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Thu, 16 Nov :18 +0000
Thu, 16 Nov :18 +0000
专辑中文名:&Full Moon歌手:&?????? (EXID)音乐风格:&流行资源格式:&MP3版本:&迷你专辑发行时间:&日地区:&韩国语言:&朝鲜语简介:&专辑介绍:EXID于11月7日携迷你4辑《Full Moon》回归。《Full Moon》共收录6首歌曲,除了主打歌《DDD(???)》,还收录了正花、慧潾的SOLO曲,以及LE和Hani的合唱曲,还有未能参与上张专辑活动的率智所演唱的SOLO曲,每首歌曲都各自有着不同的魅力,相信能让粉丝们透过这张专辑看到EXID在音乐上更加成熟的一面。EXID? ? ?? ???? [Full Moon]?? ????.?? ?? [Eclipse]??? ??? ??? ‘??’?? ??, ???? EXID? ??? ??????,?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??? [Full Moon]?? ?? EXID??? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? EXID?? ??? ?? ?? ??.?? ?? EXID? ????? ? ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ??? ????.?? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ‘pp’? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??, ??? ??? ??! LE, ??? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????.??, ???? ‘???’? EXID ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? EXID? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????.?? ??? ?? EXID ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ? ???, ??? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.?????? (EXID).-.[Full Moon].迷你专辑.(MP3).rar 网盘下载地址 /fs/930326专辑曲目:&
1. ???2. Too Good To Me3. ?? (?? SOLO)4. ALICE (feat. PINKMOON) (?? SOLO)5. Weeknd (LEx??)6. ?? ?? (?? SOLO)
Mon, 13 Nov :09 +0000
专辑英文名:&Songs of Cinema专辑中文名:&银幕之歌歌手:&Michael Bolton音乐风格:&流行资源格式:&FLAC版本:&[24 bits 44 KHz]发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&专辑介绍:儘管人们都肯定麦可波顿在歌坛的地位与贡献,但他决定趁著还能唱,留下更多印记,而这回他挑选的,则是一系列曾经因为被採用为电影插曲或主题曲而轰动国际的经典.....SONGS OF CINEMA/Michael Bolton银幕之歌/麦可波顿推荐指数:★★★发行公司:Frontiers睽违整整四年之后,曾经写下过不少畅销纪录的资深创作歌手麦可波顿(Michael Bolton)终於再度出击,在2017年二月中旬推出他生平第二十三张录音室专辑,不过这回他再度把自己擅长的创作才华放在一边,以翻唱一系列电影史上的经典名曲为号召,专辑的标题命名为「Songs of Cinema」,而且唱片公司也改为一家来自义大利、但是由他的老东家Sony机构负责发行的独立品牌,在宣传的气势上跟昔日相去甚远,几乎堪称静悄悄的,让人难免多少为他感慨。还好,他毕竟也还算是唱将型的人物,至少仍旧维持了固有的演出水準,至於市场的销售反应将会如何,可就很耐人寻味了。所谓「江山代有才人出」,乐坛不断出现优秀的新生代,虽然麦可波顿曾经红极一时、在全球各地拥有无数歌迷,但是年轻一辈的消费者可能就会感觉这个名字有点陌生,所以我们还是很快的为大家简报一下。在本文截稿的时候已经六十三岁的麦可波顿来自康乃狄格州的纽海文,他很早就展现音乐方面的天赋,年方十三岁就开始作曲,甚至在十五岁那年就为Epic唱片灌录了第一首单曲。1975年,他加盟RCA,以本名「麦可勃洛汀」(Michael Bolotin)推出过两张专辑,可惜并不成功,反倒是作曲方面的能力逐渐获得肯定,陆续开始有好些知名艺人採用他的作品。70年代末期,他努力的写了不少歌曲,打算自己灌录,但是他的经纪人说服他,自己组一支团体,改用合唱团的姿态进行衝刺。就这样,他成立了「海盗旗」(Blackjack)合唱团,灌录了两张听起来比较类似「齐柏林飞船」(Led Zeppelin)和「坏伙伴」(Bad Company)那样重摇滚风味的专辑,可是仍然没有多少表现。1982年,在新的经纪人安排之下,麦可与CBS的乐曲出版部门签约,同时加入哥伦比亚唱片的旗下,改用「麦可波顿」为艺名,在1983年发表首张个人同名专辑,仍然不见起色,但他没有因而停止创作方面的努力。就在那年,乐曲出版公司的经理要他到办公室见面,介绍他认识另外一个歌曲作家,道格詹姆斯(Doug James),同时把他们两人推进一间里面放著一台钢琴的工作室,就这样要他们开始合作。初次相见,两人有点尷尬,花了不少时间互相自我介绍。最后,该是开始工作的时候了,詹姆斯在钢琴前面坐下,麦可站在他后面,一个开始弹奏,一个则开始歌唱,透过这样的合作方式,两人谱写出第一首合作的歌曲,叫作「How Am I Supposed to Live Without You」。经过几次修改后,经理充满自信的认定这首歌一定会红,同时开始把歌曲送出去,希望找到买主。当麦可和詹姆斯听说「空中补给」(Air Supply)打算要採用这首歌的时候,他们兴奋极了,因为该团当时正红,陆续推出过好些畅销百万的录音。可是,由於该团的唱片公司老闆克莱夫戴维斯(Clive Davis)要求修改副歌的部分,他们坚持不肯,因此录音的工作也就迟迟无法展开。这个时候,女歌手萝拉布兰妮根(Laura Branigan)发现了这首歌,表达了高度的兴趣,希望能够使用。CBS的经理特别警告布兰妮根,最好重新考虑,以免花了时间和金钱录制完成之后,却撞上「空中补给」的版本,落得个吃力不讨好、血本无归。可是,布兰妮根实在是太喜欢这首歌了,情愿冒险,就这样推出了「How Am I Supposed to Live Without You」,结果顺利的一炮而红,至於「空中补给」则因为修改的问题没有解决,始终未曾正式的录制这首歌,而詹姆斯和其他朋友也因此建议还在迷恋重摇滚的麦可尝试一些比较软调的风格。当他1985年的专辑仍然失败之后,他总算看清自己并不是玩重摇滚的材料,於是採用了大家的建议,开始转型。1987年,麦可波顿的唱片生涯终於有了突破,「That’s What Love Is All About」拿到了第十九名,然后又以翻唱的「(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay」拿到第十一名,连带的,专辑「The Hunger」也大为畅销。为了继续跟进,他决定採用相同的风格,同时在下一张专辑「Soul Provider」中把「How Am I Supposed to Live Without You」收录进去。布兰妮根的版本虽然相当讨好,但是麦可在喜欢之餘,仍然觉得她的表现与自己当初的构想有著相当大的差距,因此决定按照自己当初Demo的风格来予以重新灌录。专辑完成之后,公司首先挑选标题歌曲「Soul Provider」当作首支主打单曲,获得了第十七名。接著,「How Am I Supposed to Live Without You」在1989年十月推出,很快的风靡起来。三个月之后,这首歌在1990年一月二十日登上榜首宝座,成为90年代的第一首冠军名曲,不但为麦可夺下了生平的第一个冠军,更蝉联三个星期,使他就此名扬四海,成了90年代最受欢迎的超级巨星。前后十多年的时间,麦可波顿的专辑几乎张张畅销,可说是得意到了极点。不过,所谓风水轮流转,他还是无法逃过逐渐走下坡的命运,即使他好几次努力寻求变化,甚至不惜挑战歌剧咏嘆调,成效依然有限,有时候连排行榜都上不去,唱片公司也从原先的龙头主力品牌变为副牌、甚至小型的独立品牌,儘管人们都肯定他在歌坛的地位与贡献,身为当事人的他毕竟还是很难接受事实,因此他决定趁著还能唱,继续努力,留下更多印记,而这回他挑选的,则是一系列曾经因为被採用为电影插曲或主题曲而轰动国际的经典。对麦可波顿来说,翻唱老歌可不是甚么新鲜的尝试,更何况他连歌剧都唱过,应该难不倒他。为专辑揭开序幕的,是黑人灵魂歌手帕西史雷吉(Percy Sledge)在1966年唱红、后来在1994年被安迪贾西亚(Andy Garcia)和梅格莱恩(Meg Ryan)共同主演的「当男人爱上女人」採用为主题歌的「When a Man Loves a Woman」。事实上,麦可波顿早在1991年就推出过翻唱的这首歌,并且还勇夺全美冠军,这次重新詮释,他特别加注是2017版,希望能再度带来好运。大体说来,他仍然保持著固有的风格跟水準,没甚么好挑剔的,但可能还是有人会忍不住问,就这样吗?第二首登场的,是另一位黑人灵魂歌手班伊金(Ben E. King)在1961年唱红、在1986年被根据史蒂芬金(Stephen King)的小说改编的电影「站在我这边」(Stand by Me)採用为主题歌的「Stand by Me」,麦可波顿的翻唱动员了相当华丽的合声,听觉效果挺不错的。「I’ve Got a Woman」是已故传奇盲歌手雷查尔斯(Ray Charles)发表於1954年的经典,后来在2004年出现於雷查尔斯的传记电影「雷之心灵传奇」(Ray)里面。桃莉芭顿(Dolly Parton)谱写的「I Will Always Love You」应该是大家记忆犹新的,当年惠妮休斯顿(Whitney Houston)在「终极保鑣」(The Bodyguard)里面的演唱更曾刷新排行纪录,而麦可特别请来原作兼原唱者的桃莉芭顿跨刀合唱,可听性非常高。巴布席格(Bob Seger)在1979年推出的「Old Time Rock and Roll」,虽然在排行榜不是很红,但包括1983年让汤姆克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)一炮而红的YA电影「保送入学」(Risky Business)在内,许多电影和影集都曾採用为重要插曲。在其他歌曲方面,「I Heard It Through the Grapevine」是已故黑人歌手马文盖(Marvin Gaye)在1968年唱红的不朽经典,后来曾在1983年的热门电影「大寒」(The Big Chill)用作开场的歌曲,所以也算是跟电影扯上关係。「Cupid」是另外一位已故黑人歌手山姆库克(Sam Cooke)在1961年唱红的名曲,许多歌手都曾先后予以翻唱,梅格莱恩和丹尼斯奎德(Dennis Quaid)在1987年共同主演的科幻喜剧电影「惊异大奇航」(Innerspace)曾经用作插曲,「绿野仙踪」(The Wizard of OZ)的不朽经典(Somewhere Over the Rainbow)更是有如二十世纪流行音乐文化的图腾,因为「北非谍影」(Casablanca)而流传全球数十年的「As Time Goes By」同样堪称不朽。说老实话,麦可波顿确实很认真的詮释,不过仍然没有多少让人惊艳的感觉,会不会是我们太贪心了呢?这张专辑总共只收录了十首歌曲,好像比较不是那么大方。放在最后压轴的「Jack Sparrow」稍微有点格格不入,因为它并非真的来自电影,只是借用了热门电影「神鬼奇航」(Pirates of the Caribbean)角色之一的「杰克船长」来当题目。它本来是搞笑乐团「寂寞孤岛」(The Lonely Island)在2011年邀请麦可波顿客串跨刀演出的歌曲,乐团以嘻哈的风格呈现,内容还提起其他好几部著名电影的角色,同时特别拍摄了一支MV,在YouTube播放,正反两面的评价都有,大体上还算是正面的。在这张专辑中,麦可波顿特别去除了原先的嘻哈色彩,改用抒情歌谣曲的方式来重新表现这首歌,因此在标题后面加上了「歌谣曲版本」的字样,感觉果然完全不同,但是消费者是否买单,我倒是蛮想知道的。整体而言,这张专辑听来还算顺畅,至於对他的生涯会不会有加分的效果,我个人的态度可能比较保留一些。引用Michael Bolton has been churning out hits of his own for decades, and now, he’ll take on iconic classics featured in movies on his new album Songs of Cinema, out Feb. 10.The album, which will be the Grammy winner’s 27th, will feature tributes to songs like “I’ve Got a Woman” from Ray, “As Time Goes By” from Casablanca, and of course, the ballad “Jack Sparrow” from his Saturday Night Live digital short with the Lonely Island.“I’ve always been a huge fan of the movies,” Bolton said in a statement. “I love all the classics from Casablanca to The Wizard of Oz.”The news of the 10-song album follows Netflix’s announcement earlier this week that Bolton will be starring in Michael Bolton’s Big, Sexy Valentine’s Day Special on Feb. 7, a “sexy” variety special featuring a slew of comedy stars, and aimed at getting people “in the mood to make love.”Audio CD (February 10, 2017)Original Release Date: February 10, 2017Number of Discs: 1Label: FRONTIERS MUSIC SRLASIN: B01MZ0AJASAverage Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars
55 customer reviews2017 release, the 27th album from the Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter who has sold more than 65 million records worldwide. Songs Of Cinema is a tribute to beloved songs from the world's most iconic films. Michael Bolton has sold more than 65 million records worldwide. He has won two Grammys for Best Pop Male Vocal Performance (nominated four times), six American Music Awards, and a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a songwriter, he has earned over 24 BMI and ASCAP Awards, including Songwriter of the Year, nine Million-Air awards, and the Hitmakers Award from the Songwriters Hall of FameRelease Date February 10, 2017Duration 32:41Genre Pop/Rock
VocalStyles Adult Contemporary
Contemporary Pop/RockRecording Location: Beach House, Miami Beach, FLCapitol Recording Studios, Hollywood, CAHenson Studios, Los Angeles, CAMikos Studio, Gothenburg, SwedenMXM Studios, Los Angeles, CAPassion Studios, Westport, CTStudio Red Room, Gothenburg, SwedenStudio Willow Valley, Gothenburg, SwedenWallyWorld Studios, Studio City, CaWEstlake Studios, Los Angeles, CAAllMusic Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
[-]The concept of Songs of Cinema, Michael Bolton's 2017 album -- which happened to coincide with the release of his Netflix television special Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special -- is simple enough: Bolton picks ten songs from films and sings them. As it turns out, the execution is slightly trickier. With one notable exception -- &Somewhere Over the Rainbow,& from 1939's The Wizard of Oz -- Bolton doesn't choose songs that were actually premiered in a film, preferring to pick songs that showed up in a film years after they were first written or recorded. As such, Songs of Cinema doesn't really feel like a collection of songs from the movies. Rather, it just plays like a collection of oldies, with Bolton singing such familiar tunes as &When a Man Loves a Woman,& &Stand by Me,& &I've Got a Woman,& &I Will Always Love You,& &Old Time Rock and Roll,& and &I Heard It Through the Grapevine.& The production is rather chintzy, which has the inadvertent effect of emphasizing how Bolton is relatively restrained here. He's also in good humor, doing a new version of Lonely Island's &Jack Sparrow& -- here presumably because it's about Johnny Depp's character from Pirates of the Caribbean, as it's not from any film -- and that, along with his Valentine's Day special, shows Bolton doesn't take himself too seriously. That spirit extends through the rest of the record, all of which is played straight but lacking the bombast of his earliest hits. This relatively light touch is welcome and gives Songs of Cinema its appeal.专辑曲目:&
01. When a Man Loves a Woman (2017 Version) [00:03:56]02. Stand by Me [00:02:57]03. Ive Got a Woman [00:03:21]04. I Will Always Love You (feat. Dolly Parton) [00:03:36]05. Old Time Rock & Roll [00:03:07]06. Heard It Through the Grapevine [00:04:06]07. Cupid [00:03:10]08. Somewhere Over the Rainbow [00:03:28]09. As Time Goes By [00:03:17]10. Jack Sparrow (Ballad) [00:01:43]
Mon, 13 Nov :07 +0000
专辑英文名:&Weber - Sonatas for Piano & Violin, Piano Quartet专辑中文名:&韦伯:小提琴奏鸣曲、钢琴四重奏艺术家:&Isabelle Faust, Alexander Melnikov古典类型:&奏鸣曲资源格式:&FLAC发行时间:&2013年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&专辑介绍:harmonia mundi HMCCD)6 韦伯:小提琴奏鸣曲、钢琴四重奏【1CD】 Weber: Sonatas for Violin & Piano、Piano Quartet 佛丝特, 小提琴 / 梅尼可夫, 钢琴 Isabelle Faust, Violin / Alexander Melnikov, Piano / Boris Faust, Viola / Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, Cello1809年22岁的韦伯於时候斯图加特完成钢琴四重奏,可惜的是这么优秀的作品长期以来却饱受忽视。原先韦伯希望交由出版商汉斯.乔治.内格利发行,结果对方以此曲的想法编排令人感到困惑,而且明显模仿贝多芬予以婉拒。於是一年后韦伯转而前往波昂找上贝多芬的好友兼拥护者–尼可拉斯.辛洛克的公司帮忙发行,显然辛洛克对新奇古怪的接受度远比内格利还要高一些。六首小提琴奏鸣曲原本是由奥芬巴赫市的出版商约翰.安德烈所委託,他希望能出版一些难度适中的小品合辑给当时中上阶层爱好音乐的家庭。韦伯却延宕到1810年夏日尾声逼近结稿期限才把完稿交出去。但是他对出版社的艺术限制感到相当不悦,因而也是半敷衍的交差,而且在创作过程中总是不停的再三抱怨这份「讨人厌的工作,比创作同样数量的交响曲还要耗费心神」,没想到安德烈以作品不符期待的理由立即退稿,让韦伯对此大为光火。好人作到底的辛洛克於是在1811年再次对韦伯伸出援手分成两册出版,标题为「给钢琴与小提琴的进阶奏鸣曲–献给业餘音乐家」并将作品编为第十号。事实上光就技巧层面来看–特别是对小提琴来说,的确算是平易近人,若就内容来说,这六首或二或三乐章的简短奏鸣曲,绝非只能仅仅用於教学。虽然是为了取悦业餘人士所写,但对任何艺术行家来说,都是相当令人满意的作品。继巴哈无伴奏小提琴第二集以及和阿巴多合作的贝多芬两张专辑大受好评之后,伊莎蓓儿再度与梅尼可夫( 国家音乐厅将举办首度抵台钢琴独奏会)搭档,并在四重奏找来现任柏林爱乐中提琴首席的兄长跨刀赞助。另一位大提琴家沃夫冈.艾曼纽.舒密特曾被罗斯托波维契讚为当世顶尖的大提琴家之一。专辑编号: HMC902108专辑类型: 单CD发行年份: 2013国际条码: 6音乐家:Faust, Isabelle (violin) 伊莎贝拉.佛斯特 (小提琴) Melnikov, Alexander (piano) 亚历山大.梅尼可夫 (钢琴) Boris Faust, viola 波利斯.佛斯特, 中提琴 Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, cello 沃夫冈.艾曼纽.舒密特, 大提琴音乐厂牌:
Harmonia Mundi引用Was Carl Maria von Weber born only to compose Der Freischutz? So, at least, many people have thought, forgetting the existence of a catalogue of more than 300 compositions in every genre. The Piano Quartet, written when Weber was only 22, already displays the first signs of the fantastic Romanticism that E.T.A. Hoffmann was exploring at the same time. As for the delightful Violin Sonatas of 1810, refused by the publisher for their blatant originality (!), they airily mix different styles in an exotic multinational rendezvous. On this delightful recording, violinist Isabelle Faust partners once again with Alexander Melnikov (this time on fortepiano). For the Piano Quartet, this extraordinary duo is joined by Isabelle's brother Boris Faust on viola and cellist Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt.Carl Maria von Weber - Isabelle Faust, Alexander Melnikov, Boris Faust, Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt ?– Sonatas For Piano & Violin / Piano QuartetLabel: Harmonia Mundi ?– HMC 902108Format: CD, Album Country: FranceReleased: Jan 2013Genre: ClassicalStyle: RomanticOriginal Release Date: January 29, 2013Release Date: January 8, 2013Label: harmonia mundiCopyright: ?(C) harmonia mundiTotal Length: 1:10:04Genres: ClassicalASIN: B00AR9LBBGAverage Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 starsCreditsComposed By – Carl Maria von WeberFortepiano – Alexander MelnikovViolin – Isabelle FaustBarcode and Other IdentifiersBarcode: 6Label Code: LC 7045专辑曲目:&
Sonata Op.10 No.6 In C Major01. I Allegro Con Fuoco 3:4702. II Largo 1:1503. III Polacca 3:42Sonata Op.10 No.3 In G Major04. I Air Russe - Allegretto Moderato 2:1105. II Rondo - Presto 2:28Sonata Op.10 No.4 In E Flat Major06. I Moderato 4:1807. II Rondo - Vivace 1:48Quartet For Violin, Viola, Violoncello And Fortepiano, Op.8 In B Flat MajorViola – Boris FaustVioloncello – Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt08. I Allegro Con Fuoco 9:3709. II Adagio Ma Non Troppo 6:5910. III Menuetto. Allegro 2:1811. IV Finale. Presto 7:41Sonata Op.10 No.2 In G Major12. I Carratere Espagnolo - Moderato 3:1813. II Adagio 2:4014. III Air Polonais - Rondo Allegro 2:00Sonata Op.10 No.5 In A Major15. I Tema Dell'Opera Silvana - Andante Con Moto 5:5216. II Finale - Siciliano - Allegretto 2:16Sonata Op.10 No.1 In F Major17. I Allegro 3:2818. II Romanze - Larghetto 1:3319. III Rondo - Amabile 2:48
Mon, 13 Nov :00 +0000
专辑中文名:&玛丽亚·凯莉之圣诞节我想要的只有你专辑英文名:&Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You别名:&圣诞节我想要的只有你艺术家:&原声大碟版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack[iTunes Plus AAC]发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:256kbps专辑介绍:本片的剧情主要会从玛丽亚·凯莉2015年出版的同名儿童畅销书中做延伸。年轻的玛利亚有一天从宠物店看到一只名为“公主( Princess)”的小狗,第一眼就确定了这就是她想要的圣诞礼物。但她必须要向爸妈保证,自己能顾得过来家里另一只淘气的狗,因为这只狗已经不止一次将玛利亚家里的圣诞装饰弄得一团糟了。专辑曲目:&
1. All I Want for Christmas Is You2. Lil Snowman3. Christmas Time Is in the Air Again4. Wild & Crazy Christmas5. Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)6. All I Want for Christmas Is You7. Mariah’s Christmas Theme8. Jack’s Suite9. Mariah and Jack Medley
Mon, 13 Nov :34 +0000
专辑英文名:&Listen Without Prejudice - MTV Unplugged专辑中文名:&原音重现现场 永恒纪念套装 歌手:&George Michael音乐风格:&流行资源格式:&FLAC版本:&[24 bits 44 KHz]发行时间:&2017年地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&专辑介绍:乔治麦可 / 专注聆听 原音重现现场 永恒纪念套装★ 生涯全球一亿两千万张销售,永远的英国流行天王,1990年第二张个人录音室专辑,纪念进口3CD 精装套装,珍藏流行天王的璀璨光芒★ 英国金榜冠军专辑,晋升美国,法国,澳洲排行榜第2名,荣获1991年全英音乐奖「最佳英国专辑奖」,全球销售累计超过八百万张,艾尔顿强Elton John、绿洲合唱团主唱连恩盖勒格Liam Gallagher、玛丽布莱姬 Mary J. Blige 同声讚扬的乐坛经典杰作★ 收录全美告示榜冠军单曲”Praying for Time”以及全美热门单曲榜第8名畅销曲” Freedom! '90”, “Waiting for That Day”, “Mothers Pride”,“Waiting for That Day”, “Cowboys and Angels”等经典名曲★ 套装CD内含Listen Without Prejudice Vol.1专辑Remaster版本、乔治麦可生涯最经典现场之一的1996年【MTV Unplugged】不插电演唱会演出实况音轨,演出包括:&Everything She Wants&,&Fast Love&,&I Can't Make You Love Me&多首名曲★ DVD收录The South Bank Show 1990 音乐访谈与现场演出录影、”Praying for Time”以及” Freedom! '90”两支经典MV、”Freedom! '90” MTV 10周年现场演出录影影像★ 附赠George Michael生前最钟爱单曲,与制作Madonna经典专辑「Like A Virgin」著称,同时也是迪斯可/放克乐团Chic的成员Nile Rodgers一同重新制作之单曲&Fantasy&独家音档、以及Listen Without Prejudice / MTV Unplugged全套装音档下载码 如同他出道的乐团Wham!这个团名最后的那个标点符号一样,George Michael的每一张专辑都为流行乐坛带来一个惊嘆号。就在以多样化节奏的首张个人专辑「Faith」热卖2500万张,连创&Faith&,&Father Figure&,&One More Try&,&Monkey&等4首全美热门单曲榜冠军曲,勇夺葛莱美奖年度专辑大奖之后,George Michael出乎意料的带来一张在节奏上力求简单,表现他浓浓的灵魂乐唱腔的专辑【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】。1990年9月,【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】专辑发行,在这张专辑里,George Michael一反前张专辑「Faith」多采多姿的节奏风格,把专辑的焦点聚焦在歌声演唱,呈现歌声本身在听觉上所能带来的感动。如果说「Faith」是一张性感的专辑,那么,【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】就是一张感性的专辑。在专辑【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】中,George Michael的唱腔显得更加的成熟,这样的成熟也让他在「Faith」这张专辑建立起的性感形象变得更加迷人,专辑的曲风大体介於流行乐,摇滚乐与节奏蓝调之间,除了&Freedom! '90&,&Soul Free&这两首带著放克节奏的歌曲较为轻快活泼之外,大多数歌曲的情绪与气氛显得深沉,儘管如此,他的迷人歌声却营造了一个令人想要沈淀心情,仔细听听他在歌曲里想要表述的心情与感受。【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】专辑在全球14个国家挺进排行榜TOP 10,包含英国专辑金榜冠军,晋升美国,法国,荷兰,澳洲,纽西兰等国的专辑榜第2名,专辑的全球累积销售高达800万张。专辑连推&Praying For Time&(#6),&Freedom! '90&(#28),&Waiting For That Day&(#23),&Heal The Pain&(#31)等4首英国单曲金榜TOP 40畅销曲,前面3首单曲也挺进全美热门单曲榜TOP 40,&Praying For Time&成为George Michael在美国的第9首冠军曲,&Freedom! '90&也有全美热门单曲榜第8名的好成绩。此张专辑在英国深受好评,荣获1991年全英音乐奖最佳英国专辑奖在坚持个人隐私的态度下,George Michael不愿为专辑里的歌曲拍摄音乐录影带,於是,&Praying For Time&成了当时少数没有歌手现身,只有上歌词字幕的音乐录影带,而&Freedom! '90&则是邀请日后以电影「社群网战」获得奥斯卡最佳导演提名的David Fincher执导了一支由五位超级名模Naomi Campbell,Cindy Crawford,Christy Turlington,Tatjana Patitz,Linda Evangelista领衔主演的音乐录影带。2016年初,George Michael著手进行【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】专辑搭配1996年於伦敦的Three Mills Studio录制的MTV不插电演唱专辑【MTV Unplugged】的合并发行计画,他打算为这次的重新发行寻找适合的单曲,而在1980年代后期创作,原本计画收录在【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1】专辑的歌曲&Fantasy&就是他的首选,他找了以制作Madonna经典专辑「Like A Virgin」著称,同时也是迪斯可/放克乐团Chic的成员Nile Rodgers重新为&Fantasy&彩绘更多的放克节奏色彩,&Fantasy&也成了George Michael在日辞世前的最后一首作品。2017年10月,【Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 / MTV Unplugged】双专辑重新发行,当年没能收录在专辑里的歌曲&Fantasy&在经由Nile Rodgers重新制作上色后回到了当初的归属。&Fantasy&这首歌曲原本只是当作&Freedom! '90&的美国版单曲以及&Waiting For That Day&的英国版单曲的B面歌曲的作品,George Michael很喜欢&Fantasy&,这首歌曲成了他在1991年的「Cover To Cover巡迴演唱会」,年的「25 Live 巡迴演唱会」的必唱歌曲,他甚至在「Cover To Cover巡迴演唱会」的演唱现场免费赠送&Fantasy&的卡带。在MTV不插电演唱专辑【MTV Unplugged】部分,收录了George Michael 演唱Wham!乐团时期以及单飞后的「Faith」至1996年的「Older」等专辑的畅销曲,像是&Everything She Wants&,&Fast Love&,&I Can't Make You Love Me&,等。艺人 George Michael发行月份 2017-Oct类型 西洋歌曲 流行乐引用/listen-without-pre...d-deluxeTitle: Listen Without Prejudice / MTV Unplugged (Deluxe) Artist: George Michael Genre: Pop, Top Best Sellers Label: Sony Music Canada Release Date: 2017George Michael’s Listen without Prejudice review: MTV Unplugged is the raw, stripped-back album fans have been waiting for REVIEW Joe Gamp forMetroFriday 20 Oct
pm George Michael was always at his best when he was at his most vulnerable and there was no filter placed on him.Honest, heart-warming and often cutting, his what-you-see-is-what-you-get attitude came to define his music and his career.And with the release of his new MTV Unplugged album, we are offered the raw emotion and talent that George brought to the studio when recording his albums such as Listen without Prejudice and Older.In the latter years of George’s life, the music, as with most artists, began to wane with albums that were mediocre and failed to contain the same impact that his classics had on the world of music.His live album Symphonica captured the musicianship but failed to capture the true spirit of the singer – a man who was best known for presenting his emotions to all and wearing his heart on his sleeve. But he hadn’t released a stand out album – yet alone recorded studio album – since 2004.The re-release of Love Without Prejudice would have been enough to continue the interest in George’s life and music alone, having been the album that delivered singles such as Freedom!, Heal The Pain and Praying for Time.George Michael passed away aged 53 from heart and liver failure. But what makes the re-released album that more interesting is the inclusion of the Unplugged concert which was held at three Mills Island Studios in east London in 1996. With the glitz and high production values minussed in favour of a backing band that was incidental to George’s voice, it was allowed to shine through in its fractured and often vulnerable glory.Stand out moments on the album, apart from it whole unit as a blistering acoustic album, come in the form of Fastlove, taken from his 1996 classic Older, Waiting For The Day and Heal the Pain, all referencing a time in George’s life when he found himself at a crossroads.Dealing with the pain of losing his one true love Anselmo to AIDS; his journey from whimsical pop to more jazz
his change of image and his want to inform the world of his sexual orientation, while at the same time wanting to keep it hidden from the judgmental eyes of the media.Things were in a state of unfiltered flux for George personally, and his soul bearing unplugged set in 1996 came at a time when everything was in the air – those changes were marked by a sound and concert that he would never explore again after.To be honest, I’m a huge fan of value for money (and of course, Listen Without Prejudice) and am not adverse to droves of re-issues, re-releases and box sets – but GM’s MTV Unplugged session should have had a full release all of it’s own.It seems even more poignant and upfront now that the legendary musician and national treasure has passed away. MORE: George Michael fans thank Chan专辑曲目:&
01. Praying for Time (Remastered) 04:4102. Freedom! '90 (Remastered) 06:3003. They Won't Go When I Go (Remastered) 05:0504. Something to Save (Remastered) 03:1805. Cowboys and Angels (Remastered) 07:1306. Waiting for That Day (Remastered) 04:5107. Mothers Pride (Remastered) 03:5908. Heal the Pain (Remastered) 04:4109. Soul Free (Remastered) 05:2710. Waiting (Reprise) (Remastered) 02:2511. Freedom! '90 (Live) 06:0212. Fastlove (Live) 05:1213. I Can't Make You Love Me (Live) 05:5514. Father Figure (Live) 06:1915. You Have Been Loved (Live) 05:5516. Everything She Wants (Live) 05:1317. The Strangest Thing (Live) 06:0018. Older (Live) 05:4719. Star People (Live) 06:1520. Praying for Time (Live) 05:2621. Fantasy 04:0222. Soul Free (Special Radio Edit) 04:2323. Freedom! '90 (Back to Reality Mix) 06:1224. Freedom! '90 (Back to Reality Mix Edit) 04:0425. Fantasy 05:0226. Freedom! '90 (Edit) 05:1427. Cowboys and Angels (Edit) 04:3428. If You Were My Woman 04:0529. Too Funky (Single Edit) 03:4530. Crazy Man Dance 05:5531. Do You Really Want to Know 04:4832. Happy 04:0433. Too Funky (Extended) 05:3634. Too Jazzy (Happy Mix) 05:5235. Fantasy '98 04:3036. Heal the Pain 04:4137. Desafinado 03:19
Mon, 13 Nov :31 +0000
专辑英文名:&Bartok - Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 专辑中文名:&巴尔托克:第一、二号小提琴协奏曲艺术家:&Isabelle Faust古典类型:&协奏曲资源格式:&FLAC发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&专辑介绍:巴尔托克:第一、二号小提琴协奏曲 Bartok:Violin Concerto Nos.1 & 2国际唱片评论杰出奖 (2013.9)小提琴在巴尔托克的作品中一直都有相当重要的地位。受到友人以及室内乐伙伴像是曼纽因、西格提还有达拉妮的啟发,他留给后世许多小提琴曲目当中不可或缺的经典,包含四首小提琴与管弦乐团作品:两首狂想曲、两首协奏曲。两首协奏曲的第一首是他26岁的作品,当时他还是个为爱神魂颠倒的理想主义者,第二首相隔三十多年才问世,圆熟的作曲家想藉此回顾自己早期的成就。仔细探索这部乐曲后会发现他将丰富的洞察力分别衍生成两部来自不同时期的作品,第一号某些年轻气盛的事物和第二号的风平浪静在两首作品中都可以互相发现踪迹。巴尔托克会小心翼翼的检视第二号协奏曲的种种理论,这部1938年的作品是小提琴家塞凯里委託创作。另一方面在第一号协奏曲录音之前的準备工作则带给我某些惊喜,偶然中发现在乐谱上标记的各种记号,有时来自作曲家本人,有时是抄写员,里面包含了不同的乐句和弓法的记号。更惊喜的是我在其中一个来源发现了第二乐章早期的未完成版。第一号直到巴尔托克去世才首演,这首作品蕴含年轻作曲家对小提琴家史黛妃.盖雅的浪漫爱意。但是就在作品完成隔没几天盖雅便决心结束这段感情。儘管作曲家心中万分失落沮丧,却还是将手稿赠送给女方。第二号协奏曲为巴尔托克的晚期风格揭开序幕,没多久就成为他最受欢迎的作品之一。其中一个原因就是他成功的让两种不同风格达到神奇的平衡,就像是结合了过去与现在的人生自传。在这首协奏曲他将早期的风格全部汇整,从粗旷奇异的民谣风格经由活力旺盛的节奏,塑造出十二音旋律。巴尔托克现在已经可以在传统古典曲式协奏曲中毫不费力的结合民谣元素或是十二音序列技法。从目前流传下来的1939年的首演广播录音(孟根堡指挥大会堂管弦乐团,小提琴是塞凯里)中,不仅验证演奏者下足準备功夫,也给我相当程度的帮助,让我在詮释上能够更具说服力。~节译自解说册 伊莎蓓儿.佛斯特的早期演奏事业曾经和巴尔托克的奏鸣曲密不可分,经过漫长的等待她总算回头发行巴尔托克的小提琴协奏曲专辑。第一号在巴尔托克生前完全没有演出机会也未曾出版,佛斯特在全心投入录音之前总是要仔细看过草稿和手稿,这点準备工作倒是从未变过,或许正因如此这个版本才会如此异常优美并且鞭辟入里。第二号亦是如此,她和指挥哈丁选择结尾只有管弦乐单独演奏的原始版,而非一般常见巴尔托克为委託者塞凯里后来改写的炫技版。哈丁有时也是样貌多变的巴尔托克专家,清晰、投入而且敏锐。另外,你一定要好好读过佛斯特亲自撰写的解说册:她的解说就和她的演奏一样充满说服力。卫报五颗星~巴尔托克:第一、二号小提琴协奏曲 Bartok:Violin Concerto Nos.1 & 2专辑编号: HMC902146专辑类型: 单CD发行年份: 2013国际条码: 6音乐家:Faust, Isabelle (violin) 伊莎贝拉.佛斯特 (小提琴) Harding, Daniel (conductor) 丹尼尔.哈丁 (指挥) Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 瑞典广播交响乐团音乐厂牌:
Harmonia Mundi引用Release Date August 5, 2013Duration 57:54Genre ClassicalStyles ConcertoRecording Date April, 2012Recording Location Stockholm, BerwaldhallenAllMusic Review by James Manheim
[-]German violinist Isabelle Faust has accomplished highly regarded Bartók performances in the past, and she truly comes into her own with this recording of the Violin Concerto No. 2, Sz 112, and the much-less-often-heard Violin Concerto No. 1, Sz 36, Op. posth. Indeed, the prime attraction of the album might be the earlier work, composed in 1907 and highly it was written for a violinist with whom Bartók was hopelessly in love. She refused to perform it (so it goes), and the work was not played until after Bartók's death. Faust makes an excellent case for the two-movement work, whose soaring first movement is completely Romantic in spirit if not in harmonic content, and she captures the delicate, youthful quality of the work as a whole with graceful playing and a fluid tone in the upper registers. The performance of the Violin Concerto No. 2 is also very strong. There is nothing outwardly striking about it, but its cumulative effect is tremendous as Faust slashes through the work's folk rhythms, maintains perfect control through the slow movement's turbulent double stops, and delivers the energy needed for the finale in which the violin raises the tension to a hair trigger, only to drop out of the action at the end. Much of the effect lies in the ensemble work between Faust and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra under Daniel H this is not an especially heralded group, but here they work beautifully with the soloist. Fine engineering work from Harmonia Mundi (the location is not specified) and cogent booklet notes by Faust herself complete a satisfying Bartók package.Performer: Isabelle FaustOrchestra: Swedish Radio Symphony OrchestraConductor: Daniel HardingComposer: Bela BartokAudio CD (August 13, 2013)Number of Discs: 1Format: ImportLabel: HARMONIA MUNDIASIN: B00COU07DOAverage Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
6 customer reviewsBy Geoffrey Norris6:34PM BST 01 Aug 2013Isabelle Faust (violin), Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond Daniel HardingHarmonia Mundi HMC 902146, ?15.99Isabelle Faust, as she explains in her excellent booklet notes accompanying this CD, has a particular penchant for the violin music of Bartók, fostered by her studies with a violinist who knew the composer and then consolidated over the years through her performances of the sonatas and the concertos.She has already recorded the sonatas (HMG ), and on this fine new disc she couples the early concerto, completed in 1908, with the later and more frequently heard one of 1938.The First Concerto, published posthumously and given its premiere in 1958, opens with music that seems to be lost and rapt in reverie, a reflection of the fact that Bartók was deeply in love with the violinist Stefi Geyer, for whom the concerto was intended. The fact that she spurned it and also ditched Bartók adds a poignancy of its own to the long, seamless profession of ardour that he enshrined in the opening Andante and indeed carried through into the second movement, which is said to be a portrait of Geyer’s gaiety.Bartók: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2Isabelle Faust (violin)Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Daniel HardingFaust resists the kind of full-blown romantic ardour that might seem appropriate to music inspired by a protracted love affair. Instead she weaves her sinewy melodic line in a more introverted... — BBC Music Magazine, September 2013, ***** More…Release Date: 29th Jul 2013Catalogue No: HMC902146Label: Harmonia MundiLength: 57 minutesIsabelle Faust's first recording for harmonia mundi, Bartok Sonatas, won her a Gramophone Young Artist of the Year.Here she returns to Bartok, perfoming the two concertos, accompanied by Daniel Harding and the Swedish Radio SO.Such is the fame of Bartók’s Second Violin Concerto (1937-38), that it has virtually eclipsed the First, written 30 years before. Yet, this earlier work, rediscovered long after the composer’s death, has a fascinating story all of its own. True to form, Isabelle Faust has gone back to the multiple musical sources of this First Concerto, a work that came ‘straight from the heart’, as Bartók’s romance with a young violinist lay at the core of its creative process.&I owe my enthusiasm for the music of Béla Bartók to the wonderful Hungarian violinist Dénes Zsigmondy, who was privileged to know the composer personally. At the age of eleven, I was lucky enough to study the Sonata for solo violin with him and thus to discover Bartók’s world in a very emotional and instinctive way. In the years since then, Dénes Zsigmondy, his conception of music, and especially his interpretation of Bartók have formed an important component of my artistic career. It seemed only logical to choose the Bartók sonatas for my debut CD. I am now delighted to present the two violin concertos in this recording. It is intended as a musical expression of my admiration for the composer Béla Bartók and my gratitude for the continued inspiration and faithful friendship of Dénes Zsigmondy. My warm thanks go to László Somfai and László Vikárius of the Bartók Archives in Budapest and to Felix Meyer of the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel for their generous support of this project. Finally, I would like to express my profound appreciation of and indebtedness to Daniel Harding and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra for their absolutely fantastic contribution to the recording sessions.& Isabelle Faust专辑曲目:&
Béla BartókViolin Concerto No. 1, Sz 36 op. posth.1. 1. Andante sostenuto 9:482. 2. Allegro giocoso 12:18'Violin Concerto No. 2, Sz 1123. 1. Allegro non troppo 15:184. 2. Andante tranquillo 9:165. 3. Allegro molto 11:14
Mon, 13 Nov :29 +0000
专辑中文名:&寻梦环游记专辑英文名:&Coco别名:&可可夜总会(台) / 玩转极乐园(港) / 墨西哥亡灵节 / 亡灵节总动员艺术家:&原声大碟资源格式:&MP3版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:320kbps专辑介绍:  小男孩米格(安东尼·冈萨雷斯 Anthony Gonzalez 配音)一心梦想成为音乐家,更希望自己能和偶像歌神德拉库斯(本杰明·布拉特 Benjamin Bratt 配音)一样,创造出打动人心的音乐,但他的家族却世代禁止族人接触音乐。米格痴迷音乐,无比渴望证明自己的音乐才能,却因为一系列怪事,来到了五彩斑斓又光怪陆离的神秘世界。在那里,米格遇见了魅力十足的落魄乐手埃克托(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 配音),他们一起踏上了探寻米格家族不为人知往事的奇妙之旅,并开启了一段震撼心灵、感动非凡、永生难忘的旅程。As Disney Pixar's Coco heads into theaters this Thanksgiving, the film s soundtrack gears up for its debut. The film features an original score from Oscar(R)-winning composer Michael Giacchino, a song by Oscar winners Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, and additional songs co-written by Germaine Franco and co-director and screenwriter Adrian Molina. Also part of the team is musical consultant Camilo Lara of the music project Mexican Institute of Sound. Plus, Grammy(R)-Winning Singers Miguel and Natalia Lafourcade are teaming up to record the end-credit version of the signature song Remember Me.Coco tells the story of 12-year-old Miguel, an aspiring musician who hopes to follow in his idol s famous footsteps despite his family s ban on music. Coco has music in its DNA, said director Lee Unkrich专辑曲目:&
1. Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) (Benjamin Bratt)2. Much Needed Advice (Benjamin Bratt and Antonio Sol)3. Everyone Knows Juanita (Gael García Bernal)4. Un Poco Loco (Anthony Gonzalez and Gael García Bernal)5. Jálale (Mexican Institute of Sound)6. The World Es Mi Familia (Anthony Gonzalez and Antonio Sol)7. Remember Me (Lullaby) (Gael García Bernal and Gabriella Flores and Libertad García Fonzi)8. La Llorona (Alanna Ubach and Antonio Sol)9. Remember Me (Reunion) (Anthony Gonzalez and Ana Ofelia Murguía)10. Proud Corazón (Anthony Gonzalez)11. Remember Me (Dúo) (Miguel (Featuring - Natalia Lafourcade)12. Will He Shoemaker? (Michael Giacchino)13. Shrine and Dash (Michael Giacchino14. Miguel's Got an Axe to Find (Michael Giacchino)15. The Strum of Destiny (Michael Giacchino)16. It's All Relative (Michael Giacchino)17. Crossing the Marigold Bridge (Michael Giacchino)18. Dept. of Family Reunions (Michael Giacchino)19. The Skeleton Key to Escape (Michael Giacchino)20. The Newbie Skeleton Walk (Michael Giacchino)21. Adiós Chicharrón (Michael Giacchino)22. Plaza de la Cruz (Michael Giacchino)23. Family Doubtings (Michael Giacchino)24. Taking Sides (Michael Giacchino25. Fiesta Espectacular (Michael Giacchino)26. Fiesta con de la Cruz (Michael Giacchino)27. I Have a Great Great Grandson (Michael Giacchino)28. A Blessing and a Fessing (Michael Giacchino)29. Somos Familia (Michael Giacchino)30. Reunión Familiar de Rivera (Michael Giacchino)31. A Family Dysfunction (Michael Giacchino)32. Grabbing a Photo Opportunity (Michael Giacchino)33. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Michael Giacchino)34. One Year Later (Michael Giacchino)35. Coco - Día de los Muertos Suite (Michael Giacchino)
Mon, 13 Nov :26 +0000
专辑中文名:&帕丁顿熊2专辑英文名:&Paddington 2别名:&柏灵顿2(港)艺术家:&Dario Marianelli资源格式:&MP3版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&英国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:320kbps专辑介绍:《帕丁顿熊2》讲述与布朗一家住在一起的萌贱小熊帕丁顿,在露西婶婶100岁生日前夕,努力工作为她买来名贵礼物,却被坏人偷走。由此引发了一连串故事。虽然顺利在伦敦安家,但是帕丁顿熊时刻惦记着远在秘鲁的婶婶,在婶婶100岁生日前夕,帕丁顿努力工作希望送上一份珍贵大礼。同时,他误打误撞“幸运”地获得了一张神秘藏宝图,离奇的事情也随着这张藏宝图的出现接连发生:城中宝物频繁失窃,很多证据竟然都对准了帕丁顿熊,布朗家似乎陷入了一张被精心编织的大网中,等待他们的是难以想象的可怕对手和前所未有的惊险挑战。专辑曲目:&
1. Windsor Gardens2. The Pop - Up Book3. A Shave, Sir? A light Pomade?4. Window Cleaning5. Rub and Scrub - Tobago and d'Lime6. The Book is Stolen7. A Letter from Prison8. It's Only One Red Sock9. Madame Kozlova's Story10. One Orange at a Time11. An Unusually Attractive Nun12. Marmalade Chefs13. Love Thy Neighbour - Tobago and d'Lime14. The Break - In15. Jungle Jail16. Escape Waltz17. Lost and Found18. Race to Paddington Station19. The Steam Trains20. Bullseye - Henry21. Splash22. Happy Birthday Aunt Lucy23. Jumping the Line - Tobago and d'Lime
Mon, 13 Nov :23 +0000
专辑中文名:&正义联盟专辑英文名:&Justice League艺术家:&Danny Elfman资源格式:&MP3版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:320kbps专辑介绍:  受到超人无私奉献的影响,蝙蝠侠重燃了对人类的信心,接受了新盟友——神奇女侠(戴安娜·普林斯)的帮助,去对抗更加强大的敌人。蝙蝠侠和神奇女侠一同寻找并招募了一支超人类联盟来抵挡新觉醒的威胁。但尽管这支队伍集结了超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、闪电侠、海王和钢骨等人,他们似乎无法阻止敌人对地球的进攻……The album features one of the industry’s most versatile and accomplished film composers, Danny Elfman, who is returning to score a DC Super Hero film for the first time since 1992’s Batman Returns.While bringing his celebrated and unique approach to the Justice League score, Elfman also gives DC fans some special familiar moments. Utilizing memorable character themes to tell the musical story, he incorporates and re-interprets iconic music from past films, including John Williams’ Superman theme, Hans Zimmer’s Wonder Woman theme, and his own Batman theme. “I’m using the same thematic material that I used back then,” Elfman told Billboard Magazine. “It never actually went away. We’ve got these iconic bits from our past and that’s part of us, that’s part of our heritage. It just was great fun.”The soundtrack also features a blistering version of The Beatles’ “Come Together” by electrifying virtuoso guitarist Gary Clark Jr. and Grammy-nominated and multiplatinum producer, musician, and composer Junkie XL; along with Norwegian pop singer/ songwriter Sigrid’s haunting and powerful take on Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows,” and The White Stripes classic “Icky Thump.”专辑曲目:&
1. &Everybody Knows& - Sigrid2. The Justice League Theme - Logos3. Hero's Theme4. Batman on the Roof5. Enter Cyborg6. Wonder Woman Rescue7. Hippolyta's Arrow8. The Story of Steppenwolf9. The Amazon Mother Box10. Cyborg Meets Diana11. Aquaman in Atlantis12. Then There Were Three13. The Tunnel Fight14. The World Needs Superman15. Spark of The Flash16. Friends and Foes17. Justice League United18. Home19. Bruce and Diana20. The Final Battle21. A New Hope22. Anti - Hero's Theme23. &Come Together& - Gary Clark Jr. and Junkie XL24. &Icky Thump& - The White Stripes25. The Tunnel Fight (Full Length Bonus Track)26. The Final Battle (Full Length Bonus Track)27. Mother Russia (Bonus Track)
Mon, 13 Nov :15 +0000
专辑中文名:&东方快车谋杀案专辑英文名:&Murder on the Orient Express艺术家:&Patrick Doyle资源格式:&FLAC版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩码率:320kbps专辑介绍:  《雷神》和《灰姑娘》的英国导演、莎翁戏剧大师肯尼思·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)即将为20世纪福克斯公司翻拍阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)的侦探悬疑小说《东方快车谋杀案》(Murder on the Orient Express)的消息。   福克斯宣布,肯尼思·布拉纳不仅将担任导演,同时还将出演片中主角——比利时大侦探赫克尔·波洛(Hercule Poirot)!波洛是阿加莎笔下最著名的角色之一,曾出现在她33部小说之中。   1934年出版的小说《东方快车谋杀案》描写了发生在著名的“东方快车”上一起离奇命案,每个人都有作案的嫌疑,比利时大侦探波洛(Hercule Poirot)经过缜密的、抽丝剥茧的逻辑分析,终于让案情大白于天下。   据悉,新版的《东方快车谋杀案》将由莱德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)、赛蒙·金伯格(Simon Kinberg)、马克·高顿(Mark Gordon)联合出品,《银翼杀手2》的编剧迈克尔·格林(Michael Green)将负责剧本的改编。   如果《东方快车谋杀案》取得票房成功,福克斯还将把更多波洛破案的故事搬上大银幕。[网盘分流]
请大家下载后将文件移至电驴文件夹用eMule做种,让更多人下载网盘下载 | 网盘下载 | 网盘下载专辑曲目:&
1. The Wailing Wall (1:43)2. Jaffa to Stamboul (1:27)3. Arrival (2:02)4. The Orient Express (1:29)5. Departure (1:01)6. Judgement (2:29)7. Touch Nothing Else (2:54)8. MacQueen (2:20)9. Twelve Stab Wounds (2:59)10. The Armstrong Case (1:22)11. Mrs. Hubbard (1:34)12. This is True (2:52)13. Keep Everyone Inside (1:24)14. Confession (1:50)15. Geography (1:25)16. One Sharp Knife (2:24)17. Ma Katherine (1:09)18. True Identity (2:08)19. Dr. Arbuthnot (1:54)20. It Is Time (1:06)21. Justice (9:30)22. Poirot (2:40)23. Never Forget (3:58)24. Orient Express Suite (3:20)
Fri, 10 Nov :14 +0000
专辑中文名:&圣诞星专辑英文名:&The Star艺术家:&原声大碟资源格式:&FLAC版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:256kbps专辑介绍:  “The Star”只是个工作代号,并不是这部影片的正式片名。该片原名《羔羊》(The Lamb),由奥斯卡提名动画短片《头朝下的生活》(Head Over Heels)导演蒂莫西·雷克阿特(Timothy Reckart)执导,以一头勇敢的小驴子和他的动物伙伴为主角,从他们的角度描述了耶稣降生的故事。以布偶电影而著称的吉姆·汉森公司(The Jim Henson Company)将和索尼动画一起制作本片。[网盘分流]
请大家下载后将文件移至电驴文件夹用eMule做种,让更多人下载网盘下载 | 网盘下载 | 网盘下载专辑曲目:&
1. The Star - Mariah Carey2. Children Go Where I Send You - Kelsea Ballerini3. We Three Kings - Kirk Franklin4. Can You See - Fifth Harmony5. Life Is Good - A Great Big World6. Mary, Did You Know? - Zara Larsson7. O Holy Night - Yolanda Adams8. What Christmas Means to Me - Saving Forever9. Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song) - Jessie James Decker10. His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Casting Crowns11. What Child Is This? - Jake Owen
Thu, 09 Nov :31 +0000
专辑中文名:&至爱梵高专辑英文名:&Loving Vincent别名:&致梵高的爱 / 情迷梵高(港) / 梵谷:星夜之谜(台) / 探索梵高的生与死艺术家:&Clint Mansell资源格式:&FLAC版本:&Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩码率:320kbps专辑介绍:  2015年是梵高的125年诞辰,为了纪念梵高,英国著名的电影工作室BreakThru Films(曾获得奥斯卡奖)和Trademark Films从2012年开始筹拍一部名叫《Loving Vincent》的动画电影,通过动画师手绘的120幅梵高画作,试图探索梵高的精神世界与死亡之谜。“Loving Vincent” is the upcoming biographical animated film from newcomer directors Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman. The movie follows Armand Roulin (Douglas Booth), the son of an acquaintance of Vincent van Gogh, as he attempts to deliver a letter from the painter following van Gogh’s death. Armand soon finds himself retracing the steps taken by Vincent in his final days in an attempt to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. A film unlike any other, “Loving Vincent” is entirely hand painted – each of the movie’s 65,000 frames is an oil painting on a canvas created using the same techniques as Vincent van Gogh. Good Deed Entertainment is releasing “Loving Vincent” on September 22nd in New York before expanding to Los Angeles on September 29th and nationally on October 6th. In addition to being a wonder for the eyes, “Loving Vincent” is a treat for the ears. Scoring duties fell to English composer Clint Mansell (Requiem For A Dream, Black Swan), who has crafted a masterpiece. Somber yet driven, Mansell’s compositions are filled the swell of mournful strings pocked with delicate, deliberate notes in countermelodies. A perfect companion to the story of dreadful loss and resigned understanding, “Loving Vincent” demands to be heard. A beautiful rendition of “Starry Starry Night” performed by Lianne La Havas that serves as the film’s credit song is also included. Milan Records is proud to be releasing the soundtrack to “Loving Vincent” digitally on September 22nd and on CD September 29th.[网盘分流]
请大家下载后将文件移至电驴文件夹用eMule做种,让更多人下载网盘下载 | 网盘下载 | 网盘下载专辑曲目:&
1. The Night Cafe (4:08)2. The Yellow House (4:45)3. At Eternity’s Gate (3:40)4. Portrait of Armand Roulin (2:59)5. Marguerite Gachet at the Piano (2:30)6. Still Life with Glass of Absinthe & a Carafe (3:13)7. The Painter on His Way to Work on the Road to Tarascon (3:49)8. Five Sunflowers in a Vase (3:17)9. Wheatfield with Crows (2:50)10. Thatched Roofs in Chaponval (4:01)11. Blossoming Chestnut Trees (4:55)12. The Sower with Setting Sun (4:47)13. Starry Night over the Rhone (1:17)14. Starry Starry Night (4:44)
Thu, 09 Nov :27 +0000
专辑中文名:&魔发精灵的假期专辑英文名:&Trolls Holiday别名:&丑娃 / 巨魔 / 巨魔娃娃 / 魔发精灵:假期艺术家:&原声大碟资源格式:&FLAC版本:&[iTunes Plus AAC]发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:256kbps专辑介绍:  波比(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 配音)是精灵城的公主,她有着神奇的魔力和多彩的头发,乐观积极、喜爱唱歌。但是有一天,他们的小伙伴被死对头——“博啃族”抓走了。为了从“博啃族”手中拯救出她最好的朋友们。波比向精灵城中的“怪人”布兰(贾斯汀·汀布莱克 Justin Timberlake 配音)求得帮助,可布兰是个不合群的悲观主义者。他虽答应了公主的请求,但是他只是想让公主知道这个世界并不像她想的那样只有蛋糕和彩虹。一路上,他们共同经历了很多奇怪、有趣的事,也发现了自己内心以前从未发觉的东西。但是最重要的是,在波比的帮助下,他们发现了能够拯救整个魔发精灵城的终极秘密武器。[网盘分流]
请大家下载后将文件移至电驴文件夹用eMule做种,让更多人下载网盘下载 | 网盘下载专辑曲目:&
1. Lookin’ for a Holiday2. Holiday3. The Holla-Day for You4. Double-Down Speed Round5. Love Train6. Friend Medley7. Trolls Holiday Score Suite
Thu, 09 Nov :20 +0000
专辑中文名:&雪宝的冰雪大冒险专辑英文名:&Olaf's Frozen Adventure别名:&雪宝冰雪冒险 / 冰雪奇缘:雪宝的冰雪大冒险艺术家:&原声大碟资源格式:&FLAC版本:&Original Soundtrack[iTunes Plus AAC]发行时间:&日地区:&美国语言:&英语简介:&压缩比率:256kbps专辑介绍:《冰雪奇缘:雪宝的冰雪大冒险》(Olaf's Frozen Adventure)是继《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》之后迪士尼推出的第二支《冰雪奇缘》番外短篇,由克里斯汀·贝尔、乔纳森·格罗夫、伊迪娜·门泽尔、乔什·盖德等加盟配音。影片将以贴片方式与《寻梦环游记》一起于日上映。从阿伦黛尔王国重新对百姓打开大门后,他们即将迎来传统的冬日假期节日,每个家庭都在迎接自己的传统假日,然而艾莎女王很伤心自己已经没有父母可以陪着过节,雪宝决定要为他的这两位好友过一次最传统的圣诞节……[网盘分流]
请大家下载后将文件移至电驴文件夹用eMule做种,让更多人下载网盘下载 | 网盘下载专辑曲目:&
1. Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad – Ring in the Season (1:59)2. Jonathan Groff – The Ballad of Flemmingrad (0:45)3. Idina Menzel – Ring in the Season (Reprise) (1:16)4. Josh Gad, Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell – That Time of Year (3:03)5. Josh Gad – That Time of Year (Reprise) (0:53)6. Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff – When We’re Together (2:51)7. Christophe Beck, Jeff Morrow – Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Score Suite (4:28)8. Jonathan Groff – The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version) (3:06)9. Elyssa Samsel, Kate Anderson – Ring in the Season (Instrumental Karaoke Mix) (1:59)10. Elyssa Samsel, Kate Anderson – That Time of Year (Instrumental Karaoke Mix) (3:02)11. Elyssa Samsel, Kate Anderson – When We’re Together (Instrumental Karaoke Mix) (2:50)
Thu, 09 Nov :53 +0000
01. 山情 - 范琳琳02. 走过冬季 - 刘欢03. 我热恋的故乡 - 范琳琳04. 叫三毛的女孩 - 腾格尔05. 摇滚信天游 - 金静06. 化蝶 - 郑绪岚07. 爵士鼓手 - 毛阿敏08. 掌声响起 - 田震09. 穿过你的黑发的我的手 - 腾格尔10. 想你的时候 - 范琳琳11. 故乡情 - 彭丽媛12. 了不起 - 刘欢13. 头班车 - 韦唯14. 不流露的爱 - 牟玄甫15. 广告上的女孩 - 胡寅寅16. 日月和星辰 - 董文华
Thu, 09 Nov :15 +0000



