
& & &最近摊上一个事儿,领导非要让写一篇技术文章,思来想去,自己接触chrome浏览器时间也不短了,干脆就总结一下吧。于是乎,本文顺理成章。由于有些细节必需描述清楚,所以这次先讲如何拿到chromium的源码,下次直接把编译过程写出来,供大家参考。
& & &之前的chromium源码都是用svn来维护,所以源码地址网上贴的到处都是,我看了一下,svn的版本最新的也就到39,往下就没有更新了。所以又看了chromium的官方,把源码编译的前期准备看了一通。简单叙述如下:
Fetching from
fatal: unable toaccess '/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git/':Failed connect to :9217; No error
Cannot rebase:You have unstaged changes.
Please commit orstash them.
Failed to updatedepot_tools.
3)如果你在windows xp上运行,并且看到像下面的错误:“The system cannotexecute the specified program”, 请安装 “Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 RedistributablePackage”.
1)获取主干代码:到达保存chromium代码的路径,直接右键git bash,输入$ fetch --nohooks chromium --nosvn=true开始获取主干代码:
git fetch --tags &&tags.txt 2&&1 &//标签号42.0.2311.61会保存在tags.txt文件中
git checkout -b chrome_42.0.2311.61_local_branch 42.0.2311.61
gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 16
canary channel:实验版本,每日发布。它没有经过充分测试,可能有某些奇怪的bug。
dev channel:每2星期发布,相对稳定,新功能和新特性都有。
beta channel:每周更新,6周大版本更新。比较稳定了,比dev版小1个版本,比stable版本早进化一个月。
stable channel:稳定版,比dev版本小2个版本,2到3周次版本更新,6周主版本更新。
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(3)(1)(3)(5)(4)(10)(32)(32)(1)(1)(1)(3)(2)(4)(16)文章 - 0&评论 - 15&trackbacks - 0
& & 从源码下载到编译,到目录结构,今天终于到了重要的环节,调试。
& & 在windows上,调试工具都是使用微软自家的产品:Visual Studio或者winDBG(windebug)。Chromium也是与时俱进,现在主要使用Visual Studio2013。我今天主要讲使用vs2013调试源码。
& & 我在编译代码那一章(的时候曾经讲过生成源码工程的东东,如下:
set GYP_GENERATORS=msvs-ninja,ninja
set GYP_DEFINES=component=shared_library
set PATH=C:\depot_tools\python276_bin\;C:\depot_tools\;
python.exe src/build/gyp_chromiumsrc/chrome/chrome.gyp &&log.txt 2&&1
& & 运行成功后,打开src\chrome文件夹,发现下面多了好多文件----都是工程文件。
& & 如果你已经安装了vs2013,那么直接双击打开chrome.sln即可。打开后在解决方案资源管理器可以看到所有的解决方案信息。
& & 点击展开上图中的chrome文件夹,选择chrome解决方案,右键设置为启动项目,然后直接F5(调试-&开始调试)就可以启动程序调试了。
& & 如果想以其他的解决方案为启动项目,可以直接右键设置就行。不过需要增加下面一步设置:右键打开想要设置的启动项目的属性
& & 点击左边的调试选项,设置&命令&,直接将文件地址设置为chrome.exe的绝对路径地址
& & & &chromium是多进程架构,我们启动后只能调试主进程,其他的renderer进程和插件扩展进程是单独的,不能被直接调试。下面提供几种方法可以调试其他进程:
& & 最简单的方法是将chromium运行在单进程模式。这样你会看到整个程序的状态,没有额外的工作(虽然它仍会有很多的线程)。使用单进程模式,需要在在Chrome项目属性调试页中的命令行参数添加--single-process。这种方法并不完美,因为有些问题不会出现在这个模式。
默认情况下,Visual Studio选择Browser/browser.exe为启动项目,需要用户手动选择chrome解决方案右键设置为启动项目。
& & 在命令行参数添加--enable-logging --v=1,运行期间的log将会保存在文件中,debug版本的放在out\Debug下的chrome_debug.log中,release版本的放在C:\Users\账户名\AppData\Local\Chromium\User Data目录中。
& & 直接在vs2013中调试时,可以使用附加到进程的功能,直接开启调试后,点击Tools & Attach to Process,附加你需要调试的进程即可。
& & 如果你想调试的renderer进程的内容发生在进程启动时,那么可以在命令行参数增加--renderer-startup-dialog和--no-sandbox,这两个必须同时使用,才能在renderer进程启动时弹出窗口让你及时附加到进程上。
& & 另外还有很多有用的参数可以设置,使用这些参数可以让你随心所欲的实现自己想要调试的内容,chromium团队也在一直努力让调试变得更简单实用。其他的命令可以查看文件,里面标识了各种参数以及含义。
阅读(...) 评论()用户名:ghost045
背景:& & &最近摊上一个事儿,领导非要让写一篇技术文章,思来想去,自己接触chrome浏览器时间也不短了,干脆就总结一下吧。于是乎,本文顺理成章。由于有些细节必需描述清楚,所以这次先讲如何拿到chromium的源码,下次直接把编译过程写出来,供大家参考。前期准备:& & &之前的chromium源码都是用svn来维护,所以源码地址网上贴的到处都是,我看了一下,svn的版本最新的也就到39,往下就没有更新了。所以又看了chromium的官方,把源码编译的前期准备看了一通。简单叙述如下:从chromium网站看到下面几句话,说明depot_tools和git很重要。所以先从它们入手。&1.下载depot_tools下载地址:注意:不要使用拖拽和复制粘贴的方式从压缩包中提取文件,否则”.git”隐藏文件夹下的文件不会被提取出来。“.git”文件夹是depot_tools自动更新的必要文件。你可以使用解压工具的“解压文件…”操作。&环境变量设置,给个图更直观:管理员权限用户:修改PATH系统变量,在最后增加depot_tools的路径地址,如:C:\workspace\depot_tools.&非管理员用户:添加PATH用户变量:在用户变量点击新建,增加PATH变量名,变量值为depot_tools的路径地址,如上图。&2.安装git和python如果你已经手动安装了msysgit和python,则跳过这一步。从命令行到保存chromium源码的路径下,运行命令:gclient。第一次运行,gclient将会安装所有和获取源码相关的工具,例如git,python:Fetching from unable toaccess '/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git/':Failed connect to :9217; No errorCannot rebase:You have unstaged changes.Please commit orstash them.Failed to updatedepot_tools.如果遇到上述问题,应该是你无法连接到chromium服务器,你可以使用vpn或者代理。&注意:1)如果你在cygwin或者PowerShell等非命令行窗口运行gclient时,有可能能正常运行,但是msysgit,python和其他工具可能不会正确安装。2)在首次运行gclient时,如果看到和文件系统相关的很奇怪的错误,你可以去这里找答案:如果你在windows xp上运行,并且看到像下面的错误:“The system cannotexecute the specified program”, 请安装 “Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 RedistributablePackage”.&3.git设置Git安装后需要一些设置如果你从来没有用过git,还是先百度一下git的使用方法,至少知道一些简单的操作命令。&*在获取代码之前,确认git,python,depot_tools已经加入环境变量中。4.获取代码1)获取主干代码:到达保存chromium代码的路径,直接右键git bash,输入$ fetch --nohooks chromium --nosvn=true开始获取主干代码:这个过程比较慢,估计下载需要几个小时时间,慢的话也许十几个小时,所以大家最好把这一步放在晚上睡觉时进行。&2)获取主干分支标签(版本)信息:切换至src目录下:git fetch --tags &&tags.txt 2&&1 &//标签号42.0.2311.61会保存在tags.txt文件中git checkout -b chrome_42.0.2311.61_local_branch 42.0.2311.61gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 16&以上命令的解析大家都可以在命令的帮助里面查到。至此,代码已经被下载到各位的硬盘中,通过git命令就可以看到分支及标签情况。今天先讲这么多,下次会把编译过程提供给大家。注:拉取代码的过程可能很长,取决于使用的vpn的质量;最后代码拉取成功但是执行runhooks的时候脚本可能会失败,至于是否影响chrome的编译,那就只能看运气了。&附:chromium源码channel:canary channel:实验版本,每日发布。它没有经过充分测试,可能有某些奇怪的bug。dev channel:每2星期发布,相对稳定,新功能和新特性都有。beta channel:每周更新,6周大版本更新。比较稳定了,比dev版小1个版本,比stable版本早进化一个月。stable channel:稳定版,比dev版本小2个版本,2到3周次版本更新,6周主版本更新。第一时间获得博客更新提醒,以及更多技术信息分享,欢迎关注个人微信公众平台:程序员互动联盟(coder_online),扫一扫下方二维码或搜索微信号coder_online即可关注,我们可以在线交流。&转载请注明出处:http://ghost045./4441,谢谢合作!本文出自 “” 博客,请务必保留此出处
listdll 下载 :/Files/
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Updated&Aug 5, 2010&by&
Handling repeated
failures of rebaseall to allow cygwin remaps
Sometimes DLLs
over which cygwin has no control get mapped into cygwin processes
at locations that cygwin has chosen for its libraries. This has
been seen primarily with anti-virus DLLs. When this occurs, cygwin
must be instructed during the rebase to avoid the area of memory
where that DLL is mapped.
Some background
for this is available on&
Because of unix
fork semantics (presumably), cygwin libraries must be mapped in the
same location in both parent and child of a fork. All cygwin
libraries have hints in them as to where they should be mapped in a
pro if those hints are followed, each library
will be mapped in the same location in both address spaces.
However, Windows is perfectly happy mapping a DLL anywhere in the
the hint is not considered controlling. The
remapping error occurs when a cygwin process starts and one of its
libraries cannot be mapped to the location specified by its
changes the DLL hints for all of the cygwin libraries so that there
are no inter- it does this by choosing a
contiguous but not overlapping library layout starting at a base
address and working down. This process makes sure there are no
intra-cygwin conflicts, but cannot deal with conflicts with
external DLLs that are in cygwin process address spaces (e.g.
anti-virus DLLs).
To handle this
case, you need to figure out what the problematic non-cygwin
library is, where it is in the address space, and do the rebase all
so that no cygwin hints map libraries to that location.
Download the ListDLLs executable
from sysinternals ()
Run it as administrator while
some cygwin commands are running.
Scan the output for the cygwin
process (identifiable by the command) and for DLLs in that process
that do not look like cygwin DLLs (like an AV). Note the location
of those libraries (there will usually only be the one). Pick an
address space location lower than its starting address.
Quit all cygwin processes.
Run a windows command shell as
cd in \cygwin\bin
Run "ash /usr/bin/rebaseall -b
&base address&" (This command can
also take a "-v" flag if you want to see the DLL layout.)
That should fix
the problem.
by&,&Sep 21, 2010
For Vista, you might want to use Process Explorer ()
instead of ListDLLs, and list the DLLs in the lower pane while
selecting bash.exe as the process.
ListDLLs won't run unless you have DEBUG privileges on your
►&&to add a
Checkout 源码
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
cd D:/chrominum
gclient config
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The Chromium OS designs and code are preliminary. Expect them to
For Developers& & &How-Tos& & &
Get the Code
1 Bootstrap using the tarball
2 Check out the sources
2.1 Windows
2.2 Mac OS X
3 Check out the source for a specific release
4 Staying Green most of the time
4.1 Continuous build
4.1.1 LKGR
4.1.2 Setup
5 Reducing the size of your checkout
6 Update to the latest revision
7 Checking out subpart of the tree
The Chromium codebase consists of hundreds of thousands of files,
which means that a checkout straight from the Subversion (SVN)
repository can take a long time. To speed up the process, we have
provided a tarball that you can use to bootstrap the download.
Alternatively, you can skip the tarball and download straight from
SVN (not recommended). If you know what you're doing, you can
alternatively check out the source from git.
Note: There is no advantage to checking out straight from SVN. The
tarball includes SVN directories so that after you unpack the
tarball, you can get up to the latest revision by using gclient
If you just want to see the code without checking it out, you can
browse SVN or use Google Code Search for Chromium.
If you only want to look at the source code on your own machine,
you'll need at least 1.6 GB of hard drive space available.
(Somewhat less for Linux, since it already has some of the
dependencies installed.) If you want to build it, you will need
just under 10 GB of space, including all the object files and
Bootstrap using the tarball
Make sure that you have a program that can untar .tgz (.tar.gz)
Mac OS X and Linux both have tar built in. (On a Mac, use a shell
in the Terminal application.)
Examples for Windows include the open-source 7-Zip archiver, the
free BsdTar utility (part of LibArchive), and
WinZip.& Note: Cygwin's ta it
will mess up the file permissions.
Download the source tarball. Some download applications change the
file suffix without extracting the file.& If yours
did, rename it back to chromium.rXXXXX.tgz.
Choose a directory to hold your source code.&
Important: Make sure the directory path has no spaces.
Windows example: c:\chromiumtrunk
Mac OS X (Terminal) or Linux example: ~/chromium
Untar the source tarball into the directory you've chosen.
Examples: If you're using 7-Zip, extract the .tgz file, then
extract the resulting .tar file. If you're using LibArchive, issue
the following command:
"C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\bsdtar.exe" -xzf chromium.tgz
Install the depot_tools. If using Ubuntu, see Bootstrap Notes
Updating your checkout once by running gclient sync --force in the
source code directory (~/chromium/src).
If you don't want to sync, you need to generate the project files
with gclient runhooks --force. This will call GYP to generate your
platform-specific files. You won't be able to build otherwise. If
you don't sync, you'll miss some os-specific dependencies so you're
better to sync anyway. :)
This should give you a complete source tree. But if you have any
problems, first check that you've installed any prerequisites
listed on the build instructions for your platform.
Bootstrap notes for Ubuntu:
If you see the following message, you will need to update your
version of subversion to at least 1.5:&
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy...
If you are running Ubuntu 8 and 'sudo apt-get install subversion'
doesn't update you past 1.4.6, try the following:
&$ sudo apt-get install
&$ sudo apt-get install
Make sure your dependencies are up to date by running the script:
.../chromium/src& $
Check out the sources
You'll use gclient / depot tools to download the Chromium code from
its subversion repository. The first time you execute gclient,
there will be a delay (a minute or so) while it updates the depot
tools. Downloading the Chromium code takes about an hour.
The gclient config &url& step only
needs to be run once to set up your working
directory.& It creates a .gclient file in your
working directory that identifies the corresponding structure to
pull from the repository.& The gclient sync step
creates several subdirectories.& To update your
tree in the future, you only need to run gclient sync from anywhere
within your working directory.
NOTE: These instructions will pull a read-only
tree.& If you are a committer, and plan to make
changes to source code, use the instructions given to you when you
received commit access.
Note: It's not necessary to have Subversion or Python installed
already: the first run of gclient will install them for you. On the
other hand, if you do already have Subversion installed through
Cygwin, you'll need to set up your PATH to have the depot_tools svn
ahead of the cygwin svn, and use only the depot_tools svn, not
Cygwin's, to check out Chromium.
Create a directory to hold your source code. This example assumes
c:\chromiumtrunk, but other names are fine.
&Important: Make sure the full directory path has
no spaces.
In a shell window, execute the following commands:
cd c:\chromiumtrunk
gclient config
To download the initial code, update your checkout as described
Create a directory to hold the code.& This example
assumes the directory is ~/chromium, but other names are
fine.& Note that if you have FileVault enabled,
you'll want to either disable it or put the code in a folder
outside the home directory, as otherwise Xcode will be very slow or
hang.& You also probably want to disable Spotlight
indexing for that folder (System Preferences -&
Spotlight -& mark the folder as private).
From a shell in the Terminal, execute the following commands:
$ cd ~/chromium
$ gclient config
To download the initial code, update your checkout as described
Pick a directory for your build.& We will call
this directory $CHROMIUM_ROOT below.
Check out Chromium:
$ gclient config
To download the initial code, update your checkout as described
Check out the source for a specific release
Use the same steps for "Check out directly from SVN", except that
as opposed to using gclient config on, you need to do a checkout
for the specific version of Chromium that you are interested
For example, if you wanted the source for build 5.0.330.0, the
following command would be appropriate:
gclient config
Staying Green most of the time
When running gclient config, you can specify a second URL to be
referenced when doing updates. Instead of pulling the most recent
revision, the version number at this URL will be queried, allowing
you to track the "most recent green" revision so you can spend less
time debugging other people's issues or running builds only to find
out that the waterfall was red. Chromium has two of these
Continuous build
This corresponds to the most recent revision that passed both unit
tests and layout tests on a particular platform (linux, mac, or
win). Since layout tests can take a while to run, this revision may
be an hour or more "stale".
This URL holds the version of the latest revision to pass only unit
tests (in debug mode). This can happen faster, so for most
developers this is probably what you want since it will help you
ensure that your changes work against a "fresher" version of
To use one of these URLs, pass it when you run gclient
&&& $ gclient
Now whenever you call gclient sync, it will only sync as far as the
configured URL specifies. To over-ride this, pass the --head
parameter to gclient, e.g.: gclient sync --head
You can also add this directly to your .gclient file if you already
solutions = [
& { "name" : "src",
"safesync_url" : "http://chromium-/lkgr"
Reducing the size of your checkout
You can edit your .gclient file to avoid pulling down certain
pieces of the checkout that you may not want. For example,
inserting something like
& "custom_deps":
"src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome": None,
"src/chrome_frame/tools/test/reference_build/chrome": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_mac": None,
"src/third_party/hunspell_dictionaries": None,
into one of the solutions (i.e. just underneath the "url": ...
line) should save a lot of space. The list of repos that gclient
pulls is set in src/DEPS. and listed in .gclient_entries.
As of r48011, the following can definitely be removed if you just
want to build Chromium:
src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests - All the WebKit layout
src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome - Windows reference
build for performance testing.
src/chrome_frame/tools/test/reference_build/chrome - Chrome Frame
reference build for performance testing.
src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux - Linux
reference build for performance testing.
src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_mac - Mac reference
build for performance testing.
src/third_party/hunspell_dictionaries - spellchecker dictionaries
used for unit tests.
Update to the latest revision
Whether you started with a source tarball or an svn checkout, at
some point you'll want to update your checkout to the latest
The first time you execute gclient, there will be a delay (a minute
or so) while it updates the depot tools. How long the Chromium code
update takes depends on how much has changed since you last updated
(or since the bootstrap tarball was created).
Install the depot_tools, if you haven't already.
Visit the Chromium Buildbot waterfall to see the state of the
tree.& If the top of the waterfall says:
OPEN - The tree is in a good state and you should be able to
compile the code. Go to the next step.
CLOSED - There might be compile or test failures. You can download
the code, but you'll get those same failures when you try to
compile or run tests. Best to check back later.
In a shell window, execute the following commands:
cd [your Chromium source directory]
gclient sync
To update to a specific revision, use
gclient sync --revision src@####
and the DEPS file will make sure you get the other directories in
their matching forms.
Checking out subpart of the tree
Let's say you want to checkout,
simply run:
Note the difference in the url, namely /viewvc/chrome was replaced
with /svn.
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Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed
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licensed under the BSD License.
The Chromium OS designs and code are preliminary. Expect them to
For Developers& & &How-Tos& & &
Install the depot_tools
Chromium and Chromium OS use a package of scripts called
depot_tools to manage checkouts and code reviews.&
If you want more details about depot_tools, you can check the
depot_tools information page. The depot_tools package includes
gclient, gcl, git-cl, repo, and others.
Steps for installing
Linux and Mac and Cygwin
Grab the checkout with one of:
non-committers:&& svn co
committers:&& svn co
Add depot_tools to your PATH:
$ export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
You may want to add this to your .base_aliases file or your shell's
equivalent so that you don’t need to reset your $PATH manually each
time you open a new shell.
Windows (non-Cygwin)
Download and decompress it.
The first run of gclient will install svn for you. If you see
strange errors with the file system on the first run of gclient,
you may want to disable Windows Indexing.
Add depot_tools to your PATH:
System Properties, Advanced properties, Environment Variables, add
it to the User variables.
See also Howto: depot tools


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