树莓派3b ubuntu core的videocore怎么用啊

How to Make a Raspberry Pi Media Panel (fka Digital Photo Frame): 9 Steps (with Pictures)Introduction: How to Make a Raspberry Pi Media Panel (fka Digital Photo Frame)The goal of this project was to create a low cost Raspberry Pi Media Panel--a nice looking screen that could stand in the living room or attach to the refrigerator with the primary purpose of streaming personal photo and video content full time, but also be able to do some other cool things when needed...like show the weather, play a movie, play music, or receive AirPlay content. Read this blog post if you want to learn more about . Success criteria were: -Low cost: a full blown computing device and screen for between $100 and $200 all in -Attractive: meaning my wife finds it aesthetically acceptable for the living room -Light: no more than a few pounds -Thin: no more than an inch thick, including frame -Quick: can be built in a few hours or less -Simple: requiring mainly assembly, versus construction or manufacturingUpdate:Several people have asked me about an integrated product/service like this that is off-the-shelf. I've been working on one for over two years, and it unlocks the photos and videos you have in the cloud and creates smart channels of your content you can stream to any screen. It's like Pandora, but for your memories.We call it . Fireside makes enjoying and sharing your photos and videos as easy as taking them--and it makes it easy to turn your tablet (or any Android device) into a smart photo frame. It also makes it easy to add an auto-curated "family channel" to your TV. If Sonos is your home's audio ambience, Fireside is your home's visual ambience.The app is currently free from Amazon, and works with Google Photos or Dropbox. .Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 1: Select the Right LCD ScreenThere is a lot to picking the right LCD screen...so much that I wrote a completely separate blog post on . If you want the full details and/or are thinking of doing something different, read that post. To keep things short and simple, I recommend using a 15" or 17" screen similar to the screens used in the MacBook or MacBook Pro. You can, of course, also use a screen from an old laptop you already own, but you need to make sure you can find an LCD controller board that can operate it. We bought our screens from , and the exact models we chose were the LG & Philips
and the LG & Philips . They were about $75 each brand new. Both screens were matte finish, though the next time I think we'll opt for glossy. Don't worry so much about the numbers after the dash...they don't have a large impact on the screen. The critical numbers that determine whether an LCD Controller will support your panel and how to program it are the LP154WP1 and LP171WU3. If you have questions, or are thinking about getting a different screen, .Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 2: Order an LCD Controller BoardAs you may have read in the , there are a number of places you can buy an LCD controller board. However, I think the best is a company called
based in China. For the LP154WP1 or LP171WU3 screen, order
from their . It costs about $40, and includes the inverter, a control switch (so you can turn your screen on and off) and the correct LVDS connector cable for your LCD screen...plus the programming so that when it arrives it is plug and play. Shipping for the item is currently free, but takes about a month to get to the US. Instead, ask to upgrade to DHL after you've purchased and for about $20 more the unit will arrive in under a week. You will need to buy a 12 volt 4 amp power adapter--you can use any standard 2.5mm internal diameter 5.5mm outer diameter. We used
from Amazon rather than having NJYTouch ship one specially from China. You'll also need to buy an HDMI A to DVI 24+1 cable, since the controller board has DVI and VGA input but no direct HDMI. We used
from amazon. If you want to have audio, you need a device that can take the audio track off HDMI and deliver it via 3.5mm analog. You can find these on Amazon for between $30 and $99, depending on options. We've used this
via 3.5mm jack and had a good experience. Unfortunately, there is a problem with the 3.5mm analog out on the Raspberry Pi board itself, and if you try to use it you will get a lot of popping and background noise. Similarly, if you try to add a USB sound card and take audio off via software, you'll find relatively poor performance and audio/video delay and syncing issues in our experience. Currently, the only reliable way is to take audio off HDMI.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 3: Order a FrameOnce your LCD screen arrives, it's time to get out the tape measure and get the exact dimensions so you can order a frame for it.
provides nice looking and low cost cut-to-order metal frames to your exact specification. Unfortunately, they do not cut metric sizes. Since LCD panels are made to metric specifications, you will have to calculate the size using 16ths of an inch as best you can. If you can't get a perfect match, round up to make sure the panel will fit inside the frame. I recommend the
line since the slightly larger rabbet depth fits the depth of the LCD panel a little better and the rounded bevel makes a slightly more attractive package. The
line works fine too if you want something simpler. Colors worth checking out include Black, Bright White, Right Red and Natural Steel. The frames you see in the photos of this tutorial are all Natural Steel. Make sure you order the standard white mounting board and that you remove the matting and the acrylic that are automatically added to the order. You don't need them. Total cost should be around $10-15 plus shipping, which will take up to about a week depending on where you're located.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 4: Magnetic Mount Vs Stand Vs HangingNow you need to decide where you want to put your frame so you can get the correct mounting hardware. If you're going to hang it, your frame will ship with everything you need. If you want to mount it on the refrigerator, we recommend getting four extremely strong magnets. We used
Neodymium mounting magnets from K&J Magnetics for about $5 each. In retrospect, this may have been overkill, but the good news is there is no chance that our Media Panel is going to accidentally come off the refrigerator. To attach the magnets to the frame, you will need a 2" x 1/2" mending brace (sold at Ace Hardware or similar) and four 1/6" wide x 1/2" long machine nuts and bolts. If you want to stand your Media Panel on a desk or a table, the $5 Easel Mate by
is a great solution. Do not order directly from Albin like we did. Albin is the designer of the Easel Mate and wholesales it. Unfortunately, the Easel Mate they sell on their web site is the wood screw version, and will not work for our metal frame. Many picture frame stores seem to carry the Easel Mate, and we ended up buying it at in Palo Alto. A quick Google search will turn up many other suppliers you can order from online.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 5: Order a Raspberry Pi and AccessoriesWith the longer lead time items out of the way, it's time to buy the brains of your Media Panel, the Raspberry Pi. We bought our
for $35 from Element14. To round it out, you'll also need a few more things: -USB WiFi (unless you plan to use ethernet). We use
from Edimax which is about $9. -A case for your Pi: We like
you can buy on Amazon in a variety of colors for about $12. -An SD Card for your operating system. We like
from Amazon for about $7. -A cable to power your Raspberry Pi, either a
($5) if you plan to backpower your Raspberry Pi from a powered USB hub (more on this later). Backpowering is recommended, as connecting all your USB peripherals to the USB hub offloads the power draw from the Raspberry Pi and results in more stable Raspberry Pi operation. -(Recommended) Powered USB hub. We use
which was about $17. -(Recommended) USB Mouse and Keyboard. If anything goes wrong during your setup, it can be convenient to just plug a mouse and keyboard in to address the problem vs using SSH or your XBMC remote control. You probably already have them, and if you don't you can get them pretty cheap from Amazon. Make sure you pick one from the
list. If you decide to deviate at all from this specific set of items, be sure you check the
list first to see if it works with Raspberry Pi. Do not assume something will just work.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 6: Prepare Your Raspberry PiThe next step is to load the operating system on your Raspberry Pi. There are lots of operating systems you could use, but our experience has been best with . It's a minimal Linux distribution based on Debian specifically tuned for running XBMC on Raspberry Pi. The system auto-updates, and it boots directly into XBMC.. Be sure to set up your install so that your Raspberry Pi has network access. This means you need to configure WiFi. Power up your USB hub and connect it to one of the Raspberry Pi USB A jacks. Then from one of the 4 ports on the hub, connect your USB A to USB Micro B Cable from the hub to the USB Micro B jack on the Raspberry Pi. This is called backpowering, and will be how your Raspberry Pi receives power. Finally, connect your USB WiFi module and testing keyboard/mouse (if you like--not essential). To verify your install worked, connect your Raspberry Pi to a TV via HDMI and make sure it boots into XBMC. Also, make sure that you can see the weather and RSS feeds so you know Internet access is working on the device. Navigate into the System: Info section and write down your device's IP address in case you need it in the future for SSH access or to set up your remote control. Also, I recommend enabling "Allow control of XBMC via HTTP" in System: Settings: Web Server (so you can use the remote control app for your smartphone) and "Allow XBMC to receive AirPlay content" in System: Settings: Airplay. Finally, download and install the free XBMC app for your iPhone or Android phone so you have a remote control for your system.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 7: Assemble the LCD Controller BoardHere is a video that shows you how to put together the LCD Controller Board and accessories you have received. Assemble as described in the video, but do not attach the LVDS cable to the LCD panel yet. We'll do this in the next step because the cable must pass through the hole we need to cut in the mounting board.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 8: Assemble the FrameThis step is for putting together all the pieces. Assemble your frame and insert the LCD panel and LCD Controller Board as per the video. Provided everything goes right, it shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes.
Once your frame is assembled, connect power to your LCD controller board, plug in the HDMI cable to your Raspberry Pi and then power up your Raspberry Pi to get the first glimpse of your Media Panel in action.Add TipAsk QuestionDownloadStep 9: Adding Your Media and Operating Your Media PanelTwo (among many) ways to add personal media to your Media Panel are as follows: The first method is easy and requires no technical abilities, but requires buying a USB flash drive. Buy a USB Flash Drive () and create two folders on it using the computer that stores your media. One for videos, and one for photos. Copy your personal photos and videos into the correct folder. Unplug your flash drive and plug it into the USB hub connected to your Raspberry Pi. Now you just need to tell XBMC where to find the media (see below). The second method is to copy the files directly to the SD card on the Raspberry Pi, which requires using SCP / SSH. SSH to your Raspberry Pi and create folders for your media in /home/pi. Open a terminal window on another computer on your network and type 'ssh pi@ipaddress' and then enter raspberry for the default password. ipaddress should be replaced with the IP address of your device, like as an example. You will now be in the /home/pi directory. Type two commands: "mkdir pics" and "mkdir videos" followed by "exit" to log out. Now navigate to the directory containing your photos and type this command "scp * pi@ipaddress:/home/pi/pics". Enter your password again, and make sure you don't have anything else in the folder other than photos because everything in the folder is now being copied to your Raspberry Pi. Do the same for videos using "scp * pi@ipaddress:/home/pi/videos". Now that your media is accessible locally to your Media Panel, you need to make XBMC aware of it. Under Pictures, go to "Add Source" and select your pics folder. Do the same under Videos for your videos folder. To set up XBMC to do a photo slide show, follow and configure it to use your pics folder. To run a video loop, use the following steps (kludgy, I know...): -In System, Settings, Video, Playback, select "Play the next video automatically" play next item in a folder -Navigate to your video folder under Videos, Files -Using your remote control, change the mode to gesture. -Select and hold down on the video folder. From the pop-up menu, click Queue Item. -Select and hold down on the video folder again. From the pop-up menu, click Now Playing. -You should be presented with a list of all the videos in your folder. -Gesture left to get the right menu and select Shuffle (unless you want to play videos in order). -Click once on a video to start your infinite video loop playing. In addition, of course, you can configure your Media Panel to have all the standard video and audio services of , including Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, Youtube, and countless others. Enjoy!Add TipAsk QuestionDownload2 People Made This Project! made it! made it!Did you make this project? Share it with us!I Made It!Recommendationsby
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如果你现在已经是Raspberry Pi的观察者,那么对于我们如何更新我们的产品,你会有一些感觉。就在两年前,我们发布了&树莓派3 B型。这是我们的第一款64位产品,也是我们首款具备集成无线连接功能的产品。从那时起,我们已经售出了超过900万棵树莓派3套(我们共销售了1900万棵树莓小皮),这些产品已在全球各地的学校,家庭,办公室和工厂投入使用。
那些Raspberry Pi的观察者会知道,我们有几年在他们的生活中发布改进版本的产品的历史。第一个例子是Raspberry Pi 1 Model B +,它增加了两个额外的USB端口,介绍了我们目前的外形因素,并汇总了来自社区的各种其他反馈。当然,Raspberry Pi 2并没有得到这种待遇,因为它在仅仅一年之后就被取代了;&但感觉就像是树莓派3获得&加号&治疗的时候了。
所以,毫不费力地,Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +&现在以35美元的价格出售(与现有的Raspberry Pi 3 Model B相同),具有以下特点:
1.4GHz的&64位四核ARM Cortex-A53 CPU
更快的以太网(通过USB 2.0的千兆以太网)
以太网供电支持(使用单独的PoE HAT)
树莓派3B +可买今天我们获批准的经销商的网络。
Roger Thornton在Raspberry Pi的这一修订版上做了设计工作。在这里,他和我聊了一下什么是新的。
新产品是围绕BCM2837B0构建的,这是Raspberry Pi 3B中使用的64位Broadcom应用处理器的更新版本,该处理器包含电源完整性优化以及散热器(这是您可以在照片中看到的闪亮金属片)。这些使我们能够达到更高的时钟频率(或以更低的电压运行以降低功耗),并更精确地监控和控制芯片的温度。
赛普拉斯CYW43455&combo&芯片提供双频无线局域网和蓝牙,连接到类似于Raspberry Pi Zero W上使用的Proant PCB天线。与其前身相比,Raspberry Pi 3B +在2.4 GHz频段,并且在5GHz频段的性能要好得多,正如LibreELEC开发商Milhouse的这些iperf结果所证明的。
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树莓派3B +(2.4GHz)
树莓派3B +(5GHz)
无线电路被封装在一个金属屏蔽下,而不是用我们的标志浮雕。这使我们能够将整个电路板作为FCC规则下的无线电模块进行认证,从而大幅降低基于Raspberry Pi产品的一致性测试成本。
以前的Raspberry Pi设备使用了LAN951x系列芯片,该系列芯片结合了USB集线器和10/100以太网控制器。对于Raspberry Pi 3B +,Microchip支持我们提供支持千兆以太网的升级版本LAN7515。虽然与应用处理器的USB 2.0连接限制了可用带宽,但与Raspberry Pi 3B相比,我们仍然看到吞吐量增加了三倍。再次,这里有一些典型的iperf结果。
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树莓派3B +
我们使用支持以太网供电(PoE)的Magjack,并将相关信号引入新的4针插头。我们很快将推出一款PoE HAT,它可以产生从48V PoE电源为Raspberry Pi供电所需的5V电压。
Raspberry Pi 3B是我们第一款支持PXE以太网启动的产品。在野外进行测试时发现了一些与特定交换机和流量环境有关的兼容性问题。Gordon将所有已知问题的修复汇总到BCM2837B0引导ROM中,并且现在默认启用PXE引导。
BCM2837B0封装的功率完整性得到改善,新型MaxLinear MxL7704电源管理IC的调节精度得到改进,这使我们能够调整我们的时钟和电压规则,以获得更好的峰值性能和更长时间的持续性能。
该图表由Gareth Halfacree提供,表明Raspberry Pi 3B +在8分钟四核Sysbench CPU测试期间运行速度更快,温度更低。请注意,Raspberry Pi 3B +确实消耗的功率远远超过其前身。我们强烈建议您使用高质量的2.5A电源,例如官方的Raspberry Pi通用电源。
你是否停止了早期的Raspberry Pi模型?
不,我们有很多行业客户希望暂时坚持现有的产品。只要有需求,我们会继续建立这些模型。Raspberry Pi 1B +,Raspberry Pi 2B和Raspberry Pi 3B将分别继续以25美元,35美元和35美元的价格出售。
模型A +怎么样?
Raspberry Pi 1A +暂时仍然是价格为20美元的入门级&大&树莓派。我们正在考虑在适当的时候生产Raspberry Pi 3A +的可能性。
是。VideoCore IV 3D是唯一公开记录的基于ARM的SoC的3D图形核心,我们希望Raspberry Pi随着时间的推移而变得更加开放,而不是更少。
原文标题:树莓派3型号B +发布售价35美元
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