高手给我看看为什么提示我 cannot find lglcolumn 0

Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
:&atBeLLE.Factories.S30.DataGrid_DoubleClick(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
&Object reference not set to
an instance of an object
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BeLLE.Factories.S18.AddWRKACT()
at BeLLE.Factories.S18.gridView1_DoubleClick(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
ERROR [22001] [IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664]
SQL0433N& Value & AND
VHHDPR& like& '%S0BD00029%'& is too long.& SQLSTATE=22001
''GBM2''',' ', ' ', ' ',' AND VHHDPR&
like& ''%S0BD00029%''', ' ', ' AND
and ',' AND ENDDATE between
ERROR [42601] [IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664]
SQL0104N& An unexpected token &UNION& was found following &.MTRGDT
BETWEEN& AND&.& Expected tokens may include:& &AND &
row_value_constructor& &.&
1.Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
2.Deleted row information cannot be
accessed through the row.
This row has been removed from a
table and does not have any data.&
BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.
at System.Data.DataRow.GetDefaultRecord()
at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
at BeLLE.Factories.S10.btnOprLog_Click(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
at ponents.DataField.CheckUniqueField(DataRow
aDataRow, String[] aUniqueFieldNames, Object aProposedValue, String
[22001] [IBM] CLI0109E& String data right
truncation. SQLSTATE=22001
Input string was not in a correct
BeLLE.Factories.S12.txtNO_TextChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ERROR [42703] [IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664]
Input string was not in a correct
at BeLLE.Factories.S8320.C8320C100.txtTicketCode_Validating(Object
sender, CancelEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar.set_Value(Int32 value)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripProgressBar.set_Value(Int32 value)
at BeLLE.Factories.S10.btnSelect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs
This row has been removed from a
table and does not have any data.&
BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.
at System.Data.DataRow.GetDefaultRecord()
at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
at BeLLE.Factories.S50.UpStartDate(ActionKeys key, Object o,
EventArgs e)
Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
at BeLLE.Factories.S7125.ExcelImportDlg.btnUp_Click(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
A column named 'QCNUM' already
belongs to this DataTable.
at BeLLE.Factories.S10.Synchronize(ActionKeys key, Object
sender, EventArgs e)
17TBSPACEID=5, TABLEID=111, COLNO=0& is not allowed.& SQLSTATE=23502
[23502]ERROR [23502]
[IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0407N&
Assignment of a NULL value to a NOT NULL column &TBSPACEID=5,
TABLEID=112, COLNO=0& is not allowed.&
&&&&&&&& 2
&&&&&&&& 3
&&&&&&&& 4ForeigenKeyConstraint FK_dq_Master_deDetail
[22001]ERROR [22001]
[IBM][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0302N& The value
of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is too large for its
corresponding use.& SQLSTATE=22001
缺陷简要描述:安装协议框与初始框大小不一致& & 缺陷详细描述:操作步骤:1、 双击安装 遨游安装程序,版本:mx,见【图1】图1:安装版本2、 弹出安装界面如下:见【图2】图2:安装欢迎界面3、 出现准备安装界面后,快速单击“-”最小化,然后单击打开:协议内容框变窄,出现空白窗体,见【图3】图3:协议框出现空白框期望要求:最小化窗口后再次打开窗体,应该恢复原始窗体大小。[ 本帖最后由 fsyj000 于
22:10 编辑 ]
check out.
3data temp users srcsafe.ini user.txt
version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
                     &Source name=”vss”>
                        &VSSDatabase name=”c:\”>&/VssDatabase>
Visual Studio 2005 vssconverter.exeTFSVSS2005VSS2005DLL
Vssconverter.exevssconverter.exe anlyze
There are two primary commands for VSSConverter: analyze, or
[/?|h|help] [analyze|migrate] [settings_file]
\\ analyze               
Analyze VSS repository
\\ migrate               
Migrate VSS repository
\\settings_file          Name of
settings file
\\ /? , /h or /help       Display above help
\\> VSSConverter analyze settings.xml .... Starts Analysis
\\  > VSSConverter migrate settings.xml .... Starts Migration
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    &Source name="VSS">
name="UserMap.xml" />
Server=".\SQLExpress" /> -->
Source="$/" Destination="$/Demo/Main/">&/Project>
    &TeamFoundationServer name="TeamSystem"
  VSSConverter migrate migrate.xml
This will start migration with following inputs:
SourceSafe Folders -> Team System Folders
$/ -> $/Demo/Main
VSS Database: d:\vss-test\srcsafe.ini
Team Foundation Server: http://teamsystem:8080/
Migration Settings File: migrate.xml
Migration Report: VSSMigrationReport.xml
Depending on the VSS database size, migration may take few hours to complete.
Please verify all inputs are correct and confirm.
Start migration (Y/N)?y
VSS administrator password:
Connecting to Team Foundation Server.
Scanning $/ for migration
[ list of scanned files omitted ]
Migration complete.
Migrated 22 Actions
Warnings 2 and Errors 0
Post migration report file: VSSMigrationReport.xml
VSSTFSdomain user
TFSSQL server2005,500check in/outVSS4GB12check in/out
1、目前链接db2服务器端的程序比较多,在这里介绍几个,除使用命令行外,如Toad 、dbvisual personal等Toad:/toaddb2/db2_freeware.htm2、在linux安装db2成功后,需要编目录才能访问。添加目录和节点catalog tcpip node 节点名remote ip地址server 50000calatog database 数据库名  as  别名at node 节点名authentication server删除目录和节点uncatalog node 节点名uncatalog database 数据名或别名3、存储过程创建SQL存储过程(CREATE PROCEDURE (SQL) statement )语法格式如下: >>-CREATE PROCEDURE--procedure-name----------------------------->>--+----------------------------------------------------+--*---->   '-(--+------------------------------------------+--)-'        | .-,------------------------------------. |        | V .-IN----.                            | |        '---+-------+--parameter-name--data-type-+-'            +-OUT---+            '-INOUT-'>--+-------------------------+--*------------------------------->   '-SPECIFIC--specific-name-'   .-DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 0--------.     .-MODIFIES SQL DATA-.>--+------------------------------+--*--+-------------------+--->   '-DYNAMIC RESULT SETS--integer-'     +-CONTAINS SQL------+                                        '-READS SQL DATA----'      .-NOT DETERMINISTIC-.     .-CALLED ON NULL INPUT-.>--*--+-------------------+--*--+----------------------+--*----->      '-DETERMINISTIC-----'   .-INHERIT SPECIAL REGISTERS-.     .-7 OLD SAVEPOINT LEVEL-.>--+---------------------------+--*--+---------------------+---->                                     '-7 NEW SAVEPOINT LEVEL-'      .-LANGUAGE SQL-.     .-7 EXTERNAL ACTION----.>--7 *--+--------------+--*--+--------------------+--*------------>                           '-7 NO EXTERNAL ACTION-'>--+------------------------------+--3 *-------------------------->   '-3 PARAMETER CCSID--+-3 ASCII---+-'                      '-3 UNICODE-'>--| SQL-procedure-body |-------------------------------------->&SQL-procedure-body:|--SQL-procedure-statement--------------------------------------| 语法说明1、procedure-name: 存储过程的名字,在同一个数据库的同一模式下,不能存在存储过程名相同参数数目相同的存储过程,即使参数的类型不同也不行。 2、(IN | OUT | INOUT parameter-name data-type,...) :传入参数    IN:输入参数 OUT:输出参数 INOUT:作为输入输出参数    parameter-name:参数名字,在此存储过程中唯一的标识符。 data-type:参数类型,可以接收SQL类型和创建的表。不支持LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, DATALINK, REFERENCE和用户自定义类型。3、SPECIFIC specific-name:唯一的特定名称(别名),可以用存储过程名代替,这个特定名称用于dorp存储过程,或者给存储过程添加注视用,但不能调用存储过程。如果不指定,则数据库会自动生成一个yymmddhhmmsshhn时间戳的名字。推荐给出别名。4、DYNAMIC RESULT SETS integer:指定存储过程返回结果的最大数量。存储过程中虽然没有return语句,但是却能返回结果集。5、CONTAINS SQL, READS SQL DATA, MODIFIES SQL DATA: 指定存储过程中的SQL访问级别    CONTAINS SQL: 表示存储过程可以执行中,既不可读取 SQL 数据,也不可修改 SQL 数据。    READS SQL DATA: 表示存储过程可以执行中,可读取SQL,但不可修改 SQL 数据。    MODIFIES SQL DATA: 表示存储过程可以执行任何 SQL 语句。可以对数据库中的数据进行增加、删除和修改。 6、DETERMINISTIC or NOT DETERMINISTIC:表示存储过程是动态或者非动态的。动态的返回的值是不确定的。非动态的存储过程每次执行返回的值是相同的。7、CALLED ON NULL INPUT:表示可以调用存储过程而不管任何的输入参数是否为NULL,并且,任何的OUT或者INOUT参数可以返回一个NULL或者非空值。检验参数是否为NULL是在过程中进行的。8、INHERIT SPECIAL REGISTERS:表示继承专用寄存器。9、OLD SAVEPOINT LEVEL or NEW SAVEPOINT LEVEL:建立存储点。OLD SAVEPOINT LEVEL是默认的存储点。10、LANGUAGE SQL:指定程序的主体用的是SQL语言。11、EXTERNAL ACTION or NO EXTERNAL ACTION:表示存储过程是否执行一些改变理数据库状态的活动,而不通过数据库管理器管。默认是 EXTERNAL ACTION。如果指定为NO EXTERNAL ACTION ,则数据库会确定最最佳优化方案。12、PARAMETER CCSID:指定所有输出字符串数据的编码,默认为UNICODE编码数据库为PARAMETER CCSID UNICODE ,其他的数据库默认为PARAMETER CCSID 3 ASCII。13、SQL-procedure-body:存储过程的主体例子1:产生一个SQL存储过程,返回员工的平均薪水. 返回所有员工超过平均薪水的数额,结果集包括name, position, and salary字段(参考数据库为db2的示例数据库sample)。   CREATE PROCEDURE MEDIAN_RESULT_SET (OUT medianSalary DOUBLE)     RESULT SETS 1     LANGUAGE SQL   BEGIN     DECLARE v_numRecords INT DEFAULT 1;     DECLARE v_counter INT DEFAULT 0;     DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR       SELECT CAST(salary AS DOUBLE)         FROM staff         ORDER BY     DECLARE c2 CURSOR WITH RETURN FOR       SELECT name, job, CAST(salary AS INTEGER)         FROM staff         WHERE salary > medianSalary         ORDER BY     DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND       SET medianSalary = 6666;     SET medianSalary = 0;     SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_numRecords       FROM STAFF;     OPEN c1;     WHILE v_counter & (v_numRecords / 2 + 1)     DO       FETCH c1 INTO medianS       SET v_counter = v_counter + 1;     END WHILE;     CLOSE c1;     OPEN c2;   END
1、准备数据如将EXCLE里数据导入到DB2中,有什么办法呢?(1)安装Toad  for db2(这软件很好用,但是也有BUG哦)(2)安装UE(ultraedit,网上有破解版本, 本人提供如下:注册码 Name: icycool and everybody Code: K7V0U-O6Q6W-E6J9Q-H2C9P-XW24V-0J441,版本号:******打开EXCEL,另存为扩展名为“.CSV”,建立扩展名为.DEL文本文件,如aa.del******打开扩展名为.CSV文件,复制内容后,粘贴到aa.del中。2、开始导入import from d:\aa.del of del insert into tb_test导入数据导出数据export to d:\aaaa.ixf of ixf select * from tb_test
[ ] scrīpt loginuser1.t - 1 error[ ] Machine: (local)[ ] Started: 11:32:38AM on 02-Aug-2008[ ] Elapsed: 0:00:07[ ] Passed:& 0 tests (0%)[ ] Failed:& 1 test (100%)[ ] Totals:& 1 test, 1 error, 0 warnings[ ] [-] Testcase Test1 - 1 error&[ ]***Error:Window '[BrowserChild]BeLLE 信息发布平台' was not found&[ ] Occurred in MoveMouse&[ ] Called from Test1 at loginuser1.t(4)
[ ] scrīpt longuser.t - 1 error[ ] Machine: (local)[ ] Started: 11:18:08AM on 02-Aug-2008[ ] Elapsed: 0:00:06[ ] Passed:& 0 tests (0%)[ ] Failed:& 1 test (100%)[ ] Totals:& 1 test, 1 error, 0 warnings[ ] [-] Testcase Test1 - 1 error&[ ] *** Error: Window '[HtmlMarquee]#1' was not found&[ ] Occurred in MoveMouse&[ ] Called from Test1 at longuser.t(4)
网站首页有滚动条,录制测试用例时,skiltest 提示信息:HtmlMarquee was not found
[ ] scrīpt syslogin.t - 1 error[ ] Machine: (local)[ ] Started: 02:33:25PM on 29-Jul-2008[ ] Elapsed: 0:00:09[ ] Totals:& 1 error, 0 warnings[ ] [ ] *** DefaultBaseState is restoring Browser[ ] *** Error: Window '[PushButton]View' was not found[ ] Occurred in IsChecked[ ] Called from Explorer.SetRequiredOptions at extend\explorer.inc(642)[ ] Called from Browser.SetRequiredOptions at browser.inc(555)[ ] Called from DefaultBaseState at defaults.inc(250)--------------------------------------------------------------------------
After using the Workflow Toolbar to configure and record a testcase against a German version of IE 6. The recorded scrīpt fails on playback with the following error:
[ ] *** Error: Window '[PushButton]View' was not found
[ ] Occurred in IsChecked
[ ] Called from Explorer.SetRequiredOptions at explorer.inc(642)
[ ] Called from Browser.SetRequiredOptions at browser.inc(569)
[ ] Called from DefaultBaseState at defaults.inc(250)
This will probably be due to the fact that SilkTest is using the standard English versions of explorer.inc and browser.inc located in the SilkTest\Extend directory. However, SilkTest also provides support for both the German and French versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The following files, in ANSI format, are available in the &SilkTest Installation directory&\Locale:
...\french\browser.inc ...\french\explorer.inc ...\french\netscape.inc ...\german\browser.inc ...\german\explorer.inc ...\german\netscape.inc
To change the default English-US browser include files to one of the supported localised browsers:
Go to &SilkTest Installation directory&\Locale. In the Locale directory locate the language of the localized browser to be tested.
Copy the files contained in the &Language directory& directory.
Go to &SilkTest Installation directory&\Extend and paste the files, overwriting the existing files.
一、自动化测试􀂄测试最常用的方法是采用:分层次的测试方法(The Layered Approach)􀂊Operability Tests(可操作性测试:each object的:state、size、caption、contents)􀂊Functionality Tests (功能测试:several objects组合在一起提供的特性)􀂊System Tests (系统测试:被测软件在其他软、硬件环境下的表现)􀂄其他类型的测试􀂊Regression Tests (回归测试:existing tests for new version of program)􀂊Error Tests (错误处理测试: system response for error condition)􀂊Stress Tests (压力测试:measure system response under repetiveor large amounts of data)􀂊White-Box Tests (白盒测试:internal structure of software)􀂊Black-Box Tests (黑盒测试:view software from end-user perspective and is unwareof the underlying code)
SilkTest组成􀂊SilkTestHost (Host Machine)􀂄用于develop/edit/compile/run/debug 测试脚本和测试计划􀂊SilkTestAgent (Remote Machine)􀂄interact with GUI of AUT (Application Under Test 被测应用)􀂄translate scrīpt into GUI commands􀂄driving and monitoring application􀂄run locally or remote
db2 tool实际上可以分为两大类:control center (简称CC)主要管理DB2服务器。configuration Assistant(简称CA)用来设置客户机/服务器通信和维护注册表变量等。在任何db2工具中,都可以找到6种特性:(1) wizards (向导)向导可以用来在系统中添加数据库(对数据库进行编目)、创建数据库、备份数据库和恢复数据库、创建表、创建表空间、配置阶段提交、配置数据库日志、更新文档、调优性能等。(2)Generate DDL (生成数据库描述语言)允许重新生成数据库定义语言(data definition language) .(3)show sql /show command可以生成SQL语句或者db2命令(4)show relatedshow related 特性显示表、索引、视图、别名、触发器、表空间、用户定义函数(UDF)和用户定义的类型(UDT)之间的直接关系。(5)filter在面板上可以直接过滤(6)helpdb2帮助是面向任务的,应该很容易执行特定任务
在这里使用windows2003 的IIS,作为WEB服务器。
可执行文件名:c:\perl\bin\perl.exe "%s"
3 、使用CVS获取最新Bugzilla
&& (1)、从BUGZILLA官方网站下载最新版本(windows\linux)
&& (2)、使用CVS获取最新Bugzilla(重点介绍)
&A、在windwos&XP/2003下,开始-运行&,输入CMD,输入CD \,让系统处于C盘根目录下。
&B、登录:c:\&cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot login
&C、获取:c:\&cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot checkout bugzilla
&&& 退出:c:\&cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot logout
activePerl(版本:5.8.3 build 809)
MySql(版本:mysql-4.0.20a) MySql控制台
bugzilla 运行所需要的一些perl模块
bugzilla的发信模块mailer(unix sendmail开发的)
1、bugzilla 简介
bugzilla 是什么?
Buazilla 是一个BUG管理系统,它遵照GPL发行,是免费开源软件。用于管理开发过程中所遇到的Bug,从Bug的提交,到BUG的处理,反馈验证等。能够确保每个BUG都能完成其生命周期,确保在开发过程中不会丢失BUG。
在安装 apache时,提示消息:Error 1324,the path My&Documents contains a invalid character.
&&&&&&&& 1、先备份注册表
&&&&&&&& 2、打开注册表regedit
&&&&&&&&&&&寻找路径: KEY_USERs\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
&&&&&&&&&& 将my& Documents& c:\Documentsand Settings\Administrator\My Pictures 就可以正常安装.}


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