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Animal & Veterinary
Page Last Updated: 10/17/2014
Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see .Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog , you will have a lot of troubles.Families should sit down and discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, and books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert(机敏灵活的)may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary(变化)in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd. This is because it provides protection as well as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.小题1:According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs going to the asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of buying a dog and training reading books about dogs小题2:The German shepherd is a popular dog
.A.because it is easy to trainB.because it is big and strongC.because it is powerful and friendlyD.because it is alert and active小题3:Which of the following statements is not true?A.Don’t buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.B.A dog may not be so good as it is described in books.C.The German shepherd never loses its popularity for it provides not only companionship but also protection.D.You should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.小题4:Which is the best topic of the passage?A.The care and proper selection of dogs for families.B.Different breeds of dogs.C.Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.D.Different kinds of books about dogs. - 跟谁学
在线咨询&&&分类:Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog , you will have a lot of troubles.Families should sit down and discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, and books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert(机敏灵活的)may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary(变化)in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd. This is because it provides protection as well as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.小题1:According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs going to the asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of buying a dog and training reading books about dogs小题2:The German shepherd is a popular dog
.A.because it is easy to trainB.because it is big and strongC.because it is powerful and friendlyD.because it is alert and active小题3:Which of the following statements is not true?A.Don’t buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.B.A dog may not be so good as it is described in books.C.The German shepherd never loses its popularity for it provides not only companionship but also protection.D.You should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.小题4:Which is the best topic of the passage?A.The care and proper selection of dogs for families.B.Different breeds of dogs.C.Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.D.Different kinds of books about dogs.Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog , you will have a lot of troubles.Families should sit down and discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, and books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert(机敏灵活的)may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary(变化)in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd. This is because it provides protection as well as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.小题1:According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs going to the asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of buying a dog and training reading books about dogs小题2:The German shepherd is a popular dog
.A.because it is easy to trainB.because it is big and strongC.because it is powerful and friendlyD.because it is alert and active小题3:Which of the following statements is not true?A.Don’t buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.B.A dog may not be so good as it is described in books.C.The German shepherd never loses its popularity for it provides not only companionship but also protection.D.You should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.小题4:Which is the best topic of the passage?A.The care and proper selection of dogs for families.B.Different breeds of dogs.C.Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.D.Different kinds of books about dogs.科目:最佳答案小题1:D小题2:C小题3:C小题4:A解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心Dog Tip: Helping Dogs Cope with Visitors to Your Home
You or a fellow dog owner may have encountered
problems with a dog greeting visitors in an
unacceptable manner, be it jumping on them, repeated
barking or displaying aggressive behavior.
Few people anticipate such problems -- yet they are
common among dog owners, especially those with newly
adopted dogs.
And holiday activity can make dogs more
In any event, problems can be resolved and
avoided with advice that follows.
Leash your dog before opening the door for
It is up to you to keep control of the
Reward calm behavior, and progress made by the dog.
Use verbal praise immediately to reinforce positive
You can also use treats.
In addition, for
non-aggressive dogs, you can have the visitor offer a
treat to the dog as soon as the dog does a sit-stay or
goes into the down position.
Keep a container of
small treats near your door for this purpose.
Suzanne Arnold suggests setting up the dog to
discourage unacceptable greeting behavior.
situation in which one or more people to come to your
You keep the dog on a leash, then command the
dog to sit and stay.
(Of course, it is important to
first teach your dog the basic commands of sit and
stay, so that he understands what you want.)
introduce the dog to the person.
Using your hand,
touch the person to get their smell and bring your
hand back to the dog.
Remember, dogs rely very
heavily on their sense of smell in all of their
encounters -- with people, other animals, plants and
even inanimate objects.
The tether station approach to teaching your dog to sit and be calm around guests:
Set up tether stations in approximately 3 places in your home.
Instruct your guests to say sit and then treat.
Approaching new people with your dog.
First, observe new people from a distance, instead of letting people approach too quickly.
Hold your dog on leash beside you.
Dont force introductions.
Meeting a new dog ... or introducing a dog and
guest ... using good body language:
When introducing
yourself to a new dog, take a sideways stance instead of looking at the dog head-on.
Canines perceive the sideways stance as less threatening in general.
Avoid direct eye contact until the dog displays signals that he is comfortable. Look at the floor nearby, or in another direction.
Pretend to be uninterested in the dog.
The sum total of this body language serves as a 'calming signal' to the dog.
(Excellent insight can be found in the book 'Calming Signals' by Turid
The dog will realize through this body language that you are not planning to threaten, lunge at, grab at or chase him. A nervous person makes dogs feel nervous.
A calm person is likely to make the dog feel secure.
Other calming signals include:
approaching the dog by walking in an arc, which is typically the way friendly d sitting or squatting (again, sideways is best); licking o and pretending to sniff or examine something innocuous.
By showing the dog that you are directing your attention elsewhere, you help set him at ease and signal that you mean no harm.
Thus, the dog has no reason to feel defensive.
For detailed guidance to help you train your dog to
greet people in an acceptable manner, read the
Greeting Visitors tip sheet at
important tip sheet for any dog person is at
recommend reading this even if your dog is sociable,
because even a normally sociable dog can have a
negative reaction to some strangers.
Never try to introduce your dog to a visitor if the
dog seems agitated.
It is never good to force a dog
into a behavior.
If the dog's hesitation is based on
fear, forcing the dog forward will not address the
Instead, you want to demonstrate to your dog
why he should trust you as his leader while gradually
introducing him to someone or something new...doing it
gradually enough not to trigger a fear response.
may respond to fear by attempting to flee, or even
through aggressive display (such as growling, lunging
or nipping) in an attempt to repel the stranger.
If the dog is fearful, keep the dog on a leash and
at a safe distance from the visit.
Act calm and
Otherwise, you may telegraph your anxiety to
the dog, which will cause the dog to believe there
really is something to fear.
If you have more than one dog, avoid having them
greet visitors at the door.
Even if the dogs show
acceptable greeting behavior individually, when they
convene at the door, they may excite one another while
competing for the visitor's attention.
The excitement
might even lead to a fight between the dogs.
suggests not opening the door until things are under
She notes that trainers often recommend not
to open a door until all dogs are in a down-stay.
Remember, by investing some time in teaching good
behaviors, you will shape good behaviors from the
start and avoid unacceptable behavior.
As Suzanne
notes, it simply takes time, repetition and consistent
behavior on the part of the dog owner.
For persistent problems or more direct guidance,
consult a behaviorist/trainer.
Physical separation is another approach, and in many
situations, the safest.
Build a physical barrier just inside your front
door, which can take the form of a tall baby gate to
an actual secondary door in an entry hallway.
this approach does not directly modify the dog's
behavior, it safeguards the visitor as well as
prevents a scared, nervous or rambunctious dog from
possibly escaping through the front door.
addition, it gives the dog a chance to observe from
the other side of the barrier that the incoming
stranger is causing no harm and gives him a chance to
calm down.
Place the dog in a crate or a separate room.
practice alone does not change desirable greeting
However, it guarantees safety and is
particularly useful for dogs who are not used to a lot
of visitors, or who dislike strangers, or who have
guard instincts, and for situations involving young
and/or rambunctious guests or service people.
The removal approach does have some teaching value for
social dogs -- when a dog is removed from social
activity immediately upon displaying excitable or
challenging behavior, the dog may learn that if he
engages in certain behaviors, he will lose social
In other words, "if I jump around, bark
or rush the door, I get removed from the fun and the
opportunity to meet visitors."
More step-by-step advice:
Greeting Guests with Success
What do you do when your dog doesn't care for some of
your visitors?
Some dogs will take a severe disliking
to certain visitors -- perhaps men in uniforms or
overcoats, people in big hats, or guests wearing
Perhaps due to a lack of early
socialization, the dog is fearful of the unfamiliar.
And sometimes it's just hard to tell why a dog barks
or lunges at a particular visitor.
But in every case, it is up to you to reassure your
dog -- as well as ensure he or she doesn't frighten or
injure your visitors.
First, if you have a guest who tends to make abrupt
movements, talk loudly, or otherwise excite your dog,
speak with the person in advance. Explain that you are
working with your dog on politely greeting visitors,
and that the guest's cooperation is essential.
You might arrange the following set-up before the next
visit. Play with the dog before your guest arrives so
that he is not carrying around so much energy and is
not starved for attention. Then place a canister of
small treats near the door but, of course, out of
reach of pets.
When your guest arrives, snap on the dog's leash and
place him by your side, holding the leash. Have him in
a "sit" before you open the door. Verbally praise and
treat him for sitting calmly. Your goal is to keep the
dog in a calm mood. Be relaxed yourself, or you'll
telegraph anxiety to your dog.
When your guest enters, have her take some treats from
the canister, while you keep the dog in a sit,
praising him for being good or giving a sharp leash
correction to re-direct his attention to you if he is
getting ready to bark or pounce on your guest.
Next, have your guest calmly greet the dog in a quiet
but friendly voice. Your guest should pet and praise
the dog only if he is reasonably calm. She can then
dispense a treat, simultaneously saying "Good boy," to
reward the good behavior. This shows the dog that the
guest's presence is not threatening his world -- and
thanks to the treats, starts building a new positive
association. The dog begins to realizes that when a
guest comes in, good things such as treats and gentle
petting happen.
Dogs and Strangers
Some dogs don't like strangers, which can be a problem
particularly during the holidays when many people have
guests and added stress.
The following tips are adapted from "When Your Dog
Threatens Visitors" from the November 2000 issue of
DogWatch newsletter.
When confronting visitors, dogs who dislike strangers
may bark, snap, lunge and try to bite.
this behavior is rooted in the owner's reward history
many owners praise dogs for protecting
the household. Some dogs are very protective due to
genetics as a breed trait.
Sometimes the behavior is
rooted in the dog's early experiences. A socialized
dog, one who has been exposed to a range of people and
situations during key developmental periods during
puppyhood, is usually easier to manage and more
welcoming of guests.
In any event, a dog threatening
visitors can have unpleasant consequences.
It helps to realize that most dogs instinctively
protect their owners, handler and territory. The dog
regards his owners as his pack. The visitors are not
part of the pack and can trigger excessive reactions.
What can you do about this?
* Reinforce your role as leader.
* Provide rewards when your dog listens to you.
* Provide rewards to condition a more acceptable
response to visitors.
* Be aware of the signals you send. If your dog senses
anxiety when you greet a visitor, he might interpret
your stance or reaction as fearful. If he thinks
aggression might work to ward off the threat, he'll
display aggressive behavior. So make sure you greet
visitors in a calm, relaxed and confident manner.
Specific ways to help your dog deal with visitors:
Technique 1:
Extend your hand to the guest for a
handshake, which the dog will interpret as a sign that
the person is OK.
hugging a guest may send
an anxious dog a confusing signal.
Technique 2:
Teach your dog "sit," "stay" and "go to
your place" (establishing a "place" for him somewhere
in the home, perhaps on a mat or dog bed).
fully learns those commands, you can use them when
guests visit.
Technique 3:
Your dog will study each guest to
determine whether the guest is a threat, and will keep
watch for signs of threat. Usually this diminishes
within a few minutes of the guest's arrival, but not
So advise guests:
Do not look directly at the dog, approach, speak
to, raise your voice, or touch the dog. Do not move
quickly. Take a seat as soon as possible and wait for
the dog to approach you.
Avoid suddenly stepping back, raising an arm, or
such moves can trigger aggression.
Technique 4:
Upon a visitor's arrival, supply the
visitor with a handful of dog treats or kibble. The
visitor can casually slide them over one a time to the
Using distraction:
If the dog still shows some
aggression or fear with guests, use distraction to
help break the aggression cycle.
Set up situations
with the help of a friend or neighbor.
Establish a
signal that tells the dog a visitor is approaching,
such as a knock or a ring of the doorbell.
your dog before the guest arrives and rings the
Your dog will learn to associate the
doorbell ringing with fun, not threats. Play when the
doorbell rings, or, for non-playing dogs, give a food
treat. When your dog returns with the ball, praise
"Good dog."
Place a properly fitted head
collar such as a Gentle Leader or Halti on your dog.
When the guest arrives, calmly but firmly command your
dog to sit and be quiet, or send him to his special
place in the home. If the dog doesn't abide, gently
guide (not yank) the dog into the position or special
place. Do not raise your voice.
Keep the event
positive by immediately rewarding the dog by praise,
petting and a food treat for following a command.
Have a friend help by coming to your door twice a day
for two weeks for these practice sessions.
If the dog
breaks command, guide him back to the position/place
to assert your leadership position.
These techniques will not transform the dog into a
burglar-loving pushover, but will help improve your
ability to get your dog to look to you before he
For more Tips about coping and
other pet care information, visit our website at:
Partnership for Animal Welfare, Inc., P.O. Box 1074,
Greenbelt, MD 20768
Last Updated: June 23, 2013}


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