ipad air retina屏是retina屏吗

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iPad mini真名叫iPad Air 未搭载Retina屏
  【赛迪网讯】10月23日消息,据国外媒体报道,知名苹果新闻评论博客Daring Fireball的作者约翰?格拉伯尔(John Gruber)认为iPad mini真正的名字可能叫作iPad Air,其将不会搭载Retina显示屏,而这款产品的售价也会低于现在的iPod touch。  格拉伯尔认为新款iPad并不会使用Retina显示屏,他解释到:“每一款新推出的iOS产品都不会直接搭载Retina显示屏,而在其过去两到三年之后苹果公司才会推出带有Retina显示屏的原产品的升级版。”格拉伯尔表示Retina显示屏的成本很高,使用该款显示屏必将使得最新款的iPad更重更厚,因为Retina显示屏的显示技术要求设备自身能够提供更多的能源。格拉伯尔指出即将推出的iPad产品以“更轻、更薄、更便宜”为卖点,而格拉伯尔显示屏的使用只会带来相反的效果。格拉伯尔还强调Retina显示屏是一款科技含量高、性能优越的产品,新推出的iPad使用Retina显示屏还“不够资格”。  对于新款iPad的定价问题,格拉伯尔认为新款iPad的价格将低于iPod touch。他指出现在的iPod touch不仅仅是比iPad小,其发展到现在只能用“微小”来形容,格拉伯尔还指出:“在IT产品市场中,个头大的产品售价高、个头小的售价便宜、个头属于微小级别的售价也很高。”就英国市场而言,最新款的iPod touch售价达到了249英镑(32GB)和329英镑(64GB)。  对于有关新款iPad的命名问题,市场人士更多倾向于苹果会将其命名为iPad mini,但目前对此尚未发现任何证据。格拉伯尔预测iPad mini真正的名字应该是iPad Air,就如同之前的MacBook Air一样。格拉伯尔还有一种预测称苹果可能会继续将其命名为iPad,但届时苹果会强调它已经是第三代iPad。对于iPad mini这个名字,格拉伯尔认为苹果公司定名与它的可能性是最低的。
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产品名称:Apple/苹果 配备Retina显...
核心数: 双核
品牌: Apple/苹果
型号: 配备Retina显示屏的iPad mini
屏幕尺寸: 7.9英寸
网络类型: WIFI
热门功能: 罗盘功能 陀螺仪 GPS 智能重力感应
硬盘容量: 16GB
操作系统: ioS 7
触摸屏类型: Retina 显示屏
CPU主频: 1.4GHz
内存容量: 1GB
是否支持蓝牙: 支持
摄像头类型: 后置
存储类型: 闪存
接口类型: 音频输入 音频输出
上市时间: 2013年
月份: 10月
颜色分类: 港行白色32G 港行白色16G 国行白色32G 国行白色16G
售后服务: 店铺三包
套餐类型: 官方标配
成色: 全新
颜色分类 :
ipad retina
ipad retina百度影音_ipad air retina_配备 Retina 显示屏的 iPad WIFI 16GB是什么
Retina 显示屏的 Ipad 好不好?好处是画面细腻清晰,坏处是对CPU等的依赖大,而这样的硬件发热量一定高,更要命的是Ipad的硬件配置并不高。配备 Retina 显示屏的 iPad WIFI 16GB是什么请问官网的这个到底是什么型号? ipad 2还是ipad4呢?(请看图片)楼主看到的这个事iPad4. 苹果前两天做出了新的产品线调整,停产iPad2的同时重新开始销售iPad4. 这个价格也对的上应该就是iPad4了。 因为2代是没有retina屏幕的,而3代虽然说是有ripad retina是不是ipad4?官网上:IPAD with retina就是IPAD4; 嗯,外面没有IPAD4这种称呼。让妹妹放心买就是了。 香港苹果网正式名称是:IPAD配备retina。 采纳答案啊!ipad mini Retina屏是什么意思Retina屏 就是视网膜屏的意思,是分辨率超过人眼识别极限的高分辨率屏幕。 ipad mini2 用的是视网膜屏, 第一代不是。ipad mini retina是ipad mini 2吗?是mini2没错。4跟4s是把容量降低了价格降低了作为苹果的低档次手机来卖的。5s则是最新的旗舰。那么5的话就有点不高不低的感觉,就没有存在的必要了。iPad2的话同样道理。iPAD Air和iPAD Mini(Retina)哪个比较好?近来想入手iPAD,自己仔细比较了下配置什么的都差不多,但iPAD Air就大那么一圈而已。自己觉着 大一点点贵六百多有点划不来,有点纠结。内置的功能当然会比Ipadmini更好,比ipadmini更薄一点,大小也不能像你那样想,我身边有一个用mini的有一个用Air的,每次有事情和她们借一下都会觉得还是ipadair拿着顺手,看着更方便现在苹果官网上的 iPad,只有4款,那个“配 Retina 屏幕的 iPad”是不是iPad4?现在苹果官网上的 iPad,只有4款,那个“配 Retina 屏幕的 iPad”是不是iPad4?请问官网上现在还买 iPad3吗?前一段时间有人说绝版了,官网不卖了,是真的吗?楼主在官网上面看到的是iPad4,iPad3已经正式停产了,官方的途径也是同时停止了销售。 希望帮到你~看到iPAD各型号有iPAD2, iPAD3, iPAD4, iPAD mini, New iPAD苹果根据发售的时间来排序: 1. iPad 2. iPad2 3. New iPad(俗称iPad3) 4. iPad4 (iPad with Retina display)和iPad Mini一起发苹果ipad迷你是Retina 屏幕么 Retina屏幕是什么意思?这一代的ipad mini 不是Retina 屏幕 预计下一代会采用。 视网膜(Retina)屏幕是苹果公司在部分移动产品使用的一种显示技术。苹果第一次将其用在iphone 4手机上,它将960×64ipad mini 配Retina屏的 是ipad mini 2嘛如题,请回答的具体点。如果是 就不用具体了,不是的话,麻烦告诉我下差别在哪,有个对比。谢谢!本人专业生产ipad 你说的全对。就是视网膜屏幕。
Retina iPad mini详尽拆解视频
iPad Air 2和iPad Mini 3 Retina 显示屏演示
苹果推出iPad Air和Retina版iPad Mini[高清版]
iPad mini retina 快速评测
iPad Air和新iPad mini Retina上手对比
Retina屏幕的iPad mini 2,也得摔
iPad mini 2 闪屏 google earth
苹果iPad Air及Retina屏iPad mini上手
【科技美学】iPad mini2 深度测评(下)对比iPad Air kindle paper
【科技美学】iPad mini2 深度测评(下)对比iPad Air kindle paper
苹果iPad Air iPad mini Retina发布会视频「爱分享」
Apple iPad Mini With Retina Display Full Review, 14:10&|&
“非 Retina 屏幕让 iPad mini 离完美仅有一步之遥。” 遥想第一代 iPad mini 发布会时,诸如此类的评论俯拾皆是。
Retina 版 iPad mini 的推出无疑众望所归,但补足屏幕的短板后真的完美了么? AnandTech 拿到这款机器并进行了后,发现事实并非如此。
AnandTech 认为,尽管 Retina iPad mini 无论在设计、性能表现都优于竞争对手,但却在屏幕上留下了遗憾——色准问题以及色域问题。新 iPad mini 屏幕的色域相对老款没有太多改进。
色域是对一种颜色进行编码的方法,也指一个技术系统能够产生的颜色的总和。常见的标准有 sRGB、AdobeRGB 和 ProRGB。从 AnandTech 的测试数据可以看出(数字越小,色域表现越好),Retina iPad mini 的色域明显窄于 iPad Air,仅比前作略有提升,甚至不如竞争对手 Nexus 7 和 NVIDIA Tegra Note 7。
的测试图同样表明,Retina iPad mini 的色域很窄,最为接近于 sRGB 标准的是 Kindle Fire HDX,Nexus 7 表现同样出色。
色准方面,Retina iPad mini 的表现也不尽如人意。
(左:iPad Air
右:Retina iPad mini)
根据 iFixit 的拆解,Retina iPad mini 的屏幕供应商是 LG。
不过,对于普通消费者,屏幕的差距是很难通过肉眼分辨出来的,对于日常的使用色彩还原能力也不会影响到使用体验。因此,iPad mini 和 iPad Air 之间的权衡,更多还是应该放在使用场景之中,而非那些冷冰冰的数据上。
新媒介的拥趸,相信“ 媒介即讯息 ”,关注媒介技术的力量。
爱范品第 28 期:科技替我说爱你
加载中......Apple Announces iPad Air—Dramatically Thinner, Lighter & More Powerful iPad
iPad mini Features Stunning Retina Display & 64-bit Apple-designed A7 Chip
SAN FRANCISCO&October 22, 2013&Apple& today announced iPad Air&, the latest generation of its category defining device, featuring a stunning 9.7-inch Retina& display in a new thinner and lighter design. Precision-engineered to weigh just one pound, iPad Air is 20 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter than the fourth generation iPad&, and with a narrower bezel the borders of iPad Air are dramatically thinner&making content even more immersive. Apple today also announced iPad mini with Retina display, bringing all the pixels from the 9.7-inch iPad to its 7.9-inch screen, delivering razor sharp text and detail in the same amazingly thin and light design. The new iPads feature the powerful and power-efficient Apple-designed A7 chip with 64-bit desktop-class architecture, ultrafast wireless with faster built-in Wi-Fi and expanded LTE cellular connectivity, and the newly-designed iOS 7 featuring hundreds of great new features.&iPad created an entirely new mobile computing experience, and the new iPad Air is another big leap ahead. It is so thin, light and powerful, once you hold one in your hand you will understand what a tremendous advancement this is,& said Philip Schiller, Apple&s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. &iPad Air with its 9.7-inch Retina display weighs just one pound and packs the incredible performance of iOS 7 running on a 64-bit desktop-class Apple A7 chip, and delivers all-day battery life in the lightest full-sized tablet in the world.&Precision-engineered to weigh just one pound, iPad Air is 20 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter than the fourth generation iPad, and with a 43 percent narrower bezel the borders of iPad Air are dramatically thinner. iPad Air&s Retina display makes web pages, text, images and video look incredibly sharp and realistic, and the new power-efficient A7 chip allows the battery to be even smaller, helping reduce the overall volume by 24 percent from the previous generation while doubling its performance and maintaining its up to 10-hour battery life.¹The new iPad mini with Retina display packs all the 3.1 million pixels (2048-by-1536 resolution) of iPad Air into its 7.9-inch Multi-Touch& display, for a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch. The 7.9-inch Retina display of iPad mini is 35 percent larger than screens on 7-inch tablets, and is the only small tablet to deliver the full iPad experience, now with razor sharp Retina quality. Images are crisp, text is crystal clear, movies play at full 1080p HD-resolution and the 475,000 apps designed specifically for iPad work automatically.The A7 chip in iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display offers 64-bit desktop-class architecture, advanced graphics and improved image signal processing from previous generations. With up to twice the CPU and graphics performance on iPad Air, and up to four times the CPU and eight times the graphics performance on iPad mini with Retina display, almost everything you do is faster and better than ever, from launching apps and editing photos to playing graphic-intensive games&all while delivering all-day battery life. The A7 chip&s 64-bit architecture and support for OpenGL ES version 3.0 unlocks game console-like visual effects. The new iPads also feature the M7 motion coprocessor that gathers data from the accelerometer, gyroscope and compass to offload work from the A7 for improved power efficiency.Both new iPads feature two antennas to support Multiple-In-Multiple-Out (MIMO) technology, bringing twice the Wi-Fi performance to iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display at a blazingly fast data rate up to 300 Mbps.² Cellular models also come with expanded LTE coverage to accommodate even more LTE networks worldwide, while continuing to deliver comprehensive support for other fast cellular technology around the world (DC-HSDPA, HSPA+), all in a single model.³iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display now have a next generation FaceTime& HD camera with improved backside illumination sensors featuring larger pixels for better low-light performance. The iSight& camera with 5MP sensor and advanced optics, combined with iOS 7 and the image signal processing of A7, further improves still image and video capture on iPad bringing faster auto-focus, up to three times video zoom, five times still zoom, better dynamic range and automatic image and video stabilization.The new iPads come with iOS 7, featuring a stunning new user interface, completely redesigned with an elegant color palette, distinct, functional layers and subtle motion that make it feel more alive. iOS 7 has hundreds of great new features, including Control Center, Notification Center, improved Multitasking, AirDrop&, enhanced Photos, Safari&, Siri& and introduces iTunes Radio?, a free Internet radio service based on the music you listen to on iTunes&.?iPad customers have access to the revolutionary App Store?, which now offers more than one million apps to iPhone&, iPad and iPod touch& users in 155 countries around the world, and more than 475,000 apps are designed specifically for iPad. More than 60 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store, which offers customers an incredible range of apps in 24 categories, including newspapers and magazines in Newsstand, games and entertainment, kids, education, business, news, sports, health and fitness and travel.The iLife& suite of creative apps, including iPhoto&, iMovie& and GarageBand&, and the iWork& suite of productivity apps, including Pages&, Numbers& and Keynote& are essential to the Apple experience and are now free with every new iOS device running iOS 7, and are also available as free updates for existing users, so more iPad users now have access to these great apps. All apps have been redesigned to match the look and feel of iOS 7, have been optimized to support 64-bit technology and include hundreds of new features.Pricing & AvailabilityiPad Air with Wi-Fi models will be available in silver or space gray starting on Friday, November 1, for a suggested retail price of $499 (US) for the 16GB model, $599 (US) for the 32GB model, $699 (US) for the 64GB model and $799 (US) for the 128GB model. iPad Air with Wi-Fi + Cellular will be available starting on Friday, November 1 for a suggested retail price of $629 (US) for the 16GB model, $729 (US) for the 32GB model, $829 (US) for the 64GB model and $929 (US) for the 128GB model. iPad 2 is available at $399 (US) for the 16GB Wi-Fi model and $529 (US) for the 16GB Wi-Fi + 3G model for either AT&T or Verizon.iPad mini with Retina display will be available later in November in silver or space gray. iPad mini with Retina display Wi-Fi models will be available for a suggested retail price of $399 (US) for the 16GB model, $499 (US) for the 32GB model, $599 (US) for the 64GB model and $699 (US) for the 128GB model. iPad mini with Retina display Wi-Fi + Cellular models will be available for a suggested retail price of $529 (US) for the 16GB model, $629 (US) for the 32GB model, $729 (US) for the 64GB model and $829 (US) for the 128GB model. Additionally, the original iPad mini is now offered at a more affordable price of $299 (US) for the 16GB Wi-Fi model and $429 (US) for the 16GB Wi-Fi + Cellular model for either AT&T, Sprint or Verizon.New custom-designed polyurethane Smart Covers for iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display will be available for $39 (US) in a range of vibrant colors, including blue, green, pink, yellow, black and (RED). iPad Air Smart Cases and iPad mini Smart Cases are completely redesigned in a beautiful aniline-dyed leather available in six rich colors, including yellow, beige, blue, brown, black and (RED) for a suggested retail price of $79 (US) for iPad Air and $69 (US) for iPad mini.&Smart Covers and Smart Cases are available through the
(), Apple&s retail stores and select Authorized Apple Resellers.iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display will be sold through the
(), Apple&s retail stores and through AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless and select Apple Authorized Resellers. Starting on November 1, iPad Air will be available in the US, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China (Wi-Fi models only), Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao (Wi-Fi models only), Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. At Apple retail stores in these countries, iPad Air will be available beginning at 8 a.m. local time on Friday, November 1.¹Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors. Actual results vary.²Based on theoretical speeds, actual speeds may vary.³LTE is available through select carriers. Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks. Check with your carrier for details.?iTunes Radio is available with iOS 7 in the US.Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.Press Contacts:Andy BowmanApple(408) 783-0619Trudy MullerApple(408) 862-7426
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, iPad Air, Retina, iPad, Multi-Touch, FaceTime, iSight, AirDrop, Safari, Siri, iTunes Radio, iTunes, App Store, iPhone, iPod touch, iLife, iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, iWork, Pages, Numbers and Keynote are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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