
no for gofor as ASF VCD
MPC format
MPC full label MusePack, an audio format.
MPC (MusePaCk) was developed by the German Andree Buschmann's a completely free, high quality audio format. Before its advent, Lame MP3 is recognized as the best quality lossy compression scheme,
pursuit of quality people flock to it. But now the crown is undoubtedly give the MPC, and in high bit rate, MPC can do better sound quality than MP3. In high bit rate, MPC MP3 delicate than a lot of high-frequency,
can retention a lot of space below the prelude of the best sound quality of music gratitude, is the most suitable for melody hearing lossy coding.
MusePaCk (. mpc) was originally also known as MPEGPlus (. mp +), was developed by the German Andree Buschmann's a completely free, high quality audio formats
before its advent, Lame MP3 is recognized as the best quality lossy compression scheme, the pursuit of quality of human flocking to it. But now the crown is undoubtedly give the MPC, for either the spectrum analysis, or approximation audition,
160Kbps bit rate than the perfect rendition of the MPC is better than MP3 (the 2 terms average the same morsel rate), is better than anyone other lossy compression format. Not fair the sound quality, MPC also benefits of quickly encoding,
The MPC is currently head of Frank Klemm improved version of the encoder 114,Tieguanyin, in my Duron 650 on the coding rate can approach 5.5 periods real-time playback, working slowly and deliberately than the many faster LAME
Video Video:
● AVI format: (most clearly, the most mutual)
its English full Audio Video Interleaved, that is, audio video interleaved format. It was introduced by Microsoft in 1992, according with Windows3.1 been recognized and well known. The so-called This video format has the advantage of image quality, can be used cross multiple platforms,Microsoft Office 2010 Download, the disadvantage is the size too great, but even worse is the compression standard is not uniform, the most common phenomenon is the high version of Windows Media Player can not play the use of early edit AVI format video encoding, and low version of Windows Media Player can not play with the latest coding and editing of AVI format video,Acai Berry diet, so we are now a number of AVI format video playback often happen deserving to problems reasoned by video encoding video can not play or Even if it can play, but there can not adapt the playback progress and play only sound no picture and some other curious problems, if the user during the AVI format video playback problems encountered, you can download the proper decoder to determination.
● nAVI format nAVI is newAVI abbreviation is phoned ShadowRealm underground union developed a current video format (and we mentioned above, there is not many contact AVI format). It is a Microsoft ASF compression algorithm modified from, but also with the network narrated beneath image in the video ASF video formats different, it is at the consumption of the elemental ASF video file video rate to a actual amplify in the perspicuity of ASF video files.
● DV-AVI format: (a camera, usually used)
DV in English stands for Digital Video Format,Office 2010 activation, by Sony, Panasonic, JVC and other manufacturers to make more than a home digital video format. Currently very popular is the use of digital cameras record video data in this format. It can be the computer's IEEE 1394 port to transfer video data to the microprocessor, the computer can also be edited video data recorded to the digital camera back. This video format file extension is usually. Avi, it is also called DV-AVI format.
● MPEG format: it's English full Moving Picture Expert Group, the Moving Picture Experts Group format, the household often watch VCD, SVCD, DVD is the format. MPEG migrating image file format is the international standard compression algorithm, which uses a lossy compression method to depress redundant message in the moving image, mention a tiny more conscious of MPEG compression method is based on the vast bulk of the screen is the same as the contiguous two , and the subsequent images and before images have redundant chapters cleared, so as to achieve the intention of compression (maximum compression ratio can reach 200:1). Currently there are 3 compression standard MPEG format, is MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4, addition, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 is still in development stage.
MPEG-1: the evolution in 1992, it is for the following file transmit rate of 1.5Mbps digital cache media, coding of moving pictures and sound devised to worldwide criteria. This is what we normally see the VCD production format. Use of MPEG-1 compression algorithm, can be a 120 minute-long membrane compressed to about the size of 1.2GB. This video format file extensions contain. Mpg,. Mlv,Dragon Well Tea,. Mpe,. Mpeg and VCD discs. Dat files and so above.
MPEG-2: enacted in 1994, designed for progressive industry-standard picture quality and higher transmission rates. This format is chiefly secondhand in DVD / SVCD production (compression) side, when some of the HDTV (lofty definition TV) and a digit of claiming video editing, processing the above petitions are also considerable. Using MPEG-2 compression algorithm, can be a 120 minute-long film compressed to the size of 4 to 8GB. This video format file extensions include. Mpg,. Mpe,. Mpeg,. M2v and DVD disc. Vob files.
MPEG-4: enacted in 1998, MPEG-4 streaming media to broadcast high quality video and specially designed, it can be used with a very restricted degree, the border reconstruction, compression and transmission data, in order to use the data for at least the best image quality. MPEG-4 is currently the most magnetic is that it can save a small volume close to DVD quality video files. In appending, this file format also includes a formerly not obtainable in MPEG compression standard bit rate scalability, vigor wizard, interactive and even some special features such as license protection. This video format file extensions include. Asf,. Mov and DivX AVI and so on.
● DivX format (DVDrip):
which is derived from the MPEG-4, variant video encoding (compression) standard, that we usually refer to DVDrip format, it uses the MPEG4 compression algorithm also combines the MPEG-4 and entire appearances of MP3 technology,Microsoft office 2010 key, it method using the DivX compression technology, the DVD disc image for high-quality video compression, with MP3 or AC3 audio compression, and then add video and audio synthesis and the corresponding subtitles file the formation of video formats. The DVD picture quality almost equal to the number and size of a DVD one. This encoding of the requirements of the machine is not high, so DivX video encoding technology can be said to be a threat to most new DVD video compression format known as DVD or DVD Terminator killer.
● MOV QuickTime U.S. Apple has amplified a movie format, the default actor namely Apple's QuickTimePlayer. Has a higher compression percentage and a more absolute meaning video and additional features, but its greatest trait is across platform, that tin not only advocate MacOS, likewise support as Windows array.
Network Video Video: ● ASF format: it's English full Advanced Streaming format, it is Microsoft, and now the Real Player to rivalry and introduced a video format, users can use Windows built-in Windows Media Player to play them. Because it uses the MPEG-4 compression algorithm, so the compression ratio and image quality is very good (high compression ratio is profitable to streaming video, but naturally the detriment of image quality, so occasionally the picture quality not as good as ASF VCD format is normal).
● WMV format: it's English full Windows Media Video, Microsoft also launched a separate encoding and can be used instantly on-line real-time viewing of video file compression format. The chief advantage of WMV format, including: regional alternatively network playback, scalable media types, component download, scalable media types, stream prioritization, multiple language support, environmental independence, narrations among the wealthy streams and scalability, etc. .
● RReal Networks to develop the company's audio and video compression standards understood as Real Media, users can use RealPlayer or RealOne Player RealMedia meet the technical descriptions of the network audio / video resources, and live along to alter network RealMedia transfer rate to develop a differ compression ratio to fulfill a low rate of image data on a real-time network transmission and playback. Another feature of this format is to use RealPlayer or RealOne Player users can not activity downloaded audio / video content under the conditions of online play. In addition, RM video formats as the present mainstream network, it can, through its Real Server waiter will become other formats of video along the Real Server RM video server for outer loosen and playback. RM and ASF format can be differ, and usually some of RM video softer, and ASF video is relatively clearer.
● RMVB formats: (clearly more than RM)
This is one enhancement of the RM video format to upgrade a new video format, it is advanced in that video format RMVB, RM format to wreck the original example that the average compression means, the average compression ratio to assure bit rate based on the reasonable use of resources, and movement scenes that still small shade scene a lower encoding rate, accordingly leaving chamber for more bandwidth, which bandwidth is a quick action in the scene when the screen is used. This still frame in ensuring the quality of the premise, significantly cultivated the quality of motion picture images to image quality and file size to achieve a delicate balance. In addition, the relating DVDrip format, RMVB video also has obvious advantages, a size of about 700MB DVD video, whether it transcribed into the same visual quality of RMVB format, will head up to 400MB all but. Not only that, this video format also has a built-in plug plug-in support for subtitles and no other solitary advantages. To play this video format, you can use RealOne Player2.0 or RealPlayer8.0 and RealVideo9.0 decoder in the form above to play.
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