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One of the interesting aspects to staying with my daughter Rose is that she introduces me to television programmes that I would not usually watch. If you’ve not seen it, Naked Attraction is a series where single people choose a date based purely on physical attraction. Six contestants strip off and stand in a coloured perspex box. An opaque screen gradually reveals bits of their bodies. Helped by the show's bisexual presenter, ‘the chooser’ discusses appendages much like assessing varieties of apples. As each 'bit' is revealed a contestant is eliminated if their ‘bit’ doesn't measure up! I am stunned that people are prepared to do this. Judging by the ratings, they have a big audience of interested viewers. What does this say about our culture in today’s world?
The insatiable appetite for the perfect body, the perfect image and the right material possessions has created an era where we have become seduced by the superficial. When we focus and judge others based on what we see on the surface we anaesthetise the natural beauty that lives in our heart. When we make decisions based on logic alone we ignore, often at our peril, the vast goldmine of information that our emotions want to share with us. A person's physical body is not the person. It is simply the home our soul has chosen to live in. If you've witnessed death close up then you know that their body does not look the same. It was the person's character, their funny little foibles, their essence that animated their physicality.
In 2009 I was involved in a reality programme for Sky - Kitchen Sink to Catwalk. I was asked to help build the confidence of six ordinary middle- aged housewives so they could become catwalk models. At the time I was astonished that naturally attractive women had such low self-esteem. Many of them believed that their mature age made them unattractive. They saw their bodies as imperfect. By changing their belief system so they began to love and accept themselves in a healthy way, literally did transform their physical appearance. Why is it that some physically perfect individuals are not attractive? And what is it that causes other individuals to shine with an inner radiance that makes them breathtakingly beautiful?
Our soul animates our physicality. If we are not connected to our innate essence then we lose our natural serenity.
When I first launched my Big Apple Experiment in 2010, the Daily Mail did a piece called ' Can you talk yourself beautiful?'&&They reported on my theory that each of us can affect physical reality by our focused intent. See . If you direct feelings of judgement, anger and hate towards an apple it will decay much quicker compared to an apple exposed to your loving intent. When you look at another person's body through the eyes of critical judgement then you are holding this damaging vibration within you. Both you and the individual will experience a sense of being diminished and a drain of energy. If the criticism continues, after a period of time the individual will disconnect from their emotions because they can't cope with feeling hurt. Without that vital connection with our heart, our inner essence dulls and our radiance transforms into a grey hue that lingers in our body and in our aura. Losing our sensitivity because we have been hurt is our self-protection. But without our heart, without the trust in our instincts, without our finely attuned sensory awareness we end up feeling lost and simply go through the motions of living. If you want to test this theory and feel the impact of positive and negative intent, then ask your close friends to form a circle around you. Close your eyes and ask them to initially look at you and criticise you in their mind. Notice how you feel. Then ask them to view all the things they like and love about you. Astonishingly you will feel the difference.
Your heart holds the truth of who you really are inside. You are a magnificent, wonderful and unique individual. Your so called imperfections are what makes you so special. They set you apart. If you judge yourself harshly then you scare away your own radiance. If you judge another harshly then you hamstring the connection with the other person. In these crazy times where the illusion of perfection is held as the road map to happiness our culture trains us to see ugliness in anything that is 'less than perfect'. Who are we to decide what is perfect or not? In the moment we see an imperfection it becomes fixed as an imperfection. The moment we see a flaw we energise the flaw and fail to see all that is 'not flawed’. You don’t love someone because they are perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they are not.
There is an expression “you get the face you deserve”. You can tell what a person is like by their heart and what pours out. Search your own heart. Do you have the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and loving soul? Tune out the world’s constant urge to look gorgeous physically, instead make sure your heart is filled with love for yourself and everyone around you.& When you strip back all the layers, the real authentic you, at your core is pure love. We spend our entire lives (whether we are consciously aware or not), trying to reconnect with this blissful state of being. When we can maintain unconditional love for everyone and everything in all situations we attain a beauty that outshines the physical. At this moment we are truly enlightened, filled with the radiance of pure light. In reality, this is a quest that very few of us will attain in this lifetime. So in the meantime, let’s just do the best we can with what we’ve got. Sending you love and light wherever you are.
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