文件目录 (/volume data1/web/owncloud/data) 可以被其他用户读取请更改权限为 0770 以避免其他用户查看目录。

wangchaozhong 的BLOG
&&&&按装owncloud后,如何使用共享做为存储目录&&&&最近把公司一台FTP文件服务器改成了一台DC后发现用户无法使用FTP了,用户登陆不了,折腾了半天也不想折腾了,因为FTP这玩意有点老了,对非专业人员太不友好了,然后就想给公司改为一个云存储,使用网页访问,上传下载都用浏览器,也不用使用FTP客户端了,而且对非专业用户很方便&&&&早些时候接触过owncloud,按装也挺简单的,网上有很多教程。&&&&我使用centos 6.5+owncloud 6.0.3 安装在VMware虚拟机内,使用YUM安装LAMP环境&&&&安装前请先升级系统&&&&&yum&-y&update&&&&owncloud的安装我就不说了,下面说说怎么使用windows共享出来的目录做为owncloud用户的存储目录,其实没有什么高深的技术问题,就是windows系统里面建立一个文件夹共享出来,分配给用户权限,然后把它挂载到 owncloud的存储目录就可以了,就在挂载的时候出现问题了,一开始我我使用root用户,什么参数不回&&&&&mount&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data &&&&&然后回去一看不行啊 data目录属性全变为了root root的了&&&&apache用户无法使用,安装提示/var/www/html/data目录无效&&&&于是想改目录属性,但发现不能改,挂载目录无法更改目录属性,没办法,现在就是挂载目录的权限不够。导致apache这个用户无法使用对/var/www/html/data这个目录进行读写,一开始还以为是共享无法实现这个功能。继续在网上找资料看挂载,看许多人说要在挂载的时候把 uid,gid,rw和用户名加上去按照这样说法我试着挂载一次试试&&&&&mount&&//IP/share&/var/www/html&-o&rw,uid=48,gid=48,username=admin,password=123456&&&&没有看权限,然后试了试,可以安装上了, 也可以登陆了,还以为成功了,但第二天开机后发现又有登陆不了了,说用户没有权限之类的,然后我看了一下目录属性,用户和用户级确实变了apache这个,但 变为了755,那只有这个apache用户能使用,其它还是不用使用,于是继续GOOGLE+BAIDU,国外,国内的都看了不少,还是没有对上号的,于是又找,怎么更改挂载目录的读写权限,最后看到有写dmask和fmask这两个参数,在共享上要使用dir_mask和file_mask这两个参数,然后我使用&&&&mount&-o&uid=48,gid=48,dir_mask=0777,file_mask=0777,username=admin,password=123456&&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data&&&&挂载上去,看了下目录权限为777用户组为apache,我想这次应该没什么问题了吧,但安装时提示,请把目录权限改为770,郁闷了,然后&&&&umount&/var/www/html/data
&&&&mount&-o&uid=48,gid=48,dir_mask=0770,file_mask=0770,username=admin,password=123456&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data&&&&终于,这次成功了,用户都可以读写了,也可以列出目录了,整了三天没白费劲,一开始还使用了NFS smb 乱七八遭的方式,最后还是权限的问题,linux还是挺简单的,以前不经常使用mount,这次对mount这个命令到是熟悉了不少,
&&&&按装owncloud后,如何使用共享做为存储目录&&&&最近把公司一台FTP文件改成了一台DC后发现用户无法使用FTP了,用户登陆不了,折腾了半天也不想折腾了,因为FTP这玩意有点老了,对非专业人员太不友好了,然后就想给公司改为一个云存储,使用网页访问,上传下载都用浏览器,也不用使用FTP客户端了,而且对非专业用户很方便&&&&早些时候接触过owncloud,按装也挺简单的,网上有很多教程。&&&&我使用centos 6.5+owncloud 6.0.3 安装在VMware虚拟机内,使用YUM安装LAMP环境&&&&安装前请先升级系统&&&&&yum&-y&update&&&&owncloud的安装我就不说了,下面说说怎么使用windows共享出来的目录做为owncloud用户的存储目录,其实没有什么高深的技术问题,就是windows系统里面建立一个文件夹共享出来,分配给用户权限,然后把它挂载到 owncloud的存储目录就可以了,就在挂载的时候出现问题了,一开始我我使用root用户,什么参数不回&&&&&mount&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data &&&&&然后回去一看不行啊 data目录属性全变为了root root的了&&&&apache用户无法使用,安装提示/var/www/html/data目录无效&&&&于是想改目录属性,但发现不能改,挂载目录无法更改目录属性,没办法,现在就是挂载目录的权限不够。导致apache这个用户无法使用对/var/www/html/data这个目录进行读写,一开始还以为是共享无法实现这个功能。继续在网上找资料看挂载,看许多人说要在挂载的时候把 uid,gid,rw和用户名加上去按照这样说法我试着挂载一次试试&&&&&mount&&//IP/share&/var/www/html&-o&rw,uid=48,gid=48,username=admin,password=123456&&&&没有看权限,然后试了试,可以安装上了, 也可以登陆了,还以为成功了,但第二天开机后发现又有登陆不了了,说用户没有权限之类的,然后我看了一下目录属性,用户和用户级确实变了apache这个,但 变为了755,那只有这个apache用户能使用,其它还是不用使用,于是继续GOOGLE+BAIDU,国外,国内的都看了不少,还是没有对上号的,于是又找,怎么更改挂载目录的读写权限,最后看到有写dmask和fmask这两个参数,在共享上要使用dir_mask和file_mask这两个参数,然后我使用&&&&mount&-o&uid=48,gid=48,dir_mask=0777,file_mask=0777,username=admin,password=123456&&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data&&&&挂载上去,,看了下目录权限为777用户组为apache,我想这次应该没什么问题了吧,但安装时提示,请把目录权限改为770,郁闷了,然后&&&&umount&/var/www/html/data
&&&&mount&-o&uid=48,gid=48,dir_mask=0770,file_mask=0770,username=admin,password=123456&//IP/share&/var/www/html/data&&&&终于,这次成功了,用户都可以读写了,也可以列出目录了,整了三天没白费劲,一开始还使用了NFS smb 乱七八遭的方式,最后还是权限的问题,linux还是挺简单的,以前不经常使用mount,这次对mount这个命令到是熟悉了不少,
你最喜欢的From QNAPedia
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ownCloud has some interesting features, that QNAP is currently missing out of the box:
You can use it as a home based drop-in replacement for cloud file services like Dropbox or Google files. You can share files between different user accounts using a web frontend or the WEBDAV protocol (although this only makes sense when exposing QNAP to the Internet or using a router with VPN functionality).
Even when not accessing your NAS from the Internet: QNAP currently lacks a calendar and address book server. Since most home users do not own an Exchange server, ownCloud is an easy way to add such functionality to the QNAP NAS.
You can share (fully read and write) a calendar and address book between different devices and computers at home (Most smartphones, mail and calender clients on Windows, Linux and Mac support calDAV and cardDAV protocol)
You can use this to automatically backup the contacts and calendar data of your smartphone onto your NAS, everytime your smart phone is in range of your WLAN
You can create extra calendars and address books that you share between accounts of different family members
More informations e.g. at the ownCloud home page or
Update to a recent QNAP firmware, to make sure to have PHP &= v5.3 on your QNAP.
If in doubt, find out the the current PHP version of your QNAP on the SSH terminal prompt: /mnt/ext/opt/apache/bin/php --version
Reported to run on:
TS-439 Pro
TS-439 Pro II+
TS-659 Pro
Should work with:
QNAPs with firmware V4.0.0 or higher, probably all &V3.7 firmware versions, all QNAP firmwares with PHP &=V5.3
TS-x10 series (TS-110, TS-210, TS-410)
TS-x12 series (TS-112, TS-212, TS-412)
TS-x19 series (TS-119, TS-119P+, TS-119P+, TS-219, TS-219P+, TS-219P II, TS-419, TS-419P+, TS-419P II)
Reported NOT to work
TS-x09 series (, ): QNAP firmware support seems to have stopped at version 3.3.x, that firmware version does not contain PHP &=V5.3
reported fix: install libtool package (ipkg install libtool), but some still have trouble with "Cannot load /opt/lib/libphp5.so into server: /opt/lib/libphp5.so: undefined symbol: unixd_config"
Note: Requires different customization of php.ini than v5 (see preparation section)
Owncloud V6 reported to run on
TS-119 (Firmware v4.0.5)
TS-212 (Firmware v4.0.2)
TS-219 PII (Firmware v4.1.0)
TS-269L (Firmware v4.0.5)
TS-439 Pro II+ (Firmware v4.1.0 beta)
TS-469U (Firmware v.4.0.1)
Note: Requires different customization of php.ini than v5 (see preparation section)
Owncloud V7 reported to run on
TS-219 PII (Firmware v4.1.0)
TS-469U (Firmware v4.2.0)
Note: Requires different customization of php.ini than v5 (see preparation section)
Owncloud V8 reported to run on
TS-469U (Firmware v4.2.0)
Owncloud 9 requires libxml version 2.7.0 or newer and that doesn't seem to exist on any QNAPs at this time (May 2016).
e.g. have these on your client computer to perform some of the following steps
Login to the admin GUI of your QNAP (e.g. [http:// http://]&your_qnap_ip&:8080)
Under System Administration / General settings, ensure that the admin console is not using port 443 for SSL (use a different port e.g. 4431). Some clients cannot access Owncloud properly, if owncloud cannot use port 443 for SSL (e.g. the iPhone CardDAV Client), therefore the admin console should not block port 443.
Under Network Services, enable Telnet/SSH- You don't need Telnet connection, just allow SSH connection on port 22 (default)- Enable SFTP to be able to copy files later on
Under Network Services, enable Web Server- Preferably set port 80 and port 443 for SSL configuration- Check by opening [http:// http://]&your_qnap_ip& and [https:// https://]&your_qnap_ip&
On the same page at the bottom of the Web Server config page, under the section "php.ini Maintenance", click the check box and then select "edit" in the now appearing drop down field. Find the php.ini line "magic_quotes_gpc" and make sure it says "Off", not "On". Otherwise OwnCloud may complain about this later on. Don't forget to click "Apply" when done.Warning: In at least QNAP firmware 4.0.5 you may need to edit php.ini from WinSCP or SSH instead, since the the graphical "php.ini Maintenance" - Edit button in the Web admin GUI seems to have a bug (at least in firmware 4.0.5 the GUI may only show incomplete parts of the "php.ini" config file). You can find php.ini with WinSCP in "/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/php.ini", the actual path may vary on your QNAP).
Now SSH-connect to your QNAP using
(with username:admin). Note that due to a custom version of SSH on QNAP, you may not be able to use other accounts than "admin" for SSH connecting. On the SSH terminal prompt, run "/mnt/ext/opt/apache/bin/php --version" to find out the version of PHP your QNAP is currently running
Upgrade PHP 5.3: If your QNAP 's PHP version is not 5.3. or higher and their is no recent firmware update available, you need to manually .
Installing ownCloud v6 and v7 needs a few more QNAP customizations:
1. QNAP config - Adding ownCloud directory to "apache.conf"
Verify your QNAP uses Apache v2.2, by running this SSH command: /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -vIf your QNAP uses a different version, consult the .
Add the following section to apache.conf (to locate this file, see: ).
Note: You need to replace "[pathofWEBshare]" with the path, where your webserver stores its files.
&Directory [pathofWEBshare]/owncloud&Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAllowOverride AllOrder allow,denyallow from all&/Directory&
2. QNAP config - Disable "eaccellerator" in php.ini (only required if owncloud will be installed using MySQL instead of the default SQLite)
You may need to do the following from WinSCP or SSH, the graphical "php.ini Maintenance" - Edit button in the Web admin GUI at least in firmware 4.0.5 has a bug and will only show incomplete parts of the "php.ini" config file
Locate php.ini (/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/php.ini, path may vary on your QNAP)
Edit php.ini and change the eaccelarator filter line to point to the owncloud installation. This will stop caching the owncloud data. 
[eaccelerator]extension = eaccelerator.soeaccelerator.shm_size = 32eaccelerator.cache_dir = /.eaccelerator.tmpeaccelerator.enable = 1eaccelerator.optimizer = 1eaccelerator.check_mtime = 1eaccelerator.debug = 0eaccelerator.filter = "/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/owncloud/owncloud"eaccelerator.shm_max = 1Meaccelerator.shm_ttl = 0eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = 3600eaccelerator.shm_only = 0press = 1press_level = 9
[eaccelerator]extension = eaccelerator.soeaccelerator.shm_size = 32eaccelerator.cache_dir = /.eaccelerator.tmpeaccelerator.enable = 1eaccelerator.optimizer = 1eaccelerator.check_mtime = 1eaccelerator.debug = 0eaccelerator.filter = "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/owncloud/owncloud"eaccelerator.shm_max = 1Meaccelerator.shm_ttl = 0eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = 3600eaccelerator.shm_only = 0press = 1press_level = 9
then restart Apache service on SSH prompt: /etc/init.d/Qthttpd.sh restart
(Disabling the "eacceleator" was reported in , to fix v6 installation problems)
Before you start:
Make a backup of your NAS before you start installing anything
Be careful with chmod and chown, to not messup other folders of your NAS
Maybe read the description first and determine the location of your web server's folder, of the "pwauth"command and the full path of your data share before starting the installation.
tar.bz2 from
Unix user backend from
tar.bz2 is all PHP files of ownCloud.
The unix user backend plugin will enable user accounts of your NAS inside the ownCloud application
Locate the folder of the web server of your NAS
The base folder may vary, depend on your NAS version, e.g:
Install ownCloud
Upload the .bz2 file to any folder on your NAS and run:
tar -xjf owncloud-*.tar.bz2 -C $WEB/owncloud
You should now have an "owncloud" folder in your web server directory
(You may remove the .bz2 file when done)
Install the Unix user backend app
unzip user_pwauth.zip and upload the folder "user_pwauth" to $WEB/owncloud/apps
The "unzip" command on your NAS may be too old to be able to unzip the ZIP archive, therefore unzip it before uploading
Change owner and permissions of the owncloud app folder
chown -R httpdusr:administrators $WEB/owncloud
chmod -R 770 $WEB/owncloud
Now only 'httpdusr' (the account of the QNAP webserver) and all admins have access to the binary files.
If you do not want to store data in the default folder (owncloud/data/), you can create a custom data folder:
mkdir -p $DATA/owncloud/data
chown -R httpdusr:administrators $DATA/owncloud
chmod -R 770 $DATA/owncloud
Instead of "[shareName]" enter the name of a share on your NAS. This is where the user generated content gets stored.
You can use an existing share, create a dedicated share or use the WEB share (maybe it is best to create a dedicated share for ownCloud's data)
The path prefix (/share/HDA_DATA) may be different on your NAS version!
It is possible to change the default data path later on in the config file "owncloud/config/config.php"
Setup ownCloud 1/2
Call https://[your_nas]/owncloud
Create Admin Account: ocadmin
Select "Advanced" and relocate the data folder to the previously created data folder:/share/HDA_DATA/[share]/owncloud/data
Choose SQLite as database
When started for the first time, owncloud will show a config screen.
Pick a name for the ownCloud admin account, that is different from the admin account of your NAS (This simplifies using the Unix user backend)
SQLite is sufficient for home grown installations (it is embedded into PHP), otherwise you need to activate the "MySQL" service on QNAP (which takes extra RAM)
Setup ownCloud 2/2
Login to ownCloud as ocadmin
In V5, go to menu ocadmin/apps. In Owncloud V6 use the "Apps+" button in the bottom left corner of the screen)- Enable the App "Unix user backend"
go to menu ocadmin/adminIn the section 'Unix Authentication':- Change the path of pwauth executable to:/mnt/ext/opt/apache/bin/pwauth- Change list of auth uids to: 0-10000
go to menu ocadmin/usersin the groups column, add the root admin of your NAS (usally called 'admin)' to the group 'admin'
The path of "pwauth" may be different on your NAS. Usually it is in the apache folder.
When done, you should be able to list all your NAS user accounts also in the ownCloud users list.
You are now done with the installation and should now be able to access ownCloud with any of your QNAP NAS accounts.
More details: 
Mysterious PHP errors appear: Reread the compatibility section and check that your NAS PHP version satisfies the requirements
Owncloud complains about "magic quotes": See the section about preparing your NAS web server, you missed the config option in php.ini
Owncloud complains about wrong file permissions: recheck the section about "chmod" and "chown". Usually the error message also tells, whether you missed permissions on the installation folder or the data folder
The admin config section 'Unix Authentication' is missing: This means, the ownCloud app 'Unix user backend' was not copied/installed or is disabled.
Login fails: The path to "pwauth" may be wrong. If in doubt, use putty/Winscp to verify "pwauth" is really located at the supposed file path.
Login fails: The auth uid range of the "Unix Authentication" may be still default
Backup problem: You cannot access the files in the data folder: use an admin user account to backup the data folder
Owncloud v6 installation stalls, when trying to create the admin user: Recheck the additional QNAP PHP preparation section for Owncloud6 and make sure that apache is restarted after these changes.
If you got lost in installation, delete/move/rename the following folder, before retrying:
Then restart from scratch
You may also reset your php.ini to the default values, if you have messed up preparation:
In QNAP Admin GUI -& Applications -& Web Server -& php.ini Maintenance -& "Restore"
The web server of your NAS usually has log files activated that can assist in fixing installation bugs. The log folder location may yary on your NAS, e.g. try/mnt/ext/opt/apache/logs
onwCloud also has a log file, per default it is in the data folder that you have chosen, e.g./share/HDA_DATA/[shareName]/owncloud/data/owncloud.logIf you are able to access the admin config web page of ownCloud, you can increase the log level by setting the log level to "info" or "debug".
(These are optional tasks to customize ownCloud for better usability)
If you are going to use your QNAP ownCloud installation for business, you will probably want to deploy SSL certificates signed by an official authority and maybe redirect the "/owncloud/" URL to "/".
To access ownCloud from a browser, use "http://[yourNAS]/owncloud" or "https://[yourNAS]/owncloud"
To access ownCloud cardDAV addressbooks from applications, it gets a bit overwhelming. Currently there seems to be quite a range of URL choices:
"http(s)://[yourNAS]/owncloud/remote.php/carddav" (seems to work in iOS without the leading http(s):// )
"http(s)://[yourNAS]/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/[accountname]/[addressbookname]" (seems to work in Thunderbird SOGO plugin)
You can autogenerate such a link in owncloud "Settings" menu of the address book (click the world symbol)
(It looks like it depends a bit on the client, which URL will work)
To access ownCloud calDAV calendars from applications, it gets a bit overwhelming. Currently there seems to be quite a range of URL choices:
"http(s)://[yourNAS]/owncloud/remote.php/caldav" (seems to work in iOS without the leading http(s):// )
You can autogenerate such a link in owncloud "Settings" menu of the calendar (click the world symbol)
The settings menu of calendar shows some URL hints
(It looks like it sometimes depends a bit on the client, which URL will work)
At least iOS seems to require port 443 to get SSL to work properly for calDAV and cardDAV.
Hardisk spindown: Depending on your preferences: if e.g. you are using a cardDAV client from an [x]pad or mobile device to connect to your Owncloud service, you might want to set the client config to load/refresh its data manually and not "auto poll every 15min". Otherwise this could prevent your NAS harddisk from going to sleep mode. This might also apply to other "always on" clients that poll your Owncloud service on a scheduled basis.
Backup: Ensure that the DATA folder created previously is backed up within your backup schedule
Uninstall: If you want to uninstall ownCloud, just delete the WEB/owncloud folder (and the DATA/owncloud folder, if you don't need the data anymore)
Version: To find out the installed version number of owncloud, callhttps://[yourNAS]/owncloud/status
Issues regarding moving existing addressbooks to owncloud:
Currently ownCloud only seems to be able to import/export vCards (.vcf) contact files. At least you can import several vcf Files with a single click in contact settings.
Outlook(&2007) can import/export vCards (attach contacts to a mail to generate vCard files, e.g. see this &a href=""&trick&/a&). Outlook 2003 seems to have a bug to only export the first email address to a vcard.
Thunderbird needs an external plugin (e.g. "SOGO" plugin) to access cardDAV address books. Thunderbird 17.0.5 also has an issue, if multiple mail address values are in the same field.
eM Client seems to be a good client pick for Windows: has no problems with multivalue eMail addresses and seems to have quite some address import/export capabilities, the free version allows up to 2 accounts.
iOS has native cardDAV support in v&5
Android seems to require an extra app to sync contacts using cardDAV
More cardDAV and calDAV clients: 
IOS: There is a CardDAV Setup bug in iOS7. Apple is informed, no date for an update is communicated so far.
When adding/editing a cardDAV configuration, iOS7 most often saves the cardDAV URL in the wrong format:
instead of
Here is how to fix that bug in the iOS7 device:
Either add a new configuration:
Add CardDAV (others) / Account
As "Server" enter: &yourNAS&/remote.php/carddav/prinicipals/USERNAME (don't add http:// or https:// in front of &yourNAS&)
enter "User name", "Password" and a "Description" as required
then tap "Next" to proceed
If you want to fix an existing cardDAV configuration, open that existing configuration.
Now click on "Advanced settings" of the cardDAV configuration, to edit the "Account URL". Due to the bug, the URL has been garbled by IOS (as written above). Now this needs to be corrected manually:
Change the Account URL to its correct form "&yourNAS&/remote.php/carddav/prinicipals/&username&/"
Either activate "Use ssl" and enter port 443 - or deactivate SSL and use port 80
Now you have fixed the URL, but still need to convince iOS that this is a correct configuration.
Tap "&" to close the "Advanced settings"
Tap "Done" on the main screen for the first time, to attempt to save the changes.If using SSL, iOS will now whine about: "Cannot connect using SSL. Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL" - [Continue] - [Cancel].Be sure to tap "[Cancel] on that screen!Further on, iOS will whine about "Contacts Account. Unable to verify account information - [OK]".Just tap "[Ok]".
Now tap "Done" a second time:iOS will be even more heart-broken and weep "This account may not be able to sync contacts. Are you sure you want to save? - [Save] - [Edit]". Confirm this by tapping "[Save]".
iOS will now finally save the changes!
To verify the cardDAV configuration is working, open any app, that is using contacts.
If your "ownCloud" configuration seems correct, but does not appear in the contacts section of that app, double tap the iOS menu button and close the app and then restart the app. That should refresh the contact configuration of that app.
Note that due to this bug, its difficult to distinguish between correctly and incorrectly entered cardDAV configuration, since iOS 7 will never give a confirmation about correctly entered cardDAV configuration. And it will always complain as mentioned, no matter if the configuration is correct or not correct.
Workaround first published by Rene:
blocked by CleanTalk.}


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