intel英特尔 600p 256g m.2nvme ssd 256g的写入量多少twb

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其他登录方式:Intel 600p固态盘自毁式写入测试
随着SSD的普及,可靠性也成为大家关注的话题,从颗粒来讲,SLC好于MLC好于TLC,当然,更准确的参数应该看TBW(总写入字节数)和PE(program/erase cycles,可编程擦写次数),万一接近限值,就意味着SSD要换了。
近日,TOMH对Intel 600p做了极限测试,600p是最便宜的M.2 NVMe固态盘(TLC颗粒),可谓Intel在SSD市场罕见的价格良心产品。
在第42天的时候,也就是SSD还有10%左右寿命的时候,他们还对600P使用的Low-Density Parity Check(LDPC,低密度奇偶校验)在10%健康度后的性能进行测试,结果很惊喜,这项技术的确比ECC纠错优秀(号称3倍),老骥伏枥。
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原价:4300 积分
兑换:2580 积分
原价:6200 积分
兑换:4340 积分
原价:8200 积分
兑换:6560 积分
选择分享平台$139.00FREEBackorderOR Up to 1,570 MB/s (Seq. Read) | Up to 540 MB/s (Seq. Write)Hasn't been rated yetSSDPEKKW256G7X1EX653762Not In StockNew5 YearDescriptionThis product has been recently added to our store, the description has not been entered yet but will be done soon. You may still purchase this item by clicking on the "Add To Cart" button to add it to your shopping cart. For the moment you can refer to the manufacturer's website for the description and features list.FAQWhat is V-NAND technology?Shedding light on a whole new standard of capacity and performance.Samsung V-NAND technology overcomes the capacity limitations of traditional 2D NAND technology with its revolutionary vertical design. V-NAND also applies innovative Charge Trap Flash (CTF) technology which prevents data corruption caused by cell-to-cell interference. The synergy of both structural and material innovations leads to improved speed, power efficiency, and endurance. Vertical expansion breaks through horizontal limitSamsung revolutionized the storage industry by shifting the planar NAND to a vertical structure. Samsung V-NAND technology features a unique design that stacks 48 layers on top of one another instead of trying to decrease the cells’ pitch size. Samsung used Channel Hole Technology (CHT) to enable cells to connect vertically with one another through a cylindrical channel that runs through stacked cells.
Material innovation that no one can matchSamsung has shifted the paradigm of material used for NAND. Samsung applies the innovative CTF technology which uses a non-conductive layer of Silicon Nitride (SiN), temporarily trapping electrical charges to maintain cell integrity. This non-conductive layer wraps around the control gate of the cell, acting as an insulator that holds charges to prevent data corruption caused by cell-to-cell interference.
Vertical architecture paves the way for amplified capacityLayering cells vertically in three-dimensional stacks provides much greater cell density. Samsung V-NAND technology lets heavy-workload users and data centers store and handle more data with greatly improved capacity.Samsung V-NAND enables up to 100 layers of cells to be stacked with the potential to scale the density up to 1 Terabit. The 2D planar NAND density ceiling can only reach the minimum density of V-NAND.
Innovative algorithms equal faster performanceTraditional planar NAND memory requires the creation of sets of complex program algorithms to prevent data corruption caused by cell-to-cell interference. However, Samsung V-NAND is virtually immune to cell-to-cell interference. V-NAND does not need to go through a complex program algorithm to write data, and this enables the memory to write data up to two times faster than traditional 2D planar NAND flash memory.
Unprecedented power efficiencySince V-NAND technology has eliminated the issue of cell-to-cell interference, its programming steps are greatly reduced. As a result, power consumption is substantially lowered by up to 45 percent compared to planar NAND memory.
Embedded high endurance to store your valuable dataSamsung V-NAND provides up to twice the endurance of planar NAND. V-NAND decreases its electric field because its cells are slightly larger, and employs CTF-based insulators eliminating the risk of cell-to-cell interference, resulting in superior retention performance.In comparison between 3-bit and 2-bit, Samsung 3-bit V-NAND shows endurance similar to that of 2-bit planar NAND, and even better performance in heavy workloads. V-NAND also shows a sustained P/E cycle for longer periods of time.
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