
tianya23 的BLOG
&& &症状:出现org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER, 且出现无法找到Maven的依赖的问题
&&解决方案:Build Path -》 Java Build Path -》Libraries -》Add Library -》Maven Managed Dependences -》点击Next -》点击&Maven Project settings& , 在&Active Maven Profiles (comma separated)&中添加&Maven Dependencies&确认即可。此时会在Classpath 的Libraries的标签栏下面看到添加的&Maven Dependencies&。
在eclipse中表现为无法找到依赖的jar包,而&Maven Dependencies中却能找到相应的jar包
Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error:
错误:读取 C:\Documents and Settings\keju.wangkj\.m2\repository\com\sun\jdmk\jmxtools\1.2.1\jmxtools
-1.2.1.jar 时出错;error in opening zip file
错误:读取 C:\Documents and Settings\keju.wangkj\.m2\repository\com\sun\jmx\jmxri\1.2.1\jmxri-1.2.1.
jar 时出错;error in opening zip file
ctrl+shift+/:注释【先选中需要注释的行】, 与ctrl+/的方式有区别
4、开发Java Web程序是Jar包的查看
Package Explorer:正常开发
&& 在xml文件中引入spring的相关的命名空间之类的文件中,有时出现不能自动提示新的标签的情况。
&& (1)先关闭xml文件再打开
&& (2)引入&xsd&的时,结尾的&&&&需要紧随xsd之后,不要换行
Window -& Preferences -&General -& Editors -& File Associations中设置各种文件类型默认使用什么编辑器打开,则可以使用很多自动提示功能
问题:&Access&restriction: Class is not accessible due to&restriction&on required library&; error message may be shown while developing&Java&projects in Eclipse IDE. Error message is self-explanatory, some classes can not be loaded into the project sincerestriction&rules are being imposed on those classes.
This error message can be removed by changing a setting inside Eclipse IDE. Open up the dialog box shown below, using any of the following paths.
Windows -& Preferences -&&Java&-& Compiler -& Errors/Warnings -& Deprecated and restricted API -& Forbidden reference(access rules), 将error修改为warning
(Project) Properties -&&Java&Compiler -& Errors/Warnings
Locate the &Forbidden reference (access&rules)& option under &Deprecated and restricted API& section in the dialog box. This option decides how to handle&accessrules defined inside Eclipse. By default it is set to &Error& which causes Eclipse to complain about references to any restricted classes. Choosing any other option (Warning or Ignore) will remove these error messages.
&Warning& or &Ignore& options will only hide the potential issue in the project, by allowing the project to use any classes ignoring predefined&access&rules. To completely resolve this issue, analyze the project and located the use of restricted classes and take necessary actions (either remove those references or&accessrules).
Windows -& Preferences -&&Java&-& Compiler -& Errors/Warnings -& Deprecated and restricted API -&Deprecated API,选择上下面的2个Combo Box(组合框),&single use 。。&和&Single overriding。。&
Java Build Path -& Source 下面, 有关于编译之后生成的文件的目录结构的详细说明
提示错误: JVM&& terminated. Exit&& code=-1。&
现在修改了一下,-Xms256m改成-Xms128m,把Xmx512m& 改为 Xmx256m,结果还真的好了,没想到居然是这样的小问题引起来的。&
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -piler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
14、Eclipse 中 drop to frame 的调试技巧
前些天和同事交流调试技巧时,知道了 Eclipse debug 时有个 drop to frame 的技巧。这是我以前不知道的,自己又查了一下这个功能的含义。官方的解释是:
Select the&Drop to Frame&command [&650) this.width=650;" alt="Drop" to="" style="line-height: 20 border-top-width: 0 border-right-width: 0 border-bottom-width: 0 border-left-width: 0 border-style: border-color: max-width: 100%; " src="http://help.eclipse.org/galileo/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/images/org.eclipse.debug.ui/elcl16/drop_to_frame.png" />&] to re-enter the selected stack frame in the&Debug View.
Note this command is only available if the current VM supports drop to frame and the selected stackframe is not the top frame or a frame in a native method.
Display&视图允许您以剪切类型的方式处理活动代码(参见图 8)。要处理一个变量,在&Display&视图中输入变量名即可,视图会提示您一个熟悉的内容助手。ctrl+shift+d即可查看内容,更多内容参考:
16、Java 远程Debug官方指导文档
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
修改Tomcat的bin\catalina.bat,在里面加入set & JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug & -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777 &&
然后在Eclipse中选择debug,新建&Remote & Java & Application,在port上写入7777,然后再启动Tomcat,打上断点就OK了。&
2.选中正则表达式(Regular expression),并在搜索文本框输入\n
4.在范围里选中Enclosing projects
删除掉C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Application Data\Subversion\auth\svn.simple文件夹下的文件即可.&&&
再次访问时,会弹出要求输入用户名和密码, Application Data是一个隐藏的文件夹.&
修改pom关系,扩展了子模块的情况下,可能在eclipse中报找不到src/main/java、src/main/resources等的情况。 是由于mvn eclipse:clean插件没有清理干净造成的。细节原因: 将&packaging&jar&/packaging&修改为&packaging&pom&/packaging&, 此时mvn eclipse:clean不会清理根下面的.classpath和.project文件。
解决方案:删除工程,svn出全新的内容进行mvn eclipse:eclipse或者手动删除根下面的.classpath和.project2个文件。
Window-& Preference-&General-&Workspace,右侧的Text File encoding设置为UTF-8,则以后建立的工程及各模块默认为UTF-8了。&
22、Eclipse中的Maven Dependencies消失了
使用m2e,先Disable Maven Management,再 Enable Maven Management即可找回消失的Maven Dependencies
找到 eclipse\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs 文件
RECENT_WORKSPACES=D\:\\workspaces\\workspace7\nC\:\\Documents and Settings\\keju.wangkj\\workspace
25、eclipse启动时,failed to create the java virtual machine
26、开发和运行eclipse plugin的eclipse ide
可以使用的ide有: eclipse-rcp-helios-SR2-win32
27、启动eclipse时,building workspace卡住
1. 取消 project -& build automatically 的选择&
3. 删掉多余项目&
4。 再将项目拷贝进来&
&Hit count:可以设置第几次满足条件的时候在断点处暂停下来,在调试循环中特别有用。
29、搜索时,出现problems encountered during search
点击详细信息时显示:Resource is out of sync with the file system
解决方案:&Window-&Preferences menu, then in the Preferences dialog box, select General & Workspace.&Check the &Refresh automatically& box.
30、java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.junit.runner.Runner
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/runner/notification/RunListener&
可以通过在eclipse启动是加上 -showlocation 这个参数显示工作空间信息
如:eclipse.exe -showlocation
在eclipse中,ide会产生大量的// TODO,用于提醒程序员那些未完成的事情,通过Tasks视图可以查看到那些未完成的内容。代码已经完成,请删除之,这个写代码的好习惯。
行:ctrl+l,或者在编辑框的左侧有:show line numbers
列:暂没有查到快捷键,但eclipse的底部,使用java editor打开时,在smart insert的右边会现在当前光标所在的行和列&
33、Please enter the secure storage password ???
在unbuntu下面,启动eclipse的时候总是报:Please enter the secure storage password ???
解决方案:&delete the .eclipse folder that is inside your home directory. 删除或重命名.eclipse,再重启则ok
Windows-& Preferences-&General-&Appearance-&Basic-&Text Font-&Edit-&设置如下:
字体:Courier New
Eclipse的 File -& Export(导出),在窗口中展开 General(常规) -& Perferences(首选项)--&Export all(全部导出)然后点击 NEXT。然后点击&Browse(浏览)&选择任意的一个路径,保存配置文件,然后点击&Finish&。
36、eclipse的svn plugin的图标消失
16:50:03 13:39:33Spring, EHCache, Maven Integration | Software dev ramblings
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CategoriesProblem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
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Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
I am using AppFuse 2.0-rc1. I know it's a bit old and I should upgrade to the latest version but it's an inherited project and I'd first I'd like to get everything working the way it is.
I downloaded the source from SVN, ran a mvn clean install without problems. I also ran mvn eclipse:eclipse to clean up the project and create the .project file for importing into Eclipse. (It already existed but just in case ...)
When I try to import it I get the following error:
No marketplace entries found to handle... for various plugins:
native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1It lets me import but with thousands of compilation errors. And once imported I also see this error:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configurationfor each of the above mentioned plugins.
What am I doing wrong here? I've been told that the project used to compile fine in Eclipse. I've tried commenting out these plugins but it doesn' the pom's from the other plugins complain. Plus, I'm pretty sure I am going to need all of these plugins.
Should I just upgrade to the latest version of AppFuse? Would that solve my problem?
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
I would recommend upgrading to the latest plugins and see if that solves your problem.
The Maven Versions plugin may help you simplify this process.
On Jan 28, 2012, at 9:54 AM, syg6 wrote:
& I am using AppFuse 2.0-rc1. I know it's a bit old and I should upgrade to the
& latest version but it's an inherited project and I'd first I'd like to get
& everything working the way it is.
& I downloaded the source from SVN, ran a mvn clean install without problems.
& I also ran mvn eclipse:eclipse to clean up the project and create the
& .project file for importing into Eclipse. (It already existed but just in
& case ...)
& When I try to import it I get the following error:
& /No marketplace entries found to handle/
& ... for various plugins:
& /aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-2
& dbunit-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-1
& hibernate3-maven-plugin:2.0-alpha-2
& maven-warpath-plugin:1.0-rc1
& native2ascii-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1/
& It lets me import but with thousands of compilation errors. And once
& imported I also see this error:
& /Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration/
& for each of the above mentioned plugins.
& What am I doing wrong here? I've been told that the project used to compile
& fine in Eclipse. I've tried commenting out these plugins but it doesn't
& the pom's from the other plugins complain. Plus, I'm pretty sure I am
& going to need all of these plugins.
& Should I just upgrade to the latest version of AppFuse? Would that solve my
& problem?
& View this message in context: & Sent from the AppFuse - User mailing list archive .
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
Hmmm ... you mean upgrade all of the plugins within the current pom? Or do you mean upgrade the version of AppFuse and have it tell me which versions of which plugins it requires? (Can it even do that?)
If the former ... should I just go plugin by plugin, down through the pom, changing the version to the latest, and trying to make sure nothing breaks in the process?
I am looking at the Maven Versions Plugin but I'm not sure how to use it with AppFuse. Do I just add it to my exisitng pom? Which goal should I run once I've added it?
Sorry for the dumb questions, I am far from being a Maven expert and have no experience with the Versions plugin.
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
I would try running the following command:
mvn versions:plugin-updates-report
Then use the report to update the plugins in your existing pom.xml that have new versions.
On Jan 28, 2012, at 10:26 AM, syg6 wrote:
& Hmmm ... you mean upgrade all of the plugins within the current pom? Or do
& you mean upgrade the version of AppFuse and have it tell me which versions
& of which plugins it requires? (Can it even do that?)
& If the former ... should I just go plugin by plugin, down through the pom,
& changing the version to the latest, and trying to make sure nothing breaks
& in the process?
& I am looking at the Maven Versions Plugin but I'm not sure how to use it
& with AppFuse. Do I just add it to my exisitng pom? Which goal should I run
& once I've added it?
& Sorry for the dumb questions, I am far from being a Maven expert and have no
& experience with the Versions plugin.
& View this message in context: & Sent from the AppFuse - User mailing list archive .
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
Well, I can't seem to get the versions plugin to work. I copied the &plugin&&snippet from their website, and the &dependency&&snippet . And yet when I execute mvn versions:plugin-updates-report it tells me it can't find any plugin with the name &versions&. It seems to be installed correctly ... the appropriate jars were downloaded into my repository. But anyway, this is a Maven problem, not an AppFuse problem.
Out of sheer desperation (a common feeling I have towards Maven ...) I decid instead of downloading from outside Eclipse with Tortoise and importing into Eclipse, I downloaded directly from my SVN server from within Eclipse.
And guess what? It all works perfectly. So in the immortal words of Gilda Radner, &nevermind&. Crazy though, and mysterious. Any idea why this would be?
Thanks anyway for your help.
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
It's Eclipse, random errors happen all the time. ;)
Personally, I think it's worth paying for IntelliJ IDEA.
On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:41 PM, syg6 && wrote:
& Well, I can't seem to get the versions plugin to work. I copied the &plugin&
& snippet from their website, and the &dependency& snippet from
& . And yet when I execute mvn versions:plugin-updates-report
& it tells me it can't find any plugin with the name &versions&. It seems to
& be installed correctly ... the appropriate jars were downloaded into my
& repository. But anyway, this is a Maven problem, not an AppFuse problem.
& Out of sheer desperation (a common feeling I have towards Maven ...) I
& decid instead of downloading from outside Eclipse with
& Tortoise and importing into Eclipse, I downloaded directly from my SVN
& server from within Eclipse.
& And guess what? It all works perfectly. So in the immortal words of Gilda
& Radner, &nevermind&. Crazy though, and mysterious. Any idea why this would
& Thanks anyway for your help.
& View this message in context: & Sent from the AppFuse - User mailing list archive .
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
Eclipse was my only IDE until I got fed-up with all its hang-ups while validating projects, expanding project trees, etc.The thing that I hate the most is you have to individually configure each workspace not to use tabs.
I have moved to NetBeans and I quite like it, specially its native support for maven projects, and its dependencies graph.For a few things, I still need to use Eclipse. Its hibernate plugin for interactive HQL development is fantastic.
Cheers,Josep Matt Raible &&
It's Eclipse, random errors happen all the time. ;)
Personally, I think it's worth paying for IntelliJ IDEA.
On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:41 PM, syg6 && wrote:
& Well, I can't seem to get the versions plugin to work. I copied the &plugin&
& snippet from their website, and the &dependency& snippet from
& . And yet when I execute mvn versions:plugin-updates-report
& it tells me it can't find any plugin with the name &versions&. It seems to
& be installed correctly ... the appropriate jars were downloaded into my
& repository. But anyway, this is a Maven problem, not an AppFuse problem.
& Out of sheer desperation (a common feeling I have towards Maven ...) I
& decid instead of downloading from outside Eclipse with
& Tortoise and importing into Eclipse, I downloaded directly from my SVN
& server from within Eclipse.
& And guess what? It all works perfectly. So in the immortal words of Gilda
& Radner, &nevermind&. Crazy though, and mysterious. Any idea why this would
& Thanks anyway for your help.
& View this message in context:
& Sent from the AppFuse - User mailing list archive .
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Re: Problem importing Maven Project - No marketplace entries found, Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
In reply to
by mraible
Here is why Eclipse is complaining and a solution (kind of):
After reading the information at the link above, you might understand why the following snippet in your pom would remove the Eclipse error "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run..." problem:


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