
The one point is to NOT copy the source code, the second is compile ONCE! Use multiple times.Now when you miss cl...
It seems the issue was with xcode. I downloaded again the xcode app from store and it works fine then. You can close ...
Applied in changeset commit:d7cca2ababceb1d851257.
Creating new actions
CCActionManager seems to be a collection of CCNode with CCActions,which are organized of HashMap structure.Why not ju...
1.以前我想把lua function以int类型的handler传递给C++,用tolua++是可以实现的,现在新版本无法实现了2.如果我一个函数参数返回值是传值或者传引用,3.0无法将该函数导出到lua,但是tolua++可以...
cocos2dx: 3.1
// because I'm lazy, I'm reusing a tile as an sprite, but since this method uses vertexZ, you
// can us...
HiI am getting lot of lexical or preprocessor issues while trying to compile a project in xcode 5.1.1 Steps t...
Original discussion details link:/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6876
A test case to reproduce the bug:you have for sampler in the shader `cctexture0`, `cctexture1`, `cctexture2`, `ccte...
If parent already called scheduleUpdate method, and we call scheduleUpdate again at it's child method, it will trigge...
main.js throw error
This method used to be called on cocos v2 when window got minimized.Not working since cocos v3.
This is broken on latest v3 branch c44a5a2b3e4f0d4fc80aed6af6b859dd9422162es_resourcePath should be appended by &/....
a bunch of people is apparently experiencing the same issue:http://www.cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/54646
script draw handler里使用点的位置仍然是相对于屏幕左下角位置。版本: cocos2dx3.1lua脚本
Applied in changeset commit:453ff81d2a1ae6bd4392cfeee6b6283d.
希望有 MT运行库、在静态库中使用MFC的 glfw.lib。用于bulid应用程序在xp上成功运行。
I have created a sample project using the python script create_project.py ( cocos2d-x-2.2.3 ). I want my game (winrt)...
Applied in changeset commit:f32044fca94dfc10b3a1c2a462f3d.
In cocosDenshion::OpenALDecoder, it create decoders, but it doesn't delete decoders.In many situations, this is not...
@ricardo:Do what you need to do. Eventually, it will become stable. But, for now, it definitely needs further changes.
CCEAGLView needs a contentInset property that can be set by a parent view controller so the view does not extend unde...
1. auto load other format audio file when a loading file is failed.2. fix a bug that it doesn't count when a file w...
Please provide project templates that utilize Cocos2d-x as a static library instead of a copy of the source code. Whe...
Please add support for scroll bars with native appearance to UIScrollView and/or CCScrollView.
Do we need both scrolling view implementations (UIScrollView and CCScrollView)? Both rely on extensions code, so neit...
The UIScrollView requires code in the extensions folder that is not part of the compiled library. In particular, it r...
Please update all includes to use relative paths so projects don't need to search multiple folders for header files. ...
solve with http://www.cocos2d-x.org/news/24:)
Is there a workaround for this defect, other than &ins&not&/ins& setting the design size or avoiding the Label compon...
this bug was fixed in the latest code
There is a forum thread http://www.cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/53998
This is a intrinsic constrain caused by non premultiply alpha, to solve this, we need to add premultiply alpha back w...
Fixed in this patch/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6726
This feature (currently in Sprite Builder) is very useful for designing layouts for multi resolution.Each size di...
Change setText to setString
add IOS IAP into PluginX
我希望有多行输入的文本框 包括图文
in Node.cpp 1411need to switch _skewX and _skewY properties order in matrix
Fixed in v3.1
I've investigated it further, and in v3.0 you returned KEY_BACKSPACE (TouchesJni.cpp, line 76), where in v3.1 you ret...
BACK button handling no longer works on Android.The key released function now recieves a keycode of 6, which accord...
BTW, we have a forum thread talking about the black border.Here is the link:http://www.cocos2d-x.org/issues/5353...
Thanks. Could you please attach a result comparison of v2.x and v3.x?
tversion here:title: .plist file packed by TexturePacker appear black line when i try to roll the background....
This problem doesn't appear in 2.x version but only 3.0 and 3.1 release.I modified the HelloCpp with the followin...
Sorry.What i mean is that `TextField` will be merged into UI system.And the name may not be `TextBox`. The feat...
Good to know that `TextBox` will replace `TextField` :). But text box will support bitmap font? Or it will just suppo...
At http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/Text_Labels#LabelAtlas, it mentioned a &CCBitmapFontAtlas& class. But according to h...
Yep. `TextField` will be replaced by `TextBox`.
Steps to reproduce the issue:- Create a new project using &cocos new&- Run it on linux platform: ok- In HelloWo...
It is necessary to have a text field that supports all this: - text alignment (left, right, center) - text shadow...
Hey guys, it's really exciting to hear that Joystick Support is officially on the way. I give you my total support an...
Has been fixed.
lavizrap wrote:& Using the command cocos run -p android | ios | mac my app with box2d features showes only a blank ...
Using the command cocos run -p android | ios | mac my app with box2d features showes only a blank screen, while worki...
When you build the cocos2d-js package via the download builder (http://cocos2d-x.org/filecenter/jsbuilder/) and exclu...
Hi,I'm trying to get the ball rolling on joystick support for PC/Mac. More info and code added to related issue...
Hi,Here a patch for adding GLFW joystick support on the desktop. I don't have a pull request because couldn't run...
Applied in changeset commit:cb59da84f5e09edad7fc.
Applied in changeset commit:bffa8abe5f56bd019724.
Applied in changeset commit:bdc2a4dbf171c37f97c53d5e13d50f53c2bb09ca.
Applied in changeset commit:7b0f3a6fddcd4ee148df9.
Currently the font in property view still takes a lot of space
This is a bug of firefox, we need fix it through other way.
Release Cocos2d-JS v3.0 beta
I know the site's been evolving a lot lately, but it feels somewhat awkward to navigate, specially for the first time...
How to reproduce it:```bool init(){
_fire = ParticleFire::create();
Applied in changeset commit:918a48054afa2acb3cf4e3d9b9b3.
cc.NodeRGBA.getDisplayedColor shall return a new color object
```void Node::sortAllChildren(){
if( _reorderChildDirty ) {
std::sort( std::begin(_children), std::...
Cocos2d-x-3.0 tests all project for mac &proj.mac&
main file is &main.cpp& but in CMakeLists.txt is &main.m&
Currently Zoom In/Out is based on the center of the Cocos2dBut it's not very natural for user to use, we need to ch...
1. Create a scene A2. Drag & drop the scene A to another scene B as a subgraph3. Modify scene A4. Observe the s...
Change them into the same font as the other ui
1.Add one Button control,remember its default font.2.Close the scene and reopen.3.Comparison this control's defau...
Applied in changeset commit:bc943b85fffa444cea8.
cc.SkewTo implementation of the results of special value when the problem
Reported at /bbs/read.php?tid=199452
ccs.Bone visit invalid
Fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6698
1. Drag a sprite to Render View2. Change positioning to absolute/relative3. Drag the anchor point4. observe tha...
1. Drag a asset to render view2. Change the layout method3. Observe asset gets reset to the top/bottom corner
Why not?This is very useful to test your game, and see how it react under memory pressure.iOS triggers this eve...
uiReader not set the opacity
@cresleybThanks a lot!We have fixed this inconsistency, they will work in the same way as html5 does.
This feature is implemented here /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6726. But @harrison said it should be im...
It seems ios has some sort of memory collection mechanism, this remain memories will be collected by ios later.
Why add this command in Console?
Applied in changeset commit:993be1ebad101e83c22.
debugger module is not properly replace the %s
I managed to get Firefox remote debugging working and have narrowed this down to`./frameworks/js-bindings/binding...
Seams this is fixed in 3.0. They have changed the default?
Doesn't `_cascadeOpacityEnabled` need to be set to `true` for this to work? I know they're `false` by default.
cocos 3.0同一个layer add了很多 child, 且没有设定相应的zorder , 且child 可视范围可能互相覆盖, 并不是安然add 进去的顺序 进行排序绘制的, 顺序是不可预期的. 可能会导致chil...
Hi,I'm experiencing a similar issue. With v2.2.3 my graphics looked great and anti-aliased. With v3.1alpha1 t...
CCEventExtension is missing of build.xml
Indexed with test cases
Add checking the file and moving log text
there is no getBoundingBoxToWorld in jsb.
To reproduce bug where it seems to resolve an already resolved referenceCreate new JS project`cocos new -p co...
Applied in changeset commit:fc8d286fcbaea601efcdd0daca17c4e.
ccs.TextField the problem of the size
Ccs.TextField the size of the problem
Applied in changeset commit:2d88c8ea92917ccbd4e98f62cb721e.
Applied in changeset commit:09fce798f0504c17cecccdf6958ca3.
this.m_stencilBattleValue = cc.LabelAtlas.create(&1234&, &pvrs/ccs/battleValueNumber.png&, 21, 34, '0');//战斗力特效 蒙版图...
1. add focus manager to support Dpad and easy focus navigation2. fix nested VBox and HBox layout bug. it it the Fra...
How to force stop &touch began& on the behind layers (sprites) ?Video attached.
error: &The entry point method could not be loaded&while launching cocostudio.exe
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Has been fixed.
Applied in changeset commit:0cd2196b88fbc0f3ac71c61f8eb8505.
Applied in changeset commit:7db02fc0ecf.
Applied in changeset commit:a0a4df5ac51af3e63fd8892241ee.
js alpha1 和 js alpha2 打包到手机运行都有这问题,希望beta版本会修正
通过 cc.PhysicsSprite.extend的物理精灵会报如下的错(其实我有setBody)JS: assets/jsb_cocos2d_extension.js:194:TypeError: body is null...
Fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6650
Problem description:There are Size, ContentSize, CustomSize and VirtualRendererSize in our UI framework, we shoul...
Applied in changeset commit:453b1d0fece37c3f0c6.
Reported at http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/53565
LabelAtlas use setstring will clear everything in canvas mode
@bluefox thx for reporting, it's indeed a bug. I will fix it later.
Applied in changeset commit:94f50bd162b95cbc72aa.
@owen:thanks.I discussed it with @justin, and he worked on this feature for CocoStudio.He already sent a Pull...
in js-test-&TileMapTest-&TMX Iso VertexZ ,map will not show.
var HelloWorldLayer = cc.LayerGient.extend({
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create(res.tmx);
code:```for(int i=0; i&5000; ++i)
auto p = ParticleSystemQuad::create(&Flower.plist&);
Yep. We need to update the documentation.@WenHaiCould you please update it?
When creating a LoadingBar and updating it immediately, it will shows a flicks.
The WidgetType enum is useless regards to the code logic and the developer will not use it.so I think it could be...
Does this API only needed in UI framework or should it be a API in the Node class.@ricardo
1. getter and setter are not the same, very confusing.setText
getStringValue 2.confused functions:getR...
Applied in changeset commit:1fa8dd599ea24df6e1.
Applied in changeset commit:cb19610d5ffa797a92af0282cebd41bb.
Applied in changeset commit:1ada650ef972c2ba3d.
Applied in changeset commit:27bdfd3a9a20c170f599b68fc2258.
Applied in changeset commit:91b95f98c75b15ab.
Applied in changeset commit:980eaab1a6a95c82b780.
Applied in changeset commit:b6dab03fbcf653f3647.
Applied in changeset commit:94f70aa28a6aa25157b.
Applied in changeset commit:a7e4b71eed0ffdf032c2.
Action changes the new usage
Add some documents for new Action API, these APIs include .easing() .repeat() .repeatForever(), .speed()
Ease api modification
Add test cases with an indexAdd code mark
Add test cases with an index.
All internal type should be in one union: ```c++class Value{...union
unsigned char byteVa...
Thank you!
@lavizrapSame as issue 2, add this line in ctor:
@lavizrapI have tested, and i didn't find something wrong with cc.Spawn.create. BTW, in your onToggleSize function,...
@lavizrapThanks for your report! I have fixed it./cocos2d/cocos2d-js/pull/353
Refactor render codes of Canvas for better performance
When I created a new windows user with the name without spaces all worked fine.
Error occures when I try to create a new Project.python: can't open file 'C:/Users/Buls': [Errno 2] No such file or...
Applied in changeset commit:97ee5cb4569deeeeac3e7ee016a80d5.
Applied in changeset commit:ef44b6d630f8d4d119a36ac570a0.
Applied in changeset commit:cde2df4bd4f8e0c7cdacf1a58ffdbfb00d908e03.
This will trigger problems for functions which need all rgba informations, so we should1. Add alpha value to predef...
v3 branch fix:
/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6635v2 branch fix : /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/...
v2 branch fix : /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6643
Reported in /bbs/read.php?tid=192709&page=e&#aThe application will not crash at the mome...
Thanks for the suggestion.It will be great if you update the cocos2d-x c++ documentation as well.http://www.cocos...
@tcelvis:You are absolutely right. We should have planned the folder re-structure much better.Unfortunately I have...
following these steps:1.Now open up the Terminal and change the directory to the Cocos2d-x Root using the cd comm...
Fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6631
Fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6635
Apple as a mobile device manufacturer released so many breakthrough devices that are still very popular worldwide. Th...
Thanks for your feedback! We're working on that.
Good question, but please ask in the forum next time.Firstly, most cocos2d-x projects would like to custom or mod...
Don't ask questions about usage in this issue system. Please ask on forum instead. Your issue is related to the set...
Please ask usage question on the forum.
zhangxm wrote:& Oh, the projection is 3d all the time.Of course, but this bug is still not fixed.There are ...
Thanks for reporting.I will check it later . If I confirm this is a bug, I will fix it.
This pull request still has conflict, can't be merged.Reopen this issue.
when creat a new thread ,and when i use &FileUtils::getInstance()-&getWritablePath()& and
in thread Functhion ,there...
Remove `2.2` from title. I checked that 3.0 also has this line of code.
4. reduce header file include, use forward declaration instead
Oh, the projection is 3d all the time.
1. replace enum with enum class2. use std::function&& instead of member function pointer3.
unify some APIs. such...
Hi guys!I've found that problem is in your Projection::_3D (By default Cocos set Frustum projection).My problem...
Hi @tcelvis, i am not sure if the problem is caused by reducing repo size, which i posted a news for it http://cocos2...
After v3.0, `AutoreleasePool` is stackable. You can take a look at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/blob/v3/tests...
A few days ago, I opened a ticket at the forum of Cocochina. I asked people what's their dislike of our ui framework....
Applied in changeset commit:e339decfcbed.
Thanks. I will fix it today. :)
Thanks a lot! I'll do your way. Thanks again and I'll reply it with the result.
For example:data[&a&] = {x = 5, y = 6}
Applied in changeset commit:9fb38cb33213aad83ed6a20f80ec068.
Applied in changeset commit:b54a75d47eb872dde5fc8ed9f467a249.
Applied in changeset commit:0dcf9e88cde282cd2f8b.
Applied in changeset commit:49ba6fd8d57e7ca81a07c07f4b5f03.
Applied in changeset commit:317f23f34a563adb13222.
Applied in changeset commit:a4e694e5fbc29b8b8c.
Applied in changeset commit:5af9d1500235eceb00c.
Changing the default sprite shader (ccShader_PositionTextureColor_noMVP) to any shader using MVP matrix in 2D mode, a...
Hi.I do not know whether this is the correct way or not but I realized during the scene gc malloc gets called insta...
HiI'd like to know the way to fix Sprite bug on kitkat if you done with the problem.I guess that I have same pr...
zhangbin wrote:& @el_sergio_& What's the effect do you want by the method `setAliasTexParameters()`?& I found that...
**@zhangxm**I've tested it on 3.0 RC0, 3.0 final. Window size 960x640, sprite size 960x640.**@zhangbin, @zhangxm**...
i need to install both native and js cocos2d-x versions in the same pcbut when i run setup.py it doesn't allow the ...
Thanks a lot!
Hello.My game uses lot of animated sprites with long animation sequences and I encountered with performance bottlen...
It will be great if Value can be parse to and from a JSON format std::string. It will be so much better then using a ...
This just got me. We're having some trouble with users on Steam with non-ASCII characters in the username.If there ...
@el_sergio_What's the effect do you want by the method `setAliasTexParameters()`?I found that `setAliasTexParamet...
My team is experimenting with Cocos2dx V3, and we found a bug for Engine version V3.0 Final releaseAny particle t...
Thanks for feedback.What's the engine version you tested on?
环境如下:OS X 10.9.2Xcode 5.1.1iOS模拟器:iPhone Retina (3.5-inch) / iOS7.1 iOS模拟器:iPhone Retina (4.0-inch 64-bit) / iOS7.1
It will be fixed in v3.1.
用XCode基于coco2dx3.0里freetype2库做一个东东,在模拟器上,执行FT_New_Face函数时报如下错误:Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system lib...
When the Lua binding functions didn't push the value to the stack,but the return value is greater than zero,
this si...
You can use follow code to set windows phone Orientation to portrait:Director::getInstance()-&getOpenGLView()-&Upda...
You can use follow code to set windows phone Orientation to portrait:Director::getInstance()-&getOpenGLView()-&Upda...
You have absolutely no gain by keep doing this non-sense, but creating extra work for yourselves and developers worki...
Ok, I think this only happens if the parent node is drawn before you add the child back, that way the parent and the ...
What is the ETA on resolving this issue? I'm starting a new project and this could be a deal breaker.Thanks!...
I'm using the tag 'cocos2d-x-3.0' from git.
If you remove a child, move the former parent and then add it back to it, the node is drawn in the old position.
Hi!There are some graphic artefacts after calling setAliasTexParameters() on sprite used as background. It's repr...
I managed to find the reason. In android you need to enable the Stencil buffer while in iOS it is already enabled....
@joshua_astray Please check the functionality
@joshua_astray Please check the functionality
@joshua_astray Please check the functionality
When I send http request to a HTTPS url. application will crash.I found that only happen on iOS 7 64-bit.consol...
Reported at http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/51129
I mean JSB native (cocos run -p android). In Android browsers (Firefox, Chrome) it is running fine.
ricardo wrote:& We are having the same issue in EarthWarrior3D :-(Do you know what cause this?I have track th...
I run my game in wp platform with cocos2d-x v3.0. When my game was resume from background image then some texture was...
When I open cocos2d-x3.0 cocosbuider test demo, the program crashed.
When you say Android, you mean run as JSB native app on Android or on Android browsers ?
We are having the same issue in EarthWarrior3D :-(
my blend param is :src = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA(0x0303)dest = GL_DST_ALPHA(0x0304)
ricardo wrote:& Did something change with the alpha code in v3.1?& If so, what? thanks.I meet this problem in...
Did something change with the alpha code in v3.1?If so, what? thanks.
I am having the same issue in coco2d-x 2.2.3 android. Is this issue resolved in android??
It may be caused by the logic of pre-alpha processing. We'll check this issue. Thanks for your feedback.
use &addEventListenerCheckBox& instead
use &addEventListenerCheckBox& instead
I'm using the Cocos2d-x version 3.0 Final Release.Upon building on the windows phone and have change the MainPage.x...
ccui.ImageView The picture is not pre loaded setSize invalid case
Turn back to redmine wiki system.
We are not so confident that, after using smart pointer, it will not slow down the speed or not. And it is hard to bi...
We should use cc.sys.localStorage instead of CCUserDefault
This will be solved once Guanghui refactored GUI extension.
I don't understand why _releasePoolStack is needed. Couldn't AutoreleasePool be a singleton?
```PoolManager* PoolManager::getInstance(){
if (s_singleInstance == nullptr)
Following code shows bezier curve and tinting in Safari and Firefax, in Android only bezier curve and no tinting:...
Following code works in Firefox/Safari and Androidmostafa[0].runAction(cc.ScaleTo.create(2,2,2));mostafa[0].run...
In Firefox and Safari (mac osx 10.9.2) I can create a cc.Animation with an cc.AnimationFrame array or with a ccSprite...
Hi @szalonyLas, I think this issue is caused by premultiplied and AntiAlias.If you set the blendFunc or calls...
Thanks a lot! I also received a same feedback from a Japanese company. They even wanted to contribute their re-implem...
Please find help form forum, not in issue system.This issue system is for bug reports and new feature requirements.
in function &static int lua_cocos2dx_XMLHttpRequest_getResponseHeader(lua_State* L)&,the code line 970:auto iter ...
Not a valid requirement or bug report. Please describe your issue in details and meaningful title.
We have fixed this in v3.0
Thank you.This typo has been fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-html5/pull/1820Bests regardsDavid
We've fixed this by the new `cocos2d::Ref`
Fixed in v3.0-beta2
```bool Widget::onTouchBegan(CCTouch *touch, CCEvent *unused_event){
if (isEnabled() &...
Already be done in v3.0.Good feature, especially for script bindings.
Fixed at /cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/6553.
I have the same issue
Maybe it's a bug, I don't know why it crashes, I will find out.....
Applied in changeset commit:c44aca9eda3488aa5.
Applied in changeset commit:c7ce873bba5d4fdad87.
Applied in changeset commit:7476ccd389a16da8b.
Applied in changeset commit:6cb547af2ea5ec8f447a22ff21a53be.
Reproduced with version 2.1rc0-x-2.1.4
There is no problems on iOS devices
ControlSwitch is not displayed properly on my Android phone([HTC Evo 4G](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Evo_4G) 2.3...
Using the same structure:index.htmlmain.jssrc/app.jssrc/resource.jsIn the app.js, if I write:var myScen...
Hi.Version:cocos2d-js v3.0 alpha2for ( var key in cc.sys.capabilities) {cc.log(&cc.sys.capabilities[& + key...
cocos2d-x 3.0file: **cocos/2d/platform/ios/CCDevice.mm**, Device::getTextureDataForText```//line: 469-471info...
Reported at /bbs/read.php?tid=199616&page=1
cc.radiansToDegress() should be called cc.radiansToDegrees()
any update?
cocos2d-x Electric charges
It's because we don't have a good solution for check file existence on html5 engine, it will cost http requests to ch...
getPathForFilename function of cc.FileUtils not caring whether the specified file exist in the specified direc...
Ok. thanks. well done!
```git clone git:///angeltown/cocos2d-x.gitCloning into 'cocos2d-x'...remote: Counting objects: 19708...
Hi!, I've been working on cocos2d-x projects and found a bug with:-keyboardWillShow being called multiple times aft...
cocoshtml5 2.2.3 createSegment drawSegment a bug
cocoshtml5 2.2.3 createSegment drawSegment a bug
Eventually, repo size is about 50M now. :) You could use /angeltown/cocos2d-x.git to test.But I w...
Completed:1.play video[file and url]2.add control options[pause\resume\stop]3.support full screen play4.suppo...
Completed:1.Use ui widget to control the associated system widget2.Use ui widget to control the associated system w...
Completed:1.play video[file and url]2.add control options[pause\resume\stop]3.support full screen play4.support k...
SupportedOrientations=&Portrait& Orientation=&Portrait& -& Has no effect , it is always Landscape
Why set it to v3.1?And it is not mentioned in roadmap.
Method `os.rename` will raise error when the file with the new name is existed.It's only raise error on windows....
addSpriteFrames is error after cc.loeader.release.
in JSB cc.plistLoader.parse accept file pathin html5 cc.plistLoader.parse accept file content
FF to create Sprite, rect may exceed the maximum margin problem
Sign up for our newsletter to keep up with the latest developments, releases and updates for Cocos2d-x.}


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