drive irql_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Windows 8.1 Pro x64 这个应该如何修复啊 没有window光

如何优雅地使用 Windows 8/8.1?
注意:此问题强调是Windows 8!如何优雅地使用WIN8?(包括现已出的8.1,以及以后可能会出的WIN8框架内后续版本)如何很好地利用好触摸屏,以及METRO界面(包括软件安装的选择,系统设置的调整等)欢迎长答案和建设性回答(参考相似问题“如何优雅地使用Windows?”)欢迎吐槽,但也请有理 有据 有节欢迎大家多多邀请自己身边用WIN8的同学传送门
首先是没有必要(如下面评论有朋友提到的,win8是自带杀毒的——windows defender。然后打开那个被很多人自作聪明关掉了的uac,让你可以掌控管理员权限。(什么?你嫌麻烦!你都把最高权限开放了还扯什么安全呢!看看人家linux要sudo都得输密码呢!))
当然我还是澄清一下,我不反对别人用360,因为I don't care,而且它确实帮助了很多小白用户,所以我觉得我不能黑它。但这里提到要“优雅”,我就不建议了。注册个ms id是你使用win8第一件要做的大事。它会通过skydrive帮你备份系统设置,下次重装你只要登陆账号就可以在几秒内看到你原来熟悉的界面和设置,类似于icloud之于mac os。锁屏壁纸这个因人而异,当然,尽可能简洁。图片密码。这货感觉比起安卓的画线条来的要和谐点。当然,比起指纹识别就弱爆了。使用好metro应用的推送功能。例如下图的qq推送,你并不需要挂qq.
类似的还有微博,skype。使用好metro的动态磁贴。 邮箱无疑是最赞的一个。请好好利用。你只要打开电脑就可以看到今天的邮件,更优雅的是你不用打开邮箱应用就能直接从磁贴上了解到主要信息(发件人,主题,部分内容)。这便是metro的设计理念——凸显信息。每个磁贴都是一个展现信息的窗口,这才是名副其实的视窗(windows)系统有木有。
类似的还有天气,qq,资讯应用。(见图中相应的磁贴)xbox music。 跟wp一样,你只需要按一下音量键就能出现音乐控件,全局的。这意味着你可以在任何一
个层级都可以切歌,暂停。不用再返回桌面。所以要优雅,就不要使用酷狗,qq music之类
的了。好好利用自带的手势。左边缘滑动——切换应用,右边缘——charm栏。上边缘——呼出菜单。上到下——关闭应用。我最喜欢是左边缘滑动,切换非常流畅顺滑;而且metro的机制也可以让妈妈不用再担心你忘了关后台了,你只需要从左一滑就够了,应用到了后台就冻结了。(有人吐槽metro全屏不利于工作。个人认为当你尝试到左边缘切换的便捷后,你会爱上这种沉浸式体验的。你不用再忍受堆叠无数窗口让你注意力涣散,然后切换应用时还得忍受窗口各种重叠遮掩带来的不快。当然,15‘以上高分屏可以无视。)win+x (鼠标右键开始按钮)这个都不会你真不敢跟别人说你用win8。
快捷功能菜单,如图。你不用再苦苦记住各种英文然后win+r输入执行。win+x菜单里集成了各种常用的功能模块。下面有人(@)提到了分屏功能,的确值得一说。比如一边微博一边qq。这功能在移动设备上绝对是一大亮点。然后说一说8.1的搜索。 本地,网络通吃。但是速度没win8时候那么行云流水了,有点小延迟,不爽。用win8当然少不了优雅简洁的office2013啦!远离什么猫狗输入法吧,每天时不时就弹出个窗口我确实接受不了,自带的已经很不错了,很metro很简约。如果你非要第三方输入法,那选择没有广告没有弹窗的bing输入法吧。没有必要的情况下不要关机,合上盖子(睡眠),随用随开,这样在你打开盖子的瞬间系统已经准备好了,并且耗电微乎其微。虽然win8的启动速度可以达到惊人的8秒,但每次都关机不是个好习惯。win8一开始也是故意弱化关机键的存在感的。最后,最优雅的就是买个surface pro。这样你才能完全的发挥出win8的功能,也能体会到win8的设计理念(pc平板二合一)。————下图来自百度。————————————————— 补充: ————————————————超极本(surface pro其实也算超极本),标志着pc的未来——移动化。笔记本诞生的使命是“便携性”,但多年来却在追逐性能的路上迷失方向,臃肿厚重,续航坑爹。多少人都是把笔记本当成一台勉强能挪动的台式机用。这本身就违背了产品的初衷和理念。苹果是罕见的能深刻理解产品理念的公司,所以当第一台macbook air从信封里拿出来时,人们才惊呼:电脑原来还可以这么便携。3年后wintel阵营在移动浪潮袭击中才恍然大悟,推出超极本。(操,足足被苹果甩了3年。不过方向终归是走对了!)3年后wintel阵营在移动浪潮袭击中才恍然大悟,推出超极本。(操,足足被苹果甩了3年。不过方向终归是走对了!)历史的车轮会碾碎所有固步自封的事物,变还有一线希望,不变就只有等死,而且在it行业,死的速度比你想象的还要快。所以敢于变革本身就是一种魄力。软件带动硬件的发展,硬件促进软件的变革,这是这几十年IT发展过程中颠扑不破的真理。没有面向触摸的ios,你手里的手机应该还带着键盘(你说安卓?那是ios之后的事了)。win8如果不变革,pc行业就会陷入一个山穷水尽的境地。所以微软当然不会告诉你去用win7,它要借助庞大的用户群为它快速建立一个新的生态系统,而这个过程还可以重新改造用户的习惯。要记住,用户实际上并不知道自己需要什么,用户的需求是随着大环境在改变,当年多少人说手机键盘好用打字快,最后当身边都是琳琅满目的触摸屏的时候,才不管什么好不好用呢什么习惯呢,反正拿着键盘确实out了,不换也得换(不要笑,这只是大多数人的正常心理而已)。当市面上都是win8设备时,人们就会把pc触摸化当成理所当然了,即使你现在在嘲讽它。/*----------------------------------------------------&hr /&----------------------------------------------------*/
被宿舍小胖子拉着第一时间更新了笔记本电脑和平板的 Win 8.1 系统,手机的 WP 自己没有使用过所以就不写了。个人是非常喜欢 METRO 风格和极简风格的,所以从视觉和使用两方面分享一下使用心得。很多技巧前人都说尽了,所以我会避免重复。【视觉】锁屏:这里推荐一款 APP:“爱壁纸 HD”。好处大概有这么三个:壁纸质量和清晰度都很高,可以直接下载到本地或者收藏到云端,用做桌面壁纸或者其他背景皆可(用这张壁纸缅怀一下 Paul Walker…)可以直接设置想要的壁纸为锁屏壁纸,不需要进入设置菜单可以设置收藏的壁纸轮流成为锁屏壁纸,还可以在壁纸上添加天气信息(今儿天气还不错~),让你每一次呼出锁屏菜单都有不一样的视觉感受~登陆密码:Win 8 会给用户提供三种登陆密码方式:密码;图片密码和 PIN 密码。在不同的设备上我推荐使用不同的密码:普通密码用在电脑上(有一定复杂性确保安全,全键盘输入也不会影响速度)图片密码用在平板上(最大化发挥触控的优势,同时也非常有观赏性)PIN 密码用在手机上(四位数字方便输入,同时比图片密码更安全)所以想在 win 8.1 平板上让登陆密码都优雅起来,非图片密码莫属。(我会说我的登录密码是连续点击那个小姑娘鼻头三次么&.&)桌面背景:作为一个简洁风格爱好者我基本上不会允许桌面上有任何东西的存在,我们可以通过利用任务栏和开始菜单的固定完成对桌面图标的清理,这里要感谢一下另外两位知友的建议:滑动关机:可以参考一下某位匿名知友的答案,(传送门在这儿:)怎么设置说的很详细,我就晒一张自己设置好了的图片给大家,虽然说尽量不要关机是好事情,但是用了这个设置总是会很想很想很想很想……关机……(任务栏的关机按钮就是按照那个答案的设置自己换了个图标,只需要单击关机按钮就会呼出优雅的滑动关机)必应桌面: 提到了必应桌面每天会把必应首页图片设置成背景,我试用了一下非常喜欢,下图是必应桌面的截图(但是实在是想吐槽一下必应桌面的所有图片都是带有必应水印的,用在桌面唯一不舒服的一点),必应桌面最大的优点就是每次更新的图片质量很高而且不是你自己收藏的,所以大多时候都会有一种惊喜感。另外, 也提到了 Win8 本身自带的更换壁纸功能,如果你自己是有一个心水的高清壁纸库的话可以使用这个功能(我之前提到的爱壁纸 HD 这个时候就可以派上用场了~),给个教程链接:,很简单。开始菜单:最能体现出 METRO 风格的设计。Win 8.1 优化了动态磁贴的排列方式,同时也优化了开始菜单的分组功能,还让开始菜单可以和桌面分享一个背景而不是 Win 8 时代的纯色花纹背景,可以说让开始菜单更加具有自定义性:动态磁贴:邮箱的磁贴非常赞!这个 已经说过了。我觉得比较好的磁贴还有日历,照片,旅游,资讯等,很多第三方 APP 的磁贴也非常好看。对了,不要打开视频类 APP(暴风影音/风行 etc.)的磁贴,否则你会后 悔 的!各种风格的电视剧/综艺节目海报持续不断的刷来刷去会让你的优(BI)雅(GE)瞬间碎成渣渣……分组:说实话,Win 8.1 给开始菜单原有的分组加上了自定义组名的功能对于用户并不会方便多少,但是对于提升用户使用 Win 8.1 的优(BI)雅(GE)程度还是不错的,也会使开始菜单整体更结构化。【使用】应用程序:因为 Win 8 应用商店现在的发展远远比不上 iOS 和 Android,导致针对 Win 8 的最大槽点永远都一定是 APP 的质量,8.1更新了之后大幅的更改过应用商店,说一下用的比较顺手的几个:邮箱:不得不赞一下 Win 8 的邮箱真的是极大的方便了查询邮件的效率:导入账号速度快;邮件更新快;磁贴预览;一联网自动登录。让我基本上摆脱了 Outlook 等软件和网页直接登录邮箱的操作模式。(涉及到隐私所以放一个很久没用的 Hotmail 邮箱大概让大家明白界面就好…)日历:最大的优点在于当我们设置了时间提醒的时候,我们的 WP 手机,Win 8 电脑和平板都会在同一时间做出反应,最大化的减少了提醒被忽略掉的可能性,我们提前写好的日程也会以磁贴的方式在开始菜单不断刷新。XBOX 的各种游戏:如果不是 iOS 的操作系统,那就彻底忘掉 iOS 的游戏吧,微软XBOX 的游戏在制作上其实并不输于 iOS 平台上的很多游戏,由于 XBOX 是家用游戏主机出身,很多游戏在操作性和观赏性上基本可以秒杀 iOS 以娱乐性为主的小游戏。如果可以的话,找个手柄,在平板或者电脑上玩几局 “HALO”(XBOX真正的优势在于大屏幕游戏)……够了够了不要再玩物丧志了……微软账号: 讲的很明白了,我觉得真正让微软 MS ID 很优(BI)雅(GE)的地方就在于,它不但同步了不同接口设备间 Win 8 OS 的设置和 SkyDrive 的云端备份存储,还顺带着同步了你的 MS Office 2013 系列套件和 XBOX 账号数据,没办法谁让人家都是微软的亲儿子呢…手势&快捷键:这些之前大概都很全了,不多说。——————————————————————————————————最后,最重要的一点,也是最关键的一点,就是亲们,正版激活一定要搞定啊……不管是 Win 8 的正版激活还是 Office 2013 的正版激活,一定要激活啊,一定要用正版啊!否则很多东西根本是优(ZHUANG)雅(BI)不起来的啊……你用着也闹心是不是?——————————————————————————————————添加一些东西:()有朋友在问关于邮件怎么添加新账户的问题,我觉得是很有代表性的关于侧边栏的问题,所以再少说几句侧边栏的问题。在官方的邮件 APP 中,添加账户只需要鼠标在右侧扫出侧边栏,在设置中选择账户即可,如下图:说到侧边栏,这是 Win 8 的设计极其容易被忽略的地方,很多朋友会不知道其实在不同的 APP 下点击“设置”,滑出的菜单是不一样的,就算知道的朋友在遇到问题能够第一时间反应到去滑扫侧边栏的也不会很多,这是一个习惯培养的问题,尤其是像邮箱这种本身带有下边栏,可以通过右键或者通过手势从下方/上方滑出下边栏/上边栏的 APP(应用商店也是一个很好的例子),很少有人会注意侧边栏的存在。因为 Win 8 向平板化做了很大的兼容,所以很多时候弱化了右键的作用,更是直接取消了非桌面 APP 形态下右键的呼出菜单。部分右键的内容就被移到了上/下边栏内,还有部分被移到了侧边栏。
1. 不要使用StartIsBack。学会使用Win8/8.1的第一步,就是学会抛弃传统开始菜单。即便是在98时代,我也不喜欢使用开始菜单,冗长的软件列表与系统功能混在一起,加上经常无法被正常移除的快捷方式,一直让我认为开始菜单是一个反人类的设计。但是由于习惯问题,很多人无法离开传统开始菜单,尽管Win8提供了一套更佳的解决方案。接下来说说我的解决方案。a). 保持桌面整洁。电脑桌面和你的书桌其实是一样的。如果你的书桌上堆了一堆乱七八糟的东西,即便是紫檀的也优雅不起来。这并不是说必须保持桌面上空无一物。所以,桌面上应该放的是你最频繁使用的文档(正在阅读的pdf、word、excel之类),临时创建的文件(如刚截的图、刚接收的文件)等,并如同清理书桌一样定期(每周,甚至每次关电脑前抽出5分钟)清理,该删除的删除,该存档的归置到相应位置,还在频繁使用的图标也整理到合适的位置。再配上一张喜爱的壁纸,绝对会令你耳目一新。有人可能会问,桌面都清了,应用和文件怎么打开?b). 合理使用任务栏。将最常使用的软件(2-3个)pin到任务栏上,如浏览器等。(屏幕较小的时候,可以设置使用小按钮)如果经常使用Word之类文档,可以把相应文档拖到任务栏c). 合理使用开始屏幕。开始屏幕上Win8.1较Win8的一个改进是,安装的程序将不会自动固定到开始屏幕,像Win8那样安装一个输入法就有六七个图标固定到开始屏幕的问题也解决了(但麻烦的是你需要自己找到希望固定到开始屏幕的磁贴,不过这也很轻松)。开始屏幕就像书桌下方侧面较大的柜子,比抽屉稍微麻烦,但容量更大。大多数使用频率较高的应用都应该放置在开始屏幕,并置于最顺手的位置。合理的利用分组和更灵活的磁贴大小,排出自己认为最美观、最高效的样子。(此处就偷懒不贴图了)c). 合理使用开始屏幕。开始屏幕上Win8.1较Win8的一个改进是,安装的程序将不会自动固定到开始屏幕,像Win8那样安装一个输入法就有六七个图标固定到开始屏幕的问题也解决了(但麻烦的是你需要自己找到希望固定到开始屏幕的磁贴,不过这也很轻松)。开始屏幕就像书桌下方侧面较大的柜子,比抽屉稍微麻烦,但容量更大。大多数使用频率较高的应用都应该放置在开始屏幕,并置于最顺手的位置。合理的利用分组和更灵活的磁贴大小,排出自己认为最美观、最高效的样子。(此处就偷懒不贴图了)d). 合理使用内置搜索。除了开始屏幕,应用屏幕展示了几乎所有你的应用(「绿色版」除外)。这是展开版的传统菜单,更长更繁杂。不过好在有搜索功能,我们几乎可以不用打开它。就一般使用的中文系统而言,搜索支持英文和中文两种形式,遗憾的是不支持拼音。你可以在搜索结果中直接对应用进行操作。Win8.1还将Bing整合到了搜索中。e). 合理使用库。库可以很好的帮助你规整你的文档,在家庭组和工作网络中开启共享等。Win8.1中将SkyDrive整合到库(8.1中「库」改名为「文件夹」),在联网状态下通过与本地文件一样的打开、复制、粘贴就可以轻松使用SkyDrive。使用库有几点值得注意的,一是使用前可以将路径设置为非系统盘,节约系统盘空间,e). 合理使用库。库可以很好的帮助你规整你的文档,在家庭组和工作网络中开启共享等。Win8.1中将SkyDrive整合到库(8.1中「库」改名为「文件夹」),在联网状态下通过与本地文件一样的打开、复制、粘贴就可以轻松使用SkyDrive。使用库有几点值得注意的,一是使用前可以将路径设置为非系统盘,节约系统盘空间,二是不要在库文件夹中放置敏感数据,这些文件夹对家庭和工作网络较公开,而且可以被metro应用访问(前提是安装前经过你的同意,但是大多数人常常没有注意这些信息)。敏感信息应当存放到专门的分区并进行加密。二是不要在库文件夹中放置敏感数据,这些文件夹对家庭和工作网络较公开,而且可以被metro应用访问(前提是安装前经过你的同意,但是大多数人常常没有注意这些信息)。敏感信息应当存放到专门的分区并进行加密。f). 合理使用快捷键。我认为win8比win7更便捷的地方即在于此(针对传统键盘用户)。其中最主要的是WIN+X系列。以下是我使用频率最高的WIN+X快捷键:WIN+1,2,3……:打开/激活位于任务栏上相应位置的程序WIN+X+C/A :命令提示符/(管理员模式)WIN+X+Y:系统WIN+X+W:网络WIN+X+P:控制面板。在配上传统的一些快捷键如WIN+E、WIN+R、Ctrl+Shift+Esc等,几乎能够便捷的满足日常的操作需求。至于有些人吐槽的关机问题,我一直以来的做法是在电源选项中将电源按钮操作设置为关机。2. 如很多答案中提到的那样,不使用360等「■■」软件,UAC+WIndows Defender足以满足日常需求。3. 最好不要装双系统。Win8由于采用了与以往不同的关机模式与引导模式,当你正常关机同时不需要进入系统选单时,开机速度是极快的(系统盘为SSD时基本可控制在3、4秒)。如果进入了系统选单,即便还是选择启动Win8,会重新进入启动阶段。(这一点因为是大半年装linux时的体验,可能会有错误,欢迎指正)其他诸如使用微软账号登录、分屏等大家都有提到过,再次就不重复叙述了。想到再补。=====Update 11.15=========经提醒,分享一款不错的内存清理软件Wise Memory Optimizer。Windows任务管理器本身可以查看网络流量。找软件的话国内的大部分常用软件都可以直接百度(P.S. 软件下载最好还是官网,或者至少自己准备一个MD5计算器用来和官方版本比较)。=====Update 14.02.12=========应要求放上壁纸。应要求放上壁纸。
的答案已经比较完全,赞同大部分意见。补充几点如下:留白:动态磁贴的摆放千万别直接用默认的满满一屏,请擅用分组。排布磁贴时多用留白,加上调整磁贴4种大小来排布错落有致的信息。这也是磁贴设计的本意。(吐个糟:Win8上的磁贴排布效果比WP8弱爆了,不能完全随心所欲,配合分组才能稍稍弥补。)同步:桌面排布同步的选项千万不要开,不同尺寸屏幕的磁贴请单独排布,直接同步过去很难看。背景:背景直接用桌面的请注意选择背景图的色调、内容,很好看的背景图上堆一堆纯色磁贴未必好看。(再次吐糟:说好的开始菜单背景图虚化呢?)鼠标:鼠标在Win8中的效率完全不逊于触屏,在传统桌面下不论,Win8的一些基础操作用鼠标也非常方便:呼出超级按钮,鼠标指针移到右下角或右上角;呼出后台程序列表:鼠标指针移到左上角;打开全部应用:点向下箭头;打开应用自身菜单:应用中右键;关闭应用:鼠标指针放显示器上边缘中间,按住左键下拉到底(分屏是下拉到中间向左或向右)。真没觉得比触屏差到哪里。反之倒是一些第三方Metro应用对键盘支持的稀烂。工具:Rainmeter、RocketDock等等多了去了,以前的windows怎么用工具折腾现在还怎么折腾,没什么差别的,不过就不在“优雅的使用Win8”的范围了。本人两台用Win8的设备:PC,21.5“显示器、平板电脑:10.1”屏幕,操作系统都是Windows 8.1 Pro
一、摆好砖块是优雅的第一步很多人说Win8的Metro反人类,我一点都不觉得,砖块摆的合理一点不仅好看而且好用,开机一眼就能看完天气、邮件和重要新闻,难道不赞么?很多人说Win8的Metro反人类,我一点都不觉得,砖块摆的合理一点不仅好看而且好用,开机一眼就能看完天气、邮件和重要新闻,难道不赞么?如果你真的很讨厌这些砖块,你可以只把常用的软件pin到开始界面,那它还是能承担传统开始菜单的功能,只不过换了一套马甲而已。ps.Win 8.1支持开机直接进入传统桌面了。二、找个漂亮的锁屏壁纸和解锁图案Win8锁屏壁纸不知道怎么截- -,图片密码借用一下Win8锁屏壁纸不知道怎么截- -,图片密码借用一下的图片,有兴趣的可以看一下这个视频,很好玩的三、挖掘好系统潜力Win8集成了很多新特性,是目前最好用的Windows,没有之一。当然前提是你要会用1、win+x功能菜单不要再说没有开始菜单不方便了,它真的只是换了个马甲而已不要再说没有开始菜单不方便了,它真的只是换了个马甲而已2、用好自带app
③没有必要安装杀毒软件Windows 8把MSE(Win7时代微软的免费杀软)集成到了Windows Defender里面,如果不乱上一些奇奇怪怪的网站的话,基本上不会中毒。不过装个工具类软件偶尔清清垃圾我觉得还是ok的,不推荐整天刷存在感的流氓360,就算装了也千万别把加速球放桌面上,那真的真的很拉低档次!3、定期清理桌面+壁纸幻灯片干净的桌面自己看着也舒服,Windows早就有自动切换壁纸的功能了,找一套好的壁纸是“优雅”的使用电脑的基本要素吧。干净的桌面自己看着也舒服,Windows早就有自动切换壁纸的功能了,找一套好的壁纸是“优雅”的使用电脑的基本要素吧。个人不推荐使用所谓的美化软件,因为Win8本身其实已经很优雅了,如果有个触摸屏那就更优雅了。目前想到的就是这些,欢迎大家批评指正 :-)
其实很多要注意的地方大家都说了,你把所有回答看完自己应该总结到了,看了这些回答,我也是受益匪浅啊!简单说下,不管windows如何更新,肯定是离不了传统桌面和开始屏幕,这也是我们使用系统接触最多的地方。桌面的快捷方式可以选择不显示,任务栏也可以设置自动隐藏,打开软件怎么办呢?可以用RocketDock这类的软件,当然也可以固定任务栏,但是RocketDock这样的软件修改图标更方便,而且内置的选择更丰富,所以推荐结合使用。任务栏还是默认放在屏幕底部最符合习惯,如果放顶部,容易在打开其他浏览器或者软件时,和工具栏菜单栏相互冲突,不方便点击,屏幕右侧有charm栏,不应该放任务栏或者RocketDock。屏幕左侧是最适合的,鼠标往左侧一甩,非常方便优雅的就会弹出来或者打开(RocketDock可设置自动隐藏)。 使用Start Menu 8 可以通过点击开始按钮弹出开始屏幕,可以选择宽或者高,比传统的全屏显示更方便,一点即出,不用点击后在转到开始屏幕页面。常用的很多软件,比如天气、闹钟这样的工具软件,还有听音乐看视频这样的播放软件,直接使用应用商店里的应用更加方便,就不必下载传统的桌面版本了。当然有些软件桌面版更强大,可以结合使用。除了软件,硬件也必不可少,选择一款具有特殊功能键的键盘,可以一键搜索、打开这台电脑、打开浏览器、加减音量、上一曲下一曲等等。
要优雅的使用win8,首先要学会————不要关机。自从用了win8我基本一周关一次机= =|||当然如果你为了优雅的关机的话,可以使用win8.1隐藏技能:滑动关机。虽然win8不鼓励用户关机。尽管"滑动关机"选项默认没有激活,但是你也可以很简单地把它"召唤"出来,甚至创建一个快捷方式。愿意尝试的话,你可以参照如下操作:  运行(WinKey+R)-&输入"slidetoshundown.exe"-&点击"OK"-&出现界面,向下↓拖动,即可关闭Windows。 如果不想每次都打字,用户也可以创建一个快捷方式:  到C:\Windows\System32搜索SlideToShutDown,然后可以通过右键菜单固定其到开始屏幕或创建快捷方式。由于这个exe文件本身没有图标,所以我们可以对其快捷方式设置图标。来源:
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driver_irql_not_less_or_equal windows 8.1 (tcpip.sys)
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For a couple of months now i've been suffering with random BSOD's on my new computer (only six months old), and it's really starting to bug me a lot now, especially as whenever i've searched for a fix for any of the errors i see conflicting fixes everywhere. So i thought i'd come here to see if anybody knew how to fix this issue.
Sadly it isn't just the BSOD i put in the topic title that is the problem, i'm also getting whea_uncorrectable_error's and another one which i can't remember the full name of  at the moment. I'm not sure what information you guys need to figure out what's wrong, or how i'd go about obtaining it, so any guidance there would be appreciated!
Thanks for reading, and hopefully someone knows what the problem is,
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hello! and welcome, please follow the below steps
Upload the actual crash dump files.
You will find the crash dump files inside C:\Windows\Minidump folder. To copy the dumps, disable "User Account Control" first. Otherwise you may receive a permission error. After disabling UAC, copy and zip all the dumps using 7-zip (
). Either attach the zip with next reply using "More reply options --& Attach files" or use a free file hosting site. 
For example -&
Publish a snapshot of your system using Speccy.
Please follow the below tutorial to know how to use "Speccy" to collect system info.
Don't paste the output displayed by "Speccy" here. Instead paste the web link it displays.
 Minitoolbox log.
Download "Minitoolbox" from the below link.
 Run the tool and only select the following tick boxes.
List last 10 Event viewer errors
List installed program
List users, partition and memory size
List Minidumps
Now click "Go" and post the output displayed in next reply.
Edited by acerts04, 10 March 2014 - 07:33 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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Hey, thanks for the reply, but i'm having a problem with Speccy.
Whenever i run the program i immediately get a BSOD, i tried it twice thinking that the first time was a fluke, but it happened the second time as well. I did manage to grab a screenshot of the error though, since it was too long to copy down or remember.
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ok well please just try to get the crash dump files into a zip file and uploaded at least,  it is very important for me to analyze and try to pinpoint what is causing your crashes. also if you can get the minitoolbox log if possible, but if you cant get minitoolbox, then just the crash dumps are fine. those are first priority.
Edited by acerts04, 10 March 2014 - 08:26 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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Okay, well i have the other two parts here for you.
MiniToolBox by Farbar  Version: 23-01-2014
Ran by Bradley (administrator) on 11-03-2014 at 01:42:06
Running from "C:\Users\Bradley\Downloads"
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro  (X64)
Boot Mode: Normal
========================= Event log errors: ===============================
Application errors:
Error: (03/11/:21 AM) (Source: Office 2013 Licensing Service) (User: )
Description: Subscription licensing service failed: -
Error: (03/11/:27 AM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: )
Description: The program PhotosApp.exe version 6.3. stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
Process ID: 109c
Start Time: 01cf3cc
Termination Time:
Application Path: C:\Windows\FileManager\PhotosApp.exe
Report Id: c2a181fd-a8b9-11e3-82a0-94de
Faulting package full name: FileManager_6.3._neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Faulting package-relative application ID: Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager
Error: (03/11/:17 AM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell) (User: Corsair)
Description: Activation of app FileManager_cw5n1h2txyewy!Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager failed with error: - See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.
Error: (03/11/:09 AM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell) (User: Corsair)
Description: App FileManager_6.3._neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy+Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager did not launch within its allotted time.
Error: (03/11/:10 AM) (Source: Steam Client Service) (User: )
Description: Error: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/11/:57 AM) (Source: Steam Client Service) (User: )
Description: Error: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:53 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (User: )
Description: Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object.
AddLegacyDriverFiles: Unable to back up image of binary Microsoft Link-Layer Discovery Protocol.
System Error:
Access is denied.
Error: (03/10/:21 PM) (Source: Steam Client Service) (User: )
Description: Error: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:06 PM) (Source: Steam Client Service) (User: )
Description: Error: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:56 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (User: )
Description: Activation context generation failed for "Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.".
Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50608.0" could not be found.
Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
System errors:
Error: (03/11/:17 AM) (Source: DCOM) (User: Corsair)
Description: Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager
Error: (03/11/:56 AM) (Source: BugCheck) (User: )
Description: 0x (0x00f6, 0x0790, 0xffffe, 0xfffff)C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP56-01
Error: (03/11/:53 AM) (Source: EventLog) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 00:58:13 on ?11/?03/?2014 was unexpected.
Error: (03/11/:23 AM) (Source: BugCheck) (User: )
Description: 0x (0x00f6, 0x0674, 0xffffe, 0xfffff8)C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP31-01
Error: (03/11/:13 AM) (Source: EventLog) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 00:29:52 on ?11/?03/?2014 was unexpected.
Error: (03/10/:56 PM) (Source: BugCheck) (User: )
Description: 0xx0000, 0xffffe8, 0xa)C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP93-01
Error: (03/10/:52 PM) (Source: EventLog) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 22:28:59 on ?10/?03/?2014 was unexpected.
Error: (03/10/:06 PM) (Source: BugCheck) (User: )
Description: 0x (0xffffcf, 0x0, 0xfffff8)C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP84-01
Error: (03/10/:59 PM) (Source: EventLog) (User: )
Description: The previous system shutdown at 20:52:43 on ?10/?03/?2014 was unexpected.
Error: (03/10/:27 PM) (Source: DCOM) (User: Corsair)
Description: {BF6C1E47-86EC--13C15DCB2001}
Microsoft Office Sessions:
Error: (03/11/:21 AM) (Source: Office 2013 Licensing Service)(User: )
Description: Subscription licensing service failed: -
Error: (03/11/:27 AM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: )
Description: PhotosApp.exe6.3.9c01cf3cc4967295C:\Windows\FileManager\PhotosApp.exec2a181fd-a8b9-11e3-82a0-94deFileManager_6.3._neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewyMicrosoft.Windows.PhotoManager
Error: (03/11/:17 AM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell)(User: Corsair)
Description: FileManager_cw5n1h2txyewy!Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager-
Error: (03/11/:09 AM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-Immersive-Shell)(User: Corsair)
Description: FileManager_6.3._neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy+Microsoft.Windows.PhotoManager
Error: (03/11/:10 AM) (Source: Steam Client Service)(User: )
Description: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/11/:57 AM) (Source: Steam Client Service)(User: )
Description: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:53 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2)(User: )
AddLegacyDriverFiles: Unable to back up image of binary Microsoft Link-Layer Discovery Protocol.
System Error:
Access is denied.
Error: (03/10/:21 PM) (Source: Steam Client Service)(User: )
Description: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:06 PM) (Source: Steam Client Service)(User: )
Description: Failed to poke open firewall
Error: (03/10/:56 PM) (Source: SideBySide)(User: )
Description: Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50608.0"c:\program files\Autodesk\composite2014\python\lib\distutils\command\wininst-8_d.exe
CodeIntegrity Errors:
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
  Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\xapauthenticodesip.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements.
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Microsoft Access MUI (English) 2013 (Version: 15.0.)
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Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0. (Version: 9.0.)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0. (Version: 9.0.)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 (Version: 9.0.30729)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0. (Version: 9.0.)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0. (Version: 9.0.)
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Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.50727 (Version: 11.0.50727)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.60610 (Version: 11.0.60610)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.50727 (Version: 11.0.50727)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60610 (Version: 11.0.60610)
Microsoft Word MUI (English) 2013 (Version: 15.0.)
Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 (Version: 8.0.)
Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 (Version: 1.00.0000)
mIRC (Version: 7.32)
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WinPcap 4.1.3 (Version:
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Total Virtual: 4095.88 MB
Available Virtual: 3974.68 MB
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it looks like you might have a hardware issue and an issue with your intel gigbit adapter driver based on your crash dumps . the hardware issue could be because of temperatures or voltages. do you have any overclocking on your cpu? if you do please go into bios and load optimized defaults. also please check your motherboard manufacture's website for a bios update. if none of that helps we should run memtest86+ to rule out memory. also if possible try and get that speccy snapshot again. but first update your INTEL GIGABIT adapter.
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 124, {0, ffffe8, be0110a}
Probably caused by : GenuineIntel
Followup: MachineOwner
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck D1, {ffffcf, 2, 0, fffff8}
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for e1i63x64.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for e1i63x64.sys
Probably caused by : e1i63x64.sys ( e1i63x64+251c4 )
Followup: MachineOwner
Driver Description: Intel& Gigabit Adapter
Driver Update Site:
update your driver and see how it goes first, if youre still getting crashes we can take further measures
Edited by acerts04, 10 March 2014 - 10:24 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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Hey, i've updates the dirvers you said to, but i'm still getting the driver violation BSOD when i try to use Speccy,
My computer is not overclocked either.
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what are the specs of this computer? ALSO please boot into bios and see if "turbo mode" is enabled for your cpu. if it is, please turn it off and see if that helps the system. otherwise, read on.
seems that a generic level 2 cache error happened
Error         : GCACHEL2_ERR_ERR (Proc 2 Bank 7)
  Status      : 0xbe0a
  Address     : 0xcdf3a00
  Misc.       : 0x0086
Image name: intelppm.sys
    Timestamp:        Thu Aug 22 04:46:35 2013 (5215CFEB)
although not very old, it wouldnt hurt to check if there is an update for your intel chipset driver.
As for checking hardware, before doing a CPU test i want you to run a memory diagnostic first on your ram with memtest86+ please run it for at least 5-7 passes. this is a guide to burn the iso to either a usb or cd, whichever you prefer.
1. Download the latest version of the "Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7)" from this link:
2. Plug in an empty USB key drive. Size is no concern, as the actual files take up 180 KB of space.
3. Go into the .zip folder you downloaded, and double-click on the .exe file inside.
4. Follow the setup utility. To reduce the risk of problems, it is advised to format the drive.
Method 2: With a CD
1. Download the latest version of the "Precompiled Boot ISO (.zip) from this link:
You want the "Precompiled Boot ISO (.zip)".
2. Open the .zip file you downloaded, and then drag the .ISO file inside onto the Desktop.
3. Right-click on the ISO, and select Open with&Windows Disc Image Burner.
4. Insert a blank CD into the CD drive, and make sure the correct Disc burner is selected.
5. Click on "Burn".
Now the CD is ready to use.
1. With the CD in the drive, or the USB key inserted, reboot your computer. If Memtest does not automatically boot, go into the BIOS and change the CD drive or USB drive to be the first to boot.
2. Memtest will immediately start testing as soon as it boots. No attendance is needed.
3. Let it run until at least 7 passes are completed, or errors are found (whichever comes first). The longer you run it, the better.
Seven passes will take several hours, depending on your amount of RAM. It is advised to leave it running overnight.
reply back if the test finds any errors with your memory
Edited by acerts04, 11 March 2014 - 10:03 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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Memtest fails to to run when i restart my computer, and when i go into the BIOS i have no idea how to make it boot first, the BIOS is a pretty confusing screen for me!
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i apologize for not clarifying.
when you are in bios, use arrow keys to choose ''boot" towards the top of the screen, press enter, and then from there you will use your arrow keys to set cd/dvd or usb as the first bot priority.
what is the make and model of your computer? since we cant get a speccy report ill need you to give me the info. did you put the memtest iso on a cd or usb?
Edited by acerts04, 12 March 2014 - 01:06 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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Hey, i got it running overnight, and it didn't find any errors with my memory. Here's the specs for my computer, it's a custom built one:
And obviously t's running Windows 8.1.
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ok that is good you ran it overnight and that there were no errrors, means your memory is ok. next i would like to test the cpu, we can see if your cpu is faulty by doing this. please follow this below guide carefully. remember to monitor temps while this test is going on and if temps get too close to maximum temp your cpu can handle, shut it down
You will need the following in order to test your CPU for stability:-1. IntelBurnTest - download it 2. Reliable temperature monitoring software. I recommend HWINFO:- - 3. Determine the maximum operating temperature of your CPU:- - Using my system, I'll demonstrate how to safely run IntelBurnTest in the steps below.
Step 1 - Find the CPU max. operating temperatureI have an Intel Core i7-860. According to the Intel product page for , the maximum operating temperature is 72.7 degrees Celcius.
Step 2 - Install HWINFO temperature monitoring softwareDownload and install HWINFO64 (I run Windows 7 Ultimate x64). Open HWINFO, and when prompted, check the Sensor Only option and then run as shown below:
HWINFO will read your system, and then open the Sensor Status panel. Locate the CPU Digital Thermal Sensor items, as shown below:
Take note of the current temperatures when the system is idling, and ensure that there is a differential between the system idle temperature and maximum CPU operating temperature in excess of 20 degrees Celcius - recall that IntelBurnTest will cause your CPU to operate approximately 20 degrees above its idle temperature. If your differential is less than 20 degrees, then I recommend not to proceed with running IntelBurnTest.In my case, I have Max. Temp. 72.6 - Idle Temp. 30 = 40.6 Differential, so its safe for me to run IntelBurnTest.
Ensure that you are operating in the same units of temperature measurement! If your CPU maximum temperature is quoted in Celcius, make 100% sure HWINFO is also reporting in Celcius. Do not mix Celcius with Farenheit. Use the Configure button in HWINFO to change temperature units if neccessary.
Step 3 - Install and Open IntelBurnTestDownload IntelBurnTest, and extract the files from the ZIP file into a folder of your choosing. Open IntelBurnTest by double-clicking the executable. You will see the following panel:
Ensure that you familarise yourself with the location of the Stop button, as shown in red above.Position the IntelBurnTest and HWINFO application windows next to one another in preparation for the tests.
Step 4 - Run IntelBurnTestThere are 5 Stress Level tests to choose from. I am only going to run Standard, High and the Very High tests. The difference betwen the tests is the amount of RAM available to solve an ever-increasing number of linear equations.I recommend using the following parameters on the panel:Time to run : 5Threads: AllClick Start to run the test and be sure to monitor the temperatures in HWINFO. To stop the test at any time, simply click the Stop button.Note that Flame Test icon (the animated flame) is a visual indication that the test is still running. If the flames stop animating, then the software is not responding and can be killed from Task Manager.
If the temperatures approach your CPU maximum operating temperature, you must stop the test immediately, or you risk damaging or destroying your system.
Standard Test: Time taken to complete : ~3mins Maximum temperature : 55 degrees CelciusThis is the typical output.
The time for each test is shown. The speed (GFlops) is a measure of the speed at which the equations are solved. In my case, this is about 35 million floating point operations per second. The results is a residual value which is the accuracy to which the equations are solved. A CPU that has passed the test, is one in which the residual values for each individual test is exactly the same.A Success panel is also shown to confirm the CPU is stable under those test conditions. Note that the maximum temperature attained is 55 degrees Celcius - still well below my TCase temperature of 72.6.The procedure for the High and Very High test is exactly the same, and the results shown below:High Test: Time taken to complete : ~8mins Maximum temperature : 57 degrees Celcius
Very High Test: Time taken to complete : ~21mins Maximum temperature : 58 degrees Celcius
In conclusion you can see that under these 3 tests, my CPU is stable and also that my cooling arrangement (Corsair H60 watercooling kit) is sufficient to keep the CPU well within operating temperatures during these stress tests.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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So i ran the burn test and my idling temperature of 35-40C shot up to 69-71C when i ran the standard test. My CPU's Tcase value is 72.72C, so i shut it down on the second cycle. 
Although the headings on my HWinFO were slightly different from yours, but i assume the part i highlighted here is where i was meant to read the values from?
If so, i take it this indicates that there's an issue with my CPU?
Edited by Bradalee, 13 March 2014 - 04:24 PM.
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hey bradalee, those are the temps you want to monitor. as for cpu issues, intelburntest was not able to finish right? did it give you any results at all? we wont know if it is stable until we get some results out of the test.
intels 'tcase' temp is a bit hard to explain, but it is a bit different from the core temp. basically i would say you are ok up to 75c, possibly a bit more, but we can say 75 to be safe. if your ambient temp (room temp) is under 22C, we can actually put the number up a little higher, but 75 should be good. if you stay in that range and under, let the test run. if it hits the smallest bit above 75, shut it down. i am guessing that you have stock cooling on the cpu? unfortunately stock cooling isnt the greatest. thermal paste might not be great either, causing your temps to be higher.
i really want to at least get one full test in to check the stability of your cpu. try to run it again while monitoring temps, make sure there is good airflow for your case fans to exhaust hot air. intelburntest does bring temps higher a bit quicker than other stability tests, but its ok as long as we stay in the safe range.
couple important things
-have you ever flashed your bios? i just saw there is a bios update for your motherboard that adds support for 4th generation intel processors, if you dont have this bios, it might be causing you problems. go here to download it. it is bios F6. please boot into your bios and choose "system" if your bios version is F6, then disregard, if it is not F6, read on.
i think your motherboard supports qflash, it is a very simple way to update bios. to see if you have qflash, boot into bios and see if somewhere along the top under where it says 'save and exit' says "qflash"  here is a guide
Updating the BIOS with the Q-Flash Utility
A. Before You Begin:
1. From GIGABYTE's website, download the latest compressed BIOS update file that matches your
motherboard model.
2. Extract the file and save the new BIOS file (e.g. EP45DS5.F1) to your floppy disk, USB flash drive,
or hard drive. Note: The USB flash drive or hard drive must use FAT32/16/12 file system.
3. Restart the system. During the POST, press the &End& key to enter Q-Flash. Note: You can
access Q-Flash by either pressing the &End& key during the POST or pressing the &F8& key in
BIOS Setup.
when you get into qflash, choose your usb drive, then the bios file. and it should start updating for you.
DONOT remove the usb drive during update or shut the computer down
after that, choose power off, then reboot into bios to make sure you have the new version. then scroll over to the 'save and exit' screen and choose ' load optimized defaults'
then select save and exit and choose yes to save settings
Edited by acerts04, 13 March 2014 - 06:31 PM.
"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which."
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So i ran the test on standard and temperatures topped out at 70C, then on high they hit 73C at their peak, both times it completed fine and i got the stable system message. I haven't ran the very high though, should i do that?
And yeah, the cooling is stock right now. As for the paste, i can't remember the brand but it came with my parts that i ordered from Overclockers, it wasn't the paste that you get free with the CPU though. 
Edited by Bradalee, 13 March 2014 - 06:04 PM.
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