
精品:无线路由器怎么安装 路由..
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声明:本文已在点击率超过130万的“孟靖VMD视觉营销博客”上发表,如需转载请注明来自以下地址:。"MJ VMD精英俱乐部"微课堂:第二十八期分享主题:伦陈列管理者的领袖之道-传统文化中的管理智慧主讲老师:周同分享地点:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信二群(500人)分享时间:日(周三)20:30周同老师简介:周同,目前任和君咨询集团业务合伙人、深圳米仓科技(小虫米子天猫旗舰店)联合创始人兼顾问董事、绿茶餐饮集团组织战略顾问、中国社会科学院大学MBA案例大赛特邀评委等职务。2003年-2008年,周同和李玉杰老师一起创立了《中国服装设计师协会培训中心陈列设计实战研修班》,成立了【中国服装设计师协会陈列设计专业委员会】(国资委批准、民政部备案组织),组织出版了《卖场陈列设计》、《橱窗设计》、《陈列管理》等专业书籍。正文:各位陈列师,做一下选择题:A、喜欢琢磨事,不喜欢琢磨人,能做好业务,带不好队伍;B、喜欢琢磨人,不喜欢琢磨事,能管好小队伍,专业没啥新意;C、喜欢自由,不想坐班、带人、发大财,两三年一跳,自由的特种兵;D、陈列只是阶段职业,已经或计划调岗,目标是往离老板更近的地方规划;
声明:本文已在点击率超过130万的“孟靖VMD视觉营销博客”上发表,如需转载请注明来自以下地址:。近几年,随着国内整体经济的下行、制造业的产能过剩、实体店受电商的冲击等等因素,传统服装行业越来越难做;&于是 一些做服装的朋友问我线下实体店除了做服装还有什么可以做?今天,为大家推荐一些我个人比较喜欢并看好的行业及这些行业的空间设计,同时这些行业也可以和服装相融合,形成有差异化、有内容、符合未来个性化需求的综合体验店!也许有一天我做设计做不动了,我一定会按照我个人的想法去开这样的有特色、有个性、有文化、有主题、有内容、符合未来消费者个性化需求的体验店;这也是我未来的计划和梦想!下面请大家和我一起来畅想!畅想一:郊区民宿近几年,随着大家生活水平的不断提升,现代的都市人群周末或假期已经不满足于逛街、吃饭、看电影这样老套的三部曲,大家更希望可以开着自己的私家车、带着一家老小远离都市的喧嚣,找一个放松身心的地方度假!因此,近郊旅游是目前及未来的大趋势之一,近几年民宿的新起就是符合了这样的趋势;如果在山清水秀的都市郊区开一家吃、喝、住、玩一条龙服务的民宿是不是一个值得投资的项目?畅想二:LOFT风格的个性化酒店如今传统的酒店行业也在面临一场大洗牌;今天的消费者已经不满足于毫无个性的快捷酒店及刻板的星级酒店;尤其是80、
声明:本文已在点击率超过130万的“孟靖VMD视觉营销博客”上发表,如需转载请注明来自以下地址:。"MJ VMD精英俱乐部"微课堂:第二十七期分享主题:伦敦何以成为中国新锐服装设计师的孵化器主讲老师:贺佳分享地点:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信二群(500人)分享时间:日(周五)20:30贺佳老师简介教育背景●西安工程大学服装艺术设计&本科●英国伦敦时装学院服装设计&硕士所获荣誉●2015&Kering&Award&FinaLists法国开云(巴黎春天)集团设计大奖十强并与著名意大利奢侈品男装Brioni合作入围作品项目开发●虎门杯国际青年女装设计大赛最佳创意奖●大连杯中国青年服装设计师大赛优秀奖行业背景●服装品牌风格定位专家●服装品牌商品企划专家●服装品牌视觉推广专家●法国Promostyl中国市场特邀顾问●韩国VMStudio中国市场特邀顾问●十三年男女装品牌设计从业经验●曾服务品牌包括:刘洋LIUYANG/轩妮/
《MJ VMD精英俱乐部第二十六期微课堂》分享主题:奢侈品女装陈列思路主讲老师:高峯老师分享地点:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信二群(500人)分享时间:日(周三)20:30分高峯老师简介:高峯&Frank新饰觉国际时尚咨询教育中心创始人北京服装学院特聘服饰陈列讲师,7年时间服务于意大利一线奢侈品牌Max&Mara,任陈列部MR品牌陈列经理2014中国【APEC峰会】领导人着装服装展览,陈列形象设计师北京服装学院【土城空间】形象陈列设计依文【中国手工坊】贵州博物馆陈列展示2015影儿集团【Song&of&Song】北京华贸会所陈列形象及顾问中国女装代表品牌【例外】陈列形象顾问正文:一、店铺定期货品轮换Rotation为什么定期店铺要做Rotation?1.&给店铺全新的形象,来吸引顾客。同样的货品出现在不同的区域会给客人不同的感觉。2.&店铺的货量维持在一个固定的水平。3.&每个系列都维持特有的陈列风格。4.&有利于销售人员熟悉货品,能更好的维护、保持陈列,方便他们为顾客搭配衣服。二、在每次开始陈列前,与零售团队一起做一个完美的陈列计划
声明:如需转载请注明来自以下地址:《MJ VMD精英俱乐部第二十四期微课堂》分享主题:VMD与“数据化陈列”是什么关系主讲老师:阿福老师分享地点:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信二群(458人)分享时间:日(周一)20:30分阿福老师简介:
声明:如需转载请注明来自以下地址:《MJ VMD精英俱乐部第二十三期微课堂》分享主题:WINDOWS TALK 那些发生在橱窗背后的故事主讲老师:施扬分享地点一:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信一群(500人)分享时间:日(周三)20:30分分享地点二:MJ VMD精英俱乐部微信二群(458人)分享时间:日(周四)20:30分施洋老师简介:“都市游乐场”上海东方商厦南京东路店2015圣诞、春节橱窗的创意、设计、制作揭秘。项目背景:项目所处上海最繁华的商业步行街,人均客流量80w,节假日可达到150w以上!东方商厦的橱窗在历史上就非常有名,是南京路上的著名景观,吸引大量客流。创意构思:国内传统的圣诞节橱窗表现上都是以圣诞树,圣诞老人,礼物盒等元素入手表现。&无论是西方的圣诞节还是中国的传统的春节,都是阖家欢乐的日子,本案从快乐这个角度出发,以游乐场为载体,将快乐的概念以及东方商厦的产品以礼物的方式传递给消费者。这也避免了圣诞和春节过于明显的区分,具备更好的包容性!设计效果图:制作过程:圣诞过后进行第一次更换!
声明:本文及图片版权属广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司所有,严禁盗用或篡改!违者必究!如需转载请注明来自以下地址:"孟靖VMD视觉营销博客&"。在国内经济下行、实体店生意萧条的大环境国内服饰品牌在很多成本上削减开支;甚至连终端形象设计、橱窗等形象工程的成本也在削减,原本国内品牌的终端形象比国外品牌就差一大截,现在成本一削减实体店的生意更加雪上加霜,恶性循环的国内品牌必将面临一场生死考验的大洗牌!其实欧洲、美国、日本等经济发达国家的经济比我们国内更差,但为什么国外品牌反而更加注重终端形象?说到底就是国外品牌更加懂得VMD视觉营销对于终端店铺的重要性;线下与线上最大的区别就是线下能带给消费者线上所不能提供的体验;而国外品牌都在充分利用这一优势而赢得消费者的青睐!终端店铺如何能带给消费者美好体验?如何能让消费者在品牌众多的商业中心被吸引? 作为吸引消费者眼球的第一阵地当然是橱窗!可以说橱窗是终端花最少的代价换来最大效益的最佳途径!而国内品牌90%以上是不重视橱窗的;但国外品牌却恰恰相反,90%以上的品牌无论高、中、低端都非常重视橱窗;终端店铺每个季度不断变换的美轮美奂的橱窗不但能刺激消费者逐步观赏、进店消费,更加能提升品牌及商品的价值,同时能给消费者带来美好而深刻的记忆和新鲜感!下面让我们一起来欣赏一下2016年春季上海各大国际品牌的橱窗秀吧!
&&声明:本文及图片版权属广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司所有,严禁盗用或篡改!违者必究!如需转载请注明来自以下地址:"孟靖VMD视觉营销博客&"。前言:2015年中旬,广州市亨泰服饰有限公司与广州孟靖迪赛品牌有限公司签署了2015年夏季及2016年全年橱窗设计及道具制作协议,为旗下女装品牌“HONO亨奴”打造2015年夏季及2016年春、夏、秋、冬五个季节的橱窗;本季为大家介绍的是“HONO亨奴”女装2016春、夏季两个季度橱窗设计方案。服务品牌:广州“ HONO亨奴”女装承接单位:广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司项目内容:2016春夏两季橱窗设计、道具打样及制作设计主题:《LOVE.ENVY 爱.慕》设计解读:2016春、夏两季橱窗设计思路来源于HONO亨奴女装商品企划主题之“爱.慕”。通过电影《绝美之城》让我们感受到罗马的历史、艺术、以及罗马骨子里的浪漫与优雅;罗马对爱与浪漫的推崇可以追溯到公元前100年,在每年4月玫瑰盛开的时节,人们用玫瑰和美酒举行盛大欢庆与祭典。我们从本季商品企划以及电影中吸取灵感,将罗马的古典艺术与浪漫元素结合呈现出本季橱窗设计方案。2016春季橱窗效果图:2016春季橱窗广州五号停机坪店执行效果:2016夏季橱窗效果图:
& & & &声明:本文及图片版权属广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司所有,严禁盗用或篡改!违者必究!如需转载请注明来自以下地址:"孟靖VMD视觉营销博客&"。前言:2015年中旬,浙江红袖实业股份有限公司与广州孟靖迪赛品牌有限公司签署了2016年全年橱窗设计及道具制作协议,为旗下女装品牌“HOPE SHOW红袖女装”打造2016年春、夏、秋、冬四个季节的橱窗;本季为大家介绍的是红袖2016夏季橱窗设计方案。对于MJ VMD橱窗设计团队来说,做橱窗最重要的就是要达到两个目的:1、抓眼球;2、讲故事;HOPE SHOW红袖女装”2016春、夏两季橱窗充分了利用了这两点要素:1、采用大面积鲜明背景色抓顾客眼球;用情景展示手法讲述好闺蜜“ON THE ROAD"在路上的故事。在介绍"HOPE SHOW红袖"女装2016夏季橱窗之前先让我们来回顾一下春季的橱窗设计吧!因为春、夏橱窗设计有很强的连贯性哟!服务品牌:杭州&“Hope show红袖”女装项目承接:广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司项目内容:2016春季橱窗设计、道具打样及制作年度推广主题:“ON THE ROAD"在路上本季主题:“ON THE ROAD"在路上(第一季)
& 我们是广州孟靖迪赛品牌策划有限公司,具有15年VMD视觉营销经验,擅长SI专卖店设计、橱窗设计、VMD视觉营销培训等.曾服务的品牌包括::JACKJONES、DIKENI迪柯尼男装、ALT男装、V-MEN男装、太平鸟女装、CC&DD女装、风笛女装、意大利女装YES MISS、领秀等品牌,业务接洽:QQ: 手机:、微信公众平台:mengjingVMD &
近期心愿孟靖老师于-21日在广州举办“未来品牌竞争杀手锏-VMD视觉营销”,名额有限,报名从速!联系人:叶小姐:,孟老师: 博客等级
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开始学习lammps,需要安装VMD,linux系统中有些不习惯,简单的程序安装都不会,网上一些安装教程对着操作都没成功,关键是自己对linux不熟悉,安装中不能灵活处理命令,导致很小的问题都卡克。最后,终于安装好了,总结一下。1.下载VMD软件(2.在linux下解压缩3.在解压后的文件夹上鼠标右键--选择:在终端中打开(这个方便的操作需要在linux系统里添加一个插件具体名字记不清了,软件库里就有自己下)一下红色字体为输入命令,前面的黑色字体为文件存储的地址4.botar@botar:~/下载/vmd-1.9.1$ ./configure LINUXAMD645.botar@botar:~/下载/vmd-1.9.1$ ./configureusing configure.options: LINUXAMD646.botar@botar:~/下载/vmd-1.9.1$ cd src7.botar@botar:~/下载/vmd-1.9.1/src$ sudo make install[sudo] password for botar: 输入密码后,即可安装,很快完成屏幕显示如下:if [ ! -d &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ]; then \ & & & &mkdir -p &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; \ & & \ & &if [ ! -d &/usr/local/bin& ]; then \ & & & &mkdir -p &/usr/local/bin& ; \ & & \ & &if [ ! -d &/usr/local/lib/vmd&/doc ]; then \ & & & &mkdir -p &/usr/local/lib/vmd&/ \ & &ficp ../Announcement &&/usr/local/lib/vmd&cp ../README & & & &&/usr/local/lib/vmd&cp ../LICENSE & & & &/usr/local/lib/vmd&cp ../doc/ug.pdf & & & &&/usr/local/lib/vmd&/docif [ -f /usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUXAMD64 ]; then \ & & & & & mv -f &/usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUXAMD64& &/usr/local/lib/vmd/OLD_vmd_LINUXAMD64& ; rm -f &/usr/local/lib/vmd/OLD_vmd_LINUXAMD64& ; ficp ../LINUXAMD64/vmd_LINUXAMD64 &/usr/local/lib/vmd&if [ -d &../lib/redistrib/lib_LINUXAMD64& ]; then \ & & & &cd ../lib/redistrib/lib_LINUXAMD64; tar -cf - ./* | \ & & & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; tar -xf -) \ & &cp ../lib/stride/stride_LINUXAMD64 ../lib/surf/surf_LINUXAMD64 ../lib/tachyon/tachyon_LINUXAMD64 &/usr/local/lib/vmd&cd ..; tar -cf - scripts | \ & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; tar -xf -)cd ../ tar -cf - scripts | \ & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; tar -xf -)cd ..; tar -cf - python | \ & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd&/ tar -xf -)cd ..; tar -cf - plugins | \ & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; tar -xf -)cd ..; tar -cf - shaders | \ & &(cd &/usr/local/lib/vmd& ; tar -xf -)cp ../data/.vmdrc ../data/.vmdsensors ../data/vmd_completion.dat &/usr/local/lib/vmd&cd ../ \ & &if [ -f run_vmd_tmp ]; then rm -f run_vmd_ \ & &if [ ! -x &/bin/csh& ]; then \ & & & &echo &Info: /bin/csh shell not found, installing Bourne shell startup script instead& ; \ & & & &echo &#39;#!/bin/sh&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &echo &#39;defaultvmddir=&/usr/local/lib/vmd&&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &echo &#39;vmdbasename=vmd&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &cat vmd.sh && run_vmd_ \ & &else \ & & & &echo &#39;#!/bin/csh&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &echo &#39;set defaultvmddir=&/usr/local/lib/vmd&&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &echo &#39;set vmdbasename=vmd&#39; && run_vmd_ \ & & & &cat vmd.csh && run_vmd_ \ & & \ & &chmod +x run_vmd_ \ & &cp run_vmd_tmp &/usr/local/bin&/ \ & &rm -f run_vmd_tmpecho Make sure &/usr/local/bin&/vmd is in your path.Make sure /usr/local/bin/vmd is in your path.echo &VMD installation complete. &Enjoy!&VMD installation complete. &Enjoy!测试:在终端输入:vmd回车后即可打开软件
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Copyright &VMD 1.9.2 README
README file for VMD 1.9.2
What is VMD?
See also http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/
VMD is designed for the visualization and analysis of biological
systems such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipid bilayer assemblies,
It may be used to view more general molecules, as VMD can read
standard Protein Data Bank (PDB) files and display the contained
VMD provides a wide variety of methods for rendering and
coloring molecule.
VMD can be used to animate and analyze the trajectory
of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and can interactively manipulate
molecules being simulated on remote computers (Interactive MD).
VMD has many features, which include:
o No limit on the number of molecules, atoms, residues or
number of trajectory frames, except available memory.
o Many molecular and volumetric rendering and coloring methods.
o Extensive atom selection language with boolean and algebraic operators,
regular expressions, distance based selections, and more.
o Extensive graphical and text interfaces to Tcl, Tk, and Python
to provide powerful scripting and analysis capabilities.
o High-quality on-screen rendering using OpenGL programmable shading on
advanced graphics accelerators.
o Stereoscopic display with shutter glasses, autostereoscopic flat panels,
anaglyph stereo glasses, and side-by-side stereo viewing.
o 3-D interactive control through the use of joysticks, Spaceballs,
haptic devices and other advanced input devices, with support for
Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (VRPN).
o An extensible plugin-based file loading system with support for
popular formats such as AMBER, CHARMM, Gromacs, NAMD, PDB, X-PLOR,
and many others, as well as automatic conversion through Babel.
o Export displayed scene to external rendering formats including POV-Ray,
Raster3D, RenderMan, Gelato, Tachyon, Wavefront, as well
as STL or VRML2 files for 3-D printing.
o Integration of multiple sequence alignment and evolutionary
analysis tools, in the form of the Multiseq plugin and its
related toolset.
o Perform interactive molecular dynamics (IMD) simulations using
NAMD, Protomol, or other programs as simulation back-ends.
o Integration with the program NAMD, a fast, parallel, and scalable
molecular dynamics program developed in conjunction with VMD.
See the NAMD page for details: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd
o Integration with the BioCoRE collaborative research environment.
VMD can "publish" molecular graphics scripts to BioCoRE, so that
collaborators can work together over the internet.
See the BioCoRE page for details: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/biocore
What's new in VMD 1.9.2?
New Features and Performance Improvements
o Fast GPU-accelerated quality-of-fit cross correlation enables
analysis of results from molecular dynamics flexible fitting (MDFF)
and other hybrid structure determination methods:
o New built-in TachyonL-OptiX GPU-accelerated ray tracing engine
speeds up high quality image and movie renderings, particularly
for scenes using ambient occlusion lighting and shadows:
o VMD now includes a built-in implementation of the collective variables
feature also implemented in NAMD, enabling easier preparation
and analysis of NAMD simulations using collective variables:
o Built-in support for parallel analysis and visualization using
MPI, with new VMD "parallel" commands:
o Added initial support for large scale parallel scripting with Swift/T:
o VMD supports off-screen OpenGL rendering, enabling large
scale parallel visualization runs on "headless" GPU clusters and
petascale computers, using a new "-dispdev openglpbuffer" flag:
o An improved "QuickSurf" molecular surface representation allows
molecular dynamics trajectories to be animated for selections of
10,000 to over 1,000,000 atoms depending on the speed of the
host machine.
Fast multi-core and GPU-accelerated implementations
of the QuickSurf representation enable faster/smoother
trajectory playback for moderate system sizes, and interactive
surface calculation for systems containing up to 100 million atoms
on machines with sufficient host and GPU memory capacity:
o The improved QuickSurf implementation now supports visualization
of coarse-grained and cellular scale models:
Other updates and improvements
o Added initial support for ARM processors and the Android OS
o Added support for compilation of VMD with Tcl 8.6.x
New and improved plugins and extensions
o Bendix: calculates and visualizes both dynamic and static
helix geometry, and abstracts helices without sacrificing conformation:
o FFTK: The Force Field Toolkit (FFTK) plugin is a set of tools
that aid users in the development of CHARMM-compatible force
field parameters, including: charges, bonds, angles, and dihedrals
o MDFF: added option in mdff setup to use implicit solvent
o NetworkView: a plugin for the study of allostery and signalling
through network models, allowing networks can be loaded and mapped onto
molecular structures loaded in VMD
o NMWiz: A normal mode analysis plugin
o psfgen: Add non-plugin NAMD binary file writing command "writenamdbin".
Properly handle insertion codes by appending the code to the
resid string as in "48A".
Read and write insertion code in resid
field of psf file.
Add "readpsf file.psf pdb file.pdb" to
read insertion code from pdb file.
Add "regenerate resids" to
remove insertion codes with minimal residue renumbering.
Leave atoms in reasonable order when applying patches.
Do not generate O-H-H angles (assume these are water molecules).
Free old memory when regenerating angles or dihedrals for
entire structure.
Handle masses as large as 99999.
Use 6-wide atom type when writing CHARMM EXT format X-PLOR psf file.
Use field width of 10 when reading CHARMM EXT
o Remote: A plugin for managing VMD remote control connections
from mobile phones and wireless tablet devices
o Timeline: improved graphical interface with better zooming, and
improved display of very long timescale trajectories
o topotools: New topogromacs features,
allow support replication of non-orthogonal cells,
handle low-dimensional system box dimensions consistent with LAMMPS,
fix bug in writing non-orthogonal boxes reported by Sandeep Kumar Reddy,
add support for new Coeff section in LAMMPS data files,
add support for writing LAMMPS data files with triclinic cells.
o Modified TkCon to prevent it from sourcing command line args
as script files at startup.
New and improved file import and export
o cubeplugin: Make the parser for the cubefile header more resilient
when new fields are added like in g09 rev d.01.
o dcdplugin: Changed the dcdplugin reader code to avoid using readv()
to prevent problems when reading 240M-atom trajectories on some
versions of Linux.
o dlpolyplugin: Fixed a typo in the PBC unit cell basis vector
orthogonality check.
o gamessplugin: Fixed reading of minimization steps for recent
builds of Firefly 8
o gromacsplugin: Updates to gromacsplugin adding .gro write support,
contributed by Magnus Lundborg.
Changed .gro parsing code to use
fixed field widths to address problems with files that had no
spaces between the coordinate fields.
o jslugin: Changed the jsplugin reader code to avoid using readv()
to prevent problems when reading 240M-atom trajectories on some
versions of Linux.
o lammpsplugin: Support LAMMPS native trajectories with variable
number of atoms through provisioning constant storage via an
environment variable LAMMPSMAXATOM.
Fixed bug in handling triclinic cells with negative tilt factors.
o maeffplugin: Fixed uninitialized optflags state in maeffplugin, so
that compilations that don't define DESRES_CTNUMBER will behave correctly.
o moldenplugin: Fixed various limitations that had previously
caused problems for Terachem users. Use case-insensitive string
comparisons when reading shell types from Molden files.
o molemeshplugin: Added Brian Bennion's plugin for reading mesh files
produced by MOLE 2.0.
o offplugin: Fixed internal initialization bug
o psfplugin: Handle various bond/angle/dihedral/improper
misformattings for 10M-100M-atom structures.
Made the PSF plugin allow NAMD-tagged PSF files to use a
space delimited bond record format since NAMD accepts that variation.
o rst7plugin: Added support for reading and writing box
and velocity information.
o tngplugin: Added support for the new Gromacs TNG plugin
o vtfplugin: Allow compilation of VTF plugin without Tcl,
updated to latest version by Olaf Lenz
o xsfplugin: Fixed a problem with the interpretation of the cell
vectors in cases that must be rotated.
User documentation updates
o Minor improvements and corrections to the VMD User's Guide,
added documentation for new commands, graphical representations,
and environment variables.
o parsefep: Updated ParseFEP docs with latest files from Chris Chipot.
o vdna: Updated Tom Bishop's contact info in the docs
Bug fixes and small improvements
o NetworkView: small GUI improvements and fixes
o fftk: fixes to GenZMatrix to allow for more general ACC/DON assignments
o Fixed a potential crash in the x86 SSE-accelerated version of the
wavefunction calculation for the Orbital representation
o Fixed an Interactive MD force cancellation bug that occured most
frequently when using Mouse-based control and multi-atom targets
o Fixed an old bug with 2-atom and 3-atom alignments
o Fixed a bug prevented clean compilations without Tcl,
needed for early Android testing.
o Updated the VMD copy of WKFThreads from the latest version of Tachyon.
Known bugs
Visit the VMD page for information on known bugs, workarounds, and fixes:
Cost and Availability
VMD is produced by the The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group,
an NIH Biomedical Technology Research Center for Macromolecular Modeling
and Bioinformatics, that develops and distributes free, effective tools
(with source code) for molecular dynamics studies in structural biology.
For more information, see:
The VMD project is funded by the National Institutes of Health
grant numbers NIH 9P41GM104601 and P41-RR005969.
Disclaimer and Copyright
VMD is Copyright (c)
the Board of Trustees of the
University of Illinois and others.
The terms for using, copying,
modifying, and distributing VMD are specified in the file LICENSE.
The authors request that any published work which utilizes VMD
includes a reference to the VMD web page:
and/or the following reference:
Humphrey, W., Dalke, A. and Schulten, K., "VMD - Visual Molecular
Dynamics", J. Molec. Graphics, 1996, vol. 14, pp. 33-38.
The VMD Installation Guide, User's Guide, and Programmer's Guide
are available which describe how to install, use, and modify VMD.
All three guides are available from the main web site.
Online help may be accessed via the "Help" menu in the main VMD window
or by typing help in the VMD command window.
This will bring up the VMD
quick help page in a browser, and will lead you to several other VMD help
files and manuals.
Quick Installation Instructions
Detailed instructions for compiling VMD from source code
can be found in the programmer's guide.
The Windows version of VMD is distributed as a self-extracting
archive, and should be entirely self explanatory.
The native MacOS X version of VMD is packaged as a disk image and is
extracted by opening the disk image, and dragging the "VMD" application
contained inside into an appropriate directory.
For quick installation of the binary distribution for Unix do the following:
1) Uncompress and untar the distribution into a working directory.
In this working directory, there are several subdirectories such
as bin, src, doc, data, as well as this README and a configure script.
Change to this working directory after the unpacking is complete.
2) Edit the file 'configure'; change the values for
the $install_library_dir and $install_bin_dir to a directory in
which vmd data files and executables should be installed, be sure
that you installing into a clean target directory and not overwriting
an existing version of VMD (which would otherwise give problems):
$install_bin_dir is the location of the startup script 'vmd'.
It should be located in the path of users interested in running VMD.
$install_library_dir is the location of all other VMD files.
This included the binary and helper scripts.
It should not be
in the path.
3) A Makefile must be generated based on these configuration variables
by running "./configure".
4) After configuration is complete, cd to the src directory,
and type "make install".
This will install VMD in the two
directories listed above.
Note that running "make install"
twice will print error messages because you are attempting to
overwrite some read-only files.
Similarly, if you have incorrectly
specified the target installation directories or attempt to overwrite
an existing VMD installation, you will get error messages.
5) When installed, type 'vmd' to start (make sure the
$install_bin_dir directory is in your path).
Required Libraries
VMD requires several libraries and programs for various of its functions.
In particular, it uses GL or OpenGL based 3-D rendering, and will require
that you have the appropriate GL or OpenGL libraries on your system.
Other programs are required by some of VMD's optional features.
Please visit the VMD web site for more information:
For problems, questions, or suggestions, send e-mail to 'vmd@ks.uiuc.edu'.
VMD Development Team
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
University of Illinois and Beckman Institute
405 N. Matthews
Urbana, IL
TBG: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/
VMD: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/
README for VMD; last modified September 9, 2014 by John E. Stone}


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