
(c) other:____.
1. Among speakers of Mary‘s Midwestern dialect, the positive anymore in Example 1 means Dnowadays‖, indicating that a situation that did not exist in the past now does. (Regional variation) 2. For speakers of AAVE, the stressed BIN has the interpretation of item (b), but speakers unfamiliar with AAVE typically give item (a) as their answer. (Social variation)
5. Regional dialects and isoglosses(同言线) As opposed to a national dialect, a regional dialect is spoken in one particular area of a country. In the USA, regional dialects include New York, New Jersey and Southern English, and in Britain, Cockney, Liverpool English and Newcastle English. 地域性语言变体(regional varieties)地理方言,也称横向方言, 是由于地域阻隔造成的不同差异而形成的。
在英语世界中,按地域的不同,英语可被分为:英国英语(British English)、美国英语(American English)、加拿大英语(Canadian English)、澳大利亚英语(Australian English)、新西兰英语(New Zealand English)、南非英语(South African English)和香港英语(Hong Kong English)。
英国方言: Yorkshire is the largest county in England. Located in the north of England its eastern boundary is coastal and overlooks the North Sea.
Mark Twain‘s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn SCENE: Huck Finn runs into Jim, an escaped slave.
Jim thinks he has seen a ghost because Huck was supposedly dead.
Huck is telling the story.
He [Jim] bounced up and stared at me [Huck] wild.
Then he drops down on his knees, and puts his hands together and says:
DDoan‘ hurt me―don‘t!
I hain‘t ever done no harm to a ghos‘.
I awluz liked dead people, en done all I could for ?em.
You go en git in de river agin whah you b‘longs, en doan‘ do nuffn to Ole Jim, ?at ?us awluz yo‘ fren‘.‖
Well, I warn‘t long making him understand I warn‘t dead.
I was ever so glad to see Jim.
I warn‘t lonesome, now.
I told him I warn‘t afraid of him telling the people where I was.
I talked along, but he only set th never said nothing.
Then I says:
DIt‘s good daylight.
Le‘s get breakfast.
Make up your camp fire good.‖
DWhat‘s de use er makin‘ up de camp fire to cook strawbries en sich truck?
But you a gun, hain‘t you?
Den we kin git sumfn better den strawbries.‖
DStrawberries and such truck,‖ I says.
DIs that what you live on?‖
DI couldn‘t git nuffn else,‖ he says.
DWhy, how long you been on the island, Jim?‖
DI come heah de night arter you‘s killed.‖
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is among the first in major American literature to be written in the vernacular, characterized by local color regionalism.
Chinese English 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.
[正] Tastes differ. Chinese dialect Traditional Chinese classification lists seven groups, comprising: Gan(Jiangxinese)
Guan (Mandarin or Beifanghua) Kejia (Hakka)
Min (including the Hokkien and Taiwanese variants)
Wu(including the Shanghainese variant)
Yue(including the Cantonese and Taishanese variants)
7. Social dialect A social dialect is a variety of a language spoken by a particular group based on social characteristics other than geography. 社会语言变异(social variation)社会方言,也称纵向语言,是由社会特征形成的。影响社会语言学变量的重要因素是阶层分化(class stratification)和语体分化(style stratification)。社会语言变异源自社会群体,与各种社会因素有关,如社会阶层、宗教信仰和种族。 Example 1. New York City study (1966) Labov wanted to test his theory with a bigger population New York City Incidence of final and post-vocalic /r/ While most American accents are rhotic, New York (and Boston) have distinctive non-rhotic accent Post-Depression, such urban accents lost prestige, and rhotic midwest accent emerged as standard Labov showed that rhotic use of /r/ reflected social class and aspiration, and was more widespread in younger speakers Method:-Not practical to interview speakers extensively, as on Martha‘s Vineyard -Instead, needed to quickly elicit possible /r/ pronunciations in both spontaneous and careful speech Walked around 3 NYC department stores, asking the location of departments he knew were on the fourth floor By pretending not to hear, he got each informant to pronounce the two words twice, once spontaneously, and once carefully -3 stores catering for distinct social groups:
Saks (upper), Macy‘s (middle), S. Klein (lower) -Informants were shop workers at different grades, giving a further possible stratification Results: Use of [r] corresponded to higher class of store Furthermore, use of [r] increases in careful speech Similar finding with rank of employee (management, sales, shelf-stackers) Table: Attitudes towards the use of non-prevocalic /r/: upper middle class in New York City
Example 2. What happens if we wish to negate the following sentence: I can eat anything. There are two possibilities in the standard variety of English:
I can‘t eat anything.
I can eat nothing.
13 There are other varieties of English, where there is a third possibility C where we can negate both elements:
I can‘t eat nothing. A survey was taken in Detroit, and it was found that there was a clear relationship between employment of double negation and social class: UMC:
70 Example 3.
Verbs without Cs for the Third Person Singular Present Form Norwich
Detroit MMC
She like him very much.
He don‘t know a lot, do he?
It go ever so fast.
美国黑人英语(Afro-/American vernacular English, AAVE) Some people use AAVE as a way to ?stereotype‘ African Americans.
It is systematic and rule-governed. It is a variety of English as in Singapore English, Indian English, Scottish English, etc…
Two views on how AAVE developed:
Dialect of English spoken in British Isles Creole language used during times of slavery, i.e. English with various West African languages Most now agree it is
probably a combination of both.
AAVE Phonetic features:
Phonological process:
diphthongs are reduced to monophthongs word-finally or before voiced consonants now
/naow/ → /na/ side
/sad/ time
/thaim/ →
/tham/ Consonant cluster reduction:
Syntatic features:
Multiple negation
(1) I didn‘t have no lunch. (2) I don‘t never have no lunch. Habitual ?be‘
(expresses ?always‘ or ?usually‘) (3) The coffee always be cold. (4) She be late everyday. (5) The coffee be cold right now.
I did it yesterday.
I done it yesterday.
He hasn‘t got it.
He ain‘t got it.
It was she that said it.
It was her what said it Idiolect A person?s dialect of an individual speaker. (factors: region, social status, gender, reflected in: voice quality, pitch, speech tempo, rhythm)
8. Linguistic variation 语言性变异(linguistic variation)是指来自语言内部的变异,主要表现在四个层面上: (1) 语音变异(phonetic and phonological)。众所周知,英国英语标准语(received pronunication, RP)最显著的语音特征是字母a在单词中的发音为/a:/,如fast, grass, 而在美国普通话(general American English, GAE)中,字母a在单词中的发音为/ /,如fast, grass,字母o在单词中的发音为/a/(不圆唇),如hot, pot。 (2)词汇变异(lexical)。社会语言学家认为,词汇反映着社会的发展,很多不同的词汇被用于不同的语言变体中。如英国人使用car park(停车场), programme studies(课程),而美国人则使用parking lot,加拿大人可能会用些美国人不熟悉的英国英语词汇,如球鞋runners(CnE), sneakers(AmE)。 (3)词型变异(morphological)。不同英语变体的拼写形式亦有所差异,如:
英国英语:centre, honour,美国英语:center, honor,
加拿大人经常会把很多英语词汇混合在法语中使用, le smoked beef, le break drum等等。 (4)语法变异(grammatical)。
Do you have a dictionary?(AmE)或Have you a dictionary?(BrE);
它以前怎样?What was it like?(威尔士方言)或What like was it?(苏格兰方言);
你想洗衣服吗?Do you want your clothes washed?(英格兰南部方言)或Do you want your clothes washing? (英格兰中、北部方言)
Style and register
Styles are varieties of language used by an individual appropriate to a level of formality.
Martin Joos suggests five degrees of formality. The Frozen style.冷冻文体 Very formal, used in kinds of formal ceremony. Used in law, historical literature, international conferences. The Formal style.正式文体 Used in written English, in speech. The characteristics are long sentences, complex sentences, passive voices, inverted sentences, parallelism. The consultative style. 商议文体 It is the everyday getting-things-done language and between formal and informal. When you talk to strangers, go shopping, travel, you can use the style. The casual style. 随意文体 It is used in relaxed conversation between friends. Use ellipses. The intimate style 亲密文体 used between intimate friends, relatives or lovers. Besides lots of ellipses, there are slang.
Labov (1970) examined the speech patterns of New Yorkers. He collected data and classified as (1) casual speech (i.e the relaxed speech found in the street and in bars), (2) careful speech ( eg: the speech found in interviews), (3) reading, (4) word lists, and (5) minimal pairs.
Features of casual speech: Pauses.
Back-channel behavior. Markers of sympathetic circularity. Repetitions.
False starts and self corrections.
Stylistic variation
15 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、专业论文、各类资格考试、外语学习资料、生活休闲娱乐、行业资料、文学作品欣赏、幼儿教育、小学教育、54社会语言学等内容。 
 有学者将“社会语言学”分为“宏观社会语言学”和“微观社会语言学 ”,“宏观社会语言 学”相当于“语言社会学”。 ? 一方面这种区分是必要的,前者侧重于联系...  网络流行语的社会语言学分析发表时间: 来源:《新校园》理论版 2011 年第 6 期供稿 作者:陈东 1 田甜 2 [导读] 本文从社会语言学语言变异研究的...  第八章 社会语言学_文学_高等教育_教育专区。第八章 社会语言学 1.语言变异 语言的使用属于社会现象,语言的使用会因言语社区、地域、社会团体、甚至个人的不同 ...  2015年《社会语言学》复习资料及参考答案_教育学_高等教育_教育专区。2015 年《社会语言学》复习资料及参考答案 1、社会语言学 社会语言学是研究语言与社会的关系...  社会语言学_文学_高等教育_教育专区。郑州大学现代远程教育《社会语言学》课程考核要求说明:本课程考核形式为提交作业,完成后请保存为 WORD 2003 格式的文档, 登陆...  从语言的社会属性出发, 用社会学的方法研究语言,从社会的角度解释语言变体 和语言演变 社会语言学,顾名思义,与社会有关,也与语言有关,是研究语言与社会相互关 ...  社会语言学_文学_高等教育_教育专区。社会语言学 社会语言学是语言学中的重要研究领域或之一, 它是一门研究语言与社会的关系 的学问。 语言社会相互影响。首先社会...  Cognitive Sociolinguistics(Kristiansen,Gitte and RenéDirven,2008) Sociolinguistics and Linguistics 现代语言学大致可分为三大流派:形式学派、功能学派和社会语言学...浏览次数 122
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I was just thinking that I have been missing you way too long
There's something inside this weary head
that wants us to love just instead
But I was just thinking, merely thinking
I've got loads of pictures,
I've got the one of you in that dancing dress
But man I feel silly in that dim light
Just after doing you by the sight of my Kodak delights,
I am sinking, merely sinking
I think about long distance rates instead of kissing you babe
I'm a singer without a song
If I wait for you longer
my affection is stronger
and I ... I was just thinking, merely thinking
that this boat is sinking
I'm tired of postcards, especially the ones with cute dogs and cupids
I'm tired of calling you and missing you and dreaming I slept with you
Don't get me wrong I still
inside this weary head
I just want us to love just instead
But I was just thinking and thinking, merely thinking
I think about long distance rates instead of kissing you babe
and time is running me still
If I wait for you longer
my affection is stronger
I ... I was just thinking
I ... I was just thinking
that I'm tired of calling you once a week
thinking of long distance rates instead of kissing you
So baby I'm sinking,
merely sinking
Thank you.
Singing is sharing. When you sing, you have to know what you're talking about intimately, and you have to be willing to share this insight and give away a piece of yourself. I look for this intention to share in everything, and I ask: what are the intentions behind this architecture or this product or this restaurant or this meal? And if your intentions are to impress people or to get the big applause at the end, then you are taking, not giving.
And this is a song that's about -- it's the kind of song that everyone has their version of. This song is called &Home,& and it's sort of a &This is where I'm from, nice to meet you all,& kind of song.
Home is the sound of birds early in the morning
Home is a song I've always remembered
Home is the memory of my first day in school
Home is the books that I carry around
Home is an
in a faraway town
Home is the places I&ve been and where I&d like to go
I'm always gonna feel at home
No matter where I may roam
I'm always gonna find my way back home
No matter how far I&m gone
I&m always gonna feel this
No matter where I might stay
Home is a feather twirling in the air
Home is flowers in a windowsill
Home is all the things she said to me
Home is a photo I never threw away
Home is the smile on my face when I die
Home is the taste of an apple pie
I met a woman, she always lived in the same place
And she said home is where you&re born and raised
And I met a man, he sat looking out to the sea
And he said home is where you want to be
I met a girl in some downtown bar
And she said I'll have whatever he's having
And I asked her how come we never met before?
And she said all my life I&ve been trying
to get a place of my own
I&m always gonna feel at home
No matter where I may roam
Always gonna find my way back home
No matter how far I&m gone
I'm always gonna feel this longing
No matter where I might stay
He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.他正拼命想办法再见她一面。
He longed desperately to be back at home.他非常渴望回家。
We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。
The blind alley ended in a brick wall.这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙。
Hearing the tune again sent waves of longing through her.再次听到那首曲子使她胸中充满了渴望。
His heart burned with longing for revenge.他心中燃烧着急欲复仇的怒火。
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