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关于幻想三国志3 运行时的严重画面问题,真正懂的高手请进!!!
游民步兵, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 493 积分
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首先说明一下硬件的配置上我的笔记本绝对不至于跑不动这款游戏,显卡也应该不成问题,是ATI Mobility Radeon HD4650。(这台笔记本在跑包括使命召唤7在内的很多高质量画面的游戏且效果全开都不至于卡)操作系统为windows7 旗舰版(32位)。
& & 游戏是网上下的,非正版,打过两个升级补丁和免CD补丁。安装在我家的台式机上是可以正常运行的,没有问题。(台式机的操作系统为XP,总体配置和显卡都不如笔记本)但是安装到笔记本上就出现非常严重的画面问题,包括:
& &&&1.在场景中无法显示人物和怪,且背景偶尔会变成一片灰色,只有小地图和鼠标是相对正常显示的。但是操作是可以正常进行的,包括跑动和对话,只是看不见。
& &&&2.对话时只出现字,没有对话框。进入属性或者系统界面则是一片白色,只有字和鼠标是正常显示的,连道具、系统这些按钮都无法显示。
& &&&3.进入战斗后,战斗场景是一片白色,只有人物头像、命令面板和战场的小地图是显示的。我觉得比较重要的一点:命令面板包括人物头像分辨率很低(就是很模糊)。这里再次强调:显卡跑这款游戏绰绰有余,而且显卡驱动已更新到最新,Direct X 版本为 11。跑其他画面要求更高的游戏丝毫没有问题。
& & 我在网上搜了很久,收集了很多人的意见,也尝试了很多办法,基本排除了以下几个原因:1.游戏本身不会有问题,因为在我家的台式机上运行正常。2.不是配置过低的问题。3.不是显卡驱动版本过旧的原因,已经更新到最新。4.应该不是操作系统兼容性的问题,因为可以正常进入游戏,没有报错,只是画面显示的问题。
& & 排除以上的原因,我的推测是显卡与游戏不兼容或者显卡驱动过新?如果是驱动过新,我应该用什么驱动?如果我的猜测不对,那是什么原因,解决方法是什么?
& & 请真正懂的高手解答,感激之至。(我试过N种方法都无效,快绝望了)
& & 补充:我曾试过windows7 的XP MODE 虚拟机运行游戏。但是点击进入游戏之后无反应。我的初步估计是虚拟机的配置不支持这款游戏,不知道是否正确,求解答或解决方法。
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金钱1147 ¥
魅力292 点
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重新下载个& && &&&或重装系统
金钱2861 ¥
魅力673 点
在线时间66 小时
lz你家台式机是什么系统的? 貌似幻想三国志不支持win7...
在线时间1 小时
Yes, you 're right.&&It's not really the driver and graphic card problem. The 64 bit cause the problem.
you have to use VMware workstation 7 with vmware tool to run the game.
For some reason 繁體中文幻想三国志3 and 4 is not 兼容&&with window 7 x64.
繁體中文幻想三国志3 and 4 have a graphic conflict with window 7 x64.
The files that had conflict with window 7 is FS3UI.pak and FS4UI.pak.(probably due to the anti aliasing)
here is the solution :
If you really want to play 幻想三国志3, you have two option.
1) Install 簡體中文幻想三国志3,&&簡體中文 is compatible&&with window 7 x64, but they didn't release the no CD crack for&&簡體中文, therefore, you have to use daemon tool 4.10 or above to pass the Starforce. If it doesn't work, or it say emulation software detected, you will have to use vmware workstation 7 to play.
2) Use vmware workstation 7 with vmware tool.( Use 繁體中文 version)
For 幻想三国志4, you do the same thing. Download 簡體中文幻想三国志4, it will work perfectly with no graphic conflict in window 7 x64.
簡體中文幻想三国志4 (DVD version) is easier to crack, cause all you need to do is use alcohol 120%,
emulate the mds or mdf
run ACID(inside&&alcohol 120% folder),
click Clock.(which hide your emulation)
then start the game, no CD crack required.
Or use Vmware workstation 7 to play, but the character walk very slow.(If you got a messenge
&sorry,this application cannot run under a virtual machine&
just follow this
I would prefer you download 簡體中文幻想三国志4 , rather than play it on vmware.
(make sure you install the 簡體 unofficial Fix patch)
I am not sure if you can use the old 驱动 will make it work.but you can try it.
For XP Mode, forget it. It won't work. XP Mode does not support 3D acceleration. Even if it work, the game will be very lag.
Here is the download link:
幻想三国志3简体( does not include 资料片双飞愿, if you need 资料片, please move down a bit)
幻想三国志3+资料片双飞愿][简体](The 幻想三国志3 setup file is broken(do not use this one to install), but 资料片双飞愿 is not.)(download this one only if you need 资料片双飞愿)
You can you use Mipony, so that you don't need to click each link to download
Ok, I will summarize what I said
The best way to play 幻想三国志3 is on vmware workstation 7,using 繁體中文. it doesn't lag for me.
For 幻想三国志4, the best way is to download 簡體中文幻想三国志4 to play.
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