
Tracker Eclipse Workspace
Tracker Eclipse Workspace
Developers can use the step-by-step instructions in this document to create an Eclipse Workspace with source code for the Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool. The source code is cloned from the Open Source Physics (OSP) GutHub home at . Note: in order to clone source from GitHub, you must have an account. To create a new account, click the green Sign Up button at the top of the OSP GitHub home page.
Note: the instructions below are for the Kepler version of Eclipse.
Launch Eclipse and open a new, empty workspace named workspace_tracker. (One way to do this: choose File|Switch Workspace|Other..., enter the desired workspace path in the Workspace field, click OK.) Close the Welcome tab.
Choose Window|Show View|Other|Git|Git Repositories to add a Git Repositories view to your Eclipse workspace.
In a web browser, open the OSP GitHub home () and clone the osp, tracker and video-engines repositories using the following steps:
On the OSP GitHub home page, click the osp repository link to open the OSP Core Library repository. Click the HTTPS
clone URL button (right side) to copy the URL of the repository to the clipboard.
In the Eclipse Git Repositories view, click Clone a Git repository (link or button).
In the Clone dialog, the Location should automatically show the URL you copied to the clipboard. Enter your GitHub usename and password in the Authentication section. Click Next and uncheck all but the "master" branch. Click Next again and accept the suggested local repository path unless it conflicts with an existing one. Click Finish.
The new local repository (clone) should now be visible in the Git Repositories view. To view the files in the repository, open the repository's Working Directory in the Git Repositories view. You should see a couple of files, a .git system folder and a src folder containing the source code.
Repeat these steps for the tracker repository.
Repeat these steps for the video-engines repository. Note: if you intend to build Tracker for Linux only, you do not need the QuickTime video engine. In this case, you should clone the &xuggle-only& branch rather than &master.&
In Eclipse, create a new Java project:
Choose File|New|Java Project and give the project the name tracker.
Set the execution environment JRE to JavaSE-1.6.
Under Project layout, choose Use project folder as root for source and class files (not the default).
Click Next but don't close the dialog yet.
Add the osp source code to the project:
In the new project dialog, click Link additional source.
In the Link Source dialog, browse and select the osp repository src folder to be the Linked folder location.
Change the default Folder name to src_osp. Select the Replace existing project source folder to solve nesting option.
Click Finish and Finish to close the dialogs. Your new project will be displayed in Eclipse's Package Explorer view. The osp source code should compile in the background with no errors (warnings are OK).
Add the tracker source code to the project:
Select the tracker folder (top level) in the Package Explorer and choose Project|Properties to display the properties dialog.
In the dialog, select Java Build Path on the left side and select the Source tab on the right side.
Click the Link source button. In the Link Source dialog, browse and select the tracker repository src folder to be the Linked folder location. Change the default Folder name to src_tracker. Leave Ignore nesting conflicts
Click Finish and OK to close the dialogs.
At this point you should be able to run Tracker from Eclipse. In the Package Explorer view, open the tracker/src_tracker/org.opensourcephysics.cabrillo.tracker package. Right-click the Tracker.java file and choose Run As|Java Application from the popup menu. If all is well Tracker should launch. It may warn you that there are video engine problems (which you will fix below) but you should still be able to open images and animated GIFs and otherwise have a fully functional Tracker.
Prepare to add video engine support by installing the required third-party code libraries and (on Windows) a 32-bit Java VM:
Using the OS file browser, create a new folder named library inside your workspace_tracker/tracker folder.
For QuickTime, search for the file QTJava.zip (QuickTime must be installed) and copy it into the library folder.
For Xuggle, download the file xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar from
and copy it into the library folder. (Note: you must use the xuggle version 5.4 library to build the video-engine code even though xuggle version 3.4 is recommended at runtime.)
On Windows, check that you have a 32-bit Java VM installed (look for JREs in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\). If not, go to
and click on the Windows Offline (32 bit) link to download the installer. Double-click the installer to complete the installation.
Add the third-party libraries to your project:
In Eclipse, select the tracker folder (top level) in the Package Explorer and choose Project|Properties to display the properties dialog. In the dialog, select Java Build Path on the left side and select the Libraries tab on the right side.
Click the Add Library... button to open the Add Library dialog.
In the Add Library dialog, select User Library. Go to the Next step and click the User Libraries... button to open the User Libraries dialog.
In the User Libraries dialog:
Click the New... button and name the new library QuickTime. Select QuickTime in the User Libraries list, click Add Jars..., navigate to your library folder and select the QTJava.zip file.
Repeat to create a Xuggle User Library containing the xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar file. Click OK to close the User Libraries dialog.
In the Add Library dialog, select the QuickTime and Xuggle libraries and click Finish.
Select the Order and Export tab on the right side of the project properties dialog. Move the Xuggle library to the top of the list. Click OK to close the dialog.
On Windows, change the JRE System Library to a 32-bit VM:
In Eclipse, select the tracker folder (top level) in the Package Explorer and choose Project|Properties to display the properties dialog. In the dialog, select Java Build Path on the left side and select the Libraries tab on the right side.
Select the
JRE System Library and click Edit to open the Edit JRE System Library dialog.
Installed JREs... button, then the Add... button.
In the Add JRE dialog, select Standard VM, then Next.
Click the Directory... button and select a 32-bit VM (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7).
Add &-32bit& to the name of the JRE for clarity. Click Finish, then OK to close the dialogs.
In the Edit JRE System Library dialog, select Alternate JRE and choose the 32-bit JRE from the dropdown list. Click Finish, then OK.
Add the video-engines source code to the project:
Select the tracker folder (top level) in the Package Explorer and choose Project|Properties to display the properties dialog.
In the dialog, select Java Build Path on the left side and select the Source tab on the right side.
Click the Link source button. In the Link Source dialog, browse and select the video-engines repository src folder to be the Linked folder location. Change the default Folder name to src_video. Leave Ignore nesting conflicts selected.
Click Finish and OK to close the dialogs.
Eclipse should now be able to build the entire tracker project including the video-engine code.In my earlier post I have explained how to setup Selenium with Eclipse but there I have utilized example of SugarCRM.
So, in order to avoid downloading SugarCRM I thought of writing one more post on the same topic which uses Google as example.
Eclipse is an open source Integrated Development Environment which supports multiple languages.
Most of the java developers use Eclipse IDE for software development as it is highly extensible with plug-in system and user friendly.
We can add external libraries to build path in order to utilize any external APIs available.
In order to setup Selenium in Eclipse, Selenium-Client-driver needs to be added to the Java build path – - &Libraries
In the below example, we will discuss setting up Selenium in Eclipse Step-by-Step.
For this purpose I will utilize Advanced Google Search example.
Download the latest Eclipse release from –
Create a project.
In my example -& PracticeCode.
(File -&New-& Java Project -&Give name as PracticeCode)
Create Package under this project -&com.selftechy.parameterization
Under this package – & create a new class (AdvancedSearch.java)
Add Selenium-Client-Driver (this needs to be downloaded from www.seleniumhq.org)to Java Build Path of the project:
Right click project (PracticeCode)
Click Properties
Click Java Build Path
Click Libraries
Click Add External Libraries
Select the Selenium-Client-Driver
Open AdvancedSearch.java class and copy the following code:
package com.selftechy.
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
import org.junit.A
import org.junit.B
import org.junit.T
public class AdvancedSearch extends SeleneseTestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", "http://www.google.co.in/");
public void testAdvancedSearch() throws Exception {
selenium.click("link=Advanced search");
selenium.type("as_q", "selftechy, selenium, eclipse");
selenium.select("num", "label=20 results");
selenium.click("//input[@value='Advanced Search']");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
In the above code we can see “extends SeleneseTestCase”
and “import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;” these two phrases tell Eclipse that we are going to use Selenese commands in the subsequent methods.
In order to run this test case we need to start the Selenium Server first.
Follow the steps below to run the Selenium server.
Download Selenium Server from
Step 1: Create a new text file
Step 2: Open the file and type in following code into it (D:\Workspace-Helios should be changed to the path where selenium-server.jar file is copied)
CD D:\Workspace-Helios
java -jar selenium-server.jar -multiWindow
(Don’t copy and paste as it sometimes adds some special characters)
Step 3: Save it as “Selenium-server.bat”
Step 4: Double click the selenium-server.bat, this should start the selenium server.
Step 4: Still if you are not able to run, then execute both the commands in command prompt (Click Start -& Run -&cmd).
To run the AdvancedSearch.java –& Right click the file and click “Run As” — & JUnit Test
This opens up firefox and executes the test
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Configuration of the Eclipse Workspace
After a successful installation open your Eclipse and configure your workspace to be able to
use the Rapid Application Development. Therefore you need to define the server and audit trail database as described in the following sections.
Configuring the Server
Eclipse provides integration for the Apache Tomcat Web environment and this can be used for rapid Stardust
deployments within Eclipse. Install Apache Tomcat, e.g. from
Please refer to the
for details on the supported Tomcat version.
To establish Tomcat integration in Eclipse:
From the Eclipse main menu choose File & New & Other...
Select Server & Server.
Click Next.
Figure: Define a New Server
Select Tomcat vx.x Server
Click Next.
Figure: Choose Tomcat version
Browse to the folder of your Tomcat installation.
Figure: Browse to Installation Folder
Select Finish.
Open the Servers view to see the server listed:
In the main menu select Window & Show View.
Choose Other... & Server & Servers.
Figure: The Server View
This server configuration can be used for multiple Web projects.
Configuring an Embedded Audit Trail Database
The database can be (re)used for multiple Web projects.
When you have more than one active process model, each one needs its own audit trail database. The
Database to be used drop-down box is used to select the audit trail matching the active project.
The Manage existing Audit trail databases link allows you to add or delete databases as needed.
To create a new audit trail database:
Double-click Tomcat v x.x in the Servers View to open the configuration dialog for Tomcat.
Select new AuditTrail database
Figure: Create a New Audit Trail Database
Enter the database name.
Select OK.
Figure: Enter Database Name
Note, that there will be a pause as Stardust creates the database!
A database schema for the audit trail is created automatically with the default name carnot.
You find the new audit trail displayed in the Package Explorer:
Figure: Audit Trail in Package Explorer
Note, that it might happen sometimes that your database created in the Rapid Application
environment is incomplete. In this case try one
of the following or a combination:
delete the incomplete audit trail files
stop and restart your server
restart Eclipse
Setting the Server Launch Configuration
To avoid running out of PermGenSpace, increase the size of the permanent generation
memory by setting the -XX:MaxPermSize argument in the run configuration for the
To set the server configuration:
In the server view right-click your server and choose Open.
Select Open launch configuration.
In the Edit launch configuration properties dialog
switch to the Arguments tab.
In the VM arguments entry field enter
the memory arguments for your server.For example for a Tomcat
server set: -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
Figure: Setting Server Arguments for Tomcat
Please note that you might increase the maximum perm size according to your requirements.欢迎大家访问我的个人网站
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