安装hdfs集群时 报错 Cannot set setpriorityy of datanode process

hadoop - localhost: ERROR: Cannot set priority of datanode process 32156 - Stack Overflow
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I am trying to install hadoop on ubuntu 16.04 but while starting the hadoop it will give me following error
localhost: ERROR: Cannot set priority of datanode process 32156.
Starting secondary namenodes [it-OptiPlex-3020]
21:13:48,343 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Starting resourcemanager
Starting nodemanagers
Please someone tell me why i am getting this error ? Thanks in advance.
I have the same error when installing Hadoop 3.0.0-RC0.
My situation is all services starting successfully except Datanode.
I found that some configs in hadoop-env.sh weren't correct in version 3.0.0-RC0, but correct in version 2.x.
Finally, I replace my hadoop-env.sh with the official one and just setting JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME.
Now, Datanodes work well.
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after using this command hdfs namenode -format.
localhost: ERROR: Cannot set priority of resourcemanager process 9799 similarly in case of datanode resourcemanager nodemanager.
not able to remove these errors
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今早一来,突然发现使用-put命令往HDFS里传数据传不上去了,抱一大堆错误,然后我使用bin/hadoop dfsadmin
admin@adw1:/home/admin/joe.wangh/hadoop-0.19.2&bin/hadoop dfsadmin
-reportConfigured Capacity: 0 (0 KB)Present Capacity: 0 (0 KB)DFS
Remaining: 0 (0 KB)DFS Used: 0 (0 KB)DFS Used%:
available: 0 (0 total, 0 dead)
jobtracker172.16.197.192: stopping tasktracker172.16.197.193: stopping
tasktrackerstopping namenode172.16.197.193:
no datanode to stop172.16.197.192: no datanode to stop stopping secondarynamenode
10:12:11,987 ERROR org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: java.io.IOException: Incompatible namespaceIDs in
/home/admin/joe.wangh/hadoop/data/dfs.data.dir: namenode namespaceID =
; datanode namespaceID =
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[if gte mso 10]&
/* Style Definitions */
mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4
--&&!-- [endif]--&
1: Start from scratch
testify that the following steps solve this error, but the side effects won't
make you happy (me neither). The crude workaround I have found is to:
[if !supportLists]--&1.&!--
[endif]--&stop the
[if !supportLists]--&2.&!--
[endif]--&delete the
data directory on the problematic datanode: the directory is specified by
dfs.data.dir in conf/hdfs-site. if you followed this tutorial, the relevant
directory is /usr/local/hadoop-datastore/hadoop-hadoop/dfs/data
[if !supportLists]--&3.&!--
[endif]--&reformat the
namenode (NOTE: all HDFS data is lost during this process!)
[if !supportLists]--&4.&!--
[endif]--&restart the
deleting all the HDFS data and starting from scratch does not sound like a good
idea (it might be ok during the initial setup/testing), you might give the
second approach a try.
2: Updating namespaceID of problematic datanodes
Big thanks
to Jared Stehler for the following suggestion. I have not tested it myself yet,
but feel free to try it out and send me your feedback. This workaround is
"minimally invasive" as you only have to edit one file on the problematic
[if !supportLists]--&1.&!--
[endif]--&stop the
[if !supportLists]--&2.&!--
[endif]--&edit the
value of namespaceID in &dfs.data.dir&/current/VERSION to match the value
of the current namenode
[if !supportLists]--&3.&!--
[endif]--&restart the
followed the instructions in my tutorials, the full path of the relevant file is
/usr/local/hadoop-datastore/hadoop-hadoop/dfs/data/current/VERSION (background:
dfs.data.dir is by default set to ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/dfs/data, and we set
hadoop.tmp.dir to /usr/local/hadoop-datastore/hadoop-hadoop).
wonder how the contents of VERSION look like, here's one of mine:
#contents of
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来自: 北京
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