
病情分析: 你好,你这个就是慢性咽喉炎,这个治疗是很难痊愈的,意见建议:一般也就是以缓解病情为主的,需要自己饮食调节,药物可以口服慢咽舒宁,平时可以含服草珊瑚含片等药物,但是关键还是在于自己饮食调节,不要吃太多辛辣刺激油腻的食物,不要熬夜,以免刺激咽喉引起病情加重。
填写症状 描述信息,如:小孩头不发烧,手脚冰凉,是怎么回事?
等待您来回答  国际贸易词汇总结      分析证书 certificate of analysis  一致性证书 cettificate of conformity  质量证书 certificate of quality  测试报告 test report  产品性能报告 product performance report  产品规格型号报告 product specification report  工艺数据报告 process data report  首样测试报告 first sample test report  价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue  参与方信息 party information  农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate  家产品加工厂证书 post receipt  邮政收据 post receipt  重量证书 weight certificate  重量单 weight list  证书 cerificate  价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin  移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1  数量证书 certificate of quantity  质量数据报文 quality data message  查询 query  查询回复 response to query  订购单 purchase order  制造说明 manufacturing instructions  领料单 stores requisition  产品售价单 invoicing data sheet  包装说明 packing instruction  内部运输单 internal transport order  统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments  直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request  直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation  临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation  支付估价单 payment valuation  数量估价单 quantity valuation request  数量估价申请 quantity valuation request  合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ  不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ  标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ  询价单 enquiry  临时支付申请 interim application for payment  支付协议 agreement to pay  意向书 letter of intent  订单 order  总订单 blanket order  现货订单 sport order  租赁单 lease order  紧急订单 rush order  修理单 repair order  分订单 call off order  寄售单 consignment order  样品订单 sample order  换货单 swap order  订购单变更请求 purchase order change request  订购单回复 purchase order response  租用单 hire order  备件订单 spare parts order  交货说明 delivery instructions  交货计划表 delivery schedule  按时交货 delivery just-in-time  发货通知 delivery release  交货通知 delivery note  装箱单 packing list  发盘/报价 offer/quotation  报价申请 request for quote  合同 contract  订单确认 acknowledgement of order  形式发票 proforma invoice  部分发票 partial invoice  操作说明 operating instructions      
  adversity        [əd'vɝsətɪ]        名词 n.         1.逆境;厄运;(经济方面的)窘境  A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.   好朋友不会在人遭到厄运时弃之不顾。   2.灾祸;灾难;不幸的事  He met with adversities abroad.   他在国外遭遇种种不幸。        {词形变化}        名词复数: adversities        {同义词}        hardship n.艰难, 困苦
misfortune n. 不幸, 灾祸
  trouble n.困难, 烦恼,麻烦 ... distress n.不幸, 危难, 苦恼...   grief n.悲痛, 忧伤
disaster n.灾难
  affliction n. 痛苦, 苦恼, ... difficulty n.困难, 争议, 麻烦
  danger n.危险 ; n.... hard times 市面萧条, 不景气         {反义词}        prosperity n.繁荣, 兴旺
          {英英解释}        名词 adversity :   1.
a state of misfortune or affliction        同义词:
hardship, hard knocks         2.
a s a calamitous event        {词汇应用}        1.
It is wise even in adversity to listen to reason.  灾难中听从理性的召唤也是明智的。   2.A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.  真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。         3.
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.  [谚]逆境增才干,并不增财富。  
  【劲语天天学】Rob Peter to Pay Paul     抢了彼特还保罗——比喻“拆东墙,补西墙”    Take money from one area and spend it in another 字面意思是“抢彼得的东西交给保罗”,实际是隐喻借新债,还旧账。相当于中文里面的“拆东墙,补西墙”。这个短语可以这样用:     1.
Government (n. 政府) spending on education has not increased. Some area have improved, but only as a result (n.结果) of robbing Peter to pay Paul.  政府的教育支出并没有增加。虽然有些方面得到改善,但不过是拆了东墙补西墙而已。     2.
If the restaurant reduces price for food in order to get more customers(n. 顾客), but in the meanwhile(adv.同时) reduces staff's salaries(n.薪水) in order to cut cost, it is just robbing Peter to pay Paul.  如果饭店为了招揽更多的顾客而降低食品价格,同时又降低员工薪水来减少成本,那真是拆东墙补西墙。
Burglar夜贼  New vocabulary:
robbery盗窃案  Host: Alex (Shanghai Nanfang Center)     ---Paul: You look very upset(adj. 不安的) Jerry, what’s the matter?  你看起来心神不宁的,出了什么事情吗?     ---Jerry: A burglar(n. 夜贼) came into our house last night and stole many things.  昨晚有个夜贼闯入我家,偷走了很多东西。     ---Paul: I’m sorry to hear that. Did you call the police?  真不幸,你报警了吗?     ---Jerry: Yes, my father called the police and reported the robbery(n.盗窃案,抢劫案).  恩,我爸爸报警了,说明了这次盗窃案的情况。     ---Paul: What did they steal?  什么东西被偷了?     ---Jerry: They stole my father’s gold watch and his new camera.  他们偷了我爸爸的金表,还有他的新相机。     ---Paul: Luckily no one was hurt(adj. 受伤). You can always replace(v. 替换) those things.  还好没有人受伤,东西没了还能再补上。     ---Jerry: Huh, I guess you’re right. I’m glad we weren’t home when it happened.   恩,我想也是,还好当时事情发生时我们都不在家。     Let go through some words and phrases:  Burglar 夜贼  call the police 报警  replace
  【实事】 央视记者勇“抢”话筒,对话奥巴马      “President Obama, I’m actually Chinese”     ---Obama:
I feel obliged (adj.必须的,有必要的)to take maybe one question from the Korean press(n.媒体).since you guys have been such excellent hosts(n.东道主).
Anybody? This gentleman right here ,
he’s got his hand up.
He’s the only one who took me up on it.
Go ahead(v.开始吧).
And I’ll probably need a translation, though, if you’re asking the question in Korean.
In fact, I definitely will need a translation.
Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you, President Obama, I’m actually Chinese. But I think I get to represent the entire Asia.     ---Obama:
We’re one family here in this part of the world.
Well, your English is better than my Mandarin (n.普通话)also. But — now, in fairness(公平起见), though, I did say that I was going to let the Korean press ask a question. So I think that you held up your hand anyway.     ---Rui:
How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on their behalf?
Yes or no?     --Obama:
Well, it depends on(v.取决于) whether there is a Korean reporter who would rather have the question.
No, no takers?      ---Obama:
This is getting more complicated (adj.复杂的)
than I expected.      ---Rui:
Take quick, one question from an Asian, President Obama.      ---Obama:
Well, the — as I said, I was going to — go ahead and ask your question, but I want to make sure that the Korean press gets a question as well.        参考翻译:     (背景介绍:在韩国首尔举行的G20峰会上,央视记者芮成钢为了得到一个向美国总统奥巴马提问的机会,与奥巴马进行了一番简短的言语交锋。这个不到1分钟的插曲被全球电视媒体直播之后,立即在国内引起轩然大波。以下为双方的对话内容。)     奥巴马:我觉得有必要给韩国媒体一个提问的机会——为了感激韩国东道主。有人吗?就这位先生——举手这位。他是唯一的一个。开始吧。如果你用韩国语提问的话,我可能需要一个翻译。事实上,我确实想要个翻译。     芮成钢:很遗憾,我让您失望了,奥巴马总统,其实我是中国人。但我想我可以代表亚洲(发问)。     奥巴马:恩…     芮成钢:我们其实是世界上的一个大家庭。     奥巴马:噢,你的英文也比我的中文好。但是——今天,公平起见···我说过我想让韩国媒体提问。但是你举手了。     芮成钢:如果我的韩国朋友允许我代表他们提问呢?这样可以吗?     奥巴马:啊,那要看有没有韩国记者想提问,没有吗,没有提问者?     奥巴马:这比我预期的复杂。     芮成钢:那我们现在就开始吧,一个来自亚洲的问题,奥巴马总统。     奥巴马:我之前说过···好吧,那就提问吧,但我想确认一下韩国记者有没有问题想问
  【劲语天天学】        苹果的老大,果粉的偶像,史蒂夫·乔布斯——这位将科技演绎成时尚的企业家,竟曾是出生时就被大学教授的父亲与颓废派艺术家母亲无情遗弃的孤儿。今天,我们来学习他的箴言、他的智慧,看看他的内心如何强大:  1. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.  求知若饥,虚心若愚。     2. You've got to find what you love.  你必须要找到你所爱的东西。     3. I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: &If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?& And whenever the answer has been &No& for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.  我在每天早晨都会对着镜子问自己:“如果今天是我生命中的最后一天, 你会不会完成你今天想做的事情呢?”当答案连续很多次都是“不是”的时候, 我知道自己需要改变某些事情了。  
  Today Topic: A Lousy Morning 一个糟糕的早晨  Today Vocabulary: lousy 糟糕的,恶心的  Host: Chris (上海浦东中心)     I have had a lousy morning.  我有一个糟糕的早晨。     First of all I didn't get enough sleep last night. I stayed up late working on a report and didn't get to bed until three in the morning.  首先我昨晚就没有睡足。我熬夜忙着一份报告,直到三点才去睡觉。     The alarm woke me at six-thirty as usual. I turned it off and immediately went back to sleep.  闹钟照常在6点半把我叫醒。我把它关了,马上又回去睡觉了。     At seven the noise from my upstairs neighbours woke me up again. It sounded like a herd (n.群)of elephants was in the flat above.  7点楼上邻居的吵闹声再一次把我吵醒了。听上去就像一群大象在楼上那么吵。     I got out of bed, walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to wake me up.  我离开了床,走近浴室,在脸上洒上一些水让自己醒过来。     I went into the kitchen to make a much-needed cup of coffee. I turned on my coffee-maker. Suddenly there was a flash and the coffee-maker exploded. The lights went out too.  我走进厨房,做了一杯此刻十分需要的咖啡。我打开了咖啡机。突然之间,有一道闪光,咖啡机爆炸了。灯也跟着暗了。     &Oh great& I thought &Just what I need!&  “太好”我想着“这就是我需要的!”     To cut a long story short, every fuse in the place had blown. I had to get in an electrician to fix it. It took him all day, plus $400, to fix the wiring.  简而言之,房间里的每根保险丝都断了。我必须找个电工来修好。他花了一天,外加400美元,修好了电缆。     Of course that meant nothing worked all day- my computer, my TV, my stereo.  I couldn't even cook anything to eat - I have an electric stove, not a gas one.  当然这意味着一整天什么都不能工作了——我的电脑,我的电视,我的立体声。  我都不能做东西吃——我有一个电磁炉,而不用煤气。     Boy, what a great start to a birthday!  天哪,这就是一个生日的伟大开始!     Let’s go over some phrases now. 让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语吧!   lousy - bad, terrible 糟糕的  alarm - alarm clock 闹钟  sounded like a herd of elephants - was very loud 听起来像一群大象,形容十分吵闹  herd - a group of animals (sheep, cows, elephants) 牧群  flat – apartment 公寓  flash - a short, fast light 快速闪过的光  exploded - blew up, like a fire cracker or a bomb 爆炸  to cut a long story short - don't give all the details or tell every piece of the story, just the ending  blow a fuse - a fuse is an electrical safety switch that turns off the electricity when there is a problem. It &blows& or turns off the power to protect the wires and equipment. 保险丝烧断了。  stove - the gas or electric equipment we cook on 炉子  “oh great a great start”, “just what I needed”
  - used here in a negative or sarcastic way 一种反讽的用法  - it wasn't great (good), it was very bad 表示非常糟糕的  - I didn't need it, I needed it not to happen (we often say &it was the last thing I needed&)  其实是我不希望这件事发生。
  【生活】人们为什么怕冷场?      Awkward Silences: 4 Seconds Is All It Takes to Feel Rejected(adj.被拒绝的)     It's the pause that doesn't refresh(v.使精神振作,使精力恢复), the awkward moment that you relive over and over and over after you've realized that once again, you've put your foot in it.      New research from Holland suggests that good conversational flow has a powerful effect on people's feelings of self-esteem(n.自尊心) and belonging(n.归属感), and that even brief — just four seconds long — silences during a conversation are enough to, as Tom Jacobs puts it in Miller-McCune:    ...elicit(v.引起) primal(adj.最初的,原始的) fears, activating anxiety-provoking(adj.焦虑) feelings of incompatibility(n.不相容) and exclusion(n.排外).    &Conversational flow is associated with positive emotions, and a heightened(adj.被提高的) sense of belonging, self-esteem, social validation(n.确认) and consensus(n.认同),& a research team led by psychologist Namkje Koudenburg writes in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. &Disrupting(v.使中断) the flow by a brief silence produces feelings of rejection and negative emotions.&     For the study, researchers performed two experiments in which they studied participants' responses to awkward silences. In the first, 102 college students read one of two stories. The first version described someone making an insensitive remark — &I think obese people should pay for two seats on the bus& — which was followed by an obvious silence. In the alternate story, conversation flowed easily after the remark.    The students were asked to imagine themselves as being the person who made the faux pas(n.失礼,失言). Not surprisingly, they reported feeling more anxious, rejected and less self-assured(adj.有自信的) in the scenario with the awkward silence than in the alternate version.     The researchers suggest that sensitivity(n.敏感) toward signs of rejection and exclusion arose during our evolutionary history(n.进化史) — one in which being excluded from a group could literally mean the difference between life and death. These days, luckily, the consequences of social rejection are typically far less dire(adj.可怕的) — even if it doesn't feel that way at the time.        【参考翻译】  尴尬的沉默:4秒足以使人有被拒感     
  关于Back的这些用法,你知道吗?      1. Get off somebody’s back
不再妨碍、烦到某人  I’ve done all the work that you told me to do, would you please get off my back?  你让我做的事情我都做好了,你能不能别再烦我了?         2. Behind somebody’s back 背着某人(议论)    People often talk about him behind his back.  人们常常在背后议论他。      3.Get somebody’s back up 使某人生气,惹怒某人  His words always get her back up.  他的话总是惹她生气。    
  Topic: trust 信任   New vocabulary: sack 解雇,开除  Host: Jeremiah (Nanfang Center)     ---&You can't trust anyone these days.& complained a rich lady in the cocktail(n.鸡尾酒) bar to her friend  “这年头你不能相信任何人。” 鸡尾酒吧里面,一个富有的女士向她的朋友抱怨道。     ---&What do you mean?& her friend asked.  “这是什么意思?”他的朋友问。     ---&Well, only today, my husband had to sack(v.解雇,开除) his cashier(n.收银员).& The rich lady answered.  “今天,我的丈夫把他的收银员开除了。”这位富有的女士回答。     ---&What did he do?&  “那人做了什么?”     ---&He took a hundred dollars from the till(n.现金出纳机).&  “他从现金出纳机里拿了一百元。”     ---&How did your husband find out?&  “你丈夫是怎么发现的?”     --- &Thanks to me. He was two hundred dollars short and I told him I'd only taken a hundred.&  “多亏了我啊,他发现少了200元,而我告诉他我只拿了一百。”     Let go through some words and phrases:  Cashier = man or woman who works at the cash register 收银员  Till = cash register 现金出纳机  
  智慧】热心无需伪装      He’s a VIP – A Volunteer Interested In People.     Be yourself. Most VIPs I’ve known are authentic(adj.可信的) people. They don’t hide their flaws(n.缺陷), and in fact, oftentimes, use them to their advantage – their little colorful quirks(n.怪癖). Be yourself and true to your principles(n.原则), and you’ll work your way into the hearts of people who recognize and appreciate the real you.     Ask about others. Ever have a conversation where you knew the other person was just going through the motions? They didn’t ask logical follow-up questions, which proved they either weren’t paying attention, or worse, they didn’t care about you. I don’t know about you, but that leaves a horrible impression on(留下···的印象) me. I’m more likely to think well of the person who hung on my every word, or at least seemed interested in what I was saying. It’s human nature – people like people who like them!     Promote(v.激发)others’ interests. Be a champion for other people and their causes. Be a cheerleader(n.拉拉队长)! Talk about the good things other people are doing. Not only does this help spread the word to interested people, but it also makes you look like a VIP! When you have something you’re looking to promote, people will likely offer to help you without you even needing to ask.     Don’t trash(v.说坏话) other people. This should probably go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. If you’re trashing other people, it’s not likely to reflect well on you. If you’re talking badly about a mutual(adj.共有的) friend to me, I can only imagine what you’d say to another friend about me.     Be positive (or at least entertaining). Nobody wants to be around someone who is always miserable(adj.痛苦的,糟糕的,可怜的). Be cheerful, or at least be entertaining or interesting, and people can’t help but think highly of you.     【参考翻译】     一、保持真我。我认识的大多数“热心肠”都很真实。不隐瞒自身的缺点,有时候甚至会善用自身的缺点来塑造独一无二的嗜好。做真实的自己,坚持操守,就很容易以自己特有的方式叩开那些赏识之士的心扉。     二、向别人征询。你是否有过类似的经历,发现其他人只是假装着“聊天”?他们不会随着谈话的进程而提出相关问题,这说明要么他们没用心,要么,他们根本不在乎你。我不知道你碰上这样的事情会怎样,但是我受不了,那将会留下很糟糕的印象。反之,至少那些表面上对我的话题表示出了兴趣,甚至字斟句酌的人,是能让人心情畅快的。这就是人性——人敬我一尺,我敬人一丈!     三、激发他人之兴趣。拥护别人及其事业,做个啦啦队长吧。谈论那些手头上正处理着的事情的优点,不仅能够将话语权交给那些感兴趣的人,也能让自己看起来像个“热心肠”!这样当你也想提些想法时,别人就会很乐意地提供帮助,甚至不劳你开口求助。     四、不说人坏话。这个也许无须赘言,但我却仍然要提出来。如果某人随意说别人的坏话,这说明他也并非是个好鸟。原因很简单,某人当着我的面诋毁另外一位朋友的时候,我只能在脑海里显现这样一个场景——他会在别的朋友面前怎么说我呢?     五、积极向上,至少要娱人开心。谁也不想老是围着一个郁郁寡欢的人转悠,那样会大大影响心情。所以,要开心,最低也得有兴趣或者能够娱乐大众的兴致,这样周围的人才会于不经意间高看你一眼。  
  腐败者讲理论头头是道,讲文明风度翩翩,讲道德道貌岸然,讲发展冠冕堂皇,讲政治信口开河,讲法治掷地有声,讲正义慷慨陈词,讲民族热血沸腾,讲立场群情激愤,讲个人谦虚谨慎,讲得失爱憎分明,讲信用口若悬河,讲奉献滔滔不绝,讲爱心句句明理,讲政策条理清晰,讲落实义正言词,讲执行斩钉截    :要想适者生存?首先学会随波逐流。要想人前显贵,首先学会背后受罪。要想明哲保身,首先学会装聋卖哑。要想事业成功,首先学会溜须拍马。要想幸福快乐,首先学会难得糊涂。要想生活安逸,首先学会与世无争。要想一夜成名,首先学会臭不要脸。要想发财致富,首先学会投机取巧
  feder联盟    federal
[feder联盟,-al形容词后缀,…的] 联盟的,联合的,联邦的,联邦制的    federalism
[见上,-ism主义,制度] 联邦制,联邦主义    federalist
[见上,-ist者] 联邦制拥护者,联邦主义者    federalize
[见上,-ize动词后缀] 使成同盟,使结成联邦    federalization
[见上,-ization名词后缀] 结成联邦    federate
[feder聪明,-ate形容词兼动词后缀] 同盟的,联邦的;(使)结成联盟(成联邦)    federation
[feder联盟,-ation名词后缀] 聪明,同盟,联合会,联邦政府    federationist
[见上,-ist者] 联合主义者    federative
[feder联盟,-ative形容词后缀,…的] 联合的,联邦的    antifederal
[anti-反对,federal联盟的] 反联邦制的    confederacy
[con加强意义,feder聪明,-acy名词后缀] 联盟,邦联,同盟    confederate
[见上,-ate名词、形容词、动词后缀] 同盟的,联合的;同盟者,同盟国;(使)结成同盟    confederation
[见上,-ation名词后缀] 同盟,联盟,邦联    confederative
[见上,-ative 形容词后缀] 联盟的,邦联的    
  心理学家发现,当大脑回忆真实存在的事情时,眼睛会先向上、再向左转动。而如果去虚构一个画面,即说谎话时,眼球的运动恰恰相反,会先向上、再向右转动。所以,如果想知道一个人是否说谎,你可以问一些必须要回忆才能想起来的细节,然后,观察他的眼睛。    1.我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我。2.蹲下来抚摸自己的影子,对不起让你受委屈了。3.如果你爱上了别人请别告诉我,我没有你想象的那么勇敢。4.没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。5.失恋了一次,好像突然明白了所有情歌的含义。6.停下来休息的时候,不要忘记别人还在奔跑      1.在酒桌上办公,在办公室聊天;2.在乡下砍树,在城里种草;3.厉行节约一张纸,铺张浪费万亩田;4.大街上见死不救,看言情剧涕泪横流;5.在学校里把孩子管得服服贴贴,在社会上却要他开拓创业;6.用越来越多的密码保越来越少的秘密;7.用越来越少怜悯,同情越来越多穷人。  The American people sent us here to do the right thing, not for party, but for country. ——Obama 美国人民之所以选择我们,是让我们为国家做一些贡献,而不是为某一政党    不必抱怨自己生不逢时,要知道,在任何不如意的环境中,总会有人在你认为不可能的情况下获得成功    】①不求门当户对,只求感觉到位②上流社会的人,总喜欢做点下流的事③睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水④傻与不傻,要看你会不会装傻⑤有的人,做面膜的时候,比真人好看多了⑥跟你很熟吗?没事弹个视频,你当是你家电视啊,一按就出人⑦一觉醒来,天都黑了⑧开心了就笑,不开心了就过会儿再笑    “武大同志,最近你娇妻被西门庆占有,你对此有何评论?”武大郎平静地说:“自从爱妻事件发生,我一直在关注事态进展。众所周知,金莲自古以来就是我爱妻,我对金莲有着无可争辩的主权。希望西门同志认清形势,本着武西双方世代友好的大局,尽快无条件释放我爱妻。我提倡搁置争议共同开发    生活常和我们开着玩笑,你期待什么,什么就会离你越远;你执着谁,就会被谁伤害得最深。所以,做事不必太期待,坚持不必太执着;要学会放下,放下不切实际的期待,放下没有结果的执着。所以,凡事要看开一些,看透一些,什么都在失去,什么都留不住,唯有当下的快乐与幸福最给力。            
  【劲语天天学】        a Mickey Mouse job 不重要的工作    A Mickey Mouse job指一份随随便便,一点都不重要的工作。Mickey Mouse 除了我们所熟知的米老鼠之外,也有“小而不重要“的意思。形容几乎没有前途的工作。     这个短语可以这么用:    1. You have no chance to get a raise since what you’re doing is just a Mickey Mouse job.  你没有机会加薪,因为你所做的只是一份微小且不重要的工作。     2. The charity has been described as a Mickey Mouse operation.  这家慈善机构竟然被人形容为既小又没有多大价值的机构。  
  今日话题:工作和生活,怎么平衡?  精选单词:stressed out 筋疲力尽  当班主播:韦博上海虹桥中心外教  音频风格:启发,哲理         Josh: Joey, how do you do it? You have a successful career, a good marriage, a happy family and you never seem stressed out?      嗨,乔伊,你有一份成功的事业,一个幸福的婚姻,一个快乐的家庭,而且从来没有看见你累着,你是怎么做到的啊?    Joey: Ahh, you want to know my secret to balancing my work and personal life.      啊,你是想知道我平衡工作和私人生活的秘诀吧!    Josh: Yeah, I sure do. I am so busy at work that I don’t have anytime to spend with my family and then when I am with them I am usually very tired and not in a good mood.      是的,我很想知道。我工作很忙,根本没有时间跟我的家人待在一起,但是当我和他们在一起的时候,我又觉得工作了一天好累,而且情绪也很差。    Joey: Maybe you need to manage your time better.       你应该更好地安排你的时间。    Josh: I try but I am just so busy at work. I am always stressed out. Then when I get home I am tired and often unhappy.      我试过了,但是我的工作还是很忙。我总是筋疲力竭。当我回到家,心情总是不好。    Joey: I understand you situation 100%.      我完全理解你的情况。    Josh: So what can I do?      那我应该怎么做呢?    Joey: Many years ago a teacher of mine taught me something very important. He said, “never bring your work home with you and never bring your home to work!”      很多年以前,有一个老师教了我一件很重要的事情。他说,“不要把你的工作带到家里,也不要把你的家事带到办公室!”    Josh: What does that mean?      这是什么意思?    Joey: If you had a bad day in the office you need to leave that stress in the office. And if you had a disagreement with your in-laws at home you can’t bring that unhappiness into the office.       如果你工作了一天不开心的话,你就把你的压力留在办公室里。如果你和家人在某些方面没有达成一致的话,你也不要把你的不开心带到办公室。    Josh: That is my life exactly. At home I am often thinking about problems at work and all of the things that I need to do and at work I am always thinking about home life.       这的确就是我的生活。我在家里的时候,常常想着办公室的事情,我在办公室总是想着家里的事情。    Joey: If you don’t separate the two your home life will effect your work performance and you pressure from work will affect your quality time with your wife and children. In turn you will not enjoy either one and both will suffer.       如果你不把这两者分开的话,不仅会给你的工作表现带来消极的影响,还会影响你家庭生活的质量。这样,你无法充分享受你的工作与生活了。而且还要备受煎熬。    
  英语万花筒】      Stop Slouching  告别无精打采    Shoulders back, chest out. Your mom has told you a million times and, believe it or not, she’s not just saying it to nag—she actually has good reasons. Slouching not only makes you look less attractive, it can also affect your health. And, look around your office, most cube workers are guiltily of bad posture(n.姿势,姿态)      扩肩,挺胸。你母亲已经告诉你上百万次了。不管你是否相信,她绝不只是絮叨,实际上她是有理由的。没精打采不仅使你看起来缺乏吸引力,而且影响你的健康。看看你的办公室,最有立体感的人都有着糟糕的姿势。       “People who sit at a desk for a long period of time tend to(v.倾向于)their shoulders in and hang their head forward,” says Dr. Jason Queiros, a Chiropractor at Stamford Sports and Spine in Connecticut. “Every inch you hold your head forward, you add 10 pounds of pressure on your spine(n.脊椎,脊柱). Let’s say you’re leaning into your monitor by just two inches, that’s 20 extra pounds that your back and spinal column(n.圆柱) have to endure.” How much damage can those 20 pounds cause? Lots!       “在桌前坐上很长一段时间的人,其肩膀会往内靠,其头会往下垂”,康涅狄格州斯坦福德运动与脊椎中心(Stamford Sports and Spine in Connecticut)的脊椎推拿治疗师詹森?奎罗斯(Jason Queiros)医生说,“你每将头下垂一英寸,你将给脊椎增加10英镑的压力。也就是说,你靠近显示器两英寸,你的背部和脊柱将承受额外的20英镑压力。”这20英镑会导致什么?它会导致很多问题。    1. Headaches  Constantly holding that extra 20-pound weight forces your neck and back muscles to work overtime. “They become overused and tired,” says Queiros. Then, when you finally relax them (say, at home after work), the muscles tense(v.紧张) up and could spasm, causing nasty tension headaches.       头痛  不停地承受着这额外的20英镑,你的脖子和背部肌肉会超时工作。“它们被过度使用和非常疲劳”,奎罗斯说。接着,当你最终放松它们(也就是下班到家后),肌肉非常紧张,可能痉挛,引起令人讨厌的紧张性头痛。    2. Jaw pains  A misaligned spine puts extra stress on your jaw joints. The lower jaw shifts forward and the upper and lower teeth don’t fit together properly. This can cause lower jaw pains as well as muscle pains in the back of the head.       颌痛  脊柱姿势不正将额外的压力放到你的颌关节。下颌下垂,而上颌和下颌齿没有合适地处在一起。这会引发下颌痛和后脑勺肌肉痛。      3. Balance  Picture your comfiest position when you’re driving a car or sitting in your desk chair: Chances are, you favor one side of your body and lean toward it. “The muscles on that side are taking the brunt of your weight and stress,” warns Queiros. With poor posture, one side of your body is tight and spastic and the other side is loose. “That will throw off your body’s biomechanics(n.生物力学).”      失衡  想象你开车或坐在办公桌前最舒服的姿势:你喜欢将身体的一侧靠向它。“你身体那一侧肌肉承受着体重和压力的冲击”,奎罗斯提醒道。因为这个糟糕的姿势,你身体的一侧非常紧张和麻痹,而另一侧却很放松。“那将会使你的身体偏离生物力学。”         4. Spine alignment issues  If your spine isn’t aligning(v.矫正) properly, it can affect your rib cage, which can damage your heart and lungs, and ultimately lead to gastrointestinal(n.胃与肠的) issues.It’s easy to slouch if you’re not constantly thinking about your posture (in fact, you’re probably even doing it while you read this article), but there’s good news: Your slouch is reversible(adj.可逆的). “As long as you catch it before you’re a 60-year-old decrepit(adj.衰老的) man,” jokes Queiros. Of course you’ll need to arrange your desk properly (get a headset for your phone, center your monitor, lower your armrests,etc.), but there are also some easy exercises you can do to help correct your slouch and get your mind thinking about posture.       脊柱矫正问题  如果你的脊柱没有得以合适的矫正,它能影响你的胸腔。这对你的心肺造成损害,并最终导致肠胃问题。  如果你没有时常考虑你的姿势(事实上你在读这篇文章时仍可能是这样),你很容易没精打采,但这里有个好消息:你的没精打采是可以改变的。“只要你能在60岁以前做到这一点”,奎罗斯打笑道。当然你需要适当地安排你的办公桌(戴上耳机,将显示器居中,放低你的座椅靠手等),但是还有一些你可以做的简易练习,这有助于纠正你的没精打采并使你留意自己的姿势。      5. Scapula(n.肩胛骨) retraction (n.收回)  Scapula retraction is a fancy way of saying to squeeze your shoulder blades together. “People kill their chest at the gym but you’ve got to work out your back as well,” Queiros points out. Grab resistance bands in front of you and pull the bands to your chest. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and concentrate on stretching your upper back. Come back to your natural position and repeat in three sets of 20.       肩胛骨往回收  肩胛骨往回收也就是说将你的肩胛往后挤到一起。“人们在健身房破坏了胸部,但是你得同时锻炼你的背部”,奎罗斯指出。抓起你前面的阻力带,将其拉至你的胸前。将你的肩胛挤到一起,专注于拉伸你的上背。回到你的自然姿势,重复三次,每次20下。      6. Chin pulls  Sitting at your desk, suck in your chin. (“It’ll feel like you’re giving yourself a double chin,” says Queiros.) Feel the stretch in the back of your skull and then relax. Do a set of 10 to 20 at least three or five times throughout the day.       拉动下巴  坐在座椅上,活动你的下巴。(“这感觉像你有一个双下巴”,奎罗斯说)感觉你颅骨后面的拉伸,然后放松。每天做三到五次,每次10到20下。         7. Small neck stretches  To loosen up the muscles at the base of your neck while sitting at your desk, bring one ear to your shoulder and let the weight of your head hang. With your opposite arm, grab the bottom of your chair and pull up while your head still hangs—you’ll feel the stretch in the exposed side of your neck—hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side and do the entire stretch three or four times a day.     小脖子拉伸  坐在座椅上放松你脖颈下部的肌肉,将耳朵靠向你的肩膀,将头的重量悬着。伸出你相反的手臂,抓住座椅底部,在上拉的同时仍使头悬着——你将感觉到脖子暴露部分的拉伸——保持30秒钟。让相反的一侧重复刚才的动作,每天做整个拉伸三到四次。         8. Extended arm stretch  Put your arms behind your back and lock your hands together. Bring your arms out and let your head hang down. Hold for 30 seconds and feel your neck and shoulder stretch. Repeat three or four times a day.   And a few things to remember at work: Take a 20-minute break every four hours and take five-minute micro-breaks every 30 minutes. Get up and walk around and refresh your position. “You don’t want to be in the same position for more than 30 minutes,” says Queiros.      展臂拉伸  将你的胳臂放在身后,并将手扣在一起。将手拿开,让头下垂。保持30秒钟,感觉你脖子和肩膀的拉伸。每天重复三到四次。工作时还需记住几件事:每四个小时休息20分钟,每半个小时微休息(micro-break)五分钟。站起来走动一下,改变一下你的姿势。奎罗斯说,“你不想30多分钟都保持同一个姿势。”    
  最大的失败就是放弃。今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,大部分人死在明天晚上,看不到后天的太阳。——马云    心理提示:我们都不是很完美的人,但我们要接受不完美的自己。在孤独的时候,给自己安慰;在寂寞的时候,给自己温暖。学会独立,告别依赖,对软弱的自己说再见。生活不是只有温暖,人生的路不会永远平坦,但只要你对自己有信心,知道自己的价值,懂的珍惜自己,世界的一切不完美,你都可以坦然面对     【所谓幸福】家里没病人, 牢里没亲人, 外头没仇人, 圈里没小人, 身边没坏人, 看似没情人, 升官有贵人, 办事有熟人, 谈笑有哲人, 聚会有高人, 喝茶有贤人, 家务有佣人, 摄影有寮人, 闲聊有达人,发博有评人,转发有红人。  女浴室着火,众人赤裸外逃。老者见状大喊:“快捂住!” 女子要害部位有三处,裸女捂不过来。老者又喊:“捂脸就行,下面都一样。” 众悟……       一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,败给了距离。或许时间和距离都是借口吧,不爱了才是真正的理由。可是你为什么不和我说实话,为什么还要给我那么多好听的理由?其实,只要你一句不爱了,我就会放手,我会给你自由,让你去追你的幸福。只是,不要骗我,我要的不是你假装还爱我    
  Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen. 每天,在晨光中醒来,都觉得美好的事即将发生    成功的三要素:一、坚持。二、不要脸。三、坚持不要脸。。。      【人生箴言】1、别回忆,因为回不去。2、把眼泪留给最疼你的人,把微笑留给伤你最深的人。3、有些时候 沉默并不代表我无话可说。4、明知是场戏 ,还要陪你演下去 。5、曾经就是曾经 ,再回忆也是曾经 。6、同样的曲子却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。    【好女人的8条标准】:1.身体发育完好,虽不娇美,却不失健康本色。2.聪明可爱,也会装疯卖傻。3.知书识礼,尊重对方。4.顺从听话,却不失个性独立。5.知足常乐,不给男人过高的要求。6.角色多变,本色依然。7.爱屋及乌,宽容博爱。8.帮助男人,成就男人      We don't need to meet again for we are just passers by.To forget is the best commemoration for each other.——很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。     If someone asks about that,I'll just say&I forget&.No explanation,no pain. 如果有人问起,就说忘了。不解释,不悲伤。   【给自己的五句话】1、再难也要坚持。2、再好也要淡泊。3、再差也要自信。4、再多也要节省。5、再冷也要热情。    记得,每天的阳光都是新的】1.容易走的都是下坡路.2.自由不是想干什么就干什么,而是想不干什么就不干什么.3.命,乃失败者借口;运,乃成功者的谦词.4.打动人心的最佳方法,是谈他最珍贵的东西.5.品格不由你占有的东西决定,而是由你匮乏的东西塑造的.6.郁闷时蹲下来抱抱自已,      
  一、没有责任感的享乐;二、不劳而获的财富;三、没有是非观念的知识;四、不道德的生意;五、没有人性的科学;六、没有牺牲的崇拜;七、随性而出的暴躁;八、没有理性的盲从;九、没有克制的喜欢;十、恣意付出的恋爱。       不可遗失的人生奢侈品】1.一颗不老的童心。2.生生不息的信念。3.背包走天下的健康。4.愉悦心情与性情的工作。5.安稳与平和心绪的睡眠。6.享有属于自己空间与时间的生活。7.牵手一个教会你爱与被爱的人。8.品味美丽和美好的心与心情。9.自由的心态与宽广的胸襟。10.点燃他人希望的精神特质    不到最后一刻,千万别放弃。最后得到好东西,不是幸运,有时候,必须有前面的苦心经营,才有后面的偶然相遇。——张小娴      打开人生幸福之门的7把钥匙】:faith:信念;humility:谦逊;respect:尊重;patience:耐心;compassion:怜悯;courage:勇气;perseverance:毅力     心理学家发现,当大脑回忆真实存在的事情时,眼睛会先向上、再向左转动。而如果去虚构一个画面,即说谎话时,眼球的运动恰恰相反,会先向上、再向右转动。所以,如果想知道一个人是否说谎,你可以问一些必须要回忆才能想起来的细节,然后,观察他的眼睛。     1.我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我。2.蹲下来抚摸自己的影子,对不起让你受委屈了。3.如果你爱上了别人请别告诉我,我没有你想象的那么勇敢。4.没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。5.失恋了一次,好像突然明白了所有情歌的含义。6.停下来休息的时候,不要忘记别人还在奔跑。    1.在酒桌上办公,在办公室聊天;2.在乡下砍树,在城里种草;3.厉行节约一张纸,铺张浪费万亩田;4.大街上见死不救,看言情剧涕泪横流;5.在学校里把孩子管得服服贴贴,在社会上却要他开拓创业;6.用越来越多的密码保越来越少的秘密;7.用越来越少怜悯,同情越来越多穷人。       郎咸平发现:美国给中国印发美元,购买中国商品;中国给百姓印发人民币,购买百姓的商品,卖给美国,得到美元再借给美国。结果是:美国高工资低物价,中国低工资高物价。美国印钱,不会通货膨胀,中国制造产品,换回通货膨胀。//郎咸平曝光惊人秘密,很荒谬滴      The American people sent us here to do the right thing, not for party, but for country. ——Obama 美国人民之所以选择我们,是让我们为国家做一些贡献,而不是为某一政党。    不必抱怨自己生不逢时,要知道,在任何不如意的环境中,总会有人在你认为不可能的情况下获得成功。    【贱语录】①不求门当户对,只求感觉到位②上流社会的人,总喜欢做点下流的事③睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水④傻与不傻,要看你会不会装傻⑤有的人,做面膜的时候,比真人好看多了⑥跟你很熟吗?没事弹个视频,你当是你家电视啊,一按就出人⑦一觉醒来,天都黑了⑧开心了就笑,不开心了就过会儿再笑                                
  【语言的自我暗示具有惊人的“变现”能力】你一天到晚说“烦死了”,想不烦都难;你总是把“做不到”挂在嘴边,你也就真的做不到;你常对自己说“我不行”,慢慢地连别人都会觉得你不行。每天早上迎着朝阳,对自己说几句提气的话吧,不要让语言的自我暗示腐蚀了自己。        执着就会改变!1、比大多数同事勤奋认真。2、做好每一件小事。3、以微笑面对任何命运的不公。4、时间比金钱重要。5、养成好习惯,习惯决定命运。6、不断与人性弱点斗争。7、天才都是有心人。8、机会无大小,只有时间早晚;永远不嫌弃小机会。 9、等待大机会是痴心妄想。10、坚持不懈锻炼身体       我们不妨学会——沉淀生命,沉淀经验,沉淀心情,沉淀自己!让生命在运动中得以沉静,让心灵在浮躁中得以片刻宁静。把那些烦心的事当作每天必落的灰尘,慢慢地、静静地让它们沉淀下来,用宽广的胸怀容纳它们,我们的灵魂兴许会变得更加纯净,我们的心胸会变得更加豁达,我们的人生会更加快乐      你觉得某人很讨厌,十有八九对方对你的感觉也不会好。你内心所想的总会不可思议地传递出去。——江本胜《水知道答案》。         简单一点,就会丰富一点】:让外表简单一点内涵就会更丰富一点。让需求简单一点心灵就会更丰富一点。让言语简单一点沟通就会更丰富一点。让私心简单一点友情就会更丰富一点。让情绪简单一点人生就会更丰富一点。让环境简单一点空间就会更丰富一点。让爱情简单一点幸福就会更丰富一点。                
  专制社会维护统治有三大法宝:谎言,暴力和收买。主动为专制体制唱赞歌的也不外乎五种人:权力拥有者,受骗被洗脑者,恐惧者,被收买者和斯德哥尔摩综合症患者。甘地和曼德拉教会我们不合作主义:温和,理性和非暴力。我们不做英雄,但鄙视所谓共和国脊梁       女人婚前用身体留住男人,婚后用孩子留住男人      记住,真正有气质的淑女,从不玄耀她所拥有的一切,她不告诉人她读过什么书,去过什么地方,有多少件衣裳,买过什么珠宝,因她没有自卑感      : 某男,因女友一次交通意外,曾大量输血给女友。后俩人闹翻,男硬要讨回血债。女友气愤之下扯出一块卫生巾砸在他脸上,怒吼:“这是首付,以后会每个月按揭还你!”     【语言的自我暗示具有惊人的“变现”能力】你一天到晚说“烦死了”,想不烦都难;你总是把“做不到”挂在嘴边,你也就真的做不到;你常对自己说“我不行”,慢慢地连别人都会觉得你不行。每天早上迎着朝阳,对自己说几句提气的话吧,不要让语言的自我暗示腐蚀了自己。      执着就会改变!1、比大多数同事勤奋认真。2、做好每一件小事。3、以微笑面对任何命运的不公。4、时间比金钱重要。5、养成好习惯,习惯决定命运。6、不断与人性弱点斗争。7、天才都是有心人。8、机会无大小,只有时间早晚;永远不嫌弃小机会。 9、等待大机会是痴心妄想。10、坚持不懈锻炼身体
  157、fict,fig塑造,虚构    fiction
[fict虚构,杜撰,-ion名词后缀] 虚构,杜撰,捏造;[虚构的事] 小说    fictionist
[见上,-ist人] 小说家    fictional
[见上,-al…的] 小说的,虚构的    fictionalize
[见上,-ize动词后缀] 把…编成小说,使小说化    fictitious
[fict虚构,杜撰,-itious形容词后缀,…的] 虚构的,杜撰的,非真实的    fictive
[fict虚构,-ive…的] 非真实的,假装的    fictile
[fict塑造,-ile形容词兼名词后缀] 塑造的,可塑造的,陶制的,陶制品    figment
[fig虚构,臆造,-ment名词后缀] 虚构的事,臆造的事物    figure
[fig塑造,制作,-ure名词后缀,’制作出来”的样子,’塑造成”的形状] 外形,轮廓,塑像,形象    figurable
[见上,-able能…的] 能成形的,能定形的    figural
[见上,-al…的] 具有人(或动物)的形象的    figuration
[见上,-ation名词后缀] 成形,定形,外表,轮廓    figurine
[见上,-ine名词后缀,表示物] 小塑像,小雕像    configure
[con-加强意义,figure形象] 使成形,构形,使具形体    disfigure
[dis-取消,毁,figure外形] 毁…的外形(或容貌)    disfigurement
[见上,-ment名词后缀] 毁形,毁容    prefigure
[pre-先,前,figure形象,’预先以形象显示”] 预示,预兆    prefiguration
[见上,-ation名词后缀] 预示,预兆    transfigure
[trans-转变,改换,figure外形] 使变形,使改观    transfiguration
[见上,-ation名词后缀] 变形,改
  ferv沸,热    fervid
[ferv热,-id形容词后缀,…的] 炽热的,热情的,热烈的    fervidity
[ferv热,-idity抽象名词后缀] 炽热,热情,热烈    fervent
[ferv热,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 炽热的,热情的,热烈的    fervency
[ferv热,-ency抽象名词后缀] 炽热,热情,热烈    fervescent
[ferv热,-escent形容词后缀,表示正在进行的] 发热的    fervor
[ferv热,-or抽象名词后缀] 炽热,热情,热烈    effervesce
[ef-加强意义,ferv沸,-esce动词后缀,表示正在进行] 沸腾,起泡沫,冒气泡    effervescent
[ef-加强意义,ferv沸,-escent形容词后缀] 冒泡的,泡腾的,沸腾的    effervescence
[ef-加强意义, ferv沸,-escence抽象名词后缀] 冒泡,起泡(沫),泡腾    perfervid
[per-完全,彻底,十分,ferv热,-id形容词后缀,…的] 十分热烈的,十热情的,非常热心的  
  年利率、基准利率、应偿还贷款总额、定期……如果你要办理房贷手续的话,你会听到一大堆这样的词。在做其他与财务、理财相关的决定的时候,我们也不可避免地会遇到很多这样的专业术语,这些你都能听懂吗?理财是持续一生的技能,如果你是金融盲,那就从现在开始提高你的金融素养吧!          Finlit is an abbreviation of the expression financial literacy, the ability to understand language and issues relating to finance so that you can make informed and effective decisions about your financial situation.          Finit(金融素养)是financial literacy的缩写,是指理解与金融相关的术语和问题的能力。好的财务素养有利于你做出明智的财务决定。          For example:          Ironically, the financial industry's capacity to make profit largely hinges on the idea that our finlit is not that great.          讽刺的是,金融业之所以能赚大钱就是因为一般人的财务素养并不好。  
  I can’t Cook It  
It’s sunny day in spring. Miss Cat is fishing. Suddenly the fishing rod moves. “Great! Oh, it’s so heavy!” Miss Cat says happily.   The fish is plucked out of the river. “Oh, a big fish! How big the fish is!” She cheers. But she puts the fish into the river and goes on fishing.   At the time Mr. House goes by and sees it. “What do you set it free?” He asks. “Because my pot is too small. I can’t cook it,” Miss Cat says.                        我没法煮它  
这是春天里一个阳光明媚的日子,猫小姐在河边钓鱼。突然鱼竿动了动。“太棒了!哇,好重啊!”猫小姐高兴地喊着。   鱼被拉出来了。“啊!一条大鱼!这条大鱼可真大呀!”她欢呼道。但是她却把鱼放回河里,又继续钓鱼。   这时候马先生路过,看见这一切,就问她:“为什么你把鱼放了?” “因为我的锅太小。我没办法烧这么大的鱼。”猫小姐回答说。    
  有关“sleep”的这些短语,你知道吗?    1. Sleep something off
靠睡觉来消除疲劳、负面的情绪、醉酒的状态等。   Go home and sleep it off.   回家睡一觉,恢复一下身体吧!   
  2. Sleep in 睡懒觉   She usually sleeps in on Sundays.   她星期天通常睡懒觉。   
  3. Sleep through 不被(闹声或混乱)吵醒,睡觉时不受噪音的影响   I’m afraid I slept through the alarm.   恐怕闹钟没有把我吵醒。   
  4. Sleep-walker 梦游者   
Qualification Certificate 资格证书  New vocabulary: network knowledge 网络知识  Host:
Joe and Neil     ---I: Have you obtained(v.获得) any certificate of technical qualifications or license?  你获得过技术资格证书或者执照吗?     ---A: Yes, I have received an Engineer Qualification Certificate(n.资格证书) and a driver’s license(n.驾照).  是,我有工程师资格证书和驾照。     ---I: How many years have you had the driver’s license?  你获得驾照多长时间了?     ---A: I have two years driving experience.  我已经有两年的驾龄了。     ---I: That good. What special skills do you have, can you tell me?  好,那你能告诉我你有什么特殊技能吗?     ---A: I have experience in computer operation,proficiency(n.熟练,精通的程度) in Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.  我有电脑操作经验,熟悉微软Windows,Word和Excel。     ---I: What computer languages(n.计算机语言) have you learned?  你学过哪种计算机语言?     ---A: Visual C++, C and Delphi.  Visual C++, C 和Delphi。     ---I: Have you gotten any special training in programming?  你在编程方面受到过特殊培训吗?     ---A: No, but I have database(n. 数据库) programming experience and network knowledge.  没有,但是我有数据库编程经验并具有网络知识。     Some useful phrases and expressions:     obtain certificate of qualifications 获得资格证书  driver’s license 驾照  special skills 特殊技能  computer languages 计算机语言  programming 编程
  【生活】睡个踏实觉      Top 5 Food for High Quality Sleep  What is the secret to get 7-8 hours high quality sleep? You need to go to the kitchen and enjoy one or two foods in the this top 5 food. These food will put your muscles relax, calm the mind and activate hormone serotonin and melatonin. Have a nice sleep.     1. Banana  A banana is like a natural sleeping pill(n.安眠药). Besides containing melatonin(n.褪黑激素) and serotonin(n.血清素) in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium(n.镁元素), material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.     2. Chamomile(n.菊花) tea
  Chamomile tea has a calming effect which reduce the physical and mental stress, making this tea perfect beverage to be consumed before bed.     3.Warm Milk
  Nope, this is not a myth, a glass of warm milk before bed may help your sleep. Milk contains tryptophan, the amino acids(n.氨基酸) that have a sedative(adj.镇静的) effect and calcium that helps the brain use tryptophan.     4. Oatmeal (n.麦片,燕麦粥)  Oatmeal before bed is the quickest way to the sleep, because oatmeal stimulates the production of melatonin in the body at night.     5. Almond Peanut (n.杏仁)  Almond is a peanut which is good for heart organ. But almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan(n.色氨酸) and magnesium.      TOP10:五大有助于高质量睡眠的食品     想知道获得七到八小时高质量睡眠的秘诀吗?你只需要去厨房,品尝以下五大食品中的一到两样。这些食物会让你的肌肉放松,精神镇定,活跃荷尔蒙血清素和褪黑素。睡个好觉吧。     1.香蕉  香蕉就像天然的安眠药片。除了含有少量的褪黑素和血清素以外,香蕉还含有  镁,一种可以令刺激肌肉放松的元素。     2.菊花茶  菊花茶具有镇定效果,可以降低身体和精神的压力,是完美的睡前饮料。     3. 温牛奶  这不是谣传,睡前喝一杯的温牛奶可以帮助你的睡眠。牛奶中含有色氨酸,具有镇静效果的氨基酸,以及可以有助于大脑利用色氨酸的钙。     4. 燕麦片  睡前食用燕麦片是最快进入睡眠的方法,因为燕麦片刺激身体在晚间产生褪黑素。     5. 杏仁  杏仁是一种有利于心脏的坚果。但是杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。  
  【劲语天天学】      不同“宝贝”的不同说法,看看你一口气说出几个?    1. You never know, dear, how much I love you···    宝贝,你永远不知道我有多爱你···    2. How much does the baby weigh?    这个小宝贝有多重啊?    3. She looked despairing when her cousin took all her treasures from her.    她的堂兄把她的那些宝贝夺走时,她看起来很绝望。    4. If you've made up your mind for me, I'll fight for you, darling.    宝贝,如果你已为我坚定心意,我一定会为你奋战到底!    
  Topic:After-sales Service 售后服务  Host: Stephen (Hongqiao Center, Shanghai)      Maintenance man: Good morning, madam. You called to report something wrong with your TV, right?  维修员:早上好,女士。你打电话来说你的电视机有点问题,是吗?     Lily: Yes. The picture is wobbly sometimes.  莉莉:是的。画面有时候会抖动。     Maintenance man: I see. We’ll take it back and give it a thorough examination.  维修员:我明白了。我们会将它拿回去,为它作个全面检查。     Lily: Should I pay for it?  莉莉:我需要付费吗?     Maintenance man: It depends. Would you please show me the warranty certificate?  维修员:这要看。你能让我看看你的保修卡吗?     Lily: Here it is.  莉莉:这就是。     Maintenance man: Newly bought. It’s free of charge because it’s covered by warranty.  维修员:新买的。那就是免费了,因为它在保修期内。     Lily: Great. How long will it take?  莉莉:要修多久?     Maintenance man: 3 days. We will call you when it’s ready.  维修员:3天。好了的话,我们会打电话给你。     Lily: I can’t wait that long. I can’t live without TV.  莉莉:我不能等这么久。我不能没有电视。     Maintenance man: OK, we’ll try, but it depends how long it usually takes. Oh, please sign your name on the slip here.  维修员:好的,我们会尽力,但要看一般要用多久时间。请在这个纸片上签上你的名字。     Lily: OK.  莉莉:好。  
  【生活】醋的妙用      Vinegar     Clear dirt off PCs and peripherals(n.外围设备)  Your computer, printer, fax machine, and other home office gear will work better if you keep them clean and dust-free. Before you start cleaning, make sure that all your equipment is shut off. Now mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a bucket. Dampen a clean cloth in the solution(n.溶液,两种或两种物质混合的物质) -- never use a spray bottle(喷壶); you don't want to get liquid on the circuits inside -- then squeeze it out as hard as you can, and start wiping. Keep a few cotton swabs(n.棉签) on hand for getting to the buildups in tight spaces (like around the keys of your PC keyboard).     Clean your window blinds  Just put on a white cotton glove -- the kind sold for gardening is perfect -- and moisten(v.使潮湿) the fingers in a solution made of equal parts white vinegar and hot tap water. Now simply slide(v.滑动)your fingers across both sides of each slat and prepare to be amazed. Use a container of clean water to periodically (adv.定期地) wash off the glove.     Unclog(疏通) and deodorize(v.除臭) drains(n.下水道)  The combination of vinegar and baking soda is one of the most effective ways to unclog and deodorize drains.      Wipe away mildew(n.霉菌)  When you want to remove mildew stains, reach for white vinegar first. It can be safely used without additional ventilation(n.通风) and can be applied to almost any surface --bathroom fixtures and tile(n.瓷砖), clothing, furniture, painted surfaces, plastic curtains, and more. To eliminate(v.去除) heavy mildew accumulations, use it full strength.      Erase ballpoint-pen marks  Has the budding(adj.成长中的,发育中的) young artist in your home just decorated a painted wall in your home with a ballpoint original? Don't lose your cool(发火). Rather, dab(v.轻拍,轻擦) some full-strength white vinegar on the &masterpiece& using a cloth or a sponge(n.海绵). Repeat until the marks are gone.      Clean your piano keys  Here's an easy and efficient way to get those grimy(adj.污秽的) fingerprints and stains off your piano keys. Dip(v.浸) a soft cloth into a solution of 1/2 cup white vinegar mixed in 2 cups water, squeeze it out until there are no drips, then gently wipe off each key. Use a second cloth to dry off the keys as you move along, then leave the keyboard uncovered for 24 hours.     参考翻译:  为个人电脑及外部设备除尘  电脑、打印机、传真机以及其他的家用办公设备如果除尘和清洁得当将会运转得更好。开始清洁前,请将所有的设备关闭。现在,请将同等的醋和水混合在水桶内。将一块干净的抹布浸湿于溶剂中--请不要使用喷壶;如果您不想电路板中混入水汽--请尽可能的拧干抹布后再擦拭。准备一些棉签以便深入到细小区域(像是电脑键盘的各个按键)。     清洗百叶窗  只需戴上白色棉质的手套--用来做园艺的那种最好--将手指部分浸湿在由等份的白醋和热水混合的溶剂中。现在,只需简单的将手指划过每片窗叶,准备好惊奇吧。用一盆清水来不时的清洗手套。     排水沟的疏通及防臭  醋和热苏打水的混合物是最有效的用来疏通和防止排水沟生臭的方法之一。     清除霉渍  您要想去掉霉点,首先准备白醋。不需要额外的通风,白醋可以用在几乎所有东西的表面--浴室套具和瓷砖,衣服,家具,油画表面,塑料窗帘等。要消除长期累计的霉渍,可以加大强度。     擦除圆珠笔印  新生的年轻艺术家用圆珠笔在家里的墙上留下真迹?别发火。其实,只要用一块抹布或者海绵蘸取少许白醋原液,在“杰作”上擦拭。重复几次直到印记消除。     清洁钢琴键盘  推荐一个简单有效的去除钢琴键盘上的手指印和脏点的方法。用一块软布蘸取由半杯白醋和两杯水组成的溶液里,拧到不再滴水后轻轻的擦拭每个琴键。用另一块布擦干你刚刚擦过的琴键,24小时后盖上琴盖。  
  感悟:人的尊严靠胸膛的挺起,跪下只会丧失最后的人格      腐败,是中国第一消费力。官爷吃喝玩乐一禁,中国酒店关门一半,ktv关闭一半,桑拿关闭一半,名烟名酒店关闭一半,足浴关闭三分之一,棋牌室关闭三分之一,书画市场关闭三分之一、汽车团购缩水三分之一……国内消费市场一片萧条,鸡的屁将严重坠地。消费场所傍上“腐败”爷,悲乎      女人:一半是天使,一半是魔鬼; 男人:一半是绅士,一半是流氓; 友谊:一半是牵挂,一半是提醒; 爱情:一半是激情,一半是执着; 家庭:一半是依恋,一半是责任; 工作:一半是马屁,一半是能力; 人生:一半是现实,一半是梦想; 幸福:一半是金钱,一半是满足        1.男人是女人的价格,女人是男人的商标。2.女人平时怕男人色,上床又嫌男人不色;男人平时嫌女人骚,上床又怕女人不骚。3.女人最恨的男人是陈世美;男人最喜欢的女人是潘金莲。4.男人有外遇是因为冲动,女人有外遇是因为无聊。
  一官员的二奶怀孕了,官要求其堕胎,二奶不肯,说:你做这么大官怕什么,将来孩子长大了,给他随便弄个官做做就行了,还可以孝敬你。官员沉思良久说:这恐怕不好吧,长期以往,那官场都成表子养的了!.      【领导的优势】工资不多存款不少,牌技不高赢钱不少;讲话不精掌声不少;文章不写发表不少;外语不懂出国不少;水平不高职称不少;老婆不用房事不少;吃的不多脂肪不少。     【冷笑话】“请二老随便谈谈,我们的主题是,昨天、今天和明天。”“如果今天随便谈论昨天,明天就会被抓。我的话完了      敬畏自己的人民,把他们当财富而不是当负担,是国家最起码的道德。我们总把人口多,素质差当成落后的原因,这是颠倒黑白。没有十三亿人,就没有扬名世界的“中国制造”,就没有全球最大的消费市场。如果人口减一半,你还是世界第二大经济体吗?一个国家连自己的人民都嫌弃,都不尊重,有谁还会尊重你?
  我是一个很有原则的人,我的原则只有三个字,看心情       暧昧两个字,从字面上看,都是想日。不过一个假装有爱,一个假装有未来。       福建省政和县原县委书记丁仰宁因买官卖官、收受贿赂被判处无期徒刑。他的“官念”是:“千里来当官,为了吃和穿”、“当官不发财,请我都不来”、“当官不收钱,退了没本钱。”他看破红尘,对妻子的悄悄话是:“权有多大,利就有多大”     解读女人心:1、越是会害羞的女人,说明她越纯洁;2、自尊心越强的女人,越不会主动追求男人;3、女人越是说自己不漂亮,就越希望男人说她漂亮;4、表面越冷的女人,其内心越炽热;5、女人问男人的问题越愚蠢,说明她越喜欢他;6、女人说“是”的时候,一定是“不是”,反之亦然        公司的前台美女哭着要辞职,同事们很奇怪问:“做得好好地,干嘛辞职啊?”美女大怒道:“我也不想辞职,但是公司有个王八蛋叫高潮,总是迟到!”经理劝道:“那你也不至于辞职啊!” 美女继续解释道:“他迟到不要紧,问题是每天都有人问我高潮来了没有?我真受不了        用“看起来...”像造句。 看起来鬼子进村,其实是拆迁办;看起来百万富翁,其实是公务员;看起来奢华会所,其实是故宫;看起来白宫,其实是县政府;看起来黑社会,其实是村委会;看起来像上贡,其实是特供;看起来三聚氰胺,其实是奶粉;看起来像狗棚,其实是我的家。            
  小气鬼”怎么说?      He is a cheapskate! 他是个小气鬼!         A cheapskate refers to a stingy person who cares about money too much.    我们来分解一下这个词,cheap 是便宜的意思,skate是溜冰的意思,同时在俚语中也有”家伙“的意思。cheapskate就是形容一个人吝啬钱财,很小气。    来看几个例句:    1. I'm a cheapskate. Some would say frugal,which sounds much more positive, but in reality, I can be a real cheapskate.    我就是个小气鬼。有人说我节俭,那只不过是听着好听点罢了。但事实上,我就是很抠。    2. Don't be such a cheapskate.    别这么小气好不好!    3. None of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.    我的朋友中,没有一个愿意和他一起玩,因为他就是个小气鬼!  
  Topic: The Longest Tennis Match in History史上最长网球比赛(下)  Host:
Gary (Jingan Center, Shanghai)     Commentators and TV presenters were forced find any available space - sitting on the floor and squeezing through the crowd.
  (因为人太多)解说员和电视转播者被迫寻找着任何空闲之地——坐在地板上,推搡着人群。     Even Mahut's mother struggled to get courtside having to show her security pass(安全通行证)before being allowed through.
  甚至马胡的妈妈在准许进入之前,也要在挤入球场边缘区时出示她的安全通行证。     At the end of the second day's play the two players left the court to a standing ovation(长时间起立鼓掌)from the crowd.
  在两天比赛的最后,两位球员让网球场上持续回想着来自人群的长时间掌声。      Overnight the scoreboard had to be fixed as it froze on a score of 47 all.
  The players had continued much further through the set, setting a score of 59 all.
  双方球员继续在此局鏖战,将比分锁定在了59-59。     At 68-all the first signs of tension crept in. Isner chucked his racquet to the floor, and fell 0-30 behind.
  在68-68时,比赛的激战形势第一次出现。伊斯内尔把他的球拍扔到了地上,以0-30落后对手。     However, he composed(v.镇定) himself and went on to win the game 40 – 30.
  但是,他使自己镇静下来,最后以40-30反超。     At 60-61, Mahut's fingers jabbed(v.戳) at his stomach. He had cramps(抽筋,痉挛). Still he held his serve and he pumped his fist.
  当比分为60-61时,马胡的手指戳在了他的肚子。他抽筋了。但是他仍旧坚持发球,并举起拳头为自己打气。     Isner eventually won the match with a score of 70 - 68 in the final set.
  伊斯内尔最后以70-68在决胜局中获胜。     &He’s a champion,& Mahut said after hugging his opponent at net. &We just played the greatest match at the greatest tournament.&  “他是冠军,”马胡赛后在球网这拥抱了他的对手。“我们在最棒的巡回赛中打了一场最棒的比赛。”     He also added: “This will stick with me for the rest of my life, but I hope it doesn’t define my career.”   他还补充道:“这场比赛会一直伴随着我,但我不希望它已勾勒出我的职业道路。     Forty bottles of water, 12 energy bars, seven racquets and three bananas were drank, eaten and used in the epic(adj.史诗的,壮观的) match.
  【心理】人生苦短,停止与别人比较吧!      Life’s Enough: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others     “Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.” - Marquis de Condorcet     If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your weaknesses, how do you think you’d size up(判断,评估)? And do you think this would make you feel good?     The funny thing is, this is what most of us do at one time or another — and some of us do pretty often.     And that’s so important — being able to look at your own strengths, and see your true value. It’s actually one of the keys to success, because without this ability, you will be unmotivated(adj.无动力的), and won’t believe in yourself.     My quick advice: try to be aware of(意识到)when you start comparing yourself to others … once you’ve developed this awareness, try this trick (n.技巧): stop yourself. Tell yourself, “Stop that!” And then start thinking about all the things you DO have, the things you love, the people you have, the blessings (n.幸运的事) that life has given you. Make this a regular practice, and you’ll start to be happier with your life.     参考翻译:  孔多塞曾说过:“不与别人比较,过好属于自己的生活。”     如果你用自己的弱点与别人的优点比较,你如何能正确评价自己?你认为这样会使自己快乐吗?      但有趣的是,大多数人有时就会这样做,甚至有些人会经常这样。}


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