
Hi,   I’m Alicia.   I’m 17 and from the United States.   I’m interested in talking to people from China.  I don’t know any Chinese, (I’ve just started learning,) so it’s important that you know a little English.   Don’t worry if your English isn’   I can try to help teach you.   I can help with both writing and oral.   I have QQ, Skype, Yahoo, and MSN.   I don’t know if I’m a good teacher but I’ll do my best!            QQ –             Just message me on here or QQ. =]  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  any photo of her?
  Here is it  /index.php?datastream=request:profile|opcode:personprofile|profileid:751|language:en_GB|theme:default|member:0          
    Hi,    I’m Alicia’s grandpa.    I’m 71 and from the United States 2.    I’m interested in talking to people from China 2.    I, i don’t know any Chinese, (I’ve just started learning 2,) so it’s important that you know a little English.    Don’t worry if your English isn’    I, i, i can try to help teach you 2.    I, i, i, i can’t help with both writing and oral.    I, i, i, i, i have QQ, Skype, Yahoo, and MSN 2.    I, i, i, i, i, i know I’m a good teacher but I won’t do my best!                QQ – 0
  isn’t it a man.......moreover an old man~~~~~~~
  Please don’t make up a stupid like this. QQ from tencent software could not work properly (displaying any Chinese character properly) under English version windows due to some encoding problems, even you had the east Asian language pack installed.
  请原谅我的过错,照片在这里:  /index.php?datastream=request:profile|opcode:personprofile|profileid:1381|language:en_GB|theme:default|member:0
  but i chated with her this morning,how do you explain that?    
  Forgive me for my fault,Harry1028,cndv3996 and einzelnster,but i wonder whether you want to learn language or look for a beautiful girl :D
  einzelnster,Do you know QQ software have english version one and even support Vista,here is her MSN george_fred_    I want to remind you guys,don’t disturb her too much, any way, she is a high school girl.    
唠嗑两句的 明天考4级了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
  are you there?
  hahaha...    a very very funny video,不看一定会后悔哦    /index.php?datastream=request:showvideo|videoid:2266|language:en_GB|theme:default    看不懂会更后悔!!  
  作者:fushoubing 回复日期: 18:14:31   
    but i chated with her this morning,how do you explain that?  ======  good for you.~        作者:fushoubing 回复日期: 18:22:59   
    Forgive me for my fault,Harry1028,cndv3996 and einzelnster,but i wonder whether you want to learn language or look for a beautiful girl :D  ======  if you wondered, please don't wonder on. you are a smart guy, right?~
  I've chatted with her.  She's a real American  not so bad
  good to know her!
  Here is another lady,she is more professional.    Location: United States        Name: Jennifer    ESL/ EFL teacher since 1996    ESL/ EFL materials writer    experienced teacher trainer    B.A and M.A. degrees     Interests and Hobbies: fluent in Russian/ limited knowledge of Japanese,Portuguese, and French/ piano, accordion, and folk dancing    Questions or Comments? Write to:
    Whether you're currently enrolled in a language program or not, take advantage of free online instruction from an experienced teacher. Private instruction currently not offered.    (YOU can WATCH her VIDEOs on ECPOD website)  
  Ok, ok, there's a 17-year-old American teen Alicia on QQ, but I still don't see the &not so bad& or &good to know her& part.    If you guys are meant to find some westerners to chat with, QQ is really not the right IRC software to choose. Try mIRC or something like that, you can hardly find any non-English speakers there even when you are tired of typing those meaningless sentences in English~
  IRC 软件    /help/softwareguide.html
Beep beep    I miss you.        Beep beep    I need you.        Beep beep    Do you think you can sneak out tonight?        It had been almost two years since he broke up with her. And now all of the sudden he wanted her back. She didn't know how he got her phone number but he did. And he wouldn't stop texting her.    Day after day for a month she kept getting text messages telling her how he missed her, and how he wanted to be with her again.    She had been replying to his texts lately. Trying to get him to stop, but not really wanting him to. He had really hurt her when he left. He told her that he found someone better and that he didn't need her. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get over him. She couldn't stop thinking of him. She couldn't stop replaying the memories of all the nights they spent together. And tonight he wanted her to sneak out of her house so that they could be together once more.    She wasn't sure that she should, but she got the feeling that no matter what she said he was going to come and she was going to sneak out.    ________________________________________    2:00 am    She popped the screen out of her window and crawled out through the gaping hole in her room. She felt kind of annoyed that he came even when she told him not to. She walked in the dark out to the street to his car and got inside.    &Hey&    &Hi&    &You don't seem very happy.&    &I'm in my ex-boyfriends car. Why the hell would I be happy about that?&    &I thought you would be happy to see me.&    ________________________________________    20 minutes later    &Would you stop me if I kissed you?&    She didn't know what to say. If she said yes, he wouldn't kiss her. But if she said no, then he would. She didn't know what she wanted him to do so she just sat there. Saying nothing and trying not to scream.    ________________________________________    10 minutes later    &I think I'm gonna go.&    And so she got out of his car. Didn't even look at him.    But when she turned the corner to go back down her driveway her legs went weak and she collapsed.    Tears started to fall from her eyes. And she realized that she wanted him to come back.    She quickly sent a text message to him telling him to come back.    And so again he pulled up to the street and she got in the car.    &I'm sorry.&    &It's alright.&    And they sat there for a minute in silence. Her trying to find the words to say that would explain her strange behavior. Him staring at her, trying not to attack her with kisses.    &I don't wanna get hurt again.& She whispered. Her voice seemed to have left her and she was barely audible.    &I'm not here to hurt you.&    &But you will.&    &No I won't.&    &Yes you will. You'll leave me again.&    And then he took her in his arms and held her.    ________________________________________    5 minutes later    They pulled apart from one another and sat in the seats.    He made a move to kiss her but she still wasn't sure she wanted to.    Again and again he tried but she denied him each time.    ________________________________________    10 minutes later    She looked at him, the light from the radio illuminating his face, and that was when she realized that she wanted to kiss him. To see if there was still any love between them.    She shifted in her seat and then leaned over to turn his face and kissed him.    He seemed to be surprised at first but then responded to her needy kisses.    ________________________________________    15 minutes later    They had been kissing for quite a while, cars occasionally passing lighting up the car.    After the first minute she hadn't felt anymore sparks and knew that if anything happened with him it wouldn't mean a thing. At least not to her. But she decided to enjoy the kisses for a while. His hand started to move up her thigh, very slowly, but it kept going.    She decided that she was going to stop him before he got to the heat pooling between her legs, but once he got there she couldn't stop him.    Her body wouldn't let her. His hands felt so good. After a minute or two he moved to rid the layer of fabric that separated him from that hot spot. She made no move to stop him.    Moans escaped her lips as his fingers moved in and out of her. She knew she should stop him. She wasn't supposed to let him get this far. Finally when he stopped kissing her and she had a second to think clearly she decided to stop him.    &Let me have you.&    That's when she pushed him away.    &Did I do something wrong?&    &No.&    &Then why ca-&    &I just can't.&    &But why?&    &I'm sorry.&    And then they sat there for a minute. She felt bad for letting him get so far and then denying him the pleasure he'd been seeking. But she couldn't let this go on. It was wrong.    &I think I should go.&    &Can't we just do something? Please.&    &I'm sorry.&    She leaned over and kissed him one last time. She knew that she would miss those kisses but at the same time she knew that there was something missing from those kisses.    She got out of the car and walked over to her driveway.    And as she watched his car drive away she realized that she was finally over him. And now she could start a new chapter in her life. She turned to walk back to her house and smiled to herself.  
  来自澳大利亚男生唱老鼠爱大米,不要太好哦,不信你去听听.  /index.php?datastream=request:showvideo|videoid:3048|language:en_GB|theme:default
  Name: Steve Craig   Gender: Male  Age: 30  Speak: English, English  Location: Australia    Lao Shu Ai Da MI   wo ting jian ni de sheng yin you zhong te bie de gan jie rang wo bu duan xiang bu gan zai wang ji ni wo ji de you yi ge ren yong yuan liu zai wo xin zhong ...    hey! if the sun forgets shining if the moon forgets lighting if the fishes forget swimming if the wind forgets blowing if the heart forgets breathing if the cloud forgets crying and if the birds forget flying u have 2 be sure that i can nver forget u  
  Just check it up.  Practise your spoken english and listening skill from funny video    /index.php?datastream=request:showvideo|videoid:2104|language:en_GB|theme:default
            very good ,I would like to be your friend ,connect me at :
.cn      thanks !
  want to konw you .
   [创作园地]Text Message(转载)  作者:fushoubing 提交日期: 22:09:00 访问:    Beep beep    I miss you.
  作者:fushoubing 回复日期: 22:16:23     hahaha.  a very very funny video,不看一定会后悔哦...      看不懂会更后悔!!  ==================================  
let's keep trash in one place, OK?  
  A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and the cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why is he staring and he replies, &I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you.     She answers, 'My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun a long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.&     &Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.&     She responds, &Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2 you must be Catholic.&     The cab driver is very excited and says, &Yes, I am single and I'm Catholic too!&     The nun says &OK, pull into the next alley.&     He does and the nun fulfills his fantasy. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. &My dear child, said the nun, why are you crying?&     &Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish.&     The nun says, &That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm on my way to a Halloween party.&
注册帐号邮箱帐号@qq.com@qq.com@昵称密码不能包含空格不能是9位以下纯数字弱确认密码地区手机号码(非必选) 获取短信验证码性别生日公历农历所在地验证码1、 首先进入关联其他手机号的入口。登录手机qq,在qq“消息”界面可以看到“关联qq号”功能项。除此之外,切换到“设置”界面,点击个人头像,在新界面也可以看到“关联qq号”的入口。 2、点击进入关联qq号界面,点击“关联qq号”按钮。若您手机中已经有另外一个号的登录记录,则可以直接点击关联;若没有,则输入另外一个qq号和密码并关联。 3、进入关联qq号消息界面,就可以查看关联qq号收到的qq消息了,如图所示。貌似暂时只能关联一个其他qq号,您可以通过切换来关联其他qq号码。 4、点击右上角三点
为了帮助电脑初学习者快速了解网络。编辑本文将与大家详细介绍下怎么申请qq号,仅适合电脑初学者阅读,电脑高手请飘过。 怎么申请qq号步骤如下: 一:首先进入QQ号注册网站(网站地址:/) 二:填写QQ号注册信息 进入QQ注册页面地址后会提示我们输入QQ相关信息如下图:请按要求填写,以下笔者演示笔者申请的一个号码为例,如下图: 如上图,我们在昵称(就是给你的QQ起名字),然后填写你的出生日期(建议填写准确,方便后期维护),之后填写QQ密码(这
为了帮助电脑初学习者快速了解网络。编辑本文将与大家详细介绍下怎么申请qq号,仅适合电脑初学者阅读,电脑高手请飘过。 怎么申请qq号步骤如下: 一:首先进入QQ号注册网站(网站地址:/) 二:填写QQ号注册信息 进入QQ注册页面地址后会提示我们输入QQ相关信息如下图:请按要求填写,以下笔者演示笔者申请的一个号码为例,如下图: 如上图,我们在昵称(就是给你的QQ起名字),然后填写你的出生日期(建议填写准确,方便后期维护),之后填写QQ密码(这
有朋友问,微信上如何将之前自己的QQ号码改掉,下面,小编用自己的手机做一下演示,告诉大家如何更改微信上的qq号码? 首先要登录到自己的微信号码,然后点击下面导航栏右侧的“我”图标,如图: 2点击“我”图标进入到我窗口,在窗口上面点击最上面的微信号,如图: 3点击微信号以后进入到个人信息窗口,在窗口上面点击“我的账号”,如图: 4点击“我的账号”以后进入到我的账号窗口,在窗口上面点击“qq号”,如图: 5点击“qq号”之后进入到qq号窗口,在窗口上面看到已经绑定的qq号码,点击下面红色的“解除绑定
今天有网友问编辑一个这样比较有争议的问题:怎么注销QQ号?其实笔者刚看到这个问题,其实觉得这并不算什么问题吧,注销QQ号也是没必要的,直接将QQ里面的好友全部删除,之后设置任何加为好友即可。但网友的想法是想让该QQ号消失,因初期注册时填写了不少诸如密码保护等信息,感觉注销更靠谱。既然网友都这么说了,那么小编还是介绍下我所知道的方法吧。 猜你喜欢:如何禁止电脑登录QQ? 针对如何注销QQ号,其实笔者一直认为没有必要,真不想要某个QQ号的话,可以直接把QQ昵称改成诸如“此QQ已停用”等说明信息,让好
很多情侣都喜欢关联QQ帐号,可以随时随地了解自己的另一半在和谁聊天,但很多朋友不知道新版手机QQQ5.0怎么关联QQ号,其实操作方法还是非常简单的,下面小编就来教一下大家手机QQ关联QQ号教程。 手机QQ5.0怎么关联QQ 号 手机QQ关联QQ号教程 1、打开左上角的图标,如图所示 2、点击“设置”,如图所示 3、点击“账号管理”,如图所示 4、点击“关联QQ号” 即可
微信是个很奇妙的东西,大家可以用手机号码注册也可以用QQ号码直接激活使用。有的朋友想用手机号码登录有的朋友却要用qq号码登录,或者是两者可以通用。一般情况下,我们都用 QQ 号码直接登录微信,但从个人隐私信息和安全的角度来讲,为微信设置一个独立的账号,解除 QQ 号的绑定还是很有必要的。那么微信号怎么解除qq号?由于微信已经更新了好几个版本,操作方法也变了,所以下面小编就以当前最新的微信版本为例,简单介绍下在微信上解绑 QQ 号的方法。希望能帮到大家 方法/步骤 1、打开微信以后,点击底部右下角
QQ经常被盗?相信很多网友都遇到自己或者朋友QQ号被盗的情况。为什么要盗你号,无法就是从你QQ好友那里“借”钱。那么QQ号如何防止被盗?小编建议大家用手机扫描二维码登录QQ,扫描登录是用手机上的“QQ安全中心”软件扫描电脑上的二维码来登录QQ的一种方式,并不输入密码(甚至无需输入账号),所以几乎不可能被盗号。建议大家使用这种方法在公共电脑上登QQ。 方法/步骤 1、手机上安装“QQ安全中心”软件,打开,输入需要绑定的账号跟密码,登录。 2、首次使用需要验证手机,点击“下一步”,手机会收到验证码短
mac系统使用起来不如windows方便,在本文中为大家介绍怎么登陆多个QQ号? 步骤方法 先在应用程序或Dock中打开第一个QQ,登陆上第一个QQ号码。 然后我们切换到QQ的主面板,此时上面的三个按钮应该是彩色的。 这时候上面的任务栏也会变为QQ任务栏,我们点击QQ。 然后在QQ列表上面就会出现菜单,我们需要选择 新建QQ。 这是,就会弹出另外一个登陆窗口,我们输入一个新的QQ号码,填写好密码后,就可以登录上去了。 看一看,此时就会出现两个QQ面板,登陆了两个Q
QQ空间相册密码忘了怎么办,空间相册设有密码进不去如何解决,本文为大家介绍一下QQ相册密码的破解方法,希望对大家有帮助。 首先,打开QQ空间。从QQ空间里右键点击加密相册,选择复制快捷方式,然后最小化QQ空间的窗口,但不要关闭。在浏览器地址栏里粘贴刚才复制的地址。 这时,你会发现地址第一串数字是你那个忘了QQ相册密码的QQ号码。新开一个QQ,用你的另一个帐号登录。把刚才说的第一串号码修改成后来登录的QQ号码,按下回车。 系统要求输入相册密码,随便输入一个,这样就能看到这个被锁着的
首先打开自己的qq,然后登陆。当然小编这里说的是手机版本的,所以大家一定要打开手机上的软件哦,然后输入自己的账号密码登陆就可以了。 进入软件的页面之后,下面会有显示的一个关联qq号,要是没有显示,可以在功能栏里面自己寻找到这个信息,然后点击。 点击进入之后会出来下面这个界面,然后你要做的就是点击现在体验,就可以进入下一步的步骤啦。 进入页面之后,上面一排会显示你已经关联的账号,当然要是第一次就会显示请输入你要关联的号码,要是已经关联了一个,下面可以输入其他号码进行关联,可以是公司内部的号码,也可
一.有没有密码保护?如果有就直接取回!! 二.打腾讯客服电话(估计,一般人不用,免了) 三.如果您的密码提示问题等被修改或者您没有申请过密码保护,那么请在服务专区填写申诉表。(网址/psw/mo.shtml?psw_ss.htm) 号码申诉应尽量提供以下资料: 1、你使用过的历史密码: 2、好友QQ号码列表:(5个) 3、最后一次上线时间: 4、发现密码丢失的时间: 5、最后一次上线地点: 6、其他详细证明材料: 7、留下你的联系方式 8,一个安全的QQ
如何破解网吧路由器的帐号和密码,虽然我在以前的文章里也曾经介绍过一些方法,但是仍然在论坛上会看到许多菜鸟朋友问:路由器的密码应该如何破解?灰鸽子上线如何在路由器上制作端口映射?那么本文我就来总结几个破解路由器密码的方法以及如何实现内网中反弹木马的上线! 一.扫描路由器端口为了路由器的安全,网管通常都会将路由器的默认端口(80)给更改掉,所以我们破解路由器密码的第一步就是必须要找到路由器的wEB管理端口。 如果路由器上的UPnP(通用即插即用,是一组协议的统称)功能是开启的(通常路由器默认情况下U
怎么用qq号注册微信账号是很多朋友在问的,我之前也在想,因为我自己想注册两个微信号,但是发现直接用QQ登登不上,研究了一下,找到了怎么用qq号注册微信账号的方法,下面就来看看这篇qq号注册微信账号教程。 怎么用qq号注册微信账号? 原理,用手机注册后绑定QQ号,然后再解除手机绑定,这样就能用你的QQ登录了,也就用这种绑定的方法完成的QQ号注册微信账号。 qq号注册微信账号教程: 注意:请保证你的微信是最新版本的,因为我只在最新版本上试过,可以成功,之前我一些版本我试的时候都提示“失败-400”,
请问怎样更换微信绑定的QQ号码?我更换时始终提示为了你的微信帐号安全,暂时不能解除绑定!由于微信的版本也在不断的更新,现在最新的微信版本是V5.2,所以今天小编就教大家最新微信5.2版本怎么更换绑定的QQ号的方法,希望能帮助大家。 工具/原料 智能手机 微信5.2版本 方法/步骤 1、先把手机微信的版本升级到最新的5.2版本。打开手机主菜单中的微信软件图标。如图所示 2、成功登录上微信后,选择微信主页面右上角的按钮,在选项中选择设置按钮。如图所示 3、在设置中选择最上面的那个选项——我的帐号。如
许多朋友问到非会员号好友的复制方法,在这里把方法再介绍一遍. QQ号被盗或者想换号,想把原QQ号上的好友加到新的QQ号上来,一个一个的加,如果好友少的话又记得住号的话还好说,如果好友太多了就比较麻烦,可以试试下面的方法: 1、确认电脑中保存着原QQ号码的登录记录,也就是QQ安装目录下的包含这个号码为目录名的子目录。如果你采用的是网吧模式登录QQ,当退出QQ时会提示是否删除用户登录记录。选择不删除,就不怕找不到这个目录。 2、申请新的QQ号码后,将原QQ号码子目录下的user.db文件复制到新号码
由此我们也不难看出这款多次获得过优秀软件大奖的国产精品软件是多么的风靡。 的确,“按键精灵”是一款非常不错的免费脚本软件,它不仅在各类网络游戏中有着上千种不同的精妙应用,而且在普通的电脑操作中,它也可以利用其特有的脚本功能让用户的各种操作“化繁为简”。其实不仅如此,“按键精灵”更大的本领在于,随着软件中实用脚本数量的不断扩充和脚本应用方式的不断创新,这款软件的应用功能和应用领域可以说是一个真正的“无限量”。在“按键精灵”近期最新推出的V7.10新版中,软件全新加入的“网页按键精灵”功能模块一下子
首先可以先试试在对方的资料里面,里面有个邮箱,这点可以看看。 然后就是加了对方以后在上方的好友,然后通讯录。 这里视对方保密程度,显示QQ号。还有一个就是加了对方,在QQ里面是可以和对方通过朋友网对话的,聊几句,然后拉黑。 再到最近联系人里面,找到对方,开始聊天,这时候对方能不能收到不知道,但是这时变成临时会话,最上方点一下,查看资料,就是QQ了。 虽然,我知道很多人都会,也没有多少人专注于QQ。
相信大家都在使用QQ号,也都用了不少年了,现在让自己回忆自己QQ号的注册日期,可能知道的就多了。 现在有一个好方法可以查询自己QQ号的注册日期了; 这几天腾讯的10周年活动,同时也可以点亮腾讯10周年图标,更能查询QQ号的注册日期; 网址:http://user./home QQ空间查询如图1所示:}


更多关于 注册qq号跳过手机验证 的文章


