
给QQ里面的人骗了1000块 原因是他卖手机然后说定金一千 然后我钱给他了他就把我删了 我该怎么办_百度知道
给QQ里面的人骗了1000块 原因是他卖手机然后说定金一千 然后我钱给他了他就把我删了 我该怎么办
可以报警的,只要您有充足的证据可以证明就是可以的。 现在的派出所也很先进的,可以查询网络诈骗案件的
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出门在外也不愁遭遇加纳骗子,一千一百万美元的遗产-完整版 - 外贸钓鱼邮件 - 出口交流 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 遭遇加纳骗子,一千一百万美元的遗产-完整版
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
收到一封来自加纳的邮件,是说她老公死了,自己有癌症也快死了,她老公留下了一笔钱,11 million dollar,如今有一个17岁的儿子,存在加纳银行,但是这钱她取不出来,希望通过一个国外账户,还说拿到钱之后要在中国给他们买房子,安置好她儿子,等等。邮件如下。
My Dear Beloved in Christ,
Greetings and may the good God continue to bless you with many more material and spiritual blessings in the days ahead as well with the Good work you want to do for God, God is good all the time Through God all things are possible. Without Him we can't do anything progressively (John 15), God's eye is looking on you as by 2 chron.20 The eyes of God are upon the earth looking for one who has perfect hearth. Jesus said &I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (John 11:25-26) I pray nothing will happen to me like my doctors said God will heal me with His Power. I also pray for you and your family wish you become a strong godly People and following God's leading in your future life.
I am very happy to read your reply mail today with your concern and I want to thank you for replying so fast. but Before we go further, I deemed it wise to let you know my situation of health is too Deplorable so wee need to move this transaction very fast as soon as possible because of my health and I will like my Son David to come over there after the bank transfer this fund into your account so that he will continue his Education again for his betterment future since he still at the collage. Please open a new account where this money will be transfer.
Like I said earlier, my protracted illness is getting worse which I am now living at the mercy of God and the doctors said that I will die Soon if time did not take fast but I believe in God nothing will happen to me , The main reason I want this money to be transferred out is mainly to take care of my son who I want to move out from&&here to your country after the bank transferred this inheritance fund into your account which I will let you know in due course. I'm Presetting You to the Bank here as our foreign legal guardian who want to help us receive this inheritance fund my Late Husband deposited with them .The said sum was deposited with my son's name as the next of kin by my late husband but since my son has not reached the acclaimed age to claim his Father’s asset here in GHANA, the bank requested for a foreign guardianship that will receive the fund on our behalf.
Please Read Bellow again stated the 6 purposes after you get this money into Your Account
e) AND PART WILL BE USE TO CARE OF MY HEALTH IN YOUR COUNTRY . My prayer is that let His will be done.&&I want to entrust this inheritance fund NOT DIE BEFORE THE TRANSFER&&10%
Well I give God all the glory and the only thing that gives me joy is that he (God) will never into your care for building the house of God and for the betterment of my Son You should understand that am suffering by cancer and stroke since so many year now and I lost my Husband and it remain I and with my only Son left here , please I will need your Honesty and with your Good Cooperation to handle this transaction and I believe that you will handle this transaction with the fear of God because I will like to instruct the Finance House here to release this fund to you and note that after the Finance House release this fund to you by the Grace of God I and my Son will meet you over there I will see the end of this transaction. Remember that the book of Genesis 28:15 And behold, I am with thee and will keep in all places whither thou guest, and will bring them again into this land for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken.
Due to my status, I want everything concerning this transaction to be kept between me and your family. Reply urgently with good faith and also to confirm that you have received this email. And I want you to promise us that you will not let us down after the bank transferred this fund into your account. as The Doctors told me that I will die soon but please if death should come now do make sure that you complete this transaction with the bank and take my son to your country for him to continue his Education , Be in informed that I do not take any step without asking my father in heaven to direct such. I have always prayed for this relationship and I have not stopped praying. It was during this period that I became very apprehensive o f my condition and decided to do something real fast. I have the feeling that God will help us to complete this transaction, Please I want you to understand that this money is the only thing to make a good future for my only son. that you did not let my son down after the bank transfer this money into your account my self I am not afraid of death but my only worried is my son. Please do Reply as soon as you receive this mail with your full name and your address with your direct telephone number&&so that i can send&&you with&&more information and also&&will submit your information to the bank where my Late Husband deposited this inheritance fund.
My Dear beloved in the Lord, I will be waiting For Your Urgent Response&&so that I will give you the contact information of the bank where my late husband deposited this fund to proceed with the transfer into your account. Please I will like you to keep this transaction 100% secret for security of the fund coming into your account because this fund is our last hope and will not like anything to the fund. .
[ 本帖最后由 王杰183 于
13:12 编辑 ]
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #2 salmon901211 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
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回复 #4 salmon901211 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
My Dear Beloved Terrence
I thank you very much for your urgent Response and like i told you before i will visit the bank tomorrow to meet with the bank Manager on how the fund will transfer into your account without any delay. today is a holiday here in Ghana because of the Election in our country today the bank is not working today till today because our country is voting today. Yes My Dear what you said is true after the bank transferred this fund into your account you are going to withdrew some money out send to me i will use pay my bills at the hospital here and use the rest buy our flight ticket to come over there to meet you and you will help my Son David for Good Education because he still at the collage and I want him to become a minister of God. Again you will start now looking for a very Good cancer hospital for me there as there is noon Good one here on our Country. and after the bank transferred this fund into your account you will Immediately help us take out some money buy a Good house in a nice city before we arrive there.Thank you and if you need any information let me know. Please send me your direct number on your next mail
God Bless You
Sister Catherine and Son David
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
As I told you in my last message, have been&&receiving some medical treatment from the hospital till now I am not receiving the best treatment due to lack of money, as i have spent all that i had&&in my hand since the death of my husband , but God have been so faithful to me. All I want you to do right now is to co-operate quickly, so that the bank will transfer this fund into your account as soon as possible , and&&all the necessary documents of this money will bear&&on your name as the new beneficiary before the transfer will proceed into your account and submit them to the bank. Once this is done, the bank will request for your bank account details for the transfer of this money into your bank account in your country without delay. The bank have already told me that they do not have any problem in transferring this money internationally, as much as they will receive the name of my late husbands foreign associates that is you , with all related transfer&&documents of this money bearing the name of the said person that is you .&&Bear in mind that this process will not take any time as much as you will co-operate well, and every process of this matter will be done in a legal and legitimate manner.
Please, ensure that you protect all information about this matter, as I do not want any other person to know about this money apart from you for security reason so that we can have a smooth and successful transaction of this fund into your account. Any information about this money release to someone outside might be used to divert this money. Please this is very important about this fund coming into your account my dear.
My Dear&&, always put me in your daily prayers concerning my illness, for I know that with God, all things are possible to them that believe. As we progress on this matter.
Have a wonderful day, and may the hands of the Almighty God be with you in all you do in Jesus Name, Amen. I need to hear from you after you read this mail so that I will give you the Contact of the bank where my late husband deposited this fund for you to contact them to proceed with the transfer into your account . I have assured you that there will be no cost of any money you will spend from the bank here . I wait to hear from you after you read this mail Urgently so that i will send you the contact of the bank where my late husband deposited this fund for you to contact them for the transfer into your account as we want to be with you before this 25th December.
Yours Sister in the Lord,
Mrs.Catherine and Son David
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
My Dear , I hope I have been able to convince you on the reason why you should help us for the sake of God.If not for any reason but for my son better future and to use this fund for the work of God. My ill health is not helping matters too because as the doctor told me that I will die Very Soon but I still Trust in the Lord because with God all things are possible and I believe that my Life is at the hand of God not the Doctors.
BOA, Bank of Ghana
Director International&&Remittance Dept
Bank Email& &:&&& & :& &contact the bank manager through his&&Private Email direct& & :&&
My dear& &,when you are contacting the bank please quote below information’s to them:
The account number is ()
The depositor is Late Mr.Simon Amanate
The amount deposited:US$ Eleven&&Million
My Dear&&,&&After you contact the bank&&forward to me&&quickly the letter that you sent to the bank so that i will be going through it for more direction ,Please Contact the Bank they will feed you with more information about the transfer because I have already informed the bank director about you that you will be contacting them for the transfer,please after you contact the bank do not forget to forward me the letter you sent to the bank.
My Dear&&.Do contact the bank and let me know.Remember me in your daily prayer about my health because the doctors said I will not survive but I trust in our Lord . I wait to hear from You after You Contact with the bank
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #8 王杰183 的帖子 第五封(说明她捐钱的原因,交易完成后取出部分钱汇给她)
My dear Beloved, I decided to donate this part of this fund for the work of God&&because Jesus died at the Cross of Calvary, and , Jesus said in Mark 8:34&&Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.&&I will be pleased for you to give&&this Christianity&&help to us because I with my son&&will come over there for him to continue his&&Education I want him to become a minister of God&&Please keep on praying for me over my health as we know that our God is great and Almighty. He knows better than we do what is good for us and He has good plans for us. So we don't have to panic even if we feel that mountains are on our way. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 this and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to his purpose Read also Isaiah 49:14-16. Mark 10v 27
My dear Beloved , please Note that as soon as the Bank transfer this fund into your account, you will withdrew some money send to us to buy our flight ticket to come over there to meet you and your family, Please&&try to do every help to see that the bank transfer this fund into your account before I will be going for cancer operation for my Son to start coming over there because I don’t know if I will survive from the operation or not but I pray God will help me not to die through the operation . remember that after the bank transferred this fund into your account you are going to withdrew some money out like $20.000 send to me to buy our flight ticket to come and meet with with my Son David to continue his education.&&
Note My Dear I will Like to assure you that this transaction is 100% risks free and you will be very happy to help me and my Son David after the bank transferred this fund into your account this week. again i will like you to understand that yesterday is Sunday the bank does not work here on Sunday and today is Monday the bank work today but they only start work around 8am and right now is 630am so you will expect to hear from the bank in the next 2 hours time because now is very early morning here in our county the bank have not open yet. God Bless you for your understanding please call me if you want to talk to me My Dear.
Yours Beloved Sister&&
Mrs& &Catherine&&and Son David
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #12 王杰183 的帖子(银行回复,巨专业)
BOA, Bank of Ghana
Bank Email& && && & :& &
OFFICE Telefax:&&+
ATTN: Renhong Kou (Beneficiary)
Ref: 11 Million Property Funds Release request acknowledgement
Following a notification to this effect received in your favor making Claims to the trust asset of LATE MR SIMON AMANATE in your capacity as the Guardian to his next of kin and subsequent discussions with our legal Department we have taken time to confirm your well received request Seeking claim on this asset. You must be physically present at the bank Here for assessment, and the following
However, right now the fund is in dormant fixed account for more than four good years now and for us to be able to wind up and settle this trust upon you as Its new beneficiary of the said fund, according to the rule of trust Banking and the laws of GHANA, Documents must be made available To us for validation - reactivation of the dormant account and proper registration and smooth transfer into your Account / Change of ownership in Your Name as the new beneficiary before The transfer will affect into your Account.
Judiciary Permit Clearance Order
We will suggest you to come down here within 7 Working Days to secure The (Judiciary Permit Clearance Order Certificate) The legal process of securing the relevant&&documents for Change of Ownership in Your Name as the new beneficiary and to smooth the transfer Of the fund Eleven&&Million United State America into your account. Please we need your present here in our bank so that we can direct you to the ministry of finance here to obtain Judiciary Permit Clearance Order&&certificate and reactivate the dormant account back in your name and your address for the transfer to commence into your account.
Upon receipt of these&&Legal documents Judiciary Permit Clearance Order certificate and after affected the change of ownership in Your Name and your address the Said Fund will be immediately transferred into your account without any Delay.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #14 王杰183 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
不知不觉已经来来往往几十封邮件了, 简单说下进展。 律师把他的有关证件发给我后,又联系我说: 他去了银行,这笔钱确实是存在并且100% 合法的,于是, 告诉我,转移的过程是:
first we have to obtain the permit Certificate from the ministry of finance here and open a dollars account in your name at the bank&&because no body have access it for so many years now as the depositor is death&&and the account have to be reactivated in your name.
secondly&&there will be an&&change of ownership most transfer&&in your name with the Legal Documents that will be procured from&&ministry of finance Ghana&&confirming you the new beneficiary of the fund in view of the fact that the Original person&&Late Mr. Simon Amanate&&who deposited this fund is no more alive. Right now for the bank to start with the transfer process into your account as the bank in charge&&requested me to work on your behalf and&&I have to proceed to the&&ministry of finance here to obtain the Legal Permit Certificate& &on your behalf for the change of ownership in your name&&before the bank will be able to have access into the account to transfer the fund into your own designated account in your country and with this very legal Permit Certificate&&the fund will be into your account in the next two working days after the bank transfer your fund will be into your bank account.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
同时他说了他的收费标准,10 thousand dollars, 但是是在交易成功之后才汇款给他,让我不要担心,我更加好奇他在捣什么鬼。
However, the process of the release of Your Funds Valued at USD$ 11 Million&&will commence Upon your Immediate Compliance with our minor mobilization fee to enable final payment at the&&ministry of finance ministry and afterward our legal service fees USD$10.000&&(Ten Thousands&&United State Dollars)&&will be paid to us once you have confirmed your funds in your bank account that is after the bank transferred your fund USD$ 11 Million& &into your account only you will send us our legal professional&&this fee& &USD$10.000&&to us
First, A part payment of $650 only&&( six&&hundred and fifty United States Dollars only) will be paid Immediately to this Firm as Mobilization fee for obtaining the permit legal certificate from the ministry here and&&to&&reactivate the account in your name and the balance&&Fee of US$10.000 (Ten Thousand&&United States Dollars) which is our office legal mobilization&&fee&&will be sent to us upon completion of our Legal Services to you that is when the remitting&&bank have completed the wire transfer of your funds&&USD$ 11 Million into your bank account&&you&&can smoothly send us our&&balance of (Total of US$10.000 ) without any delay.
After we receive the first part payment of $650&&this Firm is Legally Authorized by you to stand on your behalf Any OFFICES MINISTRIES AND BANKS to sign and receive Documents of your TRANSACTION in your name and to TENDER to the BANK in charge and we are also here to follow up your transaction and to make sure it is concluded at the right time (not less than 7 bank working days)
我说, 你帮我垫付这650美元吧,事成之后我会给你十倍的数额作为答谢, 他回复说他爸爸死了,钱都花在葬礼上了,还说自己不是那种贪婪的人,有职业操守,丫丫的。
I write to Appreciate your kind gesture towards offering to this royal Law Firm a&&amount of money to carry on your transaction Legal operation and secure&&the necessary legal certificate&&of your Transaction from the ministry of finance&&here and to get paid full after&&the Bank&&completes the Wire Transfer Eleven&&Million United State Dollars into your Bank Account .
Honestly, even&&because of the Condition of Mrs Catherine&&here&&,&&I would&&have do&&what you said by paying&&this $650 at the ministry of finance for certificate of permit&&, I could have render you this help personally from my own pocket by raising&&this $650 for the certificate at the ministry of finance&&but is not possible for me now&&because my Father just died four weeks ago and as the only Son for the family , all the money with me gone for the funeral arrangement and&&nothing left with me&&any longer and at the same time&&4 of my children just go back to the school so I am not in a position&&now by paying&&this certificate&&fee&&$650&&at the ministry of finance&&for you.
Please know it that I am not the greedy type&&and I work with the fear of God and i am a born again&&Christian Brother been a church&&leader&&, my firm&&renders our Legal services to our clients (especially our Foreign clients )with the Fear and wisdom of God, this firm is rendering our Legal services to your just for Continuity purposes and to keep a good relationship that will extend to even your brother friends and relatives in the nearest future&&incuse any of them haves a Transaction here in our country and needs a Lawyer here so you can have every courage and&&believe&&and Trust to direct the person&&to this Firm because of our Kind gesture to you during your own Transaction, I have worked for many Europeans Asians, Americans and today my Firm have a very good reputation and we know how our good Legal services&&to our clients have added in the solemnity of this Firm in the International Community.
[ 本帖最后由 terrencekou 于
11:13 编辑 ]
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
然后我就豁然开朗了,刚开始一分钱都不提,后来说要钱也是在交易成功之后,连要钱的时候都不忘了说交易成功后的10 thousand usd, 就是为了弱化我对650的概念,强化这650后带来的money。。此骗子估计是个团伙,太专业了。有时候连回邮件都考虑到时差,和周末。。于是,我又开始了逗他玩的旅程。。
我说,我太忙了,下周可以去打款,然后那女人和她儿子就经常打电话来,带着一副哭腔,在那里: help me, please help me。。让人同情,说她的时间不多了。求我帮帮她和她儿子。
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
续,后来我突发奇想,对她说,我有一个朋友在加纳,鉴于她的身体状况,我想让我的朋友去看看她和她儿子, 看她怎么回的:
My Brother about your friend here in Ghana it is Good but i am trying to avoid any person here in Ghana not to know about this fund with the bank for security reason of the fund because the bank Manager said we should protect every information about this fund and keep is top secret only me and you and my Son with the Lawyer who is helping us for the transfer certificate because any out person that get the information about this fund might use it to work against the fund with the bank here .
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
续: 然后我收到了律师的邮件,律师说,他要check my friend first before him meeting her
this Morning Mrs Catherine called me telling that you want her to resend her Address to you that you want a Friend here in Ghana that will visit her and i told her not to send her address yet for security reason because our country here there are so many posters claiming what they are not so as a Lawyer here in our i will like you to send me Immediately the Contact of that your Friend here let me check on him to be sure that he is the right person that can visit Mrs Catherine because her relation is trying to trap her and David to kill them because of this fund with the bank here so apart from the bank and me she don't want any other person here to know about them or to know where they are for their safety life. Please this Woman are protecting every information about her and the fund so do not at all tell some one about her here because her relation are looking for her and David to kill them because of this fund with the bank here and that is her reason she asked the bank to transfer the fund out from here so that she will move out from this country before their relation will trap them down. kindly send me the full contact address with the person telephone i want to check of him first because their are so many poster here .
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #25 susan 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
就在加纳那边的银行给我发过来转账证明的时候,那是个周五,然后周一,按理说是钱到账的日子,我收到了一封英国那边发过来的信(因为留得电话是+44),内容都在附件里,这里不能截图,我简单说下,就是所有超过0.5 million 的转账都得通过他们英国(这不是扯淡么),得有个什么证书,以证明我不是恐怖分子,
抬头是 International Funds Control Unit Joint Intelligence Monitoring Comittee.
大概内容是: The European Union in Conjuction with International Funds Control Unit of IMF parliament made it mandatory that all international fund transfer out of Africa must pass via Great Britain for Final scrutiny and must be authenticated by this noble commission either here in UK of from the Origin Country.
You are advised to reach the under listed name on the listed numbers or email address immediately and send across to her Desk your funds wire (ICCC) (International Clean Bill of Record Clearance Certificate) for a prompt action and Immediate Release for Final Confirmation of your Funds in your Bank Account in China.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
This is to let you know that this Morning I received an stop Order Documents from European Union&&from London , and they are requesting International Clean Bill of Record Certificate for your fund before they will continue to credit the fund into your account and i have called Dr Jacob of Bank of Africa this Morning he also confirmed to me that he receive the same information from European Union&&from London . and through their latter i can see that the stop order was forwarded to you also. Please for now do not let Mrs Catherine(注:那个死女人) to be away because of her health Condition.
Legally at Your Service
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
When I spooked with the Bank Manager Yesterday Dr Jacob Apiah he is not happy that if he is away&&that this fund did not have international Clean Bill of Record Certificate that they could have not transfer the fund because since September 11 2001 any fund coming from Africa to any Account in Abroad most have first this international Clean Bill of Record Certificate before the transfer affected because this very international Clean Bill of Record Certificate will protect the fund and confirmed that the fund don't have anything to do with Drugs or terrorist and to confirmed that the fund is not to finance civil war in Abroad and with this very Important certificate there will be know problem about this transfer till it get into your account. Honestly if i know that the European Union will stop the fund transfer i could have advice you to obtain this very certificate first before we allow the bank to transfer this fund into your account but i thought that the European Union&&will not see the transfer till it get into your account . now Dr Jacob is not happy about this problem the fund have with European Union&&that if that i told him that there is no international Clean Bill of Record Certificate at hand that they could have not transfer the fund out because the European Union will be thinking that the fund coming into your account is Illegal fund.
My Brother Renhong, Please after you read this mail without any delay i will like you to contact the European Union and you tell them that you are very sorry that you did not have this very certificate that you have obtain all the legal certificate about this fund but your forget about this international Clean Bill of Record Certificate and your Lawyer in Africa Barrister Khalid Akanto did not remind you about this very international Clean Bill of Record Certificate if not you could have obtain it first before allowing the bank of Africa to transfer the fund into your account that you are ready to obtain the certificate right now so that they will release the fund into your account but you don't know where to obtain the certificate and you don't know how to obtain that they should direct you what to do to obtain the certificate so that they will release the fund into your account and you let the European Union to Understand that this Fund $11.000 belongs to one Sick Woman in Ghana Mrs Catherine and you want to help the Woman and Son David to Come over to Your Country for their Good Living and to treat the Poor Woman at the hospital there in your country so if they Confiscate the fund that the Woman and Son will die. Please send them email or you call them on phone by Monday because today is Sunday they might not be working try to contact very Urgent to find out how to obtain this international Clean Bill of Record Certificate Urgently because the bank Manager Dr Jacob told me that if we did not complete with their request very fast they will confiscate the fund. Please after you contact them let me know and like i already told you on no account you will let Mrs Catherine and David to know that the fund has a problem because i don't want any person Blood to be in my head . Mrs Catherine called Me yesterday if the fund have confirmed into your account but i told him maybe by Tuesday coming week she is very happy please do not tell hr i beg you with the name of God.
Legally at Your Service
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
To Whom It May Concern
Beneficiary : RENHONG KOU
& && && && && && && && && && &CHINA.
We have received your Letter and also verified the Document your forwarded to us.
Your Document is a Certified Document that only made it possible for your Funds to be Transfer out of Africa BUT IT IS NOT the Actual Document required by this Commision to give your Transit Funds a Final Release confirmation Credit to your Account.
竟然说我只能证明这笔钱是从加纳会出来的,如果要到我的账户还需要那个什么CERTIFICATE,让我打钱,RMB三十多万啊 ,杀人有木有。
As Instructed by the Apex authority in Conjunction with the, IFCU and&&EUROPEAN UNION on Funds monitoring Unit.
The exact fee for Issuance of your Transfer Release INTERNATIONAL CLEAN BILL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE is GB33.694& & == Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred & Ninety Four GB伀渀氀礀.
Wire to our official Agent&&Receiving Bank Account here in London UK.
Bank Name : HSBC BANK
Sort Code : 40-01-22
Account Number :
Swift Code : MIDLGB2140A
Iban Code : GB64MIDL12
send us the Bank wire confirmation slip for fee confirmation here and Issuance of your Funds Release INTERNATIONAL CLEAN BILL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Document.
We await very quickly for your adherence to secure your Transit Funds Release Confirmation&&CLEAN BILL RECORD CERTIFICATE and final confirmation of your Fund US$ into your Account.
Remember your Fund was expected to have it's final confirmation into your Account on the 12th,but the Escrow closing date has been extended to 17th January 2013 ! so you have from now till 17th Jan 2013&&to conclude and get this very crucial document for Final Release of your Funds, else the UK Government will recall and Confiscated the Funds as Unclaimed Bill.
My British Passport Identification in Attachment for your Assurance of your Transit Funds Final Release,&&ICCC , Document Issuing officer.
Mrs.Janet Stratton
Great Britain
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
On My God This is very sad . Dr Jacob for Bank of Africa told me that before they will issue&&the certificate that there most payment for that and after the issue the certificate that the fund will Immediately release into your account that same day but i did not expect that the certificate fee will come up to this kind of huge amount of money GB33.694 and since i was born complete&&my Education start&&working my life saving is $3000 that i use for my late Father burial last time and since after the burial things are very tight for me and my family because of&&last money i save in my account i used for my fathers burial. as i am writing this message to you now the School open last week and i have 6 Children going to School and all is at home right now because i can not effort to pay for their School fees and hoping after this fund credit into your account and you withdrew my legal fee send to me i can send them back to School. My Good Friend this situation is out of my hand and you can understand how i raise the $650 for the certificate of permit Order I obtain from the Ministry of Finance here that i present to the bank before they transfer the fund out from here to your account before this problem come up and my Good Friend that Borrowed me the $650 is coming to my office everyday because he collected the money from his Friend also and gave to me and i even assured him that this week I will pay him the money back with hope that the European Union will free the fund into your account after you forward those legal documents to them.
My Good Friend only God is my living witness this problem is out of my hand because i don't even have money to pay my children School fees they all at home right now hoping to go back to School this week as i promised them . My Friend you can see how i suffered to come up with the $650 before the bank transferred the fund out from here and the Bank Manager said that if that they are away that we don't have this Clean Bill Record Certificate at our hand that they could have transfer the fund because right now the fund is at a very big risks and if time did not take fast we are going to lose&&the fund at the hand of European Union and i can see that the last day they give to us is this 17th . I will call Mrs Catherine and told her what is going on because she is hoping that the fund will be into your account today as i assured her but i am afraid because of her Condition. Please My Good Friend still plead to them if they can help us take the money out from there and release the rest into your account . Please let them to understand that if the confiscate the fund that the sick Woman and Son in Africa here will die because this fund is an inheritance from the Sick Woman Late Husband and she is coming to China for Hospital. Send them mail right now or you call then on phone the office is open there in London right now . right now i am very sick because of your mail i read now my BP is very high and i can control it as i really hope to send back my Children to School this week after you have this fund into your account and send me my office legal fee. Please Contact them back right now and plead to them to try and take off the amount GB33.694 and release the balance into your account if possible.
Legally at Your Service
Dominique O.
Akanto K. Khalid.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #34 王杰183 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
To Whom It May Concern
Beneficiary : RENHONG KOU
& && && && && && && && && && &CHINA.
We have received your Letter and we got the prove of your Funds wire Transfer from Africa.
It is Noted,but Not the required Document.
The required Document is INTERNATIONAL CLEAN BILL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE and it cost GB33.694& & == Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred & Ninety Four GB伀渀氀礀.
Your Funds is presently on Transit in Escrow and none can touch and 100% Impossible to any kind of deduction, but can only be recalled and Confiscated to Government Treasury if don't comply with the Document Issuing fee as Unclear Funds.
Wire to our official Agent&&Receiving Bank Account here in London UK.
Bank Name : HSBC BANK
Sort Code : 40-01-22
Account Number :
Swift Code : MIDLGB2140A
Iban Code : GB64MIDL12
send us the Bank wire confirmation slip for fee confirmation here and Issuance of your Funds Release INTERNATIONAL CLEAN BILL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Document.
We await very quickly for your adherence to secure your Transit Funds Release Confirmation&&CLEAN BILL RECORD CERTIFICATE and final confirmation of your Fund US$ into your Account.
Remember your Fund was expected to have it's final confirmation into your Account on the 12th,but the Escrow closing date has been extended to 17th January 2013 ! so you have from now till 17th Jan 2013&&to conclude and get this very crucial document for Final Release of your Funds, else the UK Government will recall and Confiscated the Funds as Unclaimed Bill.
Mrs.Janet Stratton
Great Britain
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
续:由于英国那边给的dead line快到了,律师再支招让我ask then for extention
Good Friend I am very disappointed this morning to hear from you that this insist that we most pay this fee for the clean bill of record certificate before the fund will release into your account again, My Good Friend what you will do right now after you read this mail since today is our death&&line with them is to contact them and ask them for more extension like one week more because i called the Bank Manager Dr Jacob he advised me that i should tell you to Contact them immediately and explain to them that you have not raise the fee because of the little time they give to you and you understand that today is the death limit that you will like them to understand the situation and the little time they give to you can not help you to look for money that you will be very happy if they will give you more extension for more one week for you to see if you can able to come up with the fee or not, Please My Good Friend this is the first email you will send to the European Union this Morning as Dr Jacob directed you if not before the end of today they will confiscate the fund and you made them to understand that the amount for the certificate is very high to you that you are finding it very hard to come up with that kind of huge amount of money because you don't have it&&. Please My Good Friend send email to them right now so that if they come to office this morning they will first read your mail , Please contact them for the extension and you make it clear to them that you can not able to come up with that kind of amount of money for the certificate that the money is out of your hand and on no account that you can able to raise that kind of money that they should see what they can do to help you in this matter because you are ready to do what ever they ask you to do but you can not able to raise all this amount of money and you don't want them to confiscate the fund because if this happen so many souls will die.
Good Friend after sending you this mail I will write Latter send to them on your behalf about the extension.
Legally at Your Service
Dominique O.
Akanto K. Khalid.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
续: 申请延期通过,英国那边又给了一周时间。
To Whom It May Concern
Beneficiary : RENHONG KOU
& && && && && && && && && && &CHINA.
After our due diligence consideration,be informed that your Request and that of your Lawyer for a time Extension has been Granted.
Your Transaction Escrow closure and Funds Confiscation has been extended to Friday 25th January 2013 and after this date, there will be other excuse than Automatic Confiscation of your Funds to Government reserved as Uncleared and Unclaimed Bill.
Mrs.Janet Stratton
Great Britain
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
I was very happy to hear from you that they gave us extension for more one week I thank because before i sent you my last mail yesterday night i though maybe they will agree as they keep silent and yesterday Mrs Catherine called me i told her that i never hear from you if the European Union give the Extension or not and she collapse and faint and David called me i rush there and see her Condition as i do not have money to take her to hospital i only rush and buy some drugs for her and this morning i will go and check her how she is doing.&&Please I will like you to understand that this&&European Union they have giving us the grace and the bank Manager Dr Jacob told me that if we fail to follow their last&&instruction now&&that they will go ahead and confiscate the fund after one week expired and my fear is if the the European Union confiscate this fund because of the certificate fee&&Mrs Catherine and Son will Die,
My Good Friend If i have any funds in my hand i could have support you to pay this fee and i do not have any Good property i could have sale it to support you to make the payment of this certificate but i do not have anything to lay hand . I sold my car last two years when my mother died before the death of my father last year Right . now me and my family don't even have food at our house here because of lack of money because i used all my saves money for my father burial last year and nothing left in my hand . the worse thing that is worried me and my wife now like i told you already is my 6 children is out of School because of their School Fees and I really hope that this fund will be into your account this week so that you will send to me my Legal office fee to settle my finance crisis here. I pray God will Provide you way out to raise the certificate fee send to the European Union to issue us the certificate to avoid the them&&not to confiscate the fund after this last limit they give to us and Let God intervene into this situation to show you way out to arrange the certificate fee send to the the European Union i know that the fee is not a small amount of money but since the day this fund has problem with the the European Union i declared praying and fasting in my home here and our prayer will not die in the name of our Lord Amen and by the grace of God he will show you way out to arrange the certificate fee so that they will issue us the certificate and release the fund into your account before this last death line will meet us because if the the European Union&&confiscate this fund&&we are going to lose the life of Mrs Catherine and Son God Forbid .
My Good Friend to be honest with You I was away about this very certificate from European Union&&since September 11 2001&&after the bomb in America but I thought that this certificate that i obtain from the ministry of finance here I present to the bank which i forward the copy to you will protect and cover the fund transfer till it get into your account and i don't know that this certificate i obtain from the ministry of finance here do not have anything to do with this very certificate requesting&&by the the European Union if i know that the certificate i obtain from the ministry of finance here will not cover the transfer i could have not allow the bank to transfer the fund out to your account. but i thank God that they did not confiscate the fund Immediately they stop the fund and find out that there is no Clean Bill record certificate&&before the bank transfer the fund and the Bank Manager said that if they know that we dont have this certificate at hand they could advice us to go and obtain this certificate before they transfer the fund into your account that we are very luck that they did not confiscate the fund that day they stop it because this Authorities in America once they stop any fund transfer from Africa here does not have this certificate before the fund transfer that they will confiscate the fund Immediately they stop the fund&&because he said since September 11 2001 every fund transfer from Africa more than $500.000 going to any account in Abroad most have this certificate if not the person most lose the fund and there are so many of their clients that lose their fund after transfer at the hand of the the European Union if you fail to obtain the certificate before the last death line. I thank God that they did not Confiscate the fund that day they stop it and the only need us to obtain the certificate before the will release the fund into your account again. My Good Friend God know if i have any money with me here i could have help you to raise some part of the fee but the burial of my late father take all my last saves and 6 of my Children at right now at home because of their School Fees. by the grace of God My Dear if you see way out how you can raise the fee arrange to them and secure the certificate from their hand to release the fund before they will confiscate it.
Legally at Your Service
Dominique O.
Akanto K. Khalid.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
BOA, Bank of Ghana
Bank Email& && && & :& &
OFFICE Telefax:&&+
ATTN: Renhong Kou (Beneficiary)
This Morning Your Lawyer called me that the International Fund Controller Unit UK gave you more one week to raise the certificate fee&&for the reasing of your fund into your account and i have to make it clear to you that if you did not meet up before the death line expired you will chose to lost your fund at the hand International Fund Controller Unit UK.
My advice and secret i will give to you as the Bank Manager that transfer your fund and this advice have help a lot of our Clients that has the same problem with the International Fund Controller Unit UK after the bank transfer is, if you can not able to raise all the certificate fee require from the International Fund Controller Unit UK what you will do is the write a serious promising Latter to the International Fund Controller Unit UK that you can not able to raise the whole amount but if they will accept 50% of the fee and after they release your fund into your account you will immediately send the balance to them. this 50% will be like a commitment between you and International Fund Controller Unit UK as an initial first payment. so draft a very good promising latter that you can not able to raise all the fee with the time limit but you can arrange 50% of the fee send to them and Immeadtly they release the fund into your account you transfer the balance to them , with this Idea i gave to you this morning if you do it and they accept your request then you will arrange the 50% send to them and after they release your fund you send the balance to them but if you insist count your self a loser after one week now.
Thank You For Your Understanding
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
一天好几个电话,烦死了,她和她儿子轮番上阵,她说help me, help me,please, please help me. 我实在受不了了,我就说,how can I help you, I wanna help you, but how, how can I help you without recieving your money! 然后她就哗哗哗的哭了起来,气得我直接挂上电话了。
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
My Dear Brother Terrence
Gracious Heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ’s name, I approach Your throne of grace and ask for your help in my time of need.
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on our life right now, for we are&&redeemed and&&justified, cleansed and sanctified by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.&&I place our trust wholly in You Lord, in your grace and love.&&It is You, Lord, Who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 2:14), for your Word says, “you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Eph. 3:20). we&&choose to stand on your Truth in faith Lord, strengthen us where we are&&weak and let our lips praise you all the days of our&&life. we confess and believe, Heavenly Father, that all of Your promises in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Thank you and Amen.
Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, we are&&miserable confuse and do not know what to do,&&we greet and worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou did bear Thy heavy cross, which tore Thy flesh and lay Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most blessed body.
I adore Thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify Thee, and give thanks fully to Thee for the most holy and sacred and painful wound. Beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be
merciful to us on towards heaven along the way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make request) Amen to all.This powerful
O Angel of Christ, holy guardian and protector of our&&soul and body, help us in&&everything we do and protect us from the hand of the Evil and influence and temptation of the evil one.we Pray&&to the Lord, that He may make us worthy of the grace of the Lord, and of the Most Blessed Amen.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Heb 4:16). and let us Humble urselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift us up (Jas 4:10) and The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge (defense / high tower) in times of trouble (Psa 9:9)
Thank you for hearing our prayers I have a lot of faith that my prayer has already been answered by Lord Jesus Amen
Sister Catherine and Son David
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
My Mother was rush down to the hospital
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
My Good Friend How are You doing today . this Morning Young David Called me that Mrs Catherine was admitted at the hospital and i Immediately go down there she is at the hospital bed right now and no treatment because the hospital want initial down payment before she will take in for cancer operation otherwise she will die. My Good Friend we are in problem now and there is nothing i can do from here . the Condition of Mrs Catherine at the hospital right now is very deplorable and if time did not take she will not see the end of this weekend as I do not have the& &initial down payment the hospital want before the cancer operation.
Legally at Your Service
Dominique O.
Akanto K. Khalid.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
the condition of my mother at the hospital is very bad and she can not talk and can not recognize me any more. my mother at the hospital yesterday he called me David my Son i am tired that if anything happen to her that i should not kill me self that she is happen that she will be going to rest with our Lord. i said mummy you can not do that to me after since that yesterday she never talk again but still alive . the doctors said if she do the operation very fast that she might survive but i need to sign with them before the cancer operation. Sir i am ready to sign&&please tell the Lawyer to come to the hospital to assure the doctors to carry on with the operation that we are going to pay them when they free the fund into your account, please Sir tell the lawyer to do this because i told the lawyer he said if he come to say this and after the operation they confiscate the fund because of the certificate that they will arrest him with police. that you have not arrange the certificate fee to the government that hold our fund.please Sir contact the lawyer to come and do this if not my mother will not see the end of this week.
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #48 王杰183 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #49 andydong33 的帖子
同感同感 ,不过后来我差点相信了呢,因为他们演的太真了。也是心里在作怪吧,毕竟这是人民币六千多万啊啊啊。
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #56 娜佳Ян 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #54 王杰183 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
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回复 #60 Polly988 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #59 蓝色的爱 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #63 行游书僧 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
UID 2033750
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #65 rennliu 的帖子
Gypsum Product Supplier
Skype: terrencekou
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