levels. From the internal street there are varying glimpses into the outer green terraces and rooftop gardens – 10 green outdoor spaces in all. The street leads to the restaurant area, which is sub-divided into many sections with different ambiances, sizes and degrees of privacy, from which there is direct access to terraces and a brand-new canal across the erstwhile Pier 2.面积:22,000 m2办公面积,24,000 m2其他面积地点:丹麦,阿尔路斯时间:景观:C.F. M&#248;ller Landscape工程:COWIClient: Bestseller A/SSize: 22,000 m2 commercial office and 24,000 m2 delivery, parking and plantAddress: Pier 2, Port of Aarhus, DenmarkYear: Architect: C.F. M&#248;ller ArchitectsLandscape: C.F. M&#248;ller LandscapeEngineers: COWIAwards: Aarhus Municipality Architecture Award 2015MORE:C.F. M&#248;ller Architects
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感谢 BIG 对 A酷设计网 的分享。。。MORE:&BIG
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非常感谢&Boredpanda&对&A酷设计网(www.acool.hk) 的分享 & &&Stefano&Boeri,&an&Italian&architect&with&an&affinity&for&innovative&green&structures,&is&set&to&build&a&117m-tall&(384ft)&apartment&tower&in&Lausanne,&Switzerland,&that&will&be&the&first&building&in&the&world&to&be&covered&in&evergreen&trees.The&36-story&green&tower,&aptly&named&“La&Tour&des&Cedres”&(The&Tower&of&Cedars),&will&be&home&to&more&than&100&trees,&6,000&shrubs&and&18,000&plants&spread&over&roughly&3,000&square&meters&of&green&space.&The&plants&will&protect&the&apartments&inside&from&harsh&winds,&dust,&and&noise&pollution,&and&will&offer&a&more&pleasant&view&of&the&city.This&tower&will&be&the&second&project&of&its&kind&by&Boeri.&He&previously&designed&two&112m&towers&in&Milan&as&well.&斯蒂法诺博埃里,与绿色创新结构具有亲和性的意大利建筑师,被设置为建立一个117米高的(384英尺)公寓在瑞士洛桑塔,这将成为世界第一建筑在常绿乔木被覆盖。36层高的绿塔,取名为“香格里拉之旅DES&Cedres”(雪松之塔),将家里100多棵,灌木植物分布在大约3000平方米的绿地。植物将保护里面的公寓在恶劣的大风,灰尘和噪音污染,并会提供这个城市的一个更舒适的看法。此塔将成为同类由博埃里的第二个项目。此前,他在米兰设计了两个112米塔为好。MORE:Boredpanda
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非常感谢&Archdaily&对&A酷设计网(www.acool.hk) 的分享Architects:Tsao&&&McKown&Architects&Location:SingaporeArchitect&in&Charge:Tsao&&&McKown&ArchitectsArea:989.93&sqmProject&Year:2015Photographs:Richard&Bryant建筑师:Tsao&&&McKown建筑师地址:新加坡建筑设计师:Tsao&&&McKown建筑师面积:989.93平方米项目年份:2015年摄影师:理查德·科比Contractor:Daiya&Engineering&and&Construction&pTE&LTDLocal&Architect:Metaphor&Design&+&ArchitectureLandscape&Architect:BHN&Architecture&pTE&LTDStructural&Engineer:Web&StructuresConsulting&Engineer&M/E/P:WSP&Ng&pTEGreen&Mark&Consultant:Web&EarthGreen&Consultant:Dr&Nirmal&Kishnani,&Atelier&MNNLighting&Consultant:WALD&Studio,&LLC承包商:大亚湾工程建设有限公司当地的设计师:象征设计+建筑景观设计师:BHN建筑私人有限公司结构工程师:网络结构咨询工程师M/E/P:WSP&Ng&pTE绿色商标顾问:环球网绿化顾问:Nirmal&Kishnani博士工作室照明顾问:WALD工作室有限公司From the architect.&This private residence is conceived as a model of sustainable design and a re-interpretation of a traditional Chinese courtyard house.从建筑师。这个私人住宅区是被设想为一种可持续设计的模型和一种再解读的中国传统四合院。The design divides different programmatic requirements (residential spaces for the owners and their extended family, office spaces, and entertaining areas) into separate branches connected by an open-air two-story atrium. These branches can be shut down independently in order to conserve energy use when unoccupied. The open-ended courtyards and multiple interior/exterior rooms are complemented in this tropical setting by lush landscaping that integrates the house with the surrounding land.这个设计划分为不同的方案要求(我们的居住空间和他们的扩展家庭,办公空间和和娱乐领域)分离的分支由一个露天的两层高的中庭连接。这些分支能够在空闲时为了节约能源而被独立关闭。这个开放式的庭院和多个内/外部房间都被热带环境中郁郁葱葱的园林紧紧围绕着,把房子和周围的土地结合在一起。The building’s massing and fenestration are organized to minimize solar heat gain. The design also makes use of green roofs and living walls that provide significant evaporative cooling plus a rainwater harvesting system that supplies the water features. Light wells weave from the roof to the basement to bring natural light to the interiors and reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day. A small garden supplies enough vegetables and herbs to feed the residents.总体的建筑和开窗组织减少了太阳能获得热能。这个设计绿色屋顶和生活墙的使用提供了一个重要的冷却蒸发加上一个具有供应水特性的雨水收集系统。从屋顶照射到地下室的光线给室内带来了充足的自然光,从而减少了白天的人工照明需要。&一个小花园能够供应足够的蔬菜和香草给居民。翻译:潘艾琳MORE:Archidaily
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非常感谢&Sn&#248;hetta&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享随着如火如荼的秋季学期的开始,瑞尔森大学的学生可以使用他们最新的教学楼:由Sn&#248;hetta和Zeidler Partnership Architects合作设计的学习中心大楼-Student Learning Centre (SLC)。从古希腊的拱廊(Stoas)和露天集市(Agoras)——在那里文人们通过社交来获取知识——中获得灵感,热热闹闹的SLC通过8层设计独特的楼层,给予学生无比宽敞的聚会、学习和交流的空间。基于“没有书的图书馆”这一理念,建筑师设计出一系列空间,既适合自习,也适合团体互动交流。最重要的是,它鼓励学生创造属于他们自己的空间。作为一个信息时代的图书馆,SLC也鼓励学生与周围的现实环境发生互动。自开放使用至今,每天早上7点到凌晨1点,这座新的颇受欢迎的校园地标都成为各种学生活动的发生地。With the fall semester in full swin, Ryerson University students are making good use of the newest building on campus: the Student Learning Centre (SLC), designed by Sn&#248;hetta and Zeidler Partnership Architects. Inspired by the historical gathering spaces of the Stoas and Agoras in ancient Greece where learning was inherently social, the lively SLC gives students eight uniquely-designed floors of generous space to meet, study, and exchange ideas. Conceived as a library without books, the design develops natural conditions for groups of people to interact while also offering areas for controlled and introspective study. Most importantly, it encourages students to make the space their own. The SLC is a library built for the digital age that encourages students to interact with their physical environment. Since its opening, the new campus landmark has become a popular hub filled with student activity from 7 AM to 1 AM each day.瑞尔森大学通勤式的校园位于城市中,有38,000名学生,工程学院和商学院颇具声誉。之前,校园没有标志性的建筑,大部分教学楼隐没于现有的建筑环境之中,或者退后主要街道较远的距离。新的SLC不仅为学生提供了学习和课间滞留的空间,还为校园提供了一座可识别的地标,且与周围充满活力的城市景观更好地结合在一起。Ryerson University is an urban commuter campus with 38,000 students, well- known for its engineering and business programs. Previously, the campus did not have a recognizable presence within the city, with most of the academic buildings housed within the existing building fabric or set back from major streets. The new Student Learning Centre now provides a much-needed space for students to study and remain on campus between classes, creates a distinguishable identity for the University, and better connects the campus to the vibrant cityscape surrounding it.建筑师在南立面设计了一个抬升的平台,平台向街角开放,为过往行人提供了从独处到多人聚会等各种活动的空间。一部分是广场,一部分是门廊,这一抬升的空间营造出欢迎的姿态,同时又保护了学生和公众所共有的城市边角,既向公众展示大学的多姿多彩,又为学生提供了观赏城市景观的场所。位于加拿大最著名的商业街Yonge Street,新建筑更加凸显了沿街店铺的存在感。与此同时,入口台阶能引导学生顺畅地进出大楼,不被周边的商业活动所中断。建筑的入口由一个大型的雨篷构成,雨篷的表面使用五彩斑斓的、手工折制的金属板,从外立面一致延伸到内部的门厅,其靓丽的色彩和不同寻常的造型引得路人停步注目。这些微小的惊喜成为人们日常生活的调味剂,使他们更加注意到场所的存在,加深了与它联系,同时也让人与设计更加紧密。The design begins with a south-facing raised platform that opens the street corner for a broad range of pedestrian activity, from larger gatherings to smaller individual seating areas. Part plaza, part porch, this elevated space creates a welcoming yet protected urban edge shared by students and the general public that both exhibits University life while giving students a place to view the city. Situated on the Yonge Street retail corridor, one of Canada’s best-known commercial avenues, the new building prominently displays shops along Yonge Street, maintaining the retail presence locals expect in the district. Yet by directing the flow of students over and up the entry stairs it ensures the flow of students in and out of the building remains uninterrupted by commercial activity.A new campus gateway is shaped by a large canopy clad in iridescent, hand-folded metal panels stretching from the exterior fa&#231;ade into the lobby. Its striking color and unusual form makes passerby stop and look up. These small and unexpected physical movements added to our daily routine shift one’s relationship to and awareness of place, intensifying the connection between body and design.门厅空间是一个宽敞的设有安保检查站的中庭,中庭内有休息区,咖啡厅和访客接待台。这里同样是一个装备有表演设备和座椅的多功能场所,可以举办动员会、时装秀和音乐表演等各种各样的活动。宽阔的楼梯将人流引向连接SLC与老图书馆的连廊。中庭上方是瑞尔森大学的发布启动区(Launch Zone)——数字媒体实验室和初创科技公司孵化器。The lobby is defined by a spacious atrium unimpeded by security checkpoints, and houses informal seating areas, café, and the University’s welcome desk for visitors and prospective students. It also acts as a multi-purpose forum with integrated seating and performance technology for events ranging from pep rallies to fashion shows and music performances. A broad stair leads from the lobby to a new bridge connecting the SLC to the existing University Library. Hovering above the lobby’s atrium is Ryerson’s Launch Zone, a digital media lab and business incubator for emerging tech start-ups.SLC每一层都提供了独具一格的空间氛围,其主题都是来源大自然。 “海滩”主题的六层是一个开放的、非正式的学习区,通过坡道和平台构成阶梯的形态,鼓励学生自由移动空间内沙滩躺椅式的休闲家具,或者直接席地而坐。顶层是名为“天空”的主题空间,天花板高高吊起,给室内带来充沛的自然光线,为学生提供远眺城市的宽阔视野。“森林”和“花园”楼层配备传统的自习区、教室和设备,服务于不同的学习项目。色彩独特的电梯和楼梯间强化了引导作用,给人惊喜又不至于为让初访者感到迷惑。Each floor of the building offers a different kind of space with a unique atmosphere, inspired by themes found in nature. The sixth floor, known as ‘The Beach,’ is an open and informal study area that slopes down through a series of ramps and terraces, encouraging students to sit on the floor and move the casual furniture. ‘The Sky’ occupies the top floor of the building with an up-lifting ceiling that offers broad overlooks and access to natural light. ‘The Forest’ and ‘the Garden’ also provide differing learning programs with student services, traditional quiet study areas, and classrooms. Uniquely colored elevators and stair landings punctuate navigation throughout the building with surprises, without disorienting the visitor.SLC是一座需要适应的建筑。它打破了日常学生生活的节奏和方式,让使用者充分衡量自身的承受力和对空间的掌控。从秋到春,从期中到期末,学生们将继续塑造他们自己关于这座未来的图书馆的经验和记忆。The Student Learning Centre is a building that demands to be engaged with. It breaks the routine rhythms and movements of daily student life, empowering its visitors to take full measure of their bearings and ownership of their space. From autumn to spring, midterms through final exams, students will continue to create their own experiences and memories out of this library of the future.建筑的立面使用数码印花烧制玻璃,笼罩在粗犷的、具有极简美感的、暴露在外的混凝土框架的外围。尽管通畅意义上玻璃被认为是轻巧的通透的,但在这里它同样具备坚固和质感。多样式的立面控制着进入建筑内部的热量,同时为室内塑造城市和周边建筑的景观。烧结玻璃的功能像自然界的云层,可以调节室内的光线,从“阴”到“多远”再到“晴天”,形成多种多样的室内光环境,为每天进入这里的学生提供不一样的体验。The facades of the building are composed of a digitally-printed fritted glass that envelops the rugged armature and pared-down aesthetic of the exposed concrete structure. While the glass is understood to be transparent and light, it also evokes a juxtaposing sense of solidity and mass. The varying fa&#231;ade pattern controls heat gain into the building and frames views of the city grid and nearby buildings from the interior, acting as a traditional framed window without actual frame constructions. Functioning like cloud cover, the frit modulates the light quality to range from ‘overcast’ to ‘partly cloudy’ to ‘sunny’ to further diversify the interior conditions and allow students to have a different experience every time they visit the building.Design Architect & LandscapeArchitect: Sn&#248;hettaExecutive Architect: Zeidler Partnership ArchitectsClient: Ryerson UniversityLocation: Toronto, CanadaStatus: Completed 2015Size: 14,200 m2Awards: Canadian Architecture Award for Design ExcellenceMORE:Sn&#248;hetta
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非常感谢 &designboom&&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享作为中国北部新文化体的一部分,银川当代艺术博物馆(简称MOCA)已被当地建筑师事务所WAA(We Architech Anonymous)成功建成。博物馆位于中国闻名瞩目的黄河边上,它意在通过提升未来社会基层建设的稳定幸福,从而增强人民群众的凝聚力。博物馆处于湿地保护区,这项工程背后的故事,能够很容易从它独特的背景中就窥知一二。基于对地貌学的研究,设计团队把黄河的侵蚀对自然地貌形成的影响纳入为建筑的一个重要参考,所以,博物馆的整个体块以显而易见的表层褶皱很好地展现了这些地质力量对地貌的作用效果。‘“我们采用能够形象表现地层纹理变化的参数化技术给建筑嵌入了一个身份——它是自然风化之下时间印记的见证,”建筑师解释说道,“黄河从我们这里开始的逐渐迁移一直持续了整个中华文明,而这些比起黄河本身的存在,又显得是那么的微不足道。在博物馆旁边有一块巨大的内部空地,它的出现是为了占据建筑的裂缝地带,将建筑一分为二。建筑主要入口被雕刻成风化表层,它尽其可能地拉伸了博物馆的高度。在博物馆的环形中庭里面建有两个画廊,它们可以用来展出地下室层的雕塑和装置作品展。above, two 在建筑上面的第三层,两个大型画廊通过具体的策展内容来为人们展现它们的主题收藏。而博物馆同样建有演讲厅、图书馆工作室和穿插于众多综合设施中的教室,从而完善了博物馆的教育设施。从三楼下来,在参观者们穿过一个餐厅进入永久性展区之前,他们将会到达一个庄严肃穆的露天展览平台。还有一个户外雕塑公园环绕着博物馆而建。MORE:designboom
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非常感谢&Archdaily&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享这个由Work AC为布鲁克林海军船厂设计的实用的工业大楼,为我们提供了探索大跨度结构规模效率可能性的机会。地面上的四个柱子撑起了两层楼高的桁架,上层的悬臂探出入口,创造了一个充满活力的进入节点和新的共享入口广场。条状的立面是由各种颜色的低成本设缝金属板组成。新建筑借用周围建筑不同颜色的配色方法,使这个当代建筑结构与现存环境取得呼应。上层长方形体量偏向一侧,使背面形成了一个绿色共享阳台,突出的一面则成为入口保护罩。顶层还插入天窗,为低层提供额外的自然光。建筑物的具体位置经过仔细推敲(设定基底面积23333平方英尺),以避开现有的、埋藏于地下的138千伏的输电线缆。MORE:Archidaily
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非常感谢&Studio Marco Vermeulen&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享在经过8个月的翻新改造之后,Biesbosch重新面向公众开放。现在博物馆已经焕然一新,并且扩展出一座面向自然景观的新建筑,其功能包含一家餐厅和临时的当代艺术展览空间。讲述该地区发展历史的常设展也已经全新改版。此外,一座大型的Biesbosch水体模型和淡水潮汐公园也在这座博物馆岛的规划之中。其中建筑、室内、水体模型和淡水潮汐公园由Studio Marco Vermeulen担当设计,展览由Studio Joyce Langezaal策划设计。After an eight-month renovation, the Biesbosch Museum reopened to the public this summer. The museum has been completely transformed and extended with a new wing that opens to its beautiful surroundings and housesarestaurant and temporary exhibition space for contemporary art. The permanent exhibition that explains the historical development of the region has also been totally revamped.A large water model of the Biesbosch and a freshwater tidal park are also planned on the Museum Island. Building, interior, water model and freshwater tidal park were designed by Studio Marco Vermeulen, and the exhibition was designed by Studio Joyce Langezaal.重建的源起水源安全是Biesbosch Museum Island开发的主要原因。作为国家水源安全项目的一部分,4450公顷的Noordwaard泽地已经变成一块水源保护区。Biesbosch博物馆的两侧的土壤被挖开,从而形成一座新的小岛。对于大多数游客来说,Biesbosch博物馆是游览Biesbosch国家公园的起点。但老的博物馆已经过时且不能没有能力服务越来越多的游客,餐饮设施尤其缺乏,而且展览本身也需要更新。2012年全年,约35,000名游客参观了博物馆,但仅在重新开放后的3个月内,游客人数就已经超过30,000人。Reason for redevelopmentWater safety was the keyreason for the development of the Biesbosch MuseumIsland. As part of a national water safety programme,the 4450-hectare Noordwaard polder has been turned into a water-retention area. Outlets on either side of the Biesbosch Museum were dug to create a new island.For most visitors, the Biesbosch Museumis the starting point for exploring the Biesbosch National Park. The museum, however, was outdated and not equipped to accommodate the growing visitor numbers. A lack of adequate catering facilities was particularly urgent. Moreover, the presentation of the collection needed an overhaul. In 2012, some 35,000 people visited the museum, while in the first three monthssince the reopening,no fewer than 30,000 people visited the complex!博物馆建筑为了避免不必要的材料和能源浪费,老博物馆六边形的结构被保留,且在它的西南部,加盖了一座1000平米的新建筑。新建筑以其大面积的开窗为特征,面向岛上的花园开放。其中包含一家可以欣赏周围美景的有机餐厅,以及临时展览空间。原有建筑内的功能空间包括常设展厅、图书馆、多功能剧场以及包括接待和博物馆商店在内的入口大厅。在那,游客可以获得游览Biesbosch国家公园的相关信息,购买进入博物馆的门票以及租用电动船。新开的天窗为荷兰林业委员会和公园理事会的工作人员提供了办公室采光。新老建筑为大地的景观所环绕,也被满草的屋顶所覆盖。事实上,屋顶增加该地区的生态价值,为其营造了可以称之为大地艺术的雕塑,同时也使自身在环境中凸现出来。起伏的屋面上是小山一样的景观,其间铺有小路,小路的尽端有一座可以瞭望景色的平台。Museum BuildingTo avoid any unnecessary waste of material or energy, the hexagonal structure of the original Biesbosch Museum pavilions has beenretained, and a new 1000 m2 wing was added on the south-western side of the building. Featuringextensive areas offenestration, the wingopensto the museum garden on the island. The extensionhouses an organic restaurant that offers views of the adjacent water and landscape, and space for temporary exhibitions.The existing building houses the permanent exhibition, library, multipurpose theatre,entrance area with reception and museum shop. Visitors can obtain tourist information about the Biesbosch National Park and buy tickets for the museum and electric boats. The addition of large dormers on the roof created space for the museum’s offices, the Dutch Forestry Commission and the Park Board.The old and new sections of the museum are surrounded by earthworks and covered with a roof of grass and herbs. The roof adds ecological value, creating a sculptural object that reads as land art and, at the same time, manifests itself in the surrounding landscape. Afold in the roofgives way to an adventurous mountain trail and a lookout post.能源新老建筑在设计时都注意将能耗减少到最低。大面积的玻璃使用最先进的隔热玻璃,不必要使用百叶窗。西北侧的土方和绿色屋面同时起到隔热和保温的作用。寒冷的天气里,生物燃料炉通过地热系统为室内提供舒适的温度。暖和的时候,河水流入同样的管道为室内降温。柳树过滤器生活污水的净化是通过柳树来进行的:这在荷兰当属首次,要感谢当地柳条编织的传统。柳树可以吸收污水中的氮、磷物质,来帮助自身生长。净化后的水流入湿地,最终汇入河流。柳树被伐后,可用作生物燃料,用于博物馆的采暖或其他功能。就地取“材”博物馆就地取材,不仅仅体现在能量供应和污水处理上,还同样体现在当地微酿餐厅的菜单上。博物馆的工作人员很多是过去在Biesbosch工作过的志愿者。甚至承建商和工人也大都来自附近地区。Biesbosch有丰富的采摘和加工自然材料的历史。新建筑中的博物馆的艺术空间,全部使用当地出产的自然材料。上世纪中叶,严重的污染使鲟鱼和鲑鱼从该水域消失。Haringvliet闸口建成,水质变得干净之后,这些物种又重新回到了此处,餐厅内池塘的设计就是在隐喻这一点。EnergyBoth the new wing and existing volume are designed to minimize energy consumption. The glass front is fitted with state-of-the-art heat-resistant glass that eliminates the need for blinds. The earthworks on the north-western side and the green roof serve as additional insulation and a heat buffer. On cold days, a biomass stove maintains the building at the right temperature through floor heating. On warm days, water from the river flows through the same piping to cool the building.Willow FilterSanitary wastewater is purified through a willow filter: the first in the Netherlands and an acknowledgement of thewickerculture of the Biesbosch. Willows absorb the wastewater and the substances it contains, among them nitrogen and phosphate. These substances act as nutrients and help the willow to grow. The purified water is discharged into the adjacent wetland area and flows from there into the river. Once the willows are sawnand dried, the wood can be usedas fuel in the biomass stove in the museum or for other purposes.Specific to the BiesboschThe museum uses many resources available in the area, not only for its energy supply and water treatment, but also for the menu in themicrobrew restaurant. Moreover, the museum can count on the commitment of dozens of volunteers, many of whom have worked in the Biesbosch in the past. Even most of the contractors and construction workers involved in the redevelopment come from the immediate area.The Biesbosch has a rich history in harvesting and processing natural materials and is bio-based avant la lettre.The museum therefore provides space for art, preferably made of natural materials from the Biesbosch itself, in the new wing and on the island.Midway through the last century, the impressive sturgeon and salmon disappeared from the waters of the Biesbosch. With the opening of the Haringvliet locks and the cleaner water in the river, the likelihood of a return ofthese distinctive species has increased. The indoor pondat the restaurant hints at the return of the sturgeon.展览新的常设展全面展示了Biesbosch的历史、文化以及博物馆藏品。Biesbosch的发展历程分散在7个展厅内,从1421年Elizabeth洪水到如今成为休闲放松的新场所。展览的内容含盖原住民、经济、工艺和自然环境,在多媒体空间内向公众进行全方位的展示。原始的影像资料、访谈和工具提供了一个生动而个人化的对该区域和原住民的展示。ExhibitionThe new permanent exhibition offers a rich overview of the history of the Biesbosch, the culture and the collection of the museum. The unique story of the Biesbosch is displayed in seven pavilions, covering its history from theElizabeth Flood of 1421 to its current status as a recreationalarea. The residents, economy, crafts and nature are displayedin multimedia spaces that stimulate all senses. Original film material and photographs, interviews and tools present a personal and vivid account of the area and its residents.淡水潮汐公园博物馆岛将在2016年的春季竣工,淡水湿地公园从新挖开的小溪中引水。潮汐和季节性的水位变化可以在小溪倾斜的岸边清晰地察觉到。同时,倾斜的溪岸也创造了丰富的动植物多样性。蜿蜒的通往小岛的小路,由于水位的变化也在不断的变化当中。“Biesbosch体验”水体模型“Biesbosch体验”水体模型同样会在2016年的春天完成,它将通过展示当地的圩田、堤坝和溪流,来阐释控制水的原理和重要性,以及海平面上升会带来怎样的影响。在半小时的循环周期内,水位从极低变为极高。大人和小孩可以通过操作各种闸口来改变水流的过程。De Pannekoek露天博物馆De Pannekoek露天博物馆位于河的另一边,其标志是一颗名为“griend”的柳树,在那里游客可以回到过去,看到仿真的鸭子、海狸小屋以及柳树和芦苇建造的房子。Freshwater Tidal ParkThe MuseumIsland, which will be realized in the spring of 2016, is a freshwater tidal park on the island that receives river water through a newly dug creek. The tides and seasonal variations in water levels can be clearlyexperienced thanks to the gentle slope of the banks along the creek. The slopes also create a rich diversity of flora and fauna, so that every visit to the island will be different.A meandering path provides access to the island, whichcontinuously changes in appearancebecause of the changing water levels.Biesbosch ExperienceThe ‘Biesbosch Experience’ will be realized on the Museum Island in the spring of 2016. This scale model of the Biesbosch, with polders, dikes and streams,explains the water management function and importance of the area when water levels are high. Within a half-hour cycle, the water changes from ‘extremely low’ to ‘extremely high’. Children and adults are able toalter the course of the waterby operating various kinds of locks.De Pannekoek Open-Air MuseumThe open-air museum on the other side of the river features awood of willows called a ‘griend’where visitors can step back intime. Visitors can also see a duck decoy, a hut made of willows and reeds, and a beaver lodge.Construction: Renovation / new buildingConstruction costs: ca. 3 millionBouwtijd: 8 monthsCompletion:june 2015Gross Floor Area: 1.300 m2Existing Renovation: 1.000 m2Floor Area exhibition: 900 m2Program: museum (permanent and changing exhibition space), offices, visitor center, library, cinema, museum restaurant, offices. Museum Garden and Waterplayground (completion mid 2016)MORE:Studio Marco Vermeulen
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非常感谢&HPP Architects&对&A酷设计网(Acool.hk) 的分享经过3年的施工,多特蒙德德国足球博物馆终于开幕了。 博物馆的立面和形体都体现了足球运动的精神与热情。The German Football Museum opened in Dortmund following 3 years of construction. The fa&#231;ades and form of the structure reflect the dynamism and emotion of the game.德国足球博物馆于日正式开放并举行了为期3天的庆典活动。 HPP于4年前获得了该项目全欧洲范围内竞赛一等奖, 并为这一在德国有着140年历史的足球运动建立了一处永久的家园。博物馆位置优越, 位于多特蒙德中央火车站对面, 对目前的艺术和文化背景是个很好的补充。人们第一次可以在常规的运动领域外,在这个总建筑面积为7700平方米的博物馆内体验到足球的文化和历史。The new premises of the German Football Museum were officially opened on October 25h with a 3-day celebration. Four years after winning the Europe-wide competition to design the museum, HPP have created a new and permanent home for the 140 years of German Football history. HG Esch has now photographed the building.Situated in a prominent location opposite Dortmund’s central station, and complementing the existing artistic and cultural context, footballing history can be experienced for the first time on 7,700 m2 of GFA in a context outside of the usual realms of the sport.悬挑的结构和楔形切口的设想来源于国王墙大道的城市背景和由柏林德立策划的展览空间。建筑的外形主要受到三个元素的影响: 自由悬浮的建筑主体, 连续开阔的公共空间和底座。 后者是最主要的元素, 尤其是结合周边的环境, 展示欢迎的姿态。The form of the elevated structure with its wedge-shaped incisions is drawn both from the urban context on K&#246;nigswall and from the exhibition concept, developed and executed by scenographers TRIAD Berlin. The architectural appearance is mainly influenced by three elements: the free-floating body, the continuous public space and the podium. The latter is a key element, particularly in terms of the surroundings, and functions as a welcoming gesture. The plateau serves to even out the varying site levels, allowing access free of thresholds and steps.建筑的外立面清晰地告诉人们,这里是德国人最热衷的足球运动主题圣地。立面上不规则的铝板穿孔展示出足球的纹理,并设有LED照明。 一副传统足球的图形, 透过方形的空洞展现出来,两层立面之间的画副可根据需要随意更换。正立面的扁长型LED屏幕,完善了这座体验式建筑的外型。The fa&#231;ade carries the clear message that this is the place of Germany’s most well-loved sport. The football motif is represented by a perforated aluminium fa&#231;ade, back-lit with LEDs. The pattern of the square perforations coalesce to form an image of a traditional football. The space between the skins of the fa&#231;ade can be spanned with interchangeable graphics. An LED media fa&#231;ade completes the exterior of the experience-orientated building.来访者通过广场进入博物馆的前厅, 此处被设计成悬挑的大空间, 作为城市空间的延展。 穿过售票处和球迷商店, 来访者可以通过扶梯到达二楼的展厅。 一楼的“球场”则可用来举行临时的展览和活动,还可以安置餐饮设施。Visitors access the building via a forecourt leading to the entrance foyer, which has been designed as a free-floating space that acts as a continuation of the city. Past the ticket desk and fan shop, an escalator takes one up into the twin levels that house the permanent exhibition. The “Arena” on the lower ground floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions and events and catering facilities.HPP合伙人兼总裁Gerhard G. Feldmeyer 先生说,“动感和热情,是代表足球运动的精神,也是我们设计德国足球博物馆的宗旨。 足球激励着我们也将我们紧紧地联系到一起, 这也是足球博物馆开放和存在的理由。”“Dynamism and emotion, that is what football stands for and it is what our design for the German Football Museum stands for”, explains HPP’s Partner-in-Charge and Managing Director, Gerhard G. Feldmeyer. “Football inspires and connects us. It is for exactly this reason that the Football Museum building is open and inviting!”项目名称: 德国足球博物馆业主: 德国足球基金会有限公司地点: 多特蒙德竞赛: 2011年一等奖总建筑面积: 7,700 m2建筑设计/施工: HPP Architects, 杜塞尔多夫合伙人: Gerhard G. Feldmeyer, Werner Sübai项目经理: Antonino Vultaggio工程经理,副项目经理: Bj&#246;rn Hennemann团队: Barbara Gries and Guido Kürten together with Melanie Behnke, Tobias Fr&#246;hlich, Raimund Holubek, Kun-San Moon, Sebastian Seibold, Raphael Strohmeier, Roland Grube, Yvonne MiguraHOAI工程阶段: 1-8 (全过程)奠基: 日结构封顶: 2014 年4月4日竣工: 日承重结构: 钢筋混凝土/钢结构楼层数: 4外围尺寸: L 88.50 x B 25.40 x H 19.50 m展览面积: 3,400 m2展示空间设计: 柏林德立项目有限公司景观设计: Club L94Project: German Football MuseumClient: DFB-Stiftung Deutsches Fussballmuseum gGmbHLocation: DortmundCompetition: 1st Prize 2011GFA: 7,700 m2Architects/Execution: HPP Architects, DüsseldorfPartners: Gerhard G. Feldmeyer, Werner SübaiProject Manager: Antonino VultaggioConstruction Manager,Deputy Project Manager: Bj&#246;rn HennemannTeam: Barbara Gries and Guido Kürten together with Melanie Behnke, Tobias Fr&#246;hlich, Raimund Holubek, Kun-San Moon, Sebastian Seibold, Raphael Strohmeier, Roland Grube, Yvonne MiguraHOAI Phases: 1-8Ground-Breaking: 20 September 2012Foundation Stone laid: 29 April 2013Topping-Out: 04 April 2014Completion: 23 October 2015Supporting Structure: Steel-reinforced concrete/steel constructionNo. of Storeys: 4External Dimensions: L 88.50 x B 25.40 x H 19.50 mExhibition Area: 3,400 m2Exhibition Designers: TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbHLandscaping: Club L94 LandschaftsarchitektenMORE:HPP Architects
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