qq收到的adidas授权苹果直营店 授权店3折是真的吗?

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前几天,有个人加我QQ,我一看,是通过“条件查找”来加的,头像是外国人,名字也是外国名字,寻思可能是一些外国人想在北京交中国朋友,这在近几年不是啥稀奇事,然后就通过验证了。验证了之后,看到好友信息是这样的。具体QQ账号信息,为了保护个人隐私,我没截图我看了一下对方的信息,发现可能是个在澳州的外国人,QQ签名是:Hello friends,am searching and am looking for trusted person as a business partner and for a trusted general manager of my business in china意思是,他在找一个可信的人作为他在中国的生意的合伙人和总经理。正好我经营的公司,可以引进一些外资来申请一些优惠政策,于是就和他开聊了,聊了一阵子之后,他表示很满意,希望和我在中国合作一家合资公司,并按我的要求可以追加1500万美金的投资,并在他来华之前给我一笔费用来完成公司注册,然后向我要我的银行账户信息。下面是他发给我的邮件内容截图。内容大概是:他要通过银行给我打1500万美金,并在打款之前兑换成人民币,要我如实填写五项内容。分别是全名、地址、联系电话、银行细节和身份证副本,而且金额很多,远远超出注册公司所需要的金额,这引起了我的质疑。如果是转账,只需要知道收款账号所在的银行名称和银行账号就可以了完成了,不需要其它的。另外,如果你把这五项信息都提供了,别人可以通过伪造身份证到银行挂失或是销户,拿走你银行账户里的一切。然后他各种各样的解释,向我强调为什么要这些信息,我向他声明,我不会给身份信息的,而且让他明白,我知道银行向我索要这些信息是不规范的,而且,我再三强调在他来中国和我洽淡之前,我觉得他没有必要给我打钱,后来他坚持给我打钱,还和我说身份信息可以不给,别的可以给,我觉得这样可以,如果对方确实可以给我的账号打小数量的钱显示诚意,那我也不会有账号泄露的风险,然后他又发了份邮件给我。为了保护私人信息,账号只截了部分,这个邮件的意思是,银行要打钱给我,我要先交9000多元的手续费,我觉得可能遇到骗子了,不过我凡事留一线生机,不愿意一杆子把人打死,我之后向他质疑,为什么手续费要我付,他说这样可以让我早点收到钱。我就不理解了,楼主从事IT领域多年,是多家公司的合伙人,根本不差那点钱来注册公司,为什么他非要给我钱,还要我来付手续费呢?后来我就向他强调,我这里什么准备都做好了,等他来中国时,我们谈几次,签份有法律效力的协议,然后再开始合作,在那之前,我不需要他给我打钱,也不会付手续费,如果非他要给我打钱,那他得付手续费,他坚持要给我打钱,还坚持要我付手续费,我觉得有问题,觉得这种合伙人完全可以不要,于是放下狠话,要么他来中国后谈谈,要么他付手续费,坚持一阵子,他下线不说话了。楼主认为,很可能是遇到骗子了,因为楼主有一定的财务知识,而且确实不需要对方寄钱过来做什么准备工作,如果换了一个没财务知识、或是觉得被天上掉下来的陷饼砸中了,失去了判断力的JR,那可能银行卡被挂失、销户,同时还付了一笔手续费。另外,所有聊天记录我放到二楼,懂英文的可以看看。[ 此帖被wqdiy7在 17:55修改 ]
消息记录(此消息记录为文本格式,不支持重新导入)================================================================消息分组:最近联系人================================================================消息对象:John Symond================================================================ 7:34:07&我们已经是好友了,现在开始对话吧! 7:35:47 John Symondhello brother(你好哥哥) 7:36:11 虚无缥缈好奇怪 7:36:41 John Symondhow are you doing brother(你好兄弟吗) 7:36:52 虚无缥缈hello brother 应该是“哥们你好” 7:38:37 John Symondam john symond from australia(是约翰symond来自澳大利亚吗) 7:38:43 John Symondand you?(你呢?) 7:39:09 虚无缥缈xx,在北京 7:40:17 虚无缥缈Alerander Wang 7:40:34 虚无缥缈from Beijing 7:40:58 John Symondthat is nice 7:41:48 虚无缥缈不说英语很多年了 7:42:06 John Symondreally(真的) 7:42:12 虚无缥缈what can i do for you? 7:44:03 虚无缥缈looking for &a business partner? 7:44:43 John Symondyes 7:50:04 John Symondam business man i deals with loans 7:51:49 虚无缥缈loans means 贷款? 7:53:11 John Symondthat is my company name:Aussie Home Loans&here is my company website: 7:55:54 虚无缥缈business loan? 7:57:09 虚无缥缈need 抵押? 7:58:41 John Symondyes(是的) 7:59:00 虚无缥缈i see 7:59:15 John Symondgo and search for company and website 8:01:30 虚无缥缈what a coincidence! 8:02:03 虚无缥缈我了解这个& 8:02:36 虚无缥缈i have a good friend& 8:03:28 虚无缥缈he is also my invest partner 8:03:56 John Symondwhere is that your friend is 8:04:11 虚无缥缈Beijing 8:05:45 虚无缥缈he have an assets management company 8:07:31 虚无缥缈and i 一直从事和internet有关的IT Venture capital 8:08:05 John Symondokay brother 8:08:30 John Symondam really busy now we will chat later okay 8:10:26 虚无缥缈my english is not well,do you have a chinese interpreter 17:07:30 John Symondno but am searhing a business partner that we represent my &business as general manager over there in china 17:10:04 虚无缥缈your &business 是已经在中国了,还是将要? 17:11:32 John Symondno it we be when i see anytrusted to stand and receive the money for the &business(没有它我们是当我看到anytrusted站和接收的资金业务) 17:15:16 虚无缥缈i think you must come here to Investigate the market 17:19:24 虚无缥缈business loan with 抵押 is not a growth business 17:20:53 John Symondbrother can you stand and be my business partner 17:27:00 虚无缥缈i am intrested in make a big business cake and i think make a big business cake is the most important& 17:28:14 虚无缥缈i am not Rigidly adhere to the form 17:28:39 John Symondokay brother 17:29:14 John Symondcan we be business partner so you receive money to start the big business cake brother 17:35:21 John Symonddo you understand me 17:35:46 虚无缥缈i think we need some times to be good friend before we be business partner 17:36:55 John Symondyes brother you are right,my spirit take you as trusted person hehehe 17:43:06 虚无缥缈if we 互相认可,互相尊重,建立默契,and we find ways of cooperation,i will do it 17:44:51 John Symondi trust you& 17:46:34 虚无缥缈There is no absolute trust business 17:47:45 John Symondhmmmmmmmmmm 17:48:11 John Symondso i believe i can trust you(所以我相信我可以信任你) 17:50:05 虚无缥缈we must build trust and with a relatively small cost 17:51:49 John Symondyes brother 17:55:18 John Symondso what is our step to do brother(所以我们一步做兄弟) 17:56:42 虚无缥缈i think you need to come to Beijing and make a market research with me 17:57:22 John Symondno for now 17:59:08 John Symondyou make the research yourself,i we contact the bank to send you the money 550,000 us dollars when the time reach after you make the research 18:02:45 John Symonddo you understand me,and brother &let it be between and you the bank trhat we send you the money until you receive the money(你明白我,哥哥让它和你的银行之间trhat我们送你钱,直到你收到钱了吗) 18:03:10 虚无缥缈we donot need a research as you say 18:04:18 虚无缥缈China is a strange market 18:07:49 虚无缥缈market conditions is not oder in business loan with 抵押 18:09:22 John Symondbrother we are not for loans business 18:10:14 John Symondyou we receive the money the money and start a business &that we be profitable over there,then i we come okay 18:11:38 虚无缥缈i see& 18:13:44 John Symondyes brother,you promise me that it we be secret between me and you,until you receive the money 550,000 us dollars for the business 18:16:23 虚无缥缈i promise& 18:16:57 John SymondOKAY BROTHER 18:21:12 John SymondSO &SEARCH FOR BUSINESS THAT WE MAKE UP A PROFITTHEN LET ME KNOW& 18:25:29 虚无缥缈550,000 us dollars is a &small costs ,do you have some appendable money? 18:25:29 John Symond[自动回复]I am away now. I will contact you later. 18:26:48 虚无缥缈i must have different considerations under different circumstances 18:39:38 John Symond550,000US DOLLARS IS TOO SMALL? 18:44:37 虚无缥缈a cheap house'value be close to 300,0000人民币 In the urban area of Beijing 18:46:59 虚无缥缈2,0000人民币 per square meter is very cheap in the urban area of Beijing 18:47:51 John Symondso 550,000 us dollars convert it to your currency and see the amount of money& 18:51:03 虚无缥缈i means 550,000 us dollars is not enough to our big business cake& 18:52:18 John Symond550,000 us dollars to chinese is
Chinese Yuan 18:54:33 虚无缥缈and i donot need 550,000 us dollars to searh business chance 18:56:20 虚无缥缈i have my own 信息渠道 18:56:58 John Symondokay let us make 15,000000 us dollars 19:00:02 虚无缥缈it is interesting 19:00:27 John Symondyes brother 19:00:44 John Symondare you for real brother 19:02:19 虚无缥缈i promise 19:02:39 John Symondcan i have your mobile line 19:03:53 虚无缥缈but i think we donot need invest so alot & 19:04:15 虚无缥缈At the beginning 19:04:50 John Symondyes we need to invest alot at the begining okay,the money is there for the business 19:06:54 虚无缥缈my english is badly a chinese interpreter is necessary for our mobile talk 19:07:47 John Symonddont worry worry okay&just send me your mobile okay 19:08:00 虚无缥缈135xxxxxxxx 19:08:11 John Symondokay 19:08:35 John Symondso brother have search for the business& 19:09:08 虚无缥缈just like this 19:09:10 虚无缥缈[图片] 19:09:18 虚无缥缈[图片] 19:09:27 虚无缥缈[图片] 19:10:16 John Symondthat is nice 19:10:17 虚无缥缈named 石榴,means pomegranate 19:10:57 John Symondsale of iphone,ipad,laptop,dekstop,tablet? 19:12:09 虚无缥缈i am co-founder(联合创始人) my friend invest 人民币 19:12:51 虚无缥缈a mini server 19:14:27 虚无缥缈we can control it to PC or mobile 19:14:45 虚无缥缈long-distance 19:15:37 John Symondso that we make more profit 19:16:06 虚无缥缈with internet browser or wifi 19:16:49 John Symondit we make profit& 19:17:19 虚无缥缈i will searh business chance just like this 19:19:22 John Symondbut we can operate on sale of iphone,ipad,laptop,dekstop,tablet?that we be good and make profit 19:19:40 虚无缥缈this business project donot need another money& 19:20:49 虚无缥缈operate on sale of iphone,ipad,laptop,dekstop,tablet is not feasibility now 19:21:24 John Symondso what can we invest on now 19:21:36 虚无缥缈but i can searh &another business chance like this 19:25:01 虚无缥缈the software that move by 石榴 mini server 19:25:02 John Symond[自动回复]I am away now. I will contact you later. 19:26:31 虚无缥缈and another mini server 19:27:48 虚无缥缈we can make a new mini server brand 19:31:49 John SymondYES BROTHER 19:32:42 John Symondbut first you need to stand and receive the money first 19:32:51 虚无缥缈just like this there are many business chance 19:33:34 John Symondyes you need to receive the money first& 19:35:59 虚无缥缈i dont think so 19:39:05 虚无缥缈i think you come to Beijing and we talk abort cooperation then we make a company in Beijing& 19:40:34 虚无缥缈at firs we need a &small amount of money to company revolve 19:41:18 John Symondyes you we need to receive the money &first okay,then you buy the plot of land and for the project 19:43:46 虚无缥缈no 19:44:33 John Symondtell me how it we be 19:44:55 虚无缥缈we can invest to project like this 19:48:07 虚无缥缈there are a lot of IT project in Beijing,i can find some IT project that it had finished the plot of land 19:49:27 John Symondyes but you need to receive the money for use 19:50:17 虚无缥缈yes 19:50:56 John Symondso you we contact the bank okay 19:53:04 虚无缥缈contact the bank i donot understand what it mean,you know my english is not well 19:53:28 John Symondyes i know 19:53:56 John Symondthe bank we send &you the money from nigeria 19:54:42 虚无缥缈not send me& 19:55:09 虚无缥缈send our company 19:55:42 John Symondthe money we send to your accountcos you are my partner 20:00:18 虚无缥缈i think send our company is better ,if you persist in this,i accept.but i think send our company is better all the same& 20:03:36 John Symondyes but the money we be send to you so that you make up of the company 20:06:06 John Symonddo you understand me 20:07:02 虚无缥缈you means we make a chinese company rather than a foreign investment company or a &joint venture company? 20:08:57 John Symondforeign investment company 20:09:18 虚无缥缈OK i see 20:09:28 John Symondyou need to receive the money to establish it before i w come 20:12:30 虚无缥缈i need some time to know how to establish a foreign investment company 20:12:57 John Symondokay brother 20:13:36 虚无缥缈i donot have experience about this 20:18:49 John Symondokay but you need to receive the money,cos you we need the money for the movement 20:20:45 John Symond[自动回复]I am away now. I will contact you later. 20:20:46 虚无缥缈cos you i donot understand what it means 20:22:05 John SymondBROTHER I NEED TO ATTEND TO MY BUSINESS CLIENT IN MY OFFICEI WE BE BACK FEW HOURS 20:22:36 虚无缥缈OK 22:05:33 虚无缥缈brother,i cannot establish a foreign company,Company registration need your passport 22:05:34 John Symond[自动回复]I am away now. I will contact you later. 19:45:38 John Symondjoint venture company or chinese company 19:45:40 虚无缥缈您好,我现在有事不在,一会再和您联系。 19:51:41 John Symondso among the two wish of we you use that we should do& 20:38:35 虚无缥缈at first i establish a chinese investment company and when you come we change it a &joint venture investment company 20:54:51 John Symondyes that is nice and good 20:56:22 John Symondhello 20:56:44 虚无缥缈hello haha 20:58:20 虚无缥缈i am searching for the words anbout equity 21:00:57 John Symondthe next thing to do now is for you to receive the money 21:08:14 虚无缥缈i think you have 51% ,i have49% and i will take out about 19%-24% for potential important partner this is good 21:08:39 John Symondyes brother 21:09:17 John Symondall you need to do is for you to be ready to receive the money okay 21:13:26 虚无缥缈my establishing a chinese investment company need about 1 month 21:15:42 John Symondyes& 21:15:56 John Symondthat we be good 21:16:28 John Symondbut you need to receive the money and be with the money to establish it okay 21:16:57 虚无缥缈yes 21:20:21 John Symondso you we contact the bank through an email and write to the bank that you are my partner that wanna receive the money i deposited in their bank 21:22:15 John Symonddo you understand me 21:22:30 虚无缥缈yes 21:22:41 虚无缥缈i understand 21:23:24 John Symondhere is the bank emailecobnk. 21:24:11 John Symondwrite to the bank now and follow their instructure so that the money can transfer to you quick and successfully 21:24:22 虚无缥缈i am computing for how much to start 21:26:11 John Symondall the money we send to your account okay 21:26:55 虚无缥缈ok 21:27:28 John Symondso contact the bank email now& 21:27:47 John Symondecobnk. 21:34:54 虚无缥缈i must deal with a multi-currency customer &and then send it to you tomorrow,the bank is open in weekend 21:35:33 John Symondno brother 21:36:55 John Symondsend it to the bank now,cos it is 1:35pm on friday now nigeria 21:37:13 John Symondyou can send it now okay brother 21:38:39 虚无缥缈my account cannot receive U.S. dollar 21:39:40 John Symondit we be change to your currency okay 21:40:07 虚无缥缈ok& 21:40:23 John Symondso write to the bank now okay 21:40:39 虚无缥缈i send it now& 21:41:37 John Symondkeep your hapiness,let it be between me and you and the bank before you receive the money okay 21:42:45 John Symonddo you understand me brother 21:43:52 虚无缥缈i hope we are good partners for a long time 21:44:57 虚无缥缈and we make a big cake& 21:45:03 John Symondyes that is why i need your trust so much 21:46:14 虚无缥缈not one cake ,and many cakes 21:47:57 John Symondyes and i want you to become big boss to many workers & and employee okay&and i we your greater boss 22:00:21 虚无缥缈[图片] 22:00:29 虚无缥缈i send it 22:03:33 虚无缥缈i will try my best for your trust 22:03:57 John Symondyes i know that&and i trust you 22:04:21 John Symondjust wait for the &bank reply 22:05:48 John Symondyou know the bank over nigeria are &so busy,resend it three time and yoiu make you the email is been send and delivered 22:12:43 虚无缥缈i am waiting here until you say me it had been finished and go out for seeing my account at once and say you i receive or not 22:15:33 虚无缥缈donot forget to sending 人民币 rather than U.S. dollar to me 22:16:41 John Symondthe bank we convert it to you okay 22:17:27 虚无缥缈i has finished? 22:19:45 John Symondokay make sure you cooperate with the bank and follow their instruction okay brother 22:19:58 虚无缥缈ok 22:20:15 John Symondokay brother 22:22:00 John Symondi need to my rest time now okay chat you later& 22:23:00 虚无缥缈OK 22:46:15 虚无缥缈it is so a lot of money i think it is better that you send it to me afer your coming.& 22:47:03 虚无缥缈we need some meeting 11:34:12 John Symondyes brother 11:34:56 John Symondyou need &to stand and receive it,cos i wanna make you a man and a big boss to others okay 11:37:01 虚无缥缈when you come? 11:43:17 John Symondyes and i want you the money these week we are entering okay,just to do according to their rule and when you receive the money you we take out the money 93057.00 Chinese Yuan as your commision of receiving the money with trust and honesty,then you carefully use the rest for the business establishment before i we come august 20 11:44:09 John Symonddo you understand me brother(哥哥你明白我吗) 11:44:33 虚无缥缈i am trying 11:45:14 John Symondyes that is good 11:45:35 John Symondso what are you doing now? 11:46:54 虚无缥缈seeing the words that you sayed 11:47:48 John Symonddo you when to serve God today? 11:48:36 虚无缥缈i am atheist 11:49:03 John Symondokay 11:52:04 虚无缥缈i donot like the rule of the bank,Home /office address and Copy of identification is not indispensable receive the money 11:53:30 虚无缥缈&i'm sure,full Name and Banking details is enough 11:54:37 John Symondbrother you know it is a huge money so you need to provide the bank,the copy of identification mean your copy of your passport and your home address,just send it all to the bank and play to their instructure okay brother 11:54:38 虚无缥缈so i think we'd better have some meeting first 11:55:56 John Symondyes i want you to receive the money and start the business establishment firstbefore i we come on august 20 11:58:09 虚无缥缈Home /office address and Copy of identification are very important ,i donot trust the bank 11:59:11 虚无缥缈if i send them,my account will out of safe 11:59:24 John Symondyes in nigeria that is the most important information to them 12:00:01 John Symondnot your account they are talking about is your home address and your passport brother 12:00:56 虚无缥缈i never give them 12:01:34 John SymondWHY BROTHER?WHAT IS WRONG? 12:04:38 虚无缥缈the account what is out of safe is dangerous in China ,the person who know them cam steal my account 12:05:11 John Symond[图片][图片][图片] 12:06:36 虚无缥缈he can get all with a mock i 12:07:12 虚无缥缈i trust you but i donot trust the bank 12:07:46 虚无缥缈sending them is stupid 12:08:03 John Symondhehehehehe,you are afraid okay 12:08:37 John Symondbut play to their instructure so that you can receive the money okay 12:09:03 John Symond[图片][图片] 12:10:44 虚无缥缈i am not afraid,i donot trust them because it is not canonical for every bank 12:11:24 John Symondokay that is right i love you and like you as you are brave man 12:11:45 John Symondso dont send to them that information 12:12:08 John Symondjust reply the bank is the next to do& 12:12:23 虚无缥缈yes 12:14:21 虚无缥缈[图片] 12:14:24 John Symondi we tell you again and again,play and follow their instructure,they are doing these,because the money was alot of money,so just held to their instructure 12:14:27 虚无缥缈it is ok 12:15:02 虚无缥缈instructure what is it meen 12:15:05 虚无缥缈mean 12:16:46 John Symondi mean abide to the rule of the bank all we need to is for the money to send to you okay 12:17:12 John Symondsend your telephone number to the bank okay 12:18:24 虚无缥缈it is dangerous& 12:20:32 虚无缥缈and i donot need a lot of for instructuring the company 12:20:42 John Symondit is not send to the bank so they can contact you 12:21:35 John Symondtheyare not instructing you on our company project,instead their concern is to send you the bank only 12:22:17 John Symondso just play to their instucture so that you can receive the money successfully okay 12:23:41 虚无缥缈no it is not necessary and very dangerous 12:24:04 虚无缥缈i refuse send them 12:25:34 虚无缥缈i think it beter to do this after our meeting 12:26:33 John Symondnow you refuse to send them,fi their is problem in transfering to your account,how can they call you to informbrother act sensitive and wisebrother i have told them to send to you,and am a potential man well know all over 12:29:34 虚无缥缈it is not indispensable and not canonical,my bank will tell me 12:31:50 John Symondi told you in between me and you and the bank sending the moneyfor a trusty do not tell anyperson even your bank before you receive the money,what make make you a man is a secret okay 12:31:52 虚无缥缈Banking details is enough for money transfer 12:34:37 John Symondno it is not enough the bank need your full information,cos many people are scammers over there in nigeria,so send to the bank your telephone number and home address 12:35:59 虚无缥缈in your sayed i think we must do this aferter our meeting 12:37:28 虚无缥缈it is not opening an account,it is only money transfer 12:37:44 虚无缥缈i know about it 12:40:44 John Symondbrother the money is with the bank to send you 12:41:04 John Symondit is seem you dont trust me 12:41:14 虚无缥缈only the bank can know full information of my account that i opende the account from. i am sure about this 12:41:31 John Symondyes 12:42:12 John Symondbut the bank is only asking of your home address and your passport 12:42:24 虚无缥缈it is not seem i dont trust you,and it is too nonstandard 12:42:43 John Symondyou are making me angry now 12:43:15 John Symondif you trust me and you trust the bank that we send my money to you& 12:45:30 虚无缥缈making a big cake need a lot of cautious and principles 12:46:02 虚无缥缈that is what my partner trust me 12:47:06 John Symondyes but you are acting strange to me 12:48:29 虚无缥缈it doesnot matter 12:48:55 John Symondit is matters alot 12:49:56 虚无缥缈so we do this afer our meeting ok? 12:50:08 John Symondno& 12:50:15 虚无缥缈you donot trust me& 12:51:11 John Symondbecause am busy man,i we only come here when i know you are with the money and you are preparing the establish of our company installed 12:52:02 虚无缥缈we need some time to know each other and then we decide to be parterner or no 12:52:37 John Symondyes 12:53:34 John Symondis like you dont trust me and it seem you are not interested,dont worry i we look for honest person to do it okay 12:55:30 虚无缥缈if i am not prudent,i maybe send important information of our company with a lot of danger 12:59:12 虚无缥缈i am interesting about making a big cake,but i am not interesting abort doing every thing that is full of danger to me and us 13:00:20 虚无缥缈i am a leader and i am a boss,so i must do i well 13:01:25 John Symondwhen am leader and bug boss owner of a large company and loans mortage and a well known man& 13:02:02 John Symondif you trust me you must the bank the we send my huge money to you& 13:03:14 虚无缥缈we are not parterner now 13:03:41 虚无缥缈do you understand? 13:04:40 John Symondso dont worry about that,i we look for someone,oh i we tell my manager kenneth lee in hong kong to look for honest person for me in china 13:05:29 虚无缥缈we donot have a meeting to talk about what to do and how to do and how to cut down the risk 13:05:43 虚无缥缈yes 13:05:49 虚无缥缈it is better 13:05:52 John Symondyou can forget about my preposal.cos you are not willing to do it 13:06:21 John Symondnice to meet youthanks for your time okay 13:09:44 虚无缥缈a boss who can make a big cake is must to be cautious 13:11:19 虚无缥缈i must be responsible for you and me and everyone of our company 13:13:06 虚无缥缈spirit of adventure is also necessary,but cautious is more important& 13:13:56 John Symondbut you are not ready to do it because you dont trust and you dont trust the bank that we send you the moneybeing afriad that we steal your money how much money do you have that the bank want to steal,cant you reason your statement brother 13:14:53 John Symondyou make me angry seriously.me that have the huge money to send to you,am not afraidof that so why are you afriad 13:16:01 John Symonddo worry my general manager in hong kong we look for humble man for me in china okaythanks for &your time& 13:17:27 虚无缥缈it is not about trust and afraid 13:17:57 虚无缥缈it is about style 13:19:04 虚无缥缈There is no absolute trust business 13:22:39 虚无缥缈but we can trust anyone with an appropriate condition which can protect you and me at the same time 13:23:45 虚无缥缈i am a businessman too 13:26:17 虚无缥缈you have spirit of adventure and i am responsible 13:27:42 John Symondyes you are responsible but you are not playing to the instructure of the bank 13:29:30 虚无缥缈it seems that is possible to we are good parterners ,but it need some possible transversion 13:32:22 虚无缥缈you forgot some very important things 13:33:28 虚无缥缈i cannot register a joint venture for us 13:33:50 虚无缥缈a joint venture company 13:35:01 虚无缥缈we must finished it after your coming 13:35:56 虚无缥缈i need your passport 13:36:05 John Symondokay& 13:36:21 John Symondyou need and i need to &sign& 13:36:42 John Symondyou need my passport and i we need to sign 13:40:04 John Symondthe best is for to establish chinese company over so when i come me and you we convert it to foreign and joint venture company 13:42:10 虚无缥缈at first i feel you will send me some indispensable money for register.but when i see ,i know i felld false 13:43:45 虚无缥缈if you send me 30,0000 yuan,it is enough 13:44:43 虚无缥缈bu we olso must to do company change when you come 13:44:57 John Symondam not the one sending to money,the money we be send to you through the bank& 13:47:51 虚无缥缈that is better that you open a chinese account 13:48:33 虚无缥缈this is integrant 13:50:15 John Symondlet me still inform you that if you are ready to receive the money you we pay for transfer charged to the bank 13:56:02 虚无缥缈i have some friend who have idle companys to sell,we donot need register a new company,when you come,we buy one,that is Convenience 13:57:01 虚无缥缈and it is cheap 14:04:36 John Symondyes i know 14:04:41 虚无缥缈we need 5000yuan to buy one bu we need 8000yuan to register a new company,and we must rent a decent office place for 30,0000 one year 14:05:33 John Symondwhat i told the bank if the bank to send you all the money and is for your position to use the money wisely 14:06:18 虚无缥缈i know 14:07:47 虚无缥缈when you come we buy a company,and you send the money to our money when i need,that is better 14:09:17 John Symondno brother i have already told the bank to send you the money these week so you need to held &to my words and play the instructure of the bank 14:12:03 虚无缥缈Home /office address and Copy of identification i send but Copy of identification i donot &is it ok? 14:13:48 John Symondbut you we send your mobile &number to them 14:13:57 虚无缥缈yes 14:14:29 John Symondand brother remember you we pay for the transfer charges to the bank before the money we be send to you& 14:16:28 虚无缥缈i donot understand well about your works mean 14:18:28 John Symondi said that before the money we be send to your account you we need to pay for transfer charges.that is why i said when you receive the money we take some money out of it for your commision and what you spend before you receive the money 14:21:19 虚无缥缈i understand 14:22:15 虚无缥缈you had pay for transfer charges? 14:23:24 John Symondyou we be the one to pay for it,cos you are the one the bank is sending the money to,that is the rule of the bank in nigeria 14:25:07 虚无缥缈it is common 14:27:36 虚无缥缈&prepayment or deduction& 14:28:16 John Symondam you i have loans mortage company 14:29:23 虚无缥缈loans mortage means 抵押 贷款? 14:30:42 John Symondthat is why i am informing before the bank we tell you,you we pay for the transfer charges,you we send the money to them through western union,then they we send you the money 14:32:41 虚无缥缈what shall i do? 14:34:54 John Symondthe bank we tell you 14:36:59 John Symondbrother do you have western union over there 14:38:36 虚无缥缈no 14:38:54 John Symondmoney gramm 14:40:53 虚无缥缈i find it 14:41:42 John Symondfind what 14:41:49 John Symondbrother? 14:43:05 虚无缥缈some bank have money western union service 14:43:31 John Symondok 14:44:06 虚无缥缈i am learn about it 14:44:18 虚无缥缈learning 14:55:17 虚无缥缈i only have one bank & 14:56:05 虚无缥缈and i donot like the other bank 14:57:05 John Symondokay no problem 15:01:16 虚无缥缈[图片] 15:01:22 虚无缥缈that is &ok 15:02:03 John Symondyes brother 15:03:08 虚无缥缈There is a step you need to do before the money we transfer to youYou pay for transfer charges wish IS 9305.70 Chinese Yuanto these account 15:03:56 虚无缥缈you pay or i pay? 15:04:38 John Symondyou we pay and when you recieve you take with your commision out of it okay 15:05:02 虚无缥缈yes 15:06:15 虚无缥缈after i recieve the money i will pay for it& 15:07:01 John Symondno you pay for it then the money we send to you okay brother 15:08:02 虚无缥缈i must pay for it before i recieve the money? 15:09:00 John Symondyes brother 15:09:16 John Symondbe fast with it cos i want 15:09:33 虚无缥缈thank you for your time 15:09:41 John Symond&you to receive the money early monday 15:10:11 虚无缥缈it is be used to talk with you for my English 15:11:20 John Symondi want you to recieve it these week we entering okay brother 15:11:47 虚无缥缈paying for is very nonstandard it before i recieve the money 15:13:29 John Symondno brother,you need to pay for it okay,when you receive the money you take out it the your commision and the transfer charges you paid for okay 15:14:10 虚无缥缈you can pay 15:14:27 John Symondi would have paid for it,but 15:14:51 John Symond&you are to recieve the money so you we pay for it okay 15:15:46 John Symondit is a very little for the transfer charges,very little,so pay for it,when you recieve the money you take out of it& 15:18:02 虚无缥缈it is your money,you must pay for it 15:18:56 虚无缥缈when i recieve ,it is also your money 15:19:34 John Symondit is our money for our business&and you are to receive it and you are money for the transfer charges we not be wasted cos when you receive the money you we take out of the money 15:20:59 虚无缥缈and i hope we have some meeting before your sending money 15:21:22 John Symondthe chinese company we be name and sign by your name and am doing these cos i want us to be close partners and i can have the opportuinty to open loans business company over there 15:21:25 虚无缥缈no now or next week 15:21:42 John Symondthe chinese company we be name and sign by your name and am doing these cos i want us to be close partners and i can have the opportuinty to open loans business company over there 15:22:05 虚无缥缈i have company be name and sign by my name 15:23:11 虚无缥缈you donot need to send money to me before your coming 15:23:33 John Symondyes i want you to have the company so that i can through you as citizen create my non banking loans mortgage 15:24:08 John Symondyou need to pay for the tansfer charges and receive the money brother 15:24:53 虚无缥缈i have money to pay for the tansfer charges 15:25:38 John Symondso you need to pay so that can send the money for you quickly& 15:26:17 虚无缥缈i donot understand why you still stick to send money to me 15:26:49 虚无缥缈i donot need it 15:27:01 虚无缥缈before your coming 15:28:28 John Symondso that you use it to support the chinese company i commision to do, brother am a busy person and i have my company in australia to care for&so i want you to recieve the money and start make everything before i we come 15:29:26 虚无缥缈you pay or we do it after your coming 15:30:05 虚无缥缈i really donot need it 15:30:28 John Symondit seem to me that you are not serious at alli said do the payment when you recieve it you take out of it& 15:32:09 John Symondam doing t 15:33:16 John Symondbrother am doing for your own good,so try understand i have already told the bank to send you the money and if i say yes my yes and yes,i dont 15:33:20 虚无缥缈it is not our money,it is yours 15:34:13 虚无缥缈before we decide to be parterner& 15:34:34 John Symondit is our money.am the one saying it and you need to agree because the money is to be in your account so it is ours& 15:35:06 虚无缥缈i donot have decided &to be your parterner ok? 15:35:20 John Symondso stop acting like a kid and pay for charges that the money we transfer to you 15:35:36 虚无缥缈so i donot need it 15:36:59 John Symondokay so forget about everything so i we look for somebody that is humble to hear and listen to me so that he would enjoy being with me& 15:37:01 虚无缥缈before your coming,i donot need any money 15:37:27 虚无缥缈i have company 15:37:40 John Symonddont worry yourself anymore,you are not willing to be my partner 15:38:50 虚无缥缈you are not my partner now 15:39:35 John Symondand we never be your partner cos you are honest with myt words 15:39:57 虚无缥缈so i can take care of your money for you but not for us 15:40:19 John Symondfor us and me& 15:40:27 虚无缥缈no 15:40:56 虚无缥缈before your coming,we are not partners 15:41:27 John Symondall i need you to do now,is for me to know that you have paid for the charge and the money is with you that is what i know now that the money iswith you 15:41:50 虚无缥缈before making our agreement,we are not partners 15:42:25 John Symondyes brother 15:42:40 John Symondi suddenly have my trust in you hehehehe 15:43:17 John Symondbut i need to know now is that you we pay for the charge and receive the money 15:43:44 虚无缥缈i will pay for my partner but not freind 15:44:10 John Symondyou are partner already 15:44:18 虚无缥缈when we are partnet ,i will pay for it 15:45:19 虚无缥缈we donot have a agreement under the tutelage of law 15:45:51 虚无缥缈it is indispensable 15:46:15 虚无缥缈before that we arenot partnet 15:46:31 John Symondi we be courage to come to china when i know you are with the money brotherit is little money for the charges 15:46:56 虚无缥缈you pay for your money 15:47:12 John Symondour money 15:48:03 虚无缥缈i have money to do it 15:48:19 John Symondpay for it when you receive it you take your charges and youyr comission out of it before i come 15:52:55 虚无缥缈no. &before your coming ,before we making a agreement under the tutelage of law,we are not partners 15:53:37 John SymondOHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD 15:53:45 虚无缥缈i am not your partner now ,i am your friends now 15:54:20 John SymondOKAY FRIEND I WANT YOU TO PAY FOR IT AND RECIEIVE& 15:55:13 虚无缥缈i can pay for our cake but i canot pay for your money 15:55:50 虚无缥缈without &a agreement under the tutelage of law 15:56:19 John SymondAS THE MONEY IS YOUR ACCOUNT IT IS SAVE THEIR,IT IS EQUALLY OURSBUT YOU DONT WANT OKAY& 15:56:40 John SymondYOU ARE MAKING THINGS HARD 15:57:14 虚无缥缈i donot get altrui things 15:58:05 虚无缥缈small or lage is not important 15:58:32 虚无缥缈whether or not is important 15:59:06 John Symondit is okay 15:59:23 John Symondthink about it and send the charged to the bank okay 16:01:35 虚无缥缈everything is ready,i have enough plan 16:02:28 John Symondokay 16:03:16 虚无缥缈i had gone in for angel investment for many years 16:04:15 John Symondthat is nice 16:05:26 John Symondso on monday you send the money to the bank as they required okay brother 16:06:10 虚无缥缈why? 16:06:38 虚无缥缈i donot need to do it 16:07:26 虚无缥缈it is not useful to me 16:07:39 John Symondi want &you to receive the money and be with the moneythen i we create time for me to come 16:07:58 John Symondhehehehe money is not &useful to you hehehe 16:08:10 虚无缥缈yes 16:08:26 John Symondyou make me smile now 16:08:49 虚无缥缈money is useful for thing 16:09:05 John Symondjust pay for it,and be with the money before i we come 16:09:37 虚无缥缈bu now i donot have anything& 16:10:26 虚无缥缈when you come,it may be thing,before that it is never a thing 16:11:50 John Symondam schedule busy man i can create chance for my self when i already money is with you for use okay 16:12:10 虚无缥缈accept or no?you have not the third &choice 16:13:03 虚无缥缈accept,we have meeting for cooperation when you come 16:14:08 虚无缥缈not ,we donot to be partner? 16:14:13 John Symondyes but my point is for you to receive the money first 16:14:27 虚无缥缈no 16:15:11 虚无缥缈you point is i receive the money to you first 16:15:26 虚无缥缈i refuse 16:15:41 John Symondrecieve the money into your account first& 16:16:42 虚无缥缈i donot need your money and i donot need give you money 16:17:28 虚无缥缈we are not partner now 16:18:18 虚无缥缈Account name: AKPOYIBO PRECIOUS 16:18:47 虚无缥缈it is not the account of bank 16:19:25 虚无缥缈it is private account 16:19:33 虚无缥缈i know 16:19:53 John Symondyes it is private account you are right 16:20:11 John Symondit &we be the one of the accountant& 16:20:49 虚无缥缈what i am paying for is not &for transfer 16:21:17 John Symondis for transfer charge i hope so 16:21:28 虚无缥缈you pay 16:21:52 John Symondyou are to be send the money 16:22:07 虚无缥缈i donot like private account to private account 16:22:25 John Symondhehehehe 16:22:28 虚无缥缈if private account to private account& 16:22:37 虚无缥缈that is not ours 16:23:15 John Symondohhhhhhh& 16:23:17 虚无缥缈public to public is good 16:23:51 虚无缥缈this is business 16:24:06 John Symondyes 16:24:07 虚无缥缈donot you know it? 16:24:22 John Symondyes brother 16:26:46 John Symondbut this is bank affair not about our businessbank position is for the money to be send&bank does not know wether we are using the money for company or anything,all the bank know is that you &are business partner 16:27:33 虚无缥缈i think you know to less about business 16:28:04 John Symondbut this is bank affair not about our businessbank position is for the money to be send&bank does not know wether we are using the money for company or anything,all the bank know is that you &are business partner 16:28:35 虚无缥缈private account to private account is bad to business 16:29:38 John Symondthese first is for the bank to send the money.then as i come we do that 16:30:01 虚无缥缈accept or no?you have not the third &choice. 16:30:03 虚无缥缈accept,we have meeting for cooperation when you come 16:30:49 虚无缥缈not you pay& 16:30:50 John Symondcos you dont have business with the bank because is to send you the money onlybefore we make arrangement 16:31:16 虚无缥缈you will pay for it 16:32:02 虚无缥缈you want to send money to you,so you pay 16:36:40 虚无缥缈i donot need your sending money to me first ,so i willnot pay for it 17:40:33 John Symondare you rude&[ 此帖被wqdiy7在 17:46修改 ]
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