
贴数:3&分页:wopbn发信人: wooo (wopbn), 信区: FamilyLife
标&&题: 收到一封诈骗邮件
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Dec 16 13:22:08 2016), 站内 && 年底了骗子真多
※ 修改:·wooo 于 Dec 16 13:29:51 2016 修改本文·[FROM: 106.120.84.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 ·[FROM: 106.120.84.*]
老猫~三舒服同学发信人: OldestCat (老猫~三舒服同学), 信区: FamilyLife
标&&题: Re: 收到一封来自@的诈骗邮件
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Dec 16 13:23:14 2016), 站内 && 邮件地址可以随便伪造 && 【 在 wooo (wopbn) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标&&题: 收到一封来自@的诈骗邮件
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Dec 16 13:22:08 2016), 站内
: 万能的家版,
: 求问这个是公务员的邮箱地址么?
: 我是不是可以投诉他们
: ※ 来源:·水木社区 ·[FROM: 106.120.84.*]
&&&& -- && ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 1.95.62.*]
kent发信人: govern (kent), 信区: FamilyLife
标&&题: Re: 收到一封来自@的诈骗邮件
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Dec 16 13:23:28 2016), 站内 && 这个是北京市的窗口网提供的信箱吧!未必是单是机关事业单位的人在用。
【 在 wooo (wopbn) 的大作中提到: 】
: 万能的家版,
: 求问这个是公务员的邮箱地址么?
: 我是不是可以投诉他们
&& -- && ※ 来源:·水木社区 ·[FROM: 125.84.3.*]
& 给大家提个醒,今天收到冒充美亚诈骗邮件
查看: 2643|回复: 16
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他这骗的也太没技术含量了点,PS4 slim版根本就没发售。
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UID10255&帖子&精华0&金币20963 &威望0 &注册时间&
得意生活 & 得意 & 得意DEYI &
版权所有& Powered by  前两天我收到了一封来自伦敦署名为Mr.Adams Koffi的诈骗邮件,偶的英文不好,但我看懂了他的大概意思,他说他是加纳国际商业银行经理,现在他所在的银行有一笔$12,850.000的无主基金,想通过我的账户把这笔钱拿出来分了,他50%我40%,另外10%用作此次行动的费用。  偶收到此邮件甚是兴奋,但兴奋的原因倒不是天上掉金块了,而是因为26高龄了还是第一次收到来自国外的全英文的邮件,偶现在的工作跟英文也有那么丁点沾边,况且一直都在努力学习想提升提升。  偶看到他的英文长篇,立马就佩服得五体投地了,不知大家是否和我一样觉得,这个叫Mr.Adams Koffi的家伙来自国外这一点应该假不了,我绝对不能错过此次锻炼英文好机会,当然更主要的是想玩玩这脑残的老外,呢妈的,都骗到俺们中国来了......  现起,偶会把偶与这个Mr.Adams Koffi的邮件持续更新到论坛。偶的英文有点弱,希望各位大虾多多指正,多多支招,一起教训教训这些老想着国人好欺及想着不劳而获的东西。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  省省心吧。  这种骗局的历史比你我的年龄都大,都电脑系统发的。  你去fuck电脑去吧。
  先看他最初发给我的邮件,发到了我的QQ邮箱,QQ直接把它拉到了垃圾邮件,但偶将其从垃圾邮件里捡了出来,是符件寄的,偶先贴个图    然后,下面是附件文本  From The Desk Of Mr.Adams Koffi.  (Branch Manager)  International commercial Bank of Ghana.  Accra,Ghana.  Good Day,  I anticipate that you read this mail quickly and let me know your opinion or willingness on this classified information that I will release to you. Firstly, I am a happily married man with 2 kids and therefore I would not want to jeopardize this opportunity to change my financial status that will give my family a secured future.  I am Mr.Adams Koffi.,Branch Manager with the International commercial Bank of Ghana . I got your information during my search through the Internet. I am 48 years of age and married with 2 lovely kids. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and don't want problem, but I don't know how you will feel about this, but I am telling you that this is real and you are not going to regret after doing this transaction with me. I only hope we can assist each other. But If you don't want this business offer kindly forget it as I will not contact you again.  I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as a Branch Manager of the Internati It is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city at the end of each year.. On the course of the last years 2011 end of year report, I
discovered that my branch made Twelve Million Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollar [$12,850.000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of, Nor must they know that I am involved in this transaction.  I have since place this fund into a Non-Investment Account without any beneficiary. As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, so this informed my contacting you for us to work so that you can assist receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE, while you will have 40% of the total fund.  Note there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with our branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account.  If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive your kind response, I will give you details on how we can achieve it successfully.  Please contact memr.  Regards,  Mr.Adams Koffi.
  收到此件后,偶立马给他回了一封,表示很感兴趣,截图及原文如下:    hello Mr.Adams Koffi,  i am so glad to hear from you, and very interest in it!  i trust you very much, please tell me what i can do for you,  also what i can get from you!  please feel free to contact me.  best regards,  Alex Zhang  ------------------ Original ------------------  From:
"Mr.Adams Koffi"&mr.&;  Date:
Wed, Jun 27,
21:38:37  省省心吧。  这种骗局的历史比你我的年龄都大,都电脑系统发的。  你去fuck电脑去吧。  -----------------------------  管他呢,他有空,我更有空,逗他分分心也好,哈哈。。。
  回复第4楼,@linyue925  @我由来卡阿
21:38:37  省省心吧。  这种骗局的历史比你我的年龄都大,都电脑系统发的。  你去fuck电脑去吧。  -----------------------------  管他呢,他有空,我更有空,逗他分分心也好,哈哈。。。  --------------------------  支持楼主!!  
  我想他收到我上面这封信的时候也必定兴奋了不久,他X的,正是偶要的效果。事实上在开此贴时,我就已经收到了他的第二封信,向我索电话地址等相关信息,也给了我他的手机号+。  但由于这几天有点忙,还没来得及上传,现把截图及原文附上如下:    Dear Alex,  Thanks for your quick response, I Am very much appreciate on your interest and willingness to help actualize this transaction that is why i mail you for your assistance. I wish to let you know that this is a bank-to-bank transfer, I also want you to know that the management of my bank must not know that I'm involved in this transaction. I contacted you so that we can work together with oneness and with your full co-operation the fund will be released in your name. I'm a God fearing person and a christian also I want you to be rest assured that this transaction is legal and 100% risk free if you can follow all my instructions as an insider in the bank.  To clarify you more on the source of the fund, this funds has been stashed out of the excess profit made last year by my branch office of the international commercial Bank of Ghana Limited which I am the manager. I have already submitted an approved of the end-of the-year report 2011 to my head office here in Accra-Ghana and they will never know of this excess.  Since 2days ago, i have placed this amount on a Non-Investment Account without a beneficiary. Upon your response, I will configure your name on our database as holder of the Non-Investment Account. I will then guide you on how to apply to my head office for the Account Closure/ bank-to-bank remittance of the funds to your designated bank account. If you concur with this proposal, I intend for you to retain 40% of the funds while 50% shall be for me,10% for expenses for us to achieve our target.  For this reason I have to seek for your assistance to stand as the owner of the fund so that the fund will be transferred into your provided bank account.  All I require from you is your maximum co-operation as the fund is to be transferred telegraphically from our Head office situated at the Capital City of Accra Ghana. I only require this you  1) Home And Office Address..........  2) Occupation......................  3) Full Name................  4) Age.........................  5) And Your Country Of Origin..................  6) Telephone Number........................  7) A copy of your passport...........  All the above information of yours will be programmed and install in our our bank central network computer database system in my branch as a foreign investor who deposited the said fund in my branch. I will also guide you, as you on how you will apply to our Head office where the fund will be further transferred to your designated bank account.  After the successful transfer of the fund,I will come over to meet you in your country, or any country where you want us to meet for sharing according to the already mapped out percentage as soon as you follow my instruction receive the money I will expect the above information as soon as possible  .My cellphone number is:+.  Best Regards,  Mr.Adams.Koffi.
  我想他收到我上面这封信的时候也必定兴奋了不久,他X的,正是偶要的效果。事实上在开此贴时,我就已经收到了他的第二封信,向我索电话地址等相关信息,也给了我他的手机号+。  但由于这几天有点忙,还没来得及上传,现把截图及原文附上如下:  
  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
  不好意思,手误发贴重复了  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
  不好意思,手误发贴重复了  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
  不好意思,手误发贴重复了  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
18:13:32  我想他收到我上面这封信的时候也必定兴奋了不久,他X的,正是偶要的效果。事实上在开此贴时,我就已经收到了他的第二封信,向我索电话地址等相关信息,也给了我他的手机号+。  但由于这几天有点忙,还没来得及上传,现把截图及原文附上如下:    -----------------------------  不好意思,手误发贴重复了  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
18:13:32  我想他收到我上面这封信的时候也必定兴奋了不久,他X的,正是偶要的效果。事实上在开此贴时,我就已经收到了他的第二封信,向我索电话地址等相关信息,也给了我他的手机号+。  但由于这几天有点忙,还没来得及上传,现把截图及原文附上如下:    -----------------------------  不好意思,手误发贴重复了  偶这两天也在纠结要不要把我真实信息给他呢?希望各位大虾能帮我拿拿主意,  因这个还真是有点担心他会拿我信息去做什么坏事的!!!!  当然,这两天除了思考这个,更主要的是想晾他两天,让他急一急,  看看他什么反应  偶总不能太主动让他怀疑了,哈哈。。。。。。  这不,今天他总算耐不住了,在我没有再次回复的情况下,又给我发了个Mail  他再次向我索要我本人诸如手机,住址,工作单位等相关信息  但这次Mail相对之前的简短了很多,  还附了他的ID(偶没理解错的话应该是身份证)  原文及ID附件如下:    
  楼主你手贱了很多次。。  不然怎么这么多重发
18:43:10  楼主你手贱了很多次。。  不然怎么这么多重发  -----------------------------  偶的错,偶也不想的
23:26:21  战况如何?  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  继续跟进中,您的回贴是我玩他的不竭动力,望继续关注谢谢
23:34:36  现在呢  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  望继续关注谢谢!!!!
  FUCK 电脑
  回复第2楼,@linyue925  先看他最初发给我的邮件,发到了我的QQ邮箱,QQ直接把它拉到了垃圾邮件,但偶将其从垃圾邮件里捡了出来,是符件寄的,偶先贴个图  [img:/getimgLMS/small/.jpg|/getimgXXX/3/2/photo3//middle/527951_middle.jpg]  然后,下面是附件文本  From The Desk Of Mr.Adams Koffi.  (Branch Manager)  International commercial Bank of Ghana.  Accra,Ghana.  Good Day,  I anticipate that you read this mail quic...  --------------------------  外国人也用qq吗,发到你q邮箱里,怎么也得国际gmail啊,这馅露得…  
19:12:33  FUCK 电脑 滋味如何?   -----------------------------  我不知道开始的信是不是电脑发的,但从后面收到的Mail看来,那是人发的
19:12:54  回复第2楼,@linyue925  先看他最初发给我的邮件,发到了我的QQ邮箱,QQ直接把它拉到了垃圾邮件,但偶将其从垃圾邮件里捡了出来,是符件寄的,偶先贴个图  [img:/getimgLMS/small/.jpg|/getimgXXX/3/2/photo3//middle/527951_middle.jpg]  ...........  -----------------------------  你不说偶还没注意,QQ是我的邮箱,他最早是有yahoo发给我的,后来的都改hotmail了,他现在问我拿ID,请问如何是好,我总不能把真正的身份证发图片给他吧,请给点意见,谢
  你怎麼會考慮把你的真實信息告訴他呢?  告訴他你就已經上當了
请楼主支招啊  内容如下:  I am very happy to see your reply to my mail. How is your today? i hope fine Mine is not good here. Dear please i would like you to think of me and my situation here,not just for fun or romantic affairs. Please i believe you are in a good position to help me out. I want you to be by my side and help me out of this condition please. My name is Zienna Edison, i am 24 years old girl single and never married. i am from Liberia in West Africa and presently i am residing in the church Orphanage home of St Louis Catholic Parish
here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago. My late father Dr. John Edison, was in politics and also he works contract for government, he supports the present government before the rebels attacked my family one early morning, killing my father and my mother Stella with my two younger brothers.  My dear it is only me who is alive now because i was in school where i was doing my first year in social science in the University of Liberia and i managed to run to a nearby country Dakar Senegal where l am staying now, In this the orphanage home we are only allowed to go out of here only on few days of the weeks. It is just like one staying in the prison. I don't have any relative now whom i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and the only person i have now is Rev.Vincent Frank who is a reverend father in St Louis Parish here. He has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him, i am leaving in the woman's hostel because we have two hostels, one for men the other for women. He is also the person who i use his computer to write to you because i
help him type some documents for church services. The reverends Tel number is +221-773-859-997 if you call tell him that you want to speak with Zienna Edison he will send for me in the hostel to answer your call.  I want to go back to my studies because i was only in
my first year in school before this happened. Please listen to this my late father Dr John Edison, when he was alive deposited ($4..6m) four million six hundred thousand united state's dollar in a bank which he used my name as the next of kin, and i have his statement of account and death certificate here with me. Please i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account in your country and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you in your country because i have nothing at hand with me here to make any movement or do any thing. i am afraid of the Enemy my father created back in my country when he was alive, that was also why i ran out to this place. I kept this secret other peoples here because i don't want them to know who i am or what i have. The only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.  Please because of this i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am telling you all this due to the trust i have in you, though we have not met in person. I like honest,understanding and God fearing people. my hobbies are music , reading ,writing and sports I have attached my picture for you and i will also like to see your picture as well. please to tell me more about you full name and address in full and i will send to you the bank information where my lawyer father Dr John Edison, deposited the money for me as the next of kin. My favorite language is English but, though not very perfect. meanwhile i will like you to call me because i have a lot to tell you. Have a nice day and think about me and my situation here in refugee camp please. Awaiting to hear from you soonest, Best Wishes From Your God Sent Beloved One Zienna Edison,
  内容如下:  I am very happy to see your reply to my mail. How is your today? i hope fine Mine is not good here. Dear please i would like you to think of me and my situation here,not just for fun or romantic affairs. Please i believe you are in a good position to help me out. I want you to be by my side and help me out of this condition please. My name is Zienna Edison, i am 24 years old girl single and never married. i am from Liberia in West Africa and presently i am residing in the church Orphanage home of St Louis Catholic Parish
here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago. My late father Dr. John Edison, was in politics and also he works contract for government, he supports the present government before the rebels attacked my family one early morning, killing my father and my mother Stella with my two younger brothers.  My dear it is only me who is alive now because i was in school where i was doing my first year in social science in the University of Liberia and i managed to run to a nearby country Dakar Senegal where l am staying now, In this the orphanage home we are only allowed to go out of here only on few days of the weeks. It is just like one staying in the prison. I don't have any relative now whom i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and the only person i have now is Rev.Vincent Frank who is a reverend father in St Louis Parish here. He has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him, i am leaving in the woman's hostel because we have two hostels, one for men the other for women. He is also the person who i use his computer to write to you because i
help him type some documents for church services. The reverends Tel number is +221-773-859-997 if you call tell him that you want to speak with Zienna Edison he will send for me in the hostel to answer your call.  I want to go back to my studies because i was only in
my first year in school before this happened. Please listen to this my late father Dr John Edison, when he was alive deposited ($4..6m) four million six hundred thousand united state's dollar in a bank which he used my name as the next of kin, and i have his statement of account and death certificate here with me. Please i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account in your country and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you in your country because i have nothing at hand with me here to make any movement or do any thing. i am afraid of the Enemy my father created back in my country when he was alive, that was also why i ran out to this place. I kept this secret other peoples here because i don't want them to know who i am or what i have. The only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.  Please because of this i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am telling you all this due to the trust i have in you, though we have not met in person. I like honest,understanding and God fearing people. my hobbies are music , reading ,writing and sports I have attached my picture for you and i will also like to see your picture as well. please to tell me more about you full name and address in full and i will send to you the bank information where my lawyer father Dr John Edison, deposited the money for me as the next of kin. My favorite language is English but, though not very perfect. meanwhile i will like you to call me because i have a lot to tell you. Have a nice day and think about me and my situation here in refugee camp please. Awaiting to hear from you soonest, Best Wishes From Your God Sent Beloved One Zienna Edison,
  忘记说了。。。。还有照片  看到后莫名伤感啊。。。。  
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