xcode怎么删除 xwhighxcode plugin 目录这个插件

对还没有支持Xcode 6.2的插件有效,Alcatraz 的新版已经支持。
进入到插件目录 ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plugins
对于Xcode 6.3,使用这个UUID:9F7-4ADC-B558-F9CADF7073A7
其实就是 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info 里边的 DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID
分享一个批量更新插件的 DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID 的命令:
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins -name Info.plist -maxdepth 3 | xargs -I{} defaults write {} DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs -array-add `defaults read /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID`
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(3)(5)(8)(1)(5)(2)(4)(5)(5)(14)(6)(1)(3)(2)(3)(1)(5)(2)(1)(8)(8)(4)(1)(4)(17)(9)(1)(1)(1)Xcode Plugins - NSHipster
Written by
April 14th, 2014
Apple is nothing if not consistent. From
to , customers are simply expected to relinquish a fair amount of control when they choose to buy a Mac or iPhone. Whether these design decisions are made to ensure a good user experience, or this control is exercised as an end in itself is debatable, but the reality is that in both hardware and software, Apple prefers an ivory tower to a bazaar.
No better example of this can be found with Xcode: the very software that software developers use to build software for the walled ecosystems of iOS & OS X software, is itself a closed ecosystem.
Indeed, significant progress has been made in recent years to break open the developer workflow, from alternative IDEs like
to build tools like ,
and . However, the notion that Xcode itself could be customized and extended by mere mortals is extremely recent, and just now starting to pick up steam.
Xcode has had a plugin architecture going back to when Interface Builder was its own separate app. However, this system was relatively obscure, undocumented, and not widely used by third parties. Despite this, developers like
have done incredible work creating a stable and vibrant ecosystem of third-party Xcode extensions.
Simply install , and pull down all of the plugins (and color schemes and templates) that you desire.
This week on NSHipster: a roundup of some of the most useful and exciting plugins for Xcode—ready for you to try out yourself today!
And since these question come up every time there&s an article with pictures:
1. The color scheme is
2. The app used to make animated GIFs is
Making Xcode More Like X
Just as New York became a melting pot of cultures from immigrants arriving at
, Xcode has welcomed the tired, poor, huddled masses of developers from every platform and language imaginable. Like those first wave Americans, who settled into their respective ethnic neighborhoods to re-establish their traditions in a new land, so too have new iOS developers brought over their preferred workflows and keybindings.
Perhaps you would appreciate a taste of home in the land of Cupertino.
Finding it too easy to quit Xcode? Try , an experimental plugin that adds all of your favorite Vim keybindings.
Do you miss having a code minimap along the right gutter of your editor to put things into perspective? Install
and never again miss the tree nodes for the forest.
Looking to be more in tune with GitHub? Add the
plugin to open to the selected lines of a file online.
Fixing Xcode
Rather than waiting with crossed fingers and clenched teeth each June, as Apple engineers unveil the next version of Xcode, developers now have the ability to tailor the de facto editor to their particular needs (and most importantly, fix what&s broken).
An annoyance going back to Xcode 4 has been the truncation of items in the Issues Navigator. Never again be frustrated by surprise ellipses when compiler warnings were just starting to get interesting, with
Dismiss Debugging Console When Typing
Another annoyance going back to Xcode 4 is how the debugging console seems to always get in the way. No more, with . As soon as you start typing in the editor, the debugging window will get out of your way.
Add ANSI Color Support to Debugging Console
ncurses enthusiasts will no doubt be excited by the
plugin, which adds support for ANSI colors to appear in the debugging console.
Finding that @property synthesizers are creating a low signal-to-noise ratio in the Source Navigator? Let
excise the cruft, and let the functions and methods shine through.
Blow Away DerivedData Folder
rm -rf-ing the heck out of &Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData& does the trick every time, 90% of the time. Add a convenient button to your Xcode window to do this for you, with the .
Turbocharging Xcode
Not being the most verbose language in existence, Objective-C can use all the help it can get when it comes to autocompletion. Xcode does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to class and method completion, but these plugins extend it even further:
Autocomplete switch Statements
Fact: switch statements and
go together like . The only way it could be improved would be with
with automagically fills out a case statement for each value in the enumeration.
Autocomplete Documentation
adds a great deal of value to a code base, but it&s a tough habit to cultivate. The
plugin does a great deal to reduce the amount of work necessary to add -compatible header documentation. Install it and wrap your code in a loving lexical embrace.
Formatting Xcode
, so you owe it to yourself and your team to keep whitespace consistent in your code base. Make it easier on yourself by automating the process with these plugins.
Code Formatting with ClangFormat
is a convenient wrapper around the
tool, which automatically formats whitespace according to a specified set of style guidelines. Eliminate begrudging formatting commits forever with this plugin.
Statement Alignment
Fancy yourself a code designer, automated formatters be damned?
automatically aligns assignments just so, to appease your most egregious OCD tendencies.
Extending Xcode
In a similar vein to what , these plugins push the boundaries of what we should expect from our editors, adding context and understanding to code without obscuring the meaning.
Inspect NSColor / UIColor Instances
Telling what a color is from its RGB values alone is a hard-won skill, so faced with an NSColor or UIColor value, we have little recourse to know what it&ll look like until the code is built and run. Enter
Quoth the README:
When you put the caret on one of your colors, it automatically shows the actual color as an overlay, and you can even adjust it on-the-fly with the standard OS X color picker.
Autocomplete Images from Project Bundle
Similar to the ColorSense plugin,
will preview and autocomplete images in [UIImage imageNamed:] declarations.
Semantics Highlighting
Any editor worth its salt is expected to have some form of syntax highlighting. But
presents the idea of semantic highlighting in editors. The idea is that each variable within a scope would be assigned a particular color, which would be consistent across references. This way, one could easily tell the difference between two instance variables in the same method.
is a fascinating initial implementation of this for Xcode, and worth a look. The one downside is that this plugin requires the use of special desaturated color schemes—something that may be addressed in a future release, should this idea of semantic highlighting start to pick up mind share.
It&s no secret that NSHipster has . For this reason, this publication is emphatic in its recommendation of , a clever Xcode plugin that brings the localization editor to your code.
Xcode&s plugin architecture is based on a number of private frameworks specific to Xcode, including DVTKit & IDEKit. A
can be derived by running
on the Xcode app bundle.
Using private frameworks would be, of course, verboten on the AppStore, but since plugins aren&t distributed through these channels, developers are welcome to use whatever they want, however they want to.
To get started on your own plugin, download the , using the other available plugins and class-dump&d headers as a guide for what can be done, and how to do it.
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are always welcome — NSHipster is made better by readers like you.
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() is a writer and developer from the Rustbelt.
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is released under a .Make Xcode highlight selected symbol more - Stack Overflow
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Xcode underlines all occurrences of a symbol that the cursor is on. However, the underline doesn't exactly "pop out" in the source code. Is it possible to make Xcode highlight the background color of the symbol, like Eclipse does it? I can't find anything in the Preferences panel.
This is not exactly what you are looking for, but you may want to check out the
Xcode plugin (most easily installed via ). It gives every symbol a unique color, which is used consistently throughout. So every instance of myVar might be blue, and every instance of myOtherVar might be red.
This plugin does what you want. It's available through :
Install Alcatraz (the package manager for Xcode) and search for AutoHighlightSymbol. It will do exactly what you want.
ok go to xcode
select preferences
pop over will come select fonts and colors
down u can see 4 buttons,with 1 having name selection,click and choose any deep color
I don't know if this is still relevant, but when you hover with the cursor on a symbol a small selection menu shows up and you can select "Edit All in Scope". This highlights all such symbols in a much more visible way. As the name suggests, this functionality is meant for a higher purpose, but I think it comes in handy even just for highlighting.
I don't know if this feature was available before Xcode 5.
I have the same trouble and found something like that. (where the "currencyId" i select,another its work of plugin)
Its, i guess, do the same thing like [Cmd+E, Cmd+F and Cmd+G combo]
But its easier,you must only select word in your code.
How to install it to Your XCode:
Launch XCode
On top menu select Window->Package Manager
search type "highlightSelectedString"
Install it!
And also you can change color of highlighting!!!
go to Edit->Set Highlight color
Choose your color
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